Animal Behaviour: Sarah A. Roberts, Amanda J. Davidson, Robert J. Beynon, Jane L. Hurst

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Animal Behaviour 97 (2014) 313e321

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Special Issue: Biochemistry & Animal Communication

Female attraction to male scent and associative learning: the house

mouse as a mammalian model
Sarah A. Roberts a, *, Amanda J. Davidson a, Robert J. Beynon b, Jane L. Hurst a
Mammalian Behaviour & Evolution Group, Institute of Integrative Biology, University of Liverpool, Neston, U.K.
Proteomics & Functional Genomics Group, Institute of Integrative Biology, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, U.K.

a r t i c l e i n f o
Many territorial mammals invest heavily in competitive scent marks that advertise their location,
Article history: identity and current social and physiological status. Here we review the behavioural and molecular
Received 31 March 2014 components of scent marking in house mice, Mus musculus domesticus, that influence female attraction
Initial acceptance 2 May 2014 to males and discuss how pheromone-induced learning among females and differential scent investment
Final acceptance 22 July 2014 among males both influence female attraction to specific scent owners. Although mouse urine scents
Available online 11 October 2014 contain numerous sex-specific and individual-specific components, female attraction to spend more time
MS. number: 14-00274R near urine from males depends on contact with an involatile protein pheromone, darcin. This is an
atypical major urinary protein (MUP) expressed only by males. On contact, this pheromone acts as a
Keywords: highly potent stimulus for associative learning, such that females learn similar attraction to the indi-
associative learning
vidual male's airborne odour associated with darcin; they also learn attraction to spatial cues where the
pheromone was encountered. This targets female attraction to both the odour and location of individual
female choice
house mouse
male scent mark owners. However, the concentration and quality of airborne volatiles emitted from
male investment scent marks influence approach and contact with male scents. Under competitive pressure, males invest
pheromone heavily in refreshment of scent marks at a high rate and deposit a high concentration of MUPs that bind
scent marking urinary volatiles and extend the duration of volatile release. Females also gain information from airborne
sexual attraction volatiles, including the social and infection status of the owner, which can alter their attraction to contact
his scent. The ability of females to learn about individual males from their scent marks means that most
decisions about preferred males are likely to be made before females are ready to mate. We are just
starting to understand how different information in male scents is integrated in making these decisions.
© 2014 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Scent communication is widely used for sexual communication hundreds of components that encode information about the ani-
and attraction across the animal kingdom. Some of the most well- mal's species, sex and individual identity as well as a broad range of
known examples include the simple species- and sex-specific information about the owner's current reproductive status, social
mating attractant pheromones emitted by moths to attract the status and health, all things that might influence their attractive-
opposite sex, often over large distances (e.g. Butenandt, Beckmann, ness to potential mates. This provides other animals using the area
Stamm, & Hecker, 1959; Howard & Blomquist, 2005; Karlson & or visiting a scent-marked site with ample opportunity to learn
Butenandt, 1959; Witzgall, Kirsch, & Cork, 2010). However, chem- information about individual scent owners, their spatial locations
ical signals play much wider roles in mate assessment and selection and defended territories that may be used in current and future
that underpin sexual attraction (e.g. see Johansson & Jones, 2007; mate choice decisions (Drea, Vignieri, Kim, Weldele, & Glickman,
Wyatt, 2014). Among terrestrial mammals scent marks deposited 2002; Hurst & Beynon, 2004; 2013; Vogt, Zimmerman, Ko €lliker &
around an animal's home area or territory are widely used to Breitenmoser, 2014).
advertise an individual's identity, location and current status to The best-studied model of mammalian communication is the
other conspecifics in the locality (Gosling & Roberts, 2001; Johnson, house mouse, Mus musculus domesticus, for which studies have
1973). These scents are highly complex, typically consisting of many been able to integrate behavioural, molecular and neurophysio-
logical approaches under strictly controlled laboratory and semi-
natural conditions to understand the functions and mechanisms of
* Correspondence: S. A. Roberts, Mammalian Behaviour & Evolution Group,
scent signalling. Although house mouse social structure can vary
Institute of Integrative Biology, University of Liverpool, Leahurst Campus, Neston
CH64 7TE, U.K. across different habitats, given a choice most house mice live in
E-mail address: (S. A. Roberts). agricultural or human-built environments where food resources
0003-3472/© 2014 The Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
314 S. A. Roberts et al. / Animal Behaviour 97 (2014) 313e321

