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Volume 1:


Adopted April 2010; Rev 1 Oct 2010; Rev 2 March 2011; Rev 3 August 2011; Rev 4 Jan 2012; Rev 5
October 2012; Rev 6 Jan 2013; Rev 7 June 2013; Rev 8 April 2014; Rev 9 February 2015; Rev 10 October








B2.1.1 Membership

B2.1.2 The ”Chairman’s Office”

B2.1.3 Small Group Quality Policy (SG/QP)

B2.1.3.1 Membership and office holders

B2.1.3.2 Terms of Reference


B2.2.1 Membership

B2.2.2 Terms of reference



B2.4.1 Panels

B2.4.1.1 Membership

B2.4.1.2 Function and fields of competence of Panels

B2.4.2 Expert Groups (EGs)

B2.4.2.1 Membership

B2.4.2.2 Terms of reference



B2.6.1 Office holders

B2.6.2 Terms of reference

B2.6.3 The Secretary General


B2.6.3.1 Succession Committee

B2.6.4 The Quality Secretary

B2.6.5 The Accredited Representative to IMO

B2.6.6 IACS Representative to the European Union

(Representation in Brussels)

B2.6.7 The Technical Secretary

B2.6.8 Performance of Duties

B2.6.9 Retention of Records in Permanent Secretariat's Office














C4.2.1 Assignment of tasks

C4.2.2 Publication of work programme

C4.2.3 Method of work within Panels and Expert Groups

C4.2.3.1 Instructions and communication

C4.2.3.2 Addressing the work programme

C4.2.3.3 Establishment and administration of Project Teams

C4.2.3.4 Operational instructions from Panel Chairs to IACS

Project Team Managers and Members


C4.2.4 External participation by organisations other than
classification societies

C4.2.5 Recording of participation

C4.2.6 Approval and adoption

C4.2.7 Progress Report and Brief Interim Report


C4.3.1 Technical Contributions Forum

C4.3.1.1 Forum Content

C4.3.2 Participation in IACS Working Groups (WGs)

C4.3.2.1 Guidance for Working Group Chairs regarding non-

member participation in IACS Working Groups


C.4.4.1 Draft letter to Owner

C.4.4.2 Draft Confidentiality Declaration



C5.1.1 Unified Requirements (URs)

C5.1.2 Common Rules

C5.1.3 Unified Interpretations (UIs)

C5.1.4 Procedural Requirements (PRs)


C5.2.1 General

C5.2.2 Unified Requirements (URs) - specifics

C5.2.3 Unified Interpretations (UIs) - specifics

C5.2.4 Procedural Requirements (PRs) - specifics

C5.2.5 Use of mandatory/non-mandatory language






C6.1.1 General

C6.1.2 IACS representation at Assembly and Council Meetings

C6.1.3 IACS representation at the Maritime Safety Committee

(MSC) and Marine Environment Protection Committee
(MEPC) Meetings

C6.1.4 IACS representation at Sub-Committee Meetings

C6.1.5 Preparing for IMO meetings

C6.1.6 Conduct during IMO meetings

C6.1.7 Post IMO meeting activities

C6.1.8 IACS participation in IMO Correspondence Groups


C6.2.1 Liaison relations

C6.2.2 Joint Working Groups (JWGs)

C6.2.3 Informal contacts

C6.2.4 General principles of relations with outside

organisations (other than IMO)

C6.2.5 Representation in International Organization for

Standardization (ISO)

C6.2.6 Meetings other than ISO

C6.2.7 List of appointed IACS Observers



C7.1.1 Language

C7.1.2 Correspondence

C7.1.3 Email etc. protocol

C7.1.3.1 Panel Internal Communications

C7.1.4 Exchange of Directory, Rules and Register/Record



C7.2.1 Correspondence

C7.2.2 Public Relations


C7.2.2.1 Conferences and seminars

C7.2.3 Press statement guidelines

C7.2.4 Guidelines for Casualty/Crisis Press Release– Template





C8.2.1 General

C8.2.2 Cost Sharing of Panel Chairs and Panel Secretaries

C8.2.3 Budgeting, Monitoring and Accounting of Shared Costs

of Panels and Project Teams





D1.1.1 Task specification Form A

D1.1.2 Task Project Team specification Form 1

D1.1.3 Task Project Team invoice Form 2

D1.1.4 Task Project Team cost allocation Form 3



D1.2.1 Template



D1.3.1 Introduction

D1.3.2 Format of Annual Progress Report

D1.3.3 Format of Interim Report



D1.4.1 Notice of Reservations, Form X

D1.4.2 Notice of expected implementation date, Form Y


D1.4.3 Notice of not applicability, Form Z







D2.4.1 Members’ postal addresses

D2.4.2 Permanent Secretariat postal and visitor address

D2.4.3 Quality Secretariat postal and visitor address

D2.4.4 Members’ and Permanent Secretariat’s emails etc








D3.3.1 Regarding ‘Classification Society’ status

D3.3.2 Application form for participation in Working Group


D3.3.3 Response form for participation in Working Group








Revision history



ABS American Bureau of Shipping

BV Bureau Veritas
CCS China Classification Society
CG Correspondence Group
CIMAC International Council for Combustion Engines
CMI Comite Maritime International
CO Chairman’s Office
COSDI Complex on Outboard Systems with Dependability Issues
CRS Croatian Register of Shipping
CS Classification Society
CSR Common Structural Rules
EG Expert Group
EU European Union
FSA Formal Safety Assessment
FUA Follow-up Action
GBS Goal Based Standards
GPG General Policy Group
IAB Independent Appeal Board
IACS International Association of Classification Societies
IACS TC Forum International Association of Classification Societies Technical
Contributions Forum
ICS International Chamber of Shipping
IEC International Electrotechnical Commission
ILO International Labour Organization/Office
IMO International Maritime Organization
ISM-ISPS International Safety Management & International Ship and Port
Facility Security
ISO International Organization for Standardization
IUA International Underwriting Association
IUMI International Union of Marine Insurance
JWG Joint Working Group
KR Korean Register of Shipping
LR Lloyd’s Register
MEPC Marine Environment Protection Committee
MSC Maritime Safety Committee
M&W Material and Welding
NK Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK)
NM Non Member
OCIMF Oil Companies International Marine Forum
PRS Polish Register of Shipping
PT Project Team
PTMN Project Team Manager
QC Quality Committee
QS Quality Secretary
QP Quality Policy
QSCS Quality System Certification Scheme
RS Russian Maritime Register of Shipping
SC Steering Committee
SG Small Group
SG/QP Small Group / Quality Policy
SoS Safety of Surveyors
TB Technical Background
TC Technical Contributions (Forum)


TC Technical Committee
TOS Terms of Service
TSB Canada Transportation Safety Board of Canada
UK MAIB United Kingdom Marine Accident Investigation Branch
UI Unified Interpretation
UR Unified Requirement
USCG United States Coast Guard
US NTSB National Transportation Safety Board (US)
WG Working Group



1 The purpose of the International Association of Classification Societies (IACS)

Procedures is to codify the working procedures of the Association, its Council,
General Policy Group (GPG), Quality Committee (QC) and Working Groups (WGs),
together with their inter-relations and responsibilities. The Procedures also define
the responsibilities of the Permanent Secretariat and define the extent and means of
communications with external bodies.

2 Generally, and unless stated otherwise, IACS’s scope of interest and activity is
with respect to vessels of over 100 GT of whatever type, self propelled or not,
restricted or unrestricted service; except for "inland waterway" vessels, military
vessels, and other government ships operated for non-commercial purposes.


3 In entirety, the IACS Procedures comprise:

 Volume 1: IACS General Procedures (this document);

 Volume 2: Procedures concerning requirements for Membership of IACS;
 Volume 3: IACS Quality System Certification Scheme (QSCS);
 Volume 4: Procedures for the maintenance and harmonisation of the
Common Structural Rules.

4 These are evolving documents and subject to periodical review and update by the
GPG or QC (as appropriate) for Council approval.




1 IACS operations are governed by the following:

 The International Association of Classification Societies Charter (IACS
Charter) and its Annexes:
- Annex 1: Procedures for Membership applications and periodical
verification of existing members
- Annex 2: Appeal Board Rules of Procedure
- Annex 3: Participation in IACS’ technical work and access to IACS
Resolutions and Technical Background documents;
- Annex 4: Definitions
 IACS Procedures (as listed in the Introduction).

2 The IACS Charter is published on the IACS website ( and

takes precedence over all other operational documents of IACS, in case of any
perceived or actual conflict between the documents.



1 IACS operates through the following bodies:

 Council;
 GPG;
 QC;
 WGs, which are further divided into:
- Panels (currently Environmental Panel, Hull Panel, Machinery Panel,
Safety Panel and Survey Panel) and
- GPG Expert Groups (EGs);
 Small Groups reporting to Council, GPG, Panels or QC, set up from time to
time, as necessary;
 EGs advising Council, set up from time to time, as necessary;
 Project Teams (PTs);
 The Permanent Secretariat including the QSCS Operations Centre.

2 In addition to the above, the QC is supported, in an advisory capacity, by the

Quality Advisory Committee. The roles of the Quality Secretary and QSCS
Operations Centre, QC and Quality Advisory Committee are detailed in Volume 3:
IACS Quality System Certification Scheme (QSCS).

3 The chart of the IACS organisation is attached as D2.2. The organisational

structure is to be reviewed and updated as necessary by Council.

4 There is also an Independent Appeal Board whose terms of reference are given in
Annex 2 to the IACS Charter.


B2.1.1 Membership

1 The Council is the governing body of the Association and consists of one
representative of each Member Society, with voting rights as specified in the IACS


Charter. There may be additional non-voting members as specified in the IACS
Charter or in the relevant section of these Procedures.

2 The Council shall elect a Chair, by rotation, from among its Members. The term of
office shall be for a period of one year or until the election of the next Chair. The
Chair shall preside at the Council meetings and act as the Principal Officer of the

3 The established rotation of the Chair is recorded in the Appendix – History of the
Association. New Members of IACS shall take the Chair immediately following the
next Chairmanship of the Member holding office when they were accepted into

4 The Council shall also elect a Vice-Chair, by rotation, from among its Members.
The term of office shall be the same as that of the Chair whom the Vice-Chair shall
normally succeed. The immediate past Chair may act as second Vice-Chair, primarily
to facilitate continuity in external relations.

5 The IACS Charter documents, inter alia, the functions of the Council, structure,
meetings, voting, and procedures.

B2.1.2 The “Chairman’s Office”

1 The “Chairman’s Office” (CO) is established to improve the efficiency of IACS

operation for better achievement of the collective goals of all Members. The CO will
be chaired by the Chair of IACS Council. The other members of the CO will be the
Vice-Chairs and the Secretary General.

2 The CO will meet at least twice a year, preferably right before the annual Council
meetings and at other times, as unanimously agreed. In addition, the CO may
communicate by telephone, video conference or e-mail from time to time as
necessary. The CO shall report its work to the Council, preferably at the biannual
Council meetings.

3 The main duties of the CO are:

(a) to ensure the implementation of the follow-up actions (FUAs) agreed by


(b) to monitor the work of SGs created by Council;

(c) to consider where future threats and opportunities for IACS may lie and
how the Association can best navigate these issues.

4 Where there are decisions to be made in relation to the successful implementation

of a Council FUA, then the Chair of Council should consult the CO members.

5 If the matter is urgent and it is not practical or possible to consult with CO

members, the authority for action lies with the Chair of Council. As soon as
practicable, the Chair shall advise the other CO members and the Council of the
action taken.

B2.1.3 Small Group Quality Policy (SG/QP)

B2.1.3.1 Membership and office holders


1 The Small Group Quality Policy (SG/QP) is a small group which may be constituted
by Council to act as an intermediary between the Quality Committee (QC) and
Council, in order to facilitate speedy decisions and approval of quality related issues
and to discharge a strategic role by anticipating quality initiatives for the QC to follow

2 Members of the SG/QP shall be:

- Members of Council (limited in number for efficiency, ideally more than two
and less than five inclusive), as voting members;
- QC Chair, as voting member;
- Quality Secretary (QS), as non-voting member;
- other QC Members (to assist the QC Chair, if required), as observers and non-
voting members.

3 The Chair of the SG/QP shall be nominated and elected from among the Members
of Council participating in the SG/QP. The Chair will normally serve for a period of
three years, with the possibility of extension up to one year.

4 The SG/QP Chair shall act as the representative of the SG/QP to the Council, the
Quality Advisory Committee (AVC) and to such other bodies as may be required and
determined by SG/QP or Council, from time to time.

5 In case of unavailability of the Chair, another Member of Council participating in

the SG/QP shall fulfil all duties normally carried out by the Chair.

B2.1.3.2 Terms of Reference

1 The SG/QP has the following responsibilities assigned by Council:

(a) Advise Council with respect to maintaining an effective IACS Quality Policy
towards continuous improvement of quality standards of classification
societies aiming to improve safety of life at sea, property and the

(b) Assess the feedback on the implementation of the QSCS scheme, where
independent Accredited Certification Bodies (ACB’s) conduct the audits and
issue the relevant statements of compliance, based on periodic Quality
Management Review (QMR) reports, prepared by the QS and considered by
the QC, in order to facilitate Council’s assessment of its robustness,
consistency and integrity.

(c) Facilitate Council’s discussion on the outcome of the different quality

groups, including the QC and QS, in particular about recommendations for
continuous improvement.

(d) Consult the Quality Advisory Committee (AVC) and other interested
Parties on policy related issues and recommend relevant follow-up actions to
Council as deemed appropriate.

(e) Consider the alignment between the IACS QSCS and other quality
management schemes applicable to classification societies and/or recognised
organisations, in order to promote policies intended to enhance their
effectiveness and minimise any burdens.

(f) Promote quality improvement policies among its Members beyond the
strict compliance with the IACS Quality Management System Certification
Scheme (QSCS) requirements.


(g) Report to IACS Council, as required.


B2.2.1 Membership

1 GPG shall consist of one representative of each Member Society, with voting rights
as specified in the IACS Charter. There may be additional non-voting members as
specified in the IACS Charter or in the relevant section of these Procedures.

2 The Chair and Vice-Chair shall be nominated by the Member Society holding the
same positions in Council and mirror the same fixed pattern of rotation based on a
one year term.

B2.2.2 Terms of reference

1 GPG’s terms of reference are:

(a) To develop and implement actions giving effect to the policies, directions
and long term plans of Council and provide advice to Council as necessary on
issues in the maritime field, and initiate action in areas of strategic importance
to the Association.

(b) To ensure that the WG structure is fit for purpose. The creation and
disbandment of WGs is to be specifically subject to approval by Council.

(c) To oversee the work programmes and budgets of the WGs. The annual
budget and any significant variation from which, are to be submitted to
Council for approval.

(d) To annually review the status of implementation of IACS Unified

Requirements and report to Council including proposing appropriate action
with a view to achieving uniform implementation by Members.

(e) Following a political/policy review, to formally adopt IACS Resolutions

developed by WGs (except for the initial adoption of Common Rules, which is
the prerogative of Council). In general, GPG should not undertake in-depth
technical discussions on the results achieved by WGs.

(f) To deal with high priority work of a general character which cannot be
dealt with by WGs.

(g) To monitor, influence and respond to the activities and work programme
of IMO and other organizations whose work IACS is interested in.

(h) To approve the establishment of any Joint Working Group (JWG) with the
industry on a specific technical topic and monitor the outcome of the JWG and
report to Council, as necessary.

(i) To interact with the Secretary General in the work of administering the



1 The QC is the governing body of the QSCS and reports directly to IACS Council.
Its procedures are described in Volume 3: IACS Quality System Certification Scheme

2 The QC shall consist of one representative per Member Society, with voting rights
as specified in the IACS Charter.

3 The Chairmanship of the QC and the QC’s terms of reference are prescribed in
Volume 3: IACS Quality System Certification Scheme (QSCS).


1 A WG may be a:

 Panel – a permanent working group, established by Council or GPG (with

Council’s consent) related to specific areas of the technical work of
classification societies.
 Expert Group (EG) – a non-permanent working group, established by GPG
(with Council’s consent) to advise on a specialised area of work of
classification societies.

B2.4.1 Panels

B2.4.1.1 Membership

1 Each Panel shall be made up of one representative from each Member Society,
with voting rights as specified in the IACS Charter. There may be additional non-
voting members and participants as specified in the IACS Charter or in the relevant
section of these Procedures.

2 The IACS Accredited Representative to IMO is to be a non-voting member of the

Environmental and Safety Panels.

3 A Chair of each Panel shall be nominated by Members and approved by Council,

normally to serve for a period of three years, with a possibility of a prolongation of up
to one year in case of lack of candidates to take the Chair. The Chair of each Panel
shall then nominate a technical Secretary to assist the Panel Chair.

4 The Chairmanship of a Panel shall be considered as the Chair’s primary duty and
the costs associated with the Chairmanship and technical Secretary shall be borne by
the Members in a manner to be determined by GPG. The Panel Chair shall perform
the function in an impartial way and has no voting right. For that reason the Society
having provided the Chair is entitled to nominate a further Panel representative who
has the right to vote.

5 The Panel Chair shall convene and preside over meetings, and shall act as the
representative of the Panel to GPG and the Council.

B2.4.1.2 Function and fields of competence of Panels

1 Each of the five Panels has three standing tasks:

(a) maintenance of IACS Resolutions: in general a simple task to update

existing resolutions which can be undertaken without generating a separate
Form A (see C4.2.1);


(b) annual review of the implementation of IACS Resolutions with a view to
removing any impediments to their effective and uniform implementation;

(c) liaison with external organisations.

2 The fields of competence of Panels are defined as follows:

Environmental Panel
All technical items related to environmental issues, which are addressed
by international instruments e.g. IMO and other bodies on:
- Marine Pollution
- Air Pollution
- Energy use
- All other Environmental issues.

Hull Panel
All technical items related to the structure of ships, other than those
covered by the Survey and Safety Panels, such as:
- Loads and strength
- Materials and welding
- Hull damages.

Machinery Panel
All technical items related to the mechanical, electrical and electronic
systems of ships (electronic navigational equipment excluded), other than
those covered by the Survey, Environmental and the Safety Panel, such
- Propulsion system
- Auxiliary machinery systems
- Electric power generation and distribution system
- Machinery damages.

Safety Panel
All technical items, other than those covered by the other Panels, which
are addressed by international instruments, e.g. IMO and ILO conventions.

IMO matters relevant to a specific field of interest of other Panels shall be

dealt with by those Panels (e.g. surveys for the purpose of statutory
certificates fall under the Survey Panel). The Environmental and/or the
Safety Panels may, if requested by the parent Panel or GPG, act as
“advisory” Panel. Where a doubt about the assignment of any particular
IMO-related matter may exist, GPG shall be asked for advice.

Survey Panel
All technical items related to the survey and certification of ships,
components and materials.

B2.4.2 Expert Groups (EGs)

B2.4.2.1 Membership

1 Each Member Society shall be entitled to nominate one member to the group, with
voting rights as specified in the IACS Charter. There may be additional non-voting
members and participants as specified in the IACS Charter or in the relevant section
of these Procedures.

2 A Chair of each EG shall be nominated by Members for approval by Council,

normally to serve for a maximum period of three years.


B2.4.2.2 Terms of reference

1 The terms of reference shall be established on a case-by-case basis.

2 EGs established for short-term tasks shall be closed when relevant tasks are


B2.5.1 Membership

1 A Small Group shall normally be composed of 3 to 5 members unless otherwise

specifically agreed.

2 Small Groups established by the Council may include members from other bodies,
if required and necessary. In such cases, it should preferably be chaired by a Council

B2.5.2 Terms of reference

1 Small Groups are generally established, for short durations, by Council, GPG,
Panels or QC from amongst their own members to deal expeditiously and efficiently
with a specific task.


B2.6.1 Office holders

1 The Permanent Secretariat is the sole function of The International Association of

Classification Societies Ltd, which is the service company of the Association,
otherwise composed by representatives from each Member Society. Refer to the
IACS Charter and the company’s Articles of Association.

2 The Permanent Secretariat consists of:

- the Secretary General
- the Accredited Representative to IMO
- the Representative to the European Union
- the Quality Secretary
- the Technical Secretary, and
- additional staff as the Association may require.

3 The Council shall appoint the Secretary General, the Accredited Representative to
IMO, the Representative to EU, the Technical Secretary, and the Quality Secretary
and shall make provision for the appointment of other personnel as may be
necessary to comprise the Permanent Secretariat. The Council shall determine the
terms and conditions of service of the Permanent Secretariat staff. The Secretary
General shall, subject to the following provisions, appoint the necessary staff.

B2.6.2 Terms of reference

1 The terms of reference of the Permanent Secretariat are as follows:

(a) To serve the Association on matters that are necessary for the efficient
discharge of the functions of the Association and its day to day running,


including inter alia, (i) the maintenance of records, documents and
correspondence; (ii) publication of IACS resolutions, news, press releases and
management of the IACS website; (iii) preparation and circulation of papers
documents, agenda, minutes, and information that may be required for the
work of the Council and GPG; (iv) gathering administrative information on the
work carried out by Panels and Project Teams; and (v) the administration of
the QSCS and membership criteria.

(b) To maintain a close relationship with the International Maritime

Organisation (IMO), the International Labour Organisation (ILO), the
International Standards Organisation (ISO) and other international and
national organisations and the maritime industry associations in the world as
may further expand the purpose and objectives of the Association, reporting
as appropriate to Council, GPG and Panels, as appropriate, on a regular basis.

(c) To oversee the effective implementation of the Association’s Quality

System Certification Scheme (QSCS) by its Members and applicants, including
relationship with Accredited Certification Bodies, Advisory Committee,
Governments, and others to promote a uniform application of high quality
standard within the Association.

(d) To review information concerning the compliance with the IACS

membership criteria by applicants as well as periodic verification of continuous
compliance by Member Societies.

(e) To act as technical secretariat for the main bodies of the Association
(Council and GPG) and assist the Chairmen of Panels in the coordination of
technical activities carried out by Members in Panels and Project Teams, as
well as in Joint Working Groups with industry.

(f) To prepare and submit to the Council the financial statements for each
year and the budget estimates on an annual basis, and to produce periodic
(quarterly) account reports relating to Permanent Secretariat’s work and
technical activities carried out by Members in panels and Project Teams.

(g) To effect invoicing of Members and related controlling on the basis of the
budget as agreed by Council.

(h) To keep Members advised, at Permanent Secretariat’s discretion, with

respect to requests, claims or complaints received by the Permanent
Secretariat and concerning the Association or individual Member Societies.

(i) To produce periodic reports of newsletters concerning the activities carried

out by the Permanent Secretariat and by the Association, in general;

(j) To monitor the output from the safety digests and studies produced by
official casualty investigation bodies, such as the UK MAIB, TSB Canada, US
NTSB, USCG, and others and raise any issues of concern or recommendations
with GPG.

B2.6.3 The Secretary General

1 The Secretary General is the managing director of the service company of the
Association, IACS Ltd, and is directly responsible for the work and efficient day to day
running of the Permanent Secretariat.


2 The Secretary General shall:

(a) provide support to the Council and GPG Chairs in implementing the
policies and strategies adopted and updated on a regular basis by Council
and/or GPG, ensuring a smooth handover and transfer of responsibilities, in
the periodic (annual) rotation of the chairmanship among the Members;

(b) work closely with the Council Chair, during the conduct of Council
meetings and in all relevant exchanges of correspondence with all the other
Council Members, to ensure the effective operation of the Association and the
maintenance of strong working links with the International Maritime
Organisation, International Labour Organisation, international and national
industry associations, and other leading bodies which have responsibility for
world maritime safety, protection of the environment and sustainability

(c) keep regularly in touch with Council Members and Senior Executives in
each Member Society;

(d) keep relationships with applicants or other entities seeking to be

recognized by IACS as classification society or seeking to apply for
membership in IACS with a view to their compliance with the IACS
membership criteria;

(e) represent the Association in public fora and conferences, and assist the
Chair of Council on public and media relations matters (see C7.2);

(f) keep strong links and close working relationship with the Secretary
Generals or Managing Directors of other industry associations, in assistance to
the Chair of Council;

(g) prepare an annual communication, participation at key events and media

relations plan, for the incoming Council Chair’s consideration and approval;

(h) prepare and submit to Council the financial statements and budget
estimates on an annual basis and do the necessary accounting and invoicing
to address cost sharing among Members and participation by non-Members in
the technical work of the Association (see C8);

(i) establish and maintain an auditable Quality Management System within

the Permanent Secretariat in accordance with ISO 9001 standards - however
this does not necessarily require auditing;

(j) keep Council and GPG fully informed of ongoing matters, including any
claims or complaints, recommendations, suggestions, or requests for
consideration by the Association;

(k) assume any other function which may be assigned to him by Council
and/or GPG.

B2.6.3.1 Succession Committee

1 A Succession Committee will be established by Council, well before the estimated

time of the replacement of the Secretary General, normally composed of the Chair,
and two Vice-Chairs of Council, one other Council Member, and the Secretary General.


2 An “executive search firm” may be used to identify as many eligible candidates as
possible, and it is the responsibility of the Succession Committee to appoint a reliable
search firm.

3 The Succession Committee is to interview candidates short-listed by the search

firm, which is to include not more than five candidates, and should, normally, select
two candidates it considers to be the best choices, and report these to Council for its
final selection, preferably at a regular Council meeting.

4 The remuneration and other contractual details of the Secretary General shall be
approved by Council prior to the appointment.

B2.6.4 The Accredited Representative to IMO

1 The Accredited Representative to IMO shall:

(a) establish and maintain contact between IACS and IMO guided by the
policies which the Council develops;

(b) liaise with the IMO Secretary General and the IMO Secretariat on all
matters relevant to IACS;

(c) establish and maintain contact with national administration and NGO
representatives on matters of concern to IACS and advise on the IACS view as

(d) arrange meetings with national administration representatives and other

IMO delegations as necessary, when matters of interest require consultation;

(e) maintain continuity of IACS representation at IMO and co-ordinate the

activity of IACS Observers;

(f) attend all IMO meetings of interest to IACS and brief IACS Observers and,
as needed, advise GPG about the possible number and quality of IACS
representatives who might be required with regard to the number of IMO
Working Groups and Drafting Groups in addition to the attendees identified in
C6.1.2 to C6.1.4;

(g) consult with other Members’ staff attending IMO on behalf of national
delegations as may be deemed necessary and represent the IACS view in

(h) be responsible, through the Secretary General, to the Chair of Council,

consult the Chair of Council and report to Council as and when required, and
have direct contact with the Chair of Council on urgent matters;

(i) prepare and transmit reports of IMO meetings to GPG and the
Environmental and Safety Panel Chairs (see C6.1.7);

(j) keep the Council, GPG and Permanent Secretariat and, where appropriate
the Panel Chairs, advised well in advance of developments within IMO of
importance to IACS and to make recommendations on the development of
further work or study;

(k) provide procedural advice on the composition of IACS submissions to

IMO, and ensure that WGs provide papers in time for submission;


(l) in order to be effective at IMO, attend all meetings of the Council and GPG
and study all correspondence among Council Members, GPG Members and
within the WGs of relevance to IMO;

(m) provide each Member Society with all papers of special interest issued by
IMO in good time for comments;

(n) be responsible for maintaining a technical library and archive of IMO


(o) carry out any additional duties required by the Chair of the Council and/or
the Secretary General.

2 IACS working methods in preparing for, attending and following-up IMO meetings
are further addressed in C6.1.

B2.6.5 IACS Representative to the European Union

1 The IACS Representative to the EU shall be based in Brussels, in order to keep

IACS Members fully informed of all EU matters relevant to the Association, to
promulgate to the EU the aims of IACS regarding safe and environmentally friendly
shipping, to draft policy position papers for the consideration of Council and subject
to approval by Council to lobby EU staff and member states on such matters.

2 The Representative to the EU shall:

(a) report regularly to the Secretary General;

(b) report formally to IACS Council, and GPG if necessary, at bi-annual


(c) liaise with ADS Insight using their knowledge and networks;

(d) act as Secretary to EG/EU and to promote and generate the Groups

(e) interact with EU Commissioners and Cabinet advisors on IACS work and
issues so as to affect EU policy and legislation;

(f) interact with EU MEP’s and Intergroups on IACS work and issues so as to
affect EU policy and legislation;

(g) interact with EU Representative at IMO on IACS work and issues through
and in liaison with IACS Accredited Representative to IMO;

(h) interact with Maritime Industry Associations on EU work and issues

relevant to IACS through and in liaison with IACS Secretary General;

(i) interact with EU Member State governments on IACS work and issues;

(j) interact with EMSA on IACS work and issues;

(k) undertake work at other locations as instructed by the Secretary General;

(l) carry out any additional duties required by Chair of IACS Council and/or
the Secretary General.


B2.6.6 The Quality Secretary

1 The Quality Secretary’s role and responsibilities are detailed in Volume 3: IACS
Quality System Certification Scheme (QSCS).

2 The Quality Secretary, in the discharge of those duties specified in the QSCS, shall
not be directed by the Secretary General.

3 The Quality Secretary shall attend meetings of Council at the request of the Chair
of Council.

B2.6.7 The Technical Secretary

1. The Technical Secretary is a member of the Permanent Secretariat in charge of

monitoring the technical activities carried out by IACS, in order to assist:

a) the GPG Chair and Vice-Chair in the overall coordination and monitoring of the
technical work of the Association and that which is carried out by the Panels and
Expert Groups (as well as small groups if established)

b) the Panel and Expert Group Chairmen in the management of their specific Project

c) with IACS joint Working Groups with industry

2. The Technical Secretary shall:

(a) provide support to the Chairs of Council and GPG , as needed, in preparation
for and follow-up from Council and GPG meetings, providing the draft minutes
of meetings and relevant follow up actions, and in all day-by-day activities,
normally carried out by correspondence, for matters submitted to Council/GPG
consideration and/or approval;

(b) keep records, documents and background material relevant to resolutions

adopted by IACS and published on the IACS website (i.e., common structural
rules, unified requirements, unified interpretations, and procedural
requirements) and other technical documents (e.g., recommendations,
guidelines,);, etc.);

(c) gather information about the activities carried out by Panels and Project
Teams, Expert Groups, with a view to preparing periodic (technical and
administrative) progress reports for GPG consideration and approval;

(d) assist the Panel Chairs to coordinate the technical activities of Panels and
Project Teams, from the management point of view, with a view to improving
their effectiveness and time schedule;

(e) assist the GPG and Panel Chairs and individual Members who participate in
joint working groups with industry, participating at meetings, where needed,
according to GPG instructions;

(f) amend the IACS Procedures and other IACS instruments upon decisions taken
by Council and/or GPG;


(g) prepare papers and presentations relevant to IACS technical work, for Council
and GPG Chairs’ or Secretary General’s participation at meetings, conferences
or other events, or for publication in magazine

(h) carry out any additional duties required by Chairs of IACS Council, GPG and/or
the Secretary General.

