GE July 1976 - Foundations and Earthworks For Cylindrical Steel Storage Tanks PDF

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Introduction have to be overcome during construction. around the shell base plates and a con-
FOR MANY YEARS cylindrical steel stor- Further problems are generated because sequent increase in corrosion of these
age tanks have been in common use for the unlike the majority of civil engineering plates.
storage of many industrial raw materials structures, the dead load is relatively small The magnitude of stresses and strains
and products. One major industry that has in proportion to the considerable variation within a steel storage tank caused by the
up to the present been heavily committed in storage loads that is usually involved. degree of differential settlement experi-
to using steel storage tanks has been the Storage tanks can vary in diameter from enced by the foundation are dependent on
petroleum industry. a minimum of about 10m to almost 100m a number of factors. These are:
Nowadays there is an increasing ten- for the largest diameter floating roof tanks (i) the diameter and height of the tank,
dency to store raw materials, such as crude used for crude oil storage. (ii) the uniformity of soil conditions under-
oil and liquid petroleum gas below ground Fixed roof tanks usually have a conical lying the tank,
surface as much as possible where roof shape and are normally chosen for (r'ii) the loading intensity, and
economically feasible, either utilising dis- storage of bulk commodities that are either (iv) the type of tank involved.
used mines or chambers specifically con- volatile and inflammable, such as gasoline Generally fixed cone roof tanks are more
structed for this purpose. This has arisen where the prevention of leakage is of para- tolerant of differential settlement effects
due to aesthetic requirements or as the re- mount importance, or where the volume of than floating roof tanks.
sult of strategic planning. storage required is small. They are often Theoretically, when soil conditions are
Refined petroleum products which are chosen in situations where regular mainte- uniform below a tank the settlement that
numerous and are normally handled in nance and inspection is difficult to carry takes place at the centre will be about
fairly small quantities cannot be so easily out, and where ground conditions affect twice that at the circumference and this
stored underground as bulk raw materials, the satisfactory foundation performance of expected settlement may be allowed for
such as crude oil, and it is expected that floating roof tanks. by constructing the tank bottom coned up-
these will continue to be stored in conven- Floating roof tanks, as the name implies, wards the requisite amount. Opinions vary
tional steel storage tanks for the foresee- possess roofs which float on the surface of as to the maximum amount of tank bottom
able future. the retained fluid, the roof being supported deflection that can be tolerated. However
It is the purpose of this article to review on one or more pontoons that are guided during the flotation of two large diameter
general design and construction techniques on columns. Of necessity floating roof 100000 ton oil storage tanks'he bottoms
of the foundations for steel storage tanks- tanks incorporate a number of seals round are reported to have deflected upwards
not only for those in use by the oil Industry the periphery to prevent leakage and al- about 1m.
but also for those in use for storing bulk though these seals normally have a long life From a practical standpoint tank bot-
commodities generally. floating roof tanks are not normally consid- toms are usually quite irregular as the thin
Apart from the underwriting and safety ered for retention of volatile inflammable plates warp during welding. Due to the pre-
aspects which will be commented upon fluids or fluids having a slurry type of com- sence of drainage sumps which are usually
briefly, there is little difference in the plan- position, such as calcium chloride. located close to one edge of the tank, as
ning and design of steel storage tanks to Steel storage tanks have been used in well as the provision of internal stiffening
hold aviation fuel or to hold calcium chlo- Canada for the storage of grain; these are columns in the case of fixed roof tanks, the
ride, except that one commodity is con- however, of fixed roof design. actual settlement performance of a tank
siderably lighter in density than the other. may vary considerably from that predicted
From a geotechnical viewpoint the require- Tank performance theoretically.
ment for foundation performance is more Although a steel storage tank is a rela- Settlements which do take place result
or less exactly the same, i.e. to provide a tively flexible structure and can tolerate from two separate types of soil behaviour.
