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1. Imelda Marcos vs. Sandiganbayan, G.R. No.

disclosing its source to the parties and used it in

115132, August 9, 1995 deciding a case against them. In disregarding the
FACTS: medical reports, the petitioner failed to prove the
This is a petition for certiorari to set aside as necessity for a trip abroad. It should be emphasized
arbitrary and in grave abuse of discretion resolutions that considering the fact that she is facing charges
of the Sandiganbayan's First Division denying before the courts in several cases, in two of which she
petitioner's motion for leave to travel abroad for was convicted although the decision is still pending
medical treatment. The former first lady Imelda reconsideration, petitioner did not have an absolute
Marcos was found guilty by the First Division of the right to leave the country and the burden was on her
Sandiganbayan of violating 3 of the Anti-Graft and to prove that because of danger to health if not to her
Corrupt Practices Act. After conviction she filed a life there was necessity to seek medical treatment in
"Motion for Leave to Travel Abroad" to seek foreign countries. On the third issue, the Court
diagnostic tests and treatment by practitioners of ordered petitioner to undergo several tests which
oriental medicine in China allegedly because of "a summarily states that the required medical treatment
serious and life threatening medical condition was available here in the Philippines and that the
"requiring facilities not available in the Philippines expertise and facilities here were more than
that was denied. Then she again filed an "Urgent Ex- adequate to cater to her medical treatment. The heart
Parte Motion for Permission to Travel Abroad" to ailments of the petitioner were not as severe as that
undergo diagnosis and treatment in China. This was was reported by Dr. Anastacio.
supported by several medical reports that were
prepared by her doctor Roberto Anastacio. Again Wherefore, the petition is Dismissed without
another Motion to leave was filed by Mrs. Marcos to prejudice to the filling of another motion for leave to
US and Europe for treatment of several Heart travel abroad, should petitioner still desire, based on
diseases alleging that the tests were not available her heart condition. In such an event the
here. Thepresiding justice, Garchitorena, contacted determination of her medical condition should be
Dr. Gregorio B. Patacsil, Officer-in-Charge of the made by joint panel of medical specialists
Philippine Heart Center, and later wrotehim a letter, recommended by both the accused and the
asking for "expert opinion on coronary medicine". prosecution.
The court still found no merit to allow the petitioners
motion to leaveand denied all of the motions. Discussion on Right to Travel
Petitioner filed a motion for reconsideration and a
"Motion to Admit Clinical Summary and to Resolve Considering the foregoing we cannot say that
Motion for Reconsideration." Attached was a recent respondent court trifled with petitioner's
medical report and letters of Vice-President Joseph E. constitutionally guaranteed right to life,
Estrada offering to be guarantor for the return of health and liberty. What petitioner denounces
petitioner and those of twenty four members of the as the "unusual and unorthodox conduct of
House of Representatives requesting the court to the trial" by the court's Presiding Justice
allow petitioner to travel abroad. This was also owed more, it would seem, from the latter's
denied by the Court also stating their express robust and rather active personality rather
disapproval of the involvement of theVP and the than to any ill motive or hostility he
Cabinet members so as to influence the resolutions, entertained toward petitioner, the latter's
decisions or orders or any judicial action of counsel or her witnesses. It is matter of
respondent court. record that on three different occasions,
petitioner had been permitted to travel
ISSUE: abroad. But her later conviction in two cases
Whether or Not the Sandiganbayan erred in dictated the need for greater caution. To be
disallowing the Motion for Leave to Travel Abroad sure, conviction is not yet final view of a
because it motion for reconsideration filed by petitioner.
(1) disregarded themedical findings But a person's right to travel is subject to the
(2) it motu propio contacted a third party asking the usual constraints imposed by the very
latter to give an opinion on petitioner's motion and necessity of safeguarding the system of
medicalfindings justice. In such cases, whether the accused
(3) said that there was no necessity to get medical should be permitted to leave the jurisdiction
treatment abroad. for humanitarian reason is a matter of the
court's sound discretion.
No. The contention of the petitioner that was invalid This Court quoted the following from Justice
to contact a third party asking the latter to give an Labrador's opinion Ventura v. Judge Yatco:
opinion on petitioner's motion and medical findings
was erroneous. Respondent court had to seek expert While judges should as much as possible
opinion because petitioner's motion was based onthe refrain from showing partiality to one party
advice of her physician. The court could not be and hostility to another, it does not mean that
expected to just accept the opinion of petitioner's a trial judge should keep mum throughout the
physician in resolving her request for permission to trial and allow parties to ask the questions
travel. What would be objectionable would be if that they desire, on issues which they think
respondent court obtained information without are the important issues, when the former are

