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MICROBIOME in specific, predictable ways likely will spawn

new interventions for rebalancing maladap-
Community Health Care: Therapeutic tive communities.
Probiotics and prebiotics. To date, efforts
Opportunities in the Human Microbiome to alter the composition of the gut commu-
nity have been dominated by two therapeu-
Justin L. Sonnenburg1* and Michael A. Fischbach2* tic modalities that have not yet gained wide
traction in the medical community: probi-
We are never alone. Humans coexist with diverse microbial species that live within and otics and prebiotics. Probiotics are defined
upon us—our so-called microbiota. It is now clear that this microbial community is es- as live microbes that confer a health ben-
sentially another organ that plays a fundamental role in human physiology and disease. efit when consumed in adequate quantities.
Basic and translational research efforts have begun to focus on deciphering mechanisms Many dietary supplements and foods that
of microbiome function—and learning how to manipulate it to benefit human health. In contain live microbes have been studied for
this Perspective, we discuss therapeutic opportunities in the human microbiome. their effects on diverse aspects of human
health, ranging from colonic motility to skin
allergy. Although the potential for probiotics
WHY FOCUS ON THE MICROBIOME? same person; (iii) despite these similarities, to have diverse biological impact is great, the
Humans have coevolved with a vast num- when it comes to gut communities the num- one widely substantiated benefit in humans

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ber of microbes—our microbiota—that live ