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Benefits of Copper For Skin, Hair And Health

September 20, 2017 by Saba

Copper is the third most abundant trace element in the human body after zinc
and iron. It is found in all the tissues but is stored primarily in the liver. Human
beings require small portions of this mineral in their diet. However, it is often
deficient in a person’s diet as food sources high in this vitamin are often

The human body contains approximately 100-500 mg of copper, but its role
cannot be undermined. Copper is used by the body in the manufacture of
various enzymes, some of which act as antioxidants. These enzymes are
involved in hemoglobin and collagen formation. Copper and iron work together
to make red blood cells and it is a major component of the outer coating of
nerve fibers and collagen. Copper is needed in the body to produce the
antioxidant, Superoxide Dismutase (SOD). In this article we are going to
discuss many benefits of copper for overall health, but before that let’s see
about its history.

History of Copper:
The copper history dates back to the early Roman Civilization, even before
the discovery of microorganisms. Copper was used by the citizens to improve
hygiene. It was believed that storing water in copper made it safe to drink and
copper utensils and cookware helped to prevent the spread of
diseases. Later, with the discovery of microbes, scientists began to
understand that the antimicrobial properties of copper could be used to fight
infection linked bacteria and other infection and disease-causing
microorganisms. In the present scenario, the antimicrobial properties of
copper are increasingly being used in pesticides, fungicides, antimicrobial
medicines, antifouling paints, medical devices, antiseptics, and sinks for
kitchen and bath environment.

Sources of Copper:
A balanced diet contains enough copper required by the body. Food that
are good sources of copper include:
 Wholegrain cereals

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 Legumes
 Oysters
 Dried brewer’s yeast
 Dark chocolate
 Fruits
 Prunes
 Green leafy vegetables,
 Nuts
 Chicken,
 Soybeans,
 Tofu etc.
 Organ meat – liver and blackstrap molasses
Daily Requirement of Copper:
The daily intake of copper varies from person to person. However the daily
intake is suggested to be 0.9 to 1.3 mg/day in adults. It is advisable to consult
a physician before taking supplements.

Food Sources of Copper:

Buckwheat 1 mg 50%

Cashews 0.6 mg 30%

Amaranth 0.5 mg 25%

Brazil Nuts 0.5 mg 25%

Durian 0.5 mg 25%

Sunflower Seeds 0.5 mg 25%

Pumpkin Seeds 0.4 mg 20%

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Quinoa 0.4 mg 20%

Walnuts 0.4 mg 20%

Almonds 0.3 mg 15%

Asparagus 0.3 mg 15%

Jackfruit 0.3 mg 15%

Lambsquarters 0.3 mg 15%

Pecans 0.3 mg 15%

Sweet Potatoes 0.3 mg 15%

Avocado 0.2 mg 10%

Blackberries 0.2 mg 10%

Coconut (Mature) 0.2 mg 10%

Mango 0.2 mg 10%

Raisins 0.2 mg 10%

Hemp N/A N/A

Health Benefits of Copper:

Copper is one of a relatively small group of metallic elements which exhibits
numerous health benefits. These elements, together with fatty and amino
acids and vitamins help to trigger regular metabolic processes. Deficiency of
copper in the human body is a common phenomenon as it cannot be
produced within the human body. Thus, it is essential that the human diet
must supply regular dose of copper.

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The intake of copper is vital for maintaining a healthy existence. When taken
in the right amounts, it provides the following health benefits:

1. Promotes Proper Growth:

Copper is essential for proper growth. It must be bound to a protein to be
usable. Since the human body cannot effectively synthesize copper, it should
form part of the regular diet in the right proportions.

2. Utilization of Iron:
Copper helps in the utilization of iron within the human body and helps the
body absorb iron. Iron deficiency in the body is often associated with copper from
the intestinal tract. It helps oxidize glucose and release energy.
3. Treatment of Arthritis and Osteoporosis:
Due to its anti-carcinogenic properties, copper inside the body helps in the
alleviation of arthritis pain. Approximately 50% of the body’s total copper is
contained in the bones and the muscles. Therefore, it is a common treatment
for arthritis and osteoporosis as it helps promote healthy collagen in the body.
Being a part of compounds like ceruloplasmin and SOD, copper helps reduce
arthritis symptoms.

4. Pigmentation of Skin, Hair and Eyes:

The presence of copper can be explained in two forms, copper gluconate and
copper sulphate. Virtually found in every cell of the human body, this trace
element helps in the production of melanin in the human body which is
responsible for the pigmentation of skin, hair and eyes.
5. RBC Formation:
Copper plays an important role along with iron in the supply of healthy,
oxygenated blood. Together with iron, it helps in the respiration and synthesis
of hemoglobin and releases iron needed to produce hemoglobin in red blood
cells. For this reason, it is sometimes used in the treatment of anemia.

6. Connective Tissues:
Copper plays a significant role in maintaining the health of the myelin sheath,
a material that protects and surrounds the nerves. Besides, it helps regulate
the function of lysyl oxidase, an enzyme needed for creation of collagen in
bones and connective tissues.

