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Revised 7/30/18

Columbia Middle School

Ms. Johnson- Music Instructor 678-676-7829
This course is designed to provide students with basic Musical and rhythmic skills and exposure to a wide variety of musical styles.
1. Students will read and perform basic musical rhythm and notation.
2. Students will differentiate between eras and styles of music.
3. Students will be exposed to music from a multi-cultural perspective.
4. Students will integrate music to other curriculum areas.
5. Students will use print and non-print media to locate information about music and musicians.
6. Students will gain a newly found appreciation of Music that will last a lifetime.

#2 Pencils Pens
Folder Loose Leaf Paper

Course Content may be drawn from the following topics:

Week 1- Instrument Family; Woodwinds Week 2- Instrument Family; Brass
Week 3-Instrument Family; Strings Week 4- Instrument Family; Percussion
Week 5- Music Theory Pt 1; Music Symbols Week 6- Music Theory Pt 2; Pitch
Week 7- Musical Genres Week 8- Music Composition
Week 9-Crosscurricular Unit

Late Assignment Policy:

10% will be deducted from the original grade earned for each day an assignment is overdue. Excused absences will be given a
reasonable amount of time to make up missed work. When additional time is given or the deadline is extended for the entire class,
late work WILL NOT be accepted.

Test Schedule:
Music Skills, Vocabulary, History and Listening will be the primary focus of evaluation. The Final Exam is participatory and will
be given during the last week of the grading period.

Grading Procedures:
Daily Participation 10%
Projects 50%
Classwork 10%
Tests/Quiz 30%

1. Be on time (In seats before the bell rings)
2. Be prepared with pen/pencil, notebooks and other materials as needed
3. Follow directions the first time given (Including non-verbal directions)
4. No gum, food or beverages in class.
5. Respect others (keep hands, feet and objects to yourself, no name calling, teasing, outbursts or talking out of turn.

1st offense-verbal warning
2nd offense-Time out/Mark against conduct grade
3rd offense-Parent phone call and/or detention
4th offense-Parent/teacher conference and/or detention
5th offense-Administrative referral
Severe clause-Administrative referral

S=0-2 Offenses N=3-5 Offenses U=6 or More Offenses

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