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6.1 Introduction

In thesis, CATIA is to model the centrifugal blower. Complex and rich design can be created by
CATIA, a robust application. It is feature based mechanical design software, a parametric solid
modeling design tool. It uses windows graphical user interface and easy to learn. Without or with
constraints, fully associative 3D solid models can be created with the help of CATIA. In the
mean time we can use user defined or automatic relations for capturing the design intent.


Document of CATIA is made from individual elements similar to an assembly which is made
from a number of individual parts. The elements of CATIA are called features. During document
creation, a number of features such as charts, fillets, chamfers, holes, pockets and pads can be
added. These created features may be applied to the work piece directly.

Classification of features can be dress-up or sketch-based:

• We can directly create dress-up features on the solid model. This type of feature’s
examples is chamfers and fillets.
• 2D sketch is used to create sketch-based features. In general, transformation of sketch is
done into a 3D solid by lofting, sweeping, rotating or extruding.

Figure 6.1: Model with features


The model stores the relations and dimensions used for creating a feature. With the help of these
parameters, we can make changes in the model as well as any changes to the model can be done

• Relations: Information such as connectivity, tendency and parallelism are included in

this parameter. With the help of feature control symbols, information of such type is
exported in the drawings. After this information is captured in the sketch, in the initial
stage itself, we can fully capture our design intent.

• Driving dimensions: We can create features with the help of this parameter. Dimensions
associating itself in the feature as well as sketched geometry dimensions are included in
this feature. In initial stage itself, we can fully capture our design intent once information
is captured in the sketch A cylinder pad can be used as an example. Sketched circle
diameter controls the pad diameter and the depth extruded in the circle controls the pad's

Figure 6.2: Parametric Feature

Solid Modelling

CAD system uses solid model supposed to be the best complete geometric model. All the surface
geometry and wireframe are contained in it which are required to describe fully the model's faces
and edges. Apart from geometric information, topology of solid models are also conveyed by
them. Geometry together are also related by solid modeling. As an example, identification of
faces (surfaces) at edges (curves) may be included in topology. Adding new features becomes
easier by using this intelligence. Example - if a model requires a fillet, simply an edge can be
selected and a radius can be specified to create it.

Figure 6.3: Solid Modelling

Fully Associative

Model of a CATIA is completely associative with drawings and assemblies or parts referencing
it. There is automatic reflection of any changes made in the model to the drawings, assemblies
or/and parts. Similarly, any change done to the assembly or drawing is reflected back in model.
Figure 6.4: Associative Modelling


Relationships among a model's features are established by geometric constraints (for example
coincident, vertical, geometric, horizontal and parallel) by fixation of their position with respect
to each other. Additionally, for establishing mathematical relationships among parameters,
equations may be used. With the help of equations and constraints, it may be guaranteed that
design concepts like equal radii and through holes are captured & maintained.

6.1.1 Design Intent

Planning how to construct a part’s solid model is termed as design intent. it is done in
order to convey properly the solid model's functional and visual aspects. Before and
during part's modelling, design intent is considered. It is done in order to use CATIA like
parametric modeller efficiently. Model creating technique shall affect the behaviour of
model whenever a change is there in future.

Many aspects are affected by the manner of building a solid model. It may include:
requirements of resources for computing a new result, stability at the time of process
change and its flexibility to change. Thus, the design intent should be considered for the
creation of an efficient solid model. This is an important step.

Capturing of design intent is contributed by the following factors:

• Dimensioning: The design intent is impacted by the manner of dimensioning a

sketch. Dimensions must be added in such a way which shows how changes can
be done by us in order to control the elements.

• Equations: Dimensions are related mathematically by equations. For forcing

changes, equations provide an external method.
• Automatic (Implicit) Relations: Common geometric relationships are provided
by automatic relations among objects like vertical, horizontal, perpendicular and
parallel. This is based on the manner of geometry sketching.

• Additional Relations: These are the relations which provide another method for
connecting related geometry. Offset, coincident and concentric are some of the
common relations.
6.2 Starting with CATIA

6.2.1 Windows Philosophy

Behaviour of CATIA on windows operating system is similar to other windows

applications. Entire CATIA commands can be accessed through traditional menus. There
are additional related options to some menu options. Frequently used commands which
are contained in toolbars can be accessed quickly. Workbenches organize toolbars.
According to our preferences these icons can be relocated, rearranged and customized.
For example undo, cut, print, save, open and access on line documentation

Figure 6.5: Toolbars

To select and indicate user input, three-button mouse is used in CATIA.

