I. Semester: Titel Human Genetics

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Monika Moslavac, Studium: Rehabilitative Pädagogik

I. semester
Titel Human Genetics
Course Course contents This course introduces students to the fundamental principles of
contents human genetics and to the application of genetics in diagnostics, treatment and
prevention of hereditary and inborn disorders. The students will be introduced to the
normal human genome, to the disorders in the structure of the DNA and the
chromosomes and their consequences for the phenotype. Moreover, the course will
explain the ways of inheritance of certain genetic diseases (chromosomopathy,
monogenic, multifactorial). In addition to the normal course of division of sexual and
somatic cells, students will be introduced to gametogenesis anomalies, including
normal and anomalous intrauterine development and factors which influence it.
Students will be introduced to etiopathogenesis, and the division and terminology of
congenital anomalies. Moreover, modern approach to diagnostics of inherited
diseases will be explained, as well as some basic laboratory tests and methods of
citogenetic and molecule diagnostics. Based on all this, certain frequent clinical
hereditary diseases will be presented, and basic treatment and monitoring procedures
for persons and families with hereditary diseases will be given, including prevention
procedures (genetic counseling, screening programs, prenatal diagnosis). Finally, the
role of genetics in the modern society will be discussed, together with the ethical and
legal aspects of genetic testing.
Mark 1 (excellent)
Titel Introduction to the Psychology of Children and Adolescents
Course Aims and problems in developmental psychology. Periods of development and basic
contents characteristics of development.
Overview of theoretical approaches to studying development (psychodynamic,
mechanistic, cognitive, ethological and ecological).
Biological and environmental developmental factors.
Inception, prenatal development and birth.
Body, motoric, perceptive, cognitive, speech, emotional and social development in
infancy, early childhood, middle childhood and adolescence.
Mark 1
Titel Introduction to Inclusive Education and Rehabilition
Course Children and youth with special needs/mental retardation/handicaps – defining the
contents population (terminology, classification, prevalence) Development and transformation
of special education (from special schools to educational inclusion) in the world.
Rights of children with special needs (Children's rights convention, Standard rules for
equal opportunities for persons with handicaps, the conclusions of the World
conference on special education in Salamanca, National strategy of single policy for
persons with handicaps) Philosophy of rehabilitation education / special education:
(aims, education and rehabilitation methods, programs and teaching methods,
education systems, experts for special needs, teachers and assistants – training for
special needs) Special needs / handicap and society (the influence of the environment)
Education of children with special needs in Croatia
Mark 1
Titel Introduction to Complementary Therapies
Course Restitution of neuromotoric and psychosocial functions. Biopsychosocial model in
contents light of contemporary holistic approaches to education, treatment and rehabilitation.
Humoral and spiritual and the psychodynamics of attention. The school of asthma.
Walking school. Castillo-Morales orofacial regulatory therapy. Dennison's
edukinesthetic method. Adaptive creative potential. Clinical assessment methods.
Hypotherapy and therapeutic riding. Dolphin therapy. Therapy by touch/therapeutic
massage. Art/expressive therapies. Ex-Gen therapy. Recreation programs.
Mark 1
Titel Motoric Disorders, Chronic Diseases and Sophrology I
Course Anthropological dimensions of motoric disorders and chronic diseases. The
contents development of the discipline and the professional trend. Transcultural and
transhistorical approach. Epidemiology. Pythagorean and Hawking's cosmology.
Leonardo da Vinci and functional anatomy. Congenital malformations, growth
hormone disorders, neuromuscular diseases, cerebral palsy, brain trauma,
amputation, traumas… Awareness of the body and existential anxiety. Orthotycs and
prosthetics. Ideas and the psychology of handicap. Gjuro Baglivi: "Of the healthy and
sick motoric fiber". Sophrology: biopsychosocial and existential approach. Sophrology,
psychosomatics and rehabilitation.
Mark 1
Titel Statistics
Course Theory of probability, combinatorics (permutations, combinations, variations).
contents Assessment of central tendency parameters (average, mode, median). Parameters of
variability (variance, standard deviation, variability coefficient). Frequency distribution
diagram (columns, frequency polygon, cumulative graph). Theoretical distributions
(binominal distribution, Poisson distribution, normal distribution, Χ2 distribution, F-
distribution, t-distribution). Standardized values and centiles. Samples (types of
samples). Hypotheses testing. Differences between samples (t-test, analysis of
variance). Relations between variables (covariance, correlation). Analysis of qualitative
variable (analysis of differences, correlation, associations between variables)
Mark 2
Titel Informatics
Course Historical development of information technology. Mathematical components of a
contents computer system. The hardware basis of a computer system. The software basis of a
computer system. Computer system software, software applications, the organization
of data resources and computer nets and communications. Information systems.
