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Resuscitation 83 (2012) 1259–1264

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Clinical paper

Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) training of ambulance caregivers and

impact on survival of trauma victims夽
Jakob Johansson a,b,∗ , Hans Blomberg a,b , Bodil Svennblad c , Lisa Wernroth c , Håkan Melhus e ,
Liisa Byberg a,c , Karl Michaëlsson c,d , Rolf Karlsten a , Rolf Gedeborg a,c
Department of Surgical Sciences, Anaesthesiology and Intensive Care, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Centre of Emergency Medicine, Uppsala University Hospital, Uppsala, Sweden
Uppsala Clinical Research Center, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Department of Surgical Sciences, Orthopedics, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden
Department of Medical Sciences, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background: The Prehospital Trauma Life Support (PHTLS) course has been widely implemented and
Received 21 November 2011 approximately half a million prehospital caregivers in over 50 countries have taken this course. Still, the
Received in revised form 23 January 2012 effect on injury outcome remains to be established. The objective of this study was to investigate the
Accepted 10 February 2012
association between PHTLS training of ambulance crew members and the mortality in trauma patients.
Methods: A population-based observational study of 2830 injured patients, who either died or were hospi-
talized for more than 24 h, was performed during gradual implementation of PHTLS in Uppsala County in
Sweden between 1998 and 2004. Prehospital patient records were linked to hospital-discharge records,
Advanced life support
Prehospital Trauma Life Support
cause-of-death records, and information on PHTLS training and the educational level of ambulance crews.
Survival The main outcome measure was death, on scene or in hospital.
Results: Adjusting for multiple potential confounders, PHTLS training appeared to be associated with a
reduction in mortality, but the precision of this estimate was poor (odds ratio, 0.71; 95% confidence
interval, 0.42–1.19). The mortality risk was 4.7% (36/763) without PHTLS training and 4.5% (94/2067)
with PHTLS training. The predicted absolute risk reduction is estimated to correspond to 0.5 lives saved
annually per 100,000 population with PHTLS fully implemented.
Conclusions: PHTLS training of ambulance crew members may be associated with reduced mortality in
trauma patients, but the precision in this estimate was low due to the overall low mortality. While there
may be a relative risk reduction, the predicted absolute risk reduction in this population was low.
© 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction This strategy has high face validity, but the underlying evidence is
Trauma is the leading cause of death among persons below 60 In the late 1970s, the American College of Surgeons Com-
years of age.1 It is a well-established belief that optimal treatment mittee on Trauma developed the Advanced Trauma Life Support
in the early phase after trauma has a major impact on mortality.2 (ATLS) course for physicians.4,5 Although implemented world-
Therefore, over the years, raising the educational level among pre- wide, there is still no strong evidence that ATLS lowers mortality
hospital caregivers and the implementation of specific educational in trauma victims.6,7 According to a recent study, ATLS-training
programs that target trauma care have been two widely adopted might even impair outcome.8 The Prehospital Trauma Life Support
strategies aimed at improving the outcome for trauma victims. (PHTLS) program was introduced in 1983 to integrate prehospital
trauma care with the ATLS program.9 PHTLS has been recog-
nized as one of the leading educational programs for prehospital
emergency trauma care and approximately half a million pre-
夽 A Spanish translated version of the summary of this article appears as Appendix hospital caregivers in over 50 countries have taken this course.9
in the final online version at doi:10.1016/j.resuscitation.2012.02.018. However, the scientific support for improved patient outcome
∗ Corresponding author at: Department of Surgical Sciences – Anaesthesiology &
is limited, and there is no evidence to recommend advanced
Intensive Care, Uppsala University Hospital, S-751 85 Uppsala, Sweden.
Tel.: +46 18 6110000; fax: +46 18 559357.
life-support (ALS) training for ambulance crews.10–12 Substantial
E-mail address: (J. Johansson). effort and money are put into the PHTLS training program and

0300-9572/$ – see front matter © 2012 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
1260 J. Johansson et al. / Resuscitation 83 (2012) 1259–1264

there is an obvious need to evaluate the possible benefits for There were no major changes in the standard of pre-hospital
patients. trauma care or equipment used during the study period. All
The aim of this study was to investigate the association between ambulance crew members in the organisation were trained and
PHTLS training of ambulance crew members and the outcome in authorized to perform trauma care according to international stan-
trauma patients. dard treatment, except from endotracheal intubation. A PHTLS
certification did not change the authorization to use any equipment
2. Methods or perform any specific intervention.