are concentrated (Barnard, Hurst, & Aldhous, 1991; Berry, 1981; Arellano, Oliva, Schaefer, & Lin, 2004; Spehr et al., 2006), with in-
Bronson, 1979). Adult males typically defend small territories, puts from the two systems converging at the level of the amygdala
which may cover only a few square metres in high-density pop- (Brennan & Kendrick, 2006). However, the main olfactory system is
ulations. Successful territory owners ensure that their own scent likely to be particularly important for the detection of airborne
marks predominate throughout their defended area by continually scents at a distance from the source and for recognition when
and deliberately depositing their urine in many small streaks and scents require further close contact investigation, while the
spots as they move around the territory. Discovery of competing accessory olfactory system appears to be particularly important for
scents from other males provokes not only aggression towards the detection of nonvolatile components held within scent marks or on
owners but also a rapid and elevated countermarking response, an animal's body (Luo, Fee, & Katz, 2003); these components
resulting in a particularly high rate of scent marking at borders include proteins and peptides but also low molecular weight
between neighbouring male territories (Hurst & Beynon, 2004). ligands that are bound to involatile molecules or have not yet
Adult females typically range over several male territories, even evaporated from the scent source.
though they may choose to nest in the territory of one particular
resident male according to the quality and protection offered by Attraction to Male Scents among Female House Mice
available nest sites (Rich & Hurst, 1998; Wolff, 1985). Females mate
with the owners of these scent-marked territories, although they When female house mice encounter unfamiliar urinary scents
frequently mate with more than one male, visiting selected males from adult male or female conspecifics, they are stimulated to
when ready to mate (there is little opportunity for male coercion approach and investigate both. However, following brief close
under free-ranging conditions, with males mating only within their contact investigation, females reliably prefer to spend more time
own territories). Here, we review the mechanisms that underlie near scents from intact adult males than near those from females
female sexual attraction to male scents in this well-studied system or castrated males. This attraction to male scents is shown by both
and discuss the implications of an important new mechanism of sexually experienced and naïve females, and by laboratory mice
pheromone-induced associative learning that we recently discov- and wild-stock house mice, even when naïve females have never
ered for targeting female sexual attraction to specific individual previously encountered scent from an adult male (Moncho-Bogani,
males of high quality. Lanuza, Hernandez, Novejarque, & Martinez-Garcia, 2002; Ramm,
Cheetham, & Hurst, 2008; Roberts et al., 2010). Indeed, wild-stock
MECHANISM OF SCENT ATTRACTION female house mice are attracted to spend time near male odours
even when these are placed in open areas where wild mice nor-
Investigation and Processing of Scents mally choose to spend very little time (Roberts et al., 2010).
However, if direct contact with scent is prevented, females fail to
Mammalian scent marks are multicomponent signals that spend any more time near airborne volatiles from male urine
contain both volatile components, which can become airborne and versus female urine (Moncho-Bogani et al., 2002), whether or not
are gradually lost from the scent source, and nonvolatile (or much females are naïve to male odours or sexually experienced (Ramm
less volatile) components that can often persist in the environment et al., 2008). This is somewhat surprising given that there are a
for an extended period of time. On detecting an airborne scent that large number of differences in volatiles that emanate from male
is unfamiliar or has not been encountered for some time, animals and female mouse urine. Simple discrimination tests show that
typically approach the scent source to investigate further at close females readily discriminate these urinary volatile differences (e.g.
contact, spending longer sniffing to process information when the Martel & Baum, 2009). None the less, normal female mice fail to
scent is more unfamiliar and distinct from scents recently show any inherent attraction to spend time near androgen-
encountered (Todrank & Heth, 2003). This general investigatory dependent volatiles beyond their normal investigation of an
response is not sex specific though, reflecting a general motivation unfamiliar odour. This suggests that females detect an androgen-
to gain further information about whether scent cues come from dependent signal on contact that is essential to stimulate attrac-
the same or opposite sex. Airborne volatiles are detected through tion to spend more time near a male's scent, most likely perceived
the main olfactory system as air is taken into the nasal cavity during through the accessory olfactory system. Consistent with this,
normal breathing and active sniffing. However, most terrestrial lesion of the accessory olfactory bulbs eliminates female attraction
vertebrates (except catarrhine primates and birds) also have an on contact with male soiled bedding (Martinez-Ricos, Agustin-
accessory olfactory system that is activated only on close contact Pavon, Lanuza & Martinez-Garcia, 2008). It should be noted,
with scents. Activation of a vascular pump (or active flehmen though, that studies using laboratory mice in which hormonal
response in species such as ungulates or felids) is required to levels of female subjects have been artificially manipulated
deliver molecules, in solution, from the scent source to the vom- through ovariectomy and chronic treatment with oestradiol im-
eronasal organ which is sited in a blind-ended mucus-filled capsule plants have found differential attraction to urinary volatiles from
at the base of the nasal cavity (Breer, Fleischer, & Strotmann, 2006; intact males compared with either females or castrated males,
Halpern & Martinez-Marcos, 2003). While odorant receptors (ORs) even without direct contact with male urine (reviewed by Baum,
in the main olfactory epithelium are typically broadly tuned to 2012). Currently, the relevance of this to mouse behaviour under
detect a wide range of social and nonsocial odours alongside more natural conditions is difficult to interpret, but variation in female
specialized receptors sensitive to volatile amines (TAARs, Liberles & sensitivity to sex-specific cues during normal hormonal cycling
Buck, 2006), vomeronasal receptors respond more specifically to deserves further research. None the less, adult females are
particular lipophilic low molecular weight odorants (V1Rs), attracted to spend time near male urine not only when in oestrus
nonvolatile peptides and proteins (V2Rs) and N-formyl peptides and ready to mate but also at random stages with respect to the
that are produced largely by bacteria (FPRs) (Dulac & Axel, 1995; oestrous cycle (Moncho-Bogani et al., 2002) and continue to be
Herrada & Dulac, 1997; Matsunami & Buck, 1997; Riviere, Challet, attracted even through pregnancy (Fig. 1); however, prepubertal
Fleggue, Spehr & Rodriguez, 2009; Ryba & Tirindelli, 1997). Dur- females avoid unfamiliar adult male urine scents (Drickamer, 1989;
ing close contact investigation, scents may be processed in parallel Lanuza et al., 2014) while 2e3-week-old juveniles secrete a pep-
through the main and accessory olfactory systems, both of which tide, ESP22, in tear fluids that inhibits adult male mating behaviour
are necessary to fully process the entire scent cue (Restrepo, (Ferrero et al., 2013).
S. A. Roberts et al. / Animal Behaviour 97 (2014) 313e321 315

P = 0.001 P = 0.003


Time near (s)




Cycling Pregnant
females females

Figure 1. Time spent by females near unfamiliar male (M) or female (F) urine (mean ± SEM). Female wild-stock house mice were given full scent contact with 10 ml urine samples
from wild-stock male house mice versus control female urine (here from BALB/c strain females although the same response is seen using wild-stock female urine, see Ramm et al.,
2008 or Roberts et al., 2010). Urine samples were streaked on glass microfibre filters stuck to the underside of the arena lid (for full details of the test procedure, see Ramm et al.,
2008; Roberts et al., 2010). Matched-pair t tests assessed greater attraction to spend more total time near to male versus female scent among cycling females (t13 ¼ 3.85, P ¼ 0.001)
or pregnant females 2e5 days prior to giving birth (t12 ¼ 3.40, P ¼ 0.003), with no difference in the strength of preference for male scent between cycling and pregnant females
(independent samples t test: t25 ¼ 0.16, P ¼ 0.87).

