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The Development of the Structural Health

Monitoring System for Early Fault Diagnosis

by using Acoustic Emission
조기결함 진단을 위한 음향방출법을
이용한 구조물 안전감시 시스템의 개발

Advisor: Prof. Dong Myung Bae


Dong Hyun Kim

A thesis submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements

for the degree of

Doctor of Philosophy

in the Department of Acoustics and Vibration Engineering, The Graduate School

Pukyong National University

August 2012
The Development of the Structural Health Monitoring System for
Early Fault Diagnosis by using Acoustic Emission

A dissertation
Dong Hyun Kim

August 24, 2012


Contents ........................................................................................................... i
List of figures .................................................................................................. v
List of tables ................................................................................................... ix
List of abbreviations ....................................................................................... xi

Abstract ........................................................................................................ xiii

I. Introduction ......................................................................................... 1
1.1 Technical, economic and social background .................................... 1
1.2 Motivation and significance of this research .................................... 4
1.3 Aims and objectives ........................................................................ 5
1.4 Contributions .................................................................................. 6
References ............................................................................................... 7

II. Review on AE Signal Processing and Source Location ......................... 9

2.1 Introduction .................................................................................... 9
2.2 AE signal processing ......................................................................10
2.3 AE features .................................................................................... 11
2.4 Fault diagnosis method using AE features ......................................17
2.4.1 Fault diagnosis using time driven and hit based feature ...........17
2.4.2 Fault diagnosis using combination feature...............................19
2.5 Source location algorithm and it’s application ................................21
2.5.1 Conventional source location algorithm ..................................21
2.5.2 Application of source location algorithm.................................23
2.6 Conclusion .....................................................................................27

References ..............................................................................................28

III. Design on the Acoustic Emission System ............................................29

3.1 Introduction ...................................................................................29
3.2 Sensing equipment .........................................................................29
3.2.1 Conventional AE sensor ..........................................................29
3.2.2 AE waveguide design .............................................................31
3.3 AE Signal conditioning module design ..........................................35
3.3.1 Pre-amplifier module design for compound sensor ..................35
3.3.2 Main-amplifier module design for compound sensor...............37
3.3.3 Power and signal line driver design using single cable ............38
3.4 AE data acquisition hardware design ..............................................40
3.4.1 Signal level trigger module design ..........................................40
3.4.2 High speed data acquisition module ........................................41
3.4.3 CPU module ...........................................................................42
3.4.4 AE monitoring hardware .........................................................42
3.5 AE software design ........................................................................45
3.5.1 Real-time monitoring program ................................................45
3.5.2 Post-processing program .........................................................49
3.6 Validation of AE system .................................................................52
3.6.1 Validation of frequency response ............................................52
3.6.2 Validation of noise level ..........................................................53
3.6.3 Validation of transfer speed .....................................................54
3.7 Conclusion .....................................................................................55
References ..............................................................................................56

IV. Applications of Structural Health Monitoring for Fault Diagnosis .......57

4.1 Structural monitoring of boiler tube leak in power plant .................57

4.1.1 Introduction ............................................................................57
4.1.2 Review of leak theory and BTLD system ................................59
4.1.3 Proposed system and installation.............................................60
4.1.4 Fault diagnosis strategy...........................................................64
4.1.5 3D source location for tube leak ..............................................67
4.1.6 Experiment and results ............................................................72
4.2 Structural integrity monitoring for seamless pressure vessel ...........81
4.2.1 Introduction ............................................................................81
4.2.2 Structure of seamless pressure vessel ......................................82
4.2.3 Test procedure and acceptance criteria ....................................82
4.2.4 Experiment and results ............................................................84
4.3 Structural health monitoring of blast furnace in steel mill ...............91
4.3.1 Introduction ............................................................................91
4.3.2 Review of conventional study .................................................91
4.3.3 Monitoring strategy of blast furnace and blower .....................92
4.3.4 Experiment and results ............................................................93
4.3.5 Feature extraction and classification of fault signal .................97
4.3.6 Crack detection and leak monitoring of blast furnace ............ 108
4.4 Conclusion ................................................................................... 112
4.4.1 Source location in structure ................................................... 112
4.4.2 Early fault detection in structure ........................................... 112
References ............................................................................................ 113

V. Conclusions ...................................................................................... 116

국문요약 ..................................................................................................... 119

Acknowledgements ...................................................................................... 121

감사의 글.................................................................................................... 122

List of figures

Fig. 1.1 World market volume for NDT equipment............................................ 2

Fig. 1.2 Domestic market volume for NDT equipment and rate ......................... 2
Fig. 2.1 AE signal processing ............................................................................ 9
Fig. 2.2 Burst signal and continuous signal.......................................................10
Fig. 2.3 Signal processing for pre-amplifier and main-amplifier ....................... 11
Fig. 2.4 AE features..........................................................................................12
Fig. 2.5 Hit based AE features ..........................................................................13
Fig. 2.6 Combination of extracted features .......................................................16
Fig. 2.7 Combination of calm and load ratio .....................................................16
Fig. 2.8 Combination of average frequency and RA values ...............................17
Fig. 2.9 Fault diagnosis using AE feature for pressure vessel ............................18
Fig. 2.10 Fault diagnosis using AE feature for semiconductor process line .......19
Fig. 2.11 Fault diagnosis using AE feature for bending tester ...........................19
Fig. 2.12 Fault diagnosis using AE feature for semiconductor process ..............20
Fig. 2.13 1D source location.............................................................................22
Fig. 2.14 2D source location method ................................................................23
Fig. 2.15 1D source location for seamless pressure vessel ................................24
Fig. 2.16 1D source location method for boiler tube .........................................25
Fig. 2.17 2D source location method (zone location) ........................................25
Fig. 2.18 2D source location for boiler structure ...............................................26
Fig. 3.1 Compound sensor for AE and vibration ...............................................31
Fig. 3.2 Design of various waveguide with different length and thickness ........33
Fig. 3.3 Characteristics of signal attenuation for length and thickness...............33
Fig. 3.4 Various waveguide type for test environment.......................................34
Fig. 3.5 Special purpose magnetic holder to combine AE sensor with object ....34

Fig. 3.6 Preamplifier module circuit diagram....................................................36
Fig. 3.7 Preamplifier PCB ................................................................................37
Fig. 3.8 Main amplifier module circuit diagram................................................38
Fig. 3.9 Main amplifier module PCB ................................................................38
Fig. 3.10 Power and signal driver design of main-amplifier ..............................39
Fig. 3.11 Power and signal driver design of pre-amplifier .................................40
Fig. 3.12 Signal level trigger module circuit diagram .......................................41
Fig. 3.13 Signal level trigger module PCB .......................................................41
Fig. 3.14 AE monitoring hardware configuration ..............................................42
Fig. 3.15 AE monitoring hardware block diagram ............................................43
Fig. 3.16 4ch AE monitoring hardware .............................................................43
Fig. 3.17 8ch AE system...................................................................................44
Fig. 3.18 Multi channel AE system...................................................................44
Fig. 3.19 UI design of main window for real time fault monitoring ..................46
Fig. 3.20 Channel setup window before data acquisition ..................................47
Fig. 3.21 Trend management window ...............................................................48
Fig. 3.22 Post processing window for fault diagnosis .......................................50
Fig. 3.23 Multi FFT window for fault frequency analysis .................................51
Fig. 3.24 AE feature analysis window ..............................................................51
Fig. 3.25 Frequency response test result ...........................................................53
Fig. 3.26 Noise level test result ........................................................................54
Fig. 4.1 Leak flow ............................................................................................59
Fig. 4.2 The principle of boiler tube leak detection method by using compound
sensor for AE and vibration ................................................................60
Fig. 4.3 System configuration and location of BTLD........................................62
Fig. 4.4 Detail system configuration of BTLD ..................................................63
Fig. 4.5 Location of sensor (18channel) ............................................................63
Fig. 4.6 Overview of fault diagnosis .................................................................66

Fig. 4.7 3D source location and 3D modeling flow chart ..................................67
Fig. 4.8 2D & 3D modeling for boiler structure before source location .............69
Fig. 4.9 Simulation of 3D source location for boiler structure...........................71
Fig. 4.10 Characteristic DB of signal attenuation..............................................72
Fig. 4.11 Leak alarm setup during working condition .......................................73
Fig. 4.12 Signal feature with and without baffle plate using soot blower...........74
Fig. 4.13 Outside and inside shape of soot blower ............................................75
Fig. 4.14 Pressure vessel test during overhaul period ........................................75
Fig. 4.15 3D source location result using soot blower No. 90 and No. 110........76
Fig. 4.16 Location of soot blower to test of 3D source location ........................77
Fig. 4.17 3D source location result during soot blowing ...................................77
Fig. 4.18 RMS trend during actual tube leak.....................................................79
Fig. 4.19 3D source location result when actual leak was occurred ...................80
Fig. 4.20 Seamless pressure vessel for Type 1 and Type 2 ................................82
Fig. 4.21 System configuration.........................................................................84
Fig. 4.22 Test method for Type 2 ......................................................................86
Fig. 4.23 System configuration for Type 1 ........................................................86
Fig. 4.24 Cycle test for Type 1..........................................................................87
Fig. 4.25 AET and UT test result for Type 1 pressure vessel .............................88
Fig. 4.26 AE hit vs cumulative count ................................................................88
Fig. 4.27 Test environment for Type 2 ..............................................................88
Fig. 4.28 Test result of Type 2 ..........................................................................89
Fig. 4.29 Early fault detection for blast furnace using AE sensor ......................92
Fig. 4.30 Structure of blast furnace ...................................................................93
Fig. 4.31 AE system configuration for blast furnace .........................................93
Fig. 4.32 Crack for blower and leak monitoring ...............................................95
Fig. 4.33 BB gun test at AE 4-1 and AE 4-4 in steel shell .................................95
Fig. 4.34 Scratch test at 25 and 26 in blower ....................................................96

Fig. 4.35 BB gun test result at AE 4-1 ..............................................................98
Fig. 4.36 BB gun test result at AE 4-3 ..............................................................99
Fig. 4.37 Rise time, duration, and FFT result at AE 4-1 .................................. 100
Fig. 4.38 Rise time, duration, and FFT result at AE 4-2 .................................. 101
Fig. 4.39 Rise time, duration, and FFT result at AE 4-3 .................................. 102
Fig. 4.40 Existing crack and new crack .......................................................... 109
Fig. 4.41 Change of AE energy trend during crack propagation (overlap) ....... 109
Fig. 4.42 Change of AE energy trend during crack propagation ...................... 110
Fig. 4.43 Shape of blower in blast furnace ...................................................... 111
Fig. 4.44 Change of RMS trend when blower is leak ...................................... 111

List of tables

Table 2.1 Definition of Time driven features ..................................................13

Table 2.2 Definition of Hit based features ......................................................14
Table 2.3 Definition of combination features..................................................15
Table 2.4 Definition of frequency features .....................................................15
Table 2.5 Definition of other features .............................................................16
Table 3.1 Specification of data acquisition module .........................................41
Table 3.2 Specification of CPU module .........................................................42
Table 3.3 Noise level test result ......................................................................54
Table 3.4 Transfer speed test result.................................................................54
Table 4.1 System configuration of BTLD .......................................................64
Table 4.2 Soot blower test vs pressure vessel test result ..................................75
Table 4.3 Specification of AE system .............................................................85
Table 4.4 Specified cylinders, typical dimensions, and service pressures ........85
Table 4.5 Cycle count vs cumulative hit for Type 1 ........................................87
Table 4.6 Specification of Type 2 ...................................................................89
Table 4.7 AE system configuration.................................................................94
Table 4.8 Comparison of AE amplitude value using BB gun test at AE 4-1 ....97
Table 4.9 Comparison of AE amplitude value using BB gun test at AE 4-3 ....97
Table 4.10 AE rise time and duration of BB gun and water drops ................. 103
Table 4.11 Water drops signal at AE 4-1 ....................................................... 104
Table 4.12 BB gun signal at AE 4-1 ............................................................. 104
Table 4.13 BB gun signal at AE 4-2 ............................................................. 104
Table 4.14 BB gun signal at AE 4-3 ............................................................. 105
Table 4.15 Water drops signal at AE 4-4....................................................... 105
Table 4.16 BB gun signal at AE 4-4 ............................................................. 105

Table 4.17 BB gun signal at AE 4-5 ............................................................. 106
Table 4.18 Water drops signal and BB gun signal at AE 4-1, 4-2, 4-3 ........... 107
Table 4.19 Water drops signal and BB gun signal at AE 4-4, 4-5 .................. 107

List of abbreviations

NDT Nondestructive Testing

AE Acoustic Emission
RVI Remote Visual Inspection
SHM Structural Health Monitoring
UT Ultrasonic Testing
RT Radioactive Testing
CMS Condition Monitoring System
DSP Digital Signal Processor
RMS Root Mean Square
ASL Average Signal Level
MARSE Measured Area of Rectified Signal Envelope
FR Felicity Ratio
RTRI ratio of Repeated Train load at the onset of AE activity to
Relative maximum load for Inspection period
RA Rise time divided by Amplitude
GUI Graphic User Interface
HMI Human Machine Interface
DCS Distribute Control System
SNR Signal to Noise Ratio
BFP Band Pass Filter
RMS Root Mean Square
PCI Peripheral Component Interface
PCB Printed Circuit Board
CPU Central Process Unit
DAS Data Acquisition System

PSU Power Supply Unit
SCU Signal Conditioning Unit
PDT Peak Definition Time
HDT Hit Definition Time
HLT Hit Lockout Time
DSP Digital Signal Processor
PC Personal Computer
OP AMP Operational Amplifier
BTLD Boiler Tube Leak Detection
PRH Primary Reheater
FRH Final Superheater
PSH Primary Superheater
ECO Economizer
FPGA Field Programmable Gate Array
1D One Dimensional
2D Two Dimensional
3D Three Dimensional
SB Soot Blower
DB Data Base
DOT Department of Transportation
NGV Natural Gas Vehicle
PLB Pencil Lead Break
ASTM American Society of Testing Materials

The Development of the Structural Health Monitoring System for Early Fault
Diagnosis by using Acoustic Emission

Dong Hyun Kim

Department of Acoustics and Vibration Engineering, The Graduate School,

Pukyong National University


Structural Health Monitoring for Industrial facility such as bridge, building,

rotating machinery, power plant are generically defined as the process of
implementing a damage detection and characterization strategy for engineering
structures. This information can be used for rapid condition screening and aims to
provide, in near real time, reliable information regarding the integrity of the
Today’s large and complex systems require efficient and intelligent monitoring
strategies which will help evaluating and distinguishing between the undamaged
and damaged structure. A sudden fault of structure like power plant will cause the
main equipment to shut down and the production of energy will also stop. It is
therefore essential to be able to predict such a failure in advance to reduce
downtime and other human disaster. Numerous non-destructive condition
monitoring techniques have been proposed for early fault defection.
In the mean time, to monitor the performance, reliability and safety of large
plant, there is an increase in the installation of real-time condition monitoring
In this study, Acoustic Emission Testing method one of the Non-Destructive

Testing method was proposed to detect and diagnosis fault signals for industrial
facility and large power plant structure. To satisfy field requirement, this study
apply compound sensor for vibration and acoustic emission to detect fault signal
from the object and design specialized waveguide for high temperature and
dangerous area.
In order to acquire wide range of fault signals from low to high frequency range,
special purpose of signal conditioning module such as pre-amplifier and main-
amplifier are needed. And data acquisition hardware such as signal level trigger
module, high speed data acquisition module, CPU module are also required.
In addition, to find the location of fault for small and large structure, source
location technique is applied. Based on raw data from power plant, this study
proposed feature extraction, selection, classification, and clustering.
Finally, in data interpretation and evaluation, 3D source locating technique as
well as fault analyzing technique with various AE features such as energy,
amplitude, rise time, duration, RMS, and so on, are performed for structural health
monitoring .
In this thesis, AE monitoring hardware newly developed and software are also
designed as a real-time, post-processing respectively.
The on-line monitoring system to be used for multi-parameter monitoring of
physical structure and processes.
Proposed source location and early detection technique confirmed through
application case. Study results show that AE system can detect and prevent
unexpected plant accident early, and contributes to maximize the effectiveness of
power generation.