2.1. Source population 2.5. Outcome

Uppsala County is an administrative region for health care in Prehospital injury deaths were defined as autopsied injury
Sweden, with a population of 302,564 and a population density of deaths not associated with a hospital admission.19 Only prehos-
43 inhabitants/km2 in 2004. There are two hospitals in the county; pital deaths with documented involvement of ambulance services
Uppsala University Hospital, a 1100-bed tertiary care facility, and were included. Hospital death was defined as death during a hos-
Enköping Hospital, a small local hospital handling only minor pital stay with a principal discharge diagnosis indicating injury.
trauma. The composite outcome of either prehospital or hospital death was

2.2. Emergency Medical Service (EMS)-system

2.6. Possible confounders

The ambulance staff consisted of registered nurses and emer-

The International Classification of disease Injury Severity Score
gency medical technician (EMT) equivalents (nursing assistants
(ICISS) was calculated based on diagnosis-specific survival prob-
with special ambulance training). During the study period the num-
abilities for individual injury ICD-10 codes.20–22 For descriptive
ber of registered nurses employed as ambulance crew members
purposes, ICISS was categorized as critical (0–0.219), severe
increased rapidly. Prior to and during the study period all ambu-
(0.220–0.354), serious (0.355–0.664), moderate (0.665–0.940), or
lance crew members were, as part of their regular skill practice,
minor (0.941–1.0). Injury severity estimates based on the Revised
annually trained and authorized to provide ALS in medical emer-
Trauma Score (RTS) were also available.23
gencies and trauma, with the exception of endotracheal intubation
Each victim’s injuries were categorized according to the injury
(only performed in cardiac arrest) and chest drainage.
mortality diagnosis matrix for ICD-10.24 Five categories of major
injury regions (head, spinal cord, thorax, abdomen, and pelvis) were
2.3. Study population defined from the matrix.
Causes of injury were classified according to the matrix devel-
All primary incident hospital admissions for injury in the county oped by the National Center for Health Statistics, Centers for Disease
of Uppsala from 1998 through 2004 were extracted from the Control, USA.25 Data was collapsed to three categories: traffic
Swedish National Patient Registry (NPR).13 Injury deaths, where injuries, falls, and other injuries.
the underlying cause of death was V01-Y36 according to ICD-10,14 The basic educational level (nurse or EMT equivalent) and
were extracted from the Cause of Death Registry (CDR). These employment time of the ambulance crew members were also con-
codes include all external causes of injury except those referring sidered as potential confounders. Exposure status was determined
to “Complications of medical and surgical care”, “Sequelae of exter- from the highest educational level and the longest work experience
nal causes of morbidity and mortality”, and “Supplementary factors in the ambulance crew. To account for a possible period effect (such
related to causes of morbidity and mortality classified elsewhere”. as changes in trauma care over time during the study period), the
These datasets were combined using the unique personal identifi- calendar year of the injury was included in the multivariable mod-
cation number for person-based linkage.15 Admissions resulting in els. The patients’ age and sex were also considered as potential
a hospital stay of one day or less and discharge alive were excluded confounders.
to reduce the number of minor injuries included.16 Dispatch infor-
mation, prehospital time intervals, medical information, and the 2.7. Statistics
identity of the ambulance crew members were added from prehos-
pital electronic patient records.17 For each individual ambulance Multivariable logistic regression analysis was used to model the
crew member the following information was collected: years of composite outcome of prehospital or hospital death using all the
employment in health care services and in ambulance services; the possible confounders described above. Collinearity was assessed
date for exam as a registered nurse and the date for PHTLS train- from variance inflation factors. Both age and calendar year of injury
ing. The final dataset consisted of 2830 injury events with complete were entered as linear effects in the models based on inspec-
data (Fig. 1). The study was approved by the regional Human Ethics tion of a logit plot of each variable. ICISS was used after logit
Committee. transformation.26 Effect-measure modification was evaluated by
including product terms between the exposure variable and injury
2.4. Exposure severity (ICISS) and year, respectively. The multivariable logistic
regression model was also used to calculate the predicted mortal-
The PHTLS program is a standardized curriculum for prehospital ity for each injury event. The difference in mean predicted mortality
caregivers. The core component is a 16-h course with a mixture of between the PHTLS group and the non-PHTLS group estimated the
lectures and interactive skill stations.18 If at least one ambulance absolute risk reduction.
crew member was PHTLS certified (had passed the final exam- Population-averaged models using generalized estimation
ination in PHTLS), the injured patient was considered exposed. equations (GEE) were used to handle correlations from ambulance
Exposure status was not dependent on whether the certified crew crews appearing multiple times in the dataset and patients appear-
member was in charge of the crew or not. The time elapsed since ing multiple times in the study population.27,28 The number of
PHTLS certification was considered in a sensitivity analysis. No lives potentially saved annually was estimated by the proportion
refresher courses were performed during the study period. of eligible patients corresponding to the estimated absolute risk
J. Johansson et al. / Resuscitation 83 (2012) 1259–1264 1261

5235 severe injuries (hospitalized > 1 day or dead) with documented participation of EMS

483 without a valid personal

identification number in EMS record

Information on educational level 1129 with incomplete information to

among ambulance personnel added determine crew PHTLS certification

3623 severe injuries (hospitalized > 1 day or dead) with documented participation of EMS and
information on ambulance crew’s PHTLS certification status

793 without complete information on

both crew members’ identity and
PHTLS certification status and

2830 incident injuries (hospitalized > 1 day or dead) with documented participation of EMS and
information on identity and PHTLS certification status for both members of the ambulance
crew and all covariates in the multivariable model

Fig. 1. Flow diagram for selection of the study population. EMS: Emergency Medical Service.

reduction. All analyses were done as complete subjects analyses. 0.41–1.25), with a corresponding predicted absolute risk reduc-
As a sensitivity analysis, multiple imputation using predictive mean tion of 0.2%. There was no indication of serious collinearity in the
matching (aregImpute) that fits separate flexible additive imputa- regression model, with the highest variance inflation factor being
tion models, was also applied.29,30 Missing data for PHTLS status 1.78.
and employment time were imputed based on mortality, PHTLS sta- This analysis, however, violates the assumption of independent
tus, educational level (nurse/EMT), calendar year, and employment observations since the same ambulance crews were involved in
time. Ten bootstrap samples were generated. many cases of injury and also the same patients occurred multi-
The statistical packages SAS version 9 (SAS Institute Inc., Cary, ple times in the study population. We analytically considered such
NC, USA) and R version 2.9.2 (R Foundation for Statistical Comput- possible correlations (supplementary data: Table 4). Results from
ing, Vienna, Austria) were used for data management and statistical these analyses were very similar to those from using standard logis-
analyses. tic regression. The choice of variance structure did not affect the
result and, in general, the correlations were minimal (<0.1).
3. Results
3.3. Subgroup analyses
3.1. Cohort characteristics
A product term for PHTLS and injury severity in the logistic
During the 7-year study period, EMSs responded to 2830 injury regression model indicated the possible presence of effect-measure
events with complete data for the analyses (Fig. 1). The proportion modification (likelihood ratio test P = 0.08), but analysis stratified
of injury events handled by ambulance crew members with PHTLS for injury severity did not indicate any substantial influence on
training increased over time (Fig. 2). There were no major differ- the estimated OR for PHTLS (Table 2). Exclusion of injuries caused
ences in patient characteristics; however, ambulance crews in the by falls strengthened the estimated protective effect of PHTLS to
PHTLS group had more years of employment in ambulance services, OR = 0.54 (Table 2) but with poor precision (95% CI, 0.13–2.41).
compared to the non-PHTLS group (Table 1). There was no appar- A short interval from PHTLS training resulted in a stronger pro-
ent overall difference in response time, on-scene time, or transport tective association with mortality (Table 2). The precision in these
time between the two groups. estimates was poor.

3.2. Relative and absolute mortality risk 3.4. Characteristics of excluded patients

The mortality was 4.7% (36/763) without PHTLS training and There were no major differences in age, sex, cause of injury,
4.5% (94/2067) with PHTLS training. The crude (unadjusted) odds injury severity, major organs injured, or mortality when charac-
ratio (OR) for mortality was 0.96 [95% confidence interval (CI), teristics among the excluded cases were compared to the study
0.66–1.44]. The adjusted OR for mortality was 0.71 (95% CI, population (supplementary data: Table 3). In electronic EMS patient
1262 J. Johansson et al. / Resuscitation 83 (2012) 1259–1264

B. PHTLS trained present A. Highest educational level present



Proportion of injury events (%)
Proportion of injury events (%)


At least one with PHTLS Registered nurse
No one with PHTLS EMT equivalent


1998 2000 2002 2004 1998 2000 2002 2004

Fig. 2. Change during the study period in the distribution of highest educational level in the ambulance crews (left panel) and the proportion of injury events where at least
one PHTLS-trained individual was present (right panel). EMT equivalent, Emergency Medical Technician equivalent (nursing assistants with special ambulance training).

Table 1
Baseline characteristics of the Study Cohort.

N At least one member of the ambulance No member of the ambulance crew

crew with PHTLS certification with PHTLS certification
(N = 2067) (N = 763)

Age, % (N) 2830

0–14 2 (39) 1 (9)
15–24 4 (93) 5 (37)
25–44 11 (219) 10 (78)
45–64 18 (362) 11 (86)
65–74 11 (220) 11 (85)
≥75 55 (1134) 61 (468)
Sex, % (N) 2830
Male 37 (759) 38 (292)
ICISS stratified, % (N) 2830
Critical 1 (23) 0 (2)
Severe 1 (20) 1 (7)
Serious 5 (96) 4 (30)
Moderate 48 (1000) 50 (379)
Minor 45 (928) 45 (345)
Head injury, % (N) 2830 9 (194) 9 (71)
Spinal cord injury, % (N) 2830 0 (6) 0 (0)
Thoracic injury, % (N) 2830 6 (122) 6 (42)
Abdominal injury, % (N) 2830 1 (27) 1 (7)
Pelvic injury, % (N) 2830 6 (118) 6 (46)
No. of major injury regions, % (N) 2830
None 80 (1653) 80 (612)
One 18 (372) 18 (140)
Two 2 (33) 1 (7)
Three or more 0 (9) 1 (4)
Cause of injury, % (N) 2830
Fall 76 (1570) 80 (607)
Traffic 11 (234) 9 (71)
Other 13 (263) 11 (85)
Highest crew member education, % (N) 2830
EMT equivalent 32 (660) 75 (574)
Registered nurse 68 (1407) 24 (189)
Shortest interval from PHTLS training in the
ambulance crew (years), median (IQR) 2067 1.4 (0.7–2.3) NA
Maximum years of individual experience in EMS,
median (IQR) 2830 18 (15–22) 16 (12–19)
Response time minutes, median (IQR) 2563 9 (5–15) 9 (5–15)
On-scene time minutes, median (IQR) 2497 11 (8–16) 10 (7–14)
Transport time minutes, median (IQR) 2059 11 (7–25) 12 (7–24)
Prehospital mortality, % (N) 2830 1% (20) 0% (2)
Hospital mortality, % (N) 2830 4% (74) 4% (34)

ICISS, International Classification of disease Injury Severity Score; IQR, interquartile range; EMS, Emergency Medical Service; EMT, Emergency Medical Technician.
J. Johansson et al. / Resuscitation 83 (2012) 1259–1264 1263

Table 2
Complementary analysesa , using subgroups and graded exposures, of the association between PHTLS certification and mortality.

Subgroup Number of patients Number of deaths Crude (unadjusted) Adjusted OR (95%


Traffic and other injury, excluding falls 156/497 7/29 1.32 (0.60–3.33) 0.54 (0.13–2.41)
Effect-measure modification by injury severity
More severe injury (ICISS < 0.665) 39/139 9/35 1.12 (0.50–2.71) 0.80 (0.20–3.44)
Less severe injury (ICISS ≥ 0.665) 724/1928 27/59 0.81 (0.52–1.31) 0.77 (0.28–2.04)
Length of the interval since PHTLS certification 763/2067 36/94
(shortest in the ambulance crew)
≤1 year 0.75 (0.44–1.24) 0.66 (0.36–1.20)
>1 year 1.09 (0.72–1.66) 0.76 (0.42–1.41)

OR, odds ratio; CI, confidence interval; ICISS, International Classification of disease Injury Severity Score.
Multivariable logistic regression model also included age, sex, injury severity (ICISS), cause of injury (all transport/fall/other), study year, head injury, spinal cord injury,
thoracic injury, abdominal injury, pelvic injury, and years of employment in ambulance service.