Page 1 of 9
improper and the latter, immaterial. If trials
are to be expedited, judges must take a
leading part therein, by directing counsel to
submit the evidence on the facts in the
dispute by asking clarifying questions, and by
showing an interest in a fast and fair trial.
Judges are not mere referees like those of a
boxing bout, only to watch and decide the
result of a game; they should have as much
interest as counsel in the orderly and
expeditious presentation of evidence, calling
attention of counsel to point at issue that are
overlooked, directing them to ask the
question that would elicit the fact on the
issues involved, clarifying ambiguous
remarks by witnesses, etc. Unless they take
an active part in trials in the above form and
manner, and allow counsel to ask questions
whether pertinent or impertinent, material or
immaterial, the speedy administration of
justice which is the aim of the Government
and of the people cannot be attained. Counsel
should, therefore, not resent any interest that
the judge takes in the conduct of the trial,
they should be glad that a trial judge takes
such interest and help in the determination of

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2. Yap vs. Court of Appeals At the same time, we cannot yield to
G.R. No. 141529, June 6, 2001 petitioners submission that bail in the instant
case be set at P40,000.00 based on the 1996
FACTS: Bail Bond Guide. (The current Bail Bond
The right against excessive bail, and the liberty of Guide, issued on August 29, 2000, maintains
abode and travel, are being invoked to set aside two recommended bail at P40,000.00 for estafa
resolutions of the Court of Appeals which fixed bail at where the amount of fraud is P142,000.00 or
P5,500,000.00 and imposed conditions on change of over and the imposable penalty 20 years of
residence and travel abroad. For misappropriating reclusion temporal). True, the Court has held
amounts equivalent to P5,500,000.00, petitioner was that the Bail Bond Guide, a circular of the
convicted of estafa and was sentenced to four years Department of Justice for the guidance of
and two months of prision correccional, as minimum, state prosecutors, although technically not
to eight years of prision mayor as maximum, “in binding upon the courts, merits attention,
addition to one (1) year for each additional being in a sense an expression of policy of the
P10,000.00 in excess of P22,000.00 but in no case Executive Branch, through the Department of
shall it exceed twenty (20) years.” He filed a notice of Justice, in the enforcement of criminal laws.
appeal, and moved to be allowed provisional liberty Thus, courts are advised that they must not
under the cash bond he had filed earlier in the only be aware but should also consider the
proceedings. Bail Bond Guide due to its significance in the
administration of criminal justice. This
ISSUE: notwithstanding, the Court is not precluded
Was the condition imposed by the CA on accused’s from imposing in petitioners case an amount
bail bond violative the liberty of abode and right to higher than P40,000.00 (based on the Bail
travel? Bond Guide) where it perceives that an
appropriate increase is dictated by the
HELD: Imposing bail in an excessive amount could circumstances.
render meaningless the right to bail. Under the
circumstances of this case, we find that appropriate It militates emphasis that petitioner is
conditions have been imposed in the bail bond to seeking bail on appeal. Section 5, Rule 114 of
ensure against the risk of flight, particularly, the the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure is
combination of the hold-departure order and the clear that although the grant of bail on appeal
requirement that petitioner inform the court of any in non-capital offenses is discretionary, when
change of residence and of his whereabouts. the penalty imposed on the convicted accused
Although an increase in the amount of bail while the exceeds six years and circumstances exist
case is on appeal may be meritorious, we find that the that point to the probability of flight if
setting of the amount at P5,500,000.00 is released on bail, then the accused must be
unreasonable, excessive, and constitutes an effective denied bail, or his bail previously granted
denial of petitioner’s right to bail. should be cancelled. In the same vein, the
Court has held that the discretion to extend
WHEREFORE, the petition is PARTIALLY GRANTED. bail during the course of the appeal should be
Petitioners bail pending appeal is reduced from exercised with grave caution and for strong
P5,500,000.00 to P200,000.00. In all other respects, reasons, considering that the accused had
the resolutions of the Court of Appeals, dated October been in fact convicted by the trial court.[19]
6, 1999 and November 25, 1999, respectively, are In an earlier case, the Court adopted Senator
AFFIRMED. No pronouncement as to costs. Vicente J. Francisco’s disquisition on why bail
should be denied after judgment of conviction
Discussion as a matter of wise discretion; thus:

The purpose for bail is to guarantee the The importance attached to conviction is due
appearance of the accused at the trial,] or to the underlying principle that bail should be
whenever so required by the court The granted only where it is uncertain whether
amount should be high enough to assure the the accused is guilty or innocent, and
presence of the accused when required but therefore, where that uncertainty is removed
no higher than is reasonably calculated to by conviction it would, generally speaking, be
fulfill this purpose. To fix bail at an amount absurd to admit to bail. After a person has
equivalent to the civil liability of which been tried and convicted the presumption of
petitioner is charged (in this case, innocence which may be relied upon in prior
P5,500,000.00) is to permit the impression applications is rebutted, and the burden is
that the amount paid as bail is an exaction of upon the accused to show error in the
the civil liability that accused is charged of; conviction. From another point of view it may
this we cannot allow because bail is not be properly argued that the probability of
intended as a punishment, nor as a ultimate punishment is so enhanced by the
satisfaction of civil liability which should conviction that the accused is much more
necessarily await the judgment of the likely to attempt to escape if liberated on bail
appellate court. than before conviction. xxx [20]

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3. Marcos vs. Manglapus Former Pres. Marcos and his family poses a serious
G.R. No. 88211, September 15, 1989 threat to national interest and welfare. President
Aquino has determined that the destabilization
FACTS: caused by the return of the Marcoses would wipe
This case involves a petition of mandamus and away the gains achieved during the past few years
prohibition asking the court to order the respondents after the Marcos regime. The return of the Marcoses
Secretary of Foreign Affairs, etc. To issue a travel poses a serious threat and therefore prohibiting their
documents to former Pres. Marcos and the immediate return to the Philippines.
members of his family and to enjoin the WHEREFORE, and it being our well-considered
implementation of the President's decision to bar opinion that the President did not act arbitrarily or
their return to the Philippines. Petitioners assert that with grave abuse of discretion in determining that
the right of the Marcoses to return in the Philippines the return of former President Marcos and his family
is guaranteed by the Bill of Rights, specifically at the present time and under present circumstances
Sections 1and 6. They contended that Pres. Aquino is poses a serious threat to national interest and
without power to impair the liberty of abode of the welfare and in prohibiting their return to the
Marcoses because only a court may do so within the Philippines, the instant petition is hereby DISMISSED.
limits prescribed by law. Nor the President impair
their right to travel because no law has authorized Discussion on Right to Travel
her to do so. They further assert that under
international law, their right to return to the The right to return to one's country is not
Philippines is guaranteed particularly by the among the rights specifically guaranteed in
Universal Declaration of Human Rights and the the Bill of Rights, which treats only of the
International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights, liberty of abode and the right to travel, but it
which has been ratified by the Philippines. is our well-considered view that the right to
return may be considered, as a generally
ISSUE: accepted principle of international law and,
Whether or not, in the exercise of the powers granted under our Constitution, is part of the law of
by the constitution, the President (Aquino) may the land [Art. II, Sec. 2 of the Constitution.]
prohibit the Marcoses fromreturning to the However, it is distinct and separate from the
Philippines. right to travel and enjoys a different
protection under the International Covenant
HELD: of Civil and Political Rights, i.e., against being
It must be emphasized that the individual right "arbitrarily deprived" thereof [Art. 12 (4).]
involved is not the right to travel from the Philippines
to other countries or within the Philippines. These Thus, the rulings in the cases Kent and Haig
are what the right to travel would normally connote. which refer to the issuance of passports for
Essentially, the right involved in this case at bar is the the purpose of effectively exercising the right
right to return to one's country, a distinct right under to travel are not determinative of this case
international law, independent from although related and are only tangentially material insofar as
to the right to travel. Thus, the Universal Declaration they relate to a conflict between executive
of Human Rights and the International Covenant on action and the exercise of a protected right.
Civil and Political Rights treat the right to freedom of The issue before the Court is novel and
movement and abode within the territory of a state, without precedent in Philippine, and even in
the right to leave the country, and the right to enter American jurisprudence.
one's country as separate and distinct rights. What
the Declaration speaks of is the "right to freedom of Consequently, resolution by the Court of the
movement and residence within the borders of each well-debated issue of whether or not there
state". On the other hand, the Covenant guarantees can be limitations on the right to travel in the
the right to liberty of movement and freedom to absence of legislation to that effect is
choose his residence and the right to be free to leave rendered unnecessary. An appropriate case
any country, including his own. Such rights may only for its resolution will have to be awaited.
be restricted by laws protecting the national security,
public order, public health or morals or the separate Dissenting Opinion of Justice Cruz
rights of others. However, right to enter one's
country cannot be arbitrarily deprived. It would be It is my belief that the petitioner, as a citizen
therefore inappropriate to construe the limitations to of the Philippines, is entitled to return to and
the right to return to ones country in the same live-and die-in his own country. I say this
context as those pertaining to the liberty of abode with a heavy heart but say it nonetheless.
and the right to travel. The Bill of rights treats only That conviction is not diminished one whit
the liberty of abode and the right to travel, but it is a simply because many believe Marcos to be
well-considered view that the right to return may be beneath contempt and undeserving of the
considered, as a generally accepted principle of very liberties he flounted when he was the
International Law and under our Constitution as part absolute ruler of this land.
of the law of the land. The court held that President
did not act arbitrarily or with grave abuse of The right of the United States government to
discretion in determining that the return of the detain him is not the question before us, nor