Urine from healthy mice contains many involatile proteins and anion exchange chromatography revealed that attraction was eli-
peptides at very low concentration that may be detected on contact cited by a single subfraction. We showed that the active component
with the scent; however, mice make substantial investment in a set in this subfraction was a single atypical urinary MUP (MGI:3651981,
of small communicatory proteins called major urinary proteins Mup20) expressed only by males and encoded by a gene in the
(MUPs), expressed in the liver and deliberately excreted at high peripheral region of the Mup gene cluster where there is consid-
concentration in urine (>99% of urinary protein excreted by male erable divergence between Mup genes (Mudge et al., 2008;
mice, Humphries, Robertson, Beynon, & Hurst, 1999). MUPs are a who referred to this as Mup gene 17 using a different numbering
group of 18e20 kDa proteins that are members of the lipocalin scheme from MGI). This MUP is responsible for binding most of the
superfamily; these proteins have a characteristic b-barrel structure male-specific urinary volatile pheromone 2-sec-butyl-4,5-dihy-
surrounding a central cavity that is capable of binding low molec- drothiazole (Armstrong et al., 2005), which is known to stimulate
ular weight lipophilic molecules (see Beynon & Hurst, 2004). MUPs receptors in the vomeronasal organ with high sensitivity (Leinders-
are produced by both sexes but adult male urine typically contains Zufall et al., 2000). However, there was no reduction in female
an approximately three to four times higher concentration than attraction response when urine was aged to severely deplete any
female urine under laboratory housing conditions (Cheetham, volatile components, whereas a recombinant protein tested
Smith, Armstrong, Beynon, & Hurst, 2009); under more natural without any natural mouse ligands stimulated a response very
social conditions in seminatural populations, the investment similar to normal male mouse urine. Thus, the protein itself rather
among wild-stock house mice increases greatly, with males than any bound ligands stimulates the reliable inherent attraction
continuing to produce approximately twice as much as females but of female mice to spend time near male urine (Roberts et al., 2010).
with considerable overlap in investment between the sexes (Hurst In recognition of its key role in female sexual attraction to spend
& Beynon, 2013). MUPs bind a number of ligands, including several time near male scent, we named this MUP darcin after Jane Austen's
androgen-specific volatiles that have known reproductive priming romantic hero Mr Darcy in Pride and Prejudice (Roberts et al., 2010).
effects on females (Bacchini, Gaetani, & Cavaggioni, 1992; All wild-stock adult male house mice appear to excrete darcin in
Mucignat-Caretta, Caretta, & Cavaggioni, 1995; Novotny, Ma, their urine, but it is notable that it is missing or present at only trace
Wiesler, & Zidek, 1999) as well as a much wider range of volatile levels in male urine from many common strains of inbred labora-
organic urinary metabolites (Kwak et al., 2012), which appear to tory mice (Cheetham et al., 2009). Perhaps unsurprisingly given its
include the volatile odours associated with MHC type (Singer, importance for female attraction, darcin has recently been shown
Tsuchiya, Wellington, Beauchamp, & Yamazaki, 1993). The bind- also to stimulate competitive aggression between males (Kaur et al.,
ing of the MUPs to the volatiles slows the release of bound volatiles 2014); thus there is likely to have been strong selection against
from deposited scent marks (Armstrong, Robertson, Cheetham, expression of this pheromone for survival among laboratory males
Hurst, & Beynon, 2005; Hurst, Robertson, Tolladay, & Beynon, confined together in small cages where attractiveness to females is
1998; Robertson, Marie, Veggerby, Hurst, & Beynon, 2001), which not a requirement. Wild-stock females fail to show their normal
both increases the duration over which airborne volatiles are reliable attraction to urine from a laboratory strain male that does
emitted and can be detected at a distance and holds volatiles in not express darcin, but addition of recombinant darcin at a normal
scents for longer where they may be detected on contact through male level stimulates a normal attraction response (Roberts et al.,
the accessory olfactory system. 2010). Thus darcin is effective whether encountered in the
To identify the components of male mouse urine that stimulate context of other male urinary components or on its own. However,
attraction on contact, we fractionated urine into high molecular although this pheromone is effective on its own within the confines
weight components (containing proteins and low molecular weight of a small test arena, under natural conditions volatile urinary
bound ligands) and low molecular weight components not bound components are likely to be essential to alert females to the pres-
to MUPs (Roberts et al. 2010). This indicated that all activity was in ence of this involatile pheromone. It is also information in urinary
the high molecular weight fraction, which was as effective as intact volatiles that will stimulate females to contact the scent source and
urine. Further separation of the high molecular weight fraction by deliver the pheromone to receptors in the vomeronasal organ.
316 S. A. Roberts et al. / Animal Behaviour 97 (2014) 313e321

