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Enhanced hemostasis and improved healing in

CO2 laser-assisted soft tissue oral surgeries

Robert Levine, DDS, and Peter Vitruk, PhD, discuss CO2 laser
efficiency in coagulation and healing

Introduction steaming out of the intensely laser-heated shrinkage of the walls of blood vessels (and
The key to successful applications of soft soft tissue, carry with them cellular ashes lymphatic vessels) due to collagen shrinkage
tissue lasers and their advantages over other and other byproducts of this fast boiling at increased temperatures. The coagulation
surgical tools is their ability to accurately cut and vaporization process. Because of weak depth H (for 60º-100ºC temperature range
and efficiently coagulate the soft tissue at the absorption (Figure 1) and strong scattering inside the ablation margins) was shown in
same time. However, not all lasers are effi- by the soft tissue,2 the near-infrared diode Figure 1 to be proportional to the absorption
cient at both cutting and coagulating. Some and Nd:YAG laser wavelengths circa 1,000 depth A (an inverse of absorption coefficient
laser wavelengths (such as those of Erbium nm are highly inefficient and spatially in- presented in Figure 1) and is presented in
lasers) are great at cutting but are not as accurate photo-thermal laser ablation tools.2 Figure 2. The coagulation depth H relative
efficient at coagulating.1 Other wavelengths Because of very strong absorption by the to the blood vessel diameter B is an impor-
(such as those of diode lasers) are efficient soft tissue, mid-infrared Erbium (circa 3,000 tant measure of coagulation and hemostasis
coagulators but are poor scalpels.2 There nm) and infrared CO2 laser (circa 10,000 nm) efficiency. For H<<B (see Erbium laser wave-
are also lasers (such as the CO2 laser) that wavelengths are highly efficient and spatially lengths in Figure 2), optical absorption and
are efficient at both cutting and coagulating accurate laser ablation tools.1,2 coagulation depths are significantly smaller
the soft tissue.1 The key to understanding The rate of how fast the irradiated than blood vessel diameters; coagulation
how the laser light cuts and coagulates is tissue diffuses the heat away is defined by takes place on relatively small spatial scale
through the wavelength-dependent nature Thermal Relaxation Time TR, which equals and cannot prevent bleeding from the blood
of laser light’s absorption by the soft tissue, approximately 1.5 msec for 75% water rich vessels severed during tissue ablation. For
as presented in Figure 1 for the three wave- soft tissue irradiated by 10,600 nm CO2 H>>B (diode laser wavelengths in Figure 2),
length groups of practical dental lasers that laser. Practical implications of the Thermal optical absorption (Near-IR attenuation) and
are on the market today: Relaxation Time concept are simple and yet coagulation depths are significantly greater
• circa 1,000 nm (diodes and Nd:YAG very powerful for appropriate application of than blood vessel diameters; coagulation
laser) laser energy. The most efficient heating of takes place over extended volumes.
• circa 3,000 nm (Erbium lasers) the irradiated tissue takes place when laser For H ≥ B (CO2 laser wavelengths in
• circa 10,000 nm (CO2 lasers) pulse energy is high and its duration is much Figure 2), coagulation extends just deep
shorter than TR. The most efficient cooling enough into a severed blood vessel to stop
Photo-thermal ablation and laser of the tissue adjacent to the ablated zone the bleeding. In another words, the CO2
pulsing takes place if time duration between laser laser’s excellent coagulation efficiency is
The most efficient soft tissue laser abla- pulses is much greater than TR. Such laser due to the close match between the photo-
tion (and incision and excision) is a process pulsing is referred to as SuperPulse and is thermal coagulation depth of approximately
of vaporization of intra- and extracellular a must-have feature of any state-of-the-art 50 µm,4 and oral soft tissue blood capillary
water heated by the laser light within the soft tissue surgical CO2 laser that minimizes diameters of approximately 20-40 µm.3 The
irradiated soft tissue. Water vapors, rapidly the depth of coagulation.1 key to the success of the soft tissue CO2
laser is its ability to cut and coagulate the
Photo-thermal coagulation soft tissue simultaneously.
Robert Levine, DDS, is director of Laser Coagulation occurs as a denatur-
Dentistry, Arizona School of Dentistry &
Oral Health and founder of Global Laser ation of soft tissue proteins that occurs CO2 laser oral soft tissue surgery
Oral Health, LLC, a designer of online laser in 60º-100°C temperature range1 leading Figures 1 and 2 indicate that wave-
dentistry training programs for academia, to a significant reduction in bleeding (and lengths circa 10,000 nm are >1,000 times
general dentists, and hygienists.
oozing of lymphatic liquids) on the margins superior to wavelengths circa 1,000 nm for
of ablated tissue during laser ablation (and soft tissue ablation and >10 times superior
excision/incision) procedures. Since blood is to wavelengths circa 3,000 nm for soft tissue
Peter Vitruk, PhD, MInstP, CPhys, is founder
contained within and transported through the coagulation and hemostasis. The 10,600nm
of LightScalpel, LLC. He is a member of the
the Institute of Physics and of the Science blood vessels, the diameter of blood vessels CO2 laser is highly energy efficient at ablating
and Research Committee, Academy of Laser B (estimated to range from 21 to 40 µm)3 the soft tissue photo-thermally with very
Dentistry. He is also on the faculty of the is a highly important spatial parameter that low ablation threshold intensities due to
California Implant Institute and Global Laser
Oral Health, LLC. Dr. Vitruk can be reached at influences the efficiency of photocoagula- extremely small volume of irradiated tissue
1-866-589-2722 or tion process. Photo-thermal coagulation is because of extremely short absorption depth
also accompanied by hemostasis due to around 15 µm.1,2

34 Implant practice Volume 8 Number 3

Figure 1: Optical absorption coefficient spectra at different histologically relevant Figure 2: Coagulation depth spectrum for pulsed laser ablation; TR is Thermal Relaxation Time.1,2
concentrations of water, hemoglobin (Hb), oxyhemoglobin (HbO2), and melanin. Loga- Logarithmic scale is in use
rithmic scales are in use

Hemostasis and tissue healing on the lip) removed. The risk of intraoperative hemorrhage was very well controlled, enabling
In comparison with conventional scalpel, hemorrhage was elevated by the fact that the clinician with utmost precision. In Case
the use of the CO2 laser in oral soft tissue the patient had been taking blood thinning 3, the bloodless excisional biopsy of fibroma
surgeries offers several benefits. Among these agents for his atrial fibrillation condition. In was performed. Case 4 is a stage II implant
benefits are cutting in a non-contact mode addition, the lesion was located in the area uncovering procedure. This surgery requires
(which helps to avoid mechanical trauma to where successful cosmetic outcome was both special accuracy and the well-controlled
the tissue) and without bleeding or the need important; therefore, it was crucial to have depth of laser energy penetration as well as
for sutures, precise tissue removal, and mini- good visualization of the operatory field. Effi- enhanced hemostasis. No blood was present
mized postoperative pain, edema, and inflam- cient intra-operative hemostasis provided by at any point. The implant was uncovered in
mation. The use of a CO2 laser on the oral the CO2 laser allows for more precise and approximately 30 seconds. In connection with
soft tissue has no known contraindications accurate tissue removal due to the improved implant uncovering, it should be mentioned
or side effects.5 A substantial body of peer- visibility of the surgical field (Figure 3B).9 In that the recent study on the 10,600 nm CO2
reviewed literature describes the excellent this case, the CO2 laser enabled the clini- laser removal of biofilm from titanium implant
hemostatic capacity of the CO2 laser as a cian to achieve the best results in a short surfaces11 reported that this laser wavelength
useful instrument for oral surgery in patients period of time. No sutures were placed, and does not affect titanium or titanium oxide (most
with hemorrhagic disorders or undergoing a thin layer of char was created to protect the common implant materials) and is therefore
antithrombotic therapy (Figures 3A-3B).5-8 surgical site. The recovery was uneventful. safe to use around implants. Case 5 shows a
Due to the hemostatic ability of the CO2 laser, Figure 3C shows the completely healed LightScalpel CO2 laser lingual frenectomy in a
intraoral surgical wounds often can be left to surgical site at 1 month postoperatively. 7-year-old patient. Surgery is performed in a
heal by secondary intention without placing Figures 4A-4B, 5A-5B, 6A-6C, 7B-7C, highly vascularized area where bleeding was
sutures or dressing (as in Cases 3, 5, 7, and and 8A demonstrate the enhanced hemo- well controlled. Finally, Case 6 is the ablation
8 described in this article).10 For example, the stasis ensured by the LightScalpel CO2 laser. of the inflamed operculum. Figure 8A demon-
patient in Case 1 (Figures 3A-3C) wanted to In Case 2, the patient had the vestibular strates the immediately postoperative view
have a vascular lesion (capillary hemangioma extension procedure performed, and the with excellent hemostasis.

