Bio Bibliography

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Reference Log Annotation

Validity Reliability Accuracy

1 McLaughlin, Leonie, and Stephen Hitchings. Biology Options - Genetics: Valid as it explains what the This book is written specifically Accurate as it has similar
the code broken? 1 ed., Cengage Learning Australia, 2010, pp. 22-23. Human Genome Project is, to address the option topic: information to other accurate
outlining its history and goals. Genetics- the code broken? In sources regarding the Human
the NSW HSC biology syllabus. Genome Project and its attempt
Cengage Learning Australia also to locate the position of genes
publishes it, which is an through whole genome
educational content and sequencing (reference 2 and 3).
services company founded in
2 Alford, Diane, and Jennifer Hill. Excel HSC Biology. Vivienne Joannou, pp. Valid as it explains what the Jennifer Hill has over 20 years Information is accurate as it is
130-131. Human Genome Project is, what experience in Science education similar to other accurate
it has accomplished and how as a teacher and has written sources (reference 1 and 3)
those accomplishments affect books relating to preliminary regarding what the Human
society. and HSC biology. Diane Alford Genome is and its
has taught senior and junior accomplishments.
science courses for over 30
3 Alford, Diane. Genomics and the Human Genome Project, Valid as it explains what a The University of Leicester is a Information provided about the human genome is, what the university founded in 1921 and Human Genome Project is very
Accessed 23 June 2018. Human Genome Project is and is one of the founders of genetic similar to references 4 and 5,
how DNA sequencing works. fingerprinting. which are also accurate and
reliable sources.
4 McLaughlin, Leonie, and Stephen Hitchings. Biology Options - Genetics: Valid as it explains what linkage This book is written specifically Information is accurate as it
the code broken? 1 ed., Cengage Learning Australia, 2010, pp. 24-25. maps are and how they can’t to address the option topic: provides detailed information
fulfil the goals of the Human Genetics- the code broken? In about linkage maps that can
Genome Project as the methods the NSW HSC biology syllabus. also be found in references 3
would be unethical. Cengage Learning Australia also and 5.
publishes it, which is an
educational content and
services company founded in
5 Medical Definition of Linkage map, Valid as it clearly explains what MedicineNet is a healthcare Information is accurate as it Accessed a linkage map is and what it can media company founded in presents very similar content as
23 June 2018. be used for. 1996 that provides thorough reference 3 and 4 on the topic
healthcare information through of linkage maps and its
a team of more than 70 limitations.
certified physicians.
6 Dux College, Explains the unethical issues High school teachers that Accurate as it has similar
genetics/#Describe_and_explain_the_limitations_of_data_obtained_fro with test crossing of human specialise in HSC excellence information to other accurate
m_the_Human_Genome_Project. Accessed 23 June 2018. DNA as well as its impracticality originally created Dux College sources regarding the
and how the majority of human and has grown to now tutor limitations of the data acquired
DNA is junk DNA, suggesting the over 400 students. from the Human Genome
limits of studying linkage maps Project (reference 7 and 8).
and data achieved from the
Human Genome Project.
7 McLaughlin, Leonie, and Stephen Hitchings. Biology Options - Genetics: Valid as it presents the different This book is written specifically Information presented is
the code broken? 1 ed., Cengage Learning Australia, 2010, pp. 23. aspects of biology that benefit to address the option topic: accurate as it is extremely
from the completion of the Genetics- the code broken? In similar to reference 7 and 8.
Human Genome Project. the NSW HSC biology syllabus.
Cengage Learning Australia also
publishes it, which is an
educational content and
services company founded in
8 What was the Human Genome Project and why has it been important?, Valid as it explains what the Genetics Home Reference is a Information is accurate as it is Accessed 23 June 2018. Human Genome Project is, it service of the US National similar to other accurate
goals and benefits to society. Library of Medicine which is a sources (reference 19 and 20)
part of the US National regarding what neutron
Institution of Health. scattering is and its application
in society.
9 Valid as it discusses the multiple Information is accurate as it is
benefits of the Human Genome similar to other accurate
Project and its effects on sources (reference 7 and 8)
society. regarding the ben3fits of the
Human Genome Project.
10 McLaughlin, Leonie, and Stephen Hitchings. Biology Options - Genetics: Valid as it explains how we can This book is written specifically Information provided is very
the code broken? 1 ed., Cengage Learning Australia, 2010, pp. 24. do only so much with the to address the option topic: similar to that of reference 11
information provided by the Genetics- the code broken? In and 12 which are also accurate
Human Genome Project since the NSW HSC biology syllabus. and reliable sources.
most the genes are junk DNA Cengage Learning Australia also
and how dome genes hide publishes it, which is an
within other genes, making educational content and
them difficult to identify. services company founded in
11 Genetics as Explanation: Limits to the Human Genome Project, Explains limitations of data Wiley is a global publishing Accurate as information Accessed 24 June acquired from the Human company founded in 1807 that provided about iodine-131 is
2018. Genome Project such as specialises in academic articles, almost identical to references
