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Unknow vocabulary:
Herd: to move together as a group, or to cause animals or people to move together in
a group e.g: The teachers herded the children into buses.
Hall: a building or large room used for events involving a lot of people e.g: the Royal
Albert Hall
Akin: having some of the same qualities; similar e.g: They speak a language akin
to French.
Among: to each one in a group of three or more people or things e.g: This grade is not
fair, you should divide among the three of us.

Tan: pleasantly brown skin caused by being in the hot sun e.g: She came back from
Spain with a deep tan.
Leery: not trusting someone or something and usually avoiding him, her, or it
if possible e.g: I've always been a little leery of authority figures.
Couch: to express something in a particular way e.g: I don’t understand her, it is all
couched by her emotions.

Drowsy: feeling sleepy esp. when it is not the usual time to sleep e.g: The room is
so warm it’s making me drowsy.

Messily: used to describe a situation that is confused and unpleasant e.g: A war will be
a long and messy business.
Shave: to remove hair from the body, especially a man's face, by cutting itclose to
the skin with a razor, so that the skin feels smooth e.g: John has to shave twice a day.
Knots: A group of people or things e.g: After the game, disappointed knots
of people drifted away.
Tremble: to shake slightly, usually because you are cold, frightened, or very emotional
E.g: When he came out of the water, he was trembling with cold.
Torn out: We sat on carpet samples because my father had torn out the seats in a sober
rage not long after he bought the van from a crazy white man.
Warrant: to make a particular action necessary or correct, or to be a reason to do
something e.g: His injury was serious enough to warrant an operation.
Lotion: A liquid that is put on your skin in order to protect it, improve its condition, or
make it smell pleasant e.g: She applied some hand/suntan lotion and rubbed it in.

Dip: He dipped his doughnut in the coffee.

Past mortem: Latine expression, means before dead.
What Red Dragon means?
The red dragon is what refers about the paintings “The Great Red Dragon”, specifically
The Red Dragon and the women dressed by the sun, it was used in the film to show
Francis Dolarhyde a kind off “transformation” into a dragon, referring by the Red
Dragon a divine entity that was controlling Dolarhyde mind, it was occurred thanks to
the abuse of his grandmother since he was a child.
Character portrait:
 William Graham: William Graham is a intellectual and kind FBI detective,
retired he was again encourage by Jack Crawford to work at the Red Dragon’s
case , he has an imagination that can solve almost any problem that is presented,
actually he lives with his family (son and wife), in the all film, apparently he has
a connection with Dr. Lecter, also arrested thanks to William at the past.

 Dr. Lecter: Erudite assassin, incredible intelligent as William, He has been in

jail thanks to William, the last one discovered Dr. Lecter being a murderer
assassin, his behavior is almost rational, but behind that rationality he has one of
the most crazy minds around his world, he were trying to connect with
Dolarhyde because of their similarity, trying to help him and either way making
William’s life bothered.

 Reba McClain: A gorgeous, kind and beatiful woman, Reba McClain as

character on the movie had a extremely important work, she was the love of
Dolarhyde, it cause Dolarhyde confusion about himself, and also the almost
redemption of that character.

 Jack Crawford: FBI Agent, he tries to solve criminal paradors, extremely

convincing, he has participation in the Red Dragon’s case and helped to William
in the Hannibal one, serious and patient.
 Francis Dolarhyde: Francis Dolarhyde is one of the most important characters
in the movie, he has one of the most deeply histories, it is mentioned because he
had at his past a lot of abuses thanks to his grandmother and it makes him an
exorbitant killer. His personality it must say he has a very weird complex about
a painting called “The Great Red Dragon”, feelings sure he has, but are distorted
thanks to what we mentioned before.

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