I. Introduction

1.1 Technical, economic and social background

Public safety and the importance of reliable state monitoring and diagnostics
technology are highlighted with increasing people’s desire for safety and the
growth of industrial economy. As to variety and rapid growth of industrial society,
complex and large scale of industrial facilities and structures are trended. Under
this condition, the technology of Non-destructive Test (NDT) is discussed as core
NDT is a wide group of analysis techniques used in science and industry to
evaluate the properties of a material, component or system without causing
damage. Because NDT does not permanently alter the article being inspected, it is
a highly-valuable technique that can save both money and time in product
evaluation, troubleshooting, and research. Common NDT methods include
ultrasonic, magnetic-particle, liquid penetrant, radiographic, remote visual
inspection (RVI), eddy-current testing, and low coherence interferometry. NDT is
a commonly-used tool in forensic engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical
engineering, civil engineering, systems engineering, aeronautical engineering,
medicine, and art[2].
According to the Yano research institute, the size of test equipment market in
2008 is estimated to reach 2.777billion USD and 6% of annual growth rate is
shown and this market is estimated 3.717billion USD after five years later. In
addition additional market including NDT equipment and service engineering are
proportional growth, it is expected over 150billion USD in 2013[3].
On the other hand, domestic Non-Destructive Test Equipment Market in 2008
is about 384.1 billion Korean Won and its annual growth rate in average reaches

about 5.5% and this maker is estimated 502billion Korean Won[4].

Fig. 1.1 World market volume for NDT equipment

Fig. 1.2 Domestic market volume for NDT equipment and rate

In order to perform the diagnose of fault on large scale structure, the research
for facility diagnose on in this paper has been formed by using Acoustic Emission
method which is prominent in industries recently.
The Acoustic Emission (AE) is commonly defined as transient elastic waves
within a material, caused by the release of localized stress energy. Hence, an event
source is the phenomenon which releases elastic energy into the material, which

then propagates as an elastic wave. AE can be detected in frequency ranges under
1 kHz, and have been reported at frequencies up to 100 MHz, but most released
energy within 1 kHz to 1 MHz. Rapid stress-releasing events generate a spectrum
of stress waves starting at 0 Hz, and typically falling off at several MHz.
The three major applications of AE techniques are: 1) source location -
determine the locations where an event source occurred; 2) material mechanical
performance - evaluate and characterize materials/structures; and 3) health
monitoring - monitor the safety operation of a structure, i.e. bridges, pressure
containers, and pipe lines, etc[5].
Vibration monitoring techniques are interested in several Hz to 10 kHz of
frequency range, but AE method is interested in wide frequency range of 20 kHz
to 1.2MHZ. This characteristic in AE techniques make that extremely fine strain
or crack can be sensed measuring even a few µV of high sensitive range and also
continuous monitoring of cracking occurrence and its occurring time can be
recognized while system is operated.
However, there are limitations in AE techniques. In AE techniques, the
measurement and detection of signals can be possible only in the condition the
external force is applied and It is difficult to distinguish normal signal and fault
signal in noisy environment. Although severity of fault can be measured by AE
method, other test methods for example Ultrasound Test (UT) or Radiographic
Test (RT) are used in parallel for confirm fault as complement. Moreover the fault
size also cannot be distinguished in AE method.
AE techniques are used in the various fields such as diagnosis on rotating
machine[6], evaluation for material characteristics and diagnosis of normality on
structures[7], crack and fault on storage tank and pressure vessel[8], leak
monitoring on main reactor facility[9], safety monitoring on civil work[10],
monitoring of turbine condition in power plant[11], boiler tube leak monitoring in
power plant[12], crack monitoring of blast furnace in steel mill[13], leak

monitoring on the pipe underground[14], etc.
On the other hand, commercialized fault detecting system in domestic and
overseas are limitations for applying AE method as follow cases. In case
interested frequency is known and unknown and fault signals have dual band with
low and high frequency range, it is difficult to detect fault signal using
conventional system.
In large scale and complex structure, it has limitation to attach sensors in
dangerous area, 3D visualization in fault location, and fault analysis and diagnose
with final measured and specified data are not easy.
Ease of installation has been improved, to solve the conventional technical
limitation mentioned above, by applying compound sensor for acoustic emission
and vibration for sensing limitation and by developing variety sensing sub module
on complicated structure.
Analysis and data processing for low and high frequency range can be
improved by applying the compound sensing module and signal conditioning unit
which amplify and filter the collected signal.
In fault diagnosis, reading and detection capability for fault has been increased
by extracting, classifying and clustering of collected and specified data from the
Finally, by applying 1 to 3D location detecting algorism on final collected data
from field, and by detecting the signal from early fault detector, conventional self
detecting device can be improved with reliability and technology on various
equipments. Human life and property damage from accident can be minimized

1.2 Motivation and significance of this research

The motivation of this research is enlarging of the usage of Condition

Monitoring System (CMS) which is applied by AE techniques in performing
condition monitoring and diagnosis on industrial equipment.
The significance of this research is early fault detection by compound sensing
technology for low frequency vibration range and high frequency AE range. In
case of fault detection for large scaled structure, it can easily find the fault area
using 3D source location technique.
This paper is to ensure its reliability by realizing the continuous and early
detection of boiler tube leak in power plant, structure health evaluation of pressure
vessel, crack monitoring of blast furnace in steel mill.

The aims of this research suggests early fault detection system on industrial
equipment by the AE method and detecting method. And this system includes
graphic user interface to detecting the fault location with sensing equipment,
signal conditioning module, data acquisition hardware.
Ÿ Sub unit of waveguide which is suitable for signal collection on
complex and large structure, and design and application of and
magnetic holder.

Ÿ Development of signal conditioning module for compound sensing of

Ÿ Development of data acquisition hardware for compound sensing of AE

and vibration.

Ÿ Development of 3D source location algorism.

Ÿ Development of signal processing technique for distinguish of fault

signal and noisy signal.

Ÿ Development of Graphic User Interface for condition monitoring of

Ÿ Development and application of 3D fault detecting and diagnostic

technology for complex structure

AE measurement and diagnostic system proposed in this paper are applied to

early fault detection system on industrial equipment. Major points in the paper are
mentioned as below
Ÿ Development of fault diagnostic system on industrial equipment by

Ÿ Establishment of fault diagnostic technology in dangerous area and on

Ÿ On sight 3D technology application for fault location detecting makes

minimum downtime and maximum generating efficiency of electric
power plant by detecting fault location.

Ÿ Securing and verifying the early fault detection technology on plant

equipment practical application by AE measurement and analysis of
diagnostic technique.


[1] IAEA, Non-destructive testing for plant life assessment, vienna, 2005.
[3] Yano Research Institute, Nondestructive Inspection Market 2006, 2006.
[4]KONICOF, Analysis of nondestructive testing global market trend and
competitive, 2009.
[6] L.D.HALL, D.MBA and R.H.BANISTER, Acoustic Emission signal
classification in condition monitoring using the kolmogorov-smirnov statistic,
Journal of Acoustic Emission, 19, 2001.
[7] Kentaro OHNO, Shinichiro SHIMOZONO, Yosuke SAwAdA, and Masayasu
OHTSU., Mechanisms of Diagonal-Shear Failure in Reinforced Concrete
Beams analyzed by AE-SigMA, Journal of Solid Mechanics and Materials
Engineer, Vol. 2, No. 4, 2008.
[8] A.A.Anastasopoulos, D.A. Kourousis, P.T. Cole, Acoustic Emission
Inspections of Spherical Metallic Pressusre Vessels, International Conference
on Technical Inspection and NDT(TINDT2008), October 2008.
[9] American Society of Mechanical Engineering(ASME) OM-S/G-2005, New
York, August 31, 2005.
[10] Xiu LUO, Dr. Hiroshi HAYA, Dr., Tomoaki NIABA, Tomoki SHIOTANI, Dr.,
Yasuhiro NAKANISHI, Secondary AE Techniques for Non-Destructive
Inspection of Railway Structures, QR of RTRI, Vol. 44, No. 4, Nov. 2003.
[11] Akihiro SATO, Elsaku NAKASHIMA, Masami KOIKE, Morihiko MAEDA,
Toshikatsu YOSHIARA, and Shigeto NISHIMOTO, Development of
abnormality detection technology for electric generation steam turbines,
Journal of Acoustic Emission, 19, 2001.

[12] Jirapong Lim, tonphong Kaewkongka, Leakage Evaluation of heating coil
tube in thermal oil boiler by using Acoustic Emission and data classification
technique, FMtC 2008-IEEE International Instrumentation and Measurement
technology Conference, Victoria, Vancouver Island, Canda, May12-15, 2008.
[13] R van Oudenallen, K Andreev, M Gerdees, MAG Bentes, AHB de Mello and
F Franklin Danieli Corus BV, Corus group, M Gerdees and Partners and
Companhia Siderurgica National (CSN), Expansion phenomena in blast
furnace health aftwer blow-in, Millennium Steel, 2008.
[14] Enviroacoustic ABEE, EL. Venizelou 7 & Delfon, 14452 Metamorphosis,
Athens, GREECE, Acoustic Emission leak detection of buried pipeline,
Janese Society for NDI, 2008.

II. Review on AE Signal Processing and
Source Location

2.1 Introduction

Signal processing is an area of systems engineering, electrical engineering and

applied mathematics that deals with operations on or analysis of signals, in either
discrete or continuous time. It refers to the processing of the signal and related
technology for a variety of purposes. In discrete time or continuous time, such
signals consist of analog or digital electrical representation[1].
This chapter describes the signal processing method used for the fault analysis
by dividing the acoustic emission signal processing into hardware and software.

Fig. 2.1 AE signal processing

2.2 AE signal processing

In general signal processing is separated analog and digital. Analog signal

processing is for signals that have not been digitized, as in legacy radio, telephone,
radar, and television systems. This involves linear electronic circuits such as
passive filters, active filters, additive mixers, integrators and delay lines. It also
involves non-linear circuits such as compandors, multiplicators (frequency mixers
and voltage-controlled amplifiers), voltage-controlled filters, voltage-controlled
oscillators and phase-locked loops[2].
If an external force from objects is applied, elastic wave will be generated in
the form of two major signals including burst signal with clear beginning and end
and continuous signal with unclear beginning and end, as shown in Fig. 2.2.
Because the acoustic emission signal collected in the field generate a very weak
signal as several µV to be input, so it needs the amplification through pre-
amplifier and main-amplifier.
Fig. 2.3 shows the composite signal processing of low frequency and high
frequency band by using compound sensor for vibration and AE. If vibration and
AE signal are input simultaneously, the primary amplification and filtering of
signals will be performed in the preamplifier installed in close area, and the
secondary amplification and filtering of the signals in the main amplifier installed
in the long distance.

(a) Burst signal (b) Continuous signal

Fig. 2.2 Burst signal and continuous signal

Fig. 2.3 Signal processing for pre-amplifier and main-amplifier

Digital signal processing is the processing of digitized discrete time sampled

signals. Processing is done by general-purpose computers or by digital circuits
such as ASICs, field-programmable gate arrays or specialized digital signal
processors (DSP chips) [3].
AE signal usually requires high sampling with more than 1MHz, so it has
limitation in processing after collecting data from PC.
In order to classify desired signal from these amounts of data, the real-time
feature calculation and extraction, clustering of the extracted signal and
classification are required. AE features are described here.

2.3 AE features

AE features are mainly divided into four types in time and frequency domains, as
shown Fig. 2.4.
Time domain consists of Time driven feature, Hit based features and
Combination features combining Time driven feature and Hit based features, and
frequency domain is generally classified as the frequency feature[4].

Fig. 2.5 explains basic AE features according to the ISO 12716:2001[5].
Threshold-based measuring feature is defined for any actual input signal, and
according to when applied, it may also be divided into conventional feature
analysis methods[6] and the latest analysis method[7] according to recent research
trends to be used.
In conventional features, it described as Table 2.1 to Table 2.4. this features are
widely used when we evaluate most of the object. In latest analysis method such
as Load Ratio, RTRI Ratio, Calm Ratio, and RA Value, it defined as table 2.5.
This features are used to evaluated concrete structures that the fracture mode of
cracking is changing from the tensile type of fracture to the shear type of fracture
with progress of fracture.
As a reference, Load ratio is obtained from any kinds of AE parameters at the

onset of AE activity PAE. Fig. 2.6 is useful to analyze of correlation with selected
features, which well presented during load time to the object. Fig. 2.7 is useful to
evaluate of damage quantification with a combination of Calm and Load ratio. Fig.
2.8 is useful to discriminate crack type classification with a combination of
average frequency and RA values.
In this way, to discriminate and evaluate specialized object, this kind of various
analysis method are required.

Fig. 2.5 Hit based AE features

Table 2.1 Definition of time driven features

Feature Description
Root Mean 1 T
T ò0
Vrms = V (t ) 2 dt [V]
Square (RMS)
1 T
T ò0
Average Signal ASL = V (t )dt [dB]
Level (ASL)

Absolute Energy It is a 6-byte value that has aJ (attoJules) unit. This variable
measures the actual energy value of AE hit. Absolute Energy is
performed by integral of squared voltage divided by reference
resistance during the entire interval (10kΩ) of the AE waveform
packet. It is a good variable for monitoring continuous signals.

Table 2.2 Definition of hit based features

Feature Description
Hit As a signal exceeding the threshold, it is used to signal the start of the data
collection and indicate the activity of AE.
Count The number of times exceeding the threshold during the duration of AE
Amplitude The maximum (positive or negative) signal excursion during a hit.
Duration The elapsed time from signal’s first threshold crossing to the last threshold
crossing and is reported in microseconds.
Rise Time The elapsed time between the hit start and the peak amplitude of the hit
and is reported in microseconds. sometimes used to remove noise signals.
Energy It is the integral value of the rectified signal within Hit interval, and is
generally defined as Measured Area of Rectified Signal Envelope
Signal Integral value of the signal rectified over the duration of AE signal
Strength waveform. It is similar to the energy feature, except that it is calculated
over the entire AE signal dynamic range and is independent of gain.
True It is derived from the Integral of the squared voltage signal divided by the
Energy reference resistance (10kΩ) over the duration of the AE waveform packet.
The range is from 9.31x10-4aJ to 1.31025 x 106aJ. aJ means attojoules
( 10 ).
Threshold It is a boundary value to determine AE signals, which can be controlled by

a fixed value and floating value.
Count to It measure of the number of AE counts between the AE hit start and the
Peak Peak amplitude of the AE hit.

Table 2.3 Definition of combination features

Feature Description
Average Frequency AE counts
Reverberation Frequency AE counts - count to peak
duration - risetime
Initiation Frequency counts to peak

Table 2.4 Definition of frequency features

Feature Description
Peak frequency It is the frequency of maximum amplitude of peak observed in
the power spectrum, of which unit is kHz.
Frequency Centroid It is the value that the sum of amplitude and frequency
multiplication is divided by the sum of the amplitude, of which
unit is kHz. It is same as first moment of inertia.

