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Did Olof Palme produce, write and direct his own death?

By Lars Krantz

The assassination 12 years ago of Sweden´s prime minister, Olof Palme on a Stockholm street may be nearing a solution, if it is, then it will
be the first murder solved on the internet!

A newly released document by the RIKSPOLISSTYRELSEN (Swedish National Police Board), casts new light on the traumatic events of that snowy
Friday night in February 1986, and on the man himself, Olof Palme.

The document incredibly states that Olof Palme was infected with the AIDS virus; that he was under suspician for tax evasion, (a very serious crime
in Sweden); that his meddling in the powerful multi-billion dollar Swedish arms industry had become a liability to the government and the Social
Democratic party which he led. His life and death have strange parallells with the life and death of another world figure, John F. Kennedy.

In 1993 a jounalist with Sweden´s largest and most influential daily, the morning Dagens Nyheter, handed a document over to the Stockholm police.
It stated that Olof Palme had ordered his own execution, and that his aristocratic wife Lisbet had pulled the trigger.

The drama begins shortly after the end of the second world war, when Sweden embarks on a plan to develop and build nuclear weapons., a project
which continues until 1974. Thus Sweden came close to becoming the fourth-ranked nuclear power after the US, the Soviet Union, and Great Britain.
In the late 70´s after the Harrisburg accident, Olof Palme attempted to halt all nuclear power development and started the FIVE CONTINENTS
INITIATIVE for the limitation and eventual dismantling of all the world´s nuclear arsenals. He was not to succeed; yet shortly afterwards he
involved himself and his government in a gigantic arms deal with the Indian government through prime minister Ghandi. The weapons were
advanced howitzers, manufactured by Bofors, one of the world´s major arms manufacturers. France was the chief rival for the order, but Sweden
made the sale, in great part due to Palme´s inclusion of weapons-grade plutonium in the deal, a fact which made India´s recent nuclear tests possible.

The RIKSPOLISSYRELSEN have now released a document which can finally solve this 12-year old murder. The document bears the classified seal
and the code Ai.447-93. It sheds new light on the background to the murder: Was Palme in fact bisexual? Did he lead a double life? Was he a
bigamist? Was he infected with the AIDS virus as a result of a sexual encounter with Ebbe Carlsson, a shadowy figure deeply involved in the politics
of the Social Democratic party, homosexual, and later to succomb to AIDS? Was it now in the country´s interests for Palme to die? What role did
Stockholm´s former police chief, Hans Holmér play, his sons, and wife Lisbet? The document contains information from the Dagens Nyheter
jounalist, Olle Alsén, which supports my theory that Palme himself created the scenario for his own death, and his family was to play a great part. Hr
Alsén has now distanced himself from my "grotesque hypothesis". The information was given to the RIKSPOLISSYRELSEN on the 10th of May,
1993, where it was stamped classified by a jurist with the department, Åke Rost. At my request the document has now been made public. It contains
scattered notations, which only partly appeared in Hr Alsén´s chatty column on the Dagens Nyheters´s editorial page. Officially, Hr Alsén supports
the police lead, so called, because it cites the suspicious behavior of certain members of the Stocholm police near the murder scene, a lead I brought
to the attention of the police, and have become a scapegoat for.

Olle Alsén writes: "an old and unpleasant question, but one which has to be answered, was Olof Palme infected with the AIDS virus and was he
bisexual? If true, then it could have played a major role in both the motive and the murder. The furthest we can take this is that Ebbe Carlsson knew
or suspected that he had infected Palme. Did it follow that Palme´s death was a necessity from both a humane and a state security point of view? And
if so, was it a necessity to enlist the services of the Stockholm police chief, Hans Holmér?

Alsén continues to cite facts in support of this "grotesque hypothesis". One is a conversation with Ebbe Carlsson in which Carlsson alludes to a
possible sexual encounter between himself and Olof Palme in a Paris hotel room, when they were the guests of the Swedish ambassador to France,
Carl Lidbom. Allegedly both Carlsson and Palme shared rooms. An odd fact given that Olof Palme was the prime minister of Sweden, and as such
warranted his own room! Another incident occurs in Oslo, where Palme, on official business is the victim of a burglary. Under suspician is a male
prostritute. Alsén goes on to cite a meeting between himself and the former director of the Roslagstull Hospital in Stockolm, which is the only
hospital in Sweden specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of AIDS. According to Alsén, Palme´s physician, Dr Elias Bengtsson, denied when
asked point-blank, if the statsminister was HIV positive or had AIDS. He said that Palme´s complaints were of an unserious nature. But it is a fact
that the prime minister checked into the hospital on a yearly basis, each time staying for several days, undergoing observation and tests. For what?

