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Science Reviewer (Basically copied my notes mmkay?

Chemical Reactions

-Involves 1 or more substance

-Changes into a new substact

-ex. Fe(iron) changes when rsuuting (becomes oxidized)

Chemical Changes

-Occurs when substance changes into something new

- Is a chemical change if density, melting point or freezing point of original substance is changed

-Signs for chem change- bubbles form, mass change etc…

-Chemical property- ability of substance to undergo specific chem change

-Composition of matter changes during chem change

-Combustion Reaction- Chem reaction used in industries

- general formula – -ane + Oxygen  Carbon dioxide +water

Indicates a Chem change

-Reaction with acids, bases, oxygen (called combustion), other elements

-Decomposed to simpler substances


o Reactant- What you start with

o Product- what you end up with

-Products will have new properties (different from reactant)

-Arrow points from teactant to product

-Bonds in reactsants broken (atoms rearranged and new bonds formed in products)

Recognizing Chem changes

- When energy energy absorb/released- temp. changes

- Gas produced- bubble, fizz, odor change, smoke
- Precipitate formation- solid seperates from solution (solid won’t dissolve)
- Irreversibilty- not easily revered
- Some may not be chem change even if above followed (ex. Water bubbles from boiling)
Ex. Of Chem Changes ( you need this shit)

Photosynthesis- Chem reaction in plants

-Chem reaction in plants

-Carbon dioxide +water +light  glucose +oxygen

- 6C02+ 6H2O (light functions as catalyst) C 6H12O6+6O2

Cellular Respiration- Chem reaction in living things

- Glucose+ Oxygen gas  Carbon dioxide +water +energy

- C6H12O6+6O2  6C02+ 6H2O + energy

Physical vs Chem change

Phys Change-Phys change- Change visible appearance

-Does not change composition

- Cab be reversible/ irreversible

Chem Change- New form of matter formed

-Way to form new matter- rust, burn ,decompose, erment, cook, film processing

Catalyst- light is a catalyst in photosynthesis

-Substance that causes or speeds up Chem reactions

- Substance as catalyst is not affected by reaction

Chem Equation

-Depcits kind of reactant and product and relative amounts in reaction

- left-reactant

Right- product

s- solid

g- gas

l- liquid

Stoichiometric Coefficient -number before molecule/ atom

- 4Al (In this example, 4 is the stoichiometric coefficient)

- Amount of matter in product does not change

-Law of Conservation of Matter- matter will always come out with same amount

-may be split but still has same total amount

- Equation must be balanced- Because of Law of Conservation of Matter

- Same # of atoms of same kind on both sides

Characteristics of Chem Equations

-Equation shows known facts

-Equation contains Correct formula for reactants and product

- Law of Conservation of Matter must be satisfied

Word Equation

- Describes Chem change using names of reactant and product instead numbers


-Unbalanced- H2+Cl2 HCl

Balanced- H22+Cl2 2HCl

-Simplify! - 10Na+5Cl  10NaCl X

- 2Na+ Cl2  2NaCl

Check p.386 for symbols in Chem equation

Types of Chemical reaction

Combination- A+B= AB

Decomposition- AB= A+B

Single replacement- C+ AB= AC+B ( Metal replace metal and non-metal replace non-metal)

Double replacement- AB+CD= AC+BD

Carbon Dioxide (gas)

-Colorless and odorless- low concentration

Pungent odor- high concentration

-Relative Density- 1.52

-Not flammable

-1.5% can only be held for a short while

0.5% can be held for a longer time

- Intoxicatin at high concentration (5%)

Carbon dioxide (solid)

-Translucent white solid pellets or flakes

-1.52 Density

- Not flammable

-1.5% can only be held for a short while

0.5% can be held for a longer time

-Hazard- Cold burns/ Frostbite

- Sublimes to make gas CO2- asphyxiation risk

Carbon Dioxide

-Colorless, odorless, non-toxic

- Important for baking/ fire extinguisher

- present in carbonated softdrinks

- valuable for electricity, transpo, and industry

-is a greenhouse gas

-majority of Carbon dioxide from human activity

Gas Laws

-Ideal Gas Law- PV= nRT


V- Volume

n- # of moles

R- universal gas constant

T- temperature ( must be in kelvin)

