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By Julian Knight, Michael Pattison

Part of British Politics For Dummies Cheat Sheet

Let’s face it, ideologies are confusing things. The -ism bit
seems to make them so very forgettable. But not anymore!
Here’s a quick alphabetical guide to the major (and not so
major) political ideas that inspire people to get involved in

 Anarchism: Can be grouped around socialistic or

individualistic strains. Anarchists believe that the state
and forms of compulsory government are harmful or
unnecessary to people’s lives.

 Communism: Communists believe that the capitalist

system is damaging to the interests of the masses, and
that workers must unite and overturn it by revolutionary
means. Communists also believe in the state ownership
of all land, natural resources and industry.

 Conservatism: Conservative thought is coloured by the

belief that – over time – history has produced institutions
and modes of government that function well, and which
should be largely preserved for the future. They also
believe that political change should be organic and
gradual, rather than revolutionary.
 Environmentalism: Key political concern is protecting
and improving the condition of the natural environment.
Many believe there is a need for much greater regulation
of humans’ interaction with the environment, as well as
aspects of our lifestyles that are environmentally

 Feminism: The belief that society and the political

system is patriarchal. Feminists seek to improve the
political and, particularly, the social and economic
position of women.

 Liberalism: The belief in protecting the rights of the

individual, to ensure their maximum freedom. There have
been shifts in liberal thought, the most prominent of
which was the move from classical liberalism (minimal
role of state, unsecured liberties) to progressive
liberalism in the early twentieth century. Progressive
liberals argued that civil liberties and freedoms must be
safeguarded and actively protected by the state.

 Socialism: Socialists are motivated by the desire to

improve the quality of life for all members of society.
They believe in a political system characterised by strong
state direction in political and economic policy. Another
key idea is the redistribution of resources to redress
inequalities inherent in a free-market economy.

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