B2.6.8 Performance of Duties

1 In the performance of their duties, the Secretary General and the Permanent
Secretariat staff shall not seek or receive instruction from any authority or body
external to the Association. They shall refrain from any action which might reflect
adversely on their position as officials of the Association. Each Member will respect
the impartial nature of the responsibilities of the Permanent Secretariat and will not
seek to influence prejudicially the Permanent Secretariat in the discharge of its

2 The performance of the Permanent Secretariat, relating to the above-mentioned

duties and responsibilities, will be subject to periodic verification carried out by the
Council Chair assisted by GPG Chair and presented to periodic (June) Council

B2.6.9 Retention of Records in Permanent Secretariat's Office

1 The Permanent Secretariat shall retain specific documentation as given in D2.5

“Retention of Records”.




1 The quorum for any meeting shall be equal to the voting majority required in each

2 The Chair shall convene and preside at the meetings of the respective body.

3 If the Chair is absent from a meeting or is unable to carry out his/her other duties,
the Vice-Chair (if any) shall preside over the meeting or carry out such other duties
as is necessary. If the Chair, for any reason, is unable to continue his/her term of
office, the Vice-Chair (if any) shall act as Chair pending the election of a new Chair.

4 If the Chair and Vice-Chair are both unable to preside at a Meeting, the body shall
elect one of the Members present as the Chair for that meeting.

5 The Secretariat shall prepare, collect and circulate the papers, documents, agenda,
minutes, and information required for the work of the body.

6 After each meeting, the Chair, with the assistance of the relevant Secretariat, shall
prepare and submit a report or minutes of meeting to all members of the body.

7 In addition to any meetings, all bodies conduct their business throughout the year,
by email correspondence.



1 In accordance with 4.13 of the IACS Charter, unless otherwise provided, all
decisions of the Council to be adopted at meetings or by correspondence shall require
the agreement of three-quarters of all Council members entitled to vote.

2 Initial editions of Common Rules require explicit, unanimous agreement of all

Council members entitled to vote.


1 In addition to the provisions of the IACS Charter, the following procedures apply:

(a) The regular Summer meeting will normally be held in the Chair society’s
country and shall be for the attendance of Council members, GPG members,
Secretary General, Accredited Representative to IMO, QC Chair, and
Permanent Secretariat staff as necessary.

(b) The regular Winter meeting will normally be held in London and shall be
for the attendance of Council members, the Chair and Vice-Chair of GPG,
Secretary General, Accredited Representative to IMO, and Permanent
Secretariat staff as necessary.

(c) A linguistic assistant may accompany a member at Council meetings.

(d) Generally, no new item shall be added to the agenda later than two
weeks before the meeting. Reports, etc. shall be made available to the


Secretariat in good time so that meeting papers can be circulated
electronically not later than 10 days before the meeting.

(e) The Council shall review the report by GPG on the activities of each WG
and its work programme for the ensuing year, indicating appropriate priority if
necessary. The Council shall examine all conclusions or proposals submitted
by GPG on the activities and budgets of the WGs and take decisions as

(f) Council shall review the distribution of responsibility for chairing the QC,
Panels and the EGs amongst the Members - normally at three-year intervals.


1 Decisions by the SG/QP shall be taken by Council Members and the QC Chair
participating in the meeting as members of the SG/QP, when required. If a
consensus cannot be achieved, the Chair of the SG/QP may report the different
opinions of SG/QP Members to Council for its deliberations.

2 The SG/QP normally meets twice per year in preparation of the June and
December Council meetings. Additional meetings may be called by the Council or the
Chairman of the SG/QP subject to agreement of its Members.

(a) Four weeks of written notice is given to SG/QP Members, as far as

possible, in preparation for the meeting.

(b) Meetings of the SG/QP will be held, unless otherwise agreed, under the
auspices of the SG/QP Chairing Society.

(c) The SG/QP Chair shall be responsible for preparing the minutes of
meetings and presenting SG/QP reports, coordinated with the QS’ and QC’s
reports on quality issues to Council.

3 The SG/QP Chair shall attend periodic IACS meetings with the AVC.

4 The SG/QP Chair shall track all actions arising out of decisions of the SG/QP
meetings and relevant Council instructions / Follow-Up Actions (FUA’s).



1 The required voting majority is two-thirds of members entitled to vote. However,

an explicit three-quarters majority is required for the adoption of new or revised
Unified Requirements, Unified Interpretations, and Procedural Requirements. The
adoption of amendments to the Common Structural Rules requires the explicit
agreement of three-quarters of all IACS Members entitled to vote, including at least
eight of the IACS Members that are parties to the Common Structural Rules for Bulk
Carriers and Double-Hull Oil Tankers – Copyright Ownership Agreement. Note that
for Common Structural Rules there is no possibility of Reservation and initial adoption
is the prerogative of Council. Adoptions of Unified Interpretations with retroactive
application require unanimous agreement from GPG members entitled to vote (see



1 The provisional agenda for each meeting shall be prepared by the Permanent
Secretariat in consultation with the Chair and members. Generally, no new item shall
be added to the agenda later than two weeks before the meeting. Reports, etc., shall
be made available to the Secretariat in good time so that meeting papers can be
circulated electronically not later than 10 days before the meeting.

2 At its regular Autumn meeting GPG shall, inter alia:

(a) review the annual progress reports of the Panels and the EGs which
report to GPG submitted in accordance with C4.2.7 and decide as necessary;

(b) review the composition and distribution of members’ participation in PTs

(see C4.2.3, Method of work within Panels and EGs);

(c) review the approved current cost sharing budget, and prepare the cost
sharing budget for the following year for Council approval.

3 Panel Chairs should normally attend those parts of the regular Autumn GPG
meeting which are relevant to Panel Work.

4 At its regular Spring meeting, GPG shall:

(a) receive a brief interim report (which shall be submitted in accordance with
C4.2.7) on the status of tasks in progress focusing on deviations from original

(b) update the work plan and the individual work programmes; and

(c) review and adjust the approved cost sharing budget for the current year.

5 If the GPG Chair's review of the agenda of the meeting and the interim Panel
reports demonstrates the need for further advice during the meeting, the Chairs of
the Panels may be invited by the GPG Chair to attend the relevant parts of the
regular Spring GPG meeting. Alternatively, a GPG Member or a Panel Chair may
propose such attendance, which is subject to agreement by GPG.

6 After each meeting, the Chair, with the assistance of the Permanent Secretariat,
and, if necessary, of the Vice Chair, shall prepare and submit a report or Minutes of
Meeting to all participants. This shall be presented by the GPG Chair to the following
Council meeting.


1. Considering the dual role of GPG which consists of:

(1) scanning the regulatory horizon and responding to issues to determine the best
technical policy for the Association, and

(2) managing the production work carried out by IACS WGs reporting to GPG,

the workload is shared between Chairman and Vice-Chairman of GPG, the latter
having been delegated the responsibilities for managing the production work in IACS
WGs. This allows the Chairman of GPG to concentrate on specific priority technical
work items on WG’s work programme as identified, inter alia, by the Vice-Chairman.


2. In order to better manage the delivery of work products, the coordination
between IACS WGs, ensure a better overview by GPG of the WG's work and support
their Chairs, the responsibilities of the Vice-Chairman include:

1. assisting the WG Chairmen to:

1. set priorities within their Work Programmes

2. review targets
3. review manning of PTs – members’ active contribution to the
technical work
4. deliver products on scope and on time
5. identify tasks which should be allocated GPG meeting time.

To achieve this and produce the report to GPG, the Vice-Chairman is to

request a meeting of Panel Chairmen before the autumn meeting of GPG. The
meeting is to be chaired by the Vice-Chairman. In order to save costs and
time, the meeting is to be held immediately prior to the autumn GPG meeting.

The meeting should be structured to address (1) the general aspects of IACS
technical work in the Panels, within GPG and in respect of the support
necessary and provided by the Permanent Secretariat, and (2) specific task
management based on the quarterly reporting by the Panels to GPG.

The report from this meeting to the GPG autumn meeting should contain
specific recommendations on both areas.

2. acting as facilitator of tasks / technical work items that require input to

one WG from another.

The Vice Chairman is to follow up the work programme already set up, monitor the
sub-processes, and coordinate and facilitate, as needed, the work done by the WGs
in these cases but without taking over the role of WG Chair. All correspondence
concerning such items is to be copied by the WG Chairs to the GPG Vice Chair.



1 Unless otherwise stated the required voting majority is two-thirds of the members
of the body entitled to vote. In the case of approval by a WG of new or revised
Unified Requirements, Unified Interpretations, Procedural Requirements, an explicit
two-thirds majority is required. The approval of amendments to the Common
Structural Rules requires the explicit agreement without reservation of three-quarters
of all IACS Members entitled to vote, including at least eight of the IACS Members
that are parties to the Common Structural Rules for Bulk Carriers and Double-Hull Oil
Tankers – Copyright Ownership Agreement.

2 Autumn Panel meetings shall be held at least three weeks before the scheduled
date of Autumn GPG meeting in order to allow Panel Chairs to submit to GPG their
progress reports at least two weeks before the scheduled date of the Autumn GPG
meeting in accordance with C4.2.7.1.

3 Normally, the meetings of WG’s should be held at the Head Office of the Society
holding the WG Chair.


4 The Chair of a WG, while taking a neutral role in his/her capacity as the Chair, can
also represent and vote the views of his/her society in the WG. Alternatively, the
society chairing a WG may wish to nominate a separate representative to express
and vote the society’s views.


1 WGs are to deal with the tasks on the work programme which may be initiated by
Council, GPG or the WG itself through GPG and include but not be limited to the

(a) develop and update relevant IACS Resolutions.

(b) monitor and, to the extent deemed necessary, participate in the work of
organizations (e.g. IMO, International Labour Organization (ILO),
International Organization for Standardization (ISO), International
Electrotechnical Commission (IEC), International Council for Combustion
Engines (CIMAC), etc.) relating to the field of competence of the group and to
report to GPG.

(c) identify issues relating to its field of competence and propose IACS action
to GPG.

(d) take action as necessary to improve the effectiveness of existing IACS

Resolutions by evaluating the status of requirements in IACS Resolutions
within its area of responsibility/competence with due regard to:

- degree of implementation by Members;

- difficulties encountered in practical implementation;
- in the case of Unified Interpretations, acceptance or otherwise by flag
- decisions by the IMO Committees, Sub-Committees and amendments to
the regulation or the resolution the UI refers to;
- new technical developments.

2 The respective group is responsible for addressing, monitoring and resolving all
technical issues within the field of its competence. To this end it shall define
technical tasks and related time-frames for approval or acceptance by GPG.

3 To allow GPG to monitor the overall work programme of the Panels, each quarter
each Panel Chair is to email its current programme to GPG and the Permanent
Secretariat, indicating for each item whether it is a ‘TC Forum’ work item or not (see
C4.2.2 below). The third-quarter report will be a full Progress Report to the autumn
GPG meeting in the format in D1.3.2 and the remaining three interim quarterly
reports will be in the format in D1.3.3. The first-quarter report will be an interim
report to the spring GPG meeting and the other two interim reports will be submitted
mid summer and mid winter. Refer to the following table.

Quarter Title Format Due

1 (Jan - Mar) Interim Report to the Spring GPG Meeting D1.3.3 *
2 (Apr - Jun) Interim Report D1.3.3 30 June
3 (Jul - Sep) Full Progress Report to the Autumn GPG Meeting D1.3.2 *
4 (Oct - Dec) Interim Report D1.3.3 31 Dec


* dates are determined based on the GPG meeting dates.

C4.2.1 Assignment of tasks

1 A WG task / technical work item may be initiated by Council, GPG or within the WG

2 When a proposal for a new task / technical work item is initiated within the WG
and agreed to by a two-thirds majority and when it may be dealt with by the WG
itself within the approved budget, the task / technical work item specification ‘Form
A’ (see D1.1.1) is to be sent to GPG for record and monitoring. For tasks / technical
work items requiring a PT (see C4.2.3.3, below), both Form A and Form 1 (see
C4.2.3.3 and D1.1.2) shall be submitted to GPG for approval. Tasks / technical work
items initiated by a WG which, in the opinion of the WG may have significant policy
or political implications should be brought to the attention of GPG by the Chair of the

3 Otherwise, proposals for new work are to be submitted to GPG through GPG
Members or the WG Chair. Proposals must contain:
- a clear description of the issue;
- justification for IACS to do the work, and the consequences if it is not
done; and
- any other information which will assist in defining the task to be
performed, in assigning it to the appropriate group, and in assigning a
priority to the work.

4 GPG will approve or disapprove the new task / technical work item, and assign it
to the appropriate WG or deal with the issue itself.

5 For a new task / technical work item initiated by Council or GPG, the Form A (and
Form 1, if any) drafted by the WG shall be approved by GPG.

6 The WG Chair is to advise GPG in cases where a Form A or Form 1 was adopted by
a two-thirds majority or greater but not unanimously, with a brief summary of the
dissenting Societies’ reasons. Forms A and Forms 1 are to be updated by PermSec
following GPG approval (both the initial approval and any subsequent approval of
further modifications following periodical GPG reviews) and then forwarded to the
relevant WG to proceed with the task. Updated Forms A and Forms 1 are to be copied
to GPG.

7 Some tasks / technical work items may concern topics covered by more than one
WG. In that case a lead Panel, designated by GPG, is to establish a PT made up of
members covering the expertise of all disciplines concerned. The lead Panel is to be
responsible for the work of such an interdisciplinary PT and coordinate the work with
the other Panels concerned. The lead Panel is to report the results to GPG and
disband the interdisciplinary PT.

8 As a general principle, the following should originate from the Member society,
which suggested a new work programme item:

1. the production of the proposed Form A,

2. nomination of the Project Manager for production of the proposed Form 1,
3. development of the first draft of the work product, when the task is
progressed in a WG without delegating to a PT.


8.1 At the same time it is recognised that the nature of the technical work may
require a different approach, over which the Panel and EG Chairmen may exercise
their discretion.

9 The procedure for budgeting, monitoring and accounting of work group cost
sharing is shown in C8.2.

C4.2.2 Publication of work programme

1 The Permanent Secretariat will post on the IACS TC forum:

a) On monthly basis, the IACS Working Groups’ work programme items leading to
new or revised IACS Resolutions.
b) A summary of the tasks leading to new or revised IACS Resolutions undertaken by
an IACS Working Group on receipt of work items from Panels and EG Chairmen to
Permanent Secretariat.
The Permanent Secretariat will monitor the use of the TC Forum on the basis of the
quarterly reports required in C4.2.

2 Publication advises all interested parties (such as flag Administrations and Industry
Associations) of the programme and offers them the possibility of commenting
through the Permanent Secretariat or individual Societies. See C4.2.4.

3 The Forum provides non-IACS classification societies with a direct platform for
publication of comments and discussion with other classification societies (IACS
Members and non-IACS) relating to IACS' technical work programmes. See C4.3.1.

C4.2.3 Method of work within Panels and Expert Groups (EGs)

1 This section should be read in conjunction with C5.2, DEVELOPMENT AND


C4.2.3.1 Instructions and communication

1 Instructions to the Panel and EG Chairs should come only from the GPG
Chair/Council Chair. However the means of transmitting such instructions can vary
and may include either a direct message from the GPG Chair or the Vice Chair (if
within the scope of C3.3 The role of the Vice Chair) or through the Permanent
Secretariat which is there to assist both the GPG Chair and Panel and EG Chairs.

2 The Panel and EG Chairs are free to communicate with each other directly if this
would facilitate the development process. If there is a need to send a request to
action a task or provide information from one Panel/EG Chair to another, the
requesting Chair shall always set a deadline for reply in the message requesting an
input from another Panel/EG. If differing views between the two Panel Chairs arise,
the GPG Chair or Vice Chair should be brought in to resolve the situation with
assistance from Permanent Secretariat.

C4.2.3.2 Addressing the work programme

1 WGs develop their work programmes under the overall control of GPG. They
should feel free to discuss problems or questions relating to any assignment with
GPG. Where possible, this should be done informally between the Chair of the group
and the GPG Member of his/her own society. Problems should be aired and resolved
at an early date.

2 In general, WGs are to progress and, where possible, conclude tasks by

correspondence. This should be accomplished by addressing the work programme


throughout the year and not just prior to and at annual meetings. The principal
purpose of meetings is to consider issues where face to face discussion and debate is
essential, to resolve issues in dispute and to improve uniform implementation of
IACS Resolutions.

3 The WG Chair shall assign responsibility for creating a first draft of a technical
Resolution to:
- a PT or
- an individual or
- a small group of WG members or
- the group itself.

4 The availability of the first draft triggers the possibility of participation in its
development by all member societies and by non-IACS classification societies; thus it
is to be posted on the website Technical Contributions Forum as indicated in C.4.3.

5 Panels shall meet, in principle, twice a year. EGs may meet at intervals of about
one year. Additional meetings shall be kept to the minimum, but may be permitted if
GPG considers it necessary and appropriate. Unless otherwise specifically agreed to
by the Council and/or GPG, provisions in this section shall in principle apply to
additional meetings. Panel Chairmen are to organize their Panel meetings such that
the budgeting and reporting cycle and the work programme of the coming calendar
year are decided at the meetings.

C4.2.3.3 Establishment and administration of Project Teams (PTs)

1 Subject to GPG approval, a PT may be established by a Panel with a view to

producing a first draft document on a specific technical work item in an efficient and
timely manner.

2 Subject to GPG approval, a PT may be established by an EG, following the

procedure set out for Panels, below. However, this should only occur in exceptional
and duly justified cases, as an EG by definition is a group of experts in a specialised
area and consequently its members should be able to carry out the tasks at the
Group level.

3 The PT shall be chaired by a Project Manager, and shall consist of experts with the
necessary knowledge, experience, and authorisation to perform the tasks. The
number of team members should be kept to the minimum necessary to ensure
efficient completion of the assigned task(s), and is not to exceed four including the
PM unless additional expertise is needed. In general, duplication of expertise should
be avoided and a Member Society should not have more than one representative in a
PT. The establishment of “one man” PT is allowed for short term tasks and tasks of
mainly editorial nature; and the use of “one man” PT is encouraged when this
improves the efficiency and reduces the costs.

4 The PT shall carry out as much work as possible through correspondence and
through workshops held at venues selected to minimise the total travel costs of the
members. The host society shall provide the necessary facilities and support for the

5 PTs may meet as agreed in the approved project plan. However it should be noted
that it is not mandatory for PTs to meet although there will be occasions when a
meeting is the most effective method of dealing with the work.

6 Any Members who do not directly participate in the PT should not intervene in its
work until the work is completed within the PT.


7 Expenses incurred by the participants in the PT are to be shared among Member
Societies. In general, only the time actually expended by participants on the work of
the PT and associated travel and hotel expenses shall be charged at cost and be
subject to cost sharing. Time shall be charged at the standard IACS daily rate (pro-
rata, based on an 8-hour day – see C8.2.2). Estimated host society expenses for
such things as PT meals, word processing of extensive PT documents, drafting or
computer generation of graphics for documents, etc. are to be included in the PT
budget proposal, at cost.

8 In order to (i) propose the establishment of a PT; (ii) bring it into operation; (iii)
evaluate the achieved results; and (iv) enable expenses to be shared, the procedure
below shall be followed:

(a) The establishment of a PT is to be initiated by a Panel and is subject to

GPG approval. Each Member Society may nominate an expert through its
Panel member. The Panel Chair shall first to ask for a volunteer to act as
Project Manager. When no project Manager is nominated, the Panel Chair
shall request members not leading existing PTs to provide a Project Manager.
When the Panel agrees with the nominated Project Manager, the Panel Chair is
to ask the proposed Project Manager to prepare a draft task (work item)
specification Form A, with the assistance of the Panel Chair, and budget Form
1, including a list of required specializations against which Members need to
nominate their candidates.

(b) In case there are more nominations than required by the list of
specializations of the draft Form A, and considering that the Project Manager
is responsible for the successful completion of the task, the Project Manager
shall review the CVs of the volunteers and make a recommendation to the
Panel regarding the individuals he/she considers necessary to complete the
task. The Panel Chair, with the advice of the Project Manager, shall decide the
final composition of the PT which will take into account the distribution of
participation of Members in existing PTs.

(c) The Panel shall define the requirements for liaison, reporting and work
product reviews that shall apply to the PT when interfacing with the Panel.

(d) The Project Manager shall complete the Form 1, stating the PT objectives,
membership, host society, work specification, liaison and reporting
requirements, work product review requirements, estimated schedule of
workshops and milestones, deliverables, deadlines and detailed (not-to-
exceed) budget estimate.

(e) The Project Manager shall submit Form 1 to the Panel for consideration.
Once the Panel has accepted the Form 1, the Panel shall submit it, together
with the associated Form A to GPG for approval.

(f) If the submitted Form A and/or Form 1 is not approved by GPG, the Panel
Chair should invite the Panel Members to propose the necessary amendments
to address GPG’s concerns. If the Panel members are unable to reach a
conclusion, the Panel Chair may propose amendments for Panel approval and
resubmission to GPG. If the Panel is still unable to reach agreement the
matter shall be referred to GPG.

(g) Any modifications proposed subsequently to the approved Form 1 are

subject to Panel approval. The Project Manager shall monitor costs against
the budget and shall advise the Panel Chair should the likelihood of a budget


over-run arise. The Panel shall promptly seek GPG approval should a
significant budget over-run appear likely or should a significant budget
increase be needed to achieve the objectives of the PT in the agreed time

(h) On completion of its assigned task, the PT’s final work on a first draft
document shall be reviewed by the Panel, which shall decide whether the
objectives stated in Form A and Form 1 have been achieved. To facilitate
technical review by the Panel, the Project Manager shall, in a timely manner,
provide additional information or clarification if so requested by the Panel
Chair or Panel members. If the PT is not unanimous in its conclusions, the PT
is to submit a report of its discussions for further consideration by the Panel.

9 To supplement the above, the Chair of the Panel concerned should advise the
Project Manager and the PT members as below.

10 The Panel Chair shall manage the Progress Reports of all PTs allocated to them,
amalgamating these within the Panel’s annual progress reports to GPG, see C4.2.7.

11 The Project Team numbering will be: PT PPxx/yyyy (subject no)

Where PP=Panel abbreviation (PE, PH, PM, PS, PSU)

xx=sequential number for the Panel
yyyy= year of adoption by GPG of the Form 1
Subject no= subject number used in Panel correspondence

11.1 The “subject number used in Panel correspondence” is to be included in

the PT name to facilitate tracking the issue in the correspondence.

11.2 The “year of adoption by GPG of the PT Form 1” is to be included in the

PT name to identify the financial year of PT adoption that could be
different from the year of the starting of the task (that can be derived
from the subject number used in Panel correspondence) since the
establishment of a PT can be decided later when the task proves to be
difficult to be carried out at Panel level.

11.3 The “sequential number for the Panel” is to be introduced in the PT

name for giving a clear picture and statistics of the total number of PTs
established by the Panel.

11.4 The “Panel abbreviation” is to be introduced in the PT name for those

(few) cases when the “subject number used in Panel correspondence”
is not available, does not include the Panel abbreviation or changes
during the course of a task, even if the Panel abbreviation is normally
also included in the subject number.

C4.2.3.4 Operational instructions from Panel Chairs to Project Team (PT) Managers
and Members

1 General

Instructions contained in this note are intended as a quick reference for

Project Managers and PT members.

The Project Manager shall provide PT members with a copy of the relevant
Form 1 in order to inform them of the work specifications assigned and the
approved budget.


The Project Manager is requested to manage the PT in such a way that the
work specifications, timetable and budget indicated in Form 1 are respected.

Any problems encountered in developing the work specifications or any

foreseen delay in meeting the relevant timetable shall be communicated
promptly (with justifications and/or appropriate proposals) to the Panel Chair.

The Project Manager shall verify that each PT member participates actively
and in a timely manner in the PT’s work; any lack of participation shall be
communicated to the Panel Chair in time for corrective action to be pursued.

2 Correspondence [section to be amended as required by individual


All correspondence should be handled in a traceable manner.

To accomplish this, all correspondence should have a standard format for the
subject header. In particular:

a) The subject number [format to be prescribed by the Panel Chair], as

well the correspondence topic’s title is assigned by the Panel Secretary and
remains unchanged in all correspondence since it identifies the PT in the Panel

b) In order to immediately identify the author and the progressive

sequence of the correspondence, the subject number shall be completed with
the author’s identification code (PTMN stands for PT Manager, AB, BV, CC,
CR, NV, IR, KR, LR, NK, PR, RI, RS, for PT members, as appropriate) and a
sequential letter (a, b, c...).

c) Thus, the numbering of correspondence will look as follows:

- from the Project Manager, [subject number]PTMNa (a is the sequential

letter which identifies the progression of correspondence);

- from PT members [subject number] PTXXa where XX, where XX is the

two letter code of the Society of the PT member.

The correspondence shall be restricted among PT Members and copied to the

Panel Chair (email: ). Use of the Panel Chair’s and Secretary’s
personal email addresses shall be avoided.

3 Administrative instruction

On a regular basis, as requested by the Panel Chair, the Project Manager is to

collect the hours' value and expenses (in Pounds Sterling at the current IACS
standard rate) of the PT members which are to be shared by Member
Societies and submit them to the Panel Chair.

The hours to be accounted for are those directly spent on the project (hours
spent for travelling shall not be counted).

Expenditures shall be reported to the Project Manager by each PT member on

Forms 2 and provided by the Project Manager to Panel Chair by using the
same Form. In the event that a PT member does not submit their Form 2 to
the PM by 10 days before the Panel’s GPG reporting deadline (e.g., by 5 Feb


(10 days before 15 Feb) for the last four months of the previous year), the
actual expenditures for the PT Member for that period will not be reimbursed.

At the completion of the PT task, the Project Manager shall endorse the most
updated Form 2 and submit it to the Panel Chair copying to their respective
Panel Member and GPG Member along with the other PT deliverables (report,
other documents, etc.).

Form 2 can be found under D1.1.3 in the IACS General Procedures (IACS
Procedures, Volume 1).


Panel Chair.


C4.2.4 External participation by organisations other than classification


(Refer to C.4.3 regarding non-IACS classification society participation.)

1 The exchange of information between any outside organizations and the WGs may
be permitted by GPG and directed through the Panel or EG Chair, though any
outcome of the WGs shall be kept confidential, in general, until so decided by GPG.

2 When a WG deals with problems in close cooperation with, or on request of, an

outside organization, the WG may be authorized by GPG to exchange information
with the outside organisation to obtain comment prior to consideration by GPG.

3 Though correspondence with outside organizations containing statements on

behalf of IACS is exclusively through the Chair of Council or Chair of GPG, the Chair
of a WG may directly request any information from outside organizations.

4 Representatives from outside organizations may be invited to attend IACS WG

meetings when it is regarded as beneficial for discussion of specific issues.

5 The Panel or EG Chair is to acknowledge receipt of any input from external

interested parties. On conclusion by GPG of the outcome, any respondent is to be
advised of the results of his/her input. To facilitate this, the Permanent Secretariat
should provide a copy of the final approved Resolution under a standard cover letter
to the external interested party or, on substantive comments which were raised by
the interested party, the Panel or EG Chair is to submit a draft response for
consideration by GPG when so requested by GPG.

C4.2.5 Recording of participation

1 Participation by IACS Members is a criterion for membership of IACS in accordance

with the IACS Charter, 3.1(vii) and IACS Charter, Annex 1,1.2. Such participation in
WGs is to be reported by the Chair of each group in accordance with Annex 4 of the
Annual Progress Report (see D1.3.2).

C4.2.6 Approval and adoption

1 The Chair of a Panel or EG shall strive for unanimous conclusions by Member

Societies on the subjects under consideration and shall avoid voting wherever
possible. However, repeated discussion shall be avoided on matters where


unanimous conclusions within the group are unlikely. In such cases the Chair of a
group shall finalize an issue on a two-thirds majority basis of Member Societies
eligible to vote and forward it to GPG, together with identification and explanation of
Members’ reservations, if any.

2 Where the Panel or EG finalize an issue, the Chair shall submit the outcome to
GPG for review and approval or adoption, complemented, in the case of technical
Resolutions, by a History File and Technical Background (TB) document D1.2. Before
submitting conclusions to GPG for approval or adoption, it is recommended to make
sure, as far as possible, that, where required, the conclusions are likely to be ratified
by the governing body of each Member Society.

C4.2.7 Progress Report and brief Interim Report as part of Quarterly


1 Each Chair of a Panel and EG shall prepare and submit to GPG a report on the
progress of the group once a year, with a copy to Permanent Secretariat, at least two
weeks before the scheduled date of the autumn GPG meeting. The procedure and
standard format of Annual Progress Report of WGs contained in D1.3.2 is to be used.

2 The report is to include a summary of the participation in the technical work by

each Member Society and by non-member classification societies.

3 Quarterly reports, a brief interim report to the spring GPG meeting being part
thereof, is to be submitted to GPG in the format given in D1.3.3.

4 The Panel budgets and accounts are to be submitted to GPG in accordance with
C8.2. It should be noted that the Panels’ deadlines are earlier than those for the
reports above.

5 The Panel Chairs should normally attend the autumn GPG meeting and may attend
the spring meeting if invited by the GPG Chair. In the oral presentation of the Annual
Progress Reports of their Panels at the Autumn GPG meeting, the Panel Chairs shall
focus only on tasks to be prolonged and matters for GPG special attention reported in
sections A.3.3 and B.4 of the Annual Progress Report.


1 The procedure for participation by non-IACS Classification Societies in IACS’

technical work and for access by non-IACS Classification Societies to IACS’
resolutions and TB documents is in the IACS Charter, Annex 3.

2 In order to participate under this section an organisation must first establish that it
is a “Classification Society” as defined in the IACS Charter, Annex 4 and in
accordance with the guidance and procedures given in IACS Procedures, Volume 2:
Procedures concerning requirements for Membership of IACS.

C4.3.1 Technical Contributions Forum

1 IACS shall maintain a subscription-based online Technical Contributions Forum

(“IACS TC Forum”) on the IACS website providing Classification Societies (CSs) with
a platform for publication of comments and discussion with other CSs (including both
IACS Members and non-IACS CSs) relating to IACS' technical work programmes. The
IACS TC Forum shall show all technical work items leading to new or revised
technical IACS Resolutions and, as soon as they become available, the initial draft
related to those technical work items.


2 The Terms of Service of the Forum are given in D3.1 and posted with the Forum on
the website.

3 The standard form letter for an organization interested in participation in IACS

Technical Contributions Forum (and/or applying for Membership in IACS) is given in
IACS Procedures, Volume 2: Procedures concerning requirements for Membership of
IACS, and posted with the Forum on the website.

4 If a non-member CS wishes to participate in the IACS WG development of

particular Work Programme Item(s) then the CS must apply to the IACS Secretariat
as below. The Task work, correspondence and interim documentation will not be
posted on the TC Forum.