- Brings together gas properties

-Derived from experiment and theory

-vol 1 mol= 22.4 L STP ( STP=Standard temp and pressure- normal temp: 0o/273k

Normal pressure : 1atm (atmosphere)=101.3kPa( Kilo pascals)=760 mm Hg

Boyle’s Law

- As pressure in gas increases, volume decreases

- Pressure and volume inversely related

- each added atmosphere cuts volume by half

-product of pressure and volume is constant

-Temperature and amount of gas must be same


-If n and T are constant the PV= nRT=k

-Boyle’s law’s shape when graphed is a hyperbola- nearer to x axis the

lower the pressure

Characteristics of Gases

-Gases expand to fill any container- random motion- may bump to each

other after spreading in room

- no attraction

- Gases are fluids- like liquids and no attraction

-Gases can be compressed= because has no volume, has lots of empty space

-Gases undergo diffusion (goes to places with less concentration of itself) and effusion ( if there is a
space, gas will go through it)
Charles’ Law


-Directly proportional

-Pressure is constant

- If n and P are constant, then V= (nR/P)T=kT

- If temp goes up, vol goes up but pressure stays

(*Gas doesn’t move only at absolute zero)


-If temp increased, pressure inc ( only if vol is constant) Happens because molecules hit surfaces harder

- Only way to inc temp with constant pressure is to inc volume

- Change in tmep changes speed of molecules

Kinetic Particle Theory

-Postulates (memorize this bullshit)

1. Gas has tiny particles

2. Particles very small compared to distances. Vol of individual particles can be assumed to be negligible

3. Particles are in constant random motion and collide with walls

4. Assumed not to attract/ repel

5. Average kinetic energy is directly proportional to kelvin

6. Experience elastic collision where no energy is lost

- Explains why gases behave as they do

- Above postulates deal with ideal gasses- don’t actually exist

Ideal Gasses

1. So small assumed to have 0 volume

2. Constant straight line motion
3. Experience elastic collision- Like collision of billard balls ( no enrgy lost)
4. No attractive or repulsive force to each other
5. Has average kinetic energy that is proportional to absolute temp

Elastic Collision- Kinetic energy before collision same as after collision

Inelastic Collision - Kinetic energy Changes

Molecular velocities- All particles have diff speed
Real Gas
- Has own volume
- Attract each other
-Gas behavior most ideal at low pressure, high temp or non-polar atom/ molecule

o If ballon filled, Pressure inside > outside

If balloon filled and tied, Pressure inside= outside
If balloon deflates Pressure inside < outside

Tropical Cyclones (Hurricane and Typhoons)

- As air spirlas in toward the center, conservers angular momentum and speeds up
- eye of typhoon has lowest pressure and speed
- Edge has most pressure and least speed while closer to eye has fastest speed and lower

How Typhoons develop

1. Tropical Cyclone stats as low pressure center over ocean with strong circulating winds
2. Center of a cyclone is an area which is calm (sky above blue and sun seen) with winds less
than 24 km/h or at times no wind at all
3. Warm air rises in the center called the eyes
4. In northern hemisphere, winds circulate in a counter clockwise direction
Southern hemisphere typhoons spin a clockwise direction
5. Tropical cyclones classified according to speed of circular winds
6. If circulating wind has 60 kph or less, will become a depression
7. If depression is over the ocean, energy carrying water vapor supplied by the warm ocean
surface to the warm rising air
8. When warm and moist air rises, it becomes cooler
9. Water Vapor condenses and forms clouds and rains
10. Energy given off during condensation causes air to move faster
11. Air pressure below the rising air decreases further ( causes more humid air to move into the
eye faster)
12. If windspeed becomes 60-1118kph becomes a storm
13. Contrinous supply of energy carried by water vapor increases wind speed
14. If Wind speed becomes 118 kph, becomes a Typhoon/Hurricane/ Cyclone
15. Size of typhoons varies from diameter of 100km to 1000km
16. Surrounding winds at the surface tend to move around the eye
17. The circulating winds rise faster when nearer to the eye than further- leaves a low pressure
center in the typhoon
18. Eye varies in diameter from 8-80km
19. Clouds in typhoon are form from about 5-15km above ground
20. When warm moist air rises, it cools and water vapor condenses (left behind) and forms
clouds and rains
21. At upper levels, relatively dry air flows out of typhoons are and sinks 160km away from the
22. Sinking air results in seemingly good weather from typhoon
Bernoulli’s Effect
- Fast moving air exerts low pressure on surface parallel to it while slow moving fliud exert high
pressure on a surface parallel to it
- Application- Plane moves up because bottom part of wing has high pressure- If P greater than
gravity’s force, plane will fly