å (M ´ f ) [kHz]
Partial Power It is inducted to the power spectrum of AE hit-related
waveform and is recorded as %, and the sum of power
spectrum in user-specified frequency interval (up to four can
be specified) is divided by the power of the entire frequency
interval and is calculated by multiplying the result by 100.

Table 2.5 Definition of other features
Feature Description
Load Ratio
PAE ( AE occurence load start )
Felicity Ratio ( FR ) =
P1st ( Maximum load in the past )

RTRI Ratio AE occurence start parameter value

Maximum parameter value during measuremen t period

Calm Ratio Total number of AE occurence during load removal

Calm ratio =
Total number of AE occurence during hysteresis cycle
RA Value risetime
RA Value =

Fig. 2.6 Combination of extracted features

Fig. 2.7 Combination of calm and load ratio

Fig. 2.8 Combination of average frequency and RA values

2.4 Fault diagnosis method using AE features

2.4.1 Fault diagnosis using time driven and hit based feature

This is one of the popular ways in fault diagnosis. It finds the variance of
feature diagnosis by time and identifies normal and fault signal as well as
explains its description and method.

Ÿ Structural integrity monitoring for pressure vessel

Structural integrity monitoring for pressure vessel evaluates fault by AE

occurrence frequency according to holding time between specific
pressure sections.
As shown in Fig 2.9, referring X axis as sustained time of pressure and
Y axis as occurrence frequency (AE count) of fault final by time,
accumulative frequency of sustained pressure can be presented and

Fig. 2.9 Fault diagnosis using AE feature for pressure vessel

Ÿ Determination of crack on precision device in semiconductor

process line

In the automation line under production process of semiconductor,

fault signal occurrence is monitored by time for determining of defect
product with crack from good products.
As shown in Fig 2.10, referring X axis as the process time and Y as the
size of the momentary defect occurrence by time, it is a example of
diagnosis of normal and faulty products.
Ÿ Determination of crack in bending tester

In case of health evaluation of crack in device by variation of load on

newly developed steel sample, fault diagnosis is available by computing
the variance of X axis by time, load and angle (Y1: Displacement(mm),
Y2:Load(Kgf), Y3:Anagle(deg)) as shown Fig. 2.11.

Fig. 2.10 Fault diagnosis using AE feature for semiconductor process line

Fig. 2.11 Fault diagnosis using AE feature for bending tester

2.4.2 Fault diagnosis using combination feature

Fault diagnosis has been carried out through correlation diagnosis, no like as
the fault diagnosis shown in Fig 2.12.
(a) case is the correlation diagnosis based on selected feature signal and it
shows the process that signal more than 70 in count is judged as crack
signal occurred in process.

(b) shows the determination criteria for the acceptance or fault in case that
peak signal exceeds 2.5V when crack signal occurs.
Therefore it is understood that fault determination and classification criteria
may vary according to the correlation diagnosis of feature data (Count, Peak,
Average frequency) that support final effective judgment in case of fault

(a) X(Count), Y1(Peak), Y2(Average frequency)

(b) X(Peak), Y1(Count), Y2(Average frequency)

Fig. 2.12 Fault diagnosis using AE feature for semiconductor process

2.5 Source location algorithm and it’s application

For large structure such as power generation facility, diagnosis is not simple
because it is required to install a lot of sensors on large structure for
collecting signal and diagnosis. Recently source location technique is widely
used to the complex and large scaled structure[8-10]. In such case it is
necessary to arrange sensors at optimized locations and make quick decision
whether operating or stopping facility through collecting and analyzing
signals. To do this, basic source location algorithm[11-12] is applied.
For fault diagnosis, database of structure properties shall be built based on
collected signals to identify normal and abnormal signals, classify faults by
abnormal signals and then study to find the location finally.
To estimate the location, assuming that the location where many AE events
have been detected may be the fault(corrosion, crack, leakage) location, one
point represents 1 event and the location where cluster is concentrated is
understood as a damaged location.

2.5.1 Conventional source location algorithm

In order to carry out fault location, sensor is installed available place which
can easily detect when fault is occurred and data is stored with a alarm
signal in case of detection over reference signal level.
Stored data is started feature extraction based on raw data. 3D fault location
is performed with the x, y, z axis selected feature value according to the shape
of the monitoring object.
To improve location error, compare with reference database in normal
condition and error correction of the location is performed. Finally, fault
location is indicated as clustering with multi point.

Ÿ Principle of 1D source location

In case of known sound velocity and location of sensor for monitoring

object, time difference is calculated rate of distance and velocity by
using over 2 sensors. source location is performed as shown Fig. 2.13.

Ÿ Calculation of 1D source location

Fault location is x , two sensor’s location is x1 , x 2 , about arrival

time of fault signal t1 ,t 2 is

Ct1, = x - x1 , Ct 2, = x - x 2 (2-1)

Here, C is sound velocity.

Time difference between sensor Dt12 = t1 - t 2 ,

CDt12 = x - x1 - x - x 2 (2-2)

Fig. 2.13 1D source location

Ÿ Principle of 2D source location

Basic theory is same with 1D source location and over two and three

sensors are used to apply 2D source location.

Ÿ Calculation of 2D source location

2D fault location is ( x, y ) , location of three sensors is CH1 ( x1 , y1 ) ,

CH2 ( x 2 , y 2 ) , CH3 ( x3 , y 3 ) , and arrival time of fault signal is t1 , t 2 , t 3 .

Time difference between sensors is determined as Dt12 , Dt13 .

CDt12 = ( x - x1 )2 + ( y - y1 )2 - ( x - x2 )2 + ( y - y2 )2 (2-3)

CDt13 = (x - x1 ) 2 + ( y - y1 ) 2 - (x - x3 )2 + ( y - y3 )2 (2-4)

Fig. 2.14 2D source location method

2.5.2 Application of source location algorithm

Ÿ Application of 1D source location (pressure vessel)

In case of structure integrity of seamless pressure vessel, 1D source

location is performed during loading process (pressure is filled as 110%
and hold condition) as shown Fig. 2.15 with two sensor at the end of
pressure vessel both side. In 1D source location, distribution and
location of fault is displayed as multi point on shape of pressure vessel.

Fig. 2.15 1D source location for seamless pressure vessel

Ÿ Application of 1D source location (boiler structure)

Unlike basic theory of source location, it is difficult to apply time

difference method for the large structure, because it has attenuation
characteristic for structure type and limitation which know of start time for
continuous signal like leak.
In this case, zone location method (highest amplitude output will be
closest to the source because the signal detected at the closest transducer is
less attenuated) is applied and fault location is performed compare with
amplitude feature of closet area .
If the detailed attenuation characteristics of the structure are known, the
location of the source can be computed from observation of transducer
outputs. In this way, we can reduce the zone of fault location with multi
sensor. Fig. 2.16 shows CH2 has highest amplitude signal in zone2 area.

Fig. 2.16 1D source location method for boiler tube

Ÿ Application of 2D source location

Fig. 2.17 show example of source location using multi channels according
to the different type of structure shape.
In this way zone of fault location is highlighted compare with other
channel, which is installed near by source.

Fig. 2.17 2D source location method (zone location)

Ÿ Application of 2D source location (boiler structure)

Fig. 2.18 shows 2D source location for large structure of boiler in power
plant. According to the amplitude value one of the AE feature, zone location
is performed when fault signal is generated from the object.
In this case, location of fault occurrence is zone 4 with highest signal
amplitude from the structure. In this way it may be possible to define the
first, second and third amplitude level and thus narrow zone is reallocated.
In source location algorithm, it determine the difference between sensor
outputs and compare it with attenuation characteristics of component.

Fig. 2.18 2D source location for boiler structure

2.6 Conclusion

Two kind of AE signal processing is applied. One is analog signal processing, it

performs amplification and filtering of the signal input primarily in the pre-
amplifier and main-amplifier. Another is digital signal processing, it performs pre-
and post-operation for the processing of vast amounts of data, which includes
various AE feature operations, clustering and classification.
AE feature that is used for fault analysis was identified mainly as hit based
features, time driven features, combination features and frequency features, which
were defined as a total of 19 kinds of corresponding features.
As a characterized variable used for recent fault analysis, Load Ratio, RTRI
Ratio, Calm ratio and RA value have been described.
For the structure integrity of pressure vessel, It evaluates fault by AE
occurrence frequency (AE count vs pressure)according to holding time between
specific pressure sections.
For the crack detection of semiconductor line, fault determination and
classification criteria may vary according to the correlation diagnosis of feature
data (Count, Peak, Average frequency) that support final effective judgment in
case of fault determination.
Complex and large scaled structure in power plant, source location technique is
required. Based on basic principle of source location for 1D and 2D, fault location
is performed to the actual object like pressure vessel and plant structure.
In case of 1D and 2D source location, fault location is applied and verified to
the pressure vessel and boiler structure using time different and zone location
method with two or more sensor.


[2] http://
[3] http://
[4] None destructive Testing Handbook Volume 6, Acoustic Emission Testing, 3rd
Edition, American Society for None destructive Testing, 2005, pp. 152-156.
[5] ISO 12716 2005
2004, pp. 29-34.
[7] Christian U. Grosse, Masayasu Ohtsu Editors, Acoustic Emission Testing,
Springer, 2008, pp. 42-59.
[8] L.M.Rogers, Structural and Engineering Monitoring by Acoustic Emission
Methods-Fundamentals and Applications, 2001, pp. 20~51.
[9] Tadej Kosel, Igor Grabec, Peter Muzic, Location of acoustic emisson sources
generated by air flow, Ultrasonics 38, 2000, pp. 824~826.
[10] J.J. Kovecevich, Recent Advances in the Application of Acoustic Leak
Detection to Process Recovery Boilers, TAPPI Engineering Conference,
September 11-14, 1995.
[11] None destructive Testing Handbook Volume 6, Acoustic Emission Testing, 3rd
Edition, American Society for None destructive Testing, 2005, pp. 122-146.

III. Design on the Acoustic Emission System

3.1 Introduction

To monitor and analyze of fault diagnosis for the large structural health
monitoring, The basic configuration of AE systems are consist of AE sensor,
Preamplifier, AE Data Acquisition System (DAS), and Analysis Software[1].
In addition, in order to analyze compound signal like leak and crack, multi-
purpose AE Systems, which have wide range of signal from several kHz to MHz,
signal conditioning function for amplifier and filtering, are required.
However, most of the conventional AE systems[2-4] are not support and
provide simultaneously vibration and AE signal. Also, in order to apply of
particular environmental structural health monitoring such as blast furnace, power
plant, and pressure vessel, newly designed systems are required. The purpose of
development of AE system is to provide versatile, customized system, and easy to
use for the special purpose customer’s needs.

3.2 Sensing equipment

Sensing equipment is performing the signal collection from sensor which is

attached on the object physically. In case of dangerous or high temperature area,
waveguide is used to detect signal by welding of the surface of object. And also
magnetic holder and sensor are integrated into single body in case of too small
objects to attach on the sensor.

3.2.1 Conventional AE sensor

AE sensor is equipment which converts mechanical signal by detecting
dynamic displacement to electrical signal. and sensors that piezoelectric built-in
are mainly used on the equipment.
Resonant type and wideband type sensor are used generally[5]. But compound
single sensor which can sense Acoustic Emission and vibration signal
simultaneously has been used in this paper[6].
In this case of compound sensor, by applying damper material of wideband AE
sensor as load weight material in piezoelectric accelerometer structure, damper
material is working as a function of load weight in low frequency of vibration
range. And in high frequency of AE range, it working by wideband AE sensor. Fig.
3.1 shows the size and frequency characteristic of compound sensor.
The objective of compound sensor at machine system is to establish the high
reliability and low cost early fault detecting system by sensing and analyzing the
vibration and AE signal simultaneously. Diagnosis in general is performed at few
Hz to few dozen kHz of vibration range.
Low frequency range is applied to analysis of unbalance or miss-alignment
shaft, high frequency above 10 kHz range is applied to detecting of abnormal
bearing behavior. But because the bearing abnormal behavior cannot be detected
at the lowest rotating machine, AE method is introducing.
The compound sensor has been used because reliability in fault detecting can be
increased not only detecting the fault on variety machine but also detecting the
leakage from the pipes at large power plant which is requested to analyzing of
vibration and AE signal simultaneously by detecting the low and high frequency.

3.2.2 AE waveguide design

In case of large scale structure like power plant, it is faced on complex and
risky environment. And if equipments are using in high temperature especially,
thermal damage by influence of high temperature should be considered, the sensor
in this case is protected by applying waveguide on the objects.
Fault signal of cracks and leakages on the objects can be sensed by waveguide
which is connected with objects by welding on one side, and connected with AE
sensor on the other side.
There are temperature of Curie point in piezoelectric ceramic material which is
used in AE sensor.
Piezoelectric ceramic material will lost its characteristic of piezoelectric at and
above Curie point temperature and lost the function as sensor. Accordingly, AE
sensor should not be exposed at and above Curie point temperature with care.

Curie point of AE sensor in general has the temperature range of 120°C to
300°C[7]. So AE sensor at and above the temperature of Curie point cannot be
attached on the objects directly. In this case, AE sensor can be protected by high
temperature environment by that one end of waveguide is welded on object, and
AE sensor is installed on other side of waveguide.
But there is possibility of attenuation effect in case of waveguide compared to
direct attachment on pipe. Attenuation effect on different length and diameter of
waveguide has been tested as shown Fig. 3.2.
Fig. 3.3 shows the test result of attenuation effect in different waveguide length.
The test result according to waveguide length showed almost similar
attenuation effect between waveguide connection and direct connection by same
Based on this test result, it had been confirmed that attenuation effect of
waveguide had happened by distance only but no additional attenuation.
Assume the 1m distance between sensor and signal source, the signal
attenuation only will be occurred in case of no use waveguide, and in case of use
0.3m length of waveguide became 1.3m distance by adding the 1m distance of
sensor and signal source, then signal attenuation effect of 1.3m distance will be
occurred. And the other factors like welding didn’t influence to additional
Using this test result, this research designed specialized waveguide for crack
detection and leak monitoring for the different type of structure body such as large
sized boiler in power plant, blast furnace in steel mill as shown Fig. 3.4.
In case of small objects, small magnetic holder which is made for special
purpose of detecting the fine fault by mounting the high sensitivity sensor, and by
combining of sensor and objects, can be used as shown Fig. 3.5.

Fig. 3.2 Design of various waveguide with different length and thickness

Fig. 3.3 Characteristics of signal attenuation for length and thickness

(a) waveguide for crack detection (b) waveguide for leak monitoring

(c) waveguide with long length for leak monitoring

Fig. 3.4 Various waveguide type for test environment

(a) front (b) rear

Fig. 3.5 Special purpose magnetic holder to combine AE sensor with object

3.3 AE Signal conditioning module design

In general, signal conditioning at AE signal includes the 3 kinds of major

functions as power supply on sensor, filtering of particular frequency band,
In the field, in case the signal is sensed by AE sensor, signal amplification is
needed because of too weak signal of few µV. To collect field signal from
electrical power plant, primary amplification and filtering is performed by pre-
amplifier located in close distance from sensor, and then second amplification and
filtering function is needed by main-amplifier located in 100m to 300m distance
through coaxial cable is needed.
In this thesis, each of pre-amplifier and main-amplifier for signal conditioning
module were developed to sense the AE and the vibration signal simultaneously
with one sensor.

3.3.1 Pre-amplifier module design for compound sensor

To collect the very weak AE signal such as crack, distinction for Signal to
Noise Ratio (SNR) must be accomplished in order to confirm the monitoring band
of reference signal vs. abnormal signal by controlling the amplification of
collected signal.
In case of collected AE signal in field, it makes possible to select the crack
signal by designing of Operation Amplifier (OP AMP) circuit which makes few
µV of weak signal component primary amplify to few mV signal size, and by
amplifying the signal size of 20dB/40dB/60dB selectively.
And unwanted signal components were able to remove by designing of two
Band Pass Filters (BPF) as low frequency signal and high frequency signal to
analyze the signal components of leakage area by crack and destruction among the

primary amplified signal components.
In case of BPF, it is implemented that Noise of -24dB/octave in the lowest can
be removed by implying 4th Shelled-key type active filter to improve barrier
It has been designed to facilitate crack monitoring of barrier properties of 2 kHz
to 20 kHz in case of low frequency band, and wideband of 100 kHz to 600 kHz in
case of high frequency.
Pre-amplified module has been designed by adding circuit to supply 24V, 4mA
of constant current signal sources.
Designed amplifier by installing variable resister made to correct the part errors
occurred when making system and it was able to setup the correct amplification
And also, test points at each location were installed to facilitate the verification
of performance of the product when making and running of product. It improved
working efficiency.

Fig. 3.6 Preamplifier module circuit diagram

Fig. 3.7 Preamplifier PCB

3.3.2 Main-amplifier module design for compound sensor

In case of pre-amplified signal, the main amplification module’s configuration

is needed to perform the secondary signal amplification and the signal processing
in considering the long distance transmission and attenuation characteristic.
In case of configuration of large system such as power plant, constrains of
distance 100m to 300m between sensors installed in the field and main analyzing
equipment installed in equipment room, by means of compensate for the
characteristics of signal, by parallel design of digitization part for the second
amplification of 20dB/40dB and raw data output of amplified signal and Root
Mean Square (RMS) circuit, through the raw data, AE signal can be analyzed with
easy, when structure destruct by growing of crack, to decide the accrued leaking
signal, RMS data output.
Rotary switch and toggle switch are installed on main amplify module which is
made to be selected the filtering band (all of low and high frequency) and
amplification ratio (0, 20, 40dB).
In main amplifier equipment also variable resistance installed to fine control of
amplification ratio. And test points were installed at major position.

Fig. 3.8 Main amplifier module circuit diagram

Fig. 3.9 Main amplifier module PCB

3.3.3 Power and signal line driver design using single cable

In case of typical measurement system, power supply and signal transfer line
are requested individually, but if power and signal lines in the field are installed at
the same time, additional expenditure shall be considered for cable thickness and
construction. In this development of the signal using a pre-amplification unit and

a share in the distance 300meter amplification unit and the distance from the
power supply to minimize signal attenuation on the signal transmission techniques
have been developed.
The technical implementation of the above transmission method between main-
amplified modules and pre-amplifier module can be summarized as follows.
In the case of the main-amplifier module of Fig. 3.10, by supplying voltage of
the sensor through the inductor on signal components, and by providing for action
by the high impedance, it prevents leakage of electric power.
In the case of pre-amplifier module of Fig. 3.11, DC power component arrived
through cable is supplying to the DC/DC convertor which is supplying to pre-
amplifier through inductor, and collected signal by sensor is amplified at OP AMP
and disconnected DC component has been transfer through condenser by nested
on DC signal.

Fig. 3.10 Power and signal driver design of main-amplifier

Fig. 3.11 Power and signal driver design of pre-amplifier

3.4 AE data acquisition hardware design

3.4.1 Signal level trigger module design

The signal level trigger module, as shown in Fig. 3.12, uses high speed
comparator that can function with high speed RAW input signal waveform to
input trigger signal to the system when the higher signal level is detected
compared to the reference signal level. This is to use one trigger signal to watch
over various channels of triggers.

Fig. 3.12 Signal level trigger module circuit diagram

Fig. 3.13 Signal level trigger module PCB

3.4.2 High speed data acquisition module

In case of data acquisition module, the PCI type board of specification below
Table 3.1 is used.
Table 3.1 Specification of data acquisition module
Item Specification
Input channel Analog 8 ch
Input type IEPE type, AC

Max. Input Range ± 24 Vdc
Dynamic Range ± 10 Vdc
ADC 14bit, 2.5MSPS

3.4.3 CPU module

Table 3.2 Specification of CPU module

Item Specification
CPU 400MHz
Memory RAM: 2Gbyte SDRAM
OS Windows XP
Interface LAN Interface: 10base-T/100base-TX
PSU 220V

3.4.4 AE monitoring hardware

As a final unified hardware for Acoustic Emission measurement and analysis, it

is a system that includes Central Processing Unit (CPU), Data Acquisition System
(DAS), Signal Conditioning Unit (SCU), Power Supply Unit (PSU) as shown Fig.

Fig. 3.14 AE monitoring hardware configuration

Fig. 3.15 AE monitoring hardware block diagram

(a) Front side view (b) Real side view

(c) Side view

Fig. 3.16 4ch AE monitoring hardware

Fig. 3.16 shows prototype of AE System and it can measure of 4 channel AE

data and 1channel parametric input data. Based on prototype, it can extended 8
channel for portable measurement system and 24channel for on-line monitoring
system in plant facility as shown Fig. 3.17 and Fig. 3.18.

Fig. 3.17 8ch AE system

Fig. 3.18 Multi channel AE system

3.5 AE software design

Two kinds of programs are developed as real-time monitoring and post-

processing program. In case of real-time monitoring program, it setup
configuration of hardware, diagnosis of fault signals, elimination of noise, and
monitor of alarm.
In case of post-processing program, it analyze fault signal and find source
location for fault by using saved data during real-time monitoring. Usually, it may
also be divided as server and client program.

3.5.1 Real-time monitoring program

The real-time fault monitoring program includes functions such as hardware

settings for faulted signal measurement, self-adapting optimized signal
environment filter algorithms to distinguish the measured signal from the faulted
signals and noise signals, algorithms for detecting faults and faulted locations of
constructed database, alarm decision algorithm, saving data, and the management
of the logs. Followings are the key features of the real-time fault monitoring
Ÿ Hardware setup

Ÿ Setup for timing parameter

Ÿ Setup for sensor location

Ÿ Signal environment optimization adaptive filter

Ÿ Source location for fault

Ÿ Alarm decision

Ÿ Saving data and management of log

Ÿ Trend management graph

The main screen of real-time fault monitoring program is as follows:

Fig. 3.19 UI design of main window for real time fault monitoring

The main screen of the real-time fault monitoring program consists of menu
bar, toolbar, channel list, trend graph, time waveform, list of logs, state display bar,
and each screen can be either added or deleted by the user.
Input data range, sampling frequency, storage length, pre trigger, sensor
sensitivity can be set manually.
Also, certain channels can be turned on and off by the program, and the input
signal may be amplified to the amount of set signal. If the condition is not met
with the installed hardware (if the function ordered is not supported), the program
will display an error message.

Fig. 3.20 Channel setup window before data acquisition

Fig. 3.20 is setup screen for timing parameter, the threshold to manage the
signal start, Hit Definition Time (HDT) to analyze the measured AE signal, Peak

Definition Time (PDT), and Hit Lockout Time (HLT) can be manually set. Also, it
is possible to choose to set the data analysis unit between V/(m/s) and dB.
The set-up can be performed separately within each channel, and the whole
channel can also be set with dragging the mouse.

Fig. 3.21 Trend management window

In the real-time fault monitoring program, trend management can be performed

with the distance of at least 1 second.
By using the high speed data acquisition device the acquired data is conversed
into the representative value of the distance of a second and displays as trend
graph on the screen.
The trend graph is displayed in each channel, and can also be checked real-time
in the post-processing analysis program through connection of the server. If the
alarm goes on during the real-time data surveillance, the item corresponding to the
alarm raised channel in the left tree will turn red and a siren will be heard through

the speaker so that the user is acknowledged the alarm happening situation via
visual and auditory means.
In Fig. 3.19, the left one is the tend graph, and the right side indicates time
waveform data entered in each channel.
Usually for monitoring the real-time data, only the tend data are used, but when
the alarm occurs, the time waveform data are used to detail analyze the cause and
the scale of the alarm.
The lower part of the screen displays a screen of alarm with the information of
data acquisition start, stop, the channel of alarm occurrence and time, and the list
of alarms currently raised is shown in a list.

3.5.2 Post-processing program

Fault analysis post-processing program has a function to receive the data

measured and stored in the real-time fault monitoring program and display them
on the screen on a real-time basis as introduced previously, a function to perform
post-processing precision analysis by searching the data already stored within the
scope of the period as set by a user and displaying the results on the screen, and a
post-processing localization function to have localization performed again in
accordance with the conditions set by the user.
The main functions of fault analysis post-processing program are shown below.
• Fault monitoring to be performed in conjunction with real-time fault
monitoring program

• Post-processing precision analysis of measured data

Ÿ User-setting localization

Fault analysis post-processing program is primarily installed on PC of a client

for real-time fault monitoring, and this program can be run without the hardware.

Thus, user can retrieve and analyze the data anytime, anywhere using the data
obtained in real-time fault monitoring program.
In other words, real-time fault monitoring program is regular running program
which is installed on the main computer where hardware is installed, and through
the hardware, it continues to collect, analyze and store data.
In contrast, fault analysis post-processing program can monitor the fault signal
by connecting to real-time fault monitoring program after being installed on
computer where the user wants to monitor data regardless of the hardware.
In addition, user can make post-processing precision analysis of the data by
retrieving the data that are already stored, and localization may be carried out
again by the user settings.

Fig. 3.22 Post processing window for fault diagnosis

Fig. 3.23 Multi FFT window for fault frequency analysis

Fig. 3.24 AE feature analysis window

Fig. 3.22 is the main window of fault analysis post-processing program which
has almost the same configuration with real-time fault monitoring program. In

addition, above screen shows to monitor in real-time whether a fault occurs or not
by accessing real-time fault monitoring program in fault analysis post-processing
program, and real-time trend graphs and bar graphs are displayed in the main
Fig. 3.23 shows a comparative analysis of the correlation between each signal
when measured data at various points are compared to the same scale. Multi-FFT
graph is easy to compare and analyze frequency analysis results of measured
signal, so it is convenient to compare and analyze the characteristics of the signal
by frequency band.
Fig. 3.24 shows that using the measured data, different kinds of features to
determine the characteristics of fault signal can be calculated. These results can be
displayed on the screen by trend graph, which is called AE feature trend graph.
In this graph, the same features for multiple channels can be analyzed and
different features for a channel can be analyzed. Through AE feature trend graph,
the various interpretations including amplitude, energy, count, duration, rise time,
etc. are supported.

3.6 Validation of AE system

After checking basic tests for the developed system, we carried out the
performance test for the system based on the following three items.

3.6.1 Validation of frequency response

The signal close to the analysis maximum frequency of data acquisition devices
is input by a function generator and obtained from high speed data acquisition
system, and then whether or not data are acquired is assessed.
As analysis maximum frequency = sampling frequency / 2.56 = 3MHz / 2.56 =
1.17MHz, similar signal to 1.1MHz in function generator is input and then the

evaluation is performed.
In the measurement results, you can check that the signal of 1.1MHz has been
measured accurately.

Fig. 3.25 Frequency response test result

3.6.2 Validation of noise level

The main amplifier input is terminated and then the output value is measured to
evaluate Noise Level. 22dB is the standard value based on 1 ´ 10 -6 V and if
converted to voltage, it is about 12.59µV. It is difficult to measure by general
measurement equipment, so the output signal is measured after 60dB (1000 times)
is amplified in the main amplifier. At this time, the output becomes 12.59mV.

Table 3.3 Noise level test result
Channel No Average value Target value Result
1 8.4mV 12.59mV Pass
2 9.7mV 12.59mV Pass
3 8.8mV 12.59mV Pass
4 7.7mV 12.59mV Pass

Fig. 3.26 Noise level test result

3.6.3 Validation of transfer speed

In order to identify data transfer capability as 10Mbps, we have transferred data

of 1.25Mbyte and recorded travel time for transfer, which shall not exceed one
Table 3.4 Transfer speed test result
Item 1st test 2nd test 3rd test Average
Speed 0.183 0.188 0.221 0.197
Result Pass Pass Pass Pass
As a result of the transfer over three times, we confirmed that approximately
0.197 seconds in average were taken to transfer. It is the table made over 10Mbyte
of transmission speed.

3.7 Conclusion

AE measurement and analysis system, which were consist of sensing

equipment, signal conditioning units, data acquisition hardware and real-time and
the post-processing software for fault diagnosis and prognosis, are newly
developed for the special purpose of structural health monitoring.
For the sensing equipment, an acoustic waveguide and a magnetic holder have
been designed as an auxiliary means for attaching the sensor to complicated and
dangerous area. To cover of wide range of fault signal such as leak and crack,
compound sensor for AE and vibration was adopted.
As a special purpose module for compound sensing of AE signals in high-
frequency band and vibration signals in low- frequency band, pre-amplifier and
main-amplifier, respectively, were developed to fit the purpose. In addition, power
and signal line driver was designed to provide power to the remote sensor and
collect the input signal by a single cable simultaneously.
For data acquisition hardware, signal level trigger module has been designed to
monitor multiple channels of a trigger using a trigger if data acquisition hardware
exceeds the input signal of the reference level, and AE monitoring hardware has
been completed using high speed data acquisition board and the main CPU board
For general purpose of on line structural health monitoring, real-time monitoring
program and post-processing program for fault diagnosis with various AE features
were developed.
We carried out the software's basic verification of the output for the input by
conducting signal input from the sensor by the integrated acoustic emission
measurements and analysis system.
For the basic verification, we determined the suitability based on the evaluation
of the frequency response, noise levels and transfer rate.


[1] ASTM E 750-98, Standard Practice for Characterizing Acoustic Emission

Instrumentation, ASTM, 2002.
[2] http://
[5] AE sensors & Preamplifiers users manual Rev 0, Physical Acoustics
Corporation, Princeton, NJ, June 2002, pp. 1-23.
[6] Hidehiro Inaba and Munehito Yamaki, 12th Japanese Society of Nondistructive
Testing Conference, Japan, 1999.
[7] None destructive Testing Handbook Volume 6, Acoustic Emission Testing, 3rd
Edition, American Society for None destructive Testing, 2005, pp. 54.