Pheromone-induced Learned Attraction to Specific Males outcome of this pheromone-induced learning is to target female
attraction to odours from specific males (including their scent-
Although female mice show reliable attraction to spend time marked territories) following close contact investigation of their
near scent marks from unfamiliar males if these contain darcin, scents. This learned attraction to individual-specific airborne vol-
under natural conditions females settle within the scent-marked atile signatures is remembered for a surprisingly long time: even
territories of one or a small number of neighbouring males. They after only brief contact with a male's scent, females are attracted to
will encounter scents from these males and those in nearby terri- the remembered airborne signature for at least 4 weeks (Fig. 3).
tories repeatedly, particularly as resident owners scent-mark their However, it is worth noting that similar contact with darcin in urine
territories liberally (Garratt et al., 2012; Hurst & Beynon, 2004; Zala, from males of an inbred laboratory strain (where all individuals are
Potts, & Penn, 2004). This provides females with ample opportunity genetically identical) results in attraction to an airborne signature
to learn about potential mates in their local area. Importantly, on that female wild mice generalize to other males of the same strain,
contact with the male sex pheromone darcin, females very rapidly as these all share very similar ‘individual’ signatures. In normal
learn a similar attraction to airborne scents associated with this outbred populations, though, each male has an individually
pheromone (Moncho-Bogani et al., 2002; Roberts et al., 2010). distinctive signature (Cheetham et al., 2007; Hurst, Beynon, et al.,
However, females do not learn a generalized attraction to 2001).
androgen-dependent urinary volatiles that represent ‘male’ even In addition to inducing attraction to individual scent signatures,
after they have gained substantial experience of odour cues from pheromone-induced learning is also important in allowing animals
many different males. Instead, their learned attraction is to the to remember locations where they have previously encountered
specific airborne scent signature that was detected during simul- scents. Although we usually assume that animals detect scent cues
taneous contact with darcin (Ramm et al., 2008; Roberts et al., from a distance through molecules emanating from the source and
2010; Fig. 2a, b). If females are unable to contact the scent source orient towards these, learning where scents were previously
to detect darcin, they fail to learn any attraction to the male's encountered is likely to be another important mechanism to relo-
airborne signature regardless of its familiarity (Ramm et al., 2008). cate scents without any need to detect airborne scent molecules.
Similarly, females fail to learn any attraction to airborne volatiles Through associative learning, darcin induces not only attraction to
when there is no darcin or only trace amounts in urine; however, if individual male odours but also attraction to spatial cues associated
recombinant darcin is added artificially, this now induces a strong with the pheromone (Roberts, Davidson, McLean, Beynon, & Hurst,
learned attraction to an airborne signature that previously was not 2012). Repeated contact with male soiled bedding in the same
attractive whereas addition of other recombinant MUPs has no location (Martinez-Ricos, Agustin-Pavon, Lanuza, & Martinez-
effect (Roberts et al., 2010; Fig. 2b). Thus, contact with darcin in- Garcia, 2007), or more specifically with male urinary scent marks
duces females to immediately learn an attraction to the male's (Roberts et al., 2012), induces a conditioned preference for that
airborne volatile signature that can then be detected at a distance location in adult females, suggesting that male scent is rewarding
from the scent source, drawing females to spend time near that (Martinez-Garcia et al., 2009). Repeated scent exposure is not
particular male's scent regardless of further contact. If females required to induce this remembered preference though; females
contact urine scent marks from two equivalent males, they learn an given a single learning trial with either male urine containing
attraction to both individual airborne odour signatures (relative to darcin or darcin alone show as strong a remembered location
unfamiliar male airborne odour), indicating that females are able to preference as those given two or three learning sessions with scent
remember attraction to multiple individuals (Cheetham, 2006). The in the same site. This remembered preference for a site is as strong

(a) (b) P = 0.014

30 30
Time under stimulus (s)

P = 0.008
P = 0.006 P = 0.013
20 20 NS NS ***
*** NS NS
10 NS 10

0 0
Same Different Same Different Same Different Lab male urine without darcin
Naïve females Experienced females Natural darcin +Buffer +rdarcin +rMUP7

Figure 2. Female learned attraction to the individual-specific volatile signature of male house mice stimulated by darcin. Wild-stock female house mice were given prior contact
with urine test stimuli in a different arena before being tested with airborne odours from male versus control female urine that could not be contacted during the test (see Fig. 3 for
illustration of test set-up). (a) Females spent more time near male airborne urinary odour when this was from the same individual wild-stock male donor as urine contacted prior to
the test but showed no attraction when airborne odour was from a different but equivalent individual. Females showed the same response whether previously naïve to adult males
and their odours or were socially experienced adults that had been captured from seminatural enclosure populations (data redrawn from Ramm et al., 2008, Figure 2 and 3). (b)
Females learned attraction to the individual-specific airborne odours of normal wild-stock males that expressed natural levels of darcin after contact with their urine but failed to
learn attraction to associated airborne urinary odour after contact with laboratory male urine that did not contain darcin unless recombinant darcin was added artificially. Addition
of other recombinant MUPs (here the male-specific rMUP7) failed to stimulate such learned attraction (data redrawn from Roberts et al., 2010, Figure 10). Data are means ± SEM.
Asterisks show matched-pair t test comparisons between time near male and female airborne odour within each test (*P < 0.05; **P < 0.01; ***P < 0.005). P values compare the bias
in response between tests (a: matched-pair t tests; b: independent-samples t tests). Control female urine was from BALB/c laboratory mice.
S. A. Roberts et al. / Animal Behaviour 97 (2014) 313e321 317

Male airborne odour

Conditioned preference
Prior contact with scent
0.2 M F

M Test F

Female control –0.2

7 14 21 28
Retention (days)