• A. For selecting items or elements displayed on screen, we use left mouse button.
• B. For pointing and indicating to a direction on screen, we use center mouse or
thumb wheel.
• C. On the screen, a contextual menu required to preselect or select elements on
screen is displayed using right mouse button.

Figure 6.6: Mouse picks

6.2.2 CATIA Documents concept

Different types of CATIA documents can be created, modified & saved. Geometrical
specifications and information defining an object are contained in these documents.
Documents which are most common are:

• A. A part document (CATpart)

• B. An assembly document (CATProduct)
• C. A drawing document (CATDrawing)

Figure 6.7: CATIA V5 documents

6.2.3 CATIA Workbench concept

For working on CATIA document, one of the work benches assigned to it must be used
by us. A set of tools dedicated for performing specific tasks is contained by each work
bench. Most commonly used workbenches are listed below:

Part Design: It is used to design parts with the help of solid modelling approach.

Sketcher: It is used to create 2D profiles with associated constraints. This 2D profile can
then be used for creating 3D geometry.

Wireframe and Surfaces: It is used to create features of complex part with surface
elements and 3D wireframe.

Assembly Design: In an assembly context, it is used for creating specifications, features

and constraints for parts.

Generative & Interactive Drafting: It is used to create drawings from assembly and its

Figure 6.8: Workbenches

6.2.4 Specification Tree

For keeping the hierarchy of processes, constraints, features& assembly information for
document of CATIA, a specification tree is provided.

During solid model creation, sequences of visual step-by-step record are provided by
specification tree. In the design process & specifications, we can remove, reorder or edit
steps. Without having to create model, this is done for achieving a new finished part.

Certain information and features can be suppressed with the help of specification tree.
This is done for the model by removing them temporarily. For example, several hole
features are contained in the model on right side figure. Simply the holes can be "turned
off" (suppressed) & still the base area of the model will be reflected without actual
deletion of holes.

Figure 6.9: Specification tree

Specification tree can be manipulated in CATIA in a similar manner as geometric area.

Table 6.1: Specification tree manipulation

Manipulation Action Description

Press the <F3> key to hide or show the

Hide the tree

Click anywhere on the tree structure or

Activate/ Deactivate the tree press <Shift> and <F3> simultaneously
to activate or deactivate the tree

Drag and drop the tree structure using

Move the tree
the left mouse button

Click on the [+] sign to expand the

node, and on the [-] sign to collapse it
Expand/ Collapse a node of
the tree

6.2.5 Object-action & Action-Object Approach

Comparing with other window applications, CATIA differs. Tools and elements selection
order can be controlled by us.

• A. Either objects to be processed are selected first and then after required tool for
performing the operation is selected.
• B. Or tool needed for performing the operation is selected first and then after
objects to be processed are selected.

Figure 6.10: Object-Action & Action-Object approaches

6.2.6 Dialog boxes of CATIA

For defining features, various parameters are provided by CATIA dialog boxes. For
defining features for a process or input, these boxes are easy-to-us and standardized. For
the purpose of example, hole definition dialog box is shown by the following figure.
Figure 6.11: Dialog Boxes

Common items of CATIA dialog box are listed below:

• A. Name: given to a dialog box

• B. Tabs for grouping parameters of same types
• C. Drop-down list box for different options
• D. Spin box for decreasing or increasing value of input
• E. Locked fields for data protection
• F. Iconic buttons for activating other options
• G. Check boxes for activating options
• H. Inactive fields for not applying in a particular case
• I. OK button for action confirmation
• J. Cancel Button for quitting command
• K. Preview button for result pre-visualization
• L. Help to get help for dialog box items
• M. Close for closing dialog box
• N. Visual Aid Assistants for showing selected items' intent

6.2.7 Objects Movement with mouse

In various ways a model can be viewed by CATIA because its environment is 3D. Zoom,
pan, and rotate are the easiest way for changing a model's view.