C4.3.1.1 Forum Content

Accessible to Members and
accessible -
interested CSs -
Visible to any
Information posted on TC Visible to non-member CSs who
Forum have applied for access, been
party who
reviewed, granted access by IACS,
visits TC Forum
and paid annual subscription fee
a. Current IACS Work
Programme assigned to
Yes Yes
each WG and leading to
IACS Resolutions.
b. Summary and posting
date of each Work Yes Yes
Programme Task.
c. Deleted
d. Work Programme Item
No Yes
related to Task *1
e. Initial draft of a new
or revised technical IACS No Yes
Resolution *1
f. Deadline for comments
on initial draft document No Yes
g. All comments
voluntarily posted to TC No Yes
Forum on each Item *1
h. Final Item closure
statement by moderator No Yes

*1 Only if external interest is registered within permitted time.

C4.3.2 Participation in IACS WGs

1 The Terms of Service are given in D3.2 and posted with the Forum on the website.

2 Application and notification forms are given in D3.3.


IACS Charter, Annex 3 Procedure
Any non-IACS CS which is registered on
the IACS TC Forum can at its option
participate with its own employees in
IACS WGs in accordance with the
following procedures.
1.7 (a)
Within 1 month of publication of a new Non-IACS CSs shall advise the IACS
technical work item on the IACS TC Secretary General within one month of
Forum, any non-IACS CS which wishes publication of the new technical work
to participate in the work relating to item(s) on the IACS TC Forum that
that item may notify the IACS they wish to participate using the
Secretary General of its request to be Application/Response Forms for
granted full access to the relevant Participation in WG Item(s) published
discussions of the WG in charge of that on the IACS website and at D3.3.
work item.
1.7 (b)
The IACS Secretary General shall Secretary General shall forward the
promptly inform the relevant WG Chair completed application form to the WG
of any such request for participation, Chair/Chairs concerned.
who shall make all necessary
arrangements and provide the relevant
non-IACS CS with all relevant The WG Chair concerned shall advise
information to allow the non-IACS CS the WG members that CS is joining the
full access to the work of the WG. item(s).
1.7 (c)
A non-IACS CS which participates in a The WG Chair concerned shall establish
WG shall have full access to the same contact with CS by welcoming CS to
information, the same opportunities to participate in the WG task(s)
state its views and to contribute to the concerned. CS shall be included in all
discussions within the WG as any IACS correspondence of the WG item(s)
Member in that WG on a non- concerned during the duration of
discriminatory basis. participation.

The WG Chair concerned shall record

the opinions and decisions of WG.
1.7 (d)
A non-IACS CS which has made a IACS Charter Annex 2 1.7 (d)
request for participation in accordance
with paragraph 1.7(a) but considers
that it has been denied the effective
exercise of the specific rights
particularised in paragraphs 1.7(b) and
(c) shall promptly raise the matter with
the relevant IACS WG Chair with a view
to finding an agreeable solution:
1.7 (d) (i)
If not resolved at the WG level to the IACS Charter Annex 2 1.7 (d) (i)
satisfaction of the non-IACS CS within
14 days of the grievance having arisen,
the non-IACS CS shall, within 14 days
of the determination at WG level, be
entitled to refer the matter to the Chair
of the IACS GPG for a decision. The
reference shall be made in writing, shall
be copied to the IACS WG Chair and all


WG members and shall, among other
things, specify the specific nature of the
alleged complaint; the precise nature of
the redress sought; and details
concerning the attempts made to
resolve the matter at the WG level.
The Chair of the IACS GPG shall decide
the matter by way of a written and
reasoned decision within 14 days.
1.7 (d) (ii)
The relevant non-IACS CS shall be IACS Charter Annex 2 1.7 (d) (ii)
entitled to appeal the decision of the
Chair of the IACS GPG to the Chair of
the Independent Appeal Board in
accordance with the Appeal Board Rules
of Procedures.
1.7 (e)
The WG Chair shall summarise all views The WG Chair summarises all views
expressed by the WG participants in the expressed by the WG participants in the
technical recommendation that the TB document accompanying the IACS
IACS Members within the WG may Resolution when it is concluded by the
resolve to put to GPG/Council for WG and forwarded to GPG or Council
adoption by IACS. for consideration for adoption.
However, non-IACS CS representatives
do not have a “vote” in the WG with
respect to taking technical decisions on
the content of a Resolution or in
deciding whether to send the
Resolution forward for consideration by
GPG or Council.

1.7 (f)
All IACS Members and non-IACS CSs Such contributions are to be calculated
which participate in a WG shall bear by the Permanent Secretariat on the
their own costs of their employees’ basis of each WG’s Chairmanship costs
participation in the WG and shall make divided by the number of the WG’s
a reasonable and proportionate work items. The costs of any PTs are
contribution to the running expenses of not included.
the WG.

C4.3.2.1 Guidance for Working Group Chairs regarding non-member participation in


1 The Permanent Secretariat is to forward a copy of the request form regarding

application for participation in one technical work item to the WG Chair bearing a
remark confirming that the non Member (NM) has been determined to be a
“Classification Society” (CS). The request form contains all the necessary data
providing the WG Chair, inter alia, with information regarding the knowledge and
experience of the applying NM CS as well as its own employee who will be assigned
as the NM CS representative for the technical work item concerned.

2 The WG Chair is to ensure that the NM representative is included in the WG

correspondence list for the technical work item concerned and makes sure that the
NM representative has full access to all relevant information. He/she then informs all


WG members about the NM representative’s participation in the discussion of the
technical work item concerned.

3 The WG Chair should welcome the new NM representative and express her/his
appreciation for the expected contribution to IACS work.

4 The WG Chair is to advise the NM representative of the WG status and schedule,

including meetings.

5 If there are any problems arising regarding acceptance of the NM’ s request for
participation, the NM’ s representative is to make these known to the WG Chair with
a view to finding an agreeable solution in accordance with Annex 3, 1.7(d) of the
IACS Charter where the grievance procedure is described.

6 During the working period the NM’ s representative is to be treated like any IACS
Member’s representative in carrying out the concerned technical work item in that
WG on a non-discriminatory basis. The WG Chair is to summarise all views
expressed by the WG participants in the History File document accompanying the
IACS Resolution when it is concluded by the IACS Members within the WG and
forwarded to GPG or Council for consideration for adoption. In cases where a formal
vote is required, NMs’ representatives do not have a formal vote in the WG with
respect to taking technical decisions on the content of a Resolution or in deciding
whether to send the Resolution forward for consideration by GPG or Council.

7 Upon completion of the technical work item, the WG Chair is to report to GPG
including notification that the technical work item is finalized, that no further work is
carried out on the technical work item and that the technical work item is no longer



1 To improve IACS’ capabilities to carry out Formal Safety Assessment, by use of

data in classification files in the FSA process.


2 FSA is a rational and systematic process for assessing the risks relating to
maritime safety and the protection of the marine environment and for evaluating the
costs and benefits of IMO’s options for reducing these risks.

3 The use of FSA is consistent with, and should provide support to, the IMO
decision-making process. IACS may be asked by IMO to carry out FSA studies, or
IACS may decide to carry out its own FSA with the purpose of improving IACS URs or
UIs or IMO regulations.

4 The IACS member society keeps files on all ships it classes covering the
documentation required by its Rules. Reports will not be disclosed to any party,
apart from the national or administrative or judicial authorities involved, without the
owner’s consent.


5 For the purpose of carrying out an FSA, IACS will establish a project team (PT),
with a PT leader.


6 The PT will carry out the FSA study as specified in the FSA Guidelines (MSC Circ
1023/MEPC Circ.392, MSC 83/INF.2).

7 In analyzing accident and incident data from available databases, there may be
relevant data in the classification files. These data may be used by the PT subject to:

(a) Agreement to use the information in the files has been reached with the
owner (C4.4.1);

(b) The PT members that are granted access to the files have signed a
confidentiality declaration (C4.4.2);

(c) The information retrieved from the files shall only be used for statistical
(d) No names or ID numbers of specific ships shall be presented in the final
FSA report.

Permission to use information in files

8 The classification society holding the files is responsible for receiving permission
from the owner, e.g. by using the attached model letter (C4.4.1).

9 The PT leader is responsible for having all PT members sign a confidentiality

declaration, and in which the PT member commits to ensure that information from
classification files received during the project is destroyed after the completion of the
FSA (C4.4.2).

10 The IACS Permanent Secretariat is to archive, and maintain in confidence, one full
copy of the documents used for the FSA for 15 years after completion of the FSA.

C4.4.1 Model letter to Owner



Permission to use information in classification files

The International Association of Classification Societies (IACS), where [XXX] is

a member is currently involved in carrying out a Formal Safety Assessment
(FSA) for [‘ship-type/scope’].

FSA is a rational and systematic process for assessing the risks relating to
maritime safety and the protection of the marine environment and for
evaluating the costs and benefits of IMO’s options for reducing these risks.

The FSA methodology is described in the GUIDELINES FOR FORMAL SAFETY

Circ. 1023/MEPC. Circ 392, amended by MSC Circ.1180/MEPC Circ.474).

The IACS Project Team (PT) that is currently carrying out this work may,
during the process of carrying out the FSA, wish to analyze data in the files
relating to ships owned by [‘Name of owner’s company’].


Any specific information provided to the members of the Project Team will be
provided to them and used by them in confidence, solely for the purpose of
carrying out their work on this FSA, and they will destroy any such information
provided to them at the end of their work on the project. However one full
copy will be kept in confidence by the IACS Permanent Secretariat for a
duration of 15 years after completion of the FSA.

The information will be supplied/presented to the relevant IACS-PT in

statistical form for carrying out necessary technical/scientific analysis. No
data regarding the identity of ship, owner, shipbuilder or classification society
will be disclosed in the published FSA report.

We therefore respectfully request your permission to make such information

available to the members of the Project Team and request that you indicate
your agreement by signing, dating and returning a copy of this letter to the
undersigned, acknowledging your agreement.

Very Truly Yours,

For [Classification society]

Permission granted as specified in the above letter

For Owner______________________________ Date____________________

C4.4.2 Draft Confidentiality Declaration

The International Association of Classification Societies (IACS) is currently

involved in carrying out an FSA for [‘ship-type/scope’].

The work is carried out by a project team ‘PT/FSA/YYY’

As member of the Project Team I may receive information from other member
societies’ files that the owner has agreed to make available for the project
team, according to IACS Procedures, Volume 1, C4.4, FSA Studies – Procedure
for the exchange of data.

I hereby declare that information received will be used only within the scope
of the FSA/YYY, and that all information received will be destroyed on
completion of the FSA/YYY which is the case when it is accepted by GPG.

PT Member Name



1 As defined in Annex 4 of the IACS Charter, IACS Resolutions are Unified
Requirements (URs), including Common Structural Rules, Unified Interpretations
(UIs) and Procedural Requirements (PRs). In addition, IACS may produce
Recommendations, Guidelines or other non-mandatory information on subjects on
which it is considered it would be helpful to offer some advice to the industry: some
may serve as examples or models, and may be incorporated into the Rules and
practices of Members. All are subject to adoption by GPG, except for the initial
adoption of Common Rules and Harmonised Common Structural Rules (see IACS
Procedures, Volume 4, D3.1) which is the prerogative of Council.

2 A History File and TB document is to be produced for each new or revised

Resolution, following the format given in D1.2.

3 The full text of all adopted Resolutions, with their History File and TB documents,
shall be posted on the IACS website and distributed to Members.

4 IACS shall relinquish its copyright protection on the condition that a reference to
the source of information is to be made where those IACS Resolutions are
reproduced partly or wholly in documents or publications. See D3.4.

5 The IACS website is to carry a statement that non-IACS classification societies are
free to use such material, royalty free and without licence, by embedding it in their
own classification rules, notwithstanding any intellectual property rights that may be
held by IACS Members and that IACS and IACS Ltd place no restriction on their
individual freedom to enter into any agreement with any classification society in
relation to the provision of further information or assistance with regard to the
application of IACS Resolutions.

6 The statement mentioned above is made on the premise that, where a

classification society decides to embed IACS Resolutions into its own published rules,
it shall be the responsibility of that classification society to verify the contents and
the application of the IACS Resolutions. IACS, IACS Members and IACS Ltd shall not
be taken to have made any representation that any classification society using IACS
Resolutions, pursuant to the preceding paragraph or otherwise, is operating in
compliance with IACS Resolutions and they accept no liability (in contract, tort or
otherwise) for any defect or deficiency in IACS Resolutions, or the related
information, or for any resulting damage. See D3.6.

7 A member is absolved of its obligation to comply with an IACS Resolution where a

Member Society is bound by the requirements of international legislation, domestic
legislation or domestic regulation, which are to take precedence over an IACS
Resolution. In such case, the Member Society shall notify GPG.


C5.1.1 Unified Requirements (URs)

1 As defined in Annex 4 of the IACS Charter, Unified Requirements (UR) are

minimum technical requirements adopted by IACS which, subject to ratification by
the governing body of each IACS Member, are to be incorporated in their Rules and
practices. URs set forth minimum requirements; each IACS Member remains free to
set more stringent requirements. More stringent requirements are not to be
considered as reason for taking Reservation.

2 URs are relevant to matters directly connected to or covered by specific Rule

requirements and practices of classification societies and the general philosophy on
which the Rules and practices of classification societies are established.


3 The existence of a UR does not oblige a Member Society to issue respective Rules
if it chooses not to have Rules for the type of ship or maritime structure concerned.

4 Reservations: Since each Member has its own Governing Body and serves
different clients, a situation may arise where certain aspects not foreseen during the
draft UR development process, or external review, are found unsuitable to the
Governing Body of a Member Society. In such a case, that Society is obliged to
notify GPG forthwith of the situation by declaring a reservation to all or part of the
UR. In doing so, the Society concerned is to identify all or part of the UR (e.g. by
paragraph number or numbers) for which a reservation is found necessary and
provide technical reasons for the reservation, using the Form X contained in D1.4.1.
When a Member Society chooses not to offer classification for the type of ship or
maritime structure addressed by a UR, or group of URs, it shall be reported as N/A
(not applicable) using the Form Z contained in D1.4.3.

5 The expected date of coming-into-force for each Member Society of adopted URs
shall be communicated to GPG, using the Form Y contained in D1.4.2.

6 Each year the Permanent Secretariat shall circulate a summary of the current
status of implementation by the Members of all adopted URs and their incorporation
into their Rules. It shall be published in the IACS Blue Book and by posting on the
IACS web site.

7 URs applicable only to ships covered by Common Structural Rules are to be

superseded by the Common Structural Rules once the content has been incorporated
in the Common Structural Rules.

8 URs applicable to ships covered by Common Structural Rules as well as other ships
are to be treated according to the Common Structural Rule Maintenance Procedures
as defined in Volume 4: Procedures for the maintenance and harmonisation of the
Common Structural Rules.

9 The Procedure for the development and implementation of IACS URs is given in
C5.2.1 and 5.2.2.

C5.1.2 Common Rules

1 Common Rules are IACS URs covering broad areas of classification requirements
which, once adopted, shall be applied by all Members without the possibility of

2 The procedure for the development and implementation of Common Rules is to be

decided by Council on a case-by-case basis.

3 As defined in Annex 4 of the IACS Charter, IACS Common Structural Rules (CSR)
are a comprehensive set of minimum requirements for the classification of the hull
structures of double-hull oil tankers and bulk carriers, in relation to which the
contract for construction was signed on or after 1 April 2006.

4 The procedure for the maintenance, harmonization and further development of the
Common Structural Rules for Double Hull Oil Tankers and Bulk Carriers is covered by
Volume 4: Procedures for the maintenance and harmonisation of the Common
Structural Rules.

C5.1.3 Unified Interpretations (UIs)


1 As defined in Annex 4 of the IACS Charter, Unified Interpretations (UIs) are
Resolutions on matters arising from implementing the requirements of IMO
instruments. They provide uniform interpretations of Convention Regulations or IMO
Resolutions on those matters which in the Convention are left to the satisfaction of
the Administration or where more precise wording is found to be necessary.

2 UIs are circulated to Administrations concerned, as appropriate, and are to be

submitted to IMO for information and any FUA.

3 UIs shall be applied by Member Societies to ships whose flag Administration has
not issued definite instructions on the interpretation of the Regulations concerned.

4 The Procedure for the development and implementation of IACS UIs is given in
C5.2.1 and 5.2.3.

C5.1.4 Procedural Requirements (PRs)

1 As defined in Annex 4 of the IACS Charter, IACS Procedural Requirements (PRs)

are Resolutions on technical matters of procedure.

2 Requirements under this category are to be followed by Members and, for parts of
some PRs, by the Permanent Secretariat.

3 PRs adopted shall be incorporated in the practices and procedures of the Members
within the periods agreed by GPG.

4 The Procedure for the development and implementation of PRs is given in C5.2.1
and 5.2.4.


1 This section refers specifically to the development and implementation of URs, UIs
and PRs. The development of other publications (e.g. Recommendations and
Guidelines), except Common Structural Rules, should follow similar principles as far
as practicable, taking into account their non-mandatory nature. The procedure for
the development and maintenance of Common Structural Rules is given in Volume 4:
Procedures for the maintenance and harmonisation of the Common Structural Rules.

C5.2.1 General

1 This section should be read in conjunction with C4 WORKING GROUPS (WGs).

2 Scope of application: In a new or revised Resolution, the scope of application

should be clearly defined, having regard to the type, size and area of navigation of
the ships targeted. Revisions of Resolutions are not retroactively applicable, unless
specifically so decided by GPG. Each new Resolution addressing certification of
materials, components or equipment is to clearly define, whether and to what extent
the requirements also apply to the replacement of material, components or
equipment on board existing ships (e.g., retroactively, only at a time of replacement,
not at all, etc.).

3 Implementation means that the Member Society has in place mandatory

documented provisions in the form of Rules, requirements, procedures, and/or

(a) in which the Resolution is reflected verbatim, or


(b) the application, scope, contents and effects of which are, as a minimum,
equivalent to those of the Resolution.

4 Enforceability: In drafting a Resolution, it should be borne in mind that the

eventual goal is a full implementation into the Rules and/or practices of all IACS
Members and other QSCS certified Classification Societies. To accomplish this, the
first priority is that the Resolution should be enforceable within the limits of normal
plan review and physical survey or audit.

5 Technical Integrity: The Resolution is to be technically and/or procedurally self-

standing, addressing all relevant aspects with the aim of achieving uniform
requirements and results. Any UR, UI or PR not meeting this requirement may
become an IACS Recommendation.

6 Unification: References within Resolutions to compliance with the Rules of

individual Member Societies defeat the purpose of unification and are not permissible.
However, a single society’s Rules or practices or those of several societies may be
used as the basis or starting point for development. Reference to international
regulations or, in their absence, to national or regional standards, may be accepted
provided the requirements elsewhere in this procedure are complied with. The latter
case is to be limited to the purpose of defining a normative standard; i.e. no national
or regional standard is to be the sole acceptable standard in order to avoid local bias.
Equivalency should always be acceptable.

7 Language: Due to the international nature of IACS’s work, it is of the utmost

importance that the language is plain, without any implication and ambiguity, to
eliminate any problem in ensuing translation. The guidance given in C5.2.5
regarding ‘mandatory’ and ‘non-mandatory’ language should be followed.

8 Format: The requirements are to be presented in a rational manner and logical

sequence, subdivided into applicable sections and sub-sections, all with appropriate
title and of a reasonable length. A decimal system of numbering is recommended.

9 Uniform Application Statement: Unless decided otherwise by GPG, each new or

revised Resolution is to contain a footnote giving a uniform application statement for
the Resolution. The statement is to include a date and clear and suitable criteria for
defining the application of the Resolution (e.g. be uniformly implemented from X
date, ships contracted for construction from X date, ships constructed from X date,
engine installed on ships constructed from X date, equipment submitted for type
approval from X date, etc.).

10 Difficulty in completion: Where the WG is unable to finalise the Resolution, a

report is to be submitted to GPG together with the latest text of the draft and the TB,
the latter identifying the comments and discussions as required in C4.2.6 and actions
recommended which may be, but not limited to, one of the following:

(a) extension of Target Date;

(b) modification of the task;

(c) adoption as another form of Resolution;

(d) suspension or deletion.

11 Clarity: All Resolutions should be developed with unambiguous words which can
be easily interpreted and implemented by all in a uniform manner.


12 Adoption of Resolutions: On conclusion by the WG, the draft Resolution is to be
reviewed by GPG for adoption. GPG is to strive to achieve unanimous agreement on
the proposed Resolutions and TBs. For voting rules refer to C3.1.

13 The GPG review should focus on whether:

(a) the necessary procedures have been fulfilled;

(b) the contents meet the defined objective (in general, GPG should not
undertake in-depth technical discussions on the results achieved by Panels);

(c) all required co-ordination with other WGs has been made;

(d) the Resolution is clear and capable of uniform application by all societies
in practice;

(e) it is likely to be implemented by all IACS Member Societies;

(f) there are other political or policy ramifications pertaining to the Resolution
which need be addressed by GPG or Council. If so, GPG should develop a plan
of action for doing so.

14 Typesetting: Where IACS Resolutions are to be typeset, in addition to the text in

‘.doc’ file format, an electronic file of any graphics, preferably in '.eps' file format,
should be sent to the Permanent Secretariat.

15 Periodical review: A periodical review of IACS Resolutions is the responsibility of

the WG concerned and is intended to:

(a) find ways to eliminate Reservations, (in the case of URs and if any), and
maximise uniform implementation;

(b) ascertain that the Resolution is suitable for the latest developments in

(c) reflect the latest or expected IMO Resolutions of technical nature;

(d) determine if any Resolution is more suitable for another WG.

C5.2.2 Unified Requirements (URs) - specifics

1 Panel Chairs are to strive to identify and eliminate possible Reservations to URs at
the development stage while also striving to develop URs which will be uniformly
implemented in practice.

2 Where practicable, GPG may decide to circulate a draft UR for review or discussion
with the Members’ governing bodies prior to adoption in order to minimise the
likelihood of later Reservations.

3 Application date: The uniform application date for URs is normally to be either 1
January or 1 July with the year to be decided in each case based on the Members’
rule change cycles and relevant external considerations, and usually the period
between the date of the URs adopted by GPG and the implementation date of the
URs is not to be shorter than one year. In exceptional circumstances, when it is
necessary to introduce a UR rapidly, a different uniform application date may be


agreed. Care should be taken in drafting the uniform application statement with a
view to prompt but effective application of the UR.

4 Each Member Society is to implement a UR into its Rules, requirements,

procedures and/or instructions within one year of the adoption of the UR, unless
another application date is specified in the UR. By necessity, the implementation is
subject to approval by the governing body of each Member Society. Each Member
Society is responsible for notifying the IACS Permanent Secretariat, of the date of
coming into force of the new/revised/reserved UR in its Rules. The process is
triggered by the Permanent Secretariat on an annual basis and Members are
provided with a summary report by the Permanent Secretariat.

5 Actions against Reservation: If a Reservation is made against a UR by a Member,

GPG will decide the period during which this Requirement is to be reconsidered. In
this case the relevant Panel shall be obliged to consider the Reservation and to seek
unanimous adoption by revising the text. The adoption of a compromise solution at
Panel and GPG shall be on a unanimous basis.

6 If unanimous agreement on a compromise solution cannot be achieved, GPG is to

examine the reasons for the Reservation(s) and assess if the UR maintains value for
mandatory implementation, with the following outcomes:

(a) If GPG finds that the UR maintains value for implementation,

notwithstanding the nature of the Reservation(s), then the UR is to be kept as
a UR.

(b) In cases where GPG concludes, based on the nature of the UR and the
Reservation(s) against it, that it should not be adopted as a UR with stated
Reservation(s), the UR, in total or those parts not unanimously agreed, may
be adopted as a Recommendation or some other course of action taken that
GPG concludes to be appropriate.

7 Each Panel is to review annually the status of implementation of the URs,

difficulties encountered and proposed remedies and report to GPG its findings and

8 Subsequent Rule Changes: Where a Member Society’s Rules are subsequently

amended resulting in the loss of implementation of a UR, the Society concerned must
notify that fact to GPG. Technical reasons are to accompany such notification. All
notifications are to be channelled through the Permanent Secretariat for inclusion in
the GPG annual report to Council.

C5.2.3 Unified Interpretations (UIs) - specifics

1 Initiation: GPG, with the assistance of the Accredited Representative to IMO, as

well as the relevant IACS Panel, is to anticipate the need for interpretation of
regulations developed by IMO for subsequent adoption, or newly adopted or
amended regulations and to develop any UIs needed well in advance of such
regulations coming into force.

2 For regulations already in force, when the need for an IACS UI is identified by a
Member Society, the Society's representative on the relevant IACS Panel, or the
Society's GPG member where no relevant Panel exists, is to raise the matter directly
to the Panel or GPG, respectively. The initiator should propose a draft UI stating the
regulation to be interpreted, the proposed IACS interpretation, and a proposed
uniform implementation date (i.e. a complete draft of the proposed UI), and a draft


3 The cover paper for the submission of the UI to IMO to is to be drafted by the
Panel that drafted the UI and is to include a technical justification, based on the TB.
It should explain the reasoning behind the development of the Resolution with the
reporting of discussions limited to a summary of the main issues.

4 Interpretation vs. Amendment: An IACS UI shall not amend a Convention

requirement. If the Panel concludes that a proposed UI does, in fact, constitute an
amendment of a Convention requirement, it is to bring this conclusion to the
attention of GPG together with its recommendation as to whether IACS should pursue
amendment of the requirement at IMO.

Adoption and implementation

5 There is no possibility of “reservation” against a UI. However, the governance of a

Member Society may require that the UI adopted by IACS be reviewed by its own
governing body before inclusion in its own rules or procedures. As the governing
body may not accept it, measures as laid out in paragraph 9 below are needed to
ensure that a UI can be implemented.

Submission to GPG

6 It is the responsibility of Members to identify issues at the Panel level which will
have a potential to block the uniform application of a UI. It is the responsibility of
the Panel to consider necessary actions and recommend them to GPG.

7 For a version of the UI for which two-thirds majority support could not be achieved
within the target date, the Chair of the relevant Panel is to promptly revise the draft
UI taking account of comments received with the objective of achieving at least a
two-thirds majority support for the revised draft and circulate the revision for
agreement of the Panel.

8 For those UIs for which at least a two-thirds majority agreement is achieved within
the target date and no strong disagreement with a potential to block the uniform
application of the UI has been expressed, the Chair of the Panel is to send the UI and
TB, containing a summary of the dissenting comments by each dissenting Society, if
any, to GPG for adoption.

9 Where there is a possibility for a strong disagreement from one or two members
with a potential to block the uniform application of the UI:

(a) the disagreeing member(s) is to clearly define the problem and submit
technical justification for its position together with the proposed resolution;

(b) the Panel is to attempt to solve the problem without forcing the decision
on to a member by a two-thirds majority rule;

(c) the Panel is to carry out an additional round of correspondence (internal

review) focusing on the submission by the dissenting member(s) with explicit
participation of all members. All members’ positions should be recorded and
reported in TB;

(d) in case of positive resolution, the UI is submitted to GPG for adoption.

In case the internal review has not proven successful the Panel is to consider
addressing the problem by, inter alia:


(a) addressing a request for clarification to IMO (no text of UI is submitted);

(b) setting up a JWG with Industry (owners, builders, manufacturers) and/or


(c) seeking a further external review from specific parties;

(d) submitting the draft UI to selected flag Administrations most relevant to

the subject of the UI to seek their agreement.

Action by GPG and Council

10 GPG reviews whether the UI constitutes an amendment to the regulation rather

than an interpretation, in which case GPG is to decide whether and how to pursue
amending of the regulation at IMO.

11 Where unanimous agreement is not achieved while adopting the UI, at GPG level,
the dissenting Member Society or Member Societies may request explicit
consideration of their views by Council.

12 Where adoption by three-quarters of GPG or Council is not achieved, GPG under

the leadership of its Chair shall endeavour to develop a course of action for resolving
the matter so as to achieve uniform application of the regulation in question by all
IACS Societies by the most appropriate and expeditious means possible.

13 GPG is to consider the possible need for retroactive or corrective application of

the proposed UI in each instance but is only to require such retroactive or corrective
application of a UI in the rare event that there is compelling evidence that an
unacceptable safety or pollution prevention risk exists. Adoption of retroactive
application of a UI shall require unanimous agreement by GPG. Retroactive
application cannot go beyond (in the past) the application date of the regulation.

Action by Permanent Secretariat

14 The IACS Accredited Representative to IMO is to arrange for the submission of

adopted UIs to IMO, together with the technical justification, at the first available
opportunity following their adoption or revision and record the action taken, and
subsequent decisions of the IMO, in the Permanent Secretariat’s UI Full History

Post IMO action

15 The Safety or Environmental Panel, as appropriate (see section C.7.1.1) is to

assess the results of the IMO review of each IACS UI submitted and task the relevant
Panel or the Permanent Secretariat to take appropriate action which should be
decided in accordance with the following principles.

(a) If an IACS UI is adopted or superseded by a mandatory IMO document,

the IACS UI is to be withdrawn not later than the entry into force of the IMO

(b) If an IACS UI is incorporated into a non-mandatory IMO document, the

IACS UI is to be retained and consideration given to amending the UI to adopt
any changes or additions introduced in the non-mandatory IMO document. If
the amendments to the UI are of purely editorial nature, the modified UI is to
be issued as a corrigendum and the original implementation date is to be


retained. An explanatory note or reference to the IMO document should be
added to such UIs.

(c) If an IACS UI is rejected by IMO, the rejected parts of the UI are either to
be withdrawn or, if desirable and practicable, amended to obviate IMO’s
objections and resubmitted to IMO.

C5.2.4 Procedural Requirements (PRs) - specifics

1 Initiation: In all cases, GPG is to agree to the development of a PR before detailed

development/debate of the initial draft is undertaken.

Action by General Policy Group (GPG) and Quality Committee (QC)

2 Prior to final adoption by GPG, the PRs are to be transmitted to the QC for an
auditability review (see below) to ensure that the PR can be audited. On completion
of their review of the PRs, QC submits their comments to GPG for consideration. The
developing WG shall consider and adopt, as applicable, the comments of the QC,
respond to QC about actions taken, all prior to submitting the PR to GPG for

3 Auditability Review means identifying in the document under review, the following:

(a) inconsistent requirements within the document;

(b) inconsistency with other IACS requirements;

(c) vague or ambiguous requirements, which are difficult to understand or


(d) requirements for which producing evidence is difficult;

(e) any other issue relevant to ensure that the texts can be audited.

4 If in the course of the auditability review the QC considers that the document
under review:

(a) includes unreasonable requirements, in terms of technicalities, time etc.;

(b) includes unnecessary requirements which do not add value to the intent
of the document; or

(c) that requirements are missing which are important to meet the
document's intent;

the QC should bring these points to GPG's attention for consideration.

Adoption and implementation

5 There is no possibility of “reservation” against a PR. A PR supported by three-

quarters majority vote of GPG shall constitute adoption making the application of the
PR mandatory for all IACS Members and other QSCS certified Classification Societies.