Condition to form tropical typhoon

1. Warm ocean waters to provide heat ( at least 78oF (26oC))
2. Coriolis force to provide rotation
3. Seedling/ Cyclonic weather disturbance with extra cloud cover
4. Almost uniform large scale heat with little vertical sheer- allows heat to accumulate
5. Exhaust system consisting of divergent upper level disturbance


-Philippines Atmospheric geophysical and Astronomical Services Administration

- Mandate to product from natural disaters


-Philipines Area of Responsibility

-PAGASA takes note of things happening in this region

-Imaginary line only

-Tropical cyclone issue by PAGASA every 6/12 hours

Weather Map ( for our purposes WM= Weather Map. Don’t use this in the actual test though)

-Isobars- Wavy circular lines on WM

-Connects areas of equal pressure

-Air pressure measured by barometer in millibar(mb) or cm of Hg

-Isobar may enclose high/low pressure area

- 1mb=100Pa (pascal)

1 atm=101325Pa=1013.25mb=760mm Hg (Conversion stuff)

- If number inside isobar above 1013- Is a High Pressure area

If number inside isobar below 1013- Low pressure area

If number inside Isobar exactly 1013- Standard Pressure

- High Pressure Area- Good weather

Low Pressure Area- Bad weather

-Cold Front- a triangle is the symbol representing a cold front

- If warm air approaches cold air, warm air rises and water condenses

- Warm Front- Represented by a circle

-Arrows- represents wind direction and speed

- Look at the GC

o PAGASA uses ssattelite data and Doppler radar- Sends waves to atmosphere and waves go

back to send info

Why PH prone to typhoons

-Yolanda stats- 2013 November 8

-Death toll 6340

-1061 Missing

- 89b pesos damage

- 315 kph wind speed

-Eastern Visayas most affected region

-Hurricane storm surges- Potentially catastrophic rise of sea level when storm goes to shore

-Accompanied by towering waves

-When hurricane approaches land, winds to its right in North hemisphere

blow toward shore (reason why max storm surge occurs at the right of

the eye)

-1948-1978 (31 years)- 611 tropical typhoons occurred in Philippines (average 20 per year)

- Typhoons form any month of the year

- Seldom forms during Jan- March

Frequent during habagat (southwest monsoon) Jun- Oct

Most frequent in August

-Typhoons only develop in areas with existing weather disturbance (usually over ocean)

-Develop east of country ( usually bet 125oE and 170oE above pacific ocean)
-Few Typhoons come from west- Ph sea during northeast monsoon

-Generally move to west northwest direction

-Few Typhoons come from West Ph sea during northeast monsoon (These usually move north or
north east to Japan)

- Tropic Cyclones form above waters with 26oC but not near equator

-Move around large subtropical High Pressure Area and can leave tropics

- Most Typhoons form between 5o-30o Latitude and 110o-180o Longtitude


-Seasonal change in direction of strongest winds in a region

- Causes much wet/dry seasons throughout much of tropics

-Always blow from cold to warm region

-Southwest Monsoon (habagat)- From late April to early October

-Can be made stronger by LPA ( joins and strengthens habagat)

-Northeast monsoon (amihan)- November- Feb

- Causes rain on eastern coast area of PH

Tropical Storm Ondoy(Ketsana)

-2009, Sept 26

- Pour 455 millimeter of rain for 24 hours straight

-Lasted only 1 day

-Beast average record of 364mm from 1993-2008 during September

How Land Forms and Bodies of Water affect Typhoons

-Tall mountain ranges act as an obstacle to travelling air masses

- Forces Typhoon to rise over lofty peaks

-When humid air rises, temperature drops

-As water vapor cools, fog forms, and rain/snow may fall on windward side of the mountain
( where air rises)

-When air mass descends on the other side of mountain, minimal amnt of air vapor which causes
this side to be dry ( result is a rainshadow or dry climate develops on other side of mountain
-Rain Shadow- region with little rainfaill

- Protected by range of hills from rain bearing winds

Effects of bodies of water on Typhoon

- Air masses that travel above large bodies of water pick up substantial amount of rain vapor
- - If air mass develops over ocean, may contain more moisture when reaches for shore
- Climate of coastal regions tend to be wetter

