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Thales (624 – 546 BCE) Anaximander (610 – 546 BCE) Anaximenes (585 – 528 BCE)

- Known for saying that all things came from

- Claimed the First Cause (from which all
- "the Boundless" is the origin of all that is air.
came) was water.
(where it evolved and dissolved) - Said that earth was formed from air by a
- Predicted the Solar Eclipse
- The first speculative astronomer and the first `felting process`
- His work inspired those who would come
geographer. - He is possibly a student of Anaximander.
to be known as the Pre-Socratic
- Considered as a metaphysician.

630 BCE 600 BCE

Heraclitus (540 – 480 BCE) Parmenides (515 – 450 BCE) Anaxagoras (500 – 428 BCE)
- Constant change is the most basic characteristic. - Nature is built out of infinite number of particles.
- Says that all claims of change are illogical. - In the physical world, everything contains a portion of something else.
Pythagoras - Primary contribution lies in his apprehension of the formal unity of the world of experience.
- Founded Eleaticism – a view known as “monism” - Discovered the true causes of eclipses.
(570 – 490 BCE) - Fire is an essential material uniting
all things.
- Pythagorean Theorem

Leucippus (5th Century BCE) Empedocles (490 – 430 BCE) Democritus (460 – 370 BCE)
Zeno (490 – 430 BCE) - All matter is composed of Gorgias - Atomic theory
- Matter is made out of small
- Help in development of four main elements (fire, earth, (487 – 376 BCE) - Everything is made out of
logical and mathematical water and air). - Made important “atoms”, which are
- Was not able to give a “term”
rigour. - Two forces (Love and Strife) contributions to physically, but not
for this idea.
Protagoras (490 – 430 BCE) interact to bring together and rhetorical theory geometrically, indivisible.
- “Man is the measure of all to separate the four and practice.
things.” substances.

500 BCE
End of Pre-Socratic Plato (428 – 348 BCE) Aristotle (384 – 322 BCE)
Philosophers Jabir Ibn-Hayyan (721-815 CE)
- Philosophers who - Each of the four kinds of - Four elements could be
Socrates balanced in substances in an - Translated the practices and
rejected traditional matter is composed of
(470 – 399 BCE) infinite number of ways. Aristotelian thinking of Greeks.
mythological explanations geometrical solids further
- One of the most -There was no separate - Came up with preparation of
for the phenomena they divisible into triangles.
known Greek 'particles' for each material, it acids.
saw around them. - Postulated that a fifth
philosophers. was all one.
- Period before Socrates atomic type must exist.
- Socratic Method

300 BCE 700 CE

Antoine Lavoisier Joseph Proust
Robert Boyle (1627 – 1691)
(1743 – 1794) (1754 – 1826)
- Universal 'corpuscular (Around 1720 CE) - Law of Definite Proportions
(Around 1500 CE) theory' of chemistry - Law of Conservation of
It states that a given chemical
- A rigid distinction was drawn between "alchemy" and "chemistry" for the first time
Alchemists first used - Corpucles – “certain Mass
compound always contains its
the term element in primitive and simple or It states that the mass of
component elements in fixed
perfectly unmingled bodies. the products in a chemical
reference to real ratio and does not depend on
- Boyle’s Law reaction must equal
chemicals. its source and method of
the mass of the reactants.

1500 CE 1600 CE 1700 CE

Joseph Gay-Lussac
John Dalton (1766 – 1844) (1778-1850) Dmitri Mendeleev
Amedeo Avogadro
(1834 – 1907)
- Law of Multiple - Elements are not (1776-1856)
Proportions necessarily made up of one - Published periodic
States that atom. table of elements
- Conceptualized the
when elements combine, - The Law of Combining according to their
they do so in the ratio of Volumes weights.
- Molecular mass
small whole numbers Ratio between - Use to correct
-Each element has a
(assuming they have the the volumes of the reactant properties of already
different molar mass.
same type of gases and the gaseous discovered elements.
chemical bonds). products can be expressed
in simple whole numbers 1800 CE

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