Expert systems. Fifth generation computer system model. The influence of
information technology on the transformation of educational processes. Computer
viruses. WINDOWS operation system. Using WORD text processor in educational
rehabilitation. EXCEL tables and their application in educational rehabilitation.
Creating POWER POINT presentations and connecting with Word, Excel and the
Internet. Using the WWW and e-mail. Using MS Outlook as an e-mail application
Mark 1
Titel Academic Skills Practicum
Mark No marks
Titel Functional Anatomy and Physiology
Course Functional organization of the human body and the control of the internal
contents environment. The general principles of anatomic organization and the principles of
physiology of the nervous system. The structure and the function of the central
nervous system. Prenatal and postnatal development of the central nervous system,
critical periods for development. The plasticity of the brain during development and
in adults and the reorganization of the brain functions. Sensory receptors and neuron
structures for information processing. Senses. Special senses – vision and hearing
Motoric functions of the brain. Intellectual functions of the brain, learning and
memory. The function of the brain in behavior and motivation. Brain blood
circulation, meninges, cerebrospinal fluid and brain metabolism Peripheral and
autonomous nervous system. Anatomic organization and physiology of the endocrine
system. The anatomy of the head and neck. Physiology of voice production
(phonation, articulation and resonance). The anatomical organization of the
respiratory system and of the respiratory muscles. Physiology of breathing. Anatomy
and physiology of the cardiovascular system. Anatomy and physiology of the motoric
Mark 2 (very good)
Titel Volunteering
Mark No marks
II. semester
Titel Basic Neurology
Course The basics of neurology. Cranial nerves with special emphasis on the visual system,
contents the auditory system, the vestibular system, pharynx and larynx muscular innervation.
The importance of motoric systems and symptoms of upper and lower neuron
motoric impairment, the extrapyramidal system and the cerebellum. The importance
of reflexes. Perception. The most important tests in neurology (EEG, CT, MRI, etc.).
Special emphasis is given to diseases accompanied by motoric disorders (cerebral
palsy, congenital malformations, multiple sclerosis, neuromuscular diseases, tumors
and brain traumas). Moreover, special emphasis is also given to speech impairment,
cortical organization and speech reception and aphasia. Types of epilepsy are
described; types of epileptic seizures, recognition of epileptic seizures in children and
adults. Consciousness disorders. Headaches. Inflammatory diseases of the CNS.
Mark 1 (excellent)
Titel Vision Impairments
Course -Definition of blindness and partial sightedness -Visual functioning when the visual
contents system is impaired
-Structural approach to the development of persons with visual impairments
-Development of persons with visual impairments (cognitive, sensory, perceptive,
motoric, language development)
-Social development of persons with visual impairments
-Adaptation and social integration of persons with visual impairments
-Professional integration
-Educational integration
-Social status of persons with visual impairments through history
Mark 2 (very good)
Titel Rehabilitation Using Play 1
Course The concept and definition of play. Play and children's development. Play as
contents motivation. The role of adults in children's play. The importance of play in stimulating
a complete development of children with special needs. Specific characteristics of
plain in children with special needs. Toys and the criteria of choosing toys in working
with children with special needs. Play area. Preconditions for play in children with
special needs. Developmental assessment of children's play
Mark 1
Titel Development of Persons with Mental Retardation
Course The concept of mental retardation (terminology, definition, classification). The
contents environment and mental retardation Cognitive processes in persons with mental
retardation (sensory functions, perception, memory, attention, intelligence,
implementation of Piaget's theory, learning) Emotional development Mental health of
persons with mental retardation Social competence
Mark 2
Titel Ophthalmology and Physiology of Vision
Course Basics of anatomy and pathology of organs of vision and ocular protection structures.
contents Physiology and pathophysiology of accommodation and processes of binocular vision.
Basics of amblyopia connected with squinting and refractory disorders; its description
and different possibilities of conservative and surgical treatment. Special emphasis is
given to hereditary and degenerative diseases of the retina causing severe partial
sightedness and blindness. Students are introduced to contemporary methods of
operative and laser procedures of the anterior and posterior eye segments. Basic facts
about various types of squinting and partial sightedness, and possibilities of orthoptic
and pleoptic treatment in complex situations. The importance of ophthalmology as a
medical discipline in diagnostics and differential diagnostics of various systemic
Mark 1
Titel Creative Therapy 1
Course Art and science in discovering and supporting the developmental potential of life.
contents Anthropological structures of imagination. Cosmic development o consciousness and
symbolic expression. Dictionary of symbols in art. Psychoanalysis and archetypology.
