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Lesson Plan

Date: November 23, 2017 Curriculum Areas: Science - Habitats Grade Level: 4

Expectations (from curriculum documents/ you can also include expectations for social development)
- Analyze the effects of human activities on communities
- Analyze positive and negative impacts of human interactions with natural habitats and communities
and evaluate ways of minimizing the negative effects

Success Criteria (what you expect students to say, write or do by the end of the lesson to confirm that they have or are in the process
of achieving the lesson expectations)
- Students will be able to identify ways in which humans impact the environment both
negatively and positively
- Students will be able to describe ways in which to help the environment within the school
- Students will be able to identify examples from the book The Lorax where the environment
was harmed and the ripple effect it had

Recording Devices (how you will Grouping Strategies: Student Grouping Process:
collect the evidence of the assessment (how you will group students)
criteria)  Small Groups
 Whole Class Allow students to make
 Observation/Anecdotals their own pairs or have the
 Pairs
 Rubric choice to work alone.
 Checklist  Individual

Assessment Strategies ( what you

will invite the students to do to demonstrate Accommodations Modifications (changes to expectations
their learning) (instructional changes) according to IEP)
 Work Buddy
 presentations  Increase time/amount - Work buddy
 individual Conferences  Decrease time/amount - Use of technology (iPad
 demonstrations  Mini-lessons or Chromebook)
 tests  Conferences
 graphic organizers  Study Plan
 self-assessment  Extensions
 peer assessment  Scribe
 discussion  Modify choices
 graphic organizers
 Sharing thinking on paper
Materials: (Student Materials ,Teacher Resources)
Multiple Intelligences:
- Construction paper
 Bodily Kinesthetic - Markers
 Verbal/Linguistic - Pencils
 Logical/mathematical - The book The Lorax
 Musical
 Visual/spatial
 Interpersonal Classroom Management Notes:
 Intrapersonal - Remind students of marble jar
 Naturalist - Students on carpet for minds on and closure

cmarkskrpan 2017
Lesson Plan Continued
Time Minds ON (Beginning/Mental Set) (what will you do to get the students interested, Thinking about Resources
the concepts?) (Input, Modeling, Check for Understanding, Guided or Independent Activity, Sharing Success Criteria)

Students will sit on the carpet and listen to the book The Lorax by Dr.Seuss read
minute aloud. *I will be dressed up as the Lorax visiting to tell the story of what happened
s and be asking for the students help to make sure this does not happen again!

After reading the story we will come up with ways the environment was impacted
comparing before and after
- Examples: Cutting down trees  no oxygen, ruins animals habitats, food,
Factories create pollution
- If time, show 2 clips from the movie where they cut down trees and build the


WORKING ON IT (Middle/Enabling Activity) (Students complete activity) (Input,

Modeling, Check for Understanding, Guided or Independent Activity)

- After reading and discussing the environmental impact humans have on the
environment have students in partners create a poster to put around the
school that will promote others to take care of the environment
- Posters can be done on the computer or by hand
o Come up with a catchy and fun slogan to put on it
o Recycling
o Picking up garbage
o Turning lights off
minute - Students can present their posters to the class and choose where they
s would like to put it that will have the greatest impact

Teacher Reflections:

cmarkskrpan 2017

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