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Detailed Damage Assessment Seismic Analysis & Retrofit Design of

Tuki Cooperative Resource Centre in the wake of Earthquake 2015

Prepared By:
Morphogenesis Consultant Pvt. Ltd.
1.0 Background ...................................................................................................... 1
2.0 Scope ............................................................................................................... 1
3.0 Findings of Damages ....................................................................................... 1
3.1 Structural Assessments and Evaluation ..................................................... 1
3.2 Non-Structural Assessments ..................................................................... 2
3.3 General Assessments ................................................................................ 2
4.0 Category of Building Damages ......................................................................... 2
4.1 Damage Grade .......................................................................................... 2
4.2 Level Of Damage ....................................................................................... 2
4.3 Recommendations ..................................................................................... 2
5.0 Remedial Works and Structural Strengthening Works ..................................... 3
6.0 Estimates and Costs ........................................................................................ 3
6.1 General ...................................................................................................... 3
6.2 Quantity Estimates ..................................................................................... 3
6.3 Base Rate .................................................................................................. 4
6.4 Norms of Rate Analysis ............................................................................. 4
6.5 Construction Overhead .............................................................................. 4
6.6 Transportation Charges ............................................................................. 4
7.0 Maintenance and Repair Works Plan ............................................................... 4
7.1 Construction Schedule ............................................................................... 4
7.2 Quality Control and Construction Supervision ........................................... 4
7.3 Method Statement for Maintenance and Repair Works ............................. 4
8.0 Conclusions and Recommendations ................................................................ 6

Annex 1 : Detail seismic vulnerability assessment and retrofitting design of existing office

Annex 2: Engineer’s Estimate

Annex 3 : Drawings
Detailed Damage Assessment, Seismic Analysis & MAIN REPORT
Retrofit Design of Tuki Cooperative Resource Centre in
the wake of Earthquake 2015, Nepal.

1.0 Background
On the 25 April 2015 at 11:56 AM a strong earthquake (7.8) hit the Nepal in the areas of
Kathmandu, Sindhupalchok and Gorkha. On the subsequent day another earthquake (6.7)
again hit the nation with an epicenter Dolakha. The earthquake has been followed by many
aftershocks making the environment apprehension and fearful. So far the death toll has
reached 7,652 and 16,390 people have been injured. The quake completely damaged
10,761 government residences and buildings while 14,804 houses and buildings suffered
partial damages, according to the Home Ministry. The earthquake caused extensive
damages to the physical structures and human loss.

A team of Engineers and building Inspectors of the Consultant inspected the building
infrastructures in order to quantify the structural and nonstructural damage on the building of
the Tuki Cooperative Resource Centre.

The report focuses on structural, nonstructural/ architectural damages, seismic evaluation

and retrofits design of the building and quantify the structural and nonstructural damages
including seismic strengthening in monetary value.

From 25-26 May 2015 – one month after Earthquake, the Consultant was hired to undertake
a detail damage assessment of the organization building. The Team consists of two
engineers- Surendra Maharjan (Civil Engineer) and Rajan Maharjan (Structural Engineer).

2.0 Scope
The assessment was based on a more detailed visual assessment & evaluation of
earthquake damage to the structural and nonstructural components of the building. The
estimated amount covers the repair and maintenance of nonstructural components and also
seismic strengthening through Column jacketing of the building.

3.0 Findings of Damages

The finding based on assessment is divided into:
1. Structural Assessment and Evaluation
2. Non- Structural Assessments
3. General Assessments

3.1 Structural Assessments and Evaluation

In the design of structures for earthquake loading, it is necessary to provide a continuous
load path from the foundation up into the roof and reverse. In the main structure examined
this continuous load path was present. The thorough inspection of each columns and beams
by chipping plaster cladding was done to ascertain any cracks. It showed serious shear
cracks on the four columns of the basement floor. One of the column of the first floor also
have serious shear crack. The overall building was checked to ensure its plum line but the
visible shear cracks in the some of the basement and first floor columns demanded detailed
evaluation and retrofit design of the building to ensure the safe reaction against the future
expected major earthquake.