Esthetic dimension of existential experience. Informatic esthetics. Prophylactic,
therapeutic and psychopathological dimensions of creativity. Psychology of creativity
– theoretical models. Ontological and psychological time. Transcultural and
transhistorical approach; Oedipus, Jocasta, Electra and Medeia complex.
Art/Expressive therapies. Creative therapy (Ex-Gen therapy). Somatotherapy and
Mark 1
Titel Student's practice (1st year, 25 hours)
Mark No marks
Titel Volunteering
Mark No marks
Titel Communication of the Visually Impaired
Course Preverbal communication of visually impaired persons
contents The development of verbal communication
Non-verbal communication of persons with vision impairments
Communications disorders in persons with vision impairments
Mark 1
Titel Phenomenology of behavioral disorders
Course Recognition criteria
contents Classification problems
Levels of behavioral disorders
Early types; issues of timely recognition
Passive types: timidity, introversion, depression, negligence, etc.
Active types: assertiveness, defiance, hyperactivity, lying, cheating, aggressiveness,
escapism, etc.
Type of behavioral disorder as the criterion for programming socio-pedagogical
Mark 3
III. semester
Titel Early Developmental Rehabilitation
Course Healthy newborn; newborn at risk; prematurity. Neurorisk (neurorisk symptoms;
contents diagnostics and monitoring). Neurophysiological foundations of early rehabilitation
(plasticity of the brain). Psychomotoric development of children in the first year. Early
intervention in newborns at risk. Early detection and diagnostic methods for the
assessment of psychomotoric development until the age of 12 months (Munich
functional developmental diagnostics). Diagnostic methods for the assessment of
psychomotoric development in the second and third year. Habilitation concepts:
inhibition of reflexes (Bobath), reflex locomotion method (Vojta). Components of
neurodevelopmental treatment – NDT (preparation, facilitation, inhibition, posturing,
handling procedures). Components of sensory integration / SI (J. Ayres). Stimulation of
orofacial muscles. Basic stimulation (baby massage-Frolig). Developmental profile/
Doman. Everyday activities at 0-3 years of age. Education of parents. Evaluation
Mark 2
Titel Motoric Disorders, Chronic Diseases and Sophrology 2
Course Existential anxiety and differential diagnostics. Homo Symbolicus and Homo
contents Religiosus. Somatotherapy and sofrotherapy. Handicap and sexuality. Thebionic
human. Willpower, muscle strength and pathophysiological correlates. Aging.
Caycedo, Husserl – sophrology and philosophy of science. Sophrology, psychosomatics
and rehabilitation. Supportiveness and complementarity principles. Professional ethics
and interdisciplinary communication. Overview of scientific and clinical research
Mark 2
Titel Assessment of Persons with Vision Impairment
Course a. Aims of functional rehabilitation assessment
contents b. Introduction to instruments for the assessment of different developmental areas of
visually impaired persons and to the implementation of these instruments.
c. Rehabilitation assessment procedure and its usefulness in creating rehabilitation
Mark 1
Titel Family and Rehabilitation
Course Family of a child with special needs (normal family life cycle, relationship between
contents family members, the role in child socialization). Family of a child with special needs
(disrupted family life cycle, family crisis, family of a child with mental retardation,
chronic diseases and motoric disorders, vision impairment). Problems in the family of
children with special needs. Work of rehabilitators in the family (during the diagnostic
process, in solving emotional difficulties and parents' conflicts, conflicts of other
family members, solving family crises, working with parents on transforming their
attitudes, establishing a normal life cycle and improving life quality) Problems in the
family of adults with special needs Working with families (counseling, in-home
techniques of family management, distant family management, parent association
and self-advocacy groups, working in play workshops, summer schools for parents,
weekend meetings, indirect types of family work)
Mark 1
Titel Learning Disabilities
Course Special education and learning disabilities (directing research and practice at LD)
contents Theoretical basis of learning disabilities Definition and classification of learning
disabilities (classification according to diagnosis and according to education and
rehabilitation procedure) Etiology (causes) of learning disabilities Differential areas:
learning disabilities – attention disorder/hyperactivity Historical overview of learning
disability study Learning disability – legal basis for support in the world and in Croatia
Critical view of various education and rehabilitation procedures used with children
and youth with learning disabilitie
Mark 2
Titel Development of Persons with Autism
Course Definition, diagnosis and classification of autism and other pervasive developmental
contents disorders.
