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1. Identify the correct verb in each a sentence.
2. Observe correct subject-verb agreement.
3.Give example of sentences using correct subject-verb agreement.
II. Subject Matter:

Subject-Verb Agreement Rule#10-12

Reference: English Learner’s Material page 80
Materials: Netbook
III. Procedure
A. Activity

(The teacher provides pictures and words, the students will identify the if it is singular or plural.)

B. Analysis

Task11. Language Connection.

Read the sentences that follow and check if the subject agrees with the verb.
1. Either the princess or the followers love prince Bantugan.
2. Not only Prince Madali but also men were proud of Prince Bantugan.
3. Bumbaran’s prince and hero is back to life.
4. Half of the rice cake are eaten.
5. Half of the tribesmen leave early
6. No epic or legend are to be forgotten.
7. Each of the princess was given a award

C. Abstraction

The teacher will give sentences and the students will identify the correct verb in each sentence.
For Rule # 10
1. My father and doctor ( is, are) busy.
2. The director and producer ( is, are) so kind.
3. The principal and teacher ( teaches, teach) well.
For Rule # 11
1.Each boy and girl (was, were) given a medal.
2.No one (eats, eat) the cake.
3.Every grade five pupil ( is, are) required to join the parade.
For Rule # 12
1. Either your brothers or sister (has, have) done this.
2.Neither the manager nor the employees ( agrees,agree) the point.
3.Neither the employees nor the manager ( agrees,agree) the point.

D. Application

1.Either his mother or my sisters (is,are) singing tonight.

2The director and producer ( makes, make) movie.
3. Neither Larry nor Brad (holds, hold) the record.

4. Every computer, printer, and fax machine is marked for reduction.

5.Neither the clients nor the accountant (knows, know) the combination.

6. Each student (makes, make) their project.

7.My mother and teacher ( teaches, teach) Math subject..
8.Neither (wants, want) breakfast.

IV. Assignment
Make atleast 2 example in each rule.
June 21,2017
I. Objectives
1. Identify the definition of lyric and epic poetry.
2. Determine the difference between lyric and epic poetry.
3. Give examples of lyric and epic poetry.

II. Subject Matter: Epic and Lyric Poetry

Reference: A Journey through Anglo-American Literature

Materials: Netbook, projector, Manila paper, and Scotch Tape

III. Procedure
A. Activity

The class is divided into 4 groups. Each group will arrange the rambled letter. The first group


B. Analysis

C. Abstraction
Write CHECK (/ ) for Lyric and cross (X) for Epic.
long narrative
hero embodies values of the civilization
customarily accompanied by Music

D. Application
IV. Assignment
Research the characters in Beowulf.

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