safe, economical support which will pre- greater settlements, either total or differen- In most cases the soil consolidates under
clude the development of stresses and tial, than most engineering structures, the tank loading, to a magnitude and at a
strains within the steel tank plates that there is of course a limit to the settlement rate that is dependent on the type of soil
could either lead to rupture of the plates that a tank can be expected to take with- underlying the tank. The soil and ground
or interfere with the flow of the particular out distress. Some of the effects of settle- water conditions will also control the time,
commodity into or out of the tank. Pres- ment which it is desirable to avoid in the after full loading has been realised, when
surised or refrigerated storage tanks will design of a tank foundation are as follows: tank settlement becomes negligible. For in-
not be considered. (a) Differential settlement across the dia- stance an impermeable clay soil will take
meter which may affect gauging ac- considerably longer to consolidate than a
Nature of storage tanks curacy, jam floating roofs and over- free draining sand under the same load. The
Cylindricalsteel tanks that are used for the stress internal piping connections. depth of soil involved in this consolidation
retention of bulk materials at normal at- (b) Differential settlement along the peri- process is theoretically approximately
mospheric pressure are of two basic types, phery which may jam floating roof three times the tank diameter.
either fixed roof or floating roof. When mechanisms and overstress or warp The second type of settlement phenome-
empty the tanks are very light structures the shell plates. non which is often encountered is that aris-
and can be moved if necessary by flotation (c) Differential settlement between the ing when the soil is overstressed by the
in a shallow depth of water. For example tank bottom and the shell plates tank loads. In this situation the soil flows
two 100000 ton oil tanks were floated in which may overstress the shell welds out from under the tank edge often in an
less than 1m of water after the foundation and cause loss of drainage facilities unpredictable manner leading to large,
for one tank had failed during water testing for tank cleaning. In addition column non-uniform and rapid settlements taking
and the foundation for the second tank had supported roofs may undergo severe place. Such settlements can result in over-
been condemned at Fawley Refinery, Eng- warping as a result of bottom settle- stressing of welds or rivetted connections
land'. ments. and catastrophic failures from this cause
Because of the thin steel wall and roof (d) Differential settlement between tank are not unknown.
sections involved, the design, construction, and external connecting pipework Actual tolerances to settlement are de-
maintenance and servicing of steel storage which may overstress the piping. pendent to a great extent on the manufac-
tanks give rise to some unique problems (e) Overall settlement of the tank which turer's specification for continued satisfac-
especially when soft ground conditions may lead to loss of superelevation of tory performance of the tank. A common
the tank pad above external tank com- tolerance during erection is ~ Smm on the
*Senior Civil Engineer, pound grade or ground surface, even- finished tank pad surface around the cir-
Edward L. Bateman Ltd.,
Bokshurg North, Transvaal, South Africa tually resulting in the ponding of water cumference. When in use, however, con-
24 Ground Engineering
siderable settlements can be tolerated de- or where floating roof tanks are involved. out for all tanks to provide sufficient infor-
pending on circumstances, and it is not These reduce the tendency for "punching- mation for proper design and subsequent
unknown for tanks to have experienced in" of the shell or localised edge bearing safe operation of the tank. This is despite
total settlements of up to 600mm without failure taking place, and also assist in re- the fact that such tanks can normally
being seriously impaired. ducing perimeter differential settlements. tolerate considerably greater settlements
As far as differential settlement is con- Large size cone roof tanks have their compared with other structures.
cerned a common criterion for performance roofs supported on columns and gen- Relatively large cost savings and the
of a tank shell is 25mm per 30m measured erally a centre column; up to three rings avoidance of distress from settlement can
along the tank perimeter. Tighter toler- of interior columns can be involved de- result from adequate advance knowledge
ances than these are however more com- pending on the tank diameter. The dead of soil conditions. For instance, the author
monly specified and for large (i.e. over load on columns normally ranges from 50 was involved in a case where an 85m dia.
