August 2018: Peace Lutheran Church

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Peace Church Council Peace Lutheran Church

Joyce Hanson
PO Box 164

August 2018
Barrett, MN 56311

Gaylene Hanson
222 Central Ave N
Elbow Lake, MN 56531 Vacation Bible School will be held at Peace Church from
218-685-4610 Monday, August 13th through Wednesday, August 15t h beginning
at 5:00 pm.
Lois Scherer
26873 Grand View Road #1
Elbow Lake, MN 56531 We begin with a kid-friendly meal followed by our Opening, which
218-685-4465 will include silly skits and lively music, our rotations – Bible
Stories, crafts, games, and snacks – and concluding with our
Jim Johnson Closing that ends at 8:00 pm.
18643 193rd Ave
Barrett, MN 56311
Registration forms will be sent out and they need to be
returned before August 1st so we know the amount of supplies to
Todd Schneeberger order.
26875 Oak Point Rd
Elbow Lake, MN 56531 Also, we’ll send a form to sign up for helpers: registration,
decorating, rotation leaders and helpers, group leaders,
music leader, skit leader and actors, groups to provide meals, and
Robert Shervey
21738 180th Ave helpers to clean-up.
Barrett, MN 56311
Please call Joyce as soon as possible if you can help in any way!
Thank you!
Kim Lang
504 3rd Street ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
Barret, MN 56311 On Wednesday, August 8th at 5:00 pm we will meet to plan VBS
320-528-2290 and to talk about our Sunday School Program. A light meal will
be provided.
Lexi Danner
PO Box 152
Hoffman, MN 56339 EVERYONE - teachers, parents, interested parties - are
320-986-2222 welcome to attend!
Peace Church Council Meeting, June 5, 2018
Members Present: Pr. Sarah Evenson, Joyce Hanson, Lois Scherer, Bob Shervey, Kim Lang, Gaylene Hanson, Jim Johnson, Lexi
Danner & Todd Schneeberger Absent: Sandy Kashmark Visitor Attending: Heather Danner
Meeting called to order by President Joyce Hanson at 6:31pm
Devotion: A prayer lead by Pr. Sarah
Secretary’s Report:
Motion to approve last meeting minutes made by Kim, seconded by Lois, MCU
Treasurer’s Report
Transaction Report: Motion to approve by Todd, 2 nd by Bob, MCU. Treasures Report approved by Gaylene, 2 nd by Kim,
Motion made by Bob, 2nd by Gaylene, to pay the bill to the photographer for her work on the church directory. MCU
Pastor’s Report:
Continuing ED at Luther Seminary was fantastic. 50 hours needed for CE each year.
Synod Assembly this weekend, June 8th and 9th
Baptism and Confirmation at West Moe this weekend too. (6/10)
Visits to persons and families.
Old Business:
Mission Trip- Memorial Day lunch. Served about 150 people. $779.51 after the bills were paid it was $550.75 Lots of
youth helpers. Was a free will offering. Discussed having a Thrivent Action Plan for this next year. Also for the
car wash coming up. ~$700 a week for rental van for the mission trip from U-Save Van Rental. Motion made by
Gaylene 2nd by Todd, MCU
Dance for the youth again. Roaring 20’s is the theme. Will discuss at next meeting. Motion made by Gaylene, 2 nd by
Todd. MCU
Scholarships- They have been awarded to Alliah Johnson and Kore Seifert.
Projector- Tim Ray needs to be contacted, he needs specifications. He should come measure and stay within the budg-
et and get ordered. Budget is $1,000.00
Discussed what to do with the bus. The one we have is in poor shape.
Mowing will be hired out to Mike McLaughlin. Motion made by Bob, 2 nd by Lois, MCU
We will be working again on the directory. Going to talk to Photographer about what we can do to rectify the changes.

New Business:
Gas Stove- Have had some people look at it. Todd will contact restaurant supply in Alex.
Fuel Contract- with Farmers Coop, will contact them to contract for the next year. Bob will take care of contacting
Spring clean-up- List provided by custodian for a deep clean. Sat June 16 th. Starting at 9 am. Will be announced in the
service and put in the bulletin. Maybe youth will be able to help. Hoping to do windows and more. NEED HELP!!
Will entertain a sign-up sheet too for people who want to help but can’t come on the day of.
Bulletins- pending some edits, we are happy with design and basic info. Will make additions and see to approve at
next meeting.
Confirmation- Motion is made to offer confirmation to 7th graders. It will be extended so that confirmation is 7 th-9th
grade. Parents will decide if they want their children included. Motion made by Gaylene, 2 nd by Lexi. MCU
Motion has been made for our church to kick in $150.00 for the Dollar a Day Synod fundraiser. Motion made by
Todd, Second by Bob, MCU
VBS Aug 13-15, Mon-Wed Dinner at 5, Class 5:30p to 8pm
Old Settlers Reunion church service, need help setting up. Either night before or morning of. Service at 11, Dinner at
12 after.
Service time change. We are hearing discussions on both side of the fence as to those that are happy and upset with it.
We will have a special council meeting to discuss if the partnerships are still fruitful.

Motion to adjourn at 8:22 pm by Bob, 2nd by Todd, MCU

Kim Lang, Secretary
Thank you, Pastor Sarah Evenson, for serving here at Peace
Church. Pastor Sarah’s last Sunday with us was July 31st. We
wish her well. John Zdrazil will be here on August 5th, 12th, and
19th. Sally Tolifson will be here on August 26th. Worship
service will be at 11:00am. In case of an emergency please call
the church office (320-528-2536) or Sandy at home
(320-528-2342) or Joyce Hanson, chairman of Peace church
council, at 320-424-9726.

Thank you, Sandy Kashmark, for being our church

treasurer for the last 10 years. Job well done. As of August
1st Tami Huemoeller Weigel will be out new treasurer.
Thanks to both Sandy and Tami.

Donations for our World Relief Kits will be taken through the end of
September. They are located in the front foyer of the church. If you
have any questions please feel free to contact Bea DeFrance or Pat

WELCA on Wednesday, August 8th, will be having a

PotLuck Picnic at 12:00pm at the picnic shelter at Sandy Beach in
Barrett. In case of rain it will be at the church.
Everyone welcome!!!!
August 2018
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 2 3 4
Faithful Folders

5 6 7 8 9 10 11
6pm Council 12pm WELCA 10am
11:00am Worship Potluck Picnic Faithful Folders

5pm VBS
Planning Meeting

12 13 14 15 16 17 18
11:00am Worship 10am
Faithful Folders

19 20 21 22 23 24 25
11:00am Worship 10am
Faithful Folders

26 27 28 29 30 31
11:00am Worship 10am
Faithful Folders
Serving in August

August 5 Carolyn Alke

Jon & Heather Danner

August 12 Ron & Kay Johnson

Gary Huemoeller

August 19 Jeff Lang

Derek & Sara Getz

August 26 Jim Johnson
Ron & Gaylene Hanson

Work Group # 2 Leaders Altar Guild

Ron & Kay Johnson Karen Ellis
Jim Johnson Pat Ronhovde
PO Box 206
Barrett MN 56311

A u s g u s t 2018

Office: 320-528-2536 email:

218 Church Street PO Box 206 Barrett, MN 56311

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