6 Where adoption by three-quarters majority vote of GPG is not achieved, GPG

under the leadership of its Chair shall endeavour to develop a course of action for
resolving the matter. This is in order to achieve uniform application of the procedure


in question by all IACS Societies by the most appropriate and expeditious means

C5.2.5 Use of mandatory/non-mandatory language

1 The principles embodied in this section shall be applied also for specifying the
mandatory or non-mandatory nature of all the provisions in IACS Resolutions, not
only for making a reference.

2 Making reference to other instruments in IACS resolutions may be done in one of

the following forms:

(a) referring to the instrument; or

(b) referring to the relevant part of the instrument (the reference to

instrument hereunder means the reference to the whole instrument or part of

3 In IACS resolutions, making reference may change the status of the relevant
provision in the referred instrument for the purpose of the resolution. However, the
reference will not change the status of the referred instrument itself.

4 Any reference which makes the referred instrument mandatory for the purpose of
the resolution shall be made in the main text, and not in a Note or a footnote of the

5 To avoid misunderstanding, the words “refer to” or “reference is made to” should
generally be avoided since they could imply a mandatory application where none is
intended, or vice versa.

6 A Member that has a declared reservation against a referred UR shall, for clarity,
also make a reservation to the reference in another UR that makes the former UR
mandatory requirements.

7 Taking the above into account, the following ways of making reference in IACS
resolutions will prevail.

Status of Status of Intended status Suggested wording to be used in

resolution instrument of provisions in the reference
referring referred TO the referring
FROM resolution

Mandatory Mandatory “shall (or is to/are to) comply

with…”, “shall be… in accordance

Mandatory Non-mandatory “may…”, “taking into account…”


“shall comply with (instrument) the
provisions of which are made
mandatory under this
resolution.”, “shall be… in
accordance with (instrument) the
Non-mandatory Mandatory
provisions of which are
considered mandatory under this

Non-mandatory Non-mandatory “may…”, “taking into account…”


Mandatory Not applicable

Non-mandatory Non-mandatory “may”, “taking into account”

Mandatory Non-mandatory “may”, “taking into account”

Non-mandatory Mandatory Not applicable


1 Any IACS adopted Resolution which is subsequently covered, either wholly or in

part, by an IMO Technical Resolution shall be reviewed by the relevant Panel which
shall propose appropriate action to GPG. (The term “IMO Technical Resolution”
includes the International Conventions, the Protocols relating to the International
Conventions, the International Codes, IMO Assembly Resolutions, other Codes than
the International Codes, Circulars, etc.).

2 The proposed action should be one of the following:

(a) to delete the IACS Resolution concerned or, where only part of it is
covered by an IMO technical Resolution, the application of which is
internationally mandatory, to modify the remaining part into a revised IACS
Resolution of an appropriate category.

(b) to retain the IACS Resolution concerned if it is covered, either wholly or in

part, by an IMO technical Resolution, the application of which is not
internationally mandatory.

(c) Any other appropriate action.

3 Any IACS UI that is taken over, in substance, in non-mandatory form by IMO is to

lead to the original IACS UI being editorially amended to refer to the IMO text and
source. The text is to be quoted (for ease of reference), replacing the original IACS
text but thus retaining the status of the IACS UI. These amended UIs need not be
resubmitted to IMO (other than through their availability on the IACS website and in
the Blue Book CD-ROM). The Safety or Environmental Panel, as appropriate (see
section C6.7.1.1) and Permanent Secretariat are charged with monitoring IMO
interpretations and the subsequent editorial tasks, with assistance from the
appropriate WG, if necessary. The UI Full History Database is to be updated by the
Permanent Secretariat accordingly.



1 Once a Resolution has been approved by GPG, the document is to be typeset by

the Permanent Secretariat.

2 Once typeset, each approved Resolution is to be posted on the IACS website (and
the RSS feed activated) following which it is to be circulated by the Permanent
Secretariat to GPG members with a reference number in the format RESYYYYNNN,
where YYYY refers to the year of circulation and NNN relates to the number of
documents that have been circulated that year, e.g. RES2009001 would be applied to
the first document circulated in 2009.

3 After circulation to GPG the Blue Book is to be updated with the approved

4 The same procedure applies to any approved History file/TB documents

accompanying the new or amended Resolution.

5 Publication on the website by the Webmaster should be done within 10 working

days of approval by GPG and this is to be confirmed by the Permanent Secretariat.

6 Records are to be kept of the dates on which the resolution is approved, published
on the website and circulated.



C6.1.1 General

1 IACS is a non-Governmental Organization having observer status at IMO

developing Rules and the Members have the possibility to implement them. IACS
should therefore give the highest priority to those subjects under discussion at IMO
which have a close relationship to the functions of classification societies. The
following is intended to facilitate the effective and efficient input of IACS to the work
of IMO.

2 With regard to regulations developed at IMO pertaining to aspects not covered by

the classification societies, IACS should strive to ensure that such regulations are
clear, unambiguous and can easily be applied.

3 In considering the IMO long term Issues, IACS should assess its possible
involvement and the effects this involvement may have on its work.

4 In the context of the above the following points should be kept in mind:

(a) careful and timely preparation is required on matters which may be

discussed at IMO to enable the Accredited Representative to IMO or IACS
Observers to act effectively;

(b) speedy consideration and conclusion on matters which have been already
adopted by IMO in its work programme;


(c) the IACS Observers at IMO should highlight in their reports important
issues and possible actions by IACS;

(d) where appropriate consultation should take place with experts of other
Members prior to and during IMO meetings with the purpose of ensuring the
best course of action both from the technical and tactical point of view; to this
effect IACS experts in National Delegations should make themselves known to
the Accredited Representative to IMO;

(e) the Accredited Representative to IMO with his/her expertise is free to act
on matters of minor importance or those brought up during the meeting which
could not be anticipated and for which no preparation was made;

(f) to minimise the need for unprepared reactions Members taking part in
meetings of National Administrations should advise when new or
consequential proposals are likely to be made at IMO which are of interest to

(g) it has to be borne in mind that IACS, as an Observer organisation at IMO,

is not entitled to propose either new work programme items or amendments
to IMO mandatory instruments unless co-sponsored by an IMO member or a
government that is a Party to that instrument, respectively.

C6.1.2 IACS representation at Assembly and Council Meetings

1 Meetings of the Assembly will be attended by the Accredited Representative and,

as appropriate, the Secretary General. Meetings of IMO Council will be attended by
the Accredited Representative and, if considered necessary on the basis of the
agenda, the Secretary General.

C6.1.3 IACS representation at the Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) and

Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) Meetings

1 Meetings of MSC and MEPC will normally be attended by the Chair and Vice-Chair
of GPG, the Accredited Representative and, as appropriate, the Secretary General
and the Safety Panel Chair (MSC) or the Environmental Panel Chair (MEPC).
Members are encouraged to volunteer IACS experts to the IACS delegation having
regard to the number of IMO Working and Drafting Groups which will be involved at
that particular meeting and the expertise desirable in representing IACS at these

C6.1.4 IACS representation at Sub-Committee Meetings

1 In addition to the attendance of the Accredited Representative and, as

appropriate, the Safety Panel Chair (for meetings of the CCC, HTW, III, NCSR, SDC
and SSE Sub-Committees) or Environmental Panel Chair (for meetings of the PPR
Sub-Committee), Members are encouraged to volunteer IACS experts to the IACS
delegation having regard to the number of IMO Working and Drafting Groups which
will be involved at that particular meeting and the expertise desirable in representing
IACS at these meetings.

C6.1.5 Preparing for IMO meetings

1 The timely submission of IACS papers to the IMO Secretariat is essential. The IMO
Secretariat will not allow late submissions. It is therefore vital to progress the
development of IMO papers in a timely manner. In the absence of exceptional
circumstances (as agreed by Chair of Council/GPG – depending on the issue being


considered – in consultation with the Accredited Representative), the body within
IACS that initiates a draft IACS submission to an IMO meeting shall set internal
target dates so that the draft submissions are sent to GPG or Council (as
appropriate) for approval at least three weeks before the published submission
deadline to the IMO Secretariat. Finally, 3 working days shall be allowed after Council
or GPG (as appropriate) approval and before the published submission deadline to
the IMO Secretariat, for the Accredited Representative to review and finalise all

2 The body within IACS that initiates a draft IACS submission to an IMO meeting
shall ensure that, before the paper is sent to any other IACS bodies for approval, it
complies with the IMO agreed format (including all entries required to be completed
in the Summary box) and that the process of securing any desired or necessary co-
sponsorship of the paper has started. The Accredited Representative shall be
contacted at an early stage of development of the draft IACS submission (e.g. when
circulating the first draft to the members for comments) to seek assistance in the
drafting and co-sponsorship seeking processes, if any, before sending the draft IACS
submission to GPG or Council (as appropriate) for approval.

3 The Accredited Representative is authorised to make any format and

presentational improvements before papers are submitted to the IMO Secretariat.
This is on the understanding that any such changes will be of a non-substantive

4 The Accredited Representative will review all papers submitted to an IMO meeting
(IACS and non-IACS).

5 On the basis of this review, the Accredited Representative will commission briefing
from any IACS representatives who have participated in Correspondence Groups that
are reporting to an IMO meeting. The Accredited Representative will also
commission any necessary briefing from the Chair of any relevant IACS bodies, such
as Panels and EGs, and will assign the responsibility to review an IMO document to
one Working Group only, taking into account that such WG can ask for input from
other WGs, if necessary.

6 A briefing paper on an issue exclusively within its remit can be prepared and
approved by the Safety or Environmental Panel on a matter being considered at an
IMO Sub-Committee if the Panel unanimously agrees both that the issues in the
briefing paper are of a technical nature and do not infringe on matters of policy; and
the content of the briefing paper. In all other instances briefing papers will be
approved by GPG, or Council if appropriate and in the absence of exceptional
circumstances (as agreed by Chair of Council/GPG – depending on the issue being
considered – in consultation with the Accredited Representative), any draft IACS
position should be submitted for such approval by the chair of the IACS body that
developed it, at least five working days before the start of the relevant IMO meeting.

7 If any Working Group agrees unanimously that no IACS agreed position need be
developed, no endorsement of this decision need be sought from GPG; however, the
Accredited Representative should be advised so that it can be noted in the briefing
paper mentioned below.

8 The Accredited Representative will prepare a written briefing paper for each IMO
meeting. This will consolidate those approved briefs produced as above and indicate
the agreed IACS position on any agenda item and related paper. For all IMO
meetings, the Accredited Representative’s briefing papers will be sent to the Chair of
GPG – and the Chair of Council depending on the issues being considered - at least 3
working days before the start of the IMO meeting. In general, it is to be understood


that these briefs are sent for ‘information’ - and not ‘approval’ - purposes. However,
the opportunity to have this degree of ‘final checking’, to ensure there are no obvious
mistakes or omissions in the briefing, is considered to be beneficial.

9 Noting paragraphs C6.1.5.11, C6.1.5.12 and paragraph C6.1.8.5 the Accredited

Representative will provide recommendations to GPG regarding any representatives
of IACS that are considered necessary to attend any Groups expected to be
established at an IMO meeting (IMO Group). GPG will consider these
recommendations and decide accordingly.

10 Well in advance of each IMO meeting, the IACS Accredited Representative is to

request details of those member society staff attending. Chairs of IACS WGs, and
others from among the Members attending various IMO meetings as representatives
of IACS should confirm their availability to attend through their GPG Member to the
IACS Secretariat no later than two weeks prior to the scheduled commencement of
the meeting to ensure their proper registration by the IACS Secretariat as required.
IACS representatives scheduled to participate on a Member State’s Delegation should
also be identified.

11 If the development of a new IACS UI or draft IACS paper/position

(requesting IMO for clarification, bringing some concern to the IMO attention,
commenting on the paper(s) submitted by administrations/organizations, etc.) is
proposed by a Panel/EG Member:

(a) the IACS Accredited Observer to IMO, should be requested to provide his best
assessment to the Panel/EG on where the submission/position is likely to be
addressed (plenary or an IMO Group);

(b) if it is determined with a good deal of certainty that the IACS submission/position
will be addressed in plenary, the Panel/EG will proceed with developing the draft
IACS interpretation/paper/agreed position and corresponding
statement/comments/intervention to be included in the IACS brief; otherwise, the
instigator will be requested to nominate a representative for the IMO Group that will
have a deal with the matter;

(c) if no volunteer is nominated by the instigator, Members will be invited to indicate

their willingness/readiness to nominate candidates for the IMO Group (on a rotation
basis so that everyone is engaged);

(d) if no volunteer is nominated by the Panel/EG and the Panel/EG Chairman or IACS
representative to the CG is not available for the IMO Group, the IACS Accredited
Observer to IMO will be requested to advise the Panel/EG whether anyone of the
IACS PermSec staff is available for the IMO Group; and

(e) if no IACS representative is available for the IMO Group, the Panel/EG may
proceed with developing a draft IACS agreed position that is succinct enough to be
effectively introduced in the plenary discussion before the IMO Group is established,
bearing in mind further clarification of/support for the point(s) raised will not be
made in the IMO Group. In particular, consideration should be given to developing
such comments in a way that they can readily be taken into account in the ToR for
the IMO Group being established. If this way forward is not practicable, then the
subject should be concluded without any further discussion.

12 If the development of an agreed IACS position is recommended by the

IACS Accredited Observer to IMO:


(a) the IACS Accredited Observer to IMO should clearly advise the Panel/EG as per
item 1)(a) above;

(b) if it is determined with a good deal of certainty that the IACS position will be
addressed in plenary, the Panel/EG will proceed with developing the draft agreed
position/comments to be included in the IACS brief; otherwise, Members will be
invited to indicate their willingness/readiness to nominate candidates for the IMO
Group (on a rotation basis so that everyone is engaged);

(c) if no volunteer is nominated by the Panel/EG and the Panel/EG Chairman or IACS
representative to the CG is not available for the IMO Group, the IACS Accredited
Observer to IMO will be requested to advise the Panel/EG whether anyone of the
IACS PermSec staff is available for the IMO Group; and

(d) if no IACS representative is available for the IMO Group, the Panel/EG may
proceed with developing a draft IACS agreed position that is succinct enough to be
effectively introduced in the plenary discussion before the IMO Group is established,
bearing in mind further clarification of/support for the point(s) raised will not be
made in the IMO Group. In particular, consideration should be given to developing
such comments in a way that they can readily be taken into account in the ToR for
the IMO Group being established. If this way forward is not practicable, then the
subject should be concluded without any further discussion.

C6.1.6 Conduct during IMO meetings

1 Any representative attending an IMO meeting is expected to report to, and liaise
with, the Accredited Representative.

2 Member Society staff attending IMO meetings as representatives of IACS should

be made aware of the importance of such responsibility and therefore should be
agreeable to take guidance from the IACS Accredited Representative on specific
participation in working or drafting groups, proper conduct, and the making of
statements or interventions on behalf of IACS.

3 On the first morning of the IMO meeting, copies of the briefing paper will be made
available at a pre-meeting of those IACS representatives attending the IMO meeting
either on behalf of IACS or Member States. This pre-meeting may also permit the
IACS Accredited Representative to determine where there may be support for, or
opposition to, the IACS positions from among the Administrations or other Observer
Organizations. It is to be understood that any representative making a contribution
to an IMO meeting – either in plenary or a Group – on behalf of IACS shall be bound
by the relevant section of the briefing paper. Member representatives attending the
IMO meeting as part of a delegation other than IACS are encouraged to ‘educate’
those delegations on the basis of this IACS briefing paper.

4 Any persons attending meetings as members of the IACS delegation, in addition to

adhering to the specific advice of the Accredited Representative, should also observe
the following procedure for any oral comments which may be necessary during the

(a) the representative may speak on resolutions which have been adopted by

(b) the representative must not make contributions which could support IMO
regulatory work being expanded into the domain of classification societies;


(c) the representative may contribute to discussions in areas where no formal
IACS position has been established but strictly on the grounds of IACS
principles and any related development within IACS which might be underway.
In such cases, in order to keep options open, the representative might need to
state that their contributions are personal opinions;

(d) the representative should be prepared subsequently to report in detail

how they contributed - and their reasons for so doing.

5 Further liaison on the part of such representatives with the Accredited

Representative during the IMO meeting is also encouraged in the interest of sharing
information which could be of benefit or use to IACS in pursuing its objectives at
IMO. In particular, any concerns that IACS representatives have during the conduct
of an IMO meeting should be reported to the Accredited Representative as soon as
practicable. Action (in terms of undertaking discussions with other delegations of
plenary or IMO Group chairmen) to resolve any such problems is more effective the
earlier it is started. For example, any problems in a Working or Drafting Group
should not be ‘kept’ for when the IMO Group reports back to plenary.

6 Occasions may arise at IMO meetings where the number of IMO Groups
constituted and dealing with subjects of particular interest to IACS, exceeds the
ability of IACS to participate, due to having a limited number of representatives
available. In such cases, representatives from IACS Member Societies, participating
in such IMO Groups on behalf of Member States, may provide the only possible
source of information for the IACS Accredited Representative. Accordingly, these
representatives - when so requested by the IACS Accredited Representative - shall
assist by providing information to IACS as to developments within such IMO Groups
both during the meetings of the Groups and upon their conclusion. If necessary, at
the preparation meeting the IACS Accredited Representative shall ensure that one
representative in each IMO Group volunteers to supply this information.

7 Any experts attending IMO Groups as IACS Observers will prepare, in a timely
manner, a written report to the Accredited Representative. IACS representatives are
not permitted to make further written statements on the matters related to the
relevant IMO meeting to outside bodies other than their own Society.

8 Notwithstanding the authority given to the Accredited Representative to act during

IMO meetings, as far as practicable, any issues that arise during an IMO meeting,
which are outside those addressed in the IACS briefing paper, will be discussed
between the Accredited Representative and the Chair(s) of the relevant IACS body or
bodies, which in a significant number of cases it is anticipated will be the Chair of

C6.1.7 Post IMO meeting activities

1 As necessary, the Accredited Representative will prepare and issue to GPG, a

report of the outcome of meetings of the IMO Assembly, Council, Legal (LEG) and
Facilitation (FAL) Committees and meetings of sub-bodies of these IMO bodies. The
Accredited Representative will also prepare and issue to Safety or Environmental
Panel, with a copy to GPG, a report of the outcome of other IMO meetings (and any
sub-bodies of these IMO bodies, as necessary) as follows:

Maritime Safety Committee (MSC) and the Sub-Committees on:

- Carriage of Cargoes and Containers (CCC)
- Human Element, Training and Watchkeeping (HTW)
- Implementation of IMO Instruments (III)
- Navigation, Communication and Search and Rescue (NCSR)


- Ship Design and Construction (SDC)
- Ship Systems and Equipment (SSE)
to the Safety Panel; and

Marine Environment Protection Committee (MEPC) and Sub-Committee on Pollution

Prevention and Response (PPR) to the Environmental Panel.

A copy of the final version of the ‘consolidated’ IACS briefing paper will be attached
to the report of the IMO meetings. The Accredited Representative will also copy such
a report to any other IACS bodies, which are addressing issues outside the scope of
the Environmental and Safety Panels of GPG as appropriate i.e. another Panel or a
Group under the auspices of Council or GPG. This report will take account of the
reports received from any representatives who attended Working or Drafting Groups
on behalf of IACS, and will include the Accredited Representative’s recommendations
for further action. This report should be prepared and disseminated within 3 working
days of the end of an IMO meeting.

2 The follow-up to this report is to be co-ordinated by the Chair of the Reviewing

Body (Safety or Environmental Panel or GPG, depending on the IMO meeting under
consideration – see C.1.7.1). In particular, the Chair of the Reviewing Body will take
responsibility for proposing courses of actions with regard to the recommendations in
the report of the Accredited Representative, except that:

a) for issues that fall within the overall purview of GPG, but fall outside the
scope of the Reviewing Body, the Chair of the Reviewing Body may, at his/her
discretion, request the Chairmen of other relevant IACS bodies to propose
courses of actions; and

b) for issues that fall outside the overall purview of GPG, the Chair of the
Reviewing Body will note that any FUAs, including consideration of the
Accredited Representative’s recommendations, are to be considered by the
Chair of that other IACS body.

3 The actions recommended by the Chair of the Reviewing Body, for issues
addressed in (a) above shall be subject to the approval of GPG. The actions covered
by (b) shall be subject to the approval of Council. In the latter instance, Council
Members are encouraged to consult internally and concurrently with their GPG
representatives, in order to have a central memory and point of reference within
IACS on all IMO issues.

4 After approval by GPG, Panels can undertake tasks assigned to them under an
existing Task Form A, if one exists. Otherwise they need to prepare a new draft Task
Form A and send it to GPG in the normal manner. Normal procedures apply if a
Panel sets up a PT to perform the Task.

5 If a Panel strongly objects to a task it thereby receives from GPG, the Panel Chair
should address the objections (along with an alternative proposal for a suitable
course of action to address the task if possible) to GPG. If the receiving Panel only
needs clarification of the task, the Panel Chair should write to GPG requesting it.

6 The Chairmen of the relevant IACS bodies e.g. Panel, EG, or Small Group, are
responsible for monitoring and progressing any approved actions resulting from an
IMO meeting.

C6.1.8 IACS participation in IMO Correspondence Groups


1 When matters of interest to IACS are discussed at IMO Committee or Sub-
Committee meetings, and a decision is made to establish an IMO Correspondence
Group in order to progress the matter between sessions, IACS participation in such a
group shall be decided by GPG (or Council as appropriate) based on its consideration
of the Accredited Representative’s report of the meeting and the proposed course of
actions against the recommendations in this report (see C6.1.7.2 above); except in
such exceptional cases where the Accredited Representative has agreed to IACS
participation in response to a request for an immediate reply during the course of an
IMO meeting. This latter course of action will normally only occur in cases where
there is no prior indication of the establishment of such a group or where for
emerging political or technical reasons it is deemed appropriate for IACS to offer

2 In all cases where it is anticipated that IACS may be invited to lead a CG, or where
it may be in the interest of IACS to offer to lead such a CG, the Accredited
Representative shall be responsible for seeking the advice of GPG (or Council if
appropriate) and the presumed governing WG who shall decide the optimum
approach to be adopted.

3 Once a commitment has been agreed by GPG or Council to participate in a

Correspondence Group (CG), the governing WG shall:

.1 finalise the designation of an IACS Representative to the CG;

.2 review the terms of reference of the CG; and
.3 develop and agree a high-level mandate for the IACS Representative, including
desired objectives and any specific instructions relating to each of the terms of
reference of the CG and any other related issues, which may include issues on which
IACS should not provide any input to the CG or issues on which input to the CG
should only made after consideration within the governing WG. In the latter case,
this may necessitate the IACS Representative advising the CG that an IACS response
on an issue may have to be submitted to a subsequent round of correspondence
within the CG.

4 The Accredited Representative shall advise the name and contact information of
the IACS Representative in writing to the coordinator (leader) of the CG. In all
correspondence, the IACS Representative shall identify himself or herself as the IACS
Representative to the CG.

5 As a general policy, in order to assure continuity in IACS actions, it is important

that the IACS representative to a particular CG confirms to the IACS WG to which
he/she reports his/her familiarity with paragraphs C6.1.8.6 - C6.1.8.13 and
availability to attend any corresponding Working or Drafting Group at IMO.

6 The coordinator of the CG will either provide a base document and request
comments within a specified time, or will solicit general comments. The IACS
Representative shall meet the deadlines specified by the coordinator of the CG for
comments and to send these comments to the coordinator and all other members of
the CG.

7 The IACS Representative is to ensure that submissions and representations made

to the CG are representative of, and have full regard for, the agreed mandate (see
C6. above).

8 At the same time as a submission is to be made to the CG, the IACS

Representative is to circulate a copy to the governing WG. Any member of the
governing WG can seek clarification from the IACS Representative on each such
submission and/or ask for the WG to review/further consider the submission. It is


noted that it is possible to modify (on the basis of ‘after further consideration’ or
‘taking account of the comments of other members of the CG’) an IACS position on
an issue in a subsequent round of correspondence in the CG or even when the draft
report of the CG is considered (see C6.1.8.12 below). The Chair of the governing WG
or Accredited Representative may request a progress report from the IACS
Representative at any time, to be copied to both.

9 In all cases where IACS appears to be supporting a position opposite to that being
generally shared by the other CG members, the IACS Representative must ensure
that the IACS position is clearly reflected in the report of the CG and that the report
contains specific wording preferred by IACS. Under no circumstance shall any
correspondence between IACS Members be submitted to the IMO CG and a single
IACS position is always to be expressed to the CG. If there is no single position within
IACS then the IACS Representative shall not provide any input on that issue to the

10 Since IACS is considered to be a source of significant technical expertise,

participation in an IMO CG is expected to result in a significant contribution. The
IACS Representative should therefore be prepared to participate actively.

11 The IACS Representative shall contact that Member’s representative in the

governing WG, in the first instance, and if necessary thereafter the Accredited
Representative in instances where there are concerns or reservations about how to
proceed or the direction of progress in the CG. Such concerns may, if necessary, be
referred to the governing WG, through its Chair, for consideration. If new substantive
issues, which are clearly outside the scope of the agreed mandate (see C6.
above), are raised in the CG they are to be referred to the governing WG, through its
Chair, for consideration before any IACS input is provided to the CG.

12 The IACS Representative shall forward a copy of the draft report of the CG to the
governing WG and the Accredited Representative, together with any
comments/recommendations of the IACS Representative. The governing WG shall

.1 review the draft CG report and consider if the coordinator of the CG should be
asked to include any final IACS comments/statements; and/or
.2 develop the IACS views to be presented at the IMO parent body meeting where
the report of the CG is to be discussed, either as part of the briefing paper for, or in a
paper to be submitted to, that meeting (see C6.1.5 above).

13 The IACS Representative is also to take due account of the latest version of the
IMO “Guidelines on the organisation and method of work of the Maritime Safety
Committee and the Marine Environment Protection Committee and their Subsidiary
Bodies” and the relevant part on “Correspondence Groups”.


1 Relations with outside organisations other than IMO fall into three categories:
Liaison; JWGs; and Informal.

C6.2.1 Liaison relations

1 No reciprocal rights are required (only IMO has reciprocal relations), but IACS may
exert influence, if necessary. This category includes contacts established for
occasional exchange of views and attendance of meetings, in order to exchange
factual information. The European Commission, Intercargo, Intertanko, Oil


Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF), International Chamber of Shipping
(ICS), BIMCO, IUMI, International Group of P&I Clubs, International Underwriting
Association (IUA), Comite Maritime International (CMI), International Organization
for Standardization (ISO) and International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC) fall
into this category.

2 GPG may establish permanently or on an ad hoc basis contacts with an outside

organization through a limited number of representatives from both the outside
organization and IACS. The number and attendance of IACS representatives will be
at the discretion of GPG.

3 In general, IACS will not establish liaison relations with purely national

C6.2.2 Joint Working Groups (JWG)

1 A JWG with the industry on a specific technical topic may be established by GPG.
The outcome of any JWG meeting is to be communicated to the appropriate Panel.

C6.2.3 Informal contacts

1 Informal contacts, limited to exchange of views and information on factual

problems, may be established, if necessary. When IACS representation to meetings
is requested, IACS may send an Observer to the technical meetings of such
organizations, but generally not to subsidiary WGs.

C6.2.4 General principles of relations with outside organisations (other than


1 In its relations with outside organisations of categories specified above, IACS'

overriding strategy is to maintain unchallenged its position of leader in matters which
are traditionally within the scope of classification or parent activity such as statutory
certification, to foster the proper understanding of what classification is within the
maritime industry at large, and to make known what IACS is doing for the benefit of
safety at sea and protection of the marine environment. IACS representatives who
make contact with such organisations should abide by this strategic positioning, and
should avoid involvement in the works of outside organisations which would not
respect these principles.

2 Requests from outside organizations for collaborations with IACS are examined by
GPG who, if necessary, may refer them to the appropriate WG. Where GPG considers
it necessary or convenient, an IACS Observer may be appointed to an outside
organization. The arrangement of IACS Observer may be subject to review by the

3 In contacts with outside organizations wishing to collaborate with IACS, it should

be kept in mind that IACS would prefer to deal with specific proposals on problems of
mutual interest, or with results of corresponding research or investigations, or to
harmonize relevant programmes of such work. Requests to take part in IACS’s own
technical work are discussed in C4.2.4.

4 When IACS is invited to an International Conference or Seminar, the Council or

GPG will decide on IACS representation.

5 Written statements submitted to outside organisations require approval of a two-

thirds majority of GPG Members. If approval is not unanimous, the fact is to be
included in the statement; dissenting members will be identified in the statement if


they so desire. To enable GPG to consider submissions to outside organisations, the
IACS Observer will collect each Member’s views, if necessary through arranging a
meeting among Members’ experts and propose the wording of the IACS statement
for GPG approval. IACS Observers may, however, directly request information from
outside organisations.

6 The IACS Observer/Representative is to ensure that submissions and

representations made are, in fact, representative of the common views of the IACS
Members. To achieve this, a governing group (normally GPG itself, but may be a
Panel or EG) shall be designated for liaison purposes and the IACS
Observer/Representative is to request input and views from the governing group as

7 To supplement the above, the Chair of the governing group or the Permanent
Secretariat, as may be directed by GPG, should advise the selected
Observer/Representative on the lines of the ‘Note to IACS Representative’ (C6.1.8.1).

C6.2.5 Representation in International Organization for Standardization


1 IACS’s relationship and objectives with respect to the work carried out by ISO
have to be considered in view of the fact that both develop technical criteria or
requirements, and both are observers at IMO. This gives both organisations the
possibility to influence IMO. IACS overriding strategy must be to maintain its
presence as the foremost authority in developing criteria related to ship structural
strength, and mechanical and electrical systems. Such fields of work are traditionally
within the scope of classification and, as of 1 July 1998, are principal criteria which
ships built after 1 July 1998 must meet under SOLAS Regulation II-1/3-1.

2 The IACS Representative to IMO shall liaise with the ISO representative to IMO
with the aim to ensure that standards under development by ISO for IMO are not in
conflict with IACS interests.

3 GPG shall monitor ISO to determine the committees, subcommittees and WGs of
ISO in which IACS should be represented. GPG shall identify IACS policy and
strategy with regard to the activities of the relevant committees, sub-committees and
WGs and communicate these to the IACS representative to be appointed.

4 An IACS representative appointed to an ISO committee, subcommittee or WG shall

act in accordance with the policies and strategies agreed by GPG in addition to the
general instructions stated below.

5 The IACS representatives to ISO bodies with which IACS has a Category A liaison
shall, to the extent practicable, attend the meetings held by the ISO committee,
subcommittee or WG. As necessary, IACS views shall be sought on matters that are
discussed at the meeting. In order to form IACS opinions and/or needs, an
evaluation of the matter with possible alternative proposals shall be presented to
GPG for consideration.