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can we resolve it. The question we must grant in bulk of all conceivable executive
answer is whether or not, assuming that power but regard it as an allocation to the
Marcos is permitted to leave Hawaii (which presidential office of the generic powers
may depend on the action we take today), the thereafter stated."
respondents have acted with grave abuse of
discretion in barring him from his own I have no illusion that the stand I am taking
country. will be met with paeans of praise, considering
that Marcos is perhaps the most detested man
My reluctant conclusion is that they have, in the entire history of our country. But we
absent the proof they said they were are not concerned here with popularity and
prepared to offer, but could not, that the personalities. As a judge, I am not swayed by
petitioner's return would prejudice the what Justice Cardozo called the "hooting
security of the State. throng" that may make us see things through
the prisms of prejudice. I bear in mind that
I was the one who, in the open hearing held when I sit in judgment as a member of this
on June 27,1989, asked the Solicitor General if Court, I must cast all personal feelings aside.
the government was prepared to prove the
justification for opposing the herein petition, The issue before us must be resolved with
i. that it had not acted arbitrarily. He said it total objectivity, on the basis only of the
was. Accordingly, the Court, appreciating the established facts and the applicable law and
classified nature of the information expected, not of wounds that still fester and scars that
scheduled a closed-door hearing on July have not healed. And not even of fear, for fear
25,1988. The Solicitor General and three is a phantom. That phantom did not rise
representatives from the military appeared when the people stood fast at EDSA against
for the respondents, together with former the threat of total massacre in defense at last
Senator Arturo M. Tolentino, representing the of their freedom.
I cannot turn back on the lessons of liberty
In about two hours of briefing, the that I taught for more than three decades as a
government failed dismally to show that the professor of Constitutional Law. These
return of Marcos dead or alive would pose a principles have not changed simply because I
threat to the national security as it had am now on the Court or a new administration
alleged. The fears expressed by its is in power and the shoe is on the other foot.
representatives were based on mere
conjectures of political and economic Like the martyred Ninoy Aquino who also
destabilization without any single piece of wanted to come back to the Philippines
concrete evidence to back up their against the prohibitions of the government
apprehensions. then, Marcos is entitled to the same right to
travel and the liberty of abode that his
Amazingly, however, the majority has come adversary invoked. These rights are
to the conclusion that there exist "factual guaranteed by the Constitution to all
bases for the President's decision" to bar individuals, including the patriot and the
Marcos's return. That is not my recollection of homesick and the prodigal son returning, and
the impressions of the Court after that tyrants and charlatans and scoundrels of
hearing. every stripe.