How to help Typhoon victims

This is seriously common sense but if you really need it go here


- Process of creating new individuals out of existing individuals

Male reproductive system

- External- Penis, Scrotum

- Internal- Gonads (testes), Accessory organs

-Penis- Contains 3 erectile tissues

- When aroused, erectile tissues are filled with blood

- When not aroused, blood goes in and out

- When aroused brain stops blood from going out

-Scrotum- Contains the Testes

- Temp in scrotum lower than in abdominal cavity

- If body warm , scrotum goes further, If body cold, Scrotum goes closer

-Testes- Venue of Spermatogenesis (Sperm Cell production)

- Consist of highly coiled tubes where sperm passes

-Sperm produced in seminiferous tubules thru spermatogenesis

- Spermatogensis is a 65 day long process (spermatogonium becomes spermatozoa (sperm


- Spertoli Cells- Provide nourishment to spermatogonium as it goes through spermatogenesis

- 95-100m spermatozoa produced everyday

-Sequence of movenet of sperm- Seminiferous tubules

Epididymis Vas deferens  Ejaculatory duct  Urethra

- Semen- Sperm and secretion from 3 sets of accessory glands

-Seminal Vesicles- Contribute about 60% of total semen volume

- Insert fructose for energy

- Prostate Gland- Secretes fliud that nourish the sperm

-Bulboutrethral gland- AKA Cowper’s gland

-Secretes Clear mucus before ejaculation (neutralizes acidic urine in urethra)

- Ejculation- ejection of semen caused by rhythmic muscular contractions

-Leydig Cell- secrete testosterone

-Smooth muscles- Allow peristalsis movement ( how sperm is moved)

- Hormones- Chemical substances

-secreted by endocrine glands

- have specific regulatory effects to diff body parts

- No need for direct contact through tubes

- Has long distance effects

- Negative Feedback Mechanism- as a substances decreases, hormones will be released to

minimize production

-As substance inc, hormone will be released to continue

production of hormone

-Hypothalamus- main regulatory center for homeostasis (balance)

-Found in the head

-Anterior Pituitary Gland-“Master Gland”

-During puberty- Hypothalamus releases Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone (GnRH)

-GnRH stimulates Anterior Pituitary Gland

- Anterior Pituitary releases Luteinizing Hormone and Follicile Stimulating

hormone (LH and FSH)

- FSH promotes activity of Sertoli Cells (Sperm nourishment)  Sertoli Cells secrete inhibin  Inhibin
reduces FSH production

- LH regulates Leydig Cells  Leydic secretes testosterone  testosterone-1. Promotes secondary sex

characteristics in men

2. Promotes spermatogenesis

3. Regulates production of GnRH, FSH, and LH

Female Reproductive System

Guys heads up, a lot of this is missing stuff related to the other actions of progesterone and estrogen. I
seriously suggest reading the book or doing actual research at least for this part.

-Vagina- Sperm Repository Canal

-Cervix- Connects vagina to uterus

-Uterus- Acts as the womb

- Endometrium- Where egg implants itself

-Oviduct- AKA Fallopian Tuba

-Transports egg to uterus which takes 5 days

- Where fertilization happens

- Ovaries- Serve as storehouse for oocyte

- Produces estrogen and progesterone

-Clitoris- Small erectile organ

- Homologue of a male penis

- Urethra- midway between clitoris and vaginal orifice

-Hymen- Fold of tissue which narrows the entrance of the vagina in virgins

-Female Gonads- Ovaries produce egg cell thru oogenesis

- Oogonia develop to oocytes until puberty, but development pauses ( Completion

delayed for months/ years)

- 1 oocyte released from ovary into oviduct every 28 days (If sperm cell present,

development to ovum( mature egg) proceeds)

-Primary oocyte- State before ruptures

-Inside Follicle

- Grow because of FSH ( only some grow and only 1 matures)

- Secondary oocyte- Time when can be fertilized

- Ovulation

- State after it ruptures

- Released into oviduct

- Egg cell diff from sperm- egg contains all materials to maintain metabolism

-Corpus Luteum -Corpus- body

-Luteum- Yellow

- Is after secondary oocyte

- Estrogen-Controls female secondary characteristics

-Stimulates preparation of uterine lining

- Progesterone- Prepares uterus for implantation of embryo

- Minimizes uterine contraction

- Aids in mammary gland development

-FSH stimulates Follicle- Secretes estrogen which does negative feedback

-On day 12, LH spikes up

- Ovulation on day 14 -Secondary oocyte released into oviduct

- Only 1 day to fertilize

- When follicle ruptures, secretion drops- Corpus Luteum forms after- makes estrogen and progesterone
( produces more progesterone though)
- Corpus Luteum starts to degenerate and secretions drop

