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Table 1. Image quality parameters and their explanations.

Name Expression and explanation

variance (d) n
1 X m X
d~ ðf ði,j Þ{uÞ2 where m and n are the numbers of rows and columns in the image, respectively; f(i, j) is the grayscale value at point (i, j) in the image; u is the mean grayscale value in the
m|n i~1 j~1
kurtosis (K) n
(f (i,j){u)4
1 X m X .
K~ d 2 where m and n are the the numbers of rows and columns in the image, respectively; f(i, j) is the grayscale value at point (i, j) in the image; u is the mean grayscale value in


m|n i~1 j~1
the image; d is the variance.
entropy (H) Max
H~{ Pi log2 Pi where Pi is the probability of a pixel grayscale value of i; max is the max grayscale value of a pixel.
contrast (FC) FC~ dði,j Þ2 |Pd ði,j Þ d (i, j) is the grayscale difference between adjacent pixels; P(i, j) is the probability of pixel distribution of the grayscale difference between adjacent pixels d.
sharpness (EAV) m
X 8 
|n X 
i~1 a~1
EAV ~ where m and n are the numbers of rows and columns in the image, respectively; a is the number of adjacent pixels; df/dx is the gradient between adjacent pixels.
average gradient (AG) m n{1
1 ðf ði,j Þ{f ðiz1,j ÞÞ2 zðf ði,j Þ{f ði,jz1ÞÞ2
X {1 X
AG~ where m and n are the numbers of rows and columns in the image, respectively; f(i, j) is the grayscale value of the image at
ðm{1Þ|ðn{1Þ i~1 j~1 2
point (i, j).
edge intensity (EI) n h
m X
X i
EI~ Gx2 ði,j ÞzGy2 ði,j Þ

i j
Gx ði,j Þ~½f ðiz1,j{1Þz2f ðiz1,j Þzf ðiz1,jz1Þ{½f ði{1,j{1Þz2f ði{1,j Þzf ði{1,jz1Þ
Gy ði,j Þ~½f ði{1,jz1Þz2f ði,jz1Þzf ðiz1,jz1Þ{½f ði{1,j{1Þz2f ði,j{1Þzf ðiz1,j{1Þ
where m and n are the numbers of rows and columns in the image, respectively; f(i, j) is the grayscale value of the image at point (i, j).

Assessment Method of Remote Sensing Image Quality

January 2014 | Volume 9 | Issue 1 | e86528

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