In holding that the President of the I vote to grant the petition.

Philippines has residual powers in addition to
the specific powers granted by the
Constitution, the Court is taking a great leap
backward and reinstating the discredited
doctrine announced in Planas v. Gil (67 Phil.
62). This does not square with the announced
policy of the Constitutional Commission,
which was precisely to limit rather than
expand presidential powers, as a reaction to
the excesses of the past dictatorship.

I can only repeat Justice Black's wry

observation in the Steel Seizure Case (343
U.S. 579) that if it was true that the President
had been granted the totality of executive
power, "it is difficult to see why our
forefathers bothered to add several specific
items, including some trifling ones, . . . I
cannot accept the view that this clause is a

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4. Manotoc vs. Court of Appeals, the trial, and at the same time, to put the accused as
G.R. No. L-62100, May 30, 1986 much under the power of the court as if he were in
custody of the proper officer, and to secure the
FACTS: appearance of the accused so as to answer the call of
Petitioner was charged with estafa. He posted bail. the court and do what the law may require of him. 13
Petitioner filed before each of the trial courts a
motion entitled, "motion for permission to leave the The condition imposed upon petitioner to make
country," stating as ground therefor his desire to go himself available at all times whenever the court
to the United States, "relative to his business requires his presence operates as a valid restriction
transactions and opportunities. "The prosecution on his right to travel. As we have held in People vs. Uy
opposed said motion and after due hearing, both trial Tuising, 61 Phil. 404 (1935).
judges denied the same. Petitioner thus filed a
petition for certiorari and mandamus before the then ... the result of the obligation assumed by appellee
Court of Appeals seeking to annul the orders dated (surety) to hold the accused amenable at all times to
March 9 and 26, 1982, of Judges Camilon and the orders and processes of the lower court, was to
Pronove, respectively, as well as the communication- prohibit said accused from leaving the jurisdiction of
request of the Securities and Exchange Commission, the Philippines, because, otherwise, said orders and
denying his leave to travel abroad. He likewise processes will be nugatory, and inasmuch as the
prayed for the issuance of the appropriate writ jurisdiction of the courts from which they issued does
commanding the Immigration Commissioner and the not extend beyond that of the Philippines they would
Chief of the Aviation Security Command(AVSECOM) have no binding force outside of said jurisdiction.
to clear him for departure. The Court of Appeals
denied the petition. Petitioner contends that having Indeed, if the accused were allowed to leave the
been admitted to bail as a matter of right, neither the Philippines without sufficient reason, he may be
courts which granted him bail nor the Securities and placed beyond the reach of the courts.
Exchange Commission which has no jurisdiction over
his liberty could prevent him from exercising his The effect of a recognizance or bail bond, when fully
constitutional right to travel. executed or filed of record, and the prisoner released
thereunder, is to transfer the custody of the accused
ISSUE: from the public officials who have him in their charge
Whether or Not his constitutional right to travel has to keepers of his own selection. Such custody has
been violated. been regarded merely as a continuation of the
original imprisonment. The sureties become invested
HELD: with full authority over the person of the principal
A court has the power to prohibit a person admitted and have the right to prevent the principal from
to bail from leaving the Philippines. This is a leaving the state.14
necessary consequence of the nature and function of
a bail bond. The condition imposed upon petitioner If the sureties have the right to prevent the principal
to make himself available at all times whenever the from leaving the state, more so then has the court
court requires his presence operates as a valid from which the sureties merely derive such right, and
restriction on his right to travel. Indeed, if the whose jurisdiction over the person of the principal
accused were allowed to leave the Philippines remains unaffected despite the grant of bail to the
without sufficient reason, he may be placed beyond latter. In fact, this inherent right of the court is
the reach of the courts. Petitioner has not shown the recognized by petitioner himself, notwithstanding his
necessity for his travel abroad. There is no indication allegation that he is at total liberty to leave the
that the business transactions cannot be undertaken country, for he would not have filed the motion for
by any other person in his behalf. permission to leave the country in the first place, if it
WHEREFORE, the petition for review is hereby were otherwise.
dismissed, with costs against petitioner.
To support his contention, petitioner places reliance
Discussion on Right to Travel upon the then Court of Appeals' ruling in People vs.
Shepherd (C.A.-G.R. No. 23505-R, February 13, 1980)
A court has the power to prohibit a person admitted particularly citing the following passage:
to bail from leaving the Philippines. This is a
necessary consequence of the nature and function of ... The law obliges the bondsmen to produce the
a bail bond. person of the appellants at the pleasure of the Court.
... The law does not limit such undertaking of the
Rule 114, Section 1 of the Rules of Court defines bail bondsmen as demandable only when the appellants
as the security required and given for the release of a are in the territorial confines of the Philippines and
person who is in the custody of the law, that he will not demandable if the appellants are out of the
appear before any court in which his appearance may country. Liberty, the most important consequence of
be required as stipulated in the bail bond or bail, albeit provisional, is indivisible. If granted at all,
recognizance. liberty operates as fully within as without the
boundaries of the granting state. This principle
Its object is to relieve the accused of imprisonment perhaps accounts for the absence of any law or
and the state of the burden of keeping him, pending jurisprudence expressly declaring that liberty under