Case 1: Removal of the capillary hemangioma of the lip

Figure 3A: Pre-op view of the capillary hemangioma of the Figure 3B: Intra-op view. After the lesion had been ablated, the Figure 3C: One month post-op view. Note complete healing
lip. The lesion is a 5 x 5 mm round, slightly exophytic nodule laser was defocused, and the hemangioma bed was coagu- with excellent esthetic outcome
with smooth surface and bluish-purple in color lated until bleeding and oozing stopped. Hemostasis was easily
achieved, which was especially important in this patient who
was undergoing anticoagulant therapy for atrial fibrillation

Volume 8 Number 3 Implant practice 35


Case 2: Laser-assisted vestibular extension

Figure 4A: Superficial laser marking for the planned incision Figure 4B: Intraoperative view. Note clear surgical field with Figure 4C: Healed surgical site
unobstructed visibility

Case 3: Excisional biopsy of fibroma

Figure 5A: Intra-op view. Traction suture put through the Figure 5B: Excision of the fibroma mass is complete. Figure 5C: Follow-up exam at 14 days after the surgery.
lesion to maintain tension. The lesion was circumscribed and No sutures were needed. The wound was left to heal by Note the clean healing of the buccal mucosa. The recovery
undermined with the laser secondary intension was uneventful

Case 4: Stage II implant uncovering

Figure 6A: Laser beginning implant uncovering. Laser ablation Figure 6B: Tissue ablation in progress. Note the absence of Figure 6C: Implant uncovered after 30 seconds of laser
was performed from center toward periphery in a circular blood in the surgical field ablation
spiral motion

Similar to its effect on smaller blood for wound contraction).16-18 According (excisional biopsy of fibroma), and 8B-8C
vessels, the CO2 laser coagulates lymphatic to Basu, et al.,19 and Tambuwala, et al.,20 (operculectomy) depict beautiful healing of
vessels on the margins of the incision, which healing of the CO2 laser-irradiated wounds the CO2 laser surgical sites where the wound
results in minimal postoperative swelling involves the appearance of a fibroserous was left to heal by secondary intention. In the
and edema, and ultimately, improved, less membrane 72 hours postoperatively. This case of capillary hemangioma, the lack of
painful healing. Lymphatic vessels regenerate membrane replaces the superficial necrotic scarring was important for esthetic reasons;
successively in approximately 8 to 10 days layer of the laser-treated area. An epithelial in the case of vestibuloplasty, the absence of
after capillary-vessel proliferation.12 covering of the wound starts to form from scarring was significant to preserve function-
Among the most prominent benefits of the periphery toward the center after two ality; in the case of fibroma excision, smooth
CO2 laser treatment are minimized wound weeks and is thinner and parakeratotic in tissue ensured that the patient would not
contraction and scarring.10,13-16 Healing of comparison with the epithelium that forms continue check biting and that the lesion
CO2 laser-irradiated wounds is characterized after scalpel resection. This could account would not reoccur.
by a more prominent fibroblastic proliferation, for the excellent esthetic outcome of all CO2 Reduced wound contraction — combined
with young fibroblasts actively producing laser treatment, with no fibrosis or scarring, with decreased lateral tissue damage, less
collagen. Compared to scalpel wounds, CO2 and soft, pliable residual tissue. traumatic surgery, more precise control of
laser-induced wounds contain only a small Figures 3C (capillary hemangioma of the depth of tissue damage, and excellent
number of myofibroblasts (cells responsible the lip), 4C (mandibular vestibuloplasty), 5C hemostatic ability — makes the CO2 laser a

36 Implant practice Volume 8 Number 3

Case 5: Lingual frenectomy in a 7-year-old patient

Figure 7A: Pre-op view of a restrictive frenum attached to Figure 7B: Intra-op view Figure 7C: Immediately post-op view
the tip of the tongue

Case 6: Operculectomy

Figure 8A: Immediately pre-op view. The case was originally Figure 8B: Immediately post-op view. Hemostasis was Figure 8C: 1 week post-op view. Patient was pain- and
approached with scalpel by an oral surgeon. This pre-op achieved, and the wound was left to heal by secondary discomfort-free even during mastication. Healing progressed
photo is taken 2 days after scalpel surgery. intention very well. Note the absence of swelling or inflammation

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