60m) diameter floating roof tanks the fol- to 100kN whereas live load can add a oil storage tank was relocated after soft
lowing performance requirements are con- further 100 to 150kN per column. This is soil conditions were encountered below a
sidered more desirable: especially important in regions where superficial covering of dense glacial till in
(i) 5mm maximum differential settlement large accumulations of snow can be ex- a region of comparative "safe" geology.
in 10m of perimeter length as a com- pected. Maximum column load can thus The soft soil conditions were due to the
bined result of pad construction, tank range up to 250kN. collapse and infilling of subsurface chan-
erection, water testing and ultimate Such columns are usually carried on nels in a minor but extensive stratum of
likely soil settlement, square base plates 20 to 25mm thick gypsum within parent shale bedrock. Cata-
(ii) 25mm maximum differential tilting whose dimensions are dependent on per- strophic failure of the tank during testing
across the tank diameter, and missible soil loading. The soil pressure or initial loading would undoubtedly have
(iii) 25mm maximum differential settlement beneath such column loading can be esti- taken place if the tank had been erected in
for every 10m of tank bottom mea- mated either on the net base plate area the originally intended location.
sured lineally in any direction. provided or alternatively based on the as- Tanks are normally constructed on a
A table indicating the desirable form of sumption that the effect of the tank bot- raised pad of free-draining granular mat-
bottom plate construction dependent on tom plates is to enlarge the column base erial such as crushed stone to provide for
the predicted settlements around the tank plates by a certain amount dependent on drainage and to deter tank bottom corro-
shell and across the bottom is given in the thickness of the tank bottom plates. sion. An asphalt or oil-sand seal is some-
Table I. No special requirements are neces- Column loading is additive to that im- times provided to the surface of the pad
sary for tanks less than 50ft (15m) dia- posed by the tank fluid contents and is op- thus formed to prevent infiltration of water
meter. Where settlements larger than those erative in the tank empty condition. which could increase the rate of corrosion
indicated are predicted then some form of Actual stress distributions within the soil of the bottom plates. If a tank pad is not
site improvement or provision of structural are affected by the tank bottom plate constructed out of free-draining material,
support to the tank is necessary. thickness and type of construction and then precautions to limit corrosion can be
A special case of tank settlement for whether these are crowned up or down. effected by providing the tank with a
fixed roof tanks arises when planar tilt This also dictates the pattern of tank 100mm thick layer of oil-sand.
takes place through the points of maximum settlement which subsequently develops. Some foundation solutions for varying
and minimum settlement. With regard to soil conditions are shown in Fig. 1. These
the design of bottom plates, only non- Foundations are referred to in the following sections.
planar differential settlement of the shell General Shallow foundations in competent ground
becomes of consequence. For floating roof The cost of a tank foundation can in Where tanks are to be located in com-
tanks this type of tilting may or may not some circumstances, depending on the petent soil conditions which provide ade-
affect the performance of tanks depending soil conditions, exceed the cost of the quate structural support, then the tank
on the circumstances and the degree of tilt. tank itself. Because of the practice of loca- may be wholly supported by a raised pad
ting tanks in areas which are either remote of compacted soil. Before the pad is con-
Tank loadings or undesirable for normal civil engineering structed however, all superficially weak
Shell bearing plates are normally used for structures (often indicative of poor subsoil materials should be removed from the plan
fixed roof tanks where shell bearing pres- conditions) it is particularly important that limits of the tanks, see Fig. 1a.
sures are in excess of about 100 kilopascals an adequate soil investigation be carried Tank pads may be constructed out of
any soil or locally available material that
TABLE I. TANK BOTTOM DESIGN REQUIREMENTS+ on compaction will produce a strong reli-
able, non-corrosive surface which will
Predicted settlementfi Tank diameter safely support tank construction and which
on the basis of available precedent will
Maximum Differential 50ft to 150ft stand up to the effects of weather, etc.
at sheff in bottomf (15m to 50m) Over 15lt (50mm J In this connection it would, for example,
< 2in < ~tin per Per API Specifica- Annular plates of 2ft be advisable to use a free-draining, non-
30ft tions. (600mm) minimum width frost susceptible, granular fill for tank con-
when trimmed per API struction in areas subject to deep frost
(( 50mm) (( 12mm
per 10m)
Specification. Bottom
plates two-pass welded
penetration in order to preclude the pos-
sibility of frost heave taking place with
with 70 per cent efffciency. consequent ice lensing, leading to failure
< 6in ( 1in per
Annular plates of 2ft
(600mm) minimum
Annular plates of 3ft
(1 000mm) minimum
of the foundation at time of thaw. In
regions where more temperate climatic
conditions prevail an impermeable fill
width. Bottom plates width when trimmed per might otherwise be quite suitable. The use
(< 150mm) (( 25mm
per 10m)
two-pass welded
with 70 per cent
API Specifications. Bottom
plates two-pass welded
of artificial materials such as blast furnace
slag should be carefully investigated prior
joint efficiency. with 70 per cent joint to use, since such materials often exhibit
efficiency. undesirable swelling and chemical effects
over the long term. Similarly the potential
< 12in < 2in per Annular plates of 2ft Annular plates of 6ft
swelling characteristics of clays should be
30ftt (600mm) minimum (2 000mm) minimum
width. Bottom plates width when trimmed per
investigated when considered for use as
(( 150mm) (( 50mm
per 10m)
two-pass welded
with 70 per cent
API Specifications. Bottom
plates minimum two-pass
tank pad fill.