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bail does not transcend the territorial boundaries of As petitioner has failed to satisfy the trial courts and
the country. the appellate court of the urgency of his travel, the
duration thereof, as well as the consent of his surety
The faith reposed by petitioner on the above-quoted to the proposed travel, We find no abuse of judicial
opinion of the appellate court is misplaced. The discretion in their having denied petitioner's motion
rather broad and generalized statement suffers from for permission to leave the country, in much the same
a serious fallacy; for while there is, indeed, neither way, albeit with contrary results, that We found no
law nor jurisprudence expressly declaring that reversible error to have been committed by the
liberty under bail does not transcend the territorial appellate court in allowing Shepherd to leave the
boundaries of the country, it is not for the reason country after it had satisfied itself that she would
suggested by the appellate court. comply with the conditions of her bail bond.

Also, petitioner's case is not on all fours with the

Shepherd case. In the latter case, the accused was
able to show the urgent necessity for her travel
abroad, the duration thereof and the conforme of her
sureties to the proposed travel thereby satisfying the
court that she would comply with the conditions of
her bail bond. in contrast, petitioner in this case has
not satisfactorily shown any of the above. As aptly
observed by the Solicitor General in his comment:

A perusal of petitioner's 'Motion for Permission to

Leave the Country' will show that it is solely
predicated on petitioner's wish to travel to the United
States where he will, allegedly attend to some
business transactions and search for business
opportunities. From the tenor and import of
petitioner's motion, no urgent or compelling reason
can be discerned to justify the grant of judicial
imprimatur thereto. Petitioner has not sufficiently
shown that there is absolute necessity for him to
travel abroad. Petitioner's motion bears no indication
that the alleged business transactions could not be
undertaken by any other person in his behalf. Neither
is there any hint that petitioner's absence from the
United States would absolutely preclude him from
taking advantage of business opportunities therein,
nor is there any showing that petitioner's non-
presence in the United States would cause him
irreparable damage or prejudice. 15

Petitioner has not specified the duration of the

proposed travel or shown that his surety has agreed
to it. Petitioner merely alleges that his surety has
agreed to his plans as he had posted cash
indemnities. The court cannot allow the accused to
leave the country without the assent of the surety
because in accepting a bail bond or recognizance, the
government impliedly agrees "that it will not take
any proceedings with the principal that will increase
the risks of the sureties or affect their remedies
against him. Under this rule, the surety on a bail bond
or recognizance may be discharged by a stipulation
inconsistent with the conditions thereof, which is
made without his assent. This result has been
reached as to a stipulation or agreement to postpone
the trial until after the final disposition of other cases,
or to permit the principal to leave the state or
country." 16 Thus, although the order of March 26,
1982 issued by Judge Pronove has been rendered
moot and academic by the dismissal as to petitioner
of the criminal cases pending before said judge, We
see the rationale behind said order.