• A. On a parallel plane, model can be moved by panning. By keeping middle

mouse button clicked & pressed, dragging the mouse moves the objects.
• B. Model can be turned around a point by rotating it. By keeping middle & left
mouse buttons clicked & pressed, dragging the mouse rotates the objects.
• C. Along a perpendicular plane, zooming makes us able to move away or closer to
the model.
Figure 6.12: Objects moved with mouse

6.2.8 Compass

Compass is an orientation tool which helps to perform view rotations. A powerful tool,
compass, is used for physical movement & manipulation of objects. A particularly useful
tool used in digital mockup, freestyle & assembly design workbenches.

Privileged plane also called the base of the plane is the XY plane by default. The
compass's default orientation, the location of which is on the right top corner of screen, is
parallel to system's XYZ axis.

When there is change in 3D view of an object, its orientation reflecting the new view of
direction/angle will be updated by compass.
Figure 6.13: Compass

6.2.9 Graphic Properties

Elements numerous graphical properties appearing on the screen can be changed with the
help of Graphic Properties toolbar. Following properties can be changed with the help of
tools provided by it.

• Fill color
• B. Transparency
• C. Thickness of line
• D. Type of line
• E. Symbol of point
• F. Rendering Style
• G. Active layer

H. Graphical properties of one feature to another can be copied with the help of painter
Figure 6.14: Graphic Properties

6.2.10 Rendering Styles

Different styles of rendering can be applied by CATIA in order to provide more clarity to
model for the purpose of visualizing geometry. of the model. The rendering styles are
contained in View toolbar:

• A. Shading (SHD)
• Shading with edges
• C. without smooth edges shading with edges
• D. Shading with edges with hidden edges
• E. Shading with material
• F. Wireframe (NHR)

Figure 6.15: Styles of rendering

6.2.11 Message Bar

During performing a command, Message Bar helps us to determine what is of required.
During selection of a tool, message bar is used by CATIA for prompting us for a
particular input which is required for completing a command.

Figure 6.16: Message Bar

6.2.12 Document management

While opening a new session, we are placed automatically in a product structure context.
.CAT product document is an empty product structure document. Following figure shows
a product structure document open by default.

We can navigate from one part or subassembly to another part or subassembly within this
document. Also we can edit the document with the help of workbench for creating them
directly inside the product structure This process is called as "editing in context".

Entire data inside the product structure is saved by saving the product structure
document. But while creating data with the help of Part Analysis, Design & Generative
Drafting workbenches, creation & saving of data is in different document which is
outside the product structure.
Figure 6.17: Product Document
6.3 Creating Profiles

6.3.1 Design Intent

Whenever a part is created, a profile is need to be created which incorporates part's

design intent. Planning of method of constructing a part's solid model is the design intent.
This is done for conveying suitably the solid model's functional and visual aspects. A
support plate given in the following figure is taken as an example for explaining the
design intent. Support plate is Drill Support subassembly's part.

Figure 6.18: Support Plate

design intent's requirements given below should be met by support plate.

1. Creation of model should be in one feature

• It is a requirement in this case though it is not a typical practice

2. Center of the support must contain the center hole.

• Creation of a rectangular profile will meet the need. The profile should
be symmetrical around part's origin. Circle's center too must be located
at the origin.
3. The distance of the smaller hole must be 30 millimeter form the center hole.

• Constraining of three holes on a 60 millimeter in diameter construction

circle, the target of requirement will be ensured.

4. Same support plate must save the model.

• While creating the part's efficient model, taking the design intent into
an account is always an important step.

For generating Support Plate, following are the useful inputs.

• New part creation.

• A suitable choice of sketch support.
• Creation of sketch geometry.
• Constraining of sketch
• Creation of pad feature.
• Saving & closing the document.

6.3.2 Part Design Workbench

3 default reference planes alone are contained in a new plane. In specification tree, these
planes are fist elements always.. These reference planes are the foundation of feature
creation. To create profiles, a suitable sketch support needs to be selected.
Figure 6.19: Workbench (Part Design)

Reference Planes

In any part profile, first three features are default reference planes. Derivation of their
names comes from the plane to which they are parallel, i.e., XY, YZ & ZX planes.

A support on which creation of first sketch takes place is provided by the reference plane.

Figure 6.20: Reference Planes

Concept of Sketch

2D profile is the starting point of each part which is new. Use of Two Dimensional
sketcher workbench which is a workspace, generation of this profiles may take place.
Elements created inside sketcher are 2 Dimensional WIREFRAME exclusively.