Tanks are often supported on ringwalls
joint efficiency. welded with 80 per cent constructed either of crushed stone or con-
joint efficiency. crete (see Fig. 1(b)). The ringwalls trans-
fer the tank shell loadings to stronger soils
'No special requirements for tanks under 50ft (15m) diameter, at shallow depth thus eliminating the pos-
I)Predicted settlements are based upon sibility of shear edge failure around the
(aI inclusion of loading intensity from proposed water testing,
(b maximum settlement being uniform around circumference, periphery of the tanks.
c) differential settlement refers to deviation from anticipated behaviour on uniform soils, and Where concrete ringwalls are used these
d) planar tilting of the bottom not detrimental to the tank bottom.
tAlong circumference as well as radially. have the advantage of confining the soil
tlf these settlements are exceeded then some farm of site improvement is required prior to tank erection. within the ringwall thus preventing lateral
26 Ground Engineering
movement of the soil under full tank load. general techniques for providing an ade- However this does not preclude the use
With this type of support system, how- quate tank foundation. These are (a) re- of other materials being considered if more
ever, it is important that the soil be well moval of unsuitable soils and replacement easily available.
compacted within the ringwall otherwise with engineered fill, (b) use of piles or The final choice of material to be used
high shearing stresses can develop in the other deep foundations to transfer tank will also depend on likely weather condi-
tank bottom above the point of contact be- loadings to a suitably competent soil or tions to be experienced at the time of
tween the retained soil and the concrete rock stratum at depth, or (c) strengthen- construction and when in service. A fill
ringwall. ing the soil by preloading, vibration or replacement programme must of necessity
An alternative to seating the tank shell compaction methods to render it suitable take into account water conditions to be
on a concrete ringwall is to locate it within for tank support. These approaches are dis- dealt with during excavation and if indica-
the ringwall directly on the retained soil. cussed in the following sections. tions are that expensive well-point de-
In this situation the ringwall has to be Fill replacement technique watering is necessary then it might be
designed to resist hoop tension that can Where unsuitable soils are present to more economical to excavate in the wet
develop. This alternative approach has ad- depths of 2-3m below surface, below by clamshell or dragline and use relatively
vantages in situations where compaction which a competent soil or rock is present, more expensive end-dumped crushed rock
of fill within the ringwall cannot be carried then the best solution to adopt, and or stone, without recourse to pumping.
out effectively or where natural soil is left usually the most economical (Fig. 1(c)), The main drawback to this approach is
in place. is to excavate and replace with engineered that all unsuitable compressible soils may
Foundation alternatives for poor ground fill, dewatering the excavation if neces- not be removed from within the tank exca-
conditions sary. The replacement fill chosen should vation and may even remain in a disturbed
Where soil conditions are encountered preferably be a clean granular soil because and thus more compressible condition
beneath tank locations which are unsuit- of its ease in placement, handling charac- than originally. The result can be exces-
able for direct tank support there are three teristics, good drainage qualities, etc. sive non-uniform settlements taking place
which can be detrimental to tank perfor-
mance unless observed at an early stage
of loading, such as during water testing,
and corrected in an appropriate manner.