Another fact in this dark puzzle concerns the Stockholm police chief, Hans Holmér, then heading the special investigative unit. He assigned Tommy
Lindström, RIKSKRIMINALCHEFEN (The Swedish National Police Criminal Chief) to investigate the personal life of Olof Palme. Lindström in
turn assigned the investigation to Ebbe Carlsson. And on the 2nd of February, 1987, in his testimony before the commission´s prosecuting attornies,
Lindström gives no indication of any progress in the murder investigation.

Olle Alsén also refers to a conversation he had with Ebbe Carlsson in which Carlsson says that Palme has "two marraiges". Carlsson goes on to speak
about the strain this has caused on his marraige. Who is the other wife? Shirley MacLaine? The famous American actress was known to have a very
close personal relationship with the prime minister. Carlsson never clarifies that point., but in my book DÖ I RÄTTEN TID I refer to the fact that
Palme told Shirley MacLaine that his wife found his relationship with the actress, "intolerable". An affair is not a "second marraige", and in one of
her books the actress writes that Palme had "other" relationships. Enter Emma Rothschild.

Professor Emma Rothschild was a member of the famous banking family, and had been hired by Palme as secretary for his internationally known
commission on disarmament, THE PALME COMMISSION. Emma was also a neighbor of the Palme´s, occupying an adjacent house in Stockholm´s
fashionable "Old Town". She also had a home in England, and one in Cambridge, Massachusets, the home of America´s foremost university,
Harvard, where Palme´s son Joakim lived while attending the university. Was Emma Rothschild in fact the "second wife" refered to by Ebbe

The scattered notes of Olle Alsén cast light on Palme the man, as there well as Palme the prime minister of Sweden. There is little doubt that Palme
was ill, and their is indication that his illness was dangerous, possibly terminal. For Lisbet Palme the situation was intolerable, and she faced a
terrible choice: to be the wife of an ousted and disgraced prime minisrer and party leader, facing possible indictment for tax evasion, an adulterer, a
weapons smuggler, a suspected bisexual who was possibly infected with the AIDS virus; or to be the tragic widow of one of the world´s most
respected socialist leaders, a champion of human rights, whose brilliant career suddenly ends on a Stockholm street, as he and his wife stroll after
attending the cinema, unguarded at Palme´s request, on the street named Sveavägen, "The Swedish Road".
A footnote: Lisbet Palme twice began divorce proceedings against her husband in the Swedish courts, and on both occasions the foreign seretary and
one-time party secretary, Sten Andersson, took back the divorce application. Thus, against her will, Lisbet Palme remained as Olof Palme´s wife.
Were there possibly conditions? Was she Calpurnia to Palme´s Caesar? We will never know.

In the winter of 1986, his last, Olof Palme suffered from a visible depression, but on the 28th of February, his final day, Palme appeared exuberant.
Was he now resolved to the drama´s end?

We will never know.

Lars Krantz is an author and former jounalist with the Swedish Radio


Uppdaterad 12 11 98
What guilt is left, when it is divided
among so many people?
Maffia boss to prosecuter, in the Italian
TV series: The Octopus
IRANIANS in Gothenburg, Sweden´s second largest city, have little or no faith in the efforts of the police more about it here.

LARS KRANTZ Swedish News Update


What guilt is left, when it is divided
among so many people?
Maffia boss to prosecuter, in the Italian
TV series: The Octopus

Uppdaterad 08 11 98

IRANIANS in Gothenburg, Sweden´s second largest city, have little or no faith in the efforts of the police investigation into the tragic discotheque
fire which claimed the lives of 63 youths, almost all of whom were the children of muslim immigrants. The mistrust is based on the fruitless and
ongoing investigation into the murder of Olof Palme, the Social Democratic prime minister, gunned down on a Stockholm street, on an early spring
night in 1986; an investigation which has claimed three justice ministers and one prime minister.