6 Within 30 days after a meeting a written report of the meeting shall be submitted
to GPG.

C6.2.6 Meetings other than ISO

1 An IACS Observer nominated by GPG should attend meetings of the organisation

to which that person is appointed. If necessary, the Observer should collect the


Members opinions and prepare IACS views and circulate among the Members the
documents received from the organisation.

2 When prevented from attending a meeting, an IACS Observer shall suggest

another appropriate person to the Chair of GPG.

3 After attending a meeting an IACS Observer should submit a report to GPG. This
report should underline all items of interest to IACS and should contain suggestions
for any action to be taken by IACS.

4 An IACS Observer at any meeting of an outside organisation may speak on

resolutions which have been adopted by IACS. If the Observer is asked for views on
any technical matter on which there is no IACS resolution, the Observer may reserve
comments or may summarize Members’ opinions, stating that this is a personal

C6.2.7 List of appointed IACS Observers

1 A list is given in D2.3.



C7.1.1 Language

1 The official language of IACS is English; the working language is also English.

2 In meetings, use of languages other than English by individual members may be

permitted, only when a facility for interpretation into English is provided by the
respective member.

C7.1.2 Correspondence

1 Messages from the Chair of Council to Members are to be addressed personally to

the Council Members, unless a desire to change this procedure is indicated.

2 Correspondence between the Permanent Secretariat and the Council Chair should
be copied to all Council Members.

3 As a general practice, correspondence between IACS Members is not to be copied

outside IACS. An exception may be correspondence on a technical work item within
a WG - see C4.2.4 and C4.3.

4 In general, correspondence within any IACS group shall be addressed to the Chair
of the group, and copies shall be sent to all members of the group. All
correspondence shall indicate where copies have been sent. WG Chairs are
responsible for maintaining their Group’s correspondence in a traceable manner.

5 All correspondence between WGs shall be addressed by the Chair of one group to
the Chair of the other. See also C4.2.1 regarding the role of the GPG Vice Chair in
facilitating inter-WG coordination.

6 Correspondence within any IACS group need not be copied to the Permanent
Secretariat, with only the following exceptions:


(a) Council and GPG correspondence;

(b) Safety and Environmental Panel correspondence to the Accredited

Representative to IMO;

(c) Occasions when WG Chairmen have requests, questions or explicit

information for the concern of members of the Permanent Secretariat.

7 Files of all correspondence relating to the Council and GPG shall be stored within
the office of the Permanent Secretariat, see D2.5.

Additional notes

8 These Notes are intended to provide Members and the Permanent Secretariat with
guidance in implementing the above.

9 When assigning a new subject number in accordance with C7.1.3 email protocol
below, the Permanent Secretariat shall check if a number has already been given to
the subject so as not to start with a new subject number for an ongoing issue.

10 When there is a need to assign a new subject number for the ongoing issue, the
Permanent Secretariat shall make a clear reference to the old number, so that one
can easily trace the matter back to and through the old subject number.

11 Members shall endeavour to reference the message to which they are replying at
least by the subject number suffix and the date of the message.

12 The subject number and its title shall be kept unchanged as given by the
Permanent Secretariat or the initiator of a message, as far as practicable.

13 When there is a need to sort out the numbering, for example, use of different
numbers for the same topic, the Permanent Secretariat will intervene for email traffic

14 When concluding an issue, the Permanent Secretariat and Council and GPG
Chairs should indicate a close of the subject number. This does not preclude re-
opening of the closed subject number at some future time.

15 The length of the title in an email shall be kept to the minimum necessary,
bearing in mind that Member Societies are using different email transaction systems.

16 The file name of a MS WORD or Acrobat pdf file attached to an e-mail should be
kept short.

17 For periodic check purposes, the Permanent Secretariat shall post monthly a
consolidated list of all subject numbers, together with a list of open subject numbers,
on the IACS website, with access restricted to Members only.

Messages between WG Chairs and GPG and the Permanent Secretariat (the same
principles apply to correspondence with the QC)

18 Messages intended for GPG should be addressed directly to the Chair of GPG,
with copy to GPG Members and the Permanent Secretariat (not directed via the
Permanent Secretariat), and use the Council or GPG subject number and the sending
Chair's identifier. Messages from GPG or the Permanent Secretariat intended for WG
action should be addressed or copied to the WG Chair.


19 In cases where GPG subject numbers exist, they should be communicated to the
WG when the task is given and the Group’s Chair should reply back to GPG using the
GPG subject number.

20 GPG FUA lists are copied to Panel Chairs (and EG Chairs as appropriate), so they
should use the GPG subject number assigned to the FUA when replying to GPG.

21 When in doubt, WG Chairs should check with the Permanent Secretariat to see if
a GPG subject number exists. They may also contact their GPG member, if

22 In cases where no GPG subject number exists or it cannot be identified, the WG

Chair should address the message to GPG as "XXXXX_PYa", cueing the Permanent
Secretariat to assign an appropriate subject number to the matter. The WG Chair
can put their own subject number in parenthesis following the text of the subject if
they wish to keep track of matters within their own system.

23 In the case of bilateral messages to the Permanent Secretariat, WG Chairs should

open the subject line with ‘(bilateral to Permsec)’ to clearly distinguish those
messages from Group internal messages. All such messages should be addressed
to .

C7.1.3 Email protocol

1 This section provides guidance for use of emails and their file attachments
amongst IACS Council/GPG Members/Panel Chairs/QC Chair/Quality Secretary and
the Permanent Secretariat.

2 Messages within Council or GPG Small Groups or within WGs should be identified
on similar lines, with the details arranged by the respective chair, but including a
Group or Panel identifier e.g. for the Hull Panel: PH13025_IHe (subject title).

3 Internet Service Providers: The individual member societies and the Permanent
Secretariat are free to choose their preferred service provider(s) for sending and
receiving Internet emails and file attachments.

4 Email Application Programs: The individual member societies are free to choose
their preferred application program(s) for sending and receiving emails and file

5 Encoding and Decoding Program: The individual member societies and the
Permanent Secretariat must use MIME 1.0 for encoding and decoding of the emails
and file attachments.

6 File Attachments: Efforts should be made to minimize the use of file attachments,
however, when necessary, messages should be attached as MS Word documents.
IACS Resolutions for IACS Blue Books should be saved in Acrobat pdf for circulation
from the Permanent Secretariat; where possible an MS word version should also be
provided. File sizes should less than 10 MB as some receivers may have a delay or
blocking limit in their system.

7 Message identification (subject number): The Permanent Secretariat will assign a

number to each new subject for discussion between Council and GPG and the
subsidiary bodies reporting to them. For new subjects until 31 December 2009, the
main subject was assigned a four digit number. From 1 January 2010, the main
subject will be assigned a five-digit identifier, followed by an ‘underscore’ _. Related
(sub or ‘daughter’ subjects) will be assigned a ‘sub-alpha’ in place of the


‘underscore’. The subject number thus comprises five or six characters. The
individual message identifier is completed by the sender’s identification and the
message sequence letter (or letters if more than 26 messages from the individual

8 The sender’s identifications for the societies are:


for the Council Chair, GPG Chair and Permanent Secretariat respectively:

IC, IG, and IA;

for the Panel Chairs:

Environmental – PE; Hull - PH; Machinery - PM; Safety - PS; Survey - PY;

for Expert Group Chairs:

CYBS – ECS; CONT – ECO; Data – ED; European Union – EU; FSA – EF; GBS –
EG; ISM-ISPS-MLC – EMS; Law – EW; Material & Welding – EMW; Polar Code
– EP; Surveyor Safety – ES; Training – ET .

for the Quality Committee Chair and the Quality Secretary:

QC and QS.

9 For example, the identifier of the first message of the Permanent Secretariat on
the main subject would be 10999_IAa; and of the second message from the
Permanent Secretariat on the first sub-subject in this example, 10999aIAb.

10 In addition, to highlight and distinguish those emails circulating adopted IACS

Resolutions, the Permanent Secretariat will insert specific identifiers in the subject
line, viz:

"NNNNN_IAx:RESyyyy001 UR Xnn (Rev.n)…….:"

in which "NNNNN_IAx" is as usual and the addition of "RESyyyy001" means that the
email is in particular for circulating resolution(s) just adopted and it is the first one in
year yyyy. This means that both the numerical order of issue and the Resolution(s)
are track-able in the subject line.

11 Council and GPG messages intended for IACS Members and the Permanent
Secretariat should be sent to the addresses given in D2.4.4.

C7.1.3.1 Panel Internal communications

This section provides guidance for use of emails and their attachments amongst
Panel Members and their Chairman.

Environmental PEXXxxx_IDz Vol. 1 – C7.1.3 Email Protocol
Hull PHXXxxx_IDz Ditto
Machinery PMXXxxx_IDz Ditto
Safety PSXXxxx_IDz Ditto


Survey PYXXxxx_IDz Ditto


“XX” : first two digits of the reference number identify the year (e.g. 14 for the
year 2014) and is assigned by the Chair.

“xxx” : next three digits is a number starting with 001 selected assigned by the

“D” : Members identifiers – AB, BV, CC, CR, NV, IR, KR, LR, NK, PR, RI, RS.

“D” : Chairmen identifiers – “E” for environmental, “H” for hull, “M” for machinery,
“S” for safety, SU for survey.

“z” : Is a letter from a to z and za to zz. For the first message “a,” the second “b”
and so on until z, after which za, zb, and so on.

Note: “I” stands for “internal Panel” and is used with Chairman identifiers only.”

C7.1.4 Exchange of Directory, Rules and Register/Record Books

1 Member societies shall exchange regularly, free of charge, one copy of each of the
English edition of their latest Directory as well as their Register Books, Classification
and Construction Rules and pertinent supplements, for seagoing vessels only, except
in such cases where an exchange of Rules etc. will already be implemented on the
basis of bilateral agreements.

2 The documents should be sent to the GPG member of each society, at the
addresses given in D2.4.1.

3 The Permanent Secretariat does not need to be supplied.


C7.2.1 Correspondence

1 All correspondence containing statements on behalf of IACS is to be conducted

through or by direction of the Chair of Council, or Chair of GPG, as relevant.

2 In general, all correspondence on behalf of IACS to IMO shall pass through the
office of the Permanent Secretariat.

C7.2.2 Public Relations

1 IACS' aim shall be to make a constructive contribution to the wide range of issues
which arise from its international functions. This shall be achieved through
appropriate recognition of the Association’s role and by making its views known by all
appropriate methods and channels.

2 The objectives of the public relations activities shall be:

(a) to build long term relationships between the Permanent Secretariat and
the news media based on confidence and trust;


(b) to achieve optimum, accurate and favourable coverage for IACS in the
news media and ensure understanding of its objectives and activities;

(c) to maintain an effective, quick response to news media questions on IACS

related issues;

(d) to establish and maintain communications between IACS Council and

news media through regular contacts;

(e) to enhance IACS’ image to Ship owners / Operators, Underwriters,

National Administrations, IMO, decision makers, opinion leaders, official
bodies, outside organisations and the general public;

(f) to develop media programmes around specific objectives and issues

defined after discussion with the Chair and Council.

3 The Secretary General, in consultation with the Chair of Council, shall have
responsibility for developing the public relations activities of the Association through
the implementation of the above objectives.

4 The Secretary General shall organise a continuous, targeted programme for

improving media relations and media coverage at all levels. The key facets of the
programme shall be:

(a) press releases following Council meetings and at such other times as
directed by Council;

(b) visits/meetings between journalists and the Secretary General to promote

new IACS Resolutions, provide in-depth background material or for interviews;

(c) articles for the technical press, written by Members of the Association or
through provision of background material/research;

(d) participation in industry related symposia, conferences, etc.;

(e) encouragement of open discussion on important debates in industry;

(f) press conferences;

(g) circulation to Council of press cuttings and articles relating to IACS.

5 Generally IACS shall respond, as deemed necessary, to criticism in the press.

Where appropriate, this shall also include contacting authors of articles personally
and explaining problems directly. Press articles containing such criticism, within the
country of a Member, should be forwarded to the Chair of Council and the Secretary
General who jointly will consider the gravity of the criticism and make the necessary
proposals to Council regarding any response.

C7.2.2.1 Conferences and seminars

1 When IACS is invited to an International Conference or Seminar, the Council or

GPG will decide on IACS representation.

C7.2.3 Press statement guidelines


1 By nature of its responsibility in the contentious field of maritime safety IACS will
always be vulnerable to public criticism.

2 Such criticism will often be based on single instances of inefficiency (which may or
may not be well founded) but it is frequently extended to challenge the competence
of all Classification Societies or, indeed, to question the value of the system of

3 IACS should seek and take all suitable opportunities to build up the reputation and
credibility of IACS as a whole, and to make sure that there is a proper understanding
of the essential contribution that IACS and its Members individually make to the
establishment, maintenance and application of proper standards of maritime safety
worldwide. This is a major responsibility of the Secretary General under the direction
of the Chair of Council.

4 IACS should not become involved in public disputes about individual allegations of
inefficiency but must be prepared, by whatever means are appropriate, to counter
any challenges to the value of the system of classification or the integrity or
effectiveness of IACS as a whole.

5 Individual IACS members will have opportunities to respond to criticism or to

contribute to the reputation and credibility of IACS. It is important that such
responses or contributions are consistent with the public comments of other
members and the declared policy of IACS as a whole.

6 Press statements (and/or interviews) by Member Societies can fall into one of
three categories:

(a) those statements concerning purely Member Societies affairs;

(b) statements which involve IACS;

(c) comments concerning other IACS Members.

7 Member Societies have, of course, absolute freedom to prepare and release

statements on matters which concern their own Organisation and which do not touch
on IACS affairs.

8 Some public statements on the affairs of a Member Society may touch on matters
of principle concerning the concepts and practices of Classification in general. In
making such statements Council's resolutions on matters of policy shall be adhered
to. In such cases the Member should also consider whether it would be desirable to
consult or advise other Council Members in advance. If another Member considers
such a statement to be in conflict with IACS policy he/she may bring the matter to
the attention of the Chair and Council.

9 Adverse comments by one IACS member on the performance or abilities of

another member must be avoided - not least because of the damaging effect on the
public perception and the cohesion of IACS.

10 Releases concerning IACS may be made by each Member Society where they
repeat or follow up an IACS release or the Society's arrangements to apply IACS
decisions. Such Releases should be copied to the Permanent Secretariat as a matter
of routine.

C7.2.4 Guidelines for Casualty/Crisis Press Release– Template



1 In the event of a casualty or accident involving loss of life or significant pollution,

and which is likely to attract media attention, IACS Societies should be alert to the
potential need for such information to be made available early and to be issued as a
Press Release.

2 In many instances it may be desirable for an initial Press Release to be issued by

the Member Society classing the vessel.

3 The following guidelines, not all of which will be appropriate in all cases, are
designed to assist a Member Society in developing such a Press Release.

4 The guidelines may also be used by IACS Council in constructing such a Press
Release where the concerned Member Society declines to do so and IACS Council
decides to issue an IACS Press Release regarding the casualty.

Press Release Template for IACS Members’ use

The loss [location] on [date] of the [size], [ship type], [ship name] is deeply
regretted. The [ship name] was on passage from [port] to [port], with a
cargo of [tonnage] [name of cargo]. ([Ship name] had a complement of
[number] passengers and [number] crew). The vessel is owned by [the
owner] and managed by [the managing company] with its home office at
[city/country]. [Ship name] was embraced within the IACS Enhanced Survey
Programme (ESP) for older bulk carriers and tankers. The last Classification
Special Survey was carried out at [places] on [dates] and the last
Classification Annual Survey at [places] on [dates]. The most recent
Statutory Survey for [kind of survey] was conducted at [places] on [dates].
Her last Port State Control Inspection took place at [place] on [date]. The
vessel was registered in [country]. She was built in [country] in [year].

Mr [name] of [society concerned], a member of the International Association

of Classification Societies Ltd (IACS) commented: "Our first concerns are for
the families of the [number] crew members [and passengers] who lost their
lives or who are not yet safely accounted for, and for the [number] presently
known survivors. We are additionally concerned regarding the [threat
of/pollution] which has resulted from this casualty.

As yet, we do not have sufficient confirmed information to comment or in any

way speculate on the cause of the vessel’s loss".

[Ship name] had been in class with [society] since [month/year]. From [year]
to [year], the ship had been classed by [name].

Mr [name] added: “[society concerned] is in close touch with [country], as

the vessel’s Flag state, and with [name] as the coastal state involved.
[Member name] and IACS are anxious and ready to make any relevant
contribution in the formal investigation into the events and causes of this

He said that [society] will study closely the findings of all appropriate
enquiries into this casualty – and move to inform fellow members of the
Association and to incorporate any lessons to be learned that could further
improve safety and minimise future risk from this type of accident.


"It is too early for further comment, though [society] will comment as
investigation goes forward and further reliable information becomes
available”, Mr [name] concluded.



1 Except as provided for below, each Member shall bear the salary, travel, and other
expenses of its employees engaged in IACS business or acting as IACS observers at
meetings of IMO and other organizations.

2 Where a Member will incur abnormal expenses as the result of its employees being
engaged on business to the benefit of the Association then, on a case by case basis,
the Council may consider the sharing of the expenses among the Members. Such
cases will require Council approval before the work is commenced.

3 The expenses connected with the Permanent Secretariat (including the QSCS
Operations Centre) shall be borne by Members on an equal share basis.

4 The Secretary General is to draw up and submit to the Council, for approval, the
proposed annual budget for the operation of the Permanent Secretariat, comprising
all the employees of IACS Ltd., in detail, including a breakdown of the budget
estimates and to report periodically to Council on forecasted expenditures against the
approved budget, highlighting unexpected costs or anticipated cost overruns as early
as possible.

5 The expenses associated with other specific Association activities and schemes
shall be distributed in a manner agreed by Council.



C8.2.1 General

1 Except as specified below, or specifically decided otherwise by Council, each

Member is to bear its own costs for participation in the WGs of IACS.

2 The costs of the following functions are to be shared equally among the members
in accordance with the procedures described below:

(a) Panel Chairs and Panel Secretaries;

(b) PTs executed in accordance with C4.2.3.3.

3 However, the total assessment for cost-sharing shall take into account any charges
on non-IACS classification societies participating in IACS WGs, in accordance with

4 Complex projects (e.g., development of Common Rules) will be subject to specific

accounting procedures to be agreed by Council in each instance.


5 The Secretary General, with the assistance of GPG, is to draw up and submit to
the Council, for approval, the proposed annual “cost-sharing” budget for the
operation of the Panels and any/all PTs. The PT budget should distinguish:

(a) ongoing tasks from previous years;

(b) new tasks approved by GPG or Council;

(c) discretionary new tasks proposed by Panels for approval by GPG or

Council; and

(d) contingency funds for tasks arising.

6 The Secretary General, with the assistance of GPG and WG Chairs, is to report
periodically to Council on forecasted expenditures against the approved “Panel and
PT” budget, highlighting unexpected costs or anticipated cost overruns as early as

7 The presentation of budget and forecast information should be done in a manner

designed to allow the Member Societies to understand the total budgets for the
operation of IACS, its Panels and PTs, so that Member Societies can estimate their
financial contribution for the next year as easily as possible.

C8.2.2 Cost Sharing of Panel Chairs and Panel Secretaries

1 Panel Chairs and Secretaries (one each per Panel) are employees of their Member
Society but costs associated with their work leading IACS Panels is shared amongst
the Members and non-IACS classification societies participating in WGs, as noted

2 Panel Chairs are to carefully record their working hours on the work of the IACS
Panel, which are to be charged at a standard “IACS rate” (established by GPG and
currently £400 per day, based on an 8 hour day); plus travel, meeting, and ancillary
expenses directly related to their work in their capacity as IACS Panel Chairs. Panel
Secretaries are to do likewise but their working hours are to be charged at one-half
(1/2) the “IACS rate”.

3 Expenses are to be documented in the same manner as is required of them by

their own Society when accounting for reimbursable expenses.

4 Only actual working time is to be charged to IACS Members; travel and leave time
are to be borne by their Member Society.

C8.2.3 Budgeting, Monitoring and Accounting of Shared Costs of Panels and

Project Teams (PTs)

1 The annual budget and accounting cycle follows the calendar year as follows:

(a) (See also (f) below) Autumn regular meeting of GPG: GPG, with the
assistance and input of the Panel Chairs, reviews the status of the current
year work plan and budget and prepares the work plan and budget, including
a suitable budget contingency, for the coming year, taking account of
Council’s Long Term Plan. GPG submits summary of work plan and budget to

(b) Winter regular meeting of Council: Council reviews, modifies as deemed

necessary, and approves the budget and work plan for the coming year.


(c) (by 15 Feb latest): Panel Chairs report the actual hours and expenses for
themselves and their Secretary for the last four months of the previous year,
approved by their supervisor in their Member Society, together with the costs
(hours and expenses) of each PT under their Panel against the budgeted hours
and expenses to GPG and Permanent Secretariat. Permanent Secretariat
subsequently invoices each Member for an equal share of the total actual
hours (using standard IACS hourly rate) and expenses. Panel Chairs submit
their progress reports for the prior calendar year including a summary of their
actual costs against budget to GPG.

(d) Spring regular meeting of GPG: GPG, with assistance of Panel Chairs,
reviews the annual progress reports and summary of actual costs against
budget for the prior year and any matters or proposals arising affecting the
current year work plan and budget and approves changes within the approved
budget contingency. Proposed increases to the approved budget are subject
to Council approval.

(e) Summer regular meeting of Council: GPG reports to Council including a

summary of any relevant issues/changes to the approved cost shared work
program and budget. Council updates Long Term Plan.

(f) (by 7 October): Panel Chairs report the actual hours and expenses for
themselves and their Secretary for the 1st eight months of the current year
(January through August, inclusive), approved by their supervisor in their
Member Society, together with the costs (hours and expenses) of each PT
under their Panel against the budgeted hours and expenses to GPG and
Permanent Secretariat. A best estimate of the expenditure for the final four
months of the year is also to be given. (Depending on the autumn GPG
meeting dates, the reporting dates may be different, as notified by the GPG
Chairman). Permanent Secretariat subsequently invoices each Member for an
equal share of the total actual hours (using the standard IACS hourly rate)
and expenses.

2 The Chair of any other WG (e.g. Expert Group) subject to a cost-shared budget is
to report in the same way as indicated above.

Project Teams (PTs)

2 PT leaders (Project Managers) are responsible for completing their projects within
time and budget. Forecasts of the need to increase the time or budget for
completion of a project are to be communicated to the Panel as early as possible.
Any submission by PMs should be copied to their own society’s Panel representative
and GPG member. Approved budgets are not to be exceeded without the agreement
of Panel and GPG.

3 Panel Chairs are responsible for closely monitoring their actual hours and
expenses, and those of their Secretary, against their approved budget; closely
monitoring the expenses of the PTs under their Panel against their approved budget;
and for advising GPG of anticipated budget overruns as early as possible. Approved
budgets are not to be exceeded without agreement of GPG.

4 On a regular basis, to be specified by the Panel for each PT, the PM is to collect –
at the request of the Panel Chair - the hours and expenses expended on the PT which
are to be shared by societies and submit them to the Panel Chair. As a minimum,
this has to be done prior to the autumn GPG meeting (accounting for expenditures in
the first three-quarters of the year) and at year-end (accounting for expenditures in


last quarter of the year). Expenditures shall be reported to the PM by each PT
member on the time and expenses Form 2, D1.1.3.

5 In the event that a PT member does not submit their Form 2 to the PM by 10 days
before the Panel’s reporting deadline (e.g., by 5 Feb (10 days before 15 Feb) for the
last quarter of the previous year), the actual expenditures for the PT Member for that
period will not be reimbursed.

6 At the completion of the PT task, the PM shall endorse the most updated Form 2
and submit it to the Panel Chair along with the other PT deliverables.

7 In addition to the normal twice-yearly submissions of Form 2, Panel and EG Chairs

are requested to assist by sending to the Secretariat the complete package of Form 1
and Forms 2 at the end of each Project.

8 The Permanent Secretariat shall complete the allocation Form 3, D1.1.4, and
circulate it to all Member societies. Accounts will be kept in sterling and shall be
settled at the time of the societies' subscription to IACS Ltd.


The dues payable by IACS Members shall be calculated by the Secretary General, and
notices of the dues payable, "payment notices", shall be issued to each Member by
courier and electronically as they arise. If an IACS Member shall fail to pay the dues
payable by it in full within 30 days of the Secretary General issuing a payment notice,
the Secretary General shall send a payment reminder forthwith by courier and
electronically, requiring payment in full by the Member in question within 60 days of
the date of the payment reminder.

Refer also to IACS Procedures, Volume 2, D2.





D1.1.1 Task specification Form A


[Working Group] Task no.


Background (Who triggered the Task/item? Why? What is the expected benefit of
undertaking the work? What is the priority?)

GPG subject number(s):
Working Group correspondence number(s):

Objectives (see also below regarding TC Forum)

Work items
(Distinguish which items are to be completed by the Working Group and which by a
Project Team.)

Carried out by (List lead Working Group, as header, plus any others required to
contribute. When the initial work is to be undertaken by a Project Team reporting to
the Working Group, the required specialisations are to be listed and the Project Team
specification Form 1 is to be attached)

Target completion dates

a) Working Group(s):
b) Overall:
(See also Form 1, if any)

(The following to be annotated as applicable)

Task Project Team specification Form (Form 1) attached Yes/No

Technical Contributions Forum – item to be posted? Yes/No


(The IACS TC Forum shall show all technical work items leading to new or revised
technical IACS Resolutions - Unified Requirements, Common Structural Rules, Unified
Interpretations, Procedural Requirements).

Approved by Working Group at/on:

Date sent to GPG for record/approval:

Approved by GPG at/on:

Date sent to Working Group following GPG approval:


D1.1.2 Task Project Team specification Form 1


[Working Group] Task no.

(to be completed, endorsed and submitted to the Working Group Chair by the PM)

Project Team...

Project Manager…

Host Society…

Team Members
1.............................................................. from ……
2.............................................................. from ……
3.............................................................. from ……


Proposed by*…

As a consequence of*…


Work specification* ...

Liaison and reporting requirements…

Work product review requirements…

Estimated: work duration...

number of workshops…
duration / place of each workshop...

Not-to-exceed budget (Pounds Sterling)

Work hours…
Travel and hotel…

Indicate as applicable: This PT is already included in the Working Group’s approved

budget as established PT number …… / This PT is already included in the Working
Group’s approved budget as possible PT number …… / This PT has not been included
in any prior budget.

Date ..........................Signature……………………………….(Project Manager)

* Add detail in support of Form A, as needed.


D1.1.3 Task Project Team invoice Form 2


(Working Group) Task no.

(To be updated, endorsed by the Team Member and their society's administrative
person responsible and sent to the Project Manager; the most updated Form to be
endorsed by the Project Manager and submitted to the Panel Chair. All costs and
expenses to be expressed in Pounds Sterling)

Project Team……………………………………………………………………………


Team Member...................................................................................……………

Administrative person responsible…………………………………………………..

Project Team hourly rate per person………………………………………………….

Workshop Period Staff Cost Travel Other Total

or Base expenses Expenses
From To


Date ..................................Signature....................................................
Team Member

Date ..................................Signature ....................................................

Administrative person responsible

Date ..................................Signature....................................................
Project Manager


D1.1.4 Task Project Team cost allocation Form 3


(Working Group) Task no.

(To be completed, endorsed and circulated to all societies by the Permanent

Secretariat at the completion of the PT's task. All costs and expenses to be
expressed in Pounds Sterling)

Project Team...

Project Manager…

Host Society…

Team Members
1.............................................................. from ……
2.............................................................. from ……
3.............................................................. from ……

Cost sharing criterion (if other than equal shares)…………..


Expenses incurred in the Project Team

Member Staff Travel Other Total Each

cost expenses and expenses Society’s
subsistence share



Date .................................................Signature…………………………………......

Permanent Secretariat



D1.2.1 Template

This document provides the preferred format and content of the History file and
Technical Background documents, which are required when a draft new/amended
IACS Resolution is submitted to GPG for adoption.

Resolution No. “Title”

This document consists of Part A for revision history, and Part B for Technical
Backgrounds. Part A will continue to be updated with the revision history when
revisions or corrections occur. Part B will also be updated by adding Technical
Background documents as annexes for each revision.

Part A. Revision History

Part A is to be written in simple and concise language. When more details are
required, they are to be included in Part B ‘Technical Background’.

Version no. Approval date Implementation date

when applicable
Current version being
Previous version(s)
Original version

Current Revision / Development being proposed (e.g. Revision No.4)

This section is to provide a revision history for the proposed resolution. This part will
move down to become the second section when the resolution is revised next time.

1 Origin of Change:

Select a relevant option and delete the rest.

 Request by non-IACS entity (Name)
 Suggestion by IACS member
 Based on IMO Regulation (Specify: )
 Based on IACS Requirement (Specify: )
 Based on Other Standard (Specify: )
 Based on Vessel Incident (Specify: )
 Other (Specify: )

2 Main Reason for Change:

Main technical reason for the change only. Any detailed information such as the
effect on requirements should be covered in Part B.

3 List of non-IACS Member classification societies contributing through the

TC Forum and/or participating in IACS Working Group:

4 History of Decisions Made:


Executive summary of the history, such as internal decisions made, meeting minutes,
reference to Form A or Form 1.

The Working Group (WG) Chair shall summarise all relevant technical input posted on
the TC Forum and expressed by WG participants, including dissenting or supporting
views expressed by non-IACS Member classification societies.

5 Other Resolutions Changes:

Identify other related Rules, Resolutions, URs, etc. impacted or requiring similar
change, for cross-reference purposes

6 Dates:
Original Proposal: (Date: ) Made by: (Specify: )
Panel Approval: (Date: )
GPG Approval: (Date: )

Previous revision (e.g. Revision No.3)

[same format as above]

Previous revision (e.g. Revision No.2)

[same format as above]

Previous revision (e.g. Revision No.1)

[same format as above]

Original document)
[same format as above]


Part B. Technical Background

This Part B will include Technical Background documents for each revision and
development. For record-keeping purposes, TB documents for each version are to be
annexed hereto.

List of Technical Background (TB) documents:

Annex 1. TB for Original Resolution

See separate TB document in Annex 1.


Annex 2. TB for Revision No.1


See separate TB document in Annex 2.


Annex 3. TB for Revision No.2

See separate TB document in Annex 3.


Annex 4. TB for Revision No.3

See separate TB document in Annex 4.



Annex x Technical Background (TB) document

The following template is to be used for all resolutions as appropriate.

Current Version being proposed

This section is to describe Technical Background for the proposed resolution in the
following format.

1 Scope and objectives

This section is to describe a general overview of the proposed IACS Resolution with
its scope and objectives. It should also introduce the reader to the basic concept of
the IACS Resolution and the consequences that are expected to develop from it.