care reports without a valid personal identification number for the biased estimates of variance. However, methods that do not uti-
patient, the median RTS was 8, identical to the median RTS among lize all available data may be inefficient. Analytically accounting
those with a complete personal identification number. Multiple for these showed that their impact on the estimated associations
imputation of the major offending variables – PHTLS status and was minimal.
employment time – did not substantially change the estimated Despite good control of several important confounders, limited
association or the precision in the estimate (supplementary data: causal inference can be made from a single observational study.
Table 4). Largely due to the relatively low overall mortality in our study, the
precision of our estimates was low.
We can only speculate why PHTLS training appeared to be asso-
4. Discussion ciated with reduced mortality after trauma. According to the PHTLS
concept, endotracheal intubation is the preferred method of air-
This population-based observational study indicates that PHTLS way control, although several studies dispute the benefits of this
training of ambulance crew members may be associated with procedure.36–38 In our study, no member of the ambulance crew
approximately 30% relative reduction of mortality in trauma vic- was authorized to perform endotracheal intubation on trauma
tims. However, with the low overall mortality in this population, patients, irrespective of PHTLS training. Thus, acquisition of this
the precision of this estimate was low making the interpretation specific airway management skill could not explain the lowered
of this possible association difficult. The predicted absolute risk mortality seen in our study. In fact, in this EMS system, ALS inter-
reduction is estimated to correspond to 0.5 lives saved annually ventions related to PHTLS had already been implemented before
per 100,000 population with PHTLS fully implemented. Despite PHTLS education, with the exception of endotracheal intubation.
decades of widespread implementation of educational programs Therefore, the observed association between PHTLS education and
such as ATLS and PHTLS, there is scant scientific evidence for benefi- reduced mortality was most likely not due to the application of
cial effects in trauma outcome.6,7,12 Today, a substantial proportion individual ALS interventions.
of ambulance crews include an ALS-trained member.31 While there It has been demonstrated that PHTLS training improves adher-
are studies on conditions other than trauma indicating that ALS ence to established priorities and management of the trauma victim
training and higher educational levels among ambulance crews in a structured approach, which could possibly shorten time to
improves outcomes,32,33 there is little support for such an asso- definitive care.12,39 In our study though, response time, on-scene
ciation in trauma care.34–36 time, and transport time did not appear influenced by PHTLS train-
Three conditions provided a rare opportunity to perform a com- ing. The impact of the structured approach, including assessment
prehensive observational study of the association between PHTLS and setting priorities that the PHTLS concept is focused on, is dif-
training and outcome: (a) the introduction of prehospital electronic ficult to measure and could possibly explain the association with
medical records, (b) the subsequent gradual implementation of reduced mortality.
PHTLS, and (c) exact record linkage of patient injury data in national The percentage of ambulance crews trained in PHTLS went from
healthcare databases. We could associate each injury case with approximately 15% to almost 90% in a relatively short time period.
the educational level of the ambulance crew and adjust for each This focused educational effort could possibly create a Hawthorne-
crew’s years of experience and basic educational level. We further like effect, making the PHTLS-trained personnel particularly prone
controlled for injury cause, type and severity, and also the year to perform better in general, regardless of the content of the
of the study in which the exposure/incident occurred in order to course. However, the implementation of PHTLS in the organiza-
account for a possible period effect. The population-based design tion could possibly also have influenced ambulance crew members
and good control of confounding – and especially a potential period not trained in PHTLS in a positive direction, thus also improving
effect – support the findings in this study. Exclusion of observations outcome in the control group.
with incomplete data was unfortunate; however, the comparable Concerning the ability to generalize our results to other set-
characteristics of these patients to the study population, the small tings, it is notable that the PHTLS course is highly standardized.
impact on the estimated association from imputation of missing However, the basic educational level of prehospital crews varies
values, and the absence of apparent effect-measure modification between organizations and therefore other results could possibly
from injury severity did not raise any grave concern of a selection be achieved in a similar study in another setting such as a paramedic
bias. or EMT-based system. The study population represents the popu-
A particular challenge for this type of study is that the same lation admitted to a general hospital, but is not representative of a
ambulance crews appear several times in the data, and similarly selected trauma-center population. This is reflected by the female
a patient may also present repeated times. Ignoring such correla- dominance and large number of falls causing minor or moderate
tions within the data may lead to incorrect statistical inference and injuries.
1264 J. Johansson et al. / Resuscitation 83 (2012) 1259–1264

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