The fill replacement technique of con-
structing tank pads has been extended to
very large diameter oil storage tanks'n
which up to 10m of alluvium has been
dredged out by suction dredges, and re-
(o) RAISED PAD OF COMPACTED FILL (I>) REINFORCED CONCRETE OR CRUSHED placed by well-graded gravel which has
been vibro-compacted. It has been claimed
GROUND that the technique could possibly be ex-
tended to replace poor soils up to 20m
Piled foundations
Although the use of a piled foundation
for storage tanks (Fig. 1(d)) is the most
positive method of dealing with weak sur-
ficial soils strata it is frequently overall the
most expensive solution and it is not un-
knoiwn for the cost of a piled foundation
to exceed the cost of the tank which it
REP(aCED WITH ENGINEERED FILL END-BEARING PILES Piled foundations for storage tanks are
not without problems and failures have
1,5 TO 2,0 TIMES FULL TANK ERECTED taken place during water testing'. Be-
ON RAISED cause of downdrag, or negative skin fric-
PAD OF FILL tion, which develops in weak superficial
soil strata under the combined effects of
surcharge, tank and fill loadings, individual
pile design loads normally have to be
maintained sufficiently low to allow for the
additional forces that come onto the piles
as the soil consolidates.
These additional forces can represent a
considerable percentage of the pile carry-
SAND DRAINS MAY SOIL CONSOLIDaTED ing capacity especially where high sur-
BE PROVIDED TO UNDER TaNK charge and fill loadings are involved. Re-
cently however, bitumen coatings have
C 0 N S0 L I DA1 I 0 I4 LOADING been applied extensively to piles subject
to downdrag forces with the object of cre-
ating a coating to the pile surface which
can shear without transfer of the down-
drag forces to the piles'. Thus pile sec-
tions can be relied upon to carry a greater
proportion of their working loads and con-
sequently become more economically
TaNK ERECTION CORRECTED AFTER For very deep deposits of weak soils
AFTER FULL C OM PL E I ION which cannot be improved by other
CONSOLIDATION methods a piled alternative may be the
TAKEN PLaCE only viable foundation solution. The type
of piling chosen will depend to a great ex-
tent on the soil strata through which pene-
tration will have to be effected. For ex-
j-il.l JJ J Lj Ljl I I Li>"
ample the use of displacement piles driven
at close centres through a stratum of very
soft clay may have an undesirable net
WITH FILL If) PRELOADING BY wa1ER- TESTING overall effect in which the strength of the
clay is reduced considerably by the re-
Fig. 1. Various foundations for storage tanks moulding caused by driving.
July, 1976 27
Fig. 2 (above). Vibroflotation of sand in progress to provide a
densified foundation for a large steel storage tank
(photo, Cementation (Africa) (Contracts) Pty Ltd., Durban)
Fig. 3 (right). Rig operated by Frankipile Ltd. at Canvey Island
for installing vertical cardboard wick drains

On the other hand, the use of similar can be the most suitable method where ensure that preloading is effective in re-
type piles where deep deposits of loose deposits of uniform clay are encountered, ducing settlemens in the post-construction
sand are to be penetrated can lead to an provided the clay is sufficiently firm to period. Secondly, adequate prior know-
overall increase in soil strength resulting stand up without support for the depth ledge of the soil conditions is essential so
from the vibratory effects of pile driving penetrated. that the preloading programme can be
on the sand causing an increase in com- In this connection mixed ground condi- properly planned and executed effectively
pacted density. Although general rules can- tions where clay, silt and sand strata are within the estimated time period available.
not be laid down for all specific situations interlayered with one another are often the A preloading programme also requires
that may arise it is stressed that the choice most difficult soil conditions to be dealt the co-operation and willingness of the
of a pile type for a given set of conditions with using this technique. One other fac- owner to tolerate some post-construction
is very important, to ensure that a situation tor which needs consideration in the use settlements should it not have proved fully
is not created whereby existing soil condi- of a sand-pile or rock-pier solution is that effective by the time the tanks are to enter
tions are made worse by the proposed the sand or rock cannot be fully compac- service. Despite the drawbacks of the pre-
piling technique. Otherwise a consequent ted close to ground surface where com- load technique with respect to the estima-
overall increase in the cost of the founda- paction is by dynamic means. In this case tion of the uncertainties of time involved,
tion work ensues over and above that use should be made of an appropriate soil the method is comparatively cheap when
which is unavoidable. surcharge through which the piles are com- construction costs are compared with
One method of "piling" which is different pacted, or alternatively the top of the piles those of a piled alternative in a situation
from conventional piling techniques is the maintained at a minimum depth of 2m or where deep deposits of weak unsuitable
use of sand piles or rock piers. These can so below surface to ensure adequate com- soil are encountered. However the overall
be installed relatively cheaply and are paction of the sand at the top of the pile. economics of a situation where a tank is
often used in soil conditions which are If this is not carried out either the ground erected and cannot enter service immedi-
reasonably homogeneous. The technique surface fails around the top of the pile or ately can detract from this approach.