Geometry generated in sketcher is a single sketch in part design workbench. Inside part
design workbench, 3D feature is created with the help of current sketch. For sketches' fast
alteration, they are constrained by simple alteration of dimensions.

Figure 6.21: Sketch

Sketch Support

A plane where sketch is generated is a sketch support. Planar should be the sketch
support. A sketch can be created on a plane face or on a reference plane of a geometry
which exists. In a typical condition, creation of model's first feature is generated on one
out of many default reference planes.

Figure 6.22: Sketch Support

6.3.3 Basic Sketching

One creates sketch profile within sketcher workbench,.

If specification of origin & orientation is not in a sketch then such a sketch is termed as
non-positioned sketch. Sketcher icon is selected first for creating a non-positioned sketch.
After that in geometry area or specification tree, reference plane is selected. Animation is
performed in geometry area and after that alignment of selected plane parallel to screen
takes place. Now in selected plane, construction of profiles will be done.

Within sketcher workbench, creation of positioned sketches takes place.

Figure 6.23: Sketch Plane (non positioned sketch)

6.3.4 Sketcher Workbench

Facility of creating 2D profiles by a built in environment called Sketcher Workbench is

available. Its key features are given below:

A: During profile creation, the user is guided by the Grid.

B: For creating geometry, Profile toolbar is used.

C: The sketch created by user is constrained & dimensioned by Constraint

D: A default floating toolbar is the Sketch Tools toolbar. While creating

geometry, many options are displayed to facilitate creation of geometry.

Figure 6.24: Sketcher Workbench


Sketcher workbench contains the grid at its background by default. During sketch, this
functionality can be deviated by pointer of mouse snaps to grid’s points & thus it will not
be available temporarily.
Figure 6.25: Grid

Following functions are available by Profile Toolbar tools for creating sketched

A: Profiles defined by users

B: Profiles which are predefined

C: For creating Circles

D: For creating Splines

E: For creating Parabolas and Ellipses

F: For creating Lines

G: For creating Axes

H: For creating Points.

Figure 6.26: Profile toolbar

The existing constructed geometry can be changed using Operation toolbar.

Figure 6.27: Operation toolbar


Table 6.2: Points

Icon Description
Point by After definition of sketch’s 2D coordinates, a point can be
coordinates created.

Point by clicking On the sketch, clicking locations, we can create a point

As per requirements, create number of points required on an

Equidistant points existing curve which are distributed equidistantly. The points
are considered separate entities once they are created.
On a curve, project a point. Along curve direction the projection
Projection point
may be normal.

Intersection point Between 2 present curves, intersection point can be created.


Table 6.3: Lines

Icon Geometry Description

To define its extremities, a line is created by

clicking two points.

For defining its direction, two points should be

Infinite line
clicked for infinite line creation.

For 2 existing curves., line tangent could be

Bi-tangent line
For bisecting 2 lines, a line can be created for
Bisecting line
this purpose.

Normal to an existing curve, create a line.

A normal line
Select curve and end point to create the line.
over a curve
The line is to be normal to curve.

Points are the basis of a sketcher element. Under specification tree’s sketch’s Geometry branch,
sketched geometry is inserted.

Figure 6.28: Sketched elements’ specification tree


Table 6.4: Circles

Icon Geometry Description

After radius and center definition, circle may

be created.

Three point
Via 3 points, circle may be created..

Circle by Related to radius & origin, use of coordinates

coordinates of center will help in circle creation.

Tri tangent
On 3 curves, tangent to a circle may be created.

An arc may be created joining 3 points. Last &

Three point arc
first selected points should relimit it.

Three point arc

starting with Passing through three points, create an arc.
limits Second & first selected points should relimit it.

2 points to limit & center definition of a circle

will help in arc creation.