IV. Applications of Structural Health
Monitoring for Fault Diagnosis

4.1 Structural monitoring of boiler tube leak in power plant

4.1.1 Introduction

Boiler tube of thermal power plant is one of the important facilities to

maximize the system efficiency which consists of superheater, reheater,
economizer and outside water-wall and those are vertical and horizontal structures
in the furnace. It is so urgent to find a potential problem of the system to prevent
from big economical loss because a stop of power generation caused by the boiler
tube failure would make a huge economic loss as much as 6 hundred thousand
USD per day.
In general, major causes of boiler tube failure should be creep, fatigue,
corrosion, erosion and among them, corrosion fatigue and under-deposition or
corrosion fatigue take part in 52%[1] of the problems. Thus, it is very important to
maximize power generation efficiency by minimizing downtime the system break
time with a help of rapid detection and replacement of nascent problems based on
temperature, pressure, flow, and so on.
In order to improve the performance and reliability of the power plant, it has
received big attention for real time monitoring of boiler system based on NDT
because it can not only detect the problem in early stage but also predict life of the
equipment. Various approaches have been studied to find leakages occurring on
boiler tube by means of SHM technique on early stage.
Jirapong Lim[2] performed an experimental study on leakage evaluation of
heating coil tube in thermal oil boiler by using acoustic emission and data

classification technique based on the signal processing using crest factor and
count rate for normal and abnormal conditions. Lu Xueqin[3] reported a study on
defect the characteristics and running condition of boiler water wall tube by using
scanning system enabling to detect and localize the corrosion and erosion of
complex water wall tube configuration and boiler water wall tube. Peng,
Liansuo[4-6] made study on leaking source by utilizing a variety of algorithms for
leakage signal based on mathematical calculation, Gao[7] made study on the four
major tube leakages through temperature, pressure and flow.
Those studies are the experimental studies applying mathematical algorithms
for limited tube rather than four major tubes and it was a study primarily to
evaluate the leak evaluation, and this cannot present accuracy for the integrated
leakage evaluation and leak location based on actual data for the whole boiler
Whereas, in case of commercially available conventional Boiler Tube Leakage
Detection (BTLD) system[8,9] makes alarm when a signal higher than normal
value is input in the microphone located nearest to the leaking place or acoustic
sensor utilizing accelerometer. It makes the staff in charge take considerable time
to verify whether or not of the leakage and check the location of the leakage after
the stop of power generation. this process causes enormous loss due to the stop of
power generation.
Therefore, a novel leak monitoring technology was proposed by using AE and
which can precisely provide not only the leak occurrences but also 3D localized
coordinates of the entire boiler tube for the efficient maintenance. The idea was
validated by an experiment to a 500MW class thermal power plant.

4.1.2 Review of leak theory and BTLD system

Ÿ Leak theory

The turbulence caused by the flow of a pressurized fluid through an orifice

produces energy waves of both sonic and ultrasonic frequencies. The wavelength
is defined as follows.
Velocity (v)
Wavelength(l ) = (4-1)
Frequency ( f )
A high-pressure leak through a pipe-wall fracture generates vibrations in the
pipe-wall with a wide range of frequencies. Only the lower frequency range
signals can transmit over great distances via the gas inside the pipeline.
Leak noise has its own unique acoustic signature. Once a leak is established,
the supersonic jet of escaping gas generates acoustic energy. The supersonic
frequency is not normally detectable by using a microphone and can be classified
as acoustic emissions. These acoustic emission signals are continuous and have a
wide frequency spectrum (1kHz-1MkHz), the majority of which is confined to the
moderately high frequency portion (175kHz – 750kHz)[10].
It is a common understanding that acoustic emission can be produced by the
highly unstable turbulent pressure field at the orifice, thus a detectability condition
is that the Re>1000 at the orifice, so as to ensure turbulent flow[11].
U = Mean fluid velocity through orifice
d = Mean orifice diameter
l = Orifice length
n = Kinematic viscosity of fluid
P = Pressure inside the pipeline
Patm = Atmospheric Pressure
Re = Reynolds number ( Re = )
Turbulent flow Condition : Re > 1000
Fig. 4.1 Leak flow

Ÿ BTLD System

If there is a leakage in the crucial part locating inside of the boiler such as
superheater, reheater, and economizer, the leakage signal was vibrated and passes
through the gases and hit the inside of water-wall. Also, water-wall leak signals
are transmitted to the waveguide, which is weld on membrane tube. BTLD system
is to detect leak and inform the location of leak as 3D on the structure map when
leak is occurred inside of boiler tube as shown Fig. 4.2.

Fig. 4.2 The principle of boiler tube leak detection method by using compound
sensor for AE and vibration

4.1.3 Proposed system and installation

The proposed system consists of 4 kind of systems, such as sensing equipment,

signal conditioner, Data Acquisition System (DAS), and Human Machine

Interface (HMI) as shown Fig. 4.3 and detail function are as follows.

Ÿ Sensing equipment

For sensing equipment, it consists of compound sensor and waveguide, which

are welled on the water walls and it has a role of signal detection from the inside
tube leak. As for signal conditioner, it performs the amplification, filtering and
also power supply.
In the case of compound sensor, it performs simultaneously the detection of
compound signal which has vibration sensor with low frequency within a range of
20kHz and acoustic emission sensor for signals over 100kHz frequency.

Ÿ Signal conditioner

The pre-amplifier and main-amplifier are developed in order to apply them for
composition signal processing and it performs amplification from several µV to
several mV.


For DAS, it performs high speed data acquisition and analysis. It consists of
terminal unit which determine the signal level and combined signals, high speed
data acquisition system, and operating server. DAS has a sampling rate of over
3M data per channel.


As for HMI, it analyzes the input signal from DAS and displays as a 3D point
in boiler structure for leak information based on 3D source location method. It
consists of Server/Client system. HMI was classified by Server/Client, in the case
of server it plays a role of management of all channels of data and client is
connected through network. If a tube leak was detected, it will be displayed by the

3D source location method and an announcement will be generated on the monitor.
The 3D location program consists of main and detail displays. In the main it
displays all pipe and water wall, and in detail it displays the Primary Reheater
(PRH), Final Superheater (FRH), Primary Superheater (PSH), and Hanger, Eco
(Economizer), respectively. Specification of BTLD system are summarized as
Table 4.1

Ÿ Installation

In order to apply the system to a large size power plant, this system needs to be
separately installed such as field, equipment room, and main control room. To
install of sensor for the boiler structure, waveguide is welded on the membrane
tube, which is located in the outside of the boiler structure and then sensor is
mounted on the other side as shown Fig. 4.4.
In general, sixteen to twenty eight sensors are typically needed to cover of
whole boiler structure in the case of 500MW class thermal power plant. In this
study BTLD systems are applied to two kinds of similar type of boiler structures
respectively. First type is 18 sensors are installed as shown in Fig. 4.5. Second
type is 32 sensor are used as shown Fig. 4.8.

Fig. 4.3 System configuration and location of BTLD

Fig. 4.5 Location of sensor (18channel)

Table 4.1 System configuration of BTLD
Specification of AE system
Title Maker
Description Specification
Sensor 20mV/g, ~20kHz Fuji Ceramic
Acoustic Emission
63dB, 150~650kHz (Japan)
1st amplification,
Pre-amp 20/40/60 dB RECTUSON
2~20 &100~600kHz (Korea)
2nd amplification, filter,
Main-amp 0/20/40 dB
RMS/RAW output
2~20 &100~600kHz
High Speed Data 3MSPS/ch , 14bit
Acquisition System
3D Source
RMS Trend
Location Software
S/W 3D Tube modeling
3D Source location

4.1.4 Fault diagnosis strategy

Input signal from AE sensor carry out feature extraction, feature selection, fault
diagnosis, and finally fault location is discriminated by using source location
algorithm like Fig. 4.6.
Ÿ Raw data

Raw data is a term for data collected from a source. Raw data have not been
subjected to processing or any other manipulation, and are also referred to as
primary data[12].
Ÿ Analog Signal Processing

Signal input is stared through trigger function in case of detecting of abnormal

signal compare with reference signal level.
Input signal from AE sensor is amplified from 10 to 1000, filtered by selecting
particular frequency range, and executed for Root Mean Square (RMS) signal
processing to determine continuous signal like leak.

Ÿ Digital Signal Processing

In order to calculation for high speed and large amount of data in digital signal
processing, it perform noise reduction and digital signal processor, which has
function of arithmetic operation, is adapted. In this case, DSP and FPGA is
performed arithmetic operation for AE signal.
Ÿ Feature Extraction and Selection

AE feature extraction is perform of calculation for hit based feature, time

driven feature, and frequency feature respectively. Feature selection is selecting
process, which well expressed fault status from the various AE features.
For example in case of crack detection, energy and count are well described
crack growth and in case of leak detection, RMS is notable feature compare with
other AE features.
Ÿ Fault Diagnosis

When a feature signal, which can identify normal and abnormal condition, is
selected against fault signal, fault condition can be subdivided according to this
feature value. Now, judgment is carried out for the fault through various
correlation diagnosis based on feature value. For instance, in case of leakage
signal, it is important to find RMS for judging of continuous signal, frequency for
bandwidth of center frequency and duration for sustaining time of leakage.
In order to analyze of effective signal, related parametric input values are
required like pressure, temperature, load, and displacement.
As increase of temperature and pressure for the interested object, AE activity is
also increased. This fault correlation analysis method for considering of
environmental factor is basic access method when we detect fault signal
unexpected condition.

Ÿ Source location algorithm

Basically zone location and time difference of arrival method are used as source
location algorithm.
In zone location, expected fault is located in highest signal output in zone. In
time difference of arrival method, fault is located in constant distance by multiply
time and velocity. Based on this algorithm fault location is displayed 1D, 2D, and
Ÿ Source Location

Source Location means finding the location of source by the occurrence

frequency of fault signal. It's complicate, especially in large structure its shape is
made in reduced 3D model indicating signals in points. Points are indicated by
using fault location estimation algorithm and clustering points may be indicated
on object when the occurrence frequency of signal is high.

Fig. 4.6 Overview of fault diagnosis

4.1.5 3D source location for tube leak

To estimate the location, assuming that the location where many AE events
have been detected may be the fault (corrosion, crack, leakage) location, one point
represents 1 event and the location where cluster is concentrated is understood as
a damaged location. This event signals are displayed as clustering using 1, 2, and
3D source location algorithm. Sometimes this signal has location error due to
unexpected working condition.
To compensate of location error, we need to study of discrimination between
normal and abnormal condition by using actual condition data. Finally, fault
location is indicated as clustering with multi point.

Fig. 4.7 3D source location and 3D modeling flow chart

Fig. 4.7 shows 3D source location and 3D modeling flow respectively. In left
figure, it explain 3D source location process using clustering from the raw data
files. In right figure, it explain 3D modeling processing from the In-site survey.

In order to apply of 3D source location for the plant structure, following 3D
source location and 3D modeling process is performed simultaneously.
Ÿ 3D modeling

To perform 3D modeling, it draw and reduced 1/10 of actual size based on

shape drawing.
Fig. 4.8 shows modeling of 2D and 3D shape for boiler structure in thermal
power plant. Based on shape drawing, sensor for fault location is located as left,
right, front, and back side respectively.
In this case, final goal is 3D source location for tube leak. To do this, location
of sensor is important point. Best location is appointed like higher place than other
position for occurrence of frequency, available place for detection when tube leak
is started inside of boiler structure.
In order to increase the degree of precision for leak location, sensor is installed
and added for the concentrated area of tube array and heater part (upper side of
structure) to find location for the direction of Z axis.

(a) 3D modeling for boiler structure

(b) 2D modeling for boiler structure with sensor position
Fig. 4.8 2D & 3D modeling for boiler structure before source location

Ÿ 3D source location

In order to increase of accuracy for leak location, total 32 channels are used as
shown Fig. 4.8. In detail, 10channels for header part to cover of z direction and 22
channels for wall part to cover of x and y direction are installed.
3D source location is simulated using Soot Blower (SB)[13]signal, that has
very similar characteristic for leak signal. The SB is a system for removing the
soot that is deposited on the furnace tubes of a boiler during combustion. Steam
with 5 to 10 bar pressure is normally used as a medium for blowing away the soot.
In operation, the retractable SB rotates as it is inserted and retracted out of the
boiler. Two opposed nozzles direct the working fluid in a helical pattern as the
soot blower advances and withdraws ash as shown Fig. 4.13.
In this study this SB signal was used to find a fault as 3D source location

because SB signal is similar to actual tube leak signal during plant working
condition. Also, if actual leak is started inside of boiler tube, we can assume that
the signal level is higher than SB signal.
Ÿ Simulation and error

Simulation is performed using MATLAB[14]show as Fig. 4.9. and location

error is indicated as dotted line as (a), (c).
In case of (a), error is displayed as clustering point to the left direction from the
leak source.
In case of (c), error is displayed as dispersive clustering point to the left and
right direction from the leak source.
This dispersive point is regarded as noise signal, one point represents 1 event
and the location where cluster is concentrated is understood as a damaged location.
When we apply large scaled of structure, this error range is correspondence
with 3 to 5 meter, important thing is to increase of reliability with the reduction of
error range.
Ÿ Optimization with DB

To improve location error, location algorithm is optimized with database (DB)

using collected feature data during plant operation. Optimization with DB is
calculated signal ratio according to the amplitude level for surrounding sensor
during soot blowing as shown Fig. 4.10.
Base on compensate data location error of 3D source location is updated as
shown Fig. 4.9 (b) and (d).
In case of (b), source location algorithm is improved by clustering closet point,
which is located in SB number 101. In addition, header part is also improved leak
location to the direction of Z axis than (a).
In case of (d), source location algorithm is improved from dispersive point as
left and right into concentrating group point, which is located in SB number 83.

(a) 3D Simulation (SB101) (b) DB based simulation (SB101)

(c) 3D Simulation (SB83) (d) DB based simulation (SB83)

Fig. 4.9 Simulation of 3D source location for boiler structure

Fig. 4.10 shows characteristic DB of signal attenuation. When signal source is
generated near by CH1, amplitude of CH1 is indicated as the first highest level
and second level is CH3, third level is CH5.
Also, when signal source is generated near by CH12, amplitude of CH12 has
highest level. In this way, we can assume that attenuation ratio of signal for this

Fig. 4.10 Characteristic DB of signal attenuation

4.1.6 Experiment and results

Ÿ Signal Processing and AE feature extraction

To discriminate background noise and actual leak signal, this study applied hit
and frequency based AE signal features such as duration, RMS trend, count,
energy and frequency.

For example, if soot blower time during boiler operation is within 6 minutes,
amplitude at the start time of soot blower is rising, RMS trend keeps
characteristics of the M-shaped curve, and amplitude at the end of soot blower
will be terminated after increase. In this case, Duration time becomes 6 minutes
and Energy value at corresponding time rises, and frequency characteristics will
be found in 5 ~ 20 kHz range. Based on these AE signal features, we can
discriminate actual leak signal among the background noise.
Ÿ Discrimination of background noise and leak signal

In general, normal background noise level during normal working condition has
50mV. In this case caution level is set as two times the normal value 100mV and
alarm level is set as two times the caution level 200mV as shown in Fig. 4.11.

Fig. 4.11 Leak alarm setup during working condition

Ÿ Leak test using soot blower signal during working period

Soot blowers at No. 90, 99, 100, and 115 are used to test and verify 3D source
location during plant working period. Soot blower No. 90 is on going condition
during normal working period, source location result is displayed as 3D on the
map of boiler structure as shown Fig. 4.15.

Soot blower signal was greatly influenced by baffle plate to prevent of acoustic
resonance as shown Fig. 4.12 (a) and (b). In case of (a) without baffle plate, signal
feature during soot blower decreased to direction of the middle area of boiler
structure and increased to direction of near area of boiler structure. That means the
signal has attenuation characteristic to the z direction also.
In case of (b) with baffle plate, signal is rapidly decreased to the middle area of
boiler structure.
Ÿ Leak test using pressure vessel during overhaul period

Fig. 4.14 shows test result with 200 bar gas filled pressure vessel during
overhaul period. In order to compare with soot blower test, this test is performed
at the same location of the soot blower.
In the case of using 200 bar gas filled pressure vessel signal, all 4 kinds of
different location test results are coincidence with soot blower. This test result are
summarized as Table 4.2. Based on this test result we can verify respectively 3D
source location during working period and overhaul period.