2 Engineering background for technical basis and rationale

This section is to describe the technical basis and rationale of the IACS Resolution
apparent to users of the Resolution, within the Societies or the industry with the
objective of providing sufficiently comprehensive information; if necessary, by using
visual and/or matrix presentations where appropriate.

3 Source/derivation of the proposed IACS Resolution

This section is to describe the source and derivation of the proposed IACS Resolution.
If any international or national standards including industry standards have been


referenced in the course of development of the IACS Resolution, such standards are
to be identified and their text reproduced 1 in the TB as appropriate.

4 Summary of Changes intended for the revised Resolution

Executive summary of the change, including a general description of the change and
the objective. May use an attached document if necessary. The actual modified text
indicating changes with underlining for new additions and strike through for deletions
is also to be attached, when considered necessary.

5 Points of discussions or possible discussions

This section is to review all relevant parts of the resolution that have been the
subject of discussion during its development by the WG or which can be anticipated
to be the subject of discussion with industry during the implementation stage of the
resolution. The summary of issues discussed or anticipated and how they were
resolved serve, in part, as justification for the resolution. It is recommended that TB
be drafted with the same numbering system as the resolution and the
discussion/justification given in each section, subsection or paragraph, as relevant
and appropriate.

6 Attachments if any

1 May be subject to copyright



D1.3.1 Introduction

1 Each Working Group Chair is to report to GPG on the programme of the group
twice a year. A full report shall be submitted to the autumn meeting, which
determines the programme and budget for the coming calendar year; and an interim
progress report to the spring meeting, highlighting any variances. Each report
should be received by GPG at least two weeks before the scheduled date of its

2 The autumn report should address activities during the prior year of Chairmanship
on duty. Panel Chairs have to manage the Progress Reports of the Project Teams
reporting to them, and to include a summary of their activities within the progress
report of the Panel for GPG consideration. It is essential to make the report a tool for
efficient decision making by GPG and to this end a standard reporting format should
be used by Chairs of Working Groups.

3 The Panel Chairs should normally attend the Autumn GPG meeting and may attend
the Spring meeting if invited by the GPG Chair.

D1.3.2 Format of Annual Progress Report

1 An Annual Progress Report is to contain the following as a standard format. If any

item of this standard is not relevant to activity of any Working Group, the items
should be marked as N/A so as not to alter the order of appearance.


1. Lists of Working Group meetings held, Working Group Chair’s participation in non-
IACS meetings as an IACS liaison/observer, and meeting schedules for the coming

2. Summary of actual versus budgeted costs for the Panel Chair and Secretary and
the Panel’s cost shared tasks

3. Action requested of GPG

This item is dedicated to any issue that requires GPG decision at the meeting and is
to contain the following:

3.1 List of draft Resolutions and draft revisions to existing Resolutions, if any, which
have been agreed by the Working Group for consideration and adoption by GPG at its
forthcoming meeting. (Generally, Resolutions should be submitted by
correspondence at any time when completed. They should not be held to be dealt
with at the meeting unless special circumstances require it.)

This section should contain a list of these resolutions in the following order:

(a) Newly developed resolutions: [Category (UR, UI, Rec, II, PR, OTG)] [number - to
be inserted by Chair, if known, otherwise by Permanent Secretariat] [name of
resolution] [Origin, e.g: Outcome of Task nn - see Annex a; TB Annex a.a.];


(b) Revision of existing resolutions: [Category (see above)] [existing number] [(Rev.
- to be inserted by Chair, if known, otherwise by Permanent Secretariat)]. [Origin,
e.g.: Outcome of Task nn - see Annex b; TB Annex b.a.];

3.2 Alteration to the current work programme

This section should contain:

(a) Numbers and names of Tasks completed in the reporting year,

[with outcome, e.g. New UR [xx]].

(b) Numbers and names of Tasks to be prolonged (see section B.1 item 1.1.1 for
[Task number, Task title, from (target date) to (new target date)].

(c) Names of proposed new Tasks (see section B.2 for details),
[(assumed) Task number (in square brackets), Task title, target date].

(d) Numbers and names of tasks deletion of which is sought for reasons not related
to their completion (see section B.1 item 1.1.2 for details),
[Task number, Task title].

See the format of summary subject/task list (Section D below).

3.3 List of matters for GPG special attention

This section is to indicate the name of any topic which the Working Group wishes to
bring to GPG Members’ special attention (for details see section B.4) so that GPG
members can concentrate on these critical elements of the WG technical work during
their preparation for the GPG Autumn meeting.


This part is to contain detailed description of what is reflected in the Summary.

1. Review of individual tasks

A full list of issues in the work programme should be provided in this section. It is to
contain a task by task review of the activities of the Working Group since the last
progress report, comprising:

1. Statement of progress made on each task.

1. Reasons for any request for prolongation.

2. Detailed explanation of the reasons behind a request for a

deletion of an existing work item for reasons not associated with task

3. Summary of actual versus budgeted costs for cost shared tasks.

It is to confirm that the periodical review of IACS Resolutions has been carried


2. Brief explanations of the draft resolutions, which have been agreed by
the Working Group and for which GPG adoption is sought (abstract from
Technical Background (TB))

3. Reservation expressed by any Member, if applicable.

4. Reference to any code or standard (IMO, ISO or IEC), from which a

proposed resolution is adopted or a note that a Member's rules were utilized
as a basis.

2. List of any new items for future Work Programme

This section is to contain any new items that the Working Group wishes to be
included in its future work programme with a detailed explanation of the
reasons for IACS attention to this subject.

Any new work item is to be supplemented by a draft task Form A (and Form 1
if applicable).

3. Participation record of Members and non-IACS classification societies.

The record referred to in Annex 4 covers the Working Group as a whole. A

separate note should be included regarding participation by non-IACS
societies in individual work programme items.

4. Any other matters

1. The information in this section is intended to bring to GPG Members'

attention issues that the Working Group deems important for IACS to
be proactive, reactive or have in mind for future action.

2. This section may also contain the Working Group’s request for a
deletion of an existing resolution. The reasons for such a request are
to be provided.


The following are to be annexed to the Progress Report (not exhaustive):

1 Draft new or revised resolutions that require GPG action at the

meeting. In the case of revisions to existing resolutions, clear
indication of the revisions within the context of the existing resolution
is to be provided and the revision number stated. In the case of new
resolutions, the assigned number should be given, if known. The
header should include the number of the Task which has led to the
proposed resolution.

2 History File and Technical Background for the new or revised


3 Draft of Forms A (with Form 1 if applicable) for proposed new work


4 Record of Members’ ongoing participation.


No. of Correspondence No. of participations in
Members Participation in Meetings (see Footnote 1) PTs
Dates PTs in total:


Footnote (1)
Replies to correspondence stipulating tacit acceptance shall not be counted unless
such replies require an additional round of correspondence or contain comments that
have been taken on board

Footnote (2)
Record of Members’ on-going participation is not applicable to Expert Groups (EG)

D. FORMAT for summary subject/task lists

Subject/Task lists for EG/Panel (for the Annual Progress report and for the Spring
interim report);
Subject No. (under

‘External’ interests
approved Form A?

Inter-group (Lead
indicated in Form

Original Target

Revised Target

Carried out by
(under GPG)

Task No (as
Subject No.

Is there an

T C Forum

Driven by

Date (if




*Original Target Date

Original Target Date indicated in the approved Form A or, in case of a long-standing
task, assigned by EG/Panel Chair.

**Revised Target Date

For tasks with Original Target Date indicated in the approved Form A, a Revised
Target Date already agreed by GPG should be shown in this column. If the task is


overdue, the new Target Date proposed for GPG approval is to be indicated in the
“comment” column.

For tasks with Original Target Date assigned by EG/Panel Chair, a revised Target
Date set by EG/Panel Chair should be shown in this column.

After the agreed Revised Target Date, one of the following codes is to be added to
indicate whether the Original Target Date has been revised due to delay in the work
or to the assignment of additional work as an expansion of the task:
(d) = delayed task
(a) = additional work assigned

*** Status codes to be used:

On time and budget, according to plan = “P” (planned)

Deviating from plan in time, but the task will reach its goals = “O” (overdue)
with respect to either the Revised Target Date (if any) or the Original Target
Date (if no Revised Target Date has been agreed yet)

Deviating from plan in budget, but the task will reach its goals = “D”

A new subject/task intended to be dealt with = “N” (new)

Subject/Task is completed = “C” (completed)

Subject/Task will not be completed = “NC” (not completed)

For subjects/tasks with reported status "P","N" or "C" no additional information is

needed. For subjects/tasks with reported status “O" or “D" a description of the
actions proposed to achieve the goals and a proposed new Target Date (in case of
status “O”) shall be included in the “comment” column. For subjects/tasks with
status "NC" a separate explanation shall be given.

The subjects/task lists shall include the relevant information as shown in the above

A PTs Summarisation list shall also be prepared, containing:

Task No. (including the task No. under EG/Panel and the corresponding task No.
under GPG), Title, PT, Project Manager, PT Members, Target Date, Forecasted Budget
and Actual Budget.

Summarisation lists for PTs;

Task No. Task No. Title Project PT Members Target Date Forecasted Actual
(under WG) (under Manager Budget Budget


D1.3.3 Format of Quarterly reports (including Interim Report but excluding
Progress report)

1 For the quarterly reporting, which will include the brief interim report to be
submitted to the spring GPG meeting, a format identical to the format of Section D of
the Annual report referred to in D1.3.2 is to be used.



D1.4.1 Notice of Reservations

Form X


A Full Complete Listing

The society is to identify all or part of the UR (e.g. by paragraph number or numbers)
for which a reservation is found necessary and provide technical reasons for the
reservation. When a Society chooses not to offer classification for the type of ship or
maritime structure addressed by a UR, or group of URs, it shall be reported as N/A
(not applicable) using Form Z in D1.4.3: those so marked will not be counted when
analysing the total number of reservations.

UR Number and Title:

Version Clause Society Reservation


UR Number and Title:

Version Clause Society Reservation


Date:_________________ Signature:_______________________
(GPG Member)


D1.4.2 Notice of expected implementation date

Form Y



A Full Complete Listing

UR Number and Title:

Version Clause Society Expected Implementation

UR Date

UR Number and Title:

Version Clause Society Expected Implementation

UR Date

UR Number and Title:

Version Clause Society Expected Implementation
UR Date

Date:_________________ Signature:_______________________
(GPG Member)


D1.4.3 Notice of not applicability

Form Z


A Full Complete Listing

The society is to identify all or part of the UR (e.g. by paragraph number or numbers)
that they do not apply because they choose not to offer classification for the type of
ship or marine structure addressed by a UR, or group of URs.

UR Number and Title:

Version Clause Society Reason for non

UR applicability

UR Number and Title:

Version Clause Society Reason for non

UR applicability

Date:_________________ Signature:_______________________
(GPG Member)



Included in C 7.2.4, which see.



(with date of joining)

ABS American Bureau of Shipping 11 Sept 1968

BV Bureau Veritas 11 Sept 1968
CCS China Classification Society 31 May 1988
CRS Croatian Register of Shipping 3 May 2011
DNV GL DNV GL 17 Dec, 2013
IRS Indian Register of Shipping 22 June 2010
KR Korean Register of Shipping 31 May 1988
LR Lloyd’s Register 11 Sept 1968
NK Nippon Kaiji Kyokai (ClassNK) 11 Sept 1968
PRS Polish Register of Shipping 3 June 2011
RINA RINA 11 Sept 1968
RS Russian Maritime Register of Shipping 1 Nov 1969




General Quality EG
Policy Committee Training


EG EG EG EG Permanent Quality
Containers Law GBS European Secretariat Secretariat

Environmental Hull Machinery Safety Survey

Panel Panel Panel Panel Panel

CYBS Formal Material
Safety &
Assessment Welding

Data Polar Code ISM-ISPS-MLC Safety of
(Management Surveyors



International Maritime Organisation (IMO)

Responsible for Liaison: IACS Observers - see C6.1.

International Labour Organisation/International Labour Office (ILO)

Responsible for Liaison: Chair of EG/ILO

International Shipping Industry Associations

Responsible for Liaison: Secretary General

International Chamber of Shipping (ICS)

Responsible for Liaison: Marine Committee: Accredited Representative to IMO

International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)

Responsible for Liaison: Chair of Machinery Panel

International Organization for Standardization (ISO)

Group Responsible for Liaison

TC8 Ships and Marine Technology CCS
SC1 Lifesaving and Fire Protection ABS
SC2 Marine Environment Protection IRS
SC3 Piping and Machinery ABS
SC4 Outfitting and deck machinery CCS
SC6 Navigation and Operations DNVGL
SC8 Ship design Chair of Hull Panel
SC11 Intermodal and Short Sea Shipping KR
SC12 Large Yachts none

TC17 Steel none

SC3 Steels for Structural Purposes Chair of EG/M&W

TC28 Petroleum Products and Lubricants none

SC4 Classifications and Specifications LR

TC67 Materials, equipment and offshore none

structure for petroleum and natural
gas industries
SC7 Offshore Structures ABS

TC70 Internal Combustion Engines Chair of Machinery Panel

SC8 Exhaust Gas Emissions Measurement LR

TC104 Freight Containers RS

WG8 Mechanical Seals RS
SC1 General Purpose Containers RS
SC2 Specific Purpose Containers RS
SC4 Identification and Communication RS

TC184 Industrial automation system and none



SC4 Industrial Data none

The Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators (SIGTTO)

Responsible for liaison: LR

The Society of Gas as Marine Fuels (SGMF)

Responsible for liaison: ABS

International Council on Combustion Engines (CIMAC)

Responsible for liaison: Chair of Machinery Panel


D2.4.1 Members’ postal addresses

Postal addresses for exchange of Directory, Rules and Register Books

ABS Director, Regulatory Affairs

American Bureau of Shipping
ABS Executive Office
60 E. 42nd Street, 42nd Floor
New York, NY 10165-4200

BV Bureau Veritas
67/71 Boulevard du Chateau
92200 Neuilly sur Seine

CCS General Manager of Foreign Affairs Department

China Classification Society
CCS Mansion
9 Dongzhimen Nan Da Jie
Beijing 100007

CRS Croatian Register of Shipping

21000 Split
Marasovićeva 67
POB 187

Attn: MGUNO855
International Regulatory Affairs
N-1322 Høvik,


IRS Indian Register of Shipping
52A, Adi Shankaracharya Marg
Opp Powai Lake
Mumbai 400072

KR Korean Register of Shipping

36 Myeongji ocean city 9-ro,
Gangseo-gu, Busan,
Republic of Korea

LR Head of External Affairs

Lloyd’s Register Marine
Lloyd’s Register Global Technology Campus
Southampton Bolderwood Innovation Campus
Burgess Road
Southampton SO16 7QF
United Kingdom

NK General Manager of External Affairs Division

Nippon Kaiji Kyokai
4-7 Kioi-Cho
Tokyo 102-8567

PRS External Affairs Bureau

Polski Rejestr Statków S.A.
al. gen. Józefa Hallera 126
80-416 Gdańsk

RINA RINA Services S.p.A.

Regulatory Affairs
Attn: Manager of Relations with Regulatory Bodies, Marine
Via Corsica 12
16128 Genova

RS Head of International Affairs Department

Russian Maritime Register of Shipping
8 Dvortsovaya Naberezhnaya
191186 St Petersburg
Russian Federation


D2.4.2 Permanent Secretariat postal and visitor address

International Association of Classification Societies Ltd

6th Floor
36 Broadway
London SW1H 0BH
United Kingdom

D2.4.3 Quality Secretariat postal and visitor address

IACS QSCS Operations Centre

Efford Park
Milford Road
SO41 0JD

D2.4.4 Members' and Permanent Secretariat emails etc.

Council and GPG messages intended for IACS Members and the Permanent
Secretariat, as a group, should be sent to the following addresses:


Other messages to the Permanent Secretariat should be sent to the following


Messages to the IACS Representative to the EU should be sent to the following


Messages to the QSCS Operations Centre should be sent to the following addresses:

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 100 of 141

The operational email addresses of the Council, GPG and QC Chairs are notified by
them when taking over.

Email addresses of Panel and EG Chairs and Members are given in separate listings
circulated by the Permanent Secretariat from time to time. Similarly, a list for the
IACS observers and ISO Liaisons is circulated by the Permanent Secretariat from
time to time.

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 101 of 141


The Permanent Secretariat shall retain specific documentation concerning:

Council/GPG/QC: Meeting papers and minutes - unlimited period;

Other papers - 5 years.

QSCS Certification Documents: See QSCS Procedures (IACS Procedures,

Volume 3)

Working Groups: Minutes of Meetings - 10 years;

Final reports - 10 years
Correspondence on live issues (only as indicated
elsewhere in these procedures).

IMO and other organisations: IACS Papers to IMO - for an unlimited period.

Papers and correspondence as related to IACS -

to be kept to ensure continuity and availability
for a period as deemed appropriate by the
Permanent Secretariat.

FSA Studies by PT (Project Teams) When IACS sets up a project team to carry out
a Formal Safety Assessment, the IACS
Permanent Secretariat is to archive and
maintain in confidence one full copy of the
documents used for the FSA for 15 years after
completion of the FSA.

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 102 of 141



1 Forum and Public Communications

1.1 The TC Forum (the “Forum”) is provided by the International Association of

Classification Societies (“IACS”) to any Classification Society (“CS”) (whether a
member of IACS or not) subject to these Terms of Service ("TOS"), the IACS Charter
(“Charter”) and other applicable rules that may be published from time to time by
IACS. For the purposes of these TOS, references to "IACS" include a reference to
both IACS and IACS Ltd.

1.2 IACS provides this Forum, subject to charges as established by IACS, to CSs
who agree to abide by these TOS. The subscription charges are designed to recover
the reasonable costs of establishing and maintaining the Forum only. IACS reserves
the right to change the nature of this relationship (other than the basis for its
charges) at any time.

2 Definitions

2.1 In these TOS all terms shall have the same meaning as in the IACS Charter
unless otherwise stated:

Confidential Content means any Content other than Content which IACS may
decide to publish.

Content means text, files, links, software, photographs, video, sound, music which is
transmitted, posted, or otherwise provided to any part of the Forum, whether posted
by IACS, a CS or any other user of the Forum. For the avoidance of doubt, Content
shall include (without limitation) drafts of resolutions (IACS CSR, IACS PR, IACS UR
and IACS UI), comments on such drafts by CSs in the Forum, opinions and votes
expressed by CSs in the Forum, technical models, data sheets, software, computer
outputs, personal data relating any individuals authorised by a CS to use its Account.

3 Registration and Acceptance of Terms

3.1 In consideration of the right to use the Forum, each CS which participates in the
Forum, whether or not it is a member of IACS, agrees to (i) comply with these TOS;
and (ii) allow participation in the Forum through its Account (as defined below) only
by its own employees. A CS which violates these TOS may, at IACS’s sole discretion,
and subject only to the provisions of the IACS Charter, be banned from using the

3.2 In addition, each non-IACS CS agrees to (i) provide IACS with accurate,
complete and true information about itself as required on the Forum's registration
form (its "Registration Information") in order to create its IACS Online Forum Account
(its "Account"); and (ii) maintain and update, as applicable, its Registration
Information with current and complete information. A non-IACS CS which provides
inaccurate, false, or non-current Registration Information may, at IACS's sole
discretion, subject only to the provisions of the IACS Charter, have its Account
suspended or terminated.

3.3 As part of its Account, each CS will be responsible for creating and maintaining
the confidentiality of its user name and password. Each CS is responsible for all
activity occurring under its Account. Each CS agrees that it will (i) immediately notify

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 103 of 141

IACS of any unauthorised use of its user name or password and (ii) ensure that it
properly exits the Forum at the completion of its session.

3.4 IACS shall have no liability for any loss or damage arising from a CS’s Account or
a CS’s failure to comply with these requirements.



4 Confidentiality

4.1 Each CS agrees that it will, and will procure that each individual authorised to
use its Account will:

• not use any Confidential Content other than is necessary in order to discharge
his/her duties in connection with furthering the interests of the Forum (the
“Purpose”); and
• not disclose any Confidential Content to any person other than any of the
employees, agents or contractors of the CS that he/she represents, other
parties specifically provided for by IACS Procedures or to other CSs
participating in the Forum and then only subject to procuring that any person
to whom any Confidential Content is disclosed by it/him/her in accordance
with these TOS complies with the confidentiality restrictions contained in these
TOS and only uses such Confidential Content in connection with the Purpose.

4.2 Notwithstanding the provisions in section 4.1 above, each CS and each individual
authorised to use that CS’s Account, may disclose any Confidential Content:

• if and to the extent required by law or for the purpose of any judicial
proceedings (provided always that the disclosing party gives as much notice
as possible to IACS prior to such disclosure);
• to its professional advisers;
• if and to the extent the Content has come into the public domain through no
fault of the CS or the individual authorised to use that CS’s Account which is
seeking to disclose the Confidential Content; or
• if and to the extent that IACS has given prior consent to the disclosure.

4.3 In addition, nothing in this section 4 shall prohibit a CS from publishing its own
technical Rules and Guides which may incorporate its own comments and opinions on
subjects discussed in the Forum.

5 Guidelines for Use of the Forum

5.1 Each CS is entirely responsible and liable for all activities conducted by it and
any authorised user of its Account in the Forum, including the submission of Content.

5.2 Listed below are some, though not all, violations that may result in IACS
terminating or suspending a CS’s access to the Forum. Each CS agrees not to do, or
permit any person using its Account to do, any of the following actions while using
any Forum:

• Harass, threaten, embarrass or cause distress or discomfort to another Forum

participant, user, or other individual or entity;
• Post any Content to any Forum that is disruptive, unlawful, harmful,
threatening, abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, hateful or
racially, ethnically or otherwise objectionable;

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 104 of 141

• Post or transmit any unsolicited advertising, promotional materials, or any
other forms of solicitation in the Forum;
• Intentionally or unintentionally violate any applicable local, state, national or
international law, including but not limited to any regulations having the force
of law while using or accessing any Forum;
• Introduce viruses, Trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material which is
malicious or technologically harmful, or access without authority, interfere
with, damage or disrupt the Forum, or any part of them or any equipment or
network on which the Forum are hosted;
• Invade the privacy or violate any personal or proprietary right of any person
or entity; and
• Infringe the intellectual property rights or similar rights, including but not
limited to copyrights and trademarks, of any person or entity.

5.3 By posting Content on the Forum or submitting any other Content to IACS, a CS
shall, and shall procure that any person appointed to use its Account shall,
automatically grant (or warrant that the owner of such rights has expressly granted)
to IACS a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-free, irrevocable, non-exclusive right and
license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt, publish, translate, sub-license (including
sublicensing other users of the Forum), create derivative works from and distribute
such materials or incorporate such Content for any purpose and into any form,
medium, or technology now known or later developed.

5.4 While IACS endeavours to ensure that the Forum is available at all times, IACS
shall not be liable if for any reason the Forum is not always available, including where
maintenance is required.

5.5 The Forum may contain typographical errors or other inaccuracies, or be

incomplete or out of date. IACS is under no obligation to update or correct such
material. Content posted on the Forum is not intended to amount to advice on which
reliance should be placed. IACS does not warrant the accuracy or completeness of
the Content of the Forum. Each CS acknowledges that the Content of the Forum is
provided “as is”, without any conditions, warranties or other terms of any kind.
Without prejudice to the restrictions imposed in section 6.1 of these TOS, any CS
which uses or relies on the Content does so entirely at its own risk and irrevocably
agrees not to bring any claim, action or proceeding in respect of any loss, damage,
cost or expense suffered or incurred by it as a result of its use or reliance on any
Content. Accordingly, to the maximum extent permitted by law, IACS excludes all
representations, express or implied warranties, conditions and other terms which but
for this legal notice might have effect in relation to the Forum.

5.6 IACS and its Members (to the extent that Members may be held liable for any
act or omission of IACS), partners, officers, employees and advisers shall not be
liable for any indirect or consequential loss or damage (however arising, including in
negligence), nor for any direct loss of revenue, profit, business, goodwill or
anticipated savings or any loss of or damage to data or systems suffered as a result
of a disclosure, statement or omission on, or the use of, the Forum or its Content,
save to the extent that the same cannot be excluded under the laws of England and
Wales. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the maximum aggregate liability of IACS
and its Members (to the extent that Members may be held liable for any act or
omission of IACS), partners, officers, employees and advisers to any CS, or to any
person appointed to use that CS’s Account, in connection with the Forum shall not in
any calendar year exceed an amount equivalent to all charges received or receivable
by IACS from that CS for its use of the Forum in relation to the calendar year in
which the event giving rise to the claim arose.

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 105 of 141

5.7 Where the Forum contains links to third party websites and resources, these
links are provided for information only. IACS has no control over the content of
these sites or resources, and has no liability for them or for any loss or damage that
may arise from a CS’s use of them. The inclusion of a link to a third party website
does not constitute an endorsement by IACS of that third party’s website, product or
services (if applicable).

5.8 Each CS agrees to indemnify IACS and its Members (to the extent that Members
may be held liable for any act or omission of IACS),partners, officers, employees and
advisers for any and all claims, damages, losses, and causes of action arising as a
result of that CS or any person using that CS’s Account posting to the Forum,
submitting any Content to the Forum or that CS’s failure or the failure by any person
using that CS’s Account to comply with these TOS and other rules that may be
published from time to time by IACS regarding the use of the Forum. While IACS
does not and cannot review all Content posted by CSs in the Forum and is not
responsible for the content of these postings, IACS reserves the right to delete,
move, or edit Content that it, in its sole discretion, deems to be abusive, defamatory,
obscene, in violation of copyright or trademark laws, in violation of any person's
rights of privacy or publicity or otherwise unacceptable.

6 No Resale/Exploitation

6.1 Without prejudice to section 4.3 above, each CS understands and agrees that it
may not reproduce, copy, resell, manipulate, or exploit any Content for any
commercial purpose, other than explicitly permitted by IACS Procedures or by the
IACS Council.

7 Termination

7.1 Each CS understands and agrees that IACS may, in its sole discretion and at any
time, subject only to the provisions of the IACS Charter, terminate that CS’s
password, Account or use of the Forum, and discard and remove any Content posted
on or submitted by that CS to the Forum, for any breach of these TOS or any other
rules that may be published from time to time by IACS. Each CS understands and
agrees that IACS may take any one or more of these actions without prior notice.
Should IACS take any of these actions, it may, in its sole discretion, subject only to
the provisions of the IACS Charter, immediately deactivate and/or delete any or all
Content about and concerning the CS’s Account, including its Registration
Information and submitted Content.

7.2 Each CS acknowledges and agrees that IACS may be irreparably harmed by the
breach of these TOS and/or the Guidelines or other rules published by IACS from
time to time and damages may not be an adequate remedy; IACS shall be entitled to
an injunction or specific performance for any threatened or actual breach of the
provisions of these TOS and/or the Guidelines or other rules published by IACS from
time to time.

8 Other

8.1 These TOS shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of
England and Wales without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of law.

8.2 Each CS agrees that any action at law or in equity arising out of or relating to
these terms shall be filed only in the courts located in England and Wales and each
CS hereby consents and submits to the personal jurisdiction of such courts for the
purposes of litigating any such action. In no event shall a CS be entitled to injunctive
or other equitable relief. If any provision of these terms shall be unlawful, void, or

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 106 of 141

for any reason unenforceable, then that provision shall be deemed severable from
these terms and shall not affect the validity and enforceability of any remaining




1 Introduction and Acceptance of Terms

1.1 A Classification Society (CS), whether or not it is a Member of the International

Association of Classification Societies (IACS), has the right to participate in IACS
Working Groups (WGs) in accordance with the IACS Procedures, Volume 1, C4.3 and
the IACS Charter. Participation in the WGs by a non-IACS CS is subject to
reasonable and proportionate charges as established by IACS from time to time.

1.2 In consideration of the right to participate in the WGs, each CS which

participates in a WG, whether or not it is a Member of IACS, agrees to (i) comply
with these Terms of Service for Participation in IACS Working Groups (TOS); and (ii)
procure that individuals appointed by it to participate in a WG on its behalf (a) meet
the definition of a WG Participant (as defined below) and (b) comply with these TOS.

1.3 In addition, each non-IACS CS agrees to (i) provide IACS with accurate,
complete and current information about itself as required on the WG Item
Registration Form (Registration Information) and (ii) maintain and update, as
applicable, its Registration Information with current and complete information.

1.4 IACS, at its sole discretion and subject only to the provisions of the IACS
Charter, reserves the right to withdraw participation rights in WGs where a CS and/or
its WG Participants breach these TOS.

1.5 For the purposes of these TOS, references to "IACS" include a reference to both
IACS and IACS Ltd.



2 Definitions

2.1 In these TOS all terms shall have the same meaning as in the IACS Charter
unless otherwise stated:

Confidential Information means any Information other than Information which

IACS must publish pursuant to IACS Procedures, or otherwise decides to publish.

Information means all information in any form, whether written or oral, which is
shared between WG Participants including (without limitation) drafts of resolutions
(IACS CSR, IACS PR, IACS UR and IACS UI), comments on such drafts by WG
Participants, opinions and votes expressed by WG Participants, technical models,
data sheets, software, computer outputs, personal data relating to WG Participants.

WG Participant means an employee of a CS that has applied to participate in a WG,

whether or not such CS is an IACS Member, who has been appointed by that CS to
participate in that WG on its behalf.

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 107 of 141

3 Confidentiality

3.1 Each CS agrees that it will, and will procure that each WG Participant that it
appoints will:

• not use any Confidential Information other than is necessary in order to

discharge his/her duties in connection with furthering the interests of the WG
(the “Purpose”); and
• not disclose any Confidential Information to any person other than any of the
employees, agents or contractors of the CS that he/she represents, other
parties specifically provided for by IACS Procedures or to other WG
Participants and then only subject to procuring that any person to whom any
Confidential Information is disclosed by it/him/her in accordance with these
TOS complies with the confidentiality restrictions contained in these TOS and
only uses such Confidential Information in connection with the Purpose.

3.2 Notwithstanding the provisions in section 3.1 above, each CS and each WG
Participant that it appoints may disclose any Confidential Information:

• if and to the extent required by law or for the purpose of any judicial
proceedings (provided always that the disclosing party gives as much notice
as possible to the Chair of the WG prior to such disclosure);
• to its professional advisers;
• if and to the extent the information has come into the public domain through
no fault of the CS or WG Participant seeking to disclose the Confidential
Information; or
• if and to the extent that the WG Chair has given prior consent to the

3.3 In addition, nothing in this section 3 shall prohibit a CS from publishing its own
technical Rules and Guides which may incorporate its own comments and opinions on
subjects discussed by the WG.

4 Guidelines for WG Participation

4.1 Each CS is entirely responsible and liable for all activities conducted by it and by
any WG Participant that it appoints to participate in a WG on its behalf.