is to create a hole, either by driving a the sand or rock is not fully compacted. The preload technique permits load to
closed ended tube, or by augering, and There are a number of variations of types be applied to weak soil conditions in a
then filling the hole with compacted or of sand-piles and rock-piers which have controlled manner, permitting consolida-
vibro-compacted sand or graded refill. Fig. been used successfully depending on the tion to take place with consequent in-
2 shows vibroflotation in'rogress to soil conditions. One such application on crease in soil density and shear strength.
densify sand for the foundation of a large reclaimed land'nvolved seven tanks up The larger the area covered and the greater
diameter storage tank. to 45m dia. where rock piers up to 5m the magnitude of loading ultimately ap-
There are disadvantages in using a long were created by excavation with a plied the greater the consolidation and in-
closed ended tube (usually closed with a grab and rapid filling of the holes with crease in shear strength.
plug of crushed stone or a disposable tip) quarried steelworks slag compacted by a When the preload is removed some elas-
in soft clay strata. The remoulding effects large vibrating poker. tic rebound of the soil system will take
on the clay produced by this method of Foundation preloading place but essentially a major permanent
creating a hole can lead ultimately to some One solution to the construction of tank increase in the strength of the soil is effec-
lateral instability of the sides of the sand foundations on poor ground which can be ted. The technique requires a very care-
pile or rock pier thus formed. The tech- cheap from a construction standpoint is to ful engineering analysis to be made to
nique of creating a hole by this punching preload either with soil or, immediately determine the amount of preload and the
method can however be beneficial where following tank erection, consolidate the time required to achieve a desirable in-
loose sand strata have to be penetrated. soil during the process of water testing crease in soil shear strength to restrict
Augered pile holes are generally impos- (Fig. 1(e) and (f)). Preloading, however, post-construction settlements to within
sible to put down in sand below ground requires, firstly, sufficient time before the allowable limits.
water level without the use of casing, but tanks have to be put into service to Where soils are extremely soft several
July, 1976 29
1 Where tanks are designed to store pet-
roleum products, which have a specific
gravity less than unity, water testing will
indicate a factor of safety greater than 1.0
II if the tank is filled to the design storage
level. Where tanks are designed to store
products with a specific gravity in excess
of unity then water-testing of the tank will
only check its watertightness and the ade-
quacy of the foundation can only be deter-
mined properly by testing with the stor-
age product involved or bulk material with
a greater bulk density.
Irrespective of the purpose of water-
testing for the particular circumstance in-
volved, it is considered important that a
check be made on the settlement perfor-
mance of tanks in the early stages of their
lives. Where the water-testing or con-
trolled filling of the tank is intended to pre-
load the soil as discussed in the section
on foundation preloading, a number of geo-
technical instruments, such as piezometers,
settlement points and slope indicator holes
will be necessary to provide adequate
Fig. 4. Cardboard drains of 300mm'- cross-sectional area being installed at close spacing control on the preloading programme.
beneath an oil storage tank Many of these may be installed under-
neath the tank and read remotely; others
loading stages may be required in order (b) that the foundation provided is ade- will be situated around the periphery of
to avoid shear failure of the soil, each load- quate to carry the tank loadings with- the tank or within a distance which may
ing stage being maintained for an appro- out distressful settlements taking be affected by tank loading on the soil
priate length of time before additional load place. concerned.
is added. During preloading it is important
that sufficient instrumentation of the soil
be carried out so that a continuous check
on the effectiveness of the preload tech-
nique is available at all times. In this way
appropriate adjustments can be made to
the preloading programme so that the de-
sired end result is effected as rapidly as
possible with appropriate safety at all
If a surcharge loading is placed too
rapidly there could be a failure resulting
in loss of fill and remoulding of the soil
which may not easily be strengthened. For
instance, a clay which contains a consid-
erable number of thin sand and silt part-
ings may consolidate fairly rapidly but on
disturbance with consequent remoulding
and loss of its "structure" may consoli-
date at a considerably slower rate.