Page 1
Morphogenesis Consultant Pvt. Ltd.
Detailed Damage Assessment, Seismic Analysis & MAIN REPORT
Retrofit Design of Tuki Cooperative Resource Centre in
the wake of Earthquake 2015, Nepal.

The data of reinforcements provided on the existing column, beam and slab was collected
from the Supervision SubEngineer, Lila Pandey. Detail seismic evaluation process has been
described on the Annex 1.

3.2 Non-Structural Assessments

A common failure that was observed under the assessments was loss of claddings on the
partition walls and exterior wall due to excessive shear cracks.

The basement floor of the building has extensive shear cracks in the partion walls and such
cracks decreased to the subsequent upper floors.These were not the structural cracks as
the walls are not considered as structural members in the Frame Structure building. The
main cause of the shear cracks in the wall is due to lack of bands on the wall. In addition the
building lacks corner connections between walls due to which huge vertical cracks were
observed at wall corners. The training hall with truss lying at uppermost floor of the building
was completely collapsed.

3.3 General Assessments

Plumbing and Sanitary Components

No major break out of water supply and sanitary service lines.

Electrical components

No major break out of electrical component. However an electrical inspector should check
certain aspects of the job and sign off the Certificate of Compliance.

4.0 Category of Building Damages

Based on the visual assessment of the building, it is catorized as

4.1 Damage Grade

: Grade 3 (G3) Moderate to Heavy Damage (Moderate Structure, heavy non structure

4.2 Level Of Damage

 Excessive Cracks in basement floor walls
 Moderate to minor shear Cracks in subsequent floor walls
 Shear cracks in basement columns (five numbers) and first floor column (one
 Complete collapse of Roof Top Training Hall

4.3 Recommendations
 Architectural and structural repair required.
 Cementious Grouting in wall crack advised
 Epoxy grouting of concrete cracks
 Epoxy mortar patching of spalled concrete
 Strongly advised structure strengthening with technical support.

Page 2
Morphogenesis Consultant Pvt. Ltd.
Detailed Damage Assessment, Seismic Analysis & MAIN REPORT
Retrofit Design of Tuki Cooperative Resource Centre in
the wake of Earthquake 2015, Nepal.

5.0 Remedial Works and Structural Strengthening Works

Under the remedial works of the building it includes

1. Repair of minor cracks on walls with grooving with high strength patch repair cement
mortar and sealed with cementitious grout.
2. Crack is plastered with chicken wiremesh.
3. Shear cracks on column is sealed with epoxy chemical.
4. Repair of spalled concrete of column with epoxy mortar.
5. Complete rebuild of walls with excessive two directional shear cracks.
6. Complete rebuild of training hall.
7. 12.5mm plastering of cracked wall and newly constructed wall.
8. One coat of white wash and distemper of approved colour.
9. Stone masonry retaining wall in replacement of damaged dry wall left-north side

Under the structural strengthening works of the building it includes Column jacketing
Works of damaged two floors-Basement and Ground Floor. As per the insurance policy, the
building is reinstated to its original state as such strengthening works cover two floor only
which has been damaged due to earthquake 2072.

6.0 Estimates and Costs

6.1 General
The cost estimates, detailed in Volume II, are prepared in order to enable the allocation of
appropriate resources and materials to the maintenance and repair nonstructural works of
the building.

The cost estimate broadly provides resources and materials for the major activities required
for maintenance and repair works of the building. These costs are categorized as follows:
Nonstructural Repair Works
1. Site clearance and dismantling works
2. Repair of Wall Cracks
3. Epoxy grouting in column cracks and epoxy mortar patching
4. Wall Surface Preparation/Finish
5. Concrete Works
6. Training Hall Roofings
7. Doors and Windows
8. Electrical Allied Works

Structural Strengthening Works

1. General Works
2. Surface Preparation
3. Crack Repairs
4. Bonding Coat
5. Structural Repair Works- RCC Concrete Jacketing

6.2 Quantity Estimates

The quantity estimates were derived by taking off the quantities of works from the detailed

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Morphogenesis Consultant Pvt. Ltd.
Detailed Damage Assessment, Seismic Analysis & MAIN REPORT
Retrofit Design of Tuki Cooperative Resource Centre in
the wake of Earthquake 2015, Nepal.

design drawings and were measured following the methods given in specification. The
quantities of all related items of works are detailed in Annex II: Engineer's Estimates.

6.3 Base Rate

Wage rates for skilled, unskilled labour, equipment hire charges, materials prices, fuel prices
are referred from the District rate of Sindhpalchowk and Kathmandu for year 071/072. These
rates are provided in Volume III: Engineer's Estimate.

6.4 Norms of Rate Analysis

Norms of rate analysis for works items published by DUDBC have been applied for suitable
item of works.

6.5 Construction Overhead

Contractors overhead of 15% and Value Added Tax of 13% following the prevailing GON
regulation and local competitive bidding are included.

6.6 Transportation Charges

Transportation and handling of materials are considered in the costs estimates and are built
up in the item rates. These rates are obtained from the district.
7.0 Maintenance and Repair Works Plan

7.1 Construction Schedule

A detailed construction schedule should be developed by the contractor for execution of
entire repair works. The contractor should develop a daily, monthly working schedule for the
execution of the project successfully. The schedule is a work programme that guides all the
project stakeholders for execution of the project in time and quality.

7.2 Quality Control and Construction Supervision

The contractor and the quality monitoring basically do quality control of the works and the
client or a consultant should do supervision works. All the quality control and maintenance
supervision works should be done as per technical specification, drawing and design.
Necessary amendment should be done as per site condition in the design with consultation
to the designer and site engineer. All the jobs should be done as per working schedule,
quality assurance plan.

7.3 Method Statement for Maintenance and Repair Works

The general sequence of Bridge maintenance and repair works is as listed below:
1. False Works and Temporary Supports to the building Structure
2. Dismentaling and Removing Works
3. Crack Sealing of Columns Cracks and patching
4. Wall Crack Repair/ Re construct of new wall
5. Wall Surface Preparation and Finish
6. Concrete Works
7. Training Hall Roofings
8. Others

a) Site Preparation Works

It is understood that the construction of any structures starts from the preparation of site

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Morphogenesis Consultant Pvt. Ltd.
Detailed Damage Assessment, Seismic Analysis & MAIN REPORT
Retrofit Design of Tuki Cooperative Resource Centre in
the wake of Earthquake 2015, Nepal.

which includes the establishment of all site installations like construction material storage
yard, establishment of labour camp, establishment of security and safety system at site
offices and many other units required for the construction works. The site preparation works
also includes the cleaning of actual construction place and make temporary access for
transportation material to the site.

b) Falseworks/Temporary Support
The overall structural system needs necessary temporary supports/false works of props and
I sections before commencing dismantling of walls and supporting components. Such false
work shall be designed and constructed by the engineer to ensure safe load transfer and
sufficient support of upper floors after dismantling works.

c) Dismentaling and Removing Works

Dismentaling and removing works are proceed after giving sufficient false works to the
stryctural system of the building. The debris shall be disposed out of site. Under the item of
work, dismentaling of damaged brick wall, removing of plaster, PCC of bulging bedding,
damaged ply board false ceilings, damaged glazed tiles etc.

d) Repair of Wall Cracks

Most of the basement partition walls are severly damaged and its degree decreases to
subsequent floors. the walls with extensive two directional shear cracks and out of plane are
recommended to replace with new walls of thickness 9”. The walls with minor cracks are
repaired by cementious grouting.
Process of repair of wall cracks
Remove plaster on either side of crack length
V notching of crack line
Applying high strength patch repair mortar on both faces of the wall and nuzzling on one
face at an interval of 1 to 2 feet intercal for cementious grout
Laying 3 ft wide chicken wiremesh along wall crack
Plastering of wall
Good finish of wall surface by white wash and coloring

e) Pressure epoxy grouting of concrete cracks

Cracks on the cloumns is a structural crack which need special evaluation. But minor cracks
on the concrete are sealed with epoxy grouting and the spalled concrete are repaire with
epoxy mortar.