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5. Silverio vs. Court of Appeals Discussion on Right to Travel
G.R. No. 94284, April 8, 1991

FACTS: Article III, Section 6 of the 1987 Constitution

Petitioner was charged with violation of Section 2 (4) should by no means be construed as
of the revised securities act. Respondent filed to delimiting the inherent power of the Courts to
cancel the passport of the petitioner and to issue a use all means necessary to carry their orders
hold departure order. The RTC ordered the DFA to into effect in criminal cases pending before
cancel petitioner’s passport, based on the finding that them. When by law jurisdiction is conferred
the petitioner has not been arraigned and there was on a Court or judicial officer, all auxillary
evidence to show that the accused has left the writs, process and other means necessary to
country without the knowledge and the permission carry it into effect may be employed by such
of the court. Court or officer (Rule 135, Section 6, Rules of
ISSUE: Whether or Not the right to travel may be
impaired by order of the court. Petitioner's argument that the ruling in
Manotoc, Jr., v. Court of Appeals, et al. (supra),
HELD: to the effect that the condition imposed upon
The bail bond posted by petitioner has been an accused admitted to bail to make himself
cancelled and warrant of arrest has been issued by available at all times whenever the Court
reason that he failed to appear at his arraignments. requires his presence operates as a valid
There is a valid restriction on the right to travel, it is restriction on the right to travel no longer
imposed that the accused must make himself holds under the 1987 Constitution, is far from
available whenever the court requires his presence. A tenable. The nature and function of a bail
person facing criminal charges may be restrained by bond has remained unchanged whether
the Court from leaving the country or, if abroad, under the 1935, the 1973, or the 1987
compelled to return (Constitutional Law, Cruz, Constitution. Besides, the Manotoc ruling on
Isagani A., 1987 Edition, p.138). So it is also that "An that point was but a re-affirmation of that laid
accused released on bail may be re-arrested without down long before in People v. Uy Tuising, 61
the necessity of a warrant if he attempts to depart Phil. 404 (1935).
from the Philippines without prior permission of the
Court where the case is pending (ibid., Sec. 20 Petitioner is facing a criminal charge. He has
[2ndpar. ]). Article III, Section 6 of the 1987 posted bail but has violated the conditions
Constitution should be interpreted to mean that thereof by failing to appear before the Court
while the liberty of travel may be impaired even when required. Warrants for his arrest have
without Court Order, the appropriate executive been issued. Those orders and processes
officers or administrative authorities are not armed would be rendered nugatory if an accused
with arbitrary discretion to impose limitations. They were to be allowed to leave or to remain, at
can impose limits only on the basis of "national his pleasure, outside the territorial confines
security, public safety, or public health" and "as of the country. Holding an accused in a
maybe provided by law," a limitive phrase which did criminal case within the reach of the Courts
not appear in the 1973 text(The Constitution, Bernas, by preventing his departure from the
Joaquin G.,S.J., Vol. I, First Edition, 1987, p. 263). Philippines must be considered as a valid
Apparently, the phraseology in the1987 Constitution restriction on his right to travel so that he
was a reaction to the ban on international travel may be dealt with in accordance with law.
imposed under the previous regime when there was The offended party in any criminal
a Travel Processing Center, which issued certificates proceeding is the People of the Philippines. It
of eligibility to travel upon application of an is to their best interest that criminal
interested party (See Salonga vs. Hermoso & Travel prosecutions should run their course and
Processing Center, No. 53622, 25 April 1980, 97 proceed to finality without undue delay, with
SCRA 121).Holding an accused in a criminal case an accused holding himself amenable at all
within the reach of the Courts by preventing his times to Court Orders and processes.
departure from the Philippines must be considered
as a valid restriction on his right to travel so that he
may be dealt with in accordance with law. The
offended party in any criminal proceeding is the
People of the Philippines. It is to their best interest
that criminal prosecutions should run their course
and proceed to finality without undue delay, with an
accused holding himself amenable at all times to
Court Orders and processes.