Figure 3. Retention of female conditioned preference for male airborne urinary odour (mean ± SEM for each retention interval). Female (F) wild-stock house mice were given prior
contact with 10 ml urine samples from wild-stock male (M) house mice versus control urine from BALB/c laboratory females for 30 min in a neutral arena then returned to their
home cage or tested immediately. After differing periods of time (0, 1, 7, 14, 28 days, N ¼ 8e14 females per time point), females were given a choice between airborne odour from
the same male and female urine stimulus they had previously contacted (urine samples presented above the perforated arena lid where they could not be contacted, following the
methods and housing conditions detailed in Ramm et al., 2008; Roberts et al., 2010). Conditioned preference is shown as time spent near male odour as a proportion of total time
spent near male or female odour  0.5. Conditioned preference for the male odour did not differ significantly across the five retention intervals (ANOVA: F4,53 ¼ 2.20, P ¼ 0.081),
with a highly significant preference for male odour across all trials (t57 ¼ 9.54, P < 0.0001), although planned contrasts with response immediately after contact suggested a reduced
preference after 14 days (P ¼ 0.03). This was due to an elevated response to female odour after this time interval rather than a reduced response to male odour and thus might have
been a chance effect. Separate tests confirmed that the expected conditioned preference for airborne male odour was evident at each time point (immediately after contact:
t7 ¼ 5.92, P ¼ 0.0005; 1 day: t11 ¼ 3.97, P ¼ 0.001; 7 days: t13 ¼ 7.56, P < 0.0001; 14 days: t11 ¼ 3.99, P ¼ 0.001; 28 days: t11 ¼ 2.73, P ¼ 0.01; one-tailed tests).

as their initial preference when scent was detected there and can allows females the opportunity to fully investigate and process all
last for at least 14 days, although extinction of this response occurs information in the male's scent to assess his suitability as a po-
rapidly if scent is no longer present when females return to the site tential mate. Pheromone-induced social learning may be wide-
(Roberts et al., 2012). This suggests that females rapidly update spread in this and other social contexts, but the considerable
their memory of remembered spatial associations. Airborne urinary complexity of mammalian scents coupled with the difficulties of
volatiles from male scent marks fail to condition any preference for isolating and testing specific candidates while controlling prior
scent location, even if females have already learned an attraction to experience of subjects makes identification and understanding
these volatiles through association with darcin (i.e. there is no these pheromonal mechanisms particularly challenging. Selection
secondary conditioning, Roberts et al., 2012). Contact with the on communication signals leads to rapid evolution and diversifi-
darcin pheromone is thus crucial for learning a spatial preference cation (e.g. Emes, Beatson, Ponting, & Goodstadt, 2004), further
for male scent-marked sites. increasing the difficulty of identifying signals in other species that
This pheromone-induced learned attraction to spend time in the may play similar roles. Lipocalin proteins with similar structures to
specific scent-marked locations where they have encountered darcin are present in a wide range of rodent scent sources (Beynon
darcin, and wherever females then perceive the airborne odour et al., 2008; Stopka, Stopkov a, & Janotova, 2012), including the
signature that they learned on contact with a male's scent marks, is aphrodisin protein in hamster vaginal secretions that has been
likely to underpin female attraction to spend time within particular implicated as an aphrodisiac signal for males (Briand, Trotier, &
male territories, as well as their attraction to the owners of those Pernollet, 2004). However, while other lipocalins provide initial
territories when females are ready to mate. Notably, though, the candidates for investigation in other species, it should be recog-
pheromone that induces this targeted learned attraction is identical nized that even very similar MUPs in house mice do not have the
across all adult males. However, because it is involatile and same pheromonal role as darcin and there are many other candi-
apparently perceived only when females actively deliver male scent date molecules in complex mammalian scents. The first and only
to the vomeronasal organ on nasal contact, exposure to this key other clear example of pheromone-induced learning reported to
pheromone is under the female's own control. This means that date occurs in the very different social context of mothereoffspring
females may use other information in a male's scent to determine communication, where the volatile rabbit mammary pheromone
whether or not they deliver scent likely to contain darcin to the (2-methyl-but-2-enal) produced by lactating European rabbits,
necessary receptor system. So far, the mechanism underlying such Oryctolagus cuniculus, induces rapid learning of other associated
female attraction to male scents has been worked out only for odorants to improve the efficiency of nipple location and grasping
house mice. None the less, similar pheromone-induced learning during a short sensitive postnatal period (see Schaal, 2014; for a
mechanisms are likely to be important in other mammalian species detailed review).
that advertise their location, identity and quality through scent
marks. Prior contact with a particular male's scent (with no other MALE INVESTMENT AND FEMALE CHOOSINESS
prior interaction) has been shown in a range of species to strongly
increase preference for the individual owner of that scent over Although darcin is a key pheromone that underpins the tar-
equivalent males of similar high status and health but with unfa- geting of female attraction to specific males, investment by males in
miliar scent (e.g. harvest mice, Micromys minutes: Brandt & other associated components of their scent signals is likely to be
Macdonald, 2011; Roberts & Gosling, 2004; golden hamsters, particularly important in determining female contact with this
Mesocricetus auratus: Johnston, Munver, & Tung, 1995; meadow pheromone under competitive conditions, and thus female learned
voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus: Johnston, Sorokin, & Ferkin, 1997; attraction to particular males. In seminatural populations, female
pygmy loris, Nycticebus pygmaeus: Fisher, Swaisgood, & Fitch- house mice mate almost exclusively with male territory owners
Snyder, 2003). Such prior exposure may be important because it (e.g. Hurst, 1987; Meagher, Penn, & Potts, 2000; Potts, Manning, &
318 S. A. Roberts et al. / Animal Behaviour 97 (2014) 313e321