f) Reconstruction of Training Hall

The hall has been completely collapsed with little damage to the roof truss which can be
refitted and reinstalled after reconstructing the supporting walls and columns. The false
ceiling are completely replaced with new one. Three windows and one door need complete
replacement and three remaining are refitted. CGI roofings are seemed to be damaged by
50 % extent hence 60 % of CGI roofings have been estimated as new replacement and
remaining are refitted and reinstalled.

g) Miscellaneous Works
Miscellaneous works like repair of electrical works, stone masonry retaining wall, tile works
concrete works of bulging ground surfaces etc.

Page 5
Morphogenesis Consultant Pvt. Ltd.
Detailed Damage Assessment, Seismic Analysis & MAIN REPORT
Retrofit Design of Tuki Cooperative Resource Centre in
the wake of Earthquake 2015, Nepal.

8.0 Conclusions and Recommendations

The cursory investigation and detail observation shows the building has Moderate to Heavy
Damage of Grade 3. Structural and nonstructural damages were seen during the inspection.
The cost for the nonstructural remedial works and structural strengthening works is NRs.
4,332,999.46 (exclusive of VAT). However it is strongly recommended to carry out the
immediate construction of the structural and nonstructural damage repair of the building with
technical support and supervision.

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Morphogenesis Consultant Pvt. Ltd.
Detailed Damage Assessment, Seismic Analysis & MAIN REPORT
Retrofit Design of Tuki Cooperative Resource Centre in
the wake of Earthquake 2015, Nepal.

Appendix 1: Photographs

Shear crack at Column of Basement Floor Column Crack

Shear crack at column Shear Failure of column

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Morphogenesis Consultant Pvt. Ltd.
Detailed Damage Assessment, Seismic Analysis & MAIN REPORT
Retrofit Design of Tuki Cooperative Resource Centre in
the wake of Earthquake 2015, Nepal.

Damage column Diagonal shear crack at walls

Diagonal shear crack at walls-Basement Floor Diagonal shear crack at walls-Basement Floor

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Morphogenesis Consultant Pvt. Ltd.
Detailed Damage Assessment, Seismic Analysis & MAIN REPORT
Retrofit Design of Tuki Cooperative Resource Centre in
the wake of Earthquake 2015, Nepal.

Diagonal shear crack at walls-Ground Floor Diagonal shear crack at walls- Ground Floor

Diagonal shear crack at walls-Basement Floor Diagonal shear crack at walls-Basement Floor

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Morphogenesis Consultant Pvt. Ltd.
Detailed Damage Assessment, Seismic Analysis & MAIN REPORT
Retrofit Design of Tuki Cooperative Resource Centre in
the wake of Earthquake 2015, Nepal.

Diagonal shear crack at walls-Basement Floor Diagonal shear crack at walls-Basement Floor

Complete toppling of parapet wall-Basement Cracks on Dry wall

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Morphogenesis Consultant Pvt. Ltd.
Detailed Damage Assessment, Seismic Analysis & MAIN REPORT
Retrofit Design of Tuki Cooperative Resource Centre in
the wake of Earthquake 2015, Nepal.

Wall-pillar joint crack West View of building

Toilet Walls- Ground Floor Toilet Walls- Ground Floor

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Morphogenesis Consultant Pvt. Ltd.
Detailed Damage Assessment, Seismic Analysis & MAIN REPORT
Retrofit Design of Tuki Cooperative Resource Centre in
the wake of Earthquake 2015, Nepal.

Joint Crack between two buildings Toilet West Wall- Ground Floor

Minor cracks on walls-Ground Floor Landing Slab crack

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Morphogenesis Consultant Pvt. Ltd.
Detailed Damage Assessment, Seismic Analysis & MAIN REPORT
Retrofit Design of Tuki Cooperative Resource Centre in
the wake of Earthquake 2015, Nepal.

Complete collapse of walls-training hall Complete collapse of walls-training hall

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Morphogenesis Consultant Pvt. Ltd.
Annex 3: Drawings

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