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Table of Contents

Article I: Name
Article II: Statement and Purpose of Organization
Article III: Membership
Section I: Member Definition
Section II: Registration Policy
Section III: Membership Dues Policy
Section IV: Hazing Policy
Section V: Liability
Article IV: Voting
Section I: Voting Powers
Section II: Voting Delegation
Article V: Chapter Administration
Section I: Definition and Purpose of Executive Board
Section II: Rights and Powers of Executive Board and Advisor
Section III: Structure of Executive Board
Section IV: Obligations of Chapter Officers
Section V: Duties of Officers
Section VI: Powers of Officers
Section VII: Election of Officers
Section VIII: Removal & Absences of Officers
Article VI: Policy on Committee Membership
Article VII: Meeting Policies and Procedures
Section 1: General Body Meetings
Section II: Executive Board Meetings
Section III: Administrative Meetings
Article VIII: Financial Operations
Section I: Duties and Responsibilities
Section II: Disclosure Policies
Section III: Solicitations Policies
Section IV: Fundraising Policies
Article IX: Branding and Media Policy
Article X: Duties of the Advisor
Article XI: Powers and Changes to Bylaws
Article XII: Amendments

The National Society of Black Engineers, as a national student and professional based
organization, does hereby dedicate itself to the development of intensive programs for increasing
Black and other ethnic minority participation in the field of engineering and engineering
technology. These programs will be initiated both within and outside the university community
and will serve to strengthen relations between professional industry and the black community.
Members of this organization are encouraged to join and participate in their individual
professional societies. This organization will endeavor to provide general counseling to all


The name and type of this organization shall be the University of Pittsburgh Chapter of the
National Society of Black Engineers, a non-profit student run organization. The official acronym
for the organization is limited to ‘Pitt NSBE.’ No other shorthand version is authorized for use.
Official documentation must contain only the full name of the chapter.


The objective of the University of Pittsburgh Chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers
shall be to stimulate and develop student interest in engineering; to strive to increase the number
of students studying engineering at both the undergraduate and graduate levels; and to endeavor
in the advancement of the Black engineer in professional industry. Additionally, this
organization shall provide service opportunities for its members and engage in providing STEM
opportunities for youth and adults in the Greater Pittsburgh Area.


Herein contains the definitions, requirements, and stipulations for Pitt NSBE chapter

Section I: Member Definition

A member of the University of Pittsburgh National Society of Black Engineers is entitled to the
rights and privileges contained within this document. Membership is open to all undergraduate
and graduate students that are part of the University of Pittsburgh or institutions in the Pittsburgh
Metropolitan area. Membership can be attained at any time throughout the calendar year.

All members must accept and comply with all of the requirements and limitations of registration
as a condition of membership as detailed in Article III Sections II-III. A member who fails to
abide by this policy will not be considered in ‘good standing’ with the chapter.

A) Members who are not in good standing by the definition of the University or NSBE
student code of conduct are not eligible to receive benefits and rights of a member
provided by the chapter including but not limited to: scholarships, travel assistance,
academic tutoring, and career assistance programs.
B) Sanction Policy: Members who are not in good standing have five (5) days to appeal
their status. This appeal will be reviewed by the Top 5 and Advisor of the
organization. Sanctions may only be imposed under circumstances where there is an
evidenced violation of Sections II-IV, or additional violations of University or NSBE
Codes of Conduct.

Section II: Registration Policy

To register as a member, a student must complete registration through the National Society of
Black Engineers and the University of Pittsburgh Chapter. National registration policies are
controlled by the National organization. The University of Pittsburgh chapter requires its
members to abide by National policies and deadlines as defined by the national board. There are
no additional registration policies imposed by the chapter, other than the policy on dues outlined
in Section III.

(A) Members can join regardless of designated major, so long as they are a student of the
University of Pittsburgh or institutions in the Pittsburgh metropolitan area. Due to the
aforementioned policies of the National Society of Black Engineers, non-engineering
majors may or may not be limited in terms of their rights and privileges to membership
outside the scope of this chapter. For further clarification please reference the National
Society of Black Engineers national bylaws and procedures.

(B) An Affiliate member shall be defined as a person who is not a candidate for a degree in one
of the areas defined in Article III, Section 2 (A), and who does not have voting power,
and as such is exempt from elected positions including, Chapter President, Vice
President, Programs Chair, Treasurer, and Secretary. An affiliate member may hold an
appointed position. As per University policies in addition to the previous stated national
and regional organization policies, associate (Affiliate) members may not vote, hold
office nor serve in a formal leadership role. They may participate in organization
meetings and activities. Pitt student membership shall comprise of at least 75% of the
total membership at all times. The University of Pittsburgh chapter reserves the right to
restrict membership in the event chapter membership is less than 75% of the designated
major and area of study.

(C) Membership registration may be revoked (pending decision from the Chapter President and
Advisor) if found in violation of the National Society of Black Engineers or University of
Pittsburgh codes of conduct. Members may be placed in a probationary period or long
term removal in accordance with the violation that occurs.

Section III: Membership Dues Policy

Members must complete their registration by paying dues to the National Society of Black
Engineers and the University of Pittsburgh chapter to receive good standing status. Dues to the
National Society of Black Engineers are not controlled by this chapter and are not within the
scope of this constitution. Dues to the chapter are established by proposal of the Budget
Committee (See Article VIII Section I). The proposal must be ratified by a 2/3 majority vote of
the executive board prior to May following the election period of the board for a given year.

Section IV: Hazing Policy

No hazing or illegal discriminatory criteria for membership, including those listed in the
University of Pittsburgh’s non-discrimination policy, will be used as a condition for membership
in the organization. These factors include race, color, religion (except for religious organizations
which may restrict membership to those who share their faith based beliefs), national origin,
ancestry, sex (except same sex organizations permitted under Title IX), age, marital status,
familial status, sexual orientation, gender identity and expression, genetic information, disability
or status as a veteran. This non-discriminatory policy will be applied in a manner consistent with
the requirements of the First Amendment of the United States Constitution and other laws
applicable to student organizations.

Section V: Liability

Membership in the University of Pittsburgh Chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers
is voluntary and all risk of personal injury, property damage or other losses that occur incidental
to membership or participation in activities are assumed solely by the student organization and/or
individual member(s) or non-member participant(s). Accordingly, the University of Pittsburgh,
its officers and agents shall not be responsible nor liable for any claims or causes of action for
damage or loss of property or personal injury of any kind or nature which may arise out of or are
incidental to the conduct of any organization’s activities or that of any individual’s participation
in any group-related activity. It is further understood and agreed that it is the responsibility of the
officers of the organization to assure, if necessary, that all of the organization’s members and
non-member participants in all activities sponsored by the University of Pittsburgh Chapter of
the National Society of Black Engineers are fully informed and advised of this ASSUMPTION
OF RISK, and in the event any individual member or participant should express or indicate
non-acceptance, the organization’s officers shall forbid participation and/or membership of such
individual. In regard to the organization member or non-member participant Assumption of Risk,
the University of Pittsburgh Chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers acknowledges
that the University recommends that the organization members and non-member participants
make every effort to arrange for the acquisition of liability insurance sufficient to protect all
participants against those risks being assumed. For sport-related organizations, the University
recommends that each individual have insurance sufficient to allow for any risks by
participation, accident or by deficiencies in physical health.


The powers and voting privileges as defined within this section are limited to business and
affairs during official NSBE chapter, regional, or national meetings.
Section I: Voting Powers

Each member shall be entitled to one (1) vote in all Chapter General Body meetings in which the
member is present. Voting privileges are limited to currently enrolled​ ​student members in good
standing with the organization.

A) Rights and privileges to represent the chapter outside this capacity are reserved for the offices
of: President, Vice-President, Treasurer, Senator, or an approved delegation. This
includes, but is not limited to meetings for allocations, Deans of the University, or
meetings with Pittsburgh Community members.
B) General Body members are not allowed to represent, vote, or suggest on behalf of the chapter
outside of this capacity and may be subject to membership probation (see AIII SI (A) for
good standing probationary sanctions).

Section II: Voting Delegation

Only members appointed as Senator (Article V) has the right and authority to represent and vote
on the behalf of the University of Pittsburgh National Society of Black Engineers at organization
meetings. These meetings include, but are not limited to: Regional Leadership Conference, Fall
Regional Conference, End Zone Summits, and Annual Convention.


Section I: Definition and Purpose of Executive Board

The Executive Board of the University of Pittsburgh National Society of Black Engineers shall
be the official elected and appointed administrative agent of the chapter. Board members have
separate voting privileges and requirements from general body members. The chapter advisor, a
full time Pitt faculty or staff member, will be included in an official capacity as required by the
University, but will hold no voting or decision making power within the board. Offices also
serve as an extension of the Regional and National Executive Boards of the National Society of
Black Engineers, and will have duties and obligations in concert with the requirements of
chapter, regional, and national guidelines not explicitly contained within this document.

Section II: Rights and Powers of Executive Board and Advisor

All Executive Board members have the same rights and privileges of a general body member,
with the addition that they can vote on matters within the context of an executive board meeting

(A) The advisor reserves the right to oversee and maintain preservation of the rights and
privileges of the board should an Executive Board member encroach on the duties,
obligations, and guidelines contained herein.
Section III: Structure of Executive Board

The Executive Board will be designated into various zones and bodies. Positions are required to
adhere to the structures as defined herein:

(A) ‘Top 5’ Administrative Zone shall include the Chapter President, Vice President, Secretary,
Programs Chair, and Treasurer.
i. The Top 5 are the only elected positions on the board. Policies and procedures for these
elections are designated within Section VI.
ii. Top 5 members must meet separately from Executive Board members on a regular basis, no
less than twice (2) per month, including summer months (May-August).
iii. Top 5 is administered by the Chapter President, who reserves the right to call additional
meetings as necessary. The Chapter President and other Top 5 members must
report to Advisor at least once (1) per month, and additional reports can be
prepared by the President as needed.

(B) Administration / Steering Zone: shall include the offices of President, Parliamentarian, and
i. The Official Zone Head of the Administration Zone is the President.

(C) Membership Zone: shall include the offices of Vice President, Membership Chair and the
Freshman Shadowing Initiative members.
i. The Official Zone Head of the Membership Zone is the Vice President.

(D) Programs Zone: shall include the offices of Programs Chair, Academic Excellence Chair,
TORCH Chair, and PCI Chair.
i. The official zone head of the Programs Zone is the Programs Chair

(E) Finance Zone: shall include the offices of Treasurer, Corporate Liaison, and Fundraising
i. The official zone head of the Finance Zone shall be the Treasurer.
ii. The Fundraising Chair and Corporate Liaison shall collaborate on Regional and National
reports under the Finance Chair as needed throughout the year.
(F) Communications Zone: shall include the offices of Secretary, Publications Chair and Public
Relations Chair.
i. The official zone head of the Communications Zone shall be the Secretary.

*All zones must meet at least two times a month during the schoolyear.

Section IV: Obligations of Chapter Officers

The Executive Board shall (a) administer the affairs of the PITT Chapter under the National,
Regional and Chapter Constitution and Bylaws, (b) be subject to the orders of the membership
and none of its acts shall conflict with decisions made by the vote of the chapter general body, or
the goals and objectives of the organization, (c) not receive any salary for service, (d) make
recommendations to the Regional Executive Board, (f) coordinate activities within the University
of Pittsburgh Chapter.

All chapter officers are required to uphold the duties and requirements as described herein.
Additionally, the President and Vice-President reserve the right to enforce the Executive Board
contract. This contract is provided to executive board members following elections containing
additional rules and regulations that must be upheld throughout the term.

(A) Any change to the executive board contract must be presented by the previous executive
board prior to the election and interview process of the new executive board.​ ​All changes
must be approved first by the Advisor (non-vote), and a 2/3 ratification. Ratification vote
may occur to approve a de novo contract, or to ratify specific sections.
(B) Previously ratified contracts remain in place unless presented with a change under the
aforementioned guidelines, or following a 3/4 re-draft proposal presented by the
executive board prior to the end of the schoolyear.
i. Following a re-draft proposal, the contract must be ratified prior to the end of the schoolyear
preceding the contract’s applicable year, else all terms of the previous contract
will be applied to the remaining term.
(C) Any obligations not contained within the contract may be applied by suggestion of the Top 5.
Such suggestions must be approved by the Advisor as consistent with University,
Regional and National Policy.

Section V: Duties and Definitions of Officers

All offices are subject to the duties herein. Additional duties dictated in other sections or
approved outside of this document must be maintained in addition to the listed duties in this
section. Additionally, all chairs must participate in Regional and National NSBE forums and
discussions, and necessary counterparts.

(A) Eligibility for Office

i. All elected offices will be held by collegiate members in good standing. The
President and all elected offices shall have a minimum 2.5 cumulative GPA in
order to be eligible for election to one of these offices.
ii. Officers assume position of duty during the Spring Transition Meeting, led by
the Admin zone, which must occur within the last month of the Spring Term,
during which transition guides prepared by the old executive board must be
reviewed. The officer must uphold their position through the end of the Spring
Term. During a period of overlap (Between Spring Transition Meeting and
Spring Term end) the predecessor maintains positional duty.
iii. In accordance with Regional and National bylaws, the Chapter must include
the offices of: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Programs
Chair, Senator (1), and Parliamentarian. There may be no more than one (1)
person in an elected position.
iv. Allotment specifies in the case of appointed positions, the number of persons
allowed to serve in that position. The Top 5 administration reserves the right
to fulfill only a portion of that allotment, so long as at least so long as at least
one qualified person is placed into each office. Please refer to Sections VI and
VII for additional clarification on offices.

(B) President
i. Oversee the Top 5 Administrative Zone and Activities
ii. Develop Chapter Vision and Goals
iii. Approve and guide chapter operating policies and procedures
iv. Break tie in any voting decision consistent with membership benefit
v. Serve on Conference Planning Committee
vi. Serve on Budgetary Committee
vii. Represent chapter on all council and groups within campus and city activities
viii. Prepare bi-annual state of the chapter presentations
ix. Serve as co-lead on Freshman Shadowing Initiative
x. Coordinate meetings with University staff and advisor to address needs of membership
xi. Seek and delegate opportunities for funding via grants to finance zone
xii. Develop and uphold the Chapter Long Range Plan
xiii. Serve as emeritus affiliate advisor following the end of the term
(C) Vice-President
i. Oversee Executive Board meetings and activities
ii. Co-lead membership chairs in preparing General Body Meetings
iii. Work with President to co-lead Freshman Shadowing Initiative
iv. Collect information from programs and advisor to advise Top 5 on chapter needs
v. Represent chapter in Black Senate Meetings with President.
vi. Meet with Chapter President at least twice (2) per semester to evaluate goals and visions for
vii. Advise Programs Zone and Programs Chair on Regional and National initiatives for
(D) Treasurer
i. Maintain and oversee all financial operations of the chapter
ii. Meet with chapter President to determine annual budget
iii. Serve on the Conference Planning Committee
iv. Serve as delegation to Student Government Board and Allocations committee
v. Direct and maintain solicitations, fundraising, and grant activities
vi. Prepare bi-annual budget report
vii. Approve/Deny any budget requests from board members
(E) Secretary
i. Maintain all communication for chapter including official handouts, programs, social media,
and email
ii. Conduct initiatives to maintain media presence, or participate in regional and national
iii. Collect article requests from communications zone chair for President and him/herself to
submit to campus articles
iv. Maintain alumni connection network with President via email and social media
v. Serve as EMS manager to book and request all tech and room requests
vi. Request donated foods for programs and events
vii. Schedule meetings with Chapter Advisor, and Top 5 as requested
viii. Provide weekly updates and emails
ix. Provide notes from all chapter proceedings
(F) Programs Chair
i. Serve as the leader of the Programs Zone.
ii. Develop and implement innovative programs consistent with the National, Regional, and
Chapter Directives and the Long Range Plan.
iii. Coordinate and administer Chapter Programs.
iv. Prepare an accurate budget for Chapter Programs with Treasurer
(G) Parliamentarian
i. Oversee all meetings as the presiding officer and maintain Roberts Rules of Order as
ii. Prepare and administer election proceedings with the President.
iii. Maintain and uphold chapter executive board obligations outlined in the executive board
contract in conjunction with chapter Vice-President
(H) Senator
i. Serve as liaison between Regional, National executive boards and chapter.
ii. Allotted vote during regional and national meetings
iii. Conduct a minimum of two (2) Town Hall meetings for the general body per semester
iv. Assist the Parliamentarian in upholding voting and meeting procedures
(I) Corporate Liaison Chair
i. Maintain corporate and affiliate organizational relations for the chapter
ii. Assist Chapter President, Publications Chair, and Treasurer in preparing and distributing
Chapter Solicitations Letter.
iii. Provide weekly update to Chapter President and Treasurer
iv. Maintain and gather information for Alumni donation drives​ ​in conjunction with fundraising
v. Prepare donation campaigns in accordance with Nationals, Homecoming, and other major
alumni and company network periods
(J) Fundraising Chair
i. Maintain fundraising activities for the chapter
ii. Prepare at least​ ​three (3) fundraising activities per semester for the chapter
iii. Communicate with Treasurer on financial needs of the chapter
iv. Assist Corporate Liaison with alumni donation drives
(K) Publications Chair
i. Responsible for official publications (newsletters, blogs, etc.) of the chapter
ii. Owner of chapter website
iii. Share communication duties with Public Relations Chair including photography, social
media, and campus events.
(L) Public Relations Chair
i. Engage campus and spread awareness of chapter
ii. Conduct campaigns to increase chapter visibility
iii. Share communication duties with Publications Chair including photography, social media,
and campus events
(M) Academic Excellence Chair (Maximum Allotment: 2 Persons)
i. Work with advisor to determine retention and academic needs of chapter
ii. Prepare GPA report on general body members
iii. Prepare Resume Book, and Jobs and Activities report on general body members
iv. Conduct weekly ‘Study Jam’ activities
v. Conduct bi-annual Study-a-thon activities
vi. Maintain academic resource materials
vii. Plan and execute any and all necessary academic and professional enrichment activities as
(N) Technical Outreach and Community Help (TORCH) Chair (Maximum Allotment: 2 Persons)
i. Coordinate and plan all community activities of chapter
ii. Plan and distribute information for volunteers for PMADD and MLK Day of Service
iii. Maintain accurate report of TORCH volunteer hours of chapter members
iv. Plan and execute AWFE activities
v. Maintain FAME tutoring and additional long-term community partnerships
vi. Hold a minimum of two (2) TORCH events per semester, not including PMADD, MLK day,
(O) Pre-College Initiative (PCI) Chair (Maximum Allotment: 2 Persons)
i. Coordinate NSBE Jr. Activities for at least two (2) institutions
ii. Secure funding and resources in coordination with chapter finance officers
iii. Hold a minimum of two (2) PCI events per semester
(P) Membership Chair
i. Ensure connection between all demographics of chapter membership
ii. Direct and advise programs to include the needs and wants of chapter membership and vision
iii. Responsible in coordinating and planning frequent NSBE membership engagement events (at
least 2 membership oriented programs per semester)
iv. Maintain and evaluate strategies for effective recruitment and retention
v. Coordinate with the offices of Vice President and Programs chair to meet regional and
national directives to ensure membership is maximizing potential gain
vi. Co-lead General Body Meetings with Vice President
(Q) Freshman Shadowing Initiative (Maximum Allotment: 3 Persons)
i. Appointed Freshman Students who serve as intern to the offices of President and Vice
ii. The rotational internship experience must allow the selected students to gain inside knowledge
and experience on running the chapter, and serving in chapter leadership
iii. They are expected to participate as executive board members to advise the board on the needs
of the Freshman class, seek additional freshman to get them involved

Section VI: Powers of Officers

Offices are afforded one vote. Offices that are administered by more than one officer must come
to a consensus prior to casting vote in executive board meetings.
(A) Votes must be in accordance with the total number of possible positions regardless of the
number of officers on the board.
(B) Decorum must be established (2/3 of offices present) to conduct official votes within the
executive board.
(C) Votes on affairs by the executive board will be decided by simple majority. All offices
reserve the right to abstain, except for the office of President. The Parliamentarian
reserves the right to request recusal of any office when matters appear to be a conflict of
interest for any party in that particular office.

Officers may call to vote for the removal of an officer found in violation of this constitution, the
contract, or the NSBE or University Codes of Conduct. This officer must be notified of this
decision, and given the opportunity to appeal to the board. Following appeal, the board can
establish this vote following a ¾ vote of the offices present, and approval of the advisor.

NOTE: This is in addition to the powers of removal outlined in the Executive Board Contract
and Powers of the Offices of President and Vice President​.

Section VII: Election and Appointment of Officers

Chapter offices that must be filled by election include exclusively: President, Vice-President,
Secretary, Programs Chair, and Treasurer. All elections afford general body members the right to
abstain (‘vote the floor’). The contestants must reach ¾ affirmative vote to claim an election.
(A) Only General Body Members that have prior experience (and no violations or probations
from office) may run for an elected position
(B) In the event an office is not filled, the Chapter President may call for an interim position put
into place.
i. Interim positions may be filled by any chapter member
ii. Interim nominations are made by the President and subject to approval from the Top 5
members and Advisor (unanimous)
iii. Applications must remain open for the elected office, and an election hold at the soonest
available general body meeting
(C) Elections will be proctored by the Chapter Parliamentarian. All opponents must prepare a
two (2) minute presentation on their platform.
i. The General Body members are afforded 2 minutes to question candidates for each position.
Current Executive Board members take precedence in questioning, and any
member may request an extension for time up to a cumulative period of 5
ii. The Parliamentarian reserves the right to maintain order during questioning including but not
limited to: inappropriate or misleading questions from members, hostile questions
or answers.
iii. Elections must occur before the end of the academic year. A transition retreat must be
completed later than 2 weeks prior to the close of the semester. For any unfilled
position, an appropriate transition must take place at least two weeks after
Executive Board positions up for appointment are selected following an interview process
administered by the incoming Top 5. The interview process will occur in coordination with the
Chapter Executive Board Interview Guidelines prepared by the Parliamentarian and President
Emeritus. Interviewees are guaranteed the right for follow up clarification of their interviews. All
decisions of the Top 5 are final and not subject to suggestion or input from the Parliamentarian
or President Emeritus.
(A) The Chapter Advisor reserved the right to uphold eligibility requirements as defined herein
for all executive board applications. The chapter advisor can suggest or assist Top 5 prior
to final decisions, however, must maintain objectivity and not influence the decision
made in the final process.
(B) Top 5 reserves the right to deny any applicant on the basis of ability to objectively fulfill
duties of the position, but may not discriminate or restrict positions for any bias. The
advisor or chapter President Emeritus may appeal a decision if they suspect bias or
impropriety in the interview process

Section VIII: Removal & Absences of Officers

Vacancies in the office of President are assumed by the office of the Vice-President. Any other
vacancies are subject to the aforementioned appointment process bestowed to the President.


The executive board reserves the right to determine committees for their respective positions.
Committee members may not vote on official executive board matters. Committees shall be
selected from general body members in good standing. Official formation of a committee is
subject to approval of the particular zone head.


Section 1: General Body Meetings

Meetings shall occur at least twice (2) a month and should be led by the vice president and
membership chair Town halls do not count as general body meetings.

Section II: Executive Board Meetings

Executive Board Meetings must occur at least twice (2) a month, and should be led by the vice
president and parliamentarian (presiding officer). Any additional meetings are reserved to
the discretion of the chapter Vice-President. Meetings may be in person or occur via

Section III: Administrative Meetings

Top 5 meetings and meetings with the advisors must occur as defined in their respective sections
within this document.

Section I: Duties and Responsibilities

The financial budgetary committee will be comprised of the Chapter President and Treasurer.
Zone heads must adhere to budget policies as defined by the Budget committee, and must
have solidified an annual budget prior to August 1​st​ of the term. \

Section II: Disclosure Policies

General Body members are afforded the right to inquire about the state of the chapter finances at
any time throughout the year. The Treasurer must provide a disclosure of expenditure and
budget for members upon request.

Section III: Solicitations Policies

All solicitations requests are subject to the approval of the Chapter President and Advisor. All
official communication and documentation must be given signed approval from the
Chapter President. The Chapter President must uphold any additional University or
NSBE policies regarding solicitations.

Section IV: Fundraising Policies

The University Of Pittsburgh National Society Of Black Engineers shall fully comply with the
University fundraising policies and procedures for registered student organizations. The
organization will not maintain an outside bank account if it receives funding from SGB.


In compliance with the Publications Code for Student Organizations, all publications of the
organization will comply with current copywriter laws, be distributed according to policies and
procedures, refrain from expressions that are considered obscene or libelous according to current
statute, advocate or insight the material interference or physical disruption of the educational
process of the peace, order and decorum of the campus, or that advocate or insight imminent,
lawless action or the violent overthrow of the government and identify the organization as
publisher and specify that the group is a registered student organization at the University of


The advisor is subject to the terms and obligations within this document. The advisor must be
selected by recommendation of the Chapter president and unanimous approval of the Top 5. The
chapter advisor must be selected in accordance with university policy, including the term that
he/she be a full-time faculty member.

The Bylaws of the University of Pittsburgh Chapter of the National Society of Black Engineers
shall be amended by a two-thirds vote of the members attending a voting meeting during a
regularly scheduled General Body Meeting. Calls for a voting meeting must be addressed to the
Chapter President no less than two (2) weeks in advance.


Amendments to this Constitution may be proposed by (a) a two-thirds vote of the Chapter
Executive Board, or by (b) one-third of the voting members through chapter referendum. All
constitution additions, revisions and deletions must be reported to the SORC. Proposed
Amendments must be submitted in written form to the Chapter Executive Board to be reviewed.
The proposal must be clearly stated and justified. Ratification of any amendments to this
constitution shall be subject to a three-fourths affirmative vote of the members present at a
general body meeting.

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