This preloading technique was used by
Penman and Watson on their Teesside
site'ith considerable economic advan-
tages compared with the use of piles and
rock piers. To facilitate consolidation and
to increase the rate at which drainage was
effected from the soil a number of sand
drains were installed around the periphery
of the tanks involved.
A development which has taken place
over the past few years with regard to
accelerating the process of consolidation
of soft soils under load is in the use of
paper, or cardboard drains (the Kjellman-
Franki method) as an alternative to sand
drains. These paper drains consist of strips
of high permeability impregnated paper
which contains longitudinal drainage chan-
nels through which pore-water may escape
after passing through the paper from the
consolidating soil. The drains are installed
at predetermined spacings using a special
mandrel (Figs. 3 and 4). This method of
accelerating the consolidation of soft soils
has been widely used throughout the I

world, but especially in Europe, Japan and

in North America". /[/(/[/[g/[gJ

Water testing and settlement records SETTLEMENT BETWEEN DATES 2 B 3

It is usualto test a storage tank after
erection to ensure:
(a) that it is water-tight, and Fig. 5. Typical settlement rings around tank periphery
30 Ground Engineering
taken place to any extent outside the
immediate environs of the refinery. Re-
covery of the previously lost products
made a useful addition to refinery stocks
after re-treatment.

Underwriting considerations
The underwriting of steel storage tanks
varies considerably depending on (a) the
nature of the product, (b) the pollution
and fire risk in the event of tank failure,
(c) the country involved and its existing
legislation, and (d) the insurer. Thus no
general rules may be laid down on this im-
portant aspect relating to storage tank
planning, design and construction. From an
underwriting point of view as far as tank
compounds are concerned an area of risk
is any tank storage compound containing
one or more tanks which are bounded by a
Is common dyke system.
The following comments relate to the
storage of hydrocarbons. A prime require-
Fig. 6. Earthworks, and oil storage tank construction at Dalmeny, Scotland ment from an underwriting aspect is that
only one class of hydrocarbon shall be
stored in any one compound. Suggested
Object of the instrumentation is to en- adopted it may be necessary to ensure maximum storage capacity in any one area
able a comprehensive picture of the soil that the foundations, where these consist of risk might be as follows:
behaviour to be obtained during the pro- of permeable material, are also leak-proof. Pressure tank storage 150 000 barrels
cess of tank loading. Where soil condi- At Dalmeny, Scotland'he main founda- Refrigerated storage 300 000 barrels
tions are relatively simple as for a raised tions for some 78m diameter floating roof Refined products 600 000 barrels
pad of compacted granular soil on compe- tanks consisted of compacted shale. To Boil-over products 900 000 barrels
tent ground as shown in Fig. 1(a), the prevent leakage of crude oil via the founda- Crude oil 900 000 barrels
required instrumentation can correspond- tions into underlying shale bedrock a 3mm A second requirement that is often made
ingly be simple and may for example only layer of glass reinforced plastic was is with respect to dyke height and limita-
consist of settlement lugs welded on the sprayed onto a polythene sheet covering tions are usually laid down to the maxi-
side of the tank around its periphery, say the tank pad areas. Fig. 6 gives a general mum height that may be used. However
at the eighth positions. This is considered view of the site during the earthworks and there is no reason why, if dykes are prop-
to be the minimum requirement to be pro- initial construction phase of the tanks. erly designed, the maximum height that is
vided during initial water-testing and eva- Dykes should be provided with an im- acceptable from an underwriting aspect
luation of tank performance. permeable core or surface seal where the should not be raised. At the present time a
Where only peripheral tank settlements bulk of soil being used is not impermeable, limitation of 3-4m in height is often in
are to be recorded these are measured dur- otherwise reinforced concrete dyke walls effect. Under special conditions, topo-
ing initial filling and at regular intervals should be employed. Care should be taken graphy may be taken into consideration in
thereafter. The readings thus taken may in the choice of materials, where dykes are spacing requirements of tanks and dykes.