(a) Signal feature without baffle plate (b) Signal feature with baffle plate
Fig. 4.12 Signal feature with and without baffle plate using soot blower

(c) Outside shape of soot blower (d) Inside shape of soot blower in boiler
Fig. 4.13 Outside and inside shape of soot blower

(a) Leak test inside of boiler structure (b) 200 bar gas filled pressure vessel
Fig. 4.14 Pressure vessel test during overhaul period

Table 4.2 Soot blower test vs pressure vessel test result

Soot blower test Pressure vessel test
SB No (Working period) (Overhaul period) Remark
Test Result Test Result
SB 90 performed 3D display performed 3D display Same
SB 99 performed 3D display performed 3D display Same
SB100 performed 3D display performed 3D display Same
SB115 performed 3D display performed 3D display Same

(a) Location of soot blower No. 90 (b) 3D source location result

(c) Location of soot blower No. 110 (d) 3D source location result
Fig. 4.15 3D source location result using soot blower No. 90 and No. 110

Fig. 4.16 Location of soot blower to test of 3D source location

Fig. 4.17 3D source location result during soot blowing

Ÿ Leak detection and 3D source location in thermal power plant

We can verify this system when actual tube leak was occurred in thermal power
plant with 500MW class. In this case total 28 channel is assigned to find leak
location. (18 channels are located in tube part and 10 channels are located in wall
part )
Fig. 4.18 shows RMS trend when actual tube leak was started inside of boiler
structure. In this figure, trend data of related channels(CH20, 22, 24, 25)are
changed. In order to detail analysis Zoon In leak start point, we can find leak start
point and 20 days later the tube was ruptured finally power plant was shut down.
In case of signal level of leak start (Zoon In A in (b)) is changed from 80 dB in
normal condition to 88dB in leak condition. In case of signal level of tube rupture
(Zoon In B in (b)) is changed to 100dB.
Fig 4.19 shows 3D source location result with multi point cluster to find
estimated leak location from the large plant structure. That means multi point
represent leak alarm continuously and estimate leak location. In clustering we can
check the total 50 points of clusters. 10 point is generated from the upper side
channel 16, 14, 12 and 40 point is generated from near area channel 21, 24.
According to the plant manager, actual leak location is correspond with the
cluster location.
Ÿ Test result

With this study, it was confirmed that, when there is boiler leakage at the
thermal power plant, it is possible to identify leaking point by 3D way and with
this, power generation stop time can be reduced and equipment efficiency can be
increased. Summary of the results are as follows.
This experiment provided location of the leakage point by 3D way by utilizing
structure borne type compound sensor for vibration and acoustic emission at the
500MW class thermal power plant compare with the simple warning signal made

at the sensor located at the closest location to the leakage when leakage was
Power equipment downtime resulted from leakage can be reduced and power
generation efficiency can be maximized by applying 3D source location which is
improved from 1, 2D source localization.
After generating similar leakage signal in the furnace by utilizing 200bar
charged pressure vessel during overhaul period, it was confirmed that actual
location happened and the result of 3D source location were consistent.

(a) all channels RMS trend data (b) leak channels RMS trend data

(c) Zoom In A area in (b) (d) Zoom in B are in (b)

Fig. 4.18 RMS trend during actual tube leak

Fig. 4.19 3D source location result when actual leak was occurred

After generating signal of within 10bar by utilizing soot blower signal which is
the most similar to actual leakage signal in the noisy environment during plant
operation, it was confirmed that the location actually happened and location of 3D
source location were consistent.
It is necessary to make effort to reduce the margin of error regarding the 3D
source location by establishing various data base for the leakage signals.
As a result of test and evaluation utilizing soot blower during working period,
trial leakage locations resulted from signal generation were displayed precisely on
the 3D source location software at 4points and when it was compared with the
result of the verification utilizing soot blower during operation and the test result
using pressure vessel during overhaul period.
Finally, based on this study, we can verify 3D source location when actual tube
leak was occurred and early detection of leak start point before tube was rupture.

4.2 Structural integrity monitoring for seamless pressure vessel

4.2.1 Introduction

Acoustic Emission Test (AET) was prefer to other kinds of nondestructive test
method because it support real-time test during working condition and without
disassemble in case of cylinder, which was mounted in side of the car. In 1983 the
U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) began to allow use of acoustic emission
(AE) examinations in lieu of hydrostatic test to ensure public safety. AE data are
recorded in the linear location while cylinders are filled with gas and structural
health of pressure vessel is evaluated as safety level. Usually, AE examination and
secondary local inspection like Ultrasonic Test (UT) are accomplished without
disassembly of cylinder bundles.
Conventional trends on the study of pressure vessel are as follow.
Blackburn[15] made study on safety level for pressure vessel, which is located on
tube trailer by applying ASTM E 1419-96. Fultineer and Michell[16] proposed
safety standards for Natural gas Vehicle (NGV) as repeat test within 3 years, 1
year, and remove immediately by applying ASTM E07043-95/1. Akhtar and
Kung[17] made study on safety level for gas filled type 2 vessel during loading,
hold, and unloading period using 10 set of pressure vessel over 4 years used.
However, these kinds of previous studies are not provide good guide line for
structural integrity test because it is difficult for general person to test and
evaluate with related code and standards. In this study, development of structure
integrity monitoring system for seamless pressure vessel using AE and give a
safety standard for Type 1 and Type 2 by determining normal and abnormal
condition. The result of Type 1 and Type 2 test using acoustic emission show that
effectively discriminate between undamaged and damaged pressure vessel.

4.2.2 Structure of seamless pressure vessel

To carry out structure health monitoring of seamless pressure vessel whether it

is usable or not, using the Type1 and Type 2 vessel manufactured by ENK who is
the manufacturer of pressure vessel, various type of damages have been applied
on to these vessels and then 1D location estimation has been carried out to find
fault by classifying good vessel and faulty vessel using acoustic emission method.
Type 1 is a metal vessel made of steel or aluminum with no structural
reinforcement by complex material to withstand against pressure. Type 2 is made
of thin steel or aluminum linar on which carbon fiber or fiber glass is wrapped
over with resin and this container is hoop-wrapped[18].

Fig. 4.20 Seamless pressure vessel for Type 1 and Type 2

4.2.3 Test procedure and acceptance criteria

Ÿ Test procedure

Testing, inspection procedures and methods of Type 1 and Type 2 are as below.
1) Two sensors are used to test pressure vessel. One is installed on the pressure
vessel wall, another is placed apart at the ends of the container on the shoulders
using magnetic holder and couplant like Silicone grease.

2) To test environmental setup and timing parameter is as follows. Threshold:
46 dB (40 dB amplified), HDT: 800 ms , PDT: 300 ms , HLT: 1000 ms .
3) Pencil Lead Break (PLB) is performed and check the detectable distance and
attenuation as dB after sensor is attached on the pressure vessel.
4) In Type 1, The AE examinations should be performed with pressurization
rates that allow vessel deformation to be in equilibrium with the applied load. In
this test, gas is pressurized up to 1⁄3 of service pressure at 110%. 2min hold at
60bar and 10 min hold at 165bar (110% of service pressure) and acceptance
criteria is check as AE event.
5) In Type 2, there are two kind of test method Slow-fill and Fast-fill. In this
test Slow-fill method is adapted, which represent 2min hold at 50% of test
pressure and 10min hold at 110% of test pressure and acceptance criteria is based
on cumulative AE count during b and c as shown Fig. 4.22, is applied.

Ÿ Acceptance criteria of Type 1

For Type 1, according to ASTM E 1419-02b Standard Test Method for

Examination of Seamless, Gas-Filled, Pressure Vessels Using Acoustic Emission
[19] (KS B 6752:2004 standard testing method for acoustic emission testing of
seamless pressure vessel fully charged with gas), vessel which has 5 or more AE
Hit within 20cm from the sensor is considered as faulty vessel and find the
location and then carry out 2nd non-destructive inspection method (UT
inspection) to confirm the fault again and then judge the health.

Ÿ Acceptance criteria of Type 2

For Type 2, according to ASTM E 2191-02 Standard Test Method for

Examination of Gas-Filled Filament-Wound Composite Pressure Vessels Using
Acoustic Emission [20], vessel is to be inspected by Slow-Fill or Fast-fill method,
and if accumulated AE count is 50,000 or more it is rejected and if between

10,000~50,000 it is classified to one to be re-inspected within a year. Fig. 4.22 is
the inspection method about Slow-fill applied in this study.

4.2.4 Experiment and results

Integrity evaluation system for pressure vessel is consist of AE sensor, Data

Acquisition System (DAS), Signal Conditioning Unit, and evaluation software as
shown Fig. 4.21 and major specification is list as Table 4.3.
Ÿ Field testing of Type1

The specification of cylinder for Type 1 vessel is shown in Table 4.4 and it has
been tested according to ASTM 1419 standard. For site testing of Type 1 vessel, a
vessel which capacity is 113 liter and was rejected due to UT defect in production
line of ENK was used. Using cycling tester pressure was applied and then released
repeatedly using hydraulic pressure so that fault occurrence is induced by
cumulated fatigue as below. Based on 1,000 cycle of frequency by repeated
fatigue, ration that accumulated occurrence of AE count is summarized in Table
4.5, and it was confirmed that accumulative frequency by repeated testing has
been confirmed as shown in Fig. 4.26.

Fig. 4.21 System configuration

Table 4.3 Specification of AE system
Description Specification Remark
AE sensor 140kHz (resonant type)
40dB (built-in preamplifier)
Amplification Unit 50~300kHz filter
28V power supply
DAS 14bit, 3MSPS
Test code ASTM E 1419-02 Type1
ASTM E 2191-02 Type2
Ÿ Application result of Type 1

Feature that is similar to crack signal was detected in 11,000 cycle fatigue
repeat, and possibility of crack was confirmed through UT so pressure testing has
been carried out, and as the result 4 similar crack signals were received so it was
judged as minor crack signal. As in Fig. 4.26, frequency of signal occurrence has
been increased in pressure section after 8,000 cycles so vessel came very unstable
after 8,000 cycles and it caused crack signal and it was observed that crack was
developed to leakage by fatigue degree through AE signal.

Table 4.4 Specified cylinders, typical dimensions, and service pressures

Specification DOT DOT DOT DOT DOT
3AAX 3T 3A 3AA 107A
Outside diameter(cm) 56 56 25 25 46
Nominal wall 1.9 or
1.37 1.07 0.79 0.64
thickness(cm) 2.2
0.5 to 12 4 to 10 10
Typical service
16.6 18 or 23
Typical fill pressure 14.14 to 20.68 2600 to
(MPa) 3300
hydrostatic test, at 1.67 times marked service
Alternate retest method
pressure every five years with volumetric expansion

Fig. 4.22 Test method for Type 2

Fig. 4.23 System configuration for Type 1

Table 4.5 Cycle count vs cumulative hit for Type 1
Cycle count Average Standard Cycle count Average Standard
(time) time deviation (time) time deviation
0~1,000 3.91 1.86 7001~8,000 5.07 1.27
1001~2,000 4.14 1.43 8001~9,000 5.95 1.54
2001~3,000 5.01 1.33 9001~10,000 10.31 2.16
3001~4,000 4.66 1.19 10001~11,000 13.65 1.98
4001~5,000 4.6 1.20 11001~12,000 16.81 2.18
5001~6,000 5.41 1.34 12001~13,000 21.22 2.30
6001~7,000 4.69 1.26 13001~14,000 24.28 1.85

(a) Leak start during cycle test (b) AE hit vs cycle count
Fig. 4.24 Cycle test for Type 1

Fig. 4.24 (a) shows actual leak during cycle test and (b) show cumulative AE
hit. As increase cycle count, pressure vessel can unstable and might be damaged.
In this case, as fatigue is accumulated for pressure vessel, as a result fault like leak
is started. Based on cycle test, we can estimated that condition of pressure vessel
is normal or abnormal. Fig. 4.25 (a) shows test result of Type 1. To verify AE test
result, UT test is also performed and fault signal is detected.

(a) AE test result (b) UT test result
Fig. 4.25 AET and UT test result for Type 1 pressure vessel

Fig. 4.26 AE hit vs cumulative count

Fig. 4.27 Test environment for Type 2

Fig. 4.28 Test result of Type 2

Table 4.6 Specification of Type 2

Specification ANSI/CSA NGV 2-2000
DOT Type KGS C 024-2004
Working Pressure (bar) 207
Hyd. Test Pressure (bar) 311
Auto-frettage Pressure (bar) 410
Length(mm) 1520
Volume(L) 119
Ÿ Field testing of Type 2

The specification of cylinder for Type 2 vessel is shown in Table 4.6. 4 sets of
NK CNG Type 2 vessels were provided from NK for pneumatic testing. For safety
placed Type 2 vessel inside of 5T thickness protection container configuring
testing environment as shown Fig. 4.27.
Two undamaged pressure vessels and two damaged vessels with 600 bar

hydraulic pressure are prepared to test. In Slow-fill method, 2min hold at 110bar
and 10min hold at 228bar (110% of service pressure) and acceptance criteria is
check as AE event. AE test result, AE activity is increased in damaged pressure
vessel Test 6 and Test 7 respectively as shown Fig. 4.28.
Ÿ Application result of Type 2

According to the testing result of Type 2 vessel, correlation between pressure

and AE count is analyzed as below:
1) In Test 6 and 7, applied pressure using hydraulic pressure just before
bursting of vessel and then released pressure. Many cracks are observed on vessel
surface. According to AE test result, it was observed that accumulative count was
increased continuously while pressure was sustained in both vessel, and such
increase ratio was proportional to the pressure increase. And, as both vessels
exceed Rejection Criteria 10000 cumulative Count that is specified in ASTM E
2191-02 but not exceed 50000 cumulative Count, they needs re-testing within a
2) In Test 5 and 8, applied pressure with no damaged vessel. According to AE
test result, it was observed that accumulative count was not increased while
pressure was sustained in both vessel and, as both vessels not exceed Rejection
Criteria 10000 cumulative Count that is specified in ASTM E 2191-02.
3) According to crack growth and occurrence in pressure vessel, it is possible to
determine by trend and pattern of AE signal.
4) Using developed AE system, structure health evaluation for seamless
pressure vessel is performed based on ASTM E 2191-02.
According to test result, two undamaged vessels are verified as normal and two
damaged vessels are verified as abnormal.

4.3 Structural health monitoring of blast furnace in steel mill

4.3.1 Introduction

Recently, blast furnace health monitoring become one of issues to be considered

in steel mill industry and concentrated on prognosis technique before unexpected
accident was occurred. Under the severe condition such as high temperature over
1400°C, the extreme dust and steam generation during filling process, it is
difficult to monitor of fault detection and demands on rigid systems. With the help
of AE technique, it is possible to analyze of fault diagnosis and prognosis method
are progressed and developed. AE parameter analysis method is one of them and
this will give a good guide line to monitor of structural heath of blast furnace.

4.3.2 Review of conventional study

NKK in Japan, attempt to early detect of channeling for blast furnace by using
the acceleration sensor, AE sensor, microphone on back side of cooling container
on structure of large steel mill as shown Fig. 4.29 [21]. AE sensor out of 3 sensors
had been reacted firstly showing the prognostic of fault like pressure change on
shaft, wind pressure drop and low gas usage rate. For the fastest sensed signal of
shaft pressure variation, AE sensor had detected the change in furnace 10 to 15
minutes in advance. It showed that prediction of fault on equipment was possible.
However, previous study just provide general condition of the surface for blast
furnace structure. In addition, this system does not give us quantitative guide line
of early fault detection of blast furnace. To do this, on-line real time monitoring
system using AE is applied to large structure in steel mill and give us fault
diagnosis and prognosis technique for crack in steel shell and leak in blower.

