Pediatric Dental Journal: Application of A Tooth-Surface Coating Material To Teeth With Discolored Crowns

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Original Article

Application of a tooth-surface coating material to teeth with

discolored crowns

Takashi Hashimura, Aya Yamada*, Tsutomu Iwamoto, Makiko Arakaki, Kan Saito,
Satoshi Fukumoto
Division of Pediatric Dentistry, Department of Oral Health and Development Sciences, Tohoku University Graduate School of Dentistry,
Sendai 980-8575, Japan

article info abstract

Article history: Crown discoloration of permanent teeth is caused by trauma, periapical lesions of the
Received 10 December 2012 deciduous teeth, pharmaceuticals, and systemic diseases. Crown discoloration has been
Received in revised form treated with bleaching or crown restoration. However, these methods are not appropriate
4 March 2013 during the growth and development period of children.
Accepted 6 March 2013 In this study, we used BeautiCoat! (Shofu Inc., Kyoto, Japan), a tooth-surface coating
Available online 6 May 2013 material that contains high levels of controlled-release fluoride, that temporarily im-
proves crown color. We evaluated the effect of the primer on tooth-surface characteristics
Keywords: in addition to the coating agent’s shear bond strength, tooth-surface condition, and
Discolored teeth duration of attachment. Additionally, we surveyed patients’ satisfaction with the color
Tooth coating material improvement.
S-PRG filler The results showed no adverse effects of the primer on the enamel surface. The coating
Caries prevention material itself showed a high degree of shear bond strength. Based on observations of
shedding and fracturing in clinical applications, we found that the coating material
maintained long-term attachment if applied under conditions of strict moisture prevention
and it avoided areas of occlusion. Treated children and their parents were highly satisfied
with the color improvement. These results suggest that this coating material is appropriate
for improving the color of discolored teeth during childhood.
ª 2013 The Japanese Society of Pediatric Dentistry. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction reddish-brown coloring. Crowns can also be discolored by the

use of tetracycline antibiotics or systemic diseases during the
Esthetic problems due to discolored crowns are common in tooth formative period [1,2].
pediatric clinical practice. Causes of crown discoloration Such crown discoloration can be treated in adults with
during the formation of permanent teeth include periapical crown restoration methods, such as resin, laminating ve-
lesions due to severe cavities in deciduous teeth and enamel neers, facing crowns, and bleaching treatments. However, it is
formation disorders due to tooth trauma. Discoloration ranges difficult to achieve esthetic improvement in young children
from white spots in mild cases to substance loss with dark during their period of growth and development using methods

* Corresponding author. Tel.: þ81 22 717 8382; fax: þ81 22 717 8386.
E-mail address: (A. Yamada).
0917-2394/$ e see front matter ª 2013 The Japanese Society of Pediatric Dentistry. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
p e d i a t r i c d e n t a l j o u r n a l 2 3 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 4 4 e5 0 45