Wakeland, 1991; Wolff, 1985). Territory owners make a substantial urine scents from an unfamiliar young adult versus a senesced
investment in scent marking, in terms of both their behaviour (time adult male approach and investigate both equally. However, in
and energy spent patrolling the territory, refreshing scents, coun- most cases scent marks are not likely to be encountered very soon
termarking any competitor scents and attempting to exclude such after deposition. As scent marks age and the abundance of volatiles
competitors) and their investment in scent components that are declines, the amount of 2-sec-butyl-4,5-dihydrothiazole (an
added to urinary scent marks (Hurst & Beynon, 2004). In the androgen-dependent volatile that binds largely to darcin) in sen-
presence of a neighbouring competitor, breeding territory owners esced male urine after 4 h is equivalent to that in younger adult
substantially increase their rate of urinary scent marking compared male urine after 8e12 h. Given a choice between urine marks 12 h
with males in isolated breeding pairs; the concentration of MUPs after deposition, females are significantly less attracted to investi-
excreted in their scent marks also doubles (Garratt et al., 2012). In gate those from a senesced adult male where the emission of vol-
seminatural populations, where territory owners experience mul- atiles is now extremely weak (Garratt et al., 2011). As yet, we have
tiple competitors, the MUP investment of breeding adult males limited understanding of the temporal dynamics of scent marks
increases approximately five-fold compared with those in isolated (e.g. Cavaggioni, Mucignat-Caretta, & Redaelli, 2008; see also
breeding pairs (mean ± SEM concentration of urinary pro- Mucignat & Caretta, 2014), as molecular analyses usually focus only
tein ¼ 71.9 ± 3.5 mg/mg creatinine to control for urine dilution, on levels of signalling components in freshly collected scents. We
data for 26 breeding males living in 250 m2 enclosures at a popu- do not know, for example, whether individuals that refresh their
lation density of 0.64 adult mice/m2, sex ratio 1.2:1; subset of data scents at a higher rate invest less in the molecular strength of those
in Hurst & Beynon, 2013, Figure 9.2, but for known breeding males signals or whether investment in all components of signalling
only). correlate positively with the quality of a male.
This elevated investment in MUPs under competitive conditions, The amount of darcin expressed by individual males correlates
together with the increased rate of scent refreshment, influences with the total concentration of other urinary MUPs, with both
not only the amount of darcin deposited around a male's territory showing a similar decline in output as males age (Garratt et al.,
but also the strength of volatile odours. Darcin itself is highly 2011). Little is yet known about how different aspects of male
resistant to degradation and remains in the environment for a quality might influence expression specifically of darcin, although
substantial period after deposition, but females are initially initial observations suggest that expression may not be particularly
attracted to contact darcin by airborne volatiles. After contact, fe- sensitive to issues of current status such as infection (see Lanuza
males are also subsequently attracted to spend time near a male's et al., 2014). However, the proportion of total urinary MUP output
associated airborne volatile signature. However, these volatile sig- that is due to darcin varies across individual males, in part because
nals are gradually lost from urinary scents as they age, such that of genetically determined differences in individual MUP patterns
there is much higher emission from freshly deposited scents. When (e.g. see Figure 9.4 in Hurst & Beynon, 2013). Experiments that
presented with scents from two unfamiliar adult male territory manipulate the amount of darcin independently of other urinary
owners, females consistently prefer the owner of the freshest, most components including other MUPs will be needed to understand
recently deposited scent or countermark, as long as there is a clear how variation in investment in this specific urinary pheromone
difference in the age of the scents (Rich & Hurst, 1999) and each influences male attractiveness to females.
male has a distinctive individual identity signature encoded by Additional information in other components of a male's scent
different MUP patterns that allows females to discriminate between about a male's potential quality as a mate may be used to modulate
the owners (Cheetham et al., 2007). It is likely that this preference female contact or response to the darcin pheromone. Male house
for the owner of the fresher scent is because females preferentially mice that are not able to defend their own territories (low quality or
approach and contact scent marks that emit much stronger volatile young males) often attempt to live as subordinates within another
signals; thus, they learn an attraction to the airborne odour signa- male's territory, where they are forced to reduce production of
ture of the owner of the fresher (stronger) scent. However, in the androgen-dependent scents that otherwise induce aggression from
absence of competing fresh scent, females are still more attracted to the resident territory owner (Hurst, Payne, et al., 2001). In addition
the owner of familiar 24 h aged scent marks than to a male whose to largely suppressed scent-marking behaviour to avoid competi-
scent they have not met. This indicates that females are still able to tion with the owner, the preputial gland development of subordi-
recognize a male's identity from 24 h aged scent despite the gradual nate males is much reduced (Bronson & Marsden, 1973; Homady &
loss of volatile signatures (Cheetham, 2006). Brain, 1983) leading to much lower concentrations of two
Greater investment in MUPs increases the concentration of androgen-dependent sesquiterpenes, E,E-a-farnesene and E-b-far-
bound volatile ligands in the scent and thus helps to extend the nesene, added to urine (Novotny, Harvey, & Jemiolo, 1990). Another
duration over which scent marks continue to emit detectable levels androgen-dependent volatile constituent of preputial glands has
of volatiles. Investment in MUPs and associated volatile ligands recently been identified, an unsaturated aliphatic alcohol Z5-14:OH,
declines as adult males start to age; urinary protein levels start to which is also secreted in male urine (Yoshikawa, Nakagawa, Mori,
decline when wild-stock males (housed singly in the laboratory) Watanabe, & Touhara, 2013). Although it is not yet known
are >18 months old, declining to approximately one-third of the whether this component is reduced in subordinate males, the much
amount excreted by younger adult males once males are aged smaller size of their preputial glands makes this likely. Each of these
25e32 months (Garratt, Stockley, Armstrong, Beynon, & Hurst, preputial secretions stimulates female investigation of unfamiliar
2011). This decline in urinary protein correlates strongly with the adult male urine (Jemiolo, Xie, & Novotny, 1991; Yoshikawa et al.,
decline in epididymal sperm counts as males start to senesce. The 2013), while females show little investigatory interest in urine
abundance of urinary volatile ligands as adult males age mirrors the from subordinate males, castrated males or preputialectomized
three-fold decline in MUPs, consistent with the sequestration of males without addition of synthetic analogues of these components
volatile ligands that bind to MUPs with a 1:1 stoichiometry. From a (Bronson & Caroom, 1971; Jones & Nowell, 1974; Ninomiya &
functional perspective, the impact of this decline becomes most Kimura, 1988). By contrast, there appears to be little quantitative
apparent not when urine is freshly deposited but as scent marks difference in urinary protein output between dominant and sub-
age. Although volatile abundance differs in fresh urine, the level of ordinate males (Malone, Payne, Beynon, & Hurst, 2001; Payne,
volatiles released from scent marks freshly deposited by older 2001), although further studies are required to establish whether
males is still relatively strong. Females given a choice between fresh darcin production may decrease. However, females appear able to
S. A. Roberts et al. / Animal Behaviour 97 (2014) 313e321 319