Fig. 4.29 Early fault detection for blast furnace using AE sensor

4.3.3 Monitoring strategy of blast furnace and blower

Blast furnace produces cast ion through reaction with ore and coke and is
surrounded with steel to withstand pressure (0.4 ~ 2.5 Kg/㎠) in furnace. This
steel shell is protected by firebricks. Inside of firebrick there is cooling system to
prevent loss by temperature increase so crack on steel shell shall be monitored.
Blower blows hot air into ballast furnace for reaction of coke and ore. Several
blowers are installed at lower part of furnace at same distance and high
temperature air and fine powder coal fuel are fed through blowers for burning to
generate high temperature. Blower is important in producing fused iron so leak
monitoring is required.
In case of large and complex type structure, fault signal can be sensed by
waveguide which is connected with steel shell on one side, and connected with
AE sensor on the other side. In steel shell, main purpose of monitor is to detect
and predict potential crack signal before explosion accident is occurred. In blower,
main purpose of monitor is to detect of leak signal with a rigid waveguide for
blower, which is located deeply inside of furnace as shown Fig. 4.30.

Fig. 4.30 Structure of blast furnace

4.3.4 Experiment and results

Ÿ AE System configuration

Fig. 4.31 AE system configuration for blast furnace

Ÿ AE system setup

Monitoring system consists as shown in Fig. 4.31. In order to install sensors on

steel shell the risk area where hot and big amount of cooling water flows and on
inside of blowers which is a large structure, acoustic waveguide is designed and
fabricated meeting environment and welded on objects and AE sensors were also
installed by holder. For this installation system, it summarized as Table 4.7
Table 4.7 AE system configuration
Specification of AE system
Description Specification Maker
200kHz (crack) Fuji Ceramic
AE Sensor (Japan)
~20kHz, 50~200kHz(leak)
Sensing Waveguide Size : 8 Ø x 150mm(crack)
Equipment 10 Ø x 1600mm(leak)
Sensor cover Stainless steel & coating
Size : 32x6mm
Main-amplifier Input : 8ch
Power : +15VDC
acquisition Input : BNC type RECTUSON
Output : 37pin (D-sub) (Korea)
Portable Data 1MSPS/ch , 14bit
Acquisition System
Monitoring Real time AE feature
Analysis software monitoring software
DCS Analyzer Real time & Post
processing software

Ÿ Integrated monitoring of crack in steel shell and leak in blower

Fig. 4.32 shows integrated monitoring screens to monitor 6 channels of crack of

on hearth area and 2 channels of blower leak. It consists of RMS trend as main
monitor feature for monitoring continuous signal by leak of blower and for

furnace various AE features (Energy, Count, RMS, Time waveform, FFT) analysis
is available for monitoring unexpected signal caused by crack on steel shell.

Fig. 4.32 Crack for blower and leak monitoring

(a) BB gun test point (b) BB gun test result

Fig. 4.33 BB gun test at AE 4-1 and AE 4-4 in steel shell

Ÿ System performance verification in steel shell by using BB gun

According to ASTM E 2374, system performance is verified using BB gun.

The principle of BB gun test is as follows. An object which is launched or
projected to impact the surface of the examination article. Examples include a
steel ball dropped onto the surface, a BB gun fired at the surface or a mass at the
end of a pendulum. In most cases the energy being imparted onto the surface can
be determined [22]. In blast furnace, we can’t freely access to test multi-channel
sensors which are located in the dangerous area with high temperature. In this
case, this projectile test using BB gun is useful.
BB gun test is performed two times at AE 4-1 and AE 4-4 in Hearth as shown
Fig. 4.33 (a). In BB gun test at AE 4-1, the signal is arrived by order of AE 4-1, 4-
2, and 4-3 with time delay. In BB gun test at AE 4-4, the signal is arrived by order
of AE 4-4, 4-5 as shown Fig. 4.33 (b).
Ÿ System performance test in blower part using scratch test

In blower part, sensor is installed at top side of waveguide with a long length.
In this case, scratch test is performed blower No. 25 and No. 26 at three times in
10 sec and by scratching on the wave guide with a steel bar and the signal
response is as shown Fig. 4.34 (b).

(a) Scratch test point (b) Scratch test result

Fig. 4.34 Scratch test at 25 and 26 in blower

4.3.5 Feature extraction and classification of fault signal

In order to discriminate between crack signal and background noise during

water drops condition, we can assume that BB gun signal is similar to crack signal
because it has burst type signal features. So if we can discriminate BB gun signal
during water drop condition, it is possible to detect real crack signal in steel shell.
Ÿ AE Amplitude analysis

To test and apply AE feature extraction is performed after BB gun signal is

generated at AE 4-1 and AE 4-3. Each test is executed at three times. Fig. 4.35
shows BB gun test result at AE 4-1 and Fig. 4.36 shows BB gun test result at AE
4-3. Table 4.8 show test result of AE amplitude when BB gun signal is generated
at AE 4-1. In this test, signal response order is AE 4-1, 4-2, and 4-3. It means
signal attenuation characteristic according to distance is measured. Table 4.9 show
test result of AE amplitude when BB gun signal is generated at AE 4-3. In this test,
signal response order is AE 4-3, 4-2, 4-1. Test result are very similar to AE 4-1.

Table 4.8 Comparison of AE amplitude value using BB gun test at AE 4-1

Times AE 4-1 [V] AE 4-2 [V] AE 4-3 [V]

1 6.831 5.315 4.882

2 6.792 5.404 4.939
3 7.087 5.548 5.737

Table 4.9 Comparison of AE amplitude value using BB gun test at AE 4-3

Times AE 4-1 [V] AE 4-2 [V] AE 4-3 [V]

1 1.831 4.027 7.271

2 1.874 5.531 6.930
3 2.071 5.261 6.507

(a) 1st -waveform result (b) 1st – FFT result

(c) 2nd -waveform result (d) 2nd – FFT result

(e) 3rd -waveform result (f) 3rd – FFT result

Fig. 4.35 BB gun test result at AE 4-1

(a) 1st -waveform result (b) 1st – FFT result

(c) 2nd -waveform result (d) 2nd – FFT result

(e) 3rd -waveform result (f) 3rd – FFT result

Fig. 4.36 BB gun test result at AE 4-3

Ÿ Rise time, duration, frequency analysis

Fig. 4.37 shows test result of rise time, duration, and FFT for BB gun and water
drops signal at AE 4-1. In rise time analysis, BB gun signal is shorter than water
drops signal. In duration analysis, BB gun signal is longer than water drops signal.
In frequency analysis, BB gun signal has characteristic frequency range from 20
to 200kHz and water drops signal has range from 100 to 200kHz.

(a) Rise time and duration (BB gun) (b) FFT (BB gun)

(c) Rise time and duration (Water drops) (d) FFT (Water drops)
Fig. 4.37 Rise time, duration, and FFT result at AE 4-1

Fig. 4.38 shows test result of rise time, duration, and FFT for BB gun and water
drops signal at AE 4-2.
In rise time analysis, water drops signal is shorter than BB gun signal. In
duration analysis, BB gun signal is longer than water drops signal. In frequency
analysis, BB gun signal has characteristic frequency range from 20 to 200kHz and
water drops signal has range from 100 to 200kHz.

(a) Rise time and duration (BB gun) (b) FFT (BB gun)

(c) Rise time and duration (Water drops) (d) FFT (Water drops)
Fig. 4.38 Rise time, duration, and FFT result at AE 4-2

Fig. 4.39 shows test result of rise time, duration, and FFT for BB gun and water
drops signal at AE 4-3.
In rise time analysis, water drops signal is shorter than BB gun signal. In
duration analysis, BB gun signal is longer than water drops signal. In frequency
analysis, BB gun signal has characteristic frequency range from 20 to 200kHz and
water drops signal has range from 100 to 200kHz.

(a) Rise time and duration (BB gun) (b) FFT (BB gun)

(c) Rise time and duration (Water drops) (d) FFT (Water drops)
Fig. 4.39 Rise time, duration, and FFT result at AE 4-3

Ÿ Comparison of BB gun signal and water drops signal

We can summarize analysis result of rise time, duration, and frequency for BB
gun and water drops as Table 4.10.
In rise time average analysis, water drops signal has shorter than BB gun signal.
Average value of rise time, BB gun signal has approximately two times longer
than water drops signal. Average value of duration, BB gun signal has also
approximately two times longer than water drops signal. In waveform pattern
analysis, water drops signal has fast speed with a short wave length.
In FFT analysis, BB gun has frequency range from 20kHz to 100 kHz and
water drops has frequency range from 100kHz to 200kHz.
Based on above test result, we can discriminate crack signal during lots of
water dropping condition like waterfall in order to rapid cooling for the outside of
blast furnace.

Table 4.10 AE rise time and duration of BB gun and water drops
Sensor Rise time [ms ] Duration [ms ]
BB gun Water drops BB gun Water drops
AE 4-1 0.005 0.008 0.104 0.037
AE 4-2 0.013 0.007 0.073 0.047
AE 4-3 0.013 0.004 0.053 0.037
Average 0.010 0.006 0.077 0.040

Ÿ Feature extraction

In order to apply feature extraction, water drops signal and BB gun signal are
compared with AE features. BB gun test is performed at AE 4-1 and AE 4-4 and
well expressed AE features are calculated. To do this, compare with water drops
signal at AE 4-1 and BB gun signal at 4-1, 4-2, 4-3 and then check well expressed

AE features. In AE 4-4, it also test with a same method. In every case, energy
parameter is selected as notable AE feature.
Table 4.11 Water drops signal at AE 4-1
AE features Average
1st 2nd
Peak[V] 0.41 0.505 0.4575
Duration [ms ] 0.296 0.141 0.2185
Risetime [ms ] 0.002 0.008 0.005
Count 14 14 14
Energy[aJ] 0.94289 1.6984 1.320645
Energy count 30 25 27.5
RMS[V] 0.5644 0.10975 0.083095

Table 4.12 BB gun signal at AE 4-1

AE features Average
1st 2nd
Peak[V] 0.3802 3.802 3.802
Duration [ms ] 1.174 2.106 1.595
Risetime [ms ] 0.02 0.02 0.02
Count 86 107 96.5
Energy[aJ] 206.0623 261.4968 233.77955
Energy count 109 132 120.5
RMS[V] 0.41997 0.36015 0.39006

Table 4.13 BB gun signal at AE 4-2

AE features Average
1st 2nd
Peak[V] 0.869 1.266 1.0675
Duration [ms ] 0.764 1.005 0.8845

Risetime [ms ] 0.113 0.137 0.125
Count 66 84 75
Energy[aJ] 19.8882 32.8869 26.38755
Energy count 94 125 109.5
RMS[V] 0.16134 0.1809 0.17112

Table 4.14 BB gun signal at AE 4-3

AE features Average
1st 2nd
Peak[V] 0.348 0.31 0.329
Duration [ms ] 0.463 0.488 0.4755
Risetime [ms ] 0.075 0.094 0.0845
Count 39 42 40.5
Energy[aJ] 2.6254 2.0448 2.3351
Energy count 67 68 67.5
RMS[V] 0.075302 0.064732 0.070017

Table 4.15 Water drops signal at AE 4-4

AE features Average
1st 2nd
Peak[V] 0.404 0.515 0.4595
Duration [ms ] 0.337 0.847 0.592
Risetime [ms ] 0.002 0.045 0.0235
Count 21 51 36
Energy[aJ] 1.2276 14.1437 7.68565
Energy count 37 79 58
RMS[V] 0.060355 0.12922 0.0947875

Table 4.16 BB gun signal at AE 4-4

AE features Average
1st 2nd
Peak[V] 2.134 2.742 2.438
Duration [ms ] 0.783 1.144 0.9635
Risetime [ms ] 0.057 0.025 0.041
Count 66 101 83.5
Energy[aJ] 46.7696 140.8715 93.82055
Energy count 93 123 108
RMS[V] 0.2444 0.35091 0.297655

Table 4.17 BB gun signal at AE 4-5

AE features Average
1st 2nd
Peak[V] 0.194 0.324 0.259
Duration [ms ] 0.197 0.292 0.2445
Risetime [ms ] 0.032 0.070 0.051
Count 21 23 22
Energy[aJ] 0.80896 1.6988 1.25388
Energy count 29 40 34.5
RMS[V] 0.064081 0.076275 0.070178

Ÿ Summary of test result

We can verify energy parameter is notable feature during the test of water drops
and BB gun signal. In AE 4-1, 4-2, 4-3 in the same group, BB gun around AE 4-1,
4-2, 4-3 to generate a signal using a similar case of cracks, the energy value was
prominent. Located closest to the source in the order determine the size of the
energy value(4-1 > 4-2 > 4-3).
Signal characteristics of the AE4-4, 4-5 in the group had characteristics similar

to the AE 4-1. This results are described Table 4.18 and 4.19.
Table 4.18 Water drops signal and BB gun signal at AE 4-1, 4-2, 4-3
Water drops
BB gun (Average)
AE features (Average)
AE 4-1 AE 4-1 AE 4-2 AE 4-3
Peak[V] 0.4575 3.802 1.0675 0.329
Duration [ms ] 0.2185 1.595 0.8445 0.4755
Risetime [ms ] 0.005 0.020 0.125 0.845
Count 14 96.5 75 40.5
Energy[aJ] 1.320645 233.77955 26.38755 2.3351
Energy count 27.5 120.5 109.5 67.5
RMS[V] 0.0083095 0.39006 0.17112 0.070017

Table 4.19 Water drops signal and BB gun signal at AE 4-4, 4-5
Water drops BB gun (Average)
AE features (Average)
AE 4-4 AE 4-4 AE 4-5
Peak[V] 0.4595 2.438 0.259
Duration [ms ] 0.592 0.9635 0.2445
Risetime [ms ] 0.0235 0.041 0.051
Count 36 83.5 22
Energy[aJ] 7.68565 93.82055 1.25388
Energy count 58 108 34.5
RMS[V] 0.0947875 0.297655 0.070178

4.3.6 Crack detection and leak monitoring of blast furnace

Ÿ Crack detection and prognosis in steel shell

Based on experiment result, energy parameter is adopted to discriminate crack

signal by using AE feature extraction and this result is applied to the real time on
line monitoring system.
Unit of AE Energy is expressed by Atto-joules( 10 -18 ). In water drops condition,
it has under 10aJ. In BB gun test, it has from 100 to 200aJ. Based on test data, we
can estimated that crack signal has over 50aJ if crack occurred at steel shell. And
Max. value during 1 month is 2400aJ and normal value is under 10aJ.
Fig. 4.40 shows sensor location of blast furnace and AE sensor is installed
nearby existing crack. To monitor leak in blower, two channel sensors are
installed at blower number 25 and 26. That name is AE 25 and AE 26. To monitor
crack propagation in steel shell, 6 channel sensors are installed on the steel shell
with a group to the vertical direction. One group is AE 4-3 and AE 4-4 another
group is AE 4-1, AE 4-2, and AE 4-3.
December 2011, high level energy value is monitored at AE 4-1, AE 4-2, AE 4-
3, AE 4-4. February 2012, AE energy value is increased at AE 3-1, AE 4-1, AE 4-
2 compare with other channels. We can estimated that crack propagation time
when energy value is higher than water drops signal and large amount of crack
propagation is occurred based on AE 4-4 has very high energy value on Jan 13th,
Especially, AE 4-3 and AE 4-4 has high level energy value at 2 times and 70
times respectively compare with December 2011 and January 2012. To cross
check, compare with temperature level for this area, it also has high level. That
means, AE activity is closely related with temperature level on steel shell. From
this time, this area is appointed as attention area and reported to the plant manager.
Finally, we can find and verify the new crack during shot term overhaul period as

shown in Fig.4.40. Based on this actual data, we can confirm that AE energy
parameter is validate when we detect crack signal on steel shell and estimate
expected position.