Parabola, Ellipse, Spline & Hyperbola

Table 6.5: Parabola, Ellipse, Spline & Hyperbola

Icon Geometry Description

Selecting center point, create an
ellipse, After clicking 2 points, its
minor & major diameters are then
It should be created after selection
• Summit
• Focus point
• Relimiting points (endpoints)
• Summit
Hyperbola • Focus & center points
• Relimiting points (endpoints)
Hyperbola may be created.
Create a spline curve. It should pass
through required points.
By double-clicking spline should be


Table 6.6: Conics

Icon Geometry Description

Create by selecting:
• A 1st endpoint & define its
End tangents
& two point
• A mid-point
• A tangency & 2nd endpoint
Select & create:
Tangent • Two endpoints
intersection & • A mid point
Two point • Tangent intersection defining
conic point

Create by selecting:
One tangent & • Two endpoints
four point • Two midpoints & at last or
conic first point 1 tangency should
be defined
Select & create:
Conic with • Three midpoints
five points • Two endpoints

Pre-defined Profiles:

Table 6.7: Predefined profiles

Icon Geometry Description

Click two opposite corners for

creating the rectangle.

Two consecutive corners are defined

for creating a rectangle. For giving
thickness to it, define 3rd corner.
For creating a parallelogram, two
consecutive corners are defined And
for giving angle & thickness, 3rd
corner should defined.

Elongated A segment & thickness is defined for

hole axis & elongated hole is created.

An arc & thickness is defined for

axis & cylindrical elongated hole is
elongated hole

Table 6.8: Predefined profiles

Icon Geometry Description

First define small circle radius then

Keyhole small & large circle centers & then
create keyhole.

Define center & a point to create


For defining width & height of

Centered rectangle, define 2 points & center &
rectangle then centered rectangle could be
First line is selected to create a
centered parallelogram. Second line
Centered should be selected. & clicked for
parallelogram defining its dimension. On the
intersection of the two lines, the
parallelogram is centered..

Figure 6.29: Predefined Profiles

User Defined Profiles

Table 6.9: User defined profiles

Step Geometry Description

Using the line option, the profile
1. Start the
may begin with arc using the Three
points Arc option or with segment.

Profile can be created using three

2. Create the
point arcs (non-tangent or tangent
arcs), segments (Line option),.

After choosing first point, closed

3. End the
profile should be ended. Double
click to end an open profile.

6.3.5 Construction Geometry

For aiding to create profile in a sketch, construction geometry is created. Appearance of

construction geometry is within sketcher workbench. The technique which is used in
standard sketch geometry is also used for creation of construction geometry. Also, dashed
format of construction geometry differentiates it from standard element.
Figure 6.30: Construction geometry

6.3.6 Constraining the Sketch

Once creation of sketched geometry is finished, we can add constraints & dimensions of
geometry. Purpose of constraints is spatial fixation of geometry mathematically. If we do
not use constraints, mouse may be used for moving the geometry. By moving the
sketched profile, supported solids will also be moved. In an assembly context, moving
one part will also move the related part.

If the constraints are not used, creation of feature is unpredictable & model modifications
will affect adversely the function of complete assembly, its fit and form. Elements are
related to itself & one another in a logical manner by using constraints.
Change in model's placement or values can modify it after creation of constraints. While
maintaining the intent of design alternative design can be explored quickly by CATIA
users because of its easiness in modifying the constraint & its inherent downstream

Figure 6.31: Sketch constraining

6.3.7 Dimensional & Geometric constraints

In sketcher work bench’s sketched geometry, constraints are inserted. There are two types
of constraints which can be added:

• Dimensional Constraints: Distance of two elements is specified by these

constraints. On the basis of involvement of geometrical elements, this distance
may be radial, angular, or linear.
• Geometrical Constraints: Sketched elements’ Positioning are specified by these
constraints. Setting of these constraints can be achieved with the help of
constraint toolbar icons:
o Constraint
o Constraint elaborated in the dialog box

Figure 6.32: Constraint toolbar

6.3.8 Fully-Constrained Sketches

In ideal case, a finished sketch should be completely constrained. Sketch’s location and
size should be clearly. As a result of changes in the model, design intent may not be
maintained in an under-constrained. Use of CAYIA’s parametric & associative
capabilities is allowed by constrained sketches.

Following colour codes indicate the sketch’s constrained status:

• Inconsistency in sketch’s constraints is indicated by red.

• Over constrained nature of sketch is indicated by purple.
• Under constrained nature of sketch is indicated by white.
• Fully constrained nature of sketch is indicated by Green.

6.3.9 Geometric Constraints

Table 6.10: Geometric constraints

Representation Description

Fix Modification is not possible for a fixed element.