WHEREFORE, the judgment under review is hereby

AFFIRMED. Costs against petitioner, Ricardo C.

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6. Defensor-Santiago vs. Vasquez, remanded or referred to the lower court as
G.R. No. 99289-90, January 27, 1993 the proper forum under the rules of
procedure, or as better equipped to resolve
FACTS: the issues since this Court is not a trier of
An information was filed against petitioner with the facts. We, therefore, reiterate the judicial
Sandiganbayan for violation of the Anti-Graft and policy that this Court will not entertain direct
Corrupt Practices Act. The order of arrest was issued resort to it unless the redress desired cannot
with bail for release fixed at Php.15,000 so she filed a be obtained in the appropriate courts or
motion for acceptance of cash bail bond. On the same where exceptional and compelling
day the Sandiganbayan issued a resolution circumstances justify availment of a remedy
authorizing the petitioner to post cash bond which within and calling for the exercise of our
the later filed in the amount of Php.15, 000. Her primary jurisdiction.
arraignment was set, but petitioner asked for the
cancellation of her bail bond and that she be allowed For the guidance of the bench and the bar, we
provisional release on recognizance. The elucidate that such policy includes the matter
Sandiganbayan deferred it. The Sandiganbayan of petitions or motions involving hold
issued a hold departure order against petitioner, by departure orders of the trial or lower courts.
reason of the announcement she made that she Parties with pending cases therein should
would be leaving for the U.S. to accept a fellowship a apply for permission to leave the country
Harvard. In the instant motion she submitted before from the very same courts which, in the first
the S.C. she argues that her right to travel is impaired. instance, are in the best position to pass upon
such applications and to impose the
ISSUE: appropriate conditions therefor since they
Whether or Not the petitioner’s right to travel is are conversant with the facts of the cases and
impaired. the ramifications or implications thereof.
Where, as in the present case, a hold
HELD: departure order has been issued ex parte or
The petitioner does not deny and as a matter of fact motu propio by said court, the party
even made a public statement, that she has every concerned must first exhaust the appropriate
intension of leaving the country to pursue higher remedies therein, through a motion for
studies abroad. The court upholds the course of reconsideration or other proper submissions,
action of the Sandiganbayan in taking judicial notice or by the filing of the requisite application for
of such fact of petitioners pal to go abroad and in travel abroad. Only where all the conditions
thereafter issuing a sua sponte the hold departure and requirements for the issuance of the
order is but an exercise of respondent court’s extraordinary writs of certiorari, prohibition
inherent power to preserve and to maintain or mandamus indubitably obtain against a
effectiveness of its jurisdiction over the case and the disposition of the lower courts may our
person of the accused. Also, the petitioner assumed power of supervision over said tribunals be
obligations, when she posted bail bond. She holds invoked through the appropriate petition
herself amenable at all times to the orders and assailing on jurisdictional or clearly valid
process of the court. She may legally be prohibited grounds their actuations therein.
from leaving the country during the pendency of the
case. (Manotoc v. C.A.)

WHEREFORE, with respect to and acting on the

motion now before us for resolution, the same is
hereby DENIED for lack of merit.

Discussion on Right to Travel

One final observation. We discern in the

proceedings in this case a propensity on the
part of petitioner, and, for that matter, the
same may be said of a number of litigants
who initiate recourses before us, to disregard
the hierarchy of courts in our judicial system
by seeking relief directly from this Court
despite the fact that the same is available in
the lower courts in the exercise of their
original or concurrent jurisdiction, or is even
mandated bylaw to be sought therein. This
practice must be stopped, not only because of
the imposition upon the precious time of this
Court but also because of the inevitable and
resultant delay, intended or otherwise, in the
adjudication of the case which often has to be

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