Basic Electrical Measurement

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Selni Sandabunga ', Nurul Aisyah Wahdah, Maurizka Amaliah, Nur Aliyah Ibrahim



Had been performed experiment on basic electrical measured. This experiment aims to
investigate the relationship between voltage and electric current in a simple circuit and calculate the
resistance a resistor. In these experiments the apparatus are a DC power supply, basic meter, rheostat,
connecting cables, and barriers. The essence of the experiment is the relationship between voltage,
current, and electrical resistance. In this experiment, the applicable law and the formula ohm ohm's law
in effect at that reads the current in a wire segment is proportional to the potential difference across
segment. For materials that satisfies Ohm's law does not depend on the flow resistance, the voltage falls
on a segment comparable with flow: V = IR, with R = constant. From the experimental results of basic
electrical measurements can be concluded that a voltage proportional to the current, so if the voltage
increased, the electric current will also increase.

Keywords: current, electrical resistance, and voltage


1. How the relationship between voltage and current in a simple circuit?

2. How calculate the obstacles a resistor?


1. Investigate ties between voltage and current in a simple circuit

2. Calculate the barriers a resistor


Brief Theory

In our study of conductors in electrostatic (basic physics), there is argued

that the electric field inside a conductor in electrostatic equilibrium condition must
be zero. Otherwise, the free charges in the conductor will move. Now we suppose a
situation where the charge is moving freely in the conductor. That is, the conductor
is not in a state of electrostatic equilibrium. Currents in the conductor generated by
the electric charge in a conductor when a pushing force on the free charges.
Because the E field in the direction of the force on a positive charge, and because
of the current direction is the direction of the flow of positive charge, the direction
of the flow direction of the electric field. Figure 3.1 shows a wire segment of
length  L and cross section A which carries current I.


a E b

Figure 3.1. Segment representation wire carrying current I

Because the direction of the electric field of the higher potential areas to
the lower potential region, the potential at point A is greater than at point b.
Assume that  L is small enough so that we can assume that the electric field
across the segment is constant, the potential difference V between points a and b

V = V a - V b = E  L [5.1]

For most materials,

"The current in a wire segment is proportional to the potential difference across


The experimental results are known as Ohm's Law. Written proportionality

constant 1 / R, where R is called resistance:

1 V
I  V or R  [5.2]

The above equation provides a general definition of the resistance between two
points in terms of a decrease in the voltage V between two points. The SI unit of
resistance, volts per ampere, called ohms  1  = 1 V / A.

The resistance of a material depends on the length, cross-sectional area, the type
of material, and temperature. For materials that comply with Ohm's law does not
depend on the flow resistance; Such materials, like most metals, called ohmic material.
For ohmic material, the voltage falls on a segment proportional to the flow:

V = IR, with R = constant

This equation with the qualification that R kostan, providing a mathematical
statement of Ohm's law. This law is not a fundamental law of nature such as Newton's
laws or the laws of thermodynamics but an empirical description of the properties
owned by a lot of material.



1. Power Supplay DC
2. Basic Meter
3. Rheostat
4. Cable Link


1. Resistance

Identification Variables

Identification of Variable
Activity 1 The relationship between voltage and current
1. Voltage
2. Current
3. Resistance

Operational Definition of Variables

Activity 1 The relationship between voltage and current
1. Voltage is the force that resulted in the observed electric current through the
designation of the voltmeter needle. Unit of voltage is volts
2. Current is the amount of electric charge through an electrical circuit which is
observed through the ammeters.
3. Resistance is a comparison between the voltage of an electronic component with
an electric current passing through it. Electrical resistance has units of ohms.
Working Procedure

Activity 1

1. Prepare tool and necessary materials and assemble.



2. Before turning on the power supply, voltmeters and ammeters ascertained

installation is at the highest position of the limit measure to avoid damage
3. Turn on the power supply and voltmeters and ammeters appointment notice.
4. Shifts Rheostat on position maximum. If needle tool measuring deviate too
small, the limit measuring lowered to appointment deviate enough far
(approaching value maximum).
5. Shifting back Rheostat the minimum position. Voltmeters and ammeters
designation read on the position and record observations on the observation
6. Increase tension source with Rheostat shift until the voltmeter shows value great
and read appointment ammeters.
7. Do activities (6) with changing linear up obtained 10 (ten) measurement data.