With the help of this element, two points of an

element can be made coincident.

With the help of this icon, two arcs can be made


Between two elements. tangency continuity can be


Two lines can be made parallel. For remaining fixed

Parallelism 1st, the line should be selected and after that second
parallel line should be selected.

Table 6.11: Geometric constraints

Representation Description

To each other, two lines can be made


With the help of this icon. a horizontal lie can be


With the help of this icon, in parallel with X-

axis, a line can be drawn.

About a chosen element, two symmetric lines can

be drawn about it. Element is chosen after the two
after the two lines are chosen.

6.3.10 Dimensional Constraints

Table 6.12: Constraints of dimensions

Representation Description

This icon can help to calculate distance between

2 elements.

Using this icon, calculation of constrained

element’s length is possible.

Angle can be calculated using this icon between 2

lines which are not paralle.

Radius/ An arc’s or a circle’s diameter can be obtained

Diameter using this icon.

6.3.11 Sketcher Orientation

During sketched geometry creation recommendation is that the orientation of screen

should be in parallel with sketching plane we are in. It will occur automatically by
default. After we come out of the screen workbench, the screen shall at once come back
to its earlier three dimensional orientations.

In 3D space entire geometry is available by default when we are in sketcher workbench.

Rotating the model into three dimensional view is a good idea during construction of
sketched geometry to three dimensional elements which exists at present. During model
rotation we may make sure that selection of three dimensional elements is done. After
highlighting of 3D element normal view icon has to be selected by the user so that
orientation could be returned palallel to plane of sketching.

Figure 6.33: Sketch orientation

6.3.12 Control of direction of constraint dimension

Determination of dimension direction is done by the selected element type during

dimensional direction creation on a profile. During dimension constrint creation between
a circle and a poin a vertical dimension orientation can be implemented. With the help of
mouse first right clicking and then choosing orientation required.

Figure 6.34: Constraint dimension controlling

6.3.13 Tools for sketch re-limitation

Sketched geometry which exists at present can be extended or trimmed with the help of
re-limitation tools. Operation toolbar contains flyout menu called re-limitation toolbar
where re-limitation tools can be found. Following tools are included in re-limitation

A: Trim

B: Break

C: Quick Trim

D: Close

E: Complementary angle

Figure 6.35: Sketcher re-limitation tools

Trim option

Selection of trim tool expands the Sketch Tool toolbar where two modes of trim are

A: Both elements which are selected are trimmed by the mode – Trim All Elements.

B: First selected element only is trimmed by the mode – Trim First Element while
there is no change in second element.
Figure 6.36: Trim options

Quick Trim Options

Selection of Quick Trim tool expands the Sketch Tool toolbar where numerous modes of
quick trim are shown:

A: An element’s chosen part upto another element’s intersection is removed by

the mode – Break and Rubber In.

B: An element’s chosen portion upto other element’s intersection are kept intact
by the mode – Break and Rubber Out

C: Entire elements are kept intact by the mode – Break and Keep but at other
elements’ intersection the element is broken.

Figure 6.37: Quick trim options

Options of Mirror/Symmetry

Such options permit us the mirroring of chosen geometry about an axis. Original
geometry is retained by the mirror option. On the other hand it is removed by symmetry


The chosen geometry is moved by Translation tool along translation vector.


About a point, chosen element or elements are rotated by rotate tool.


Chosen sketched element or elements are permitted to be resized by Scale tool.

Offset Propagation Modes

One or more than one sketched elements are offset by offset tool. Sketch Tools toolbar
allow three propagation modes:

• Only chosen element or elements are offset by No Propagation mode.

• Chosen element or elements and their tangential elements are offset by Tangent
Propagation mode.
• Chosen element or elements and other chain forming elements are offset by Point
Propagation mode.

Figure 6.38: Offset propagation

Project 3D Elements

For projection of currently present three dimension elements on plane of sketch,

numerous tools exist. The elements projected may be converted to construction geometry
or may be utilized as standard sketch geometry. A fly-out 3D Geometry toolbar is
contained in Operation toolbar. Following projection tools are available:

A: Project 3D Elements

B: Intersect 3D Elements

C: Project 3D Silhouette Edges

Table 6.13: Projection of 3D elements

Tool Geometry Description

Project 3D Project 3D elements onto the sketch

elements plane.