intended for adults. For instance, almost all at-home and in- Precious metal (a gold-silver-palladium alloy) was polished
office bleaching procedures are not intended for young chil- using #600 SiC paper, and the sandblast was applied to the
dren. Further, the use of irreversible crown restoration treat- surface of metal using alumina-sand of 50e100 mm. Porcelain
ments that require tooth preparation is not appropriate in was polished using #600 SiC paper to expose flat surface.
young children, because the gingival margin height has not The surface of bonding specimen was treated according to
stabilized while the teeth are erupting or while the alveolar the bonding method recommended by the manufacturer. A
bone is still forming. Therefore, a temporary treatment for mold (4 mm diameter, 0.2 mm height) was fitted onto the
young children with crown discoloration is needed. treated surface, filled with the coating material paste (BW2)
One such method is the “tooth manicure,” which uses ma- and light-cured to obtain a test specimen for SBS testing. After
terials that improve the color of teeth in a single day. However, being stored in water at 37 " C and 2000 thermal cycling
the organic solvents used in nail manicures are difficult to use (4e60 " C), the specimen was evaluated for its SBS before and
inside the oral cavity; therefore, the effects last for only 1e2 days, after thermal cycling using a universal testing machine.
and it is difficult to maintain long-term color improvement.
In 2004, White Coat! (Kuraray Medical Co., Osaka, Japan) 2.3. Clinical evaluation of the tooth-surface coating
was developed, which is a tooth-coating material for exclusive material
use in dental clinics. This material uses a self-etching primer,
and its adhesion durability is about 1 month. This product has BeautiCoat! was applied to the teeth of 30 subjects (38 teeth;
better durability compared to over-the-counter tooth mani- upper central incisors and upper lateral incisors) with crown
cures [3,4]. discoloration believed to be caused by trauma or periapical
Progress has since been made in developing materials with lesions of the deciduous teeth under the informed consent
better durability and good physical properties that cause little from all parents. The patients were treated at the pediatric
damage to the tooth. Surface reaction type pre-reacted glass dentistry department of Tohoku University Hospital (Miyagi
ionomer (S-PRG) filler has been developed, which possesses Japan) and Hashimura Dental Clinic (Saga, Japan).
physical strength and high levels of controlled-release fluo- The surfaces of the affected teeth were cleaned with a low-
ride [5]. The tooth-surface coating material BeautiCoat! speed cone brush. Primer A and primer B were placed in a dish 1
(Shofu Inc., Kyoto, Japan) contains this filler and is currently drop at a time and mixed with a disposable chip brush. The
used to treat discolored crowns [6]. Dental materials using S- mixed liquid was applied to the surface of the teeth. It was left
PRG filler include sealant materials [7], composite resin, or- in place for 3 s or more and was then dried with low-pressure
thodontic resin bonding system [8], denture base resin [9,10], air. Next, the previously selected color-tone paste (white
and root canal sealer [11]. Through the release and recharge of base, BW1e4; white opaque, WO/paint color; yellowish, A0.5,
fluoride and various other ions, cavities can be prevented in A3) was applied uniformly to the surface of the tooth using a
the area of repair and neighboring teeth, and the adhesion of special BC applicator. This was irradiated for 20 s using a visible
plaque to the tooth surface can be suppressed [12,13]. light-curing unit (G-light, GC, Tokyo, Japan), and the non-
This study investigated the shear-adhesion strength and polymerized layers were removed with dry gauze. Finally,
durability of BeautiCoat! in the oral cavity as well as the effect Gloss Refine (Shofu Inc., Kyoto, Japan) was applied to the tooth
of its tooth-surface primer on enamel surface characteristics. surface, which was then polished with a buffing disk and
Finally, a survey of patient satisfaction with color improve- washed.
ment was also conducted. For the clinical evaluation of the tooth-surface coating
material, shedding and partial fracturing of the tooth surface
were observed at 1 week, 1 month, and 3 months after coating
2. Materials and methods treatment. Photographs of the oral cavity were taken to eval-
uate fractures. Fractured areas covering less than 5% of the
2.1. Effect of the primer used in the tooth-surface surface area of the labial side of the tooth were classified as
coating material on enamel surface characteristics small fractures, and those covering 5% or more of the surface
were classified as fractures.
Bovine tooth enamel specimens were subjected to no treat- During observation, affected teeth in which fractures
ment, the BeautiCoat! Primer treatment (3 s), or 37% phos- occurred were re-coated; at this point, these teeth were excluded
phoric acid etching treatment (30 s). Enamel surface from the study. Moreover, if a tooth’s color made it difficult to
characteristics were then observed and analyzed with a determine the presence of fractures through photographs or
scanning electron microscope (SEM; VE-7800, Keyence, Osaka, surveys, a replica was made from a silicone impression, which
Japan) under gold-evaporated conditions. was then observed with a stereomicroscope (SZX12, Olympus,
Tokyo, Japan).
2.2. Evaluation of shear bond strength of the tooth-
surface coating material 2.4. Satisfaction survey regarding the tooth-surface
coating material
Enamel, dentin, metal, and porcelain were prepared under the
following conditions before shear bonding strength (SBS) test. A questionnaire was administered to the 30 affected children
A bovine tooth surface was placed in an acrylic ring, and the and their parents. The questionnaire contained questions
ring was embedded in epoxy resin. The bovine tooth surface concerning the level of satisfaction with the tooth-surface
was polished using #600 SiC paper to expose enamel or dentin. coating material treatment of discolored teeth. The subjects
46 p e d i a t r i c d e n t a l j o u r n a l 2 3 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 4 4 e5 0

were surveyed immediately after the coating treatment, 1

month after treatment, and 3 months after treatment. The
possible responses were: a) very satisfied, b) satisfied, c)
neutral, and d) not satisfied.

