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Eastern Carver County Scho

Special Education Funding Str


Third Party Billing $ 223,422.32
Census Based $ 412,422.66
Cross-Subsidy $ 6,734,405.75
Maintenance of Effort $ 17,297,555.99
Eastern Carver County School District

223422.32 412422.66


FUNDING STREAM Thi rd Pa rty Bi l l i ng Cens us Bas ed

Cros s -Subs i dy Ma i ntenance of Effort

Key Learning
1. While Maintenance of Effort may provide a good
way of ensuring that special education programs are
funded at the same level every year, there are some
negative aspects of MOE. MOE may discourage
implementation of creative ways to cut programming
costs. The effect of early interventions or a reduction
in the need to use intermediate districts if a home
district can provide needed services, could possible
bring costs down. The reduction in spending would
then prevent districts from receiving federal funds.

2. In Special Education team meetings we often

discuss how a student is a general education student
first. I always thought of this in the context of least
restrictive environment and how general education
teachers should not set aside expectations because a
student is receiving specialized services. However, I
did not realize that special education students receive
general education revenue.

3. As a special education teacher, I have never been

involved in third party billing. I did not understand
the importance of medical assistance billing and how
it provides significant funds to a district. As a leader, I would
recognize the time commitment involved in thrid party billing. I
often hear from my peers that more time should be allocated for
the paperwork.
This analysis of funding exposed me to new
terms/acronyms and a much clearer understanding of
special education resources and expenditures. The
director of special education in my district has shared
on several occassions that she thinks it is important
to be transparent with financial decisions. As a
leader, I understand that a director would need a
strong team to be creative with funds, as special
education is underfunded.
ver County School District
tion Funding Streams 2015-16

funds used to provide health related services, salaries, benefits, supplies, capital equipment, money
needs to go back into the same areas that generate third party billing funds
part of the funding formula is census based
general education funds to compensate for the difference between special education expenditures and
its revenue
funds must maintain the level of special education services from the previous year, required to spend
the same or more year to year, funds transportation

Eastern Carver County School District Special Education Funding Streams 2015-16
18000000 17297555.99
8000000 6734405.75
2000000 223422.32 412422.66

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