Intersect 3D Intersect 3D elements with the

elements sketch plane.

Project the silhouette of a cylindrical

Project 3D element onto the sketch plane . The
silhouette axis of revolution for the projected
edges. element must be parallel to the
sketch plane.

Isolated Project Elements

By default a link between creating three dimension geometry and created projected
elements are automatically created. This link can be broken by contextual menu isolate
and will delinked. Meaning that the created and sketched elements will not be influenced
by 3D geometry modifications. After isolation projected geometry is converted in
standard sketched elements.

Sketch Analysis

Tool for sketch analysis may be used for resolving problems. Constraint status like over-
constrained, iso-constrained and under constrained of sketch can be determined with the
help of this tool while maintaining degrees of freedom.

Closeness or openness of profiles can be determined with the help of sketch analysis tool.
During creation of a figure based on sketch, if any error occurs this tool will be useful.
6.4 Part Design Features of CATIA

During model creation, many features included in part design are helpful to users. These features

• Creation of a base feature

• Selection of a base feature
• Features for adding & removing materials
• Pads creating feature
• Simple pocket creating feature
• Feature for pad & pocket limits
• Pocket/Pad profile sketches feature
• Pockets/Multi-Pads feature
• Open Profile feature
• Axis creation feature
• Axis dimensioning feature
• Grooves creation feature
• Shafts feature
• Feature for revolved restrictions
• Slots and ribs feature
• Hole creation feature

Terminologies for part design are defined below:

Figure 6.39: part design terminology

Beginning of any part design should be with a strong base feature. Foundation or primary shape
of any part design is is represented by this base feature. Other geometries may be removed or
added taking into account this feature. The basis form of the base feature is a surface element or
a sketch .

Figure 6.40: feature of Base

Basic element selection of base feature should be such that it should convey the part’s function
or the primary shape of the part. It is not meant to completely define each and every detail of the
base feature. For example, pockets, holes fillets or other features should be created as base
feature sketch part. The creation of this can be done at a later stage as se[parate features.
Figure 6.41: Base feature with final model

For completing the design, material adding or removing feature is needed to be defined after
selection of base feature.

Material adding features are listed below:

• Pad
• Shaft
• Rib
• Stiffener
• Multi-sections solid

Material removing features are listed below:

• Hole
• Slot Groove
• Pocket
• Removed Multi-section solids

Pads are created for adding materials to a model.

Figure 6.42: Pad feature

Pockets are created for removing materials from a model.

Figure 6.43: Pocket feature

Dimensions define the pad’s length or pocket’s length. If a limiting element defines a pocket or a
pad then it is associated to that element. Different options of types of depth are listed below:

A: Dimension

B: Up to Next

C: Up to Last

D: Up to Plane

E: Up to Surface
Figure 6.44: Limits of pads & pockets

There are restrictions on profile sketches of pocket/pad. Generally connecting entities forming
closed loop should be part of profile sketch. Only Thick option should be used with open-loop
profile sketches.

Figure 6.45: Profile sketches

Groove features or pads and pockets features can be created by using open profiles For limiting
new feature of an existing geometry, open profile feature can be considered. Need of creating
and constraining additional sketched geometry is eliminated if existing geometry is used to re-
limit a feature. Stability of re-limiting feature should always be ensured. Profile may fail if re-
limiting feature is heavily modified or removed.
Figure 6.46: Open profiles

Numerous pockets/pads can be created with the help of pockets and pads features.
Between these tools it requires at least two non-intersecting closed profiles. We can create
multiple features much faster by using these tools.

Figure 6.47: Multi-pad

Figure 6.48: Multi-pocket

Revolved features like grooves and shafts can be created by using an axis as a reference.
About this axis sketched profile is revolved. Use of axis is also possible to generate symmetricak
sketched elements within sketched workbench.

Figure 6.49: Axis

Radius dimension and diameter to an axis can be defined. During creation of profile
sketches of revolved features, the dimensioning of axis is useful.
Figure 6.50: Axis Dimensioning

Shaft is used for adding material to a model. It is a feature that is revolved sketched-

Figure 6.51: Shaft feature

Revolved features are the features of grooves. From existing features, material is
removed with the help of groove feature. It is done, around an axis, by rotation of a 2D profile.

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