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3 i F i FRANCHOT TONE APlay in Three Acts Twelve Angry Men by REGINALD ROSE Stage Version by SHERMAN L. SERG! ‘Adapted from the Television Show of the Same Name Initially presented on ‘STUDIO ONE, CBS-TV < ‘THE DRAMATIC PUBLISHING COMPANY CHICAGO #286035, Notice Twelve Angry Men A Playin Tiree Att (HE attention ofall parchasers i directed to the follow- ing: This work is flly protected under the copyright {is Violations of the Copyright Law ace punishable by fine or imprionment, or both ‘The toyaly fee for One psformance of this play by ama (CHARACTERS teurs is thirty-five dollars ($35.00). Arrangements must be = made in advance of the performance. Royalty ofthe required Fonnaats oF is June rowat ust be paid whether the play i presented for chaity Joxox No. Gr pun and whether admision is charged oF nt, Since pet- Jotot No. Tiss focmance of tis ply without permision renders anyone pu Juror No, Four ‘ipting lable to severe penalties imposed by law, anyone Se fcting i this play, or pariipating in 27 way in its pexform oro No. Shee should be sure, before doing 50, thatthe necessary pet Jurox No, Seve Inission has ben obttined. Tunor No. Eu 'No radi or television broadest ofthis play may be made. Juton No: Noe Copyright covers, among other rights, the right to pac ee i] 10 (2 make copies; and the copying by hand, by typewriter, 4 ‘or by any other process, of “parts” or of any portion of eee ee 2 copyrighted play is dishonest and illegal. (it pat) "These terms are subject to change without notice, e008 4 P| ope oe (On all programs and advertising this notice must appese: ‘Cosma (bit port) i Produced by special arangemeat with THE DRaMaTic PU- : Lustane Company, of Chicago. vuace: A jary room. : ———EEEEE ‘nti: The present. Summer. PS ‘conmucu, . r MEMLY, BY SYNOPSIS 3585 Reoavatn Rost bs 4 ocr y Batter Teitn Show, Tene Aney Mi sr one: Lae afroon 1 Tg ° “aie ere fet THREE: InmeditelPfollowing Act Two. —_—_ NOTES ON CHARACTERS AND COSTUMES FOREMAN: He is «small, pety man who is impressed with the authority he has and handles himself quite formally. He i ‘not overly bright, but dogged. {JUROR No, TWO: He is a meek, hesitant man who finds Alfcule to. maintain any opinions of his own. He is easly swayed and urully adopts the opinion of the last person &® ‘whom he has spoken, ‘JUROR NO, THREE: He isa very strong, very forceful, ex- tremely opinionated man within whom can be detected & streak of stdiam, Also, he is humorless man who is intolerant of opinions other than his own, and accustomed to forcing his ‘wishes and views upon others. ‘JUROR NO, FOUR: He seems to be a man of wealth and pottion, and a practiced speaker who presents himself well at All times, He seems to feel a litle bit above the rest of the jurors. His oaly concern is with the facts i this case and he {8 appalled withthe behavior of the others. [JUROR No, Five: He isa maive, very frightened young man ‘who takes his obligations in this case very seriously but who finds ie dificult to speak up when his elders have the for. ‘JUROR NO. st: He is an honest but dullovitted man who ‘coins upon his decisions slowly and carefull. He is a man ‘who finds it dificult to create postive opinions, but who mast Tinten to and digest and accept those opinions offered by others ‘which appeal to him mest. {JUROR NO, SEVEN: He is a loud, ashy, glad-handed sales- sn type who har more important things fo do thant ct on 2 jury. He is quick to show temper and equally quick to form ‘opinions on things about which he knows nothing. He is a bully, and, of couse «coward JUROR NO, HHT: Hei qui, dough, gentle man — 4. wh eal ide feet ston sd os es tr, He i an of sagt tempered with compesion ‘Above lhe su mun who wants ante tbe doa, fight tose tat is JOAOR NO. NIE: He ia mil, gentle old man, loog since defeat by life and sow eel wating to de. He rosso himself for what he and cs the days when ould fave ben prnbl to Be couagenes wien hcg anal bind his muy ous, ‘JUROR NO. a: He isan angry, biter man—a min who asingniza almost at sight He aso «bigot who plc 90 ‘alu on aay Bunan Ife save ht own. Here fs tn who Ins been nowhere and is gong nowhere sod knows it decp within im, ‘JUROR NO. BLEVEN: He is refugee from Europe, He spe wa oat nd hand, bl sn hw wet tothe people ound hi. He wll hoes seck justice Same be sted tough vo mach nace wjuton No. Twruve: He ssc, bright averting man ‘wi thik of aman beng in tema of pce, raphe td polly, tod hat no ral taderoding Of pope, He ma ‘petal snob, tying tobe s good flow. Goo: Tht a pH a ey ag and wate 2 ‘ORTOMRE: The jurors wen everyday business lots st bie for suet. JUNo8 NO. PE wasn expiry ore suk Juton no, aves clothes tc faty.Jokon No, TWH ‘ress bt in good tte

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