The value of R = 56 Ω
Voltmeter NST = 10 volts / 50 scale = 0.2 volts

Ammeter NST = 100 mA / 50 scale = 2 mA = 0.002 A

Table 1. Table The relationship between voltage and Strong Electric Current

No Voltage (V)
Current (A)
|0.019 ±
1 |1.2 ± 0.1|
|0.022 ±
2 |1.4 ± 0.1|
|0.027 ±
3 |1.6 ± 0.1|
|0.034 ±
4 |2.1 ± 0.1|
|0.048 ±
5 |3.0 ± 0.1|
|0.058 ±
6 |3.2 ± 0.1|
|0.060 ±
7 |3.6 ± 0.1|
|0.070 ±
8 |4.2 ± 0.1|
Data Analysis

6 y = 56.76 + 0.163
R² = 0.997
voltage (V)

0 0.02 0.04 0.06 0.08 0.1 0.12

Electric Current (A)

Figure 1. Graph of the relationship between the currents and voltage

y = mx + c
y V
m= = =R
x I
m = 56,7Ω → 57 Ω
For graph V
NST V = = 0,2 V
1 1
∆𝐼 = 2 𝑥 𝑁𝑆𝑇 = × 0,2 = 0,1 V

𝑉1 = 6 × 0,2 = 1,2 V
𝑉1 = |1,2 ± 0,1| 𝑉
𝑉2 = 28 × 0,2 = 5,6 V
𝑉2 = |5,6 ± 0,1| 𝑉
For graph I
NST I = = 0,004
1 1
∆𝐼 = 2 𝑥 𝑁𝑆𝑇 = 2
× 0,004 = 0,002
𝐼1 = 4,75 × 0,004 = 0,019 V
𝐼1 = |0,019 ± 0,002| 𝑉
𝐼2 = 24,5 × 0,004 = 0,098 V
𝐼2 = |0,098 ± 0,002| 𝑉
∆V V2 − V 1 (5,6−1,2) V 4,4
R= = = (0,098−0,019) A
= = 55,7
∆I I2 − I1 0,079
∆∆𝑉 ∆∆𝐼
∆𝑅 = | |+| |
∆𝑉 ∆𝐼

0,4 𝑉 0,008 𝐴
=| |+| |
3,4 𝑉 0,0585 𝐴

= 0,117 + 0,136

= 0,253 Ω

𝐾𝑅 = 𝑥 100%

0,253 Ω
= 𝑥 100%
55,7 Ω

= 0,45% (4 important number)

PF = |R±∆R| Ω

= |56 ± 0,25| Ω

On the basis of experimental measurements of electricity only consist of one activity, as
for the purpose of this experiment are: to investigate the relationship between voltage
and current in a simple circuit, calculate the barriers a resistor. In this experiment we
first create or assemble a simple circuit, after stringing us turning on the power supply
with regard ammeters and voltmeters installation. Data collection was performed by
sliding rheostat, watching appointment on ammeters and voltmeters. Experiments
performed 9 times to obtain a linear change. From the observational data can be said that
a strong relationship with the voltage that is greater currents applied voltage, the greater
the resultant strong currents, in this experiment we shift the rheostat of the minimum
measuring limit to a maximum limit of measurement, so the results obtained, whether it
value of voltage and current strength of the small value to a large value. Resistance
values obtained with resistance values used are not the same resistance value but not so
much difference between the obstacles caused by the time shift rheostat, the shift is not
fixed or is not constant because of lack of practitioner carefully situations.



1. Voltage proportional to the current. The greater the electrical voltage and
stronger the greater the electrical current generated obstacles.
2. Relationship between barriers and strong currents inversely, where if a large
resistance , the strong currents generated small


The practitioner is required to be more careful in shifting Rheostat, the first shift
distance must be equal to the distance of the shift until the end of the experiment for
the results, and also for example, connect the power supply, barriers, and basic
meter, must know how to assemble it in the circuit to avoid errors in the installation
of connecting cables, and other problems of the cable connection the practitioner
usually do not put up with the connecting cable that normally towards meeting the
basic meter needle was not appropriate appointment. In addition, the practitioner
also needs to be more careful in reading the appointment of the basic meter needle
in this case so that the voltmeter and amperemeter obtained any data retrieval result
is thorough and accurate, and can reduce errors in the fundamental of electricity
measurement experiment..

Halliday, David dan Resnick, Robert. 1999. Fisika Jilid 2 Edisi Kelima (Terjemahan).
Jakarta: Erlangga.

Tipler, Paul A. 2001. Fisika untuk Sains dan Teknik Edisi Kedua Jilid 2
(Terjemahan). Jakarta: Erlangga.

Leacture Team. 2014. Penuntun Praktikum Fisika Dasar. Makassar: UNM.

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