3. Results

3.1. Effect of the primer used in the tooth-surface

coating material on enamel surface characteristics

We evaluated the effect of the primer that is used before

applying the tooth-surface coating material on enamel sur-
Fig. 2 e The shear bond strength of the tooth-surface
face characteristics. To examine the effect of primer on tooth,
coating material to enamel, dentin, precious metal,
the primer was applied to the enamel surface of bovine teeth.
porcelain, and resin were evaluated.
After performing gold-evaporation treatment, the enamel was
observed under a SEM. The enamel surfaces treated with a
37% phosphoric acid solution displayed decalcification, and
the enamel rods were exposed as in previous reports (Fig. 1C). cycle treatment as well. SBS in precious metal and porcelain
However, in the group treated with the primer, there was no was inferior to that of enamel and dentin (Fig. 2), but the
marked decalcification of the enamel surface, and the surface tooth-surface coating material displayed sufficient SBS more
characteristics were similar to the control (untreated) group than 10 MPa after a thermal cycle.
(Fig. 1A and B). These results suggest that this primer has few
adverse effects on the enamel. 3.3. Clinical evaluation of the tooth-surface coating
3.2. Evaluation of shear bond strength of the tooth-
surface coating material After applying the tooth-surface coating material, shedding
and fracturing of the tooth surface were investigated. The
In order to evaluate the SBS of the tooth-surface coating ma- coating material was applied to the teeth of 32 subjects (38
terial, the material was bonded to enamel, dentin, precious teeth). Of these, investigations were conducted in 30 subjects
metal, and porcelain using a brass ring, after which the SBS (36 teeth) 1 week after application, in 26 subjects (31 teeth) 1
was measured. SBS of 10 MPa or more was observed in enamel month after application, and in 21 subjects (25 teeth) 3 months
and dentin 24 h after adhesion. Maintenance of high bond after application. Shedding and fracturing were observed in 5
strength was confirmed in the group that received thermal of 36 teeth (13.9%) 1 week after applying the tooth-surface

Fig. 1 e Scanning electron microscope micrographs of the enamel surface. (A) is the non-treated enamel surface. (B) and (C)
are the enamel surfaces after treatment by BeautiCoat! Primer (Shofu Inc., Kyoto, Japan) for 3 s and 37% phosphoric acid for
30 s respectively.
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Table 1 e Frequency of shedding and fracturing of the

tooth-surface coating material.
Patient Tooth None Fracture Fracture Fallout
no. no. (5%<) (5%>)

1 week 30 36 31 (86.1%) 3 (8.3%) 2 (5.6%) 0 (0%)

1 month 26 31 21 (67.7%) 8 (25.8%) 1 (3.2%) 1 (3.2%)
3 months 21 25 17 (68.0%) 5 (20.0%) 3 (12.0%) 0 (0%)

coating material, 10 of 31 teeth (32.2%) 1 month after, and 8 of

25 teeth (32.0%) 3 months after (Table 1). Most of the fracturing
was observed on the incisal margin and cervix of the incisors
(Fig. 3). In 1 case, there was complete shedding of the coating
material from the tooth surface, which occurred at 1 month
Fig. 4 e Satisfaction with the tooth-surface coating material
after application. In this case, the child was not satisfied with
was investigated immediately after the procedure, and 1
the color of the application. The child attempted to remove
month after, and 3 months after.
the coating material, which resulted in complete shedding of
the material. Thus, there were no cases of complete shedding
under normal conditions.
sufficiently improve the tooth color, and the parent was not
3.4. Satisfaction with the tooth-surface coating material satisfied with the result. Therefore, a white base with a lower
level of transparency was applied to the border areas to
The affected teeth mainly involved white turbidness of the obscure their edges, and the paint color was then applied. This
labial surface of the upper incisors, tooth substantial defect in improved the parents’ level of satisfaction.
the crown, or generalized crown discoloration caused by pulp In a case involving brown-colored enamel hypoplastic
necrosis due to trauma. The subjects reported being “very defect accompanied by substance loss of the labial surface of
satisfied” and “satisfied” in 23 of 24 cases (95.8%) immediately the tooth, the white base with the lowest transparency, BW3,
after the procedure, in 19 of 20 cases (95.0%) 1 month after, was applied. After this, paint color A3 was used, which
and in 17 of 17 cases (100%) 3 months after (Fig. 4). resulted in color improvement (Fig. 5).
Although this is a preliminary study, color improvements Fig. 6 shows a case in which trauma to the upper-left lateral
after treatment with the tooth-surface coating material were and central deciduous incisors at age 1 year 6 months led to
examined in different cases. In one case involving white early loss of the tooth from pulp necrosis, which caused early
turbidness of the labial surface of the tooth, there was a eruption of the permanent tooth (upper central incisor) at age
marked difference in color on the borders of the turbid and 4 years 3 months. The prior trauma caused spots on areas of
normal areas. Applying a highly transparent paint did not low enamel formation. As there was a difference in color

Fig. 3 e Shedding and fracturing of the tooth-surface coating material from the tooth were observed using replica model. (A)
is frontal view of fractured materials, and (B) is another case. (B-a): frontal view and (B-b) is incisal view.
48 p e d i a t r i c d e n t a l j o u r n a l 2 3 ( 2 0 1 3 ) 4 4 e5 0