-Follicular Phase- First 14 days

- FSH promotes production of estrogen and positive feedback mechanism (positive on

days 12-14 only)

- Called follicular phase because the follicle grows

-LH promotes production of estrogen and progesterone

- Result- Uterine lining thickens to prepare to receive egg

- Day 14 oocyte released into oviduct

-Luteal Phase- Last 14 days

- Uterine lining continues to thicken

- Negative Feedback

- Estrogen stops FSH production

- High Progesterone stops LH production  Low progesterone  Uterine lining breaks

down  menstruation

Nucleic Acid

- Carry genetic info in cells

- Long polymers of subunits called nucleotides

- Main varieties- DNA- Deoribonucleic Acid (2 strands)

- RNA- Ribonucleic Acid ( 1 strand)

DNA Structure

- DNA structure- structure of nucleotide – 5 carbon sugar, phosphate group, and nitrogenous base



-Nitrogenous bases- Adenine, Guanine, Cytosine, Thymine (DNA only), Uracil( RNA only)

- DNA is double stranded, antiparallel, (parallel but opposite direction) double helix, and have
semiconservative model
-Watson and Crick- Credit for DNA structure

- Frankling must also get recognition- X-ray

- Concept used by Watson and Crick

- Franklin died before got nobel Prize ( was instead gotten by a colleague of hers)

DNA replication

-Occurs before mitosis- When cells start to split

-Cell Cyle- Process where cell divides to produce daughter cells

-Process of parent strands making new daughter strands

-Concept- 1. Parent cell has both strands

2. Parent cell splits it

3. Enzymes put appropriate nitrogenous bases in each split

-Template strand read from 3’-5’

Daughter strand synthesized from 5’-3’

-Key events- Parent DNA unwinds

- An enzyme adds nucleotide to the developing daughter cel

-An enzyme checks and corrects possible mistakes

-helicase- opens up/ splits connection

- Primase- Shows direction to follow

Protein Synthesis

-Process where DNA transcribed to RNA and RNA translated to proteins

- DNA  RNA  Proteins

- Transcription- DNA copied to make RNA

-Translation- RNA go through ribosome to be protein

- Ribosome follows certain code


- Process by which templacte DNA strand copied ot make single strand RNA known as messenger RNA

- Template DNA read from 3’-5’

-RNA is produced 5’-3’

-RNA bases later read as triplets known as codons

-RNA forms pair with 5’-3’

-Happens in nucleus

-RNA exists in nucleus through nucleus pores


- Synthesis of a protein using info in mRNA chain

- Done in ribosome found in Cytoplasm or rough endoplasmic reticulum

-Transfer RNA- tRNA

- Brings 1 code with it

- Finda pair for it to connect with

- Brings and carry amino acid

- mRNA , tRNA , and ribosome assemble outside nucleus

- tRNA looks for a start codon in mRNA- AUG is a start codon ( methionine)

- UAC is always partner of AUG

- Start codon starts process of making protein

- If tRNA finds UAA, UGA, or UAG, signals to stop making protein

- tRNA moves through mRNA and reads every 3 bases known as codon

- Fore very codon, there is an amino acid


- Has anti codons (looks for a codon to pair with)

- Genetic code- Shows that for every codon, there is an amino acid

-Works by passing amino acid from 1 tRNA to another

- Proteins are used by the cell/ sent out to cells that need them
Mutations( Not sure kung part siya pero just in case)

-Any change in the nucleotide base

- Mutagen- Physical/ Chem agents that can cause mutation

- Some mutations are harmless ( no effects), neutral ( may or may not be harmful) and harmful

Types of Mutations

- Nucleotide- pair substitution- AK base substitution

- codon has 1 wrong pairing due to wrong substitution

- Base pairing diff but amino acid could still be the same making it harmless

-Insertion- There is an added base pairing

- Deletion- There is/are base parings removed

Aaaaaaand that’s it! Good job for making it this far! If you skipped to the end, f0cking r3ad the wh0l3
th1ng u sh1t.

Anyway, Thanks for the 2 whole year guys! Really been a blast being with you guys making me feel like
part of the family. Anyway. Good luck tomorrow and do your best! 

( Here’s a Tenma pic for motivation. You welcome f3get)

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