be plotted in a variety of ways, one of the to be built out of soil, to ensure that they With regard to storage capacity pro-
most useful being indicated on Fig. 5 where do not alter their properties with time. vided in a dyked enclosure, to safeguard
settlements are plotted on a radial basis For example where dykes are constructed against the likelihood of spillage, the mini-
around the tank perimeter. Where settle- of compacted shales these can break mum capacity normally laid down is equal
ment rings are relatively close together down under the influence of weathering to to that of the largest tank plus 10 per cent
differential settlement is small compared virtually a clay material and dyke insta- of the capacity of all other tanks in the
with when the rings are relatively far apart. bility can occur where the dykes are high. same enclosure. Spacing and number of
This method of plotting settlement sur- Also in freezing climates slope instability tanks that may be incorporated into any
veys has the advantage that a visual im- can be induced by frost action on the sur- one enclosure is dependent on the product
pression of peripheral tank settlement is face of clay slopes necessitating additional to be stored and the tank capacities.
immediately available. Fig. 5 gives a typi- protection measures. Detailed requirements of this aspect of
cal settlement diagram that can arise. It in- Compound floor areas may easily be compound layout are dependent on the
dicates that the northern side of the tank rendered impermeable in the majority of underwriter. Similarly, minimum require-
is settling considerably more than the cases by providing up to 400mm of clay ments for the layout of spill dykes, fire
southern side and that the greater differen- soil fully remoulded and compacted. How- hydrants, drainage, piping and fittings are
tial settlement between any pair of mea- ever, as with dyke walls, protection is similarly specified.
surement points is to the south-south-east necessary, usually with granular fill to limit
of the tank centre. shrinkage taking place in dry weather. This Acknowledgements
could result in leakage in the event of spil- The author wishes to thank his col-
Dyke compound areas lage, and softening and difficult traffic- leagues at Edward L. Bateman Ltd., for
The purpose of a dyke compound, or ability ensuing in wet weather. their helpful suggestions and constructive
bund wall area, is to retain spillage from The choice of materials for use in dyke comments during the preparation of this
tanks and to prevent flooding and pollu- construction and the planning of measures article.
tions of the region in the event of a tank to prevent leakage from the compound
failure releasing vast quantities of product. areas, such as around pipes passing References
The dyking precautions to be adopted in through compound walls, is often given 1. Legatt, A. J. and Bratchall, G. E.: "Submerged
foundations for 100 000 ton oil tanks". Pro-
any instance will depend on the nature of too little thought. Only trouble can ensue ceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers
Part 1, May, 1973 and Discussion, November,
the commodity being stored. where dykes are built of random material, 1973.
For example underwriting requirements, often in a non-compacted state, the com- —
2. "Esso's giant oil tanks a question of more
which will be briefly discussed in a subse- pound floor left untreated, and no provi- haste, less speed". Ivew Civil Engineer, 28th
February, 1974.
quent section, lay down more stringent sion made to seal off leakage that may 3. "Bitumen slip layers for bearing piles".
rules for the storage of liquified petroleum take place through pipe culverts. Ground Engineering, November, 1971.
gases than they do for less volatile mat- The author is aware of one oil refinery 4. Penman, A. D. M. and Watson, G. H.:
"Foundations for torage tanks on reclaimed
erials such as crude oil. Nevertheless dyke where over a period of fifty years vast land at Teesmouth." Proceedings of the Institu-
compound areas should be properly de- quantities of petroleum products had es- tion of Civil Engineers, May, 1967 and discus-
sion, April, 1968.
signed to ensure that they effectively re- caped from tank compounds and stored 5. "Canvey settles on cardboard". Contract
tain any spilled product. To this end peri- themselves above the ground water table. Journal, February 7th, 1974.
pheral dykes and the compound floor Fortunately the area was flat-lying and the 6. "Paper drains go in fast on Quebec project".
Heavy Construction News, March 5th, 1973.
should be leak-proof. ground water virtually static and so no 7. "Dalmeny tank farm gets dug in". Contract
Depending on the foundation solution movement of the petroleum products had Journal, March 28th, 1974.
July, 1976 31

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