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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Science

I. Objectives
At the end of the lesson, the pupils will be able to;
a) classify the objects as living and nonliving
b) identify what living things need to survive; and
c) differentiate the living and nonliving things.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Identifying Living and Nonliving things

III. Materials: Visual aid, Marker and pictures of living and nonliving things object.
IV. Procedure

Teacher’s Activities Pupil’s Activities

A. Introduction

Assalamo alaikom and Good morning Alaikomissalam Warahmatullahi

children! Wabarakato / Good morning teacher!

How are you today? We are fine, how about you, teacher?
I am also fine.

B. Review

What was our topic yesterday? Anyone?

Teacher, the five senses!
Yes, Khadidja?

Very good! Our topic yesterday was about

the five senses.

What were the five senses again? Anyone?

Teacher! The five senses are the sense of
touch, smell, taste, hear and see!
Very Good! It is the sense of touch, smell,
taste, hear and see!

It seems that you all listen to our topic

yesterday, huh? And with that, give
yourselves a clap!
C. Motivation

Our topic for today is: Living and Nonliving


Can you see this rock? Yes, teacher!

Which of us is living? Me or this rock? You, teacher!

We can be able to distinguish if things are

alive if it is: 1. It grows 2. It breathes 3. It eats

So, let’s see who among us are alive. Do I Yes, teacher!


Of course, I grow. We are once a baby then as

time goes by, we grow. Therefore, I am alive!

As for this rock, does this rock grow? No, teacher!

Yes, it does not grow. Therefore, it is not

alive or Nonliving.

Next is, it breathes. Do I breathe? Yes, teacher!

Of course I breathe. Therefore, I am alive.

How about this rock? Does it breathe? No, teacher!

Of course it does not breathe. Therefore it is

not living or nonliving.

Last one, is it eats. Do I eat? Yes, teacher!

Yes, of course I eat therefore I am alive or


How about this rock? Does it eat? No, teacher!

Of course it does not eat; therefore it is not

alive or nonliving.

How do you know if something is living or

How do you know if something is nonliving?

Let us find out!

D. Lesson Proper
Living things:
o Grow and change
Example is the plants, it grows and it
changes. Right? Yes, teacher!

It starts from a seed then as time goes

by it grows into a plant, with the help
of sunlight, water and air.

o Need: Food, water, & Air

Examples are flowers. Flowers are
plants. Plants are living things. As I
have said a while ago, plants need
sunlight, water and air to grow and

What happens if plants don’t get the sunlight,

water and air that they need? They will die!

Yes, they will die.

Does this flowers living or nonliving? It is living!

Yes it is living.

How about this dog? Is it living or nonliving? It is living!

Yes, it is living.

Nonliving Things:
o If ‘Non’ means not. What does
nonliving means? Not living!
Of course, it is not living.

o Nonliving things do NOT grow or


o Nonliving things do not need air, food

and water.
Example: Is this chair living or Nonliving!
Of course it not living. The chair was
made from tree that was once living,
but the chair cannot move on its own.
It does not need air, water or food.
Therefore it is not alive!

Another example is: this clock. Is it

living or nonliving? Nonliving!
Yes, it is not living. The hands on the
clock move with the help of a battery.
The clock does not need food, air and
water; therefore it is not alive.

Understand class? Yes, teacher!

E. Application
So class. Let us have an activity. Find here
which is living or nonliving things. I will call
someone to write it on the board by which
category it is. Is it in the row of living things
or is it in the row of nonliving things?

Did you understand my instruction? Yes, teacher!

F. Generalization

Let us see if you really understand our


We can be able to find out if the things are

If it grows, it breathes and eats!
alive if it is?

Very good!
Flower, teacher!
Give an example of living things.
Chair, teacher!
How about nonliving things?

Very good!

Always remember that the difference

between living and nonliving things is that:
Living things grow & change. It needs food,
water, and air.
Nonliving things do not grow and change. It
does not need food, water and air.
Yes, teacher!

Very good.
V. Evaluation
Write Living if it is a living thing, and Nonliving if it is not Nonliving thing.
1. Pencil –
2. Apple-
3. Cat-
4. Table-
5. Motorcycle-
VI. Assignment

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