4.2 Listed below are some, though not all, violations that may result in IACS
terminating or suspending the right to participate in a WG. No WG Participant shall
do any of the following actions while participating in a WG:

• Harass, threaten, embarrass or cause distress or discomfort to another WG

Participant, or other individual or entity;
• Distribute any material that is disruptive, unlawful, harmful, threatening,
abusive, harassing, defamatory, vulgar, obscene, hateful or racially, ethnically
or otherwise objectionable;
• Transmit any unsolicited advertising, promotional materials, or any other
forms of solicitation within the WG;
• Intentionally or unintentionally violate any applicable local, state, national or
international law, including but not limited to any regulations having the force
of law while participating in any WG;
• Introduce viruses, Trojans, worms, logic bombs or other material which is
malicious or technologically harmful, or access without authority, interfere
with, damage or disrupt a WG, or any part of it or any equipment or network
on which correspondence relating to the WG is hosted or transmitted;

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 108 of 141

• Invade the privacy or violate any personal or proprietary right of any person
or entity; and
• Infringe the intellectual property rights or similar rights, including but not
limited to copyrights and trademarks, of any person or entity.

4.3 By contributing Information to the WG, each CS shall, and shall procure that
each WG Participant appointed by it shall, automatically grant (or warrant that the
owner of such rights has expressly granted) to IACS a perpetual, worldwide, royalty-
free, irrevocable, non-exclusive right and license to use, reproduce, modify, adapt,
publish, translate, sub-license (including sublicensing other CSs), create derivative
works from and distribute such Information or incorporate such Information for any
purpose into any form, medium, or technology now known or later developed.

4.4 IACS and its Members (to the extent that the Members may be held liable for
any act or omission of IACS), partners, officers, employees and advisers are not
responsible for the Information made available in the WGs, which is provided “as is”,
without any conditions, warranties or other terms of any kind. Without prejudice to
the restrictions imposed in section 5.1 of these TOS, any CS or WG Participant who
uses or relies on the Information does so entirely at their own risk and irrevocably
agrees not to bring any claim, action or proceeding in respect of any loss, damage,
cost or expense suffered or incurred by it as a result of its use or reliance on any
Information. To the maximum extent permitted by law, IACS excludes all
representations, express or implied warranties, conditions and other terms which but
for this legal notice might have effect in relation to the Information that is shared
within the WG.

4.5 IACS and its Members (to the extent that the Members may be held liable for
any act or omission of IACS), partners, officers, employees and advisers shall not be
liable for any indirect or consequential loss or damage (however arising, including in
negligence), nor for any direct loss of revenue, profit, business, goodwill or
anticipated savings or any loss of or damage to data or systems suffered as a result
of a disclosure, statement or omission relating to any Information, save to the extent
that the same cannot be excluded under the laws of England and Wales.

4.6 Without prejudice to the foregoing, the maximum aggregate liability of IACS and
its Members (to the extent that the Members may be held liable for any act or
omission of IACS), partners, officers, employees and advisers to a CS or its WG
Participants in connection with a WG shall not in any calendar year exceed an amount
equivalent to all charges received or receivable by IACS from that CS for its
participation in the WG in accordance with IACS Procedures in relation to the
calendar year in which the event giving rise to the claim arose.

4.7 Each CS agrees to indemnify IACS and its Members (to the extent that the
Members may be held liable for any act or omission of IACS), partners, officers,
employees and advisers for any and all claims, damages, losses, and causes of action
arising as a result of that CS or any WG Participant appointed by that CS failing to
comply with these TOS and other rules that may be published from time to time by
IACS regarding participation in WGs or as a result of reliance on any Information.

5 No Resale/Exploitation

5.1 Without prejudice to section 3.3 above, each CS acknowledges and agrees that it
may not reproduce, copy, resell, manipulate, or exploit any Information for any
commercial purpose, other than as explicitly permitted by IACS Procedures or by the
IACS Council.

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 109 of 141

6 Termination

6.1 Each CS understands and agrees that IACS may in its sole discretion, subject
only to the provisions of the IACS Charter, withdraw its right to participate in a WG
and that IACS may take this action without prior notice to that CS.

6.2 Each CS acknowledges and agrees that IACS may be irreparably harmed by the
breach of these TOS or other rules published by IACS from time to time and damages
may not be an adequate remedy; IACS shall be entitled to an injunction or specific
performance for any threatened or actual breach of the provisions of these TOS
and/or the Guidelines or other rules published by IACS from time to time.

7 Other

7.1 These TOS shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of
England and Wales without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of law and
without prejudice to any right a CS and/or WG Participant may have to raise a
grievance in accordance with the applicable Procedures set out in part 1.7(d) of
Annex 3 of the IACS Charter.

7.2 Each CS and each WG Participant agrees that any action at law or in equity
arising out of or relating to these terms shall be filed only in the courts located in
England and Wales and hereby consents and submits to the personal jurisdiction of
such courts for the purposes of litigating any such action. In no event shall a CS
and/or WG Participant be entitled to injunctive or other equitable relief. If any
provision of these terms shall be unlawful, void, or for any reason unenforceable,
then that provision shall be deemed severable from these terms and shall not affect
the validity and enforceability of any remaining provisions.


Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 110 of 141


D3.3.1 Regarding ‘Classification Society’ status

1 Refer to IACS Procedures, Volume 2: Procedures concerning requirements for

Membership of IACS for the relevant documents.

D3.3.2 Application form for participation in Working Group item(s)

1 Form to be sent to The Secretary General, The International Association of

Classification Societies, 6th Floor, 36 Broadway, London SW1H 0BH, United Kingdom

Applicant [classification society name]

Name of participant

Position in class society


Working Group(s)

Working Group Item(s)

Short CV listing
participant’s experience.
Please list any experience
or expertise of particular
value to the Working
Group Item(s)

I hereby request that [classification society name] participates in the above

listed Working Group Items(s) and agree to pay for all costs of attendance by our
nominated personnel.

The nominated individual will participate in an effective and efficient manner, and
will meet the deadlines set for the item(s). I understand that [classification
society name] will also be required to contribute a proportionate part of the cost
of running the Working Group, and that IACS will inform us of the amount when
replying to this application.

I accept the Terms of Service for IACS Working Groups attached hereto.


Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 111 of 141


Has CS status been Yes, invite to participate No, decline


Working Group
Chair/Chairs advised

CS advised of their
proportion of running costs
Amount advised…………..
of the WG

D3.3.3 Response form for participation in Working Group item(s)

(This part to be completed by the Permanent Secretariat and sent to the CS)
Class Society


Working Group

Working Group Item(s)

Proportionate cost of

Secretary General [Signature of Sec Gen]

(This part to be completed by the CS)

[Classification society name] agrees to participate in the above listed Working
Group Items(s) and will pay for all costs of attendance by our own nominated
personnel and the proportionate contribution to the running expenses of the
Working Group, as stated above. The nominated individual will participate in an
effective and efficient manner, in accordance with the Terms of Service for IACS
Working Groups, and will meet the deadlines set for the item(s).


Completed Form to be sent by the CS to The Secretary General, The International

Association of Classification Societies, 6th Floor, 36 Broadway, London SW1H 0BH, United
Kingdom. (email:

Permanent Secretariat is to forward the completed form to the Working Group chair.

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 112 of 141


© IACS - the International Association of Classification Societies and the

International Association of Classification Societies Limited yyyy

All rights reserved.

Except as permitted under current English legislation no part of this work may be
photocopied, stored in a retrieval system, published, performed in public, adapted,
broadcast, transmitted, recorded or reproduced in any form or by means, without
prior permission of the copyright owner.

Where IACS has granted written permission for any part of this publication to be
quoted such quotation must include acknowledgement to IACS.

Enquiries should be addressed to:

The Secretary General
International Association of Classification Societies Ltd
36 Broadway
London, SW1H 0BH
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7976 0660
Fax: +44 (0)20 7808 1100

With regard to information published on the IACS website and where the copyright
resides with IACS and IACS Ltd., permission is hereby granted for use, as above.


Terms and Conditions

The International Association of Classification Societies (IACS), its Member Societies

and IACS Ltd. and their directors, officers, members, employees and agents (on
behalf of whom this notice is issued) shall be under no liability or responsibility in
contract or negligence or otherwise howsoever to any person in respect of any
information or advice expressly or impliedly given in this document, or in respect of
any inaccuracy herein or omission herefrom or in respect of any act or omission
which has caused or contributed to this document being issued with the information
or advice it contains (if any).

Without derogating from the generality of the foregoing, neither the International
Association of Classification Societies (IACS) nor IACS Ltd. nor its Member Societies
nor their directors, officers, members, employees or agents shall be liable in contract
or negligence or otherwise howsoever for any direct, indirect or consequential loss to
any person caused by or arising from any information, advice, inaccuracy or omission
given or contained herein or any act or omission causing or contributing to any such
information, advice, inaccuracy or omission given or contained herein.

Any dispute concerning the provision of material herein is subject to the exclusive
jurisdiction of the English courts and will be governed by English Law.

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 113 of 141


The IACS website provides access to technical Resolutions produced by IACS and
carries the following note:

Note to Classification Societies which are not Members of IACS

IACS publishes all Unified Requirements ("URs"), including CSR, and Technical
Background ("TB") information on the IACS website. Any classification society which
is not a Member of IACS may register with IACS for free RSS newsfeeds with updates
of all IACS' new publications by navigating to the page it wants to subscribe to and
using the RSS link on that page. By clicking on the RSS link the classification society
can add its contact details for subscription.

Notwithstanding the intellectual property rights held by IACS Members in IACS' URs
and the related TB information, all classification societies are free to use the URs
(including CSR) by effectively embedding them into their own published rules.
Classification societies are also at liberty to enter into any agreement with any IACS
Member in relation to the provision of further information or assistance.

In the event that any classification society decides to embed IACS' requirements into
its own rules, it will be the responsibility of that classification society to verify the
contents and the application of those requirements. The classification society's right
to incorporate IACS' requirements into its own rules implies no representation by
IACS or its Members that the classification society in question is operating in
compliance with those requirements. IACS and IACS' Members accept no liability (in
contract, tort or otherwise) for any defect or deficiency in IACS' URs and the related
information or for any resulting damage.


Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 114 of 141

Appendix I



The following Guiding Principles refer to the IACS Procedures, Volume 1, Section C7.2
on external communication. They are intended to provide further guidance to the
Chair of Council and GPG, the Secretary General and Permanent Secretariat, and all
Member Societies to promote the aims of IACS and the role of class for maritime
safety, security, protection of the environment and sustainability, in general.

This document is based on the principle that the IACS communication is a primary
responsibility of the Chair of Council assisted by the Secretary General and their
respective staff, including the Chair of GPG and the Council’s Vice Chairmen, and the
Permanent Secretariat. The Chair of Council may also be assisted by a press office
under his/her direction. The Secretary General provides support with his/her own
contacts with the industry and leading organisations, and the Permanent Secretariat
should act as central focal point with the media and press for any matter relating to
IACS. The Chairman’s office can provide further guidance on external communication
matters. In particular, the Chair of Council may request the Council’s Vice Chairmen
or the Secretary General to represent IACS whenever he/she is invited but not able
to attend some events deemed relevant to IACS.

1 IACS Aims and Strategy

1 IACS primary aims are mentioned in the IACS Charter and in the IACS Objectives,
Strategy and Short-Term Plan, which is a reference document, to be periodically
reviewed by Council and used by the Chair of Council and GPG, and by all Member
Societies for communication purposes. Normally, this document is adopted at the
June Council meeting and it is valid for presenting the IACS objectives and short term
plan both to all interested parties, the media and the public, for the next
chairmanship period.

2 The elected Chair of Council may present the adopted IACS Objectives, Strategy
and Short-Term Plan in the press release and at the first press conference following
the June Council meeting. As proven, this document is also useful afterwards, e.g.
during meetings with interested parties and at conferences, especially highlighting
those priorities, which are presented by the Chair of Council as the most important
during his/her chairmanship period.

3 The Council, in December 2013 (C68), decided that the original IACS Objectives,
Strategy and Short-Term Plan, adopted in June 2013 for the period 2013-2014,
should be reviewed by the Strategy Committee and be presented in two separate
documents for the incoming chairmanship period, respectively: (a) general objectives
and strategy in a document, which may remain valid in the long-term, and (b) short-
term plan in another document, which most probably will have to be substantially
updated every year, based on achieved results and on priority setting.

4 As stated in the IACS Procedures, Volume 1, paragraph C7.2.2, IACS' aim shall be
to make a constructive contribution to the wide range of issues which arise from its
international functions. This shall be achieved through appropriate recognition of the
Association’s role and by making its views known by all appropriate methods and

5 As stated in the IACS Procedures. Volume 1, paragraph C7.2.3, IACS should seek
and take all suitable opportunities to build up the reputation and credibility of IACS

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 115 of 141

as a whole, and to make sure that there is a proper understanding of the essential
contribution that IACS and its Members individually make to the establishment,
maintenance and application of proper standards of maritime safety worldwide. This
is a major responsibility of the Secretary General under the direction of the Chair of

6 As stated in the IACS Charter and in the IACS Objectives, Strategy and Short-
Term Plan (2013-2014), the IACS’ aims are to:

a. establish, review, promote and develop minimum technical requirements in

relation to design, construction and survey of ships and other marine units;

b. assist international regulatory bodies and standards organisations to develop,

amend and interpret regulations and industry standards in ship design,
construction and management, with a view to improving safety at sea and
prevention of marine pollution; and

c. provide a Quality System Certification Scheme (QSCS) that its Members shall
comply with, as an assurance of professional integrity and maintenance of
high professional standards.

7 The IACS Objectives, Strategy and Short-Term Plan (2013-2014) also mention the
support that IACS can offer to regulators, e.g. IMO and ILO, and the Industry,
relating to the following asset values:

a. “leadership”, ability to be ahead and co-operate with regulators and industry

on initiatives that can effectively promote maritime safety, protection of the
environment and sustainability, provide practical real-world guidance to
regulators and industry, and appropriately address maritime safety and
environmental concerns;

b. “technical knowledge”, collective and individual knowledge and experience,

leading to the development, adoption and implementation of technical rules
and minimum requirements that reflect current practice and changing
demands of the society, supporting innovation and new technologies;

c. “quality performance”, commitment of its members to define and adhere to

the highest global quality standards, through rigorous application of the IACS
QSCS and through actual performance proved by appropriate key
performance indicators;

d. “transparency”, ability to provide advice on the implementation of regulations,

interpretations or enhancements thereof, if need is identified, so that practical
solutions can be effectively developed in cooperation and with the support of
other stakeholders, increasing the trust on class.

8 The strategy to further strengthen these values is driven by the guiding principles
presented and regularly reviewed by Council in the IACS Objectives, Strategy and
Short-Term Plan.

2 IACS Website

1 The IACS website is a fundamental vehicle to disseminate information on the

primary aims of IACS and all its activities, including news, work program,
commitments, resolutions and publications, which are required to be available to any
classification societies, either Member Societies or not-Member of IACS, and other
interested parties, for the sake of transparency. The management and regular

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 116 of 141

update of the IACS website is one of the primary responsibilities of the Permanent
Secretariat, based on IACS work and with the contribution of all Member Societies.

2 In the IACS website, there is a window “IACS explained”, which includes some
fundamental documents to explain the role of class and aims of IACS, namely:

a. Classification Societies – What, Why and How?

b. Classification Societies – Key Role
c. the IACS Charter and its Annexes
d. the IACS Objective, Strategy and Short-Term Plan
e. Class symbols
f. IACS OSH Policy
g. IACS Members Contact Details for PSC MOUs
h. the International Contribution of IACS to Safer and Cleaner Shipping.

3 In particular, the above-mentioned documents 2.a, 2.b and 2.h contain

background information on the scope of class and role of IACS. However, they need
to be periodically updated to keep pace with regulatory developments, such as
differentiation and overlaps between the roles of classification societies acting as
recognized organisations on behalf of flag States, in accordance with IMO RO Code
and national legislation, and acting for the scope of class. The Permanent Secretariat
should keep these documents updated, in consultation with the GPG Chair and

4 In the IACS website there is a window “News”, which includes the IACS press
releases and articles in the press. This section needs to be kept constantly updated
by the Permanent Secretariat, including articles published by the press on IACS,
presently circulated via e-mail messages to all Members, as well as papers and
presentations made by the Chair of Council, Council Vice Chair, Chair of GPG,
Secretary General or other representatives appointed to speak on behalf of IACS in
various events. The publication of these documents on the IACS website can provide
further guidance to the Member Societies about the IACS policies, strategies and
short-term plan as well as external visibility.

3 IACS Papers and Presentations

1 When IACS is invited to an International Conference or Seminar, the Chair of

Council or Chair of GPG will decide on IACS representation, informing Council and
GPG when appropriate. The Chair of Council is the leading spoke person for the
Association. The Secretary General or Chair of GPG may represent IACS at
conferences and meetings, when the Chair of Council does not attend. The Chair of
Council may ask the Council Vice Chair to represent IACS on his/her behalf, too,
especially in events requiring a high level participation.

2 The Secretary General, assisted by the Permanent Secretariat, should provide the
Chair of Council with a standard presentation relating to the IACS Objectives,
Strategies and Short-Term Plan, based on most recent achievements, or other
matters relating to on-going work and discussion with other parties, e.g. at the IMO
or with Industry. When needed, the Secretary General may ask GPG Chair and
Members’ input on matters that require specific technical knowledge and expertise.
The Chair of GPG may direct such a request to a specific Panel or Expert Group.

3 The Chair of Council or Chair of GPG may review such a standard presentation or
develop new ones, based on the objectives, strategies and short-term plan
established during the chairmanship period.

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 117 of 141

4 Any paper or presentation made by the Chair of Council, Council Vice Chair, Chair
of GPG, Secretary General or any other representative at external events should be
circulated to Council or GPG for information or comments, when required.

5 The Secretary General should keep the Chair of Council and Members informed
about any feedback from the media, the Industry or other interested parties relating
to the IACS participation at conferences or other events.

4 Public Relations

1 As stated in the IACS Procedures, Volume 1, paragraph C7.2.2, the objectives of

the public relations activities shall be:

a. to build long term relationships of IACS with the media based on

confidence and trust;

b. to achieve optimum, accurate and favourable coverage for IACS in the

news media and ensure understanding of its objectives and activities;

c. to maintain an effective, quick response to news media questions on

IACS related issues;

d. to establish and maintain communications between Chair of Council

and news media through regular contacts;

e. to enhance IACS’ image to Ship owners / Operators, Underwriters,

National Administrations, IMO, decision makers, opinion leaders,
official bodies, outside organisations and the general public;

f. to develop media programmes around specific objectives and issues

defined after discussion with the Chair of Council.

2 The Secretary General should assist the Chair of Council for developing the public
relations activities of the Association through the implementation of the above

3 The Secretary General should organise a continuous, targeted programme for

improving media relations and media coverage at all levels.

4 The Secretary General should prepare an annual communication programme,

including details of participation at key events and media relations, for the incoming
Council Chair’s consideration and Council approval.

5 The key facets of the programme should be:

a. press releases following Council meetings and at such other times as

directed by Council (all press releases should be approved by Council
prior to circulation);

b. visits/meetings with journalists to promote new IACS Resolutions,

provide in-depth background material or for interviews with the Chair
of Council and/or the Secretary General;

c. articles for the technical press, written by the Chair of Council, Chair of
GPG, Panel Chair or Members of the Association, speaking on behalf of
IACS (upon Council or GPG instruction);

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 118 of 141

d. participation in industry related symposia, conferences, etc. (including
Chair of Council, Council Vice Chair, Chair of GPG and Secretary
General’s participation at Industry Tripartite meetings);

e. encouragement of open discussion on important debates in industry;

f. press conferences (normally after the election of the incoming Chair of

Council and for other opportunities, identified by the Chair of Council);

g. circulation to Council of press cuttings and articles relating to IACS (by

the Permanent Secretariat).

6 The Chairman’s Office may consider any emerging opportunities there are for class
to raise its voice and be noticed, as areas of improvement.

7 Generally, the Chair of Council shall respond, as deemed necessary, to criticism in

the press. Where appropriate, this shall also include contacting authors of articles
personally and explaining problems directly. Press articles containing such criticism,
within the country of a Member, should be forwarded to the Chair of Council and the
Secretary General who jointly will consider the gravity of the criticism and make the
necessary proposals to Council regarding any response.

8 As stated in the IACS Procedures, Volume 1, paragraph C7.2.3, IACS should not
become involved in public disputes about individual allegations of inefficiency but
must be prepared, by whatever means are appropriate, to counter any challenges to
the value of the system of classification or the integrity or effectiveness of IACS as a
whole. Such a response should come from the Chair of Council or Secretary General,
when appointed by the Chair of Council to do so.

9 As stated in the IACS Procedures, Volume 1, paragraph C7.2.1, all correspondence

containing statements on behalf of IACS is to be conducted through or by direction of
the Chair of Council, or Chair of GPG, as relevant. Such correspondence may be
directed to the Chair of Council, the Secretary General or the Permanent Secretariat,
and may come from the IMO, flag Administrations, industry Associations or other
interested parties. Normally, the relevant reply, drafted by the Chair of Council or
Secretary General, should be approved by Council. In general, all correspondence on
behalf of IACS should pass through the Permanent Secretariat.

5 Matters relating to individual Members

1 Criticisms may be based on single instances of inefficiency (which may or may not
be well founded) but it is frequently extended to challenge the competence of all
classification societies or, indeed, to question the value of the system of
classification. In replying to these questions and defending the classification system
as a whole, adverse comments on the performance or abilities of one IACS Member
should be avoided, unless substantiated by objective evidence or relating to any
decisions taken by IACS.

2 Public statements should avoid public comments on any Member Societies’ affairs
or initiatives that are outside the scope of IACS or do not raise any question on the
system of classification or on IACS matters in general.

3 Individual Members will have opportunities to respond to criticism or to contribute

to the reputation and credibility of IACS. It is important that such responses or
contributions are consistent with the public comments and declared policy of IACS as
a whole.

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 119 of 141

4 Press statements (and/or interviews) by Member Societies can fall into one of three

a. those statements concerning purely Member Societies affairs;

b. statements which involve IACS;

c. comments concerning other IACS Members.

5 Member Societies have, of course, absolute freedom to prepare and release

statements on matters which concern their own organisation and which do not touch
on IACS affairs.

6 Some public statements on the affairs of a Member Society may touch on matters
of principle concerning the concepts and practices of Classification in general. In
making such statements Council's resolutions on matters of policy shall be adhered
to. In such cases the Member should also consider whether it would be desirable to
consult or advise other Council Members in advance. If another Member considers
such a statement to be in conflict with IACS policy he/she may bring the matter to
the attention of the Chair and Council.

7 Comments by one IACS member on the performance or abilities of another

Member must be avoided - not least because of the damaging effect on the public
perception and the cohesion of IACS.

8 Releases concerning IACS may be made by each Member Society where they
repeat or follow up an IACS release or the Society's arrangements to apply IACS
decisions. Such Releases should be copied to the Permanent Secretariat as a matter
of routine.

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 120 of 141

Appendix II
(this does not form part of the Procedures)


11 Sept 1968 The Association was founded at a meeting at the office of

Germanischer Lloyd in Hamburg by:

American Bureau of Shipping

Bureau Veritas
Det Norske Veritas
Germanischer Lloyd
Lloyd's Register of Shipping
Nippon Kaiji Kyokai
Registro Italiano Navale.

Dr Ing H G Schultz of Germanischer Lloyd took the post of the Chair of the Council.

10-11 Jun 1969 1st Council Meeting

(Germanischer Lloyd, Hamburg).

29 Oct 1969 IACS was granted consultative status with IMCO at the 6th
regular IMCO Assembly.

1 Nov 1969 USSR Register of Shipping became a Member.

11 Dec 1969 2nd Council Meeting

(Germanischer Lloyd, Hamburg).

1-2 Jun 1970 3rd Council Meeting

(Germanischer Lloyd, Hamburg).

1 Oct 1970 Polski Rejestr Statków became a Member.

1 Jan 1971 Mr K Moriya of Nippon Kaiji Kyokai succeeded Dr Schultz as

Chair of the Council.

6-7 Apr 1971 4th Council Meeting

(Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, Tokyo).

19-21 Apr 1972 5th Council Meeting

(Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, Tokyo).

1 Jan 1973 Mr E Privalov of USSR Register of Shipping succeeded Mr Moriya

as Chair of the Council.

16 Apr 1973 Mr A Tsybulin of USSR Register of Shipping succeeded

Mr Privalov as Chair of the Council.

27 Apr 1973 Jugoslavenski Registar Brodova became an Associate.

22-24 May 1973 6th Council Meeting

(USSR Register of Shipping, Leningrad).

4–6 Jun 1974 7th Council Meeting

(USSR Register of Shipping, Leningrad).

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 121 of 141

1 Jan 1975 Dr L Spinelli of Registro Italiano Navale succeeded Mr Tsybulin
as Chair of the Council.

26-27 May 1975 8th Council Meeting

(Registro Italiano Navale, Genoa).

1 Sept 1975 Korean Register of Shipping became an Associate.

1 April 1976 Mr F N Boylan was appointed IACS Permanent Representative to


14-15 Jun 1976 9th Council Meeting

(Registro Italiano Navale, Genoa).

1 Jan 1977 Mr G Bourceau of Bureau Veritas succeeded Dr Spinelli as Chair

of the Council.

14 Jan 1977 DDR-Schiffs-Revision und-Klassifikation became an Associate.

23-24 May 1977 10th Council Meeting

(Bureau Veritas, Paris).

22-24 May 1978 11th Council Meeting

(Bureau Vertitas, Paris).

28-29 June 1978 First GPG meeting at Permanent Representative’s Office,

Mr F. N. Boylan was elected the first GPG Chairman.

17-18 Aug 1978 GPG 2 meeting at Permanent Representative’s Office, London.

18-20 Oct 1978 GPG 3 meeting at Permanent Representative’s Office, London.

Mr B. Hildrew succeded Mr F. N. Boylan as GPG Chairman
following GPG 3.

1 Jan 1979 Mr B Hildrew of Lloyd's Register of Shipping succeeded Mr

Bourceau as Chair of the Council.

29-31 Jan 1979 GPG 4 meeting at Permanent Representative’s Office, London.

17 April 1979 Mr T. A. Simpson of Lloyd’s Register of Shipping succeeded Mr

B. Hildrew as GPG Chairman.

4-6 Jun 1979 12th Council Meeting

(Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London).

13-14 June 1979 GPG 5 meeting at Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, London.

15-17 Oct 1979 GPG 6 meeting at Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, London.

11-12 Mar 1980 GPG 7 meeting at Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, London.

2-3 Jun 1980 13th Council Meeting

(Lloyd's Register of shipping, London).

24-26 June 1980 GPG 8 meeting at Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, London.

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 122 of 141

24-26 Sept 1980 GPG 9 meeting at Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, London.

8 Dec 1980 1st Extraordinary Council Meeting

(Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, London).

1 Jan 1981 Mr Cygan of Polski Rejestr Statków succeeded Mr B Hildrew as

Chair of the Council.
Mr J. Markiewicz of Polski Rejestr succeeded Mr T A Simpson as
GPG Chairman.

17-19 Mar 1981 GPG 10 meeting at Polski Rejestr Statkow, Gdansk.

1 Apr 1981 Mr T A Simpson succeeded Mr F Boylan as IACS Permanent

Representative to IMCO.

9-11 Jun 1981 14th Council Meeting

(Polski Rejestr Statkow, Gdansk).

3-5 Nov 1981 GPG 11 meeting at Polski Rejestr Statkow, Gdansk.

1 Apr 1982 Mr B Kurtz succeeded Mr T A Simpson as IACS Permanent

Representative to IMO.

20-22 Apr 1982 GPG 12 meeting at Polski Rejestr Statkow, Gdansk,

15-17 Jun 1982 15th Council Meeting

(Polski Regestr Statków, Gdansk).

1 Jul 1982 Mr L J Bates of American Bureau of Shipping succeeded Mr H

Cygan as Chair of the Council.
Mr R Hayden of Americal Bureau of Shipping succeeded Mr J
Markiewicz as GPG Chairman.

13-14 Oct 1982 GPG 13 meeting at American Bureau of Shipping, New York.

14-16 Feb 1983 GPG 14 meeting at American Bureau of Shipping, New York.

26-28 Apr 1983 16th Council Meeting

(American Bureau of Shipping, New York).

18-20 Oct 1983 GPG 15 meeting at American Bureau of Shipping, New York.

13-15 Mar 1984 GPG 16 meeting at American Bureau of Shipping, New York.

8-10 May 1984 17th Council Meeting

(American Bureau of Shipping, New York).

1 Jun 1984 Dr N Nordenstrom of Det Norske Veritas succeeded Mr L J Bates

as Chair of the Council.
Mr T C Mathiesen of Det Norske Veritas succeeded Mr R Hayden
as Chairman of the GPG.

6-8 Nov 1984 GPG 17 meeting at Det Norske Veritas, Oslo.

1 Jan 1985 Mr J M Bates succeeded Mr B Kurtz as IACS Permanent

Representative to IMO.

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 123 of 141

28-29 Jan 1985 2nd Extraordinary Council Meeting
(Det Norske Veritas, Oslo).

19-21 Mar 1985 GPG 18 meeting at Det Norske Veritas, Oslo.

4-6 Jun 1985 18th Council Meeting

(Det Norske Veritas, Oslo).

22-24 Oct 1985 GPG 19 meeting at Det Norske Veritas, Oslo.

27-29 May 1986 19th Council Meeting

(Det Norske Veritas, Oslo).

4-6 Mar 1986 GPG 20 meeting at Det Norske Veritas, Oslo.

1 Jul 1986 Mr R Mau of Germanischer Lloyd succeeded Mr N Nordenstrom

as Chair of the Council.
Mr H Hormann of Germanischer Lloyd succeeded Mr T C
Mathiesen as Chairman of the GPG.

20-22 Oct 1986 GPG 21 meeting at Germanischer Lloyd, Hamburg.

3-5 Mar 1987 GPG 22 meeting at Germanischer Lloyd, Hamburg.

19-21 May 1987 20th Council Meeting

(Germanischer Lloyd, Hamburg).

3-5 Nov 1987 GPG 23 meeting at Germanisher Lloyd, Hamburg.

1-3 Mar 1988 GPG 24 meeting at Germanischer Lloyd, Hamburg.

31 May-2 Jun 1988 21st Council Meeting

(Germanischer Lloyd, Hamburg).

31 May 1988 China Classification Society became a Member.

31 May 1988 Korean Register of Shipping became a Member.

1 Jul 1988 Mr M Abe of Nippon Kaiji Kyokai succeeded Mr R Mau as Chair

of the Council.
Mr K Ina of Nippon Kaiji Kyokai succeeded Mr H Hormann as
Chairman of the GPG.

1 Jul 1988 Mr A Wiig succeeded Mr J Bates as IACS Permanent

Representative to IMO.

4-6 Oct 1988 GPG 25 meeting at Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, Tokyo.

1-3 Mar 1989 GPG 26 meeting at Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, Tokyo.

