Example of Biography of A Headmaster

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Mahyudi: The Inspirational Champion

If you are looking for a headmaster figure with incredible achievements, then Mahyudi,
M.Pd. can be a reference. He is the headmaster of Islamic-Integrated Senior High School of
Al Furqon Palembang.

Mahyudi, M.Pd. was born in Palembang, 10th of December 1983. He was the fist son of a
Pusri employee and an elementary school headmaster. After graduating from SDN 164
Palembang in 1996, Mahyudi continued his study at SMP N 7 Palembang. In 1999, he
studied at SMA Bina Warga Paembang. After graduating from senior high school, he
continued studying at Universitas Muhamadiyah palembang majoring Indonesian langugae
and got the educational title S.Pd. in 2006.

In 2006, Mahyudi was accepted as an Indonesian language teacher at SDIT Al Furqon

Palembang. During this period, he started to carve several distinguished achievements.
Some of his achievements were the winner of The Teaching Teachers at South Sumatra
Language Center in 2017, the International Best Science Teacher in Southeast Asia 2016, the
Inspirational and innovative Teacher Award at Palembang Municipality level in 2016, the
first Winner of Inobel (learning Innovation) Competition held by Ministry of Education and
Culture in 2015, the first Winner of Guru Berprestasi at municipality level in 2015, the first
Winner of 3 Dimensional Media Design in 2014, the first winner of the IT Media Design
competition in 2014, The first winner of Educative Game Media in 2014, as well as the best
post-graduate students of Indonesian Study Program of Teacher Training and Education
Faculty Sriwijaya University in 2013. Additionally, he was chosen to join a short course
study in University of Melbourne Australia in 2016.

Mahyudi also produced some writings. He wrote The Power of Inquiry Learning in Australia,
Stepping on the kangoroo Land, A Guidance to make Media, Short Stories Antalogy Troops
of The River Bend, Pendekar Iwak Belido, and 50 Inspirational Indonesian Teachers.

In 2017, mahyudi was elected to to be the headmaster of SMA IT Al Furqon Palembang.

From the begining, he already made several brakthroughs to speed up the progress of the
school. One of his big step was the launching of three excellent programs for three excellent
classes, which were Olympiad Class, Tahfidz Class, and Entrepreneurs Class. This program
harvested positive responses from students since more students were interested to register
themselves as the students of SMA IT AL Furqon.

He also supported the students to create interactive three-dimension wall magazines. This
was proven by three awards gained by the students of SMA IT AL Furqon in this field. He
also managed to publish a book which was the compilation of the students writings. He said
that this book aimed at increasing students’ motivation to write as well as creating students’
confidence in writing.

Mahyudi never stops creating excellent and creative works. He is now preparing to publish a
book which is about his experiences when participating many distinguished competitions.
Therefore, it is not too much to say that Mahyudi is one of the inspirational champions.

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