Annotated Biobibliography: Online Collection, Gale, 2018. Opposing Viewpoints in Context

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Jonathan Mar

Mr. Phipps
English 1301-003
4 April 2018

Annotated Biobibliography

.Malkin, Michelle. "Forget Gun Control. America Needs Fallacy Control." Opposing Viewpoints

Online Collection, Gale, 2018. Opposing Viewpoints In Context,

&xid=c148eb22. Accessed 26 Apr. 2018. Originally published as "Forget Gun Control.

America Needs Fallacy Control," The Daily Signal, 4 Oct. 2017.

Malkin Michelle puts a different view point that really caught my attention to one of a real

problem. People are saying misconception about a topic and the audience who listen will

agree because they will believe what they say. That dangerous and can cause real problem,

people who do need to stop.

I explained the point she was trying to make and that people that speak "Fallacy" explain the

best I can to the audience the point she's trying to make.

I would use this source again because it was not only going to the "pro-gun" side of the

argument but it gave real examples and had information to back the argument upon.
Younge, Gary. "Gun Ownership Is a Dangerous Part of the American Identity." Opposing

Viewpoints Online Collection, Gale, 2018. Opposing Viewpoints In Context,

C&xid=726cc247. Accessed 26 Apr. 2018. Originally published as "Why Americans won’t

give up their guns," Guardian, 6 Oct. 2017

Gary Younge believes that gun ownership does more harm than good as well as the NRA is

not providing with true facts just to prevent the ban on guns.

On the side of banning guns this was very helpful, but it never had an argument to the other

side from the people wanting to keep the gun

I wouldn't use this source because, it doesn’t provide the opposing side questions

Levy, Robert A. "Gun Regulations Are Ineffective and Threaten the Second Amendment."

Gun Violence, edited by Noël Merino, Greenhaven Press, 2015. Opposing Viewpoints.

Opposing Viewpoints In Context,

=947ea615 . Accessed 4 Apr. 2018. Originally published as "Our Core Second Amendment

Rights," Cato's Letter, vol. 11, no. 3, Summer 2013.

Levy, Robert A. simply states that yes the second amendment is not "absolute" but banning

all guns is not goanna help, there wouldn't be any point to banning assault weopons, and its

very difficult to have backgroundcheck as it is

Showing great fact and not only answering arguments that most people ask but as well as

make avid points people never thought of

I would use this resource again because really put both points into the articles giving

an open mind

Private Sales in Texas | Giffords Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence Website title: Giffords

Law Center to Prevent Gun Violence URL:


Providing laws and restrictions to gun purchases, including the results when said laws

have been broken

Needed facts ad laws to show how strict gun laws are at this point and I used how strict

the law was already that's its difficult to achieve as well has major consequences

I would use this because its recent as well as up to date

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