30 May-1 Jun 1989 22nd Council Meeting

(Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, Tokyo).

3-5 Oct 1989 GPG 27 meeting at Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, Tokyo.

6-8 Mar 1990 GPG 28 meeting at Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, Tokyo.

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 124 of 141

29-31 May 1990 23rd Council Meeting
(Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, Tokyo).

1 Jul 1990 Mr R A Belik of USSR Register of Shipping succeeded Mr M Abe

as Chair of the Council.
Mr A Artemiev of USSR Register of Shipping succeeded Mr K Ina
as Chairman of the GPG.

16-18 Oct 1990 GPG 29 meeting at USSR Register of Shipping, Leningrad.

5-6 Feb 1991 3rd Extraordinary Council Meeting

(USSR Register of Shipping,/Det Norske Veritas, Oslo).

12-14 Mar 1991 GPG 30 meeting at USSR Register of Shipping, Leningrad.

3 Jun 1991 1st Summit Meeting

(USSR Register of Shipping, Helsinki).
Decision made in principle to set up a Permanent Secretariat.

4-6 Jun 1991 24th Council Meeting

(USSR Register of Shipping, Helsinki).
IACS Quality System Certification Scheme (QSCS) agreed.

15-17 Oct 1991 GPG 31 meeting at USSR Register of Shipping, Leningrad.

2 Dec 1991 2nd Summit Meeting

(USSR Register of Shipping/Lloyd's Register of Shipping,
Sir Roderick MacLeod of Lloyd's Register of Shipping elected as
the first Vice-Chair of Council.

3 Dec 1991 4th Extraordinary Council Meeting

(USSR Register of Shipping/ Lloyd's Register of Shipping,
Indian Register of Shipping became an Associate.

25-27 Feb 1992 GPG 32 meeting at USSR Register of Shipping, Leningrad.

1 Apr 1992 Mr J D Bell appointed as the first Permanent Secretary.

26-27 May 1992 25th Council Meeting

(Register of Shipping, Helsinki).

1 Jul 1992 Sir Roderick MacLeod of Lloyd's Register of Shipping succeeded

Mr R A Belik as Chair of the Council.
IACS Permanent Secretariat formally established in London.
Mr G Beaumont of Lloyd’s Register of Shipping succeeded Mr A
Artemiev as Chairman of the GPG.

12-14 Oct 1992 GPG 33 meeting at Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, London.

23-24 Nov 1992 26th Council Meeting

(Lloyd's Register of Shipping, London).

22 Jan 1993 Dr N Squassafichi appointed Acting Chair of Council on the

death of Sir Roderick MacLeod.

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 125 of 141

16-18 Mar 1993 GPG 34 meeting at Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, London.

8-9 June 1993 27th Council Meeting

(Registro Italiano Navale, Genoa).

1 Jul 1993 Dr N Squassafichi of Registro Italiano Navale succeeded Sir

Roderick MacLeod as Chair of the Council.
Dr I Majolino of RINA succeeded Mr G Beaumont as Chairman of
the GPG.

1 Jul 1993 Mr E T Reilly succeeded Mr A Wiig as IACS Permanent

Representative to IMO.

12-14 Oct 1993 GPG 35 meeting at RINA, Genoa.

2-3 Dec 1993 28th Council Meeting

(Registro Italiano Navale, Genoa).

23-25 Mar 1994 GPG 36 meeting at RINA, Genoa.

31 May-1 Jun 1994 29th Council Meeting

(Registro Italiano Navale, Genoa).

1 Jul 1994 Mr P de Livois of Bureau Veritas succeeded Dr Squassafichi as

IACS Chair.
Mr G Chaves of Bureau Veritas succeeded Dr I Majolino as
Chairman of the GPG.

18-20 Oct 1994 GPG 37 meeting at Bureau Veritas, Paris.

1-2 Dec 1994 30th Council Meeting

(Bureau Veritas, Paris).

22-24 Mar 1995 GPG 38 meeting at Bureau Veritas, Paris.

1-2 Jun 1995 31st Council Meeting.

(Bureau Veritas, Paris).

1 Jul 1995 Mr F J Iarossi of American Bureau of Shipping succeeded Mr de

Livois as IACS Chair.
Mr S McIntyre of American Bureau of Shipping succeeded Mr G
Chaves as Chairman of the GPG.

1 Jul 1995 Mr J R G Smith succeeded Mr E T Reilly as IACS Permanent

Representative to IMO.

10 Oct 1995 5th Extraordinary Council Meeting

(New York).

16-18 Oct 1995 GPG 39 meeting at American Bureau of Shipping, New York.

12-13 Dec 1995 32nd Council Meeting


12-14 Mar 1996 GPG 40 meeting at American Bureau of Shipping, New York.

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 126 of 141

16-17 May 1996 33rd Council Meeting
(American Bureau of Shipping, Houston).

1 Jul 1996 Mr Dong Jiufeng of China Classification Society succeeded Mr

Iarossi as IACS Chair.
Mr Liu Fusheng of China Classification Society succeeded Mr S
McIntyre as Chairman of the GPG.

22-25 Oct 1996 GPG 41 meeting at China Classification Society, Beijing.

10-11 Dec 1996 34th Council Meeting


18-20 Mar 1997 GPG 42 meeting at China Classification Society, Beijing.

12-13 May 1997 35th Council Meeting

(China Classification Society, Beijing).

1 Jul 1997 Dr T-Chr Mathiesen (Det Norske Veritas) succeeded Mr Dong

Jiufeng as IACS Chair.
Mr A Myklebust of Det Norske Veritas succeeded Mr Liu Fusheng
as Chairman of the GPG.

15 Oct 1997 6th Extraordinary Council Meeting


22-24 Oct 1997 GPG 43 meeting at Det Norske Veritas, Oslo.

9-10 Dec 1997 36th Council Meeting


17-19 Mar 1998 GPG 44 meeting at Det Norske Veritas, Oslo.

28-29 May 1998 37th Council Meeting

(Det Norske Veritas, Oslo).
PRS became an Associate.

1 Jul 1998 Mr H C Shin of Korean Register of Shipping succeeded Dr

Mathiesen as IACS Chair.
Dr Lee of Korean Register of Shipping succeeded Mr A
Myklebust as Chairman of the GPG.

13-15 Oct 1998 GPG 45 meeting at Korean Register of Shipping, Taejon.

3-4 Dec 1998 38th Council Meeting


16-18 Mar 1999 GPG 46 meeting at Korean Register of Shipping, Taejon.

15-16 Jun 1999 39th Council Meeting

(Korean Register of Shipping, Seoul).

1 Jul 1999 Dr Hans Payer of Germanischer Lloyd succeeded Mr H C Shin as

IACS Chair.
Mr H Hormann of Germanischer Lloyd succeeded Dr Lee as
Chairman of the GPG.

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 127 of 141

1 Jul 1999 Mr R M Bradley succeeded Mr J D Bell as IACS Permanent

13-15 Oct 1999 GPG 47 meeting at Germanischer Lloyd, Berlin.

2-3 Dec 1999 40th Council Meeting


16 Feb 2000 7th Extraordinary Council Meeting

(Germanischer Lloyd, Hamburg).

15-17 Mar 2000 GPG 48 meeting at Germanischer Lloyd, Hamburg.

3 Apr 2000 Mr J E C De Rose succeeded Mr J R G Smith as IACS Permanent

Representative to IMO.

31 May-1 Jun 2000 41st Council Meeting

(Germanischer Lloyd, Hamburg).

1 Jun 2000 PRS lost its Associate status following an investigation

concerning the loss of ‘Leader L’ with 18 lives in March 2000.

Associate status to be discontinued.

1 Jul 2000 Mr Masataka Hidaka of Nippon Kaiji Kyokai succeeded Dr Hans

Payer as IACS Chair.
Mr H Jin of Nippon Kaiji Kyokai succeeded Mr H Hormann as
Chairman of the GPG.

11-13 Oct 2000 GPG 49 meeting at Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, Tokyo.

6-8 Dec 2000 42nd Council Meeting


13-16 Oct 2001 GPG 50 meeting at Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, Tokyo.

22-24 May 2001 43rd Council Meeting

(Nippon Kaiji Kyokai, Tokyo).

1 Jul 2001 Mr Igor Ponomarev of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping

succeeded Mr Hidaka as IACS Chair.
Mr K Petrov of Russian Maritime Register of Shipping succeeded
Mr H Jin as Chairman of the GPG.

2-4 Oct 2001 GPG 51 meeting at Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, St


5-7 Dec 2001 44th Council Meeting


12-15 Mar 2002 GPG 52 meeting at Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, St


11-13 Jun 2002 45th Council Meeting

(Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, St Petersburg).

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 128 of 141

1 Jul 2002 Mr Alan Gavin of Lloyd’s Register of Shipping succeeded Mr
Ponomarev as IACS Chair.
Mr J Taverner of Lloyd’s Register of Shipping succeeded Mr K
Petrov as Chairman of the GPG.

2-4 Oct 2002 GPG 53 meeting at Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, London.

1 Dec 2002 Mr Richard Leslie succeeded Mr Robin Bradley as Permanent


17-19 Dec 2002 46th Council Meeting


4-7 Mar 2003 GPG 54 meeting at Lloyd’s Register of Shipping, London.

10-12 Jun 2003 47th Council Meeting

(Lloyd’s Register, London).

1 Jul 2003 Mr Ugo Salerno of RINA succeeded Mr Gavin as IACS Chair.

Mr M Dogliani of RINA succeeded Mr J Taverner as Chairman of
the GPG.

14-16 Oct 2003 GPG 55 meeting at RINA, Genoa.

16-18 Dec 2003 48th Council Meeting


22-25 Mar 2004 GPG 56 meeting at RINA, Genoa.

15-17 Jun 2004 49th Council Meeting

(RINA, Genoa).

1 Jul 2004 Mr Bernard Anne of Bureau Veritas succeeded Mr Salerno as

IACS Chair.
Mr J F Segretain of Bureau Veritas succeeded Mr M Dogliani as
Chairman of the GPG.

18-20 Oct 2004 GPG 57 meeting at Bureau Veritas, Paris.

28 Oct 2004 8th Extraordinary Council Meeting


14-16 Dec 2004 50th Council Meeting


31 Dec 2004 Croatian Register of Shipping (Hrvatski Register Brodova,

formerly Jugoslavenski Registar) left the Association as part of
the phase-out of the Associate status.

15-18 Mar 2005 GPG 58 meeting at Bureau Veritas, Paris.

29 Mar 2005 9th Extraordinary Council Meeting


13 Jun 2005 Meeting of Chief Executive Officers


Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 129 of 141

14-16 June 2005 51st Council Meeting

1 Jul 2005 Mr Robert Somerville, ABS, succeeded Mr Anne as IACS Council

Mr S McIntyre of American Bureau of Shipping succeeded Mr J F
Segretain as Chairman of the GPG.

4-6 Oct 2005 GPG 59 meeting at American Bureau of Shipping, Houston.

13-15 Dec 2005 52nd Council Meeting, London.

Adoption of Common Structural Rules for Tankers and Bulk

14-16 Mar 2006 GPG 60 meeting at American Bureau of Shipping, Houston.

1 Apr 2006 Application date of the Common Structural Rules.

27-29 Jun 2006 53rd Council Meeting

(New York).

1 Jul 2006 Mr Li Kejun, CCS, succeeded Mr Somerville as Council Chair.

Mr Mo Jianhui of China Classification Society succeeded Mr S
McIntyre as Chairman of the GPG.

24-26 Oct 2006 GPG 61 meeting at China Classification Society, Beijing.

12-14 Dec 2006 54th Council Meeting

Associate Status restored.

20-22 Mar 2007 GPG 62 meeting at China Classification Society, Beijing.

17 Apr 2007 Special Council Meeting and Workshop


19-21 Jun 2007 55th Council Meeting


1 Jul 2007 Dr Tor E Svensen, DNV, succeeded Mr Li as Council Chair.

Mr S Dahl of DNV succeeded Mr Mo Jianhui as Chairman of the

19 Sep 2007 Special Council Meeting


23-25 Oct 2007 GPG 63 meeting at Det Norske Veritas, Oslo.

11-13 Dec 2007 56th Council Meeting


29 Jan 2008 European Commission Competition Investigation commenced

with raids on the head offices of BV, DNV, GL, LR, RINA and the
Permanent Secretariat.

13 Feb 2008 10th Extraordinary Council Meeting


Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 130 of 141

7 Apr 2008 Mr P Sadler succeeded Mr J E C De Rose as IACS Permanent
Representative to IMO.

15-17 Apr 2008 GPG 64 meeting at Det Norske Veritas, Oslo.

17-19 Jun 2008 57th Council Meeting

(DNV, Oslo).

1 Jul 2008 Mr Oh Kong-gyun, KR, succeeded Dr Svensen as Council Chair.

Dr Kim Jong-hyun of KR succeeded Mr S Dahl as Chairman of
the GPG.

26 Aug 2008 11th Extraordinary Council Meeting


21-23 Oct 2008 GPG 65 meeting at Korean Register of Shipping, Daejon.

18 Nov 2008 12th Extraordinary Council Meeting


9-11 Dec 2008 58th Council Meeting


2-3 Feb 2009 13th Extraordinary Council Meeting


5-6 Mar 2009 14th Extraordinary Council Meeting


24-26 Mar 2009 GPG 66 meeting at Korean Register of Shipping

(Jeju Island, Korea).

26 Mar 2009 15th Extraordinary Council Meeting


6 May 2009 16th Extraordinary Council Meeting


16-18 Jun 2009 59th Council Meeting

(Jeju Island, Korea).

1 Jul 2009 Dr Hermann Klein, GL, succeeded Mr Oh as Council Chair.

Mr S Assheuer of GL succeeded Dr Kim Jong-hyun as Chairman
of the GPG.

14 Sep 2009 Mr Derek Hodgson succeeded Mr Leslie as Permanent Secretary.

14 Oct 2009 European Commission settled its investigation with no finding of

an infringement of competition law by IACS.

Commitments were made regarding Criteria for IACS

Membership, procedures for non-IACS classification society
participation in the development of IACS Resolutions (defined);
availability of Resolutions and their backgrounds; and the
establishment of an Independent Appeal Board.

The QSCS was amended such that audits and assessment of

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 131 of 141

compliance with the QSCS will be carried out by independent
external Accredited Certification Body or Bodies, rather than
IACS's own auditors, and without any involvement of IACS'
Council. It was also modified so that its requirements could be
applied equally by IACS Members and non-IACS Class Societies,
including those that do not wish to apply for IACS Membership.

The investigation caused very heavy expenditure on legal

counsel and management resources and serious delays to some
important IACS work.

20-22 Oct 2009 GPG 67 meeting at Germanischer Lloyd, Hamburg.

27 Oct 2009 17th Extraordinary Council Meeting

New IACS Charter formally adopted.

8-10 Dec 2009 60th Council Meeting


16-18 Mar 2010 GPG 68 meeting at Germanischer Lloyd, Hamburg.

22-24 Jun 2010 61st Council Meeting


22 Jun 2010 At C61, Indian Register of Shipping became a full Member of

IACS and with that, the category of ‘Associate’ ended.

1 Jul 2010 Mr Noboru Ueda, NK, succeeded Dr Klein as Council Chair.

Dr T Arima of NK succeeded Mr S Assheuer as Chairman of the

19-21 Oct 2010 GPG 69 meeting at Nippon Kaiji kyokai, Tokyo.

7-9 Dec 2010 62nd Council Meeting


5-7 Apr 2011 GPG 70 meeting at Seoul, South Korea.

3 May 2011 Croatian Register of Shipping (Hrvatski Register Brodova)

became a Member of IACS.
3 Jun 2011 Polish Register of Shipping (Polski Rejestr Statków)
became a Member of IACS.

21-23 Jun 2011 63rd Council Meeting


1 Jul 2011 Mr Pavel V Shikhov (RS) succeeded Mr Ueda as Council Chair.

Mr M Sorokin of RS succeeded Dr T Arima as Chairman of the

1-3 Nov 2011 GPG 71 meeting at Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, St


6-8 Dec 2011 64th Council Meeting


Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 132 of 141

17-19 Apr 2012 GPG 72 meeting at Russian Maritime Register of Shipping, St

29-31 May 2012 65th Council Meeting

(Saint Petersburg).

1 Jul 2012 Mr Tom Boardley (LR) succeeded Mr Shikhov as Council Chair.

Mr K Petrov of LR succeeded Mr M Sorokin as Chairman of the

9-11 Oct 2012 GPG 73 meeting at Lloyd’s Register, London.

11-13 Dec 2012 66th Council Meeting


9-11 Apr 2013 GPG 74 meeting at Richmond, London.

25-27 June 2013 67th Council Meeting

(Oxford, UK)

1 July 2013 Mr Roberto Cazzulo (RINA) succeeded Mr Tom Boardley as

Council Chair.
Ms Laura Scuteri of RINA succeeded Mr K Petrov as Chair
person of the GPG.

29-31 Oct 2013 GPG 75 meeting at RINA, Genoa.

17 Dec 2013 DNV & GL merge.

18-19 Dec 2013 68th Council Meeting (London).

1 Jan 2014 Splitting of Statutory Panel into Environmental and Safety


8-10 April 2014 GPG 76 meeting at RINA, Genoa.

16 June 2014 GL resigns from IACS.

24-26 June 2014 69th Council Meeting

(Santa Margherita, Ligure, Italy)

1 July 2014 Mr Philippe Donche-Gay (BV) succeeded Mr Roberto Cazzulo as

Council Chair.
Mr Patrick Le Dily of BV succeeded Ms Laura Scuteri as
Chairman of the GPG.

7-9 October 2014 GPG 77 meeting at BV, Paris.

10-11 Dec 2014 70th Council Meeting (London)

8-10 April 2015 GPG 78 meeting at BV, Paris

30 June to 2 July C71 Council meeting BV, Paris

2 July 2015 Mr Chris Wiernicki (ABS) succeeded Mr Philippe Donche-Gay as

Council Chair.

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 133 of 141

Mr Robert Giuffra of ABS succeeded Mr Patrick Le Dily as
Chairman of GPG.

3 July 2015 Mr Robert Ashdown succeeded Mr Derek Hodgson as IACS

Secretary General.

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 134 of 141

Revision 1, October 2010
Subject no: 10104_

Indian Register of Shipping became a full Member of IACS at C61, 22 June 2010.

B2.6.6: ToR of IACS Representative to the European Union (Representation in

Brussels) updated following approval by C61. Headings B2.6.6.1 and B2.6.6.2

C6.1.5: as approved at GPG 68 following a satisfactory trial, new paragraph 6

inserted and subsequent paragraphs renumbered to formalise authority of Statutory
Panel to approve, based on conditions being satisfied, briefing for IMO Sub-
Committee meetings (GPG 68 FUA 6).

C7.1.3: formation of EG/Training was proposed by the Quality Committee and

approved by C60 (C60 FUA 32). Email protocol, added sender identification for

D1.3.2, C: IRS added.

D2.1: IRS added.

D2.2: C61 agreed that EG/Safety of Surveyors should draft Procedural Requirements
(C61 FUA 12) and that consequently the reporting line should be through GPG
instead of direct to Council. EG/Training added, reporting initially to the Quality

D2.4.1 and D2.4.4: IRS added.

D2.4.4: Permanent Secretariat staff emails amended – Zoe Wright deleted, Thomas
Sia added.

History: updated

Revision 2, March 2011

Subject no: 11001_

B2.1.1: Rotation of Council Chair in respect of an expanded membership. (C62 FUA


B2.1.3: added Small Group Quality Policy (SG/QP) Membership and Terms of
Reference. (C62 FUA 16).

B2.4.1.2: (correction) deleted ISM/ISPS from Statutory Panel responsibilities.

B2.6.2 (f): UK CHIRP deleted (as the Maritime programme funding has been

C2.3: added SG/QP voting, meetings and general administration. (C62 FUA 16).

C4.2: new para 3 regarding reporting overall work programme. (GPG 69 FUA 2).

C4.2.2: in para 1, clarified reference to publication of work programme on TC Forum

in respect of IACS Resolutions. Added note regarding Permanent Secretariat
monitoring. (GPG 69 FUA 2).

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 135 of 141

C4.2.3.3: para 3 - PTs should in general contain only one person from any given
society. (GPG 69 FUA 18).

C8.1 para 3: included QSCS Operations Centre. (C62 FUA 39).

C8.2.3: financial reporting periods changed from two half years to first 3Q and last
1Q. All WGs subject to cost-shared budgets included. (GPG 69 FUA 30).

D1.1.1: Form A modified to show if the task is to be added to TC Forum or not. The
items at the end of the Form have also been re-ordered. (GPG 69 FUA 2).

D1.1.2: Addition to Form 1 to indicate if the new PT is already included in the

original budget. (GPG 69 FUA 32).

D2.2: deleted EG/Coating. (GPG 69).

History: updated.

Revision 3, August 2011

Subject no: 11001_

Contents: added C8.3

Abbreviations: added CRS and PRS

B2.2.2 (e): amended assigning only the initial adoption of Common Rules to Council.

C2.1: para 1, “resolutions” changed to “decisions” to avoid confusion with technical

‘Resolutions’; also deleted “explicit” qualifying “agreement”, both as per Charter.

C2.1: para 2, deleted second sentence, in alignment with Vol 4 of the Procedures

C3.1: 1st para, second sentence amended in line with IACS Procedures, Vol 4.

C3.2: para 6, addition re Vice Chair (GPG 70 FUA 23/GPG 69 FUA 1/10161_IGc).

C4.2.1: added new para 8 re Vice Chair (GPG 70 FUA 23/GPG 69 FUA

C4.2.3.1: additions re Vice Chair (GPG 70 FUA 23/GPG 69 FUA 1/10161_IGc).

C4.2.3.4: amendments regarding reporting periods missed in Revision 2. See also


C4.2.3.4, 2 (b): added CR and PR.

C4.3.1: para 1, second sentence, for the avoidance of doubt added ‘or revised’ (see
also D1.1.1).

C5: 1st para, last sentence amended in line with IACS Procedures, Vol 4.

C5.1.2: deleted “by IACS Council” in line with IACS Procedures, Vol 4.

C6.1.5: new para 7 added regarding ‘no position’ (GPG 70 FUA 5).

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 136 of 141

C7.1.2,5: addition re Vice Chair (GPG 70 FUA 23/GPG 69 FUA 1/10161_IGc).

C7.1.3,8: CRS and PRS added.

C8.2.3: paras 4, 5 and 7, amendments regarding reporting periods missed in

Revision 2.

C8.3: added new section regarding invoicing and payment of dues (in parallel with
amendments to Vol 2).

D1.1.1: for the avoidance of doubt added ‘or revised’ re TC Forum.

D1.1.4 and 1.3.2: CRS and PRS added.

D2.1: CRS and PRS added (10016_ICg; 9661_ICz).

D2.4.1 and 2.4.4: CRS and PRS added.

History: updated.

Revision 4, January 2012

Subject no: 11001_, 10151c, 11120_.

Contents: added C4.4, C4.4.1 and C4.4.2

Abbreviations: added FSA

B2.1.2: Add the duty of identifying opportunities and threads to the Chairman’s
office (C64 FUA 11).

C3.1: Changes to Voting criteria for the Common Structural Rules (C64 FUA 12,

C.4.1: Changes to Voting criteria for the Common Structural Rules (C64 FUA 12,

C4.2: Panel chairs reporting time changed from monthly to quarterly (C64 FUA 1,

C4.2.2: The basis of monitoring the use of TC Forum was changed from the monthly
to quarterly reports (C64 FUA 1, 11001).

C4.4: New Section, FSA Studies - Procedure for the exchange of data (11120_IGc)

C4.4.1 Model Letter to the Owner.

A Standard template letter when permission is sought to use information in
classification files for FSA studies.

C4.4.2 Draft Confidentiality Declaration.

A standard template to be used by Project Team members when taking part in FSA

C7.1.3: paragraph 8, Removal of EG/Coating and adding of EG/Law identification.

D1.3.2 C. Annexes Footnote (2) A footnote was added advising that record of
Members’ ongoing participation is not applicable to Expert Groups (GPG71 FUA 22).

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 137 of 141

D2.2: Organisation Chart. EG/Law was added

D2.4.3: Quality Secretariat postal and visitor address changed.

D2.4.4: Added email address of the IACS Permanent Representative to the EU.

D2.4.4: Following a retirement and recruitment of new Principal Technical Officer,

the permanent Secretariat email addresses were amended.

D2.5: Added retention period of records for FSA investigations (10151c)

History: updated.

Revision 5, October 2012

C3.3, C4.2, C4.2.1, C4.2.3.1, C4.2.7, D1.3.2 & D1.3.3: Role of GPG Vice-
Chairman was added as well as other revisions and additions proposed as a result of
the GPG Vice-Chairman’s meeting with the Panel Chairs (12044_IGb & GPG71 FUAs
1 & 5 bis).

C4.2.1: A note for GPG’s decision to extend the role of Permanent Secretariat to
update Forms A/1 was added (12040_IGb & GPG 71 FUA 2).

C7.1.3 & D2.2: EG/M&W was added to the email protocol and in the Organisation
Chart (12108_IGe).

D2.3: Update of IACS liaisons (12081_IAa).

D2.4.1: KR, RS, PRS, DNV and RINA address change (12153_KRa), (12143_RSa),
(12143_PRa), (Bilateral 12143_IAa) & (11001_RIn) respectively.

D2.4.4: RS email change (12156_RSa). Also a note on the list for IACS observers is

History: updated.

Revision 6, January 2013

Subject no: 12179_

C6.1.8: Procedures and method of work of IACS participation in IMO Correspondence

Groups revised (12179_IGb).

Revision 7, June 2013

Subject no: 13028_, 13028a, 12194_, 11001 & 13084

C4.1: The Autumn Panel meetings are to be held at least three weeks before the
GPG meeting was added.
Location of Working Group meetings was added.

C4.2.3.1: The “EG Chair” was added and guidance was made with regards to who
issues deadlines.

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 138 of 141

C4.2.3.3: Paragraph 3 - A “one man” Project Team was included.

C4.2.3.3: Paragraph 11 – Consistency in naming Project Teams was introduced.

C4.2.7: Guidance to Panel Chairmen on the contents of their oral reports to autumn
GPG meeting was included.

C5: Notes on Members’ obligation to comply with IACS Resolutions in cases where
there is conflict with International or National legislation and/or regulation was

C6.1.5: Panel internal target dates to be set so that the draft submissions to IMO are
sent to GPG at least three weeks before the deadline for submission to the IMO
meetings and the IACS IMO Accredited Representative to be invited to assist in
drafting the paper before submitted to GPG.

C8.2.3(f): The requirements for the submission of budget information to autumn

GPG meeting were improved.

D1.3: Matters for special GPG attention to be listed in section 3.3 of Part A of the
Annual Progress Report and changes to the format of the report were made.

History: updated.

Revision 8, April 2014

Subject no: 13184__, 13169_, 11010_, 13151, 13100_& 11001

B2.4.1.1, B2.6.1, B2.6.5, B2.6.6, C2.2, C5.2.3, C6.1.1, C6.1.2, C6.1.4, C6.1.5,
C6.1.6, C6.1.7, C6.1.8, C7.1.2, & D2.3: The title of IACS Permanent
Representative to IMO was changed to IACS Accredited Representative to IMO
following IMO’s directive earlier in 2014 that Permanent Representatives are Flag
States’ personnel attending IMO meetings and those of NGOs (Non-governmental
Organisations) are Accredited Representatives.

B2, B2.4.1.1, B2.4.1.2, B2.6.5, C4.2.3.3, C5.2.3, C5.3, C6.1.3, C6.1.4, C6.1.7,
C7.1.2, C7.1.3, & D2.2: Changes and references were introduced to reflect the
splitting of the “Statutory Panel” into “Environmental Panel” and “Safety Panel”.

C6.1.5: Introduced paragraphs 11 and 12 to aid in the IACS preparations and

participation in IMO meetings.

C6.1.7: Clarification on the distribution of IMO reports, produced by IACS Accredited

Representative, to Panels was added.

D2.2: EG/Environment was removed and EG/Polar Code was introduced.

D2.3: List of appointed IACS observers was updated.

D2.4.4: The word “Permanent” was removed to reflect correct title.

History: updated, including listing of GPG Chairs and GPG meetings dates and their
location. Also, the list of IACS Permanent Representatives to IMO since 1993 has
been introduced.

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 139 of 141

Revision 9, February 2015

Subject no: 12232_NVc, 13170dICi, 12177aIGc, 14179_ICc

Abbreviations: New abbreviations were introduced.

B2.6.1 to B2.6.9: Introduction of new B.2.6.7 on the Technical Secretary and

update of all the sections B2.6.1 to B2.6.8 relating to Permanent Secretariat,
including change of name for the Permanent Secretary to Secretary General.

C7.1.3: Identifiers were introduced for EG/Container and EG/COSDI.

C7.1.3.1: Section on Inter-panel communications is introduced following discussion

and agreement among GPG Chair, Panel Chairs and Permanent Secretariat.

C4.1: Introduced paragraph 4 gives guidance on WG Chair’s voting rights and an

alternative in nominating an additional representative.

D1.3.B: Renumbering of subparagraphs 1.1.

D2.2: EG/COSDI was introduced.

D2.3: SGMF was introduced and DNV GL’s address was changed.

D2.4.1: LR and DNV GL addresses were updated.

“Permanent Secretary”: It has been replaced by “Secretary General” throughout

this document.

GL: GL was deleted throughout this document.

DNV: “DNV” was replaced by “DNV GL” throughout this document.

Appendix I: A new Appendix I was introduced containing “Guiding Principles for

IACS Communication (Rev. 0 – Apr. 2014).

Appendix II: Original Appendix I “History of the Association” is now Appendix II

History: updated.

Revision 10, September 2015

Subject no: 14187_, 15074_, 15018_, 15144_

C4.2.2: Changes to indicate that technical work details leading to an IACS

Resolution, will only be posted on the IACS TC Forum if external official interest is
registered with IACS and in response to a published summary of the work to be
undertaken by IACS during the first 30 days following its publication.

C4.3.1.1: As in C4.2.2 above.

C6.1.5.(9): Changes to indicate that the Accredited Representative to IMO will

submit recommendations to GPG on IACS participation to IMO Working, Drafting,
Review and other Groups. See GPG 78 approved report and GPG, FUA 4.

Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 140 of 141

C7.1.3: Changes to names from EG/COSDI to EG/CYBS and following the merger of
the EG/ISM-ISPS and EG/ILO were implemented.

D2.2: Changes for the merged Expert Groups (EG/ISM-ISPS and EG/ILO) and the
reporting of EG/GBS and EG/EU t GPG too, were shown.

D2.4.1: Changes to KR & PRS postal addresses.

D2.4.3: Change to the QSCS Operations Centre address.

D2.4.4: Changes to IACS personnel email addresses.

D3.2: In paragraph 1.1 the reference to C4.4. was changed to C4.3

History: updated.


Volume 1: IACS GENERAL PROCEDURES 141 of 141

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