recognize the status of subordinate scent owners from airborne Under free-ranging conditions, mate choice is due to oestrous
volatiles without the need for close contact investigation, and show females approaching males when ready to mate; males do not mate
no interest in investigating subordinate male scents. Thus, they are outside their defended territories (Hurst, 1987; Potts et al., 1991;
unlikely to be exposed to the darcin pheromone in subordinate Wolff, 1985) and females return repeatedly to the same mating
male urine even if this is expressed. site for copulation, typically moving away between successive
Females also discriminate against urinary odours from males copulations (e.g. Hurst, 1986). How the specific site for mating is
subclinically infected with parasites or viruses, in many cases chosen is not yet known and may simply depend on where the
showing active avoidance of odours from infected males (reviewed female encounters one of her preferred males when in an appro-
by Beltran-Bech & Richard, 2014; Choleris, Clipperton-Allen, Phan, priate state to mate. Prior to copulation, both female and male
Valsecchi, & Kavaliers, 2012; Kavaliers, Choleris, & Pfaff, 2005). As spend time sniffing the facial and anogenital regions of the po-
yet, the urinary components used to identify infection are un- tential mate. During these interactions, additional signals may
known; it is unclear whether infection results in reduced expres- facilitate copulation itself. The tear fluid of male mice contains an
sion of male sexual signals, detection of cues from the parasite exocrine gland secreting the protein ESP1, which is a 7 kDa peptide
itself, detection of cues that reflect activation of the host immune that activates a specific vomeronasal receptor and enhances
system or a combination of these. However, as subject females are lordosis behaviour in females (Haga, Kimoto, & Touhara, 2007;
usually prevented from direct contact with male odours during Kimoto, Haga, Sato, & Touhara, 2005). This is expressed in the
these tests, it appears that they are able to detect infection on the extraorbital lacrimal gland of wild-derived inbred strains and some
basis of airborne volatiles alone (e.g. Ehman & Scott, 2002; domesticated laboratory strains (BALB/c, DBA) under androgen
Kavaliers & Colwell, 1995a, 1995b; Kavaliers, Colwell, Braun, & control. Interestingly though, like darcin, expression of this peptide
Choleris, 2003; Kavaliers, Fudge, Colwell, & Choleris, 2003). Thus, pheromone is absent in many domesticated strains (Haga et al.,
females may detect and avoid urine scents from infected males 2010; Kimoto et al., 2007). As yet, nothing is known about differ-
without delivering these scents to the vomeronasal organ, which ential male investment in this priming pheromone among wild
would avoid contact with darcin, but this needs to be examined house mice but, unlike darcin, ESP1 is produced at very low levels
further (see also Lanuza et al., 2014). Females can also show and plays a role in coordinating mating behaviour when mice are
reduced attraction to scents from males that are less genetically already in close contact and mate attraction has already occurred.
compatible to themselves, such as very close relatives (reviewed by
Barnard et al., 1991; D'Udine & Alleva 1983; Pusey & Wolf, 1996), FUTURE DIRECTIONS
regardless of the male's investment in signals that are highly
attractive to other females. As yet, we do not understand the Our recent discovery of darcin, an involatile sex pheromone in
mechanisms that alter female attraction to male scents according to male mouse urine, has provided new insight into the control of
additional information gained on genetic compatibility, or whether female attraction to male scents and the importance of both
this influences associative learning, memory and/or response to inherent attraction to a male-specific pheromone and associative
individual airborne scent signatures. learning to target attraction flexibly to specific males. Notably, as
this pheromone can be detected through contact investigation only,
MATING ATTRACTION AND STIMULATION attraction is stimulated only once females have chosen to investi-
gate a male's scent closely including activation of the accessory
A number of volatile pheromones that bind to MUPs in male olfactory system. Scent deposition patterns and male investment in
scent marks have priming effects on a female's reproductive other components of their scents both appear to be important in
physiology when she delivers male scent to her vomeronasal organ attracting such contact under competitive conditions, while fe-
during close contact investigation. These priming pheromones males may detect additional cues such as infection status that
accelerate puberty in young females (Novotny et al., 1999; inhibit scent attraction. However, as yet, we do not fully understand
Vandenbergh, 1969) and promote ovulation in adult females how different information in male scents is integrated in making
(Jemiolo, Andreolini, Xie, Wiesler, & Novotny, 1989; Jemiolo, these decisions. Do females fully investigate all information in male
Harvey, & Novotny, 1986; Whitten, Bronson, & Greenstein, 1968) scents and modify their inherent response to darcin according to
so that they are ready to mate. However, by the time that females information gained about the scent owner through higher-level
are ready to mate under natural conditions, it is likely that decisions processing? Or is attraction to closely investigate male scents
about preferred mates are already made. Indeed, the choice of fe- adjusted according to the relative strength of airborne volatiles and
males to settle and nest within a particular male's territory is a other information gained through the main olfactory system, thus
major factor in mate choice, as most females will mate with the altering contact with darcin and learned attraction to that male?
owner of their resident territory (Hurst, 1987; Potts et al., 1991; Progress in understanding this would be greatly aided by better
Wolff, 1985). This may be an important factor in reducing the risk tools to identify when animals actively deliver scents to the vom-
of infanticide (Hrdy, 1979), as males reduce infanticidal behaviour eronasal organ under normal free-ranging conditions, a process
towards their mate's offspring after cohabitation and copulation that is currently invisible in species that do not show a flehmen
(Elwood & Ostermeyer, 1984; McCarthy & Saal, 1986; Soroker & response and requires invasive and often blunt approaches such as
Terkel, 1988). However, female house mice typically range across entire removal or functional blocking of the vomeronasal system.
several male territories and frequently mate multiply with neigh- Comparative studies are needed to establish the extent to which
bouring territory owners; in a survey of wild-caught mice, 23% of pheromones like darcin are present in other mammalian scents and
litters were sired by multiple males (Dean, Ardlie, & Nachman, whether this is a widespread mechanism used in social learning.
2006) while multiple mating can be even higher in high-density Many other rodents produce sex-specific scent proteins (Beynon
captive populations (Stockley, Bottell, & Hurst, 2013; Thonhauser, et al., 2008) but the presence of pheromones that induce
Raveh, Hettyey, Beissmann, & Penn, 2013). Thonhauser et al. individual-specific learning has yet to be tested. In addition to un-
(2013) found more multiple paternity of litters when scent mark derstanding the importance of differential investment in darcin and
investment among males in the local population was more even, what influences this, further work is needed to understand the wide
suggesting that females showed less discrimination to mate with range of androgen-specific volatiles in male scents and whether
one particular territory owner. such complexity is important for providing individual-specific
320 S. A. Roberts et al. / Animal Behaviour 97 (2014) 313e321