The Iranians suspect the involvement of neo- nazis in an investigation which they feel will go nowhere. Perhaps they are familiar with the history of
Gothenburg in the 30´s, where nazi organisations had candidates elected to local government. One in particular eventually became security chief for
the state-owned Swedish Radio.

Exactly as in the Palme murder 13 years before, an air of uncertainty and confusion permated the investigation into the circumstances of that tragic
October night. It became evident that a scandal was brewing when it was after three days that the body of a girl was recovered from the debris.

The newly elected Social Democratic government of Sweden in September 1998 seemed doomed to failure. Tension within the party was rife. It was
a minority government. A special commission investigating the Palme murder began work in the strictist secrecy, as the newly elected government
parried provocative and irritating information on the internet concerning the Palme murder, suggesting legislation to restrict, if not completely choke
freedom of information on the internet. An angered Moderate Party leader, Carl Bildt asked the government pointedly, if his weekly internet
newsletter was illegal. The reply was that he had three years to legally change his present activities.

I myself have now got the same answer fron the government about this Swedish News Update. So you are welcome to get this legal information.


THE governmental irritation with the internet is based on my disclosure on that medium, of a now classified document, which suggests that the
prime minister may have been HIV positive. This is based on the fact that in his final year, Palme received regular treatments at the Roslagstull
Hospital, which specialises in the treatment of AIDS. In his last year Palme´s visits to the hospital became more frequent. Could this fact provide the
government with a reason for the liquidation of it´s own prime minister?

The Italian series The Octopus is now appearing on Swedish television. It is based on real events. It´s heroine, a courageous prosecuting attorney
visited Sweden some years ago and talked about her long battle against the corruption of a government infiltrated by organised crime.

On Saturday the 7th of November the Swedish royal couple flew to Gothenburg to join in the mourning of the fire victims. The Iranians in
Gothenburg know little of the Swedish Royal House´s history vis-a-vis Hitler´s Germany. They do not know for example that King Gustav V never
neglected to pay his respects to Adolph Hitler on his annual trips to the French Riviera. Nor could they know that Sweden´s great voice against
nazism, the Gothenburg Handels och Sjöfart newspaper editor, Torgny Segerstedt was called before the king and reprimanded . Nor could they have
known that His Majesty was very aware of the movements of a particular German divsion, from Norway, through Sweden to Finland, and on to the
eastern front. As the present king honored the fire victims were they aware that his father, Prince Gustav Adolph, whose wife Sibylla, was German,
was a nazi sympathiser? Even Count Folke Bernadotte, regarded by the present Persson government as a protector of the Jews, was a known German

The Swedish journalist and author Jan Myrdal, son of the the famed sociologist Gunnar Myrdal, author of An American Dilemma, said in an
interview regarding the Palme assassination, that Palme´s wife Lisbet knew who the murderer was. That meant that it was a cover up. Lisbet Palme
was born into one of Sweden´s noble families, and has the right to the title of baroness. Her marriage to the socialist Olof Palme was not well
received in the court circles she moved in. In an article, Jan Myrdal wrote that there are theories regarding the involvement of the Swedish Royal
House in the Palme assassination. Perhaps it is significant that at no time in recent memory has the Royal Family been so exposed in the media as it
is today. Not a week passes that we don´t see them on skis, on boats, on elk hunts. Their daughter, the crown princess, attending school in America, is
news wherever she goes, whatever she does; and it is interesting to note that the establishment of a republic, was the credo of the Swedish Social
Democratic Party, an irony not missed by the king.

The Swedish king holds many honorary offices. Since 1965 he is the highest chief for the country´s police. He also is the commander-in-chief of the
Swedish armed forces. Another title he holds is that of the highest guardian of the Freemasons. It is perhaps interesting to note that in Italy, the P2
lodge of the Freemasons plays a not insignificant role in Italian politics. The lodge also has connections to Sweden. The king, for reasons not entirely
clear, also sits as chairman of the government´s foreign affairs committee. Why just the king, and not the queen- now when it seems that the feminists
have established their power as the result of a gun drama on a street called Sveavägen, on a cold and wet friday night in the early spring of 1986?

Lars Krantz

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