knowing the entire genome publishing articles on behalf of 10 and 12.
doesn’t explain the identity of over 700 scholarly individuals.
an individual, interactions with
other genes…etc.
12 McLaughlin, Leonie, and Stephen Hitchings. Biology Options - Genetics: Valid as it defines what This book is written specifically Information is accurate as it
the code broken? 1 ed., Cengage Learning Australia, 2010, pp. 25-27. recombinant DNA is and the to address the option topic: provides detailed information
steps needed to produce it. Genetics- the code broken? In about what recombinant DNA is
the NSW HSC biology syllabus. and how it is made is similar to
Cengage Learning Australia also reference 13 and 14.
publishes it, which is an
educational content and
services company founded in
13 Valid as it outlines the High school teachers that Information is accurate as it
procedure of making specialise in HSC excellence links carefully to reference 12
recombinant DNA. originally created Dux College and 14 of the procedure on
and has grown to now tutor making recombinant DNA.
over 400 students.
14 Making recombinant DNA, Valid as it outlines the The National Centre for Information is accurate as it
Accessed 24 June 2018. procedure of making Biotechnological Information is presents very similar content as
recombinant DNA. a government organisation that reference 12 and 13 on the
provides access to biomedical topic of making recombinant
and genomic information. DNA.
15 McLaughlin, Leonie, and Stephen Hitchings. Biology Options - Genetics: Valid as it explains how one can This book is written specifically Information is accurate as it
the code broken? 1 ed., Cengage Learning Australia, 2010, pp. 27. use recombinant DNA to track a to address the option topic: provides detailed information
gene’s location on a Genetics- the code broken? In about using recombinant DNA
chromosome. the NSW HSC biology syllabus. to track a gene’s location on a
Cengage Learning Australia also chromosome that can also be
publishes it, which is an found in references 16 and 17.
educational content and
services company founded in
16 Explain how the use of recombinant DNA technology can identify the Valid as it explains how one can High school teachers that Accurate as information
position of a gene on a chromosome, use recombinant DNA to track a specialise in HSC excellence provided about tracking a
genetics/#Explain_how_the_use_of_recombinant_DNA_technology_can_ gene’s location on a originally created Dux College gene’s location on a
identify_the_position_of_a_gene_on_a_chromosome. Accessed 24 June chromosome as well as a brief and has grown to now tutor chromosome is almost identical
2018. process of how its done. over 400 students. to references 15 and 17.
17 Genetic linkage & mapping, Valid as it explains how one can Khan Academy is an Information is accurate as it use recombinant DNA to track a organisation rooted in provides detailed information
basis-of-genetics/a/linkage-mapping. Accessed 24 June 2018. gene’s location on a education that has partnered about using recombinant DNA
chromosome. with other organisations such as in identifying gene position that
NASA, MIT, The Califonia can also be found in references
Academy of Sciences and The 15 and 16.
Museum of Modern Art to offer
their content.
18 McLaughlin, Leonie, and Stephe n Hitchings. Biology Options - Genetics: Valid as it provides information This book is written specifically Accurate as information
the code broken? 1 ed., Cengage Learning Australia, 2010, pp. 54-55. on how the genome of an to address the option topic: provided is substantiated in
organism can show how it can Genetics- the code broken? In reference 19, 20, and 21, which
be related to another organism the NSW HSC biology syllabus. have been consistent with
through a recent common Cengage Learning Australia also providing accurate and reliable
ancestor, providing an example. publishes it, which is an information.
educational content and
services company founded in
19 Understanding our past: DNA, Valid as it demonstrates how Khan Academy is an Information is accurate as the
content/amnh/human-evolutio/human-evolution-the- the analysis of human DNA and organisation rooted in information provided about the
evidence/a/understanding-our-past-dna. Accessed 22 June 2018. chimpanzee DNA is very similar, education that has partnered analysis of genes relating to
indicating a recent common with other organisations such as evolution matches information
ancestor. NASA, MIT, The Califonia in sources 18, 20 and 21.
Academy of Sciences and The
Museum of Modern Art to offer
their content.
20 Alford, Diane, and Jennifer Hill. Excel HSC Biology. Vivienne Joannou, pp. Valid as it states how genes Jennifer Hill has over 20 years Accurate as the information
136-37. change along with the organism experience in Science education about evidence of evolution
as it evolves, using comparative as a teacher and has written
embryology and palaeontology books relating to preliminary through gene analysis matches
as examples. and HSC biology. Diane Alford sources 18, 19 and 21.
has taught senior and junior
science courses for over 30
21 Smith, Yolanda. How are gene mutations involved in evolution?, Valid as it explains what Genetics Home Reference is a Information is accurate as it Accessed 23 evolution is and how genetic service of the US National provides similar information
June 2018. mutations can cause the rise of Library of Medicine which is a regarding evolution and gene
a new species and how the part of the US National analysis to sources 18, 19 and
analysis of these genes can Institution of Health. 20.
explain how different organisms
are related.

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