signatures and/or additional information about male quality. It Dean, M. D., Ardlie, K. G., & Nachman, M. W. (2006). The frequency of multiple
paternity suggests that sperm competition is common in house mice (Mus
should also be noted that scent advertisement is not restricted only
domesticus). Molecular Ecology, 15, 4141e4151.
to males; females also advertise through scent marks, which may Drea, C. M., Vignieri, S. N., Kim, S., Weldele, M. L., & Glickman, S. E. (2002). Re-
not only indicate oestrous state and readiness to mate but also sponses to olfactory stimuli in spotted hyenas (Crocuta crocuta): II. Discrimi-
appear to be involved in competitive signalling for breeding op- nation of conspecific scent. Journal of Comparative Psychology, 116, 342e349.
Drickamer, L. C. (1989). Odor preferences of wild-stock female house mice (Mus
portunities (Stockley et al., 2013). A major future challenge will be to domesticus) tested at 3 ages using urine and other cues from conspecific males
understand scent components produced by females and how these and females. Journal of Chemical Ecology, 15, 1971e1987.
are also used for sexual and competitive communication under D'Udine, B. A. A. E., & Alleva, E. N. R. I. C. O. (1983). Early experience and sexual
preferences in rodents. In P. Bateson (Ed.), Mate choice (pp. 311e327). Cam-
more natural social conditions than laboratory cages. bridge, U.K.: Cambridge University Press.
Dulac, C., & Axel, R. (1995). A novel family of genes encoding putative pheromone
receptors in mammals. Cell, 83, 195e206.
Acknowledgments Ehman, K. D., & Scott, M. E. (2002). Female mice mate preferentially with non-
parasitized males. Parasitology, 125, 461e466.
Elwood, R. W., & Ostermeyer, M. C. (1984). Does copulation inhibit infanticide in
We are grateful to members of both the Mammalian Behaviour male rodents. Animal Behaviour, 32, 293e294.
and Evolution Group and the Protein Function Group for essential Emes, R. D., Beatson, S. A., Ponting, C. P., & Goodstadt, L. (2004). Evolution and
comparative genomics of odorant-and pheromone-associated genes in rodents.
support for this work, particularly to Lynn McLean, Dr Stuart
Genome research, 14, 591e602.
Armstrong, Dr Richard Humphries, John Waters, Rachel Spencer Ferrero, D. M., Moeller, L. M., Osakada, T., Horio, N., Li, Q., Roy, D. S., et al. (2013).
and Joshua Beeston, and to many other members for discussion of A juvenile mouse pheromone inhibits sexual behaviour through the vomer-
ideas and approaches. The work was funded by research grants to onasal system. Nature, 502, 368e371.
Fisher, H. S., Swaisgood, R. R., & Fitch-Snyder, H. (2003). Odor familiarity and female
J.L.H. and R.J.B. from the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences preferences for males in a threatened primate, the pygmy loris Nycticebus
Research Council (BB/J002631/1) and the Natural Environment pygmaeus: applications for genetic management of small populations. Natur-
Research Council (NE/G018650). wissenschaften, 90, 509e512.
Garratt, M., Stockley, P., Armstrong, S. D., Beynon, R. J., & Hurst, J. L. (2011). The scent
of senescence: sexual signalling and female preference in house mice. Journal of
Evolutionary Biology, 24, 2398e2409.
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