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Encounters on Education Volume 1, Fall 2000

Rosa Bruno-Jofré is a Professor of Education, and Dean, Faculty of Education,

Queen’s University. she is the former Associate Dean of the Faculty of Education, The
University of Manitoba. she is the author and editor of books, articles and chapters on
histor of education in Latin America, history of education in manitoby, and on gender
and higher education. Her most recent articles have been published in Historical
Studies in Education, Manitoa History, Canadian Journal of Higher Education, and
Canadian and International Education.

Catherine Haire has taught secondary school for a number of years, most recently for
the Peel District board of Education, where she has specialized in teaching English as a
Second Language, and counselling students with special needs. A graduate of the
University of Toronto with a Bachelor of Music and a Bachelor of Education, she is
currently pursuing a Masters of Education at Brock University, in St. Catherines,

Richard Henley is an Associate Professor in the Faculty of Education, Brandon

University. He has published extensively in the area of cross-cultural education, and in
history of education in Manitoba and Nova Scotia, in particualr about compulsory

Gonzalo Jover is an Associate Professor in the Departamento de teoria e Historia de la

Educacíon, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. His area of research includes
philosophy, ethics, and the politics of education. He is the author of Relación Educativa
y Relaciones Humanas (Bacelona: Herder, 1991) and co-author of serveral books
among them La Filosofia de la Educación en Europa (Madrid: Kykinson, 1998); Ética
Docente: Elementos de Deontologia Profesional (Barcelona: Ariel, 1998) and La
Escuela de la Ciudadania: Educacion, Ética y Politica (Bilbao: Desclée de Brouwer,

Jamie-Lynn Magnusson is an Associate Professor in the Higher Education Group,

Department of Theory and Policy Studies at the Ontario Institute for Studies in
Education, University of Toronto. She has published extensively in the area of higher
education and is the former co-editor of the Canadian Journal of Higher Education.Her
interest in citizenship and higher education is grounded in scholarship that examines the
development of higher education systems within capitalist nation states.

Romulo F. Magsino is Professor, and Dean of the Faculty of Education at The

University of Manitoba. he specializes in educational policy studies, has authored and
edited several books and monographs, and has been published in Canadian and
American books and journals. Past President of the Canadian Philosophy of Education
Society, he received his education in the Philippines, Australia and the United States.
Michael E. Manley-Casimir is Professor and the Dean of the Faculty of Education at
Brock University. His particular interests lie in the intersection of law and educational
policy. With Wanda Cassidy he established the Centre for Education, Law and Society
at Simon Fraser University. He co-authored with Stuart Piddocke and Romulo Magsino
Teachers in Trouble (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 1998). Dr. Manley-Casimir is
editor of several collections including Chiuldren and television: A Challenge for
Education? with Carmen Luke (New York: Praeger, 1986); and Courts in the
Classroom: Education and the Charter of Rights and Freedoms (Calgary: Detselig,

Alejandro Mayordomo is a Professor of Theory and History of Education in the

Departamento de Educación Camparada e Historia de la Educación, Universidad de
Valencia, Spain. He is the author of Nacional Catolicismo y Educación en la España de
Postguerra (1990), Socialización, Educación Social y Clases Populares (1995), Politica
Educativa y Sociedad (1996), El Aprendizaje Civico (1998) and articles and chapters in
collective editions.

Antonio Muñoz Sedano is an Associate Professor in the Facultad de Educación,

Universidad Complutense de Madrid. His area of interest is social pedagogy. He has
published extensively in the area of intercultural education, adult education, and
compensatory education. One of his recent books is Educaci£on Intercultural: Teorîa y
Práctica, en Madrid, Escuela Española (1997) deals with teacher preparation and
intercultural education.

Josep M. Puig is an Associate Professor of Theory and History of Education at the

University of Barcelona. He specializes in education theory and moral education. He
has authored several books, among them Teoria de la Educación: Una Aproximación
Sistémica Cibernética (Barcelona: PPU, 1995, 3rd edition), La Educación Moral en la
Enzeñanza Obligatoria (Barcelona: Orsory, 1996), La Construcción de la Personalidad
Moral (Barcelona: Paidós, 1996). He has also co-authored books and published articles
in the area of moral and intercultural education.

David Reyero is an Assistant Professor in the Departamento de Teoría e Historica de

la Educación, Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He authored several articles on
culural anthropology and education in Teoria de la Educación, Comunitat, Cultura i
Raça, Temps d’Educació, among others.

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