Etiology Social development
Language and communication
Behavior characteristics
Specific characteristics of learning, thinking, memory and perception
Emotional development
Characteristics of play of children with autism
Early signs of autism
Sexuality of persons with autism
Family of a child with autism
Mark 2
Titel Psychopatology
Course I. General psychopathology
contents Diagnostics in psychiatry. Etiological factors in psychiatric diseases and disorders. The
psychopathology of basic functions.
II. Special psychopathology.
Classification of psychiatric diseases. Functional psychoses. Neuroses. Personality
disorders. Border cases. Epilepsy. Mental retardation.
Mark 1
Titel Volunteering
Mark No marks
Titel Selected Subjects of the Educational Rehabilitation I: Hear Impairment
Mark 1
IV. semester
Titel Education and Rehabilitation Assessment 1
Course objectives and aims of education and rehabilitation assessment
contents description and interpreting phenomena
data collection techniques: types of records, systematic observation, interview,
sociometric technique, other data collection methods
data quantification: types of norms, standardized values.
assessment scales: types and usage,
assessment errors and how to avoid them
judgment scales: types and usage
Titel Methods and Techniques in Working with Persons with Autism
Course Basic principles of teaching persons with autism.
contents Behavioral approach Visual – cognitive support (TEACCH)
Stimulating communication development (incidental learning, PECS, sign language)
Behavior interventions (prevention of undesirable behavior and alternative strategies)
Support in the preschool period – development of basic skills (imitation, joint
attention), play, self-care skills
Support in the school period – free time activities, academic skills
Support in the adolescent period – stimulating independence
Support in the adult period – employment, independent life, marriage
Titel Introduction to the Methods of Rehabilitation of Persons with Motoric Disorders
and Chronic Diseases
Course Overview of some problem areas: disorders of the locomotion apparatus, disorders of
contents the peripheral and central nervous system and chronic diseases. Differential
diagnostics of the problem area. Assessment of manipulative ability and differential
motorics of the upper extremities. Records for the observation of various problem
areas. Rehabilitation methods of persons with rheumatism, amputees, in diseases of
the muscular and nervous and muscular system, disorders of the central nervous
system, persons with malignancies, paraplegia and quadriplegia. Rehabilitation of
persons with chronic diseases (diabetes, asthma). Methods of complementary
supportive therapies.
Titel Medical Rehabilitation of Persons with Motoric Disorders and Chronic Diseases 1
Course Medical rehabilitation (rehabilitation medicine). Rehabilitation doctrines. Physical
contents medicine and rehabilitation. Posture development: rehabilitation methods in different
problem areas (child at neural risk, congenital malformations, disorders of the central
nervous system, chronic diseases, traumas…) Feeding disorders. Pediatric and adult
oncology. Psychosocial oncology. Preventive education programs. Implementation of
rehabilitation technology (orthoesis, prosthesis, biofeedback in diagnostics and
therapy). Education and occupational therapy in rehabilitation. Walking school.
Complementary supportive rehabilitation procedures. Interdisciplinary
Titel The Braille Code
Course a. Introduction to the basic characteristics of Braille writing
contents b. Learning the Braille Code / writing systems for the blind
c. Using the Braille machine, Braille tables and other means of writing the Braille Code
d. Learning the Braille orthography (formatting Braille signs)
Titel Mathematics for the Blind
Course a. Introduction to the basic characteristics of Braille writing
contents b. Learning the mathematical Braille notation
c. Using the Braille machine, Braille tables, geometric aids and other means of writing
mathematical Braille notation
d. Formatting Braille signs
Titel Student's practice (2nd year, 50 hours)
Titel Volunteering
Titel Orthoptics and Pleoptics
Course Diagnostics of heterophoria and methods of orthoptic rehabilitation.
contents Diagnostics and rehabilitation of functional eye disorders; eye accommodation and
convergence: squinting, binocular function, uniocular function, function of eye
muscles, amblyopia with central fixation, amblyopia with excentral fixation.
Diagnostics and rehabilitation of binocular functions
Diagnostics and rehabilitation of eye muscle functions
Psychosocial and educational implications of amblyopia and functional disorders
Titel Neurosurgical Consequences of Central Nervous System Diseases

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