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RES290 COM3 3Q1718 Chapter 4 Answered: 10

2001129903 15January 2018 Assigned: 10


1. What is meant by the term philosophical framework in relation to social research?
Philosophical framework evidences the worldview whithin which the research is situated and which can
be seen in every step of the research process.
2. Name and briefly explain three philosophical frameworks used in social research.
Positivism – holds that there is one objective reality; reality is singular and separate from consciousness
Constructivism – holds that social phenomena develop in social contexts and that individuals and groups
create in part their own realities
Functionalism – within sociology is the study of the structures if society and the manner in which those
structures serve societal needs.
3. What is quantitative data?
Data that can be quantified, or measured and coded numerically.
4. What is qualitative data?
Data that represents feelings, thoughts, ideas, understandings and non-numeric data.
5. Give an example of how simple and consise qualitative data can be coded numerically
A survey asking on how respondents are feeling, one can assign a number on the choices and the
respondents will answer a number, thus the qualitative data becomes numerical.
6. Explain why the numerical coding of qualitative data can be inappropriate
Qualitative data can loose richness, depth and complexity through numerical coding.
7. Explain the limits of research development without a theoretical base
Research without a theoretical base does not have a theoretical framework and so is of limited use, since
it has not emerged from a particular body of knowledge, generally findings of such research are
confined to a specific context.
8. Explain what is meant by the statement ‘concepts are the building blocks of theory’
Concepts are ideas they are created and developed, and aligned with other concepts, are the means
through which theory is created, thus they become the building blocks of theory.

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9. Briefly explain the process of developing theory as detailed in this chapter.
When a researcher presented his theory through his research project, he is entering a theoretical debate
that has been ongoing for some time. Theorists (Researchers) working in the same field conducted a
theoretical debate. The researchers conduct researches and publish their findings in theses, academic
journals, government reports and etc. Through publication of these researches, the researchers facilitate
other theorists in an engagement with their research who critically examine the research to establish its
validity. They explore its philosophical framework and examine the methodology used in the research.
They critique the data gathering methods and the data gathered. Finally, they examine the findings of the
research, the conclusions the researcher drew from the research and the insights into the phenomenon
under investigation presented by the researcher as a result of the research. They do all of this to validate
the research and once validity is established, the research is accepted as making a contribution to
knowledge. It is in this way, theory is developed and the knowledge base is expanded.

10. Explain why it is necessary to engage with the literature before making final decisions regarding the
focus of the research projects.
One must first engage with the literature before deciding what the focus of the research project will be to
avoid doing a study which has already been well researched, or conducting research on a topic that is out-
of-date, perhaps a topic which the debate in the field has already dealt with and from which it has already
moved on.

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