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Leave Takings:

 Good bye. (Selamat tinggal)

 Bye-bye / Bye / Cheerio (Dadah / daah)
 See you tomorrow (Sampai jumpa besok)
 Sorry, I have to go now. (Maaf, aku harus pergi sekarang)
 I’ll talk to you later. (aku akan bicara denganmu nanti)
 It’s been nice talking to you. (Senang bisa berbicara denganmu)


 Good bye (Selamat tinggal)

 Yes of course. See you. (Ya, tentu saja, sampai jumpa lagi)
 Sure, see you later. (Tentu saja, sampai jumpa nanti)
 Take care. (Hati-hati)
 Keep in touch. (Tetap terhubung)
 See you at school. (Sampai jumpa di sekolah)
Contoh Dialog Leave Taking 1:
Ardi : Hello Dika. Good afternoon.
Dika : Good afternoon Ardi. Where are you going?
Ardi : I’m going to the bookstore. Would you like to accompany me?
Dika : No, Sorry. I have to go home right now.
Ardi : Oh, okay. Good bye.
Dika : Good bye Ardi.

Dialog 2
Sandi : Hi Titin, good morning.
Titin : Good morning Sandi, will you come to the swimming pool after school?
Sandi : Yes I will. How about you?
Titin : I’ll come with you.
Sandi : Okay then. I’ll call you when the class is over.
Titin : Good, See you later.
Sandi : See you.

Contoh Dialog Leave Taking 3:

*In the airport* (*di bandara*)
Hana : Vika? Is that you?
Vika : Yes I am. You was my classmate Hana in highschool right? Long time no see, how
are you?
Hana : I’m fine thank you. Where are you going Vika?
Vika : I’m traveling to South Korea for vacation.
Hana : Wow, that’s awesome. How long you been there?
Vika : Only one week. And how about you? Where are you going?
Hana : I’m going to see my mother in Yogyakarta.
Vika : Please send my best regards to your mother.
Hana : Sure.
Vika : I think it is a call for my departure. I will get in first and please keep in touch.
Hana : Of course Vika, please take care.
Vika : Yes, you too.
Soal Latihan Bahasa Inggris Kelas X mengenai Leave Taking

Read carefully and choose the correct answer between A, B, C, D, and E.

The text below is for questions number 3 – 4

Rina : (1)......, sir.

Teacher: Good morning, Rina. (2)........ ?
Rina : I’m very well, thank you.
Teacher: What are you doing here in the hospital?
Lusi : I am going to visit my neighbor. She has just delivered a baby.
Teacher: I see. Are you alone?
Lusi : No, I’m with my Mom. There she comes. I’m sorry, I have to go now.(3)............, sir.
Teacher: Good bye, Rina. (4).................
Rina : See you.

1. a. Good afternoon
b. Good night
c. Good morning
d. Good bye
e. Nice to meet you.

2. a. How are you

b. I am fine thank you
c. Good morning
d. Nice to meet you
e. Good bye

3. a. Good bye.
b. How are you
c. Good Morning
d. Nice to meet you
e. See you tomorrow

4. a. Good bye
b. Good morning
c. Nice to meet you
d. See you later at school
e. Where are you going

5. Which one in the following is the expression of leave-taking?

a. We have had a wonderful time.
b. How do you do?
c. How are you today?
d. I am sorry, I have to leave now.
e. I’m fine thanks.
6. Grace : I’m afraid, I’ll have to go now.
Sinta : Yes, good night, Sinta
Grace : Good night, see you tomorrow.
The underlined words means that Sinta wanted to .......... Grace
a. Invite
b. Leave
c. Introduce
d. Greet
e. Hit

7. Before Widi goes to school in the morning, what she says to her parent?
a. Chase my way.
b. Go away.
c. Just go.
d. Cheerio.
e. Please leave.

8. Teacher : I think that’s all for today, any question?

Students : No Miss.
Teacher : Alright, then see you tomorrow class!
The underlined words expresses......
a. Congratulation.
b. Apologizing.
c. Leave taking.
d. Greeting.
e. Thanking.

9. You are sending a friend off at the airport.he is going on a holiday. Just before she
boards the plane, you say to her......
a. Have a safe journey.
b. Drive carefully.
c. I am fine.
d. Good job.
e. Do not come again.

10. Your friend will go to Jakarta for one month by bus. Just before he leave you say to
a. Don’t come back
b. Go away
c. Have a safe flight
d. See you later.
e. Nice to meet you.

Kunci Jawaban:

1. C
2. A
3. A
4. D
5. D
6. B
7. D
8. C
9. A
10. D

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