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7. Thyroid Glands:
Copper assists the thyroid glands in balancing and secreting hormones. It
plays a significant role in proper functioning of the thyroid glands.

[ Read: Diet for Thyroid Patients ]

8. Brain Stimulation:
By supplying oxygen to the brain, it helps in nerve and brain functions. That is
why copper is widely known as a brain stimulant or brain food. However too
much copper is also not healthy for the brain.
9. Reducing Cholesterol Level:
Copper possesses certain properties which aid in reducing bad cholesterol
and increasing HDL cholesterol. Thus, it offers protection from heart diseases
and stops the formation of clots.

10. Enzymatic Reactions:

Copper is an element of 50 types of enzymes, many of which work as

11. Antibacterial Properties:

Extensive studies have shown that copper has antibacterial properties that
inhibit the growth of bacteria such as e coli. A

12. Essential for fetuses, infants and children:

Copper is vital for the growth and development of fetuses, infants and
children. Deficiency of copper in pregnant mothers, triggers various health
problems in infants like muscle weaknesses and neurologic problems.

Copper Benefits For skin:

Besides its numerous health benefits, copper plays an important role in skin
care too. So far, we have learnt that copper aids in the production of melanin
which is responsible for the color of the skin and hair. Copper peptides and
copper gluconates are a promising treatment in skincare. Copper ingredients
aid in collagen production and skin regeneration and increase the effects of

13. Copper Peptides and Skin Care:

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Very few people are familiar with the term copper peptides, but they are one
of the most effective skin regeneration products. Peptides are fragments of
proteins which play an important role in skincare, particularly in repairing
damaged tissue and constructing new tissue. Copper is instrumental in
attracting these peptides and binding with them, thus forming copper peptides.
Thus copper plays an important role in carrying nourishing protein to damaged
skin. Copper peptides thus offer the following benefits.

 Help in skin regeneration, which is very effective in healing wounds and

skin lesions.
 The anti-inflammatory qualities of peptides allow it to treat a wide range of
skin irritation.
 Regenerate new collagen and elastin, thus improving firmness, softness
and elasticity of skin, which results in a youthful appearance.
 The collagen production helps in filling fine lines and wrinkles, while
elastin stimulation firms the skin and prevents the sagging that often leads
to wrinkles.
 Help in repairing the damage to the protective skin barrier, rebuilding the
skin and removing the scars.
 Peptides regulate the growth rate and migration of various cells in the
skin which prevent the release of oxidation promoting iron into the tissue
resulting in a cleaner look.
14. Copper Gluconate and Skincare:

 Copper Gluconate is an odorless white crystalline powder which is used

in a variety of skin-care and cleansing products.
 Since it is gentle on the skin, it is used in the treatment of sensitive aging
skin. The gluconic acid contained in copper gluconate cleanses and
conditions the skin and destroys harmful micro organisms
Copper Benefits for Hair:

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The benefits of copper for hair are no less important than the other benefits it
offers. Skin remodeling copper peptides (SCRPs) are used in gels, creams,
lotions, shampoos and conditioners. The presence of these protein peptides
enables the wounds bordered by hair to get healed relatively quickly. SCRPs
are particularly beneficial for those healing their scalp and re growing their hair
after chemotherapy as they enlarge follicles and reduce the hair growth
resting phase in the course of healing wounds. Copper ingredients are useful
for hair in the following manner.

15. Useful During Chemotherapy:

Chemotherapy results in the killing of healthy cells along with the cancerous
ones, leading to hair loss and skin that is dry, cracked, itchy and red. Being an
anti-inflammatory, copper peptides helps in healing these conditions. They
increase the amount of subcutaneous fat and hair follicle size which is
reduced during chemotherapy.

16. Hair Transplants:

Due to their healing properties, copper peptides promote rapid growth of
transplanted hair and reduce the appearance of scars. Gauzes saturated with
copper peptides are applied during the first three days of surgery to facilitate
quick healing.

17. Healthy Scalp:

Copper peptides are used for regular scalp treatments and also in hair tonics
for overall hair and scalp treatment.

[ Read: Foods for Healthy Hair And Scalp ]

18. Other Benefits:
Copper peptides prevent and reverse the greying of hair as they aid the
melanin pigment production. They improve the nutrient flow from the blood by
rebuilding capillaries around the follicles. Moreover, they inhibit the DHT, the
hormone that causes alopecia. Due to their healing qualities, they repair scalp
damage due to chemical and thermal treatments which leads to hair thinning
over time.

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Deficiency Symptoms of Copper:
Copper deficiency symptoms are recorded as the following in human beings

 Depletion of oxygen in the cells

 Anemia
 Skin problems
 Depression
 Premature greying and hair loss
 Weak blood vessels
 Irregular heartbeat
 Anorexia
 Brittle bones
 Osteoporosis
 High level of cholesterol
 Low white blood cell count
With all of these wonderful health benefits, it’s no wonder that copper is
known as one of the wonder ingredient. Do let us know how it helped you and
What are your favorite benefits of copper by dropping your feedback in the
comments section below.

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