Fig. 5 e Clinical cases before and after treatment by the tooth-surface coating material to the case with white-colored
enamel hypoplastic defect.

between the crown of the permanent tooth and the deciduous the tooth, a difference in level between the tooth-gingival
teeth, the subject desired color improvement of the anterior margin and the coating material was observed on the labial
teeth. Paint color A0.5, which was close to the crown color of side of the tooth cervix 10 months after application. Further, a
the deciduous teeth, was applied to the surface of the per- microscopic fracture was observed on the mesial periphery of
manent tooth. Coating of the permanent tooth crown with A3 the coating material. This fractured area was re-coated, and
led to an even higher level of satisfaction. In this case, because no fracturing was observed 4 months later. However, a new
the tooth-surface coating was performed during eruption of fracture was observed in the incisal margin (Fig. 7).

Fig. 6 e Clinical cases before and after treatment by the tooth-surface coating material to the case with discolored
permanent tooth caused by the trauma of deciduous tooth.
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Fig. 7 e Clinical progress of the case treated by the tooth-surface coating material for the erupting tooth. This is the same
case as that shown in Fig. 6.

shedding were observed during 3 months of observation. In cases

4. Discussion where fracturing occurred, the fractures appeared mostly in the
incisal margins involved in occlusion. However, there were no
S-PRG filler was developed as an advanced material that can malocculusions, such as the edge-to-edge occlusion and cross bite
recharge and release fluoride and other ions. This PRG filler in these subjects. This suggests that fracture of coating materials
possesses the excellent characteristics of both resins and glass could be prevented by avoiding the incisal margin during the
ionomer cements through its incorporation of resin-type coating procedure. In fractures near the gingival margin, perme-
materials [14]. These materials are generally termed “giomer ation of liquid from the gingival sulcus likely influenced bonding
products,” which are currently sold as composite resin, strength; however, fractures were prevented in this area when the
bonding material, resin cement, sealant material, tooth- procedure was conducted under complete moisture prevention.
surface coating material, and bonding material for use in Therefore, more stable, long-term tooth-surface coating can be
teeth straightening [15]. Furthermore, recent developments in achieved by completely preventing moisture using a rubber dam
tooth-surface treatment agents have led to the development of and adjusting the extent of coating in the incisal margin area.
tooth-surface coating materials that use self-etching primers. Furthermore, this tooth-surface coating material contains
These have allowed for relatively long-term retention of the S-PRG filler, which can suppress bacterial plaque adhesion and
coating materials on the tooth surface. This study investigated can recharge and control the release of fluoride and other ions.
a tooth-surface coating material that uses a self-etching The cavity-preventing effect of fluoride ions is well known, but
primer containing this S-PRG filler to treat teeth with dis- of other ions released by this filler, strontium ions are partic-
colored crowns, which are frequently observed in pediatric ular in their ability to resist acid release from dental plaque,
clinical practice. inhibit bone resorption, promote bone formation, induce
The primer for the tooth-surface coating material used in calcification in dentin, and seal dentinal tubules [7,16e19].
this study uses a methacrylate monomer 6-methacryloxyhex- Based on these functions, coating tooth surfaces with this
ylphosphonoacetate with an acidic base and an adhesive material not only achieves esthetic improvement, but also can
monomer that is resistant to moisture. Observation under a increase acid resistance, remineralization, and suppress adhe-
SEM demonstrated that this primer did not cause marked sur- sion of plaque and bacteria to the tooth surface [6]. Further, this
face decalcification of the enamel, and there was little damage material showed higher fluoride release compared with con-
to the enamel. Thus, this gentle tooth-surface treatment ma- ventional sealant, but not glass ionomer cement (data not
terial is appropriate for use in the immature permanent teeth of shown). Thus, this coating material not only covers the surface,
childhood. Further, the tooth-surface coating material had but can also contribute to cavity prevention in the surrounding
sufficiently high bonding strength in shear bond tests and even area, which makes it appropriate for use in childhood. Indeed,
possessed high bonding strength with metal and porcelain discolored portions of teeth have low calcification, and the
surfaces. This material is applicable for the repair of porcelain cavity rate tends to be high. Nevertheless, there were no cavities
fractures or discoloration as well as the esthetic improvement observed in the affected teeth treated with this tooth-surface
of metal repairs. However, as this material has less bonding coating or in the neighboring teeth.
than resin-type materials, it is a temporary method. Moreover, tooth discoloration caused by tetracycline anti-
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the child intentionally removed the coating, no cases of natural [20]. Although no such cases were included in this study,
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