Fig. 4.40 Existing crack and new crack

Fig. 4.41 Change of AE energy trend during crack propagation (overlap)

Fig. 4.42 Change of AE energy trend during crack propagation

Ÿ Leak detection in blower

In generally, RMS value well expressed in leak detection because it has

continuous signal with a similar characteristic of white noise. So RMS value is
adopted to detect of leak. Fig. 4.44 shows RMS trend response at No. 26 when No.
27 was leak. In order to detect leak signal with low frequency and high frequency,
compound sensor for AE and vibration is used to detect of leak signal. In general,
caution setup value of normal working condition in power plant set at two times
the normal value and alarm setup value set at two times the caution value.
In this case, we can verify that this setup level is available in blower and RMS
is effective parameter when we detect of leak. With this actual leak data, adjacent
sensor can detect leak signal and the number of sensor is recommend to half of
total blower number.

(a) External shape of blower (b) Blower No.

Fig. 4.43 Shape of blower in blast furnace

Fig. 4.44 Change of RMS trend when blower is leak

4.4 Conclusion

This chapter introduces an application of structural health monitoring of boiler

tube leak in power plant, seamless pressure vessel, and blast furnace in steel mill.
Source location technique and early fault detection method are used to
structural fault diagnosis and prognosis. In addition, AE feature extraction and
source location algorithm are applied to test the performance.
Proposed system was test and verified by detecting in advance and informing
the location of expected fault with 1D and 3D source location algorithm,
conclusions can be summarized as follows.

4.4.1 Source location in structure

Complex and large scaled structure in power plant, source location technique is
required to find a fault in limited time.
In pressure vessel, 1D source location is applied and verified to discriminate
normal and abnormal pressure vessel and give a good guide line with easily.
In boiler tube leak detection, 3D source location is applied and verified by
detecting of actual tube leak in large scaled structure. Based on 3D source location
technique with optimized database, effectiveness of system performance is
verified and fully showed possibility of replacement the conventional system.

4.4.2 Early fault detection in structure

To estimate and monitor of crack propagation for steel shell in blast furnace, on
line AE system is applied to the steel mill. AE Energy parameter is applied to
discriminate crack signal by using AE feature extraction and it is verified by
prognosis of crack propagation when actual crack is detected. Based on this study
result, we can easily apply real application.


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Technology Update, ASTM STP 1353, S. J. Vahaviolos, Ed., American
Society for Testing and Materials, West Conshohocken, PA, (1999).
[18] ANSI/CSA NGV2(American National Standard for Natural Gas Vehicle
Containers), Article 1.2, 2007.
[19] ASTM E 1419-02b, Standard Test Method for Examination of Seamless, Gas
Filled, Pressure Vessels Using Acoustic Emission ASTM, 2002.
[20] ASTM E 2191-02b, Standard Test Method for Examination of Gas-Filled

Filament-Wound Composite Pressure Vessels Using Acoustic Emission
ASTM, 2002.
[21] Hitoshi Kawata, 1 Investigation on the Mechanism of Channelling in
Fukuyama No.5 Blast Furnace, NKK Vol79, 1993.
[22] ASTM E 2374-04, Standard Guide for Acoustic Emission System
Performance Verification1, ASTM, 2002.

V. Conclusions

General system to monitor and analyze condition depends on condition

monitoring system based on various information collected from sensor installed
on object. Accurate analysis and diagnosis of collected information affect decision
making for continuous operation or life time extension.
Recently interest has been increased on technology to rise up control efficiency
of human resource and physical assets by quick action and early fault detection by
accurate judgment of fault in complicated and large facility condition monitoring
and diagnosis.
This thesis has developed fault diagnosis and analysis system using acoustic
emission method to improve efficiency in detecting and analyzing fault early, and
has developed 3D location estimation technique to monitor condition of large
structure and improve reliability of diagnosis.
For acoustic emission system, sensing device, signal conditioning module, data
collection hardware and software for real-time analyzing and post analysis were
developed. Sensing device was designed as one body type containing compound
sensor which can measure high frequency acoustic emission and low frequency
vibration simultaneously and wave guide as a supplementary mean for sensing in
dangerous area. For signal conditioning, pre-amplifier and main-amplifier are
developed for application on large power generation facility and general industrial
purpose to amplify signal, filter and supply power. Hardware of data collection
adopts level trigger module design and high speed data collection board for
collecting and judging fault signal. And software for real-time analysis and post
treatment analysis of fault signal was developed in order to analyze various AE
feature computing.
Processing of acoustic emission signal and classification of feature are required

for analyzing fault signal. Processes of analog signal and digital signal processing
were carried out individually and AE feature which is used in final fault diagnosis
is classified in 4 features. This representative 4 features are hit based features,
time driven features, combination features and frequency features and they are
defined by 19 kinds of feature.
It was confirmed that fault judgment and classification criteria may vary by
applying correlation diagnosis for various fault examination of specific object.
Clustering is made according to occurrence frequency of fault signal generated
from object. By applying location estimation algorithm, 1D, 2D and 3D location
is estimated and visualized fault judgment. However location estimation error is to
be improved through correcting characteristic DB base signal of final site signal.
The measuring systems developed in this thesis have been applied in
monitoring boiler leak in thermal power plants, structural integrity monitoring of
pressure vessel, structural health monitoring for blower leak and crack on steel
shell in ion mill so that its utility value could be confirmed. To detect boiler leak,
on-line real time measurement system was applied arranging optimized sensors
according to complicated shape boiler structure and 3D location estimation
method was applied for fault diagnosis. In the application of health evaluation for
pressure vessel, fatigue repeat testing were applied to Type1 and Type 2 vessel
and health evacuation was carried out by applying 1D location estimation
technique against crack signal occurred in pressure sustaining section.
The condition monitoring method based on feature value for the fault in crack
and leak in power generation facility was applied in monitoring blower leak and
crack of steel shell in iron mill, and its effectiveness was evaluated comparing
with signals occurred when steel shell was abnormal with signal from normal
condition. Also, sensor and measuring parameters were proposed to monitor
blower leak.
In order to increase reliability of fault diagnosis, construction of fault DB and

pattern recognition are continuously studied for the future work.
In fault DB, notable and well response AE features are defined from the various
data when fault is occurred from the object and with this result fault database
should be established.
In pattern recognition, change of pattern and prognosis technique according to
different kinds of fault are adopted based on fault DB.
To finalize of fault diagnosis based on intelligent DB, precise fault diagnosis
and based on previously stored data, setup for early fault detection system and
adoption of intelligent algorithm are required to diagnosis automatically.


일반적인 상태감시 및 진단 시스템의 경우 대상체에 부착된 센서로부

터 다양한 정보를 기반으로한 상태감시 시스템(Condition Monitoring
system)에 의존하고 있다. 이렇게 수집되는 정보의 정확한 해석 및 진
단을 통해 계속 운전 이나 수명연장과 같은 의사결정에 영향을 미친다.
최근 복잡하고 대형화된 설비의 상태감시 및 진단의 경우 결함에 대
한 정확한 판단으로 신속한 조치 및 조기결함 탐지의 기법으로 인적,
물적 자산관리의 효율성을 높이는 기술에 대한 관심이 높아지고 있다.
본 논문은 조기 결함의 탐지 및 분석을 효율성을 높이기 위해, 음향
방출법을 이용한 결함의 진단 및 분석 시스템을 개발하고, 3 차원 위치
추정 기법을 개발하여 대형구조물에 대한 상태감시 및 진단의 신뢰성을
음향방출시스템의 경우 4 가지 종류인 센싱장비, 시그널 컨디셔닝 모
듈, 데이터수집용 하드웨어, 실시간 해석 및 후처리 분석을 위한 소프트
웨어를 개발하였다. 센싱장비의 경우 하나의 센서로 고주파 음향방출과
저주파 진동을 동시에 계측이 가능한 복합센서와 위험지역에 센싱을 위
한 보조적인 수단으로 웨이브가이드를 일체형으로 설계되었고, 시그널
컨디셔의 경우 복합 신호의 처리를 위해 신호의 증폭, 필터, 전원공급의
기능을 수행하도록 전치증폭기(Pre-amplifier)와 주 증폭기(main-
amplifier)로 대형발전 설비 및 일반 산업용의 적용을 위해 각각 개발
되었다. 데이터 수집의 하드웨어의 경우 결함신호의 수집판단을 위해
레벨 트리거 모듈의 설계과 고속데이터 수집 전용 보드를 채택하였다.
그리고 결함신호의 해석 및 진단을 위해 개발된 실시간 해석 및 후처리
분석용 소프트웨어의 경우 다양한 AE feature 연산에 대한 분석이 가능
하도록 개발 되었다.

결함신호의 해석을 위해서는 음향방출 신호의 처리 및 특징에 대한
구분이 필요하다. 신호처리의 경우 아날로그 신호 및 디지털 신호처리
를 각각 수행하고 최종 결함해석에 사용되는 AE feature 를 크게 4 가지
인 Hit based features, time driven features, combination features,
frequency features 로 구분하고 총 19 종류의 특징으로 정의하였다.

특정 대상체의 다양한 결함진단을 위해 상관관계 분석을 적용하여

결함판단 및 분류 기준이 달라짐을 확인하였다. 대상체에서 발생되는
결함신호의 발생빈도에 따른 군집화(clustering)로 이루어진다. 위치추정
알고리즘을 적용하여 1 차원, 2 차원, 3 차원 위치추정을 수행하여 결함
판단에 대한 시각화를 구현하는데 최종 현장신호의 특성화 DB 기반 신
호의 보정을 통해 위치추정 오차를 개선하게 된다.

본 논문에서 개발된 계측 시스템은 각각 화력발전소의 보일러 누설감

시, 압력용기의 건전성 평가, 제철소의 풍구누설 및 철피 균열감시에 적
용하여 그 효용성을 확인하고자 하였다. 보일러 누설탐지의 적용에서는
온라인 실 시간 계측 시스템이 적용되었고 복잡한 형상의 보일러 구조
에 따라 최적화된 센서를 배치하여 결함에 대하여 3 차원 위치추정방법
을 통해 결함진단을 수행 하였다. 압력용기의 건전성 평가의 적용에서
는 Type1, Type 2 용기에 피로반복시험을 수행하여 압력의 유지구간에
서 발생하는 균열신호에 대해 1 차원 위치추정기법을 적용하여 건전성
평가를 수행하였다. 발전 설비의 구조물에 대한 균열과 누설 등의 결함
에 대한 특징값 기반의 상태감시 방법은 제철소의 풍구누설 감시 및 철
피의 균열신호 감시에 적용되었고, 그 효용성을 철피의 이상이 발생하
였을 때와 정상 상태의 신호를 비교하여 평가하였다. 또한 풍구의 누설
을 감지하기 위한 센서 및 계측 파라미터를 제안하였다.

결함진단의 신뢰성을 높이기 위해서는 결함 DB 의 구축과 패턴인식에

대한 지속적인 연구가 필요하다.


My first step with Intelligent Mechanics Lab members in 2007 is a great honor
for me to working with and to be surrounded with great member.
I sincerely appreciate two professor Bo-Suk Yang and Dong-Myung Bae. My
first Prof. Bo-Suk Yang who is leaded me with passion and love. He taught me as
a scholar with a latest knowledge and trained as a leader in many ways from 2007
to March 2012. I will always keep in mind all his passion, spirit, effort, guidance,
and teaching method.
After he passed away, my second Prof. Dong-Myung Bae willing to accept and
guide me with moral support and humane consideration even if he has a provost
duty with busy schedule.
My appreciation is extended to Prof. Jong-Kyu Lee, Prof. Seon-Jin Kim, Prof.
Sung-Yong Bae, Prof. Byoeng-Keun Choi. They examined my thesis and gave me
valuable comments and suggestions. I would like to give thanks to Prof. In-Pil
Kang. He helped me to submit international journal.
Specially, I would like to thank our Intelligent Mechanics Lab members. Dr.
Min-Chan Shim, Dr. Jong-Duk Son, Gang-Min Lim, So-Hwan Lee. They gave me
many helps with a good relationship.
I would like to thanks to working with RECTUSON Company and member Mr.
S. Kim, Mrs. J.N. Kang. They give me a confidence as a foundation member.
Finally, I would like to thank my parents, sister, and brother for their
encouragement over the years. My brother Dong-Ryul Kim he trained me a leader
with qualification and ability and I thanks for elder brother’s wife with a warm
Especially, I give my thesis to wife Mrs. Lee, son Sun-Gyun and daughter
Chae-Young. With their support and help, I can overcome hard process of study. I
will always thanks for my family’s endless love.

감사의 글

하늘에 계신 지도 교수님과 학교에 계신 지도 교수님인 두 분의 교수

님께 감사 드립니다. 2007 년 부터 2012 년 3 월 까지 박사과정의 입학에
서 수료과정까지 학문적 자질과 인성 및 대외 인간관계에 대해서 늘 일
깨움과 대외 발표능력을 갖출 수 있는 전문인으로 양성해 주신점, 투병
중에도 본 논문의 지도 편달에 도움과 돌아가시기 전까지 학자로서 논
문의 목차를 가져와라 지도해주신 양보석 교수님과, 2012 년 4 월부터
기꺼이 지도교수를 맡아 주시고 교무처장의 바쁜 대내외 직무활동에도
불구하고 본 논문의 심사를 위해 정신적인 지지와 인간적인 배려로 큰
힘을 주신 배동명 교수님께 머리 숙여 감사 말씀 올립니다.
그리고, 본 논문의 심사를 및 완성도를 높이기 위해 지도해 주신 이
종규 교수님, 배성용교수님, 김선진 교수님, 최병근 교수님께 감사 말씀
올립니다. 대외 학술논문 투고를 위해 애써 주신 강인필 교수님께 감사
말씀 올립니다. 박사과정 동안 학교생활에 적응을 위해 많을 도움을 주
신 지능역학 LAB 의 심민찬 박사님, 손종덕 박사님, 이장우 박사님, 임
강민 기술사님, 이소환 선배님, 박철현 선배님, 성도, 승욱, 성원, 원정,
준석, 정민 외 모든 IM LAB 식구들께 감사 드립니다.
학위과정을 추천과 동생에 대한 믿음과 배려로 자질과 능력을 갖추도
록 도움을 준 동률 형님, 따뜻한 마음으로 감싸 주시는 형수님께 감사
드립니다. 그리고, 본 논문의 실험 및 연구에 도움을 준 렉터슨 식구들
과 창립멤버인 김신, 강지녕님께도 감사 드립니다. 늘 인간이 먼저 되어
라 깨우쳐 주신 아버지와 자식을 위해 한 평생 희생으로 살아오신 어머
니, 애기 봐 주신다고 고생하신 장모님과 격려해 주신 처가 식구에게도
감사말씀 올립니다.
마지막으로 학교 간다는 핑계로 주말에 같이 놀아주지 못한 딸 채영
이, 아들 선균에게 늘 미안하고 건강히 잘 자라줘서 고맙고 남편 뒷바
라지를 묵묵히 해준 사랑스런 그녀에게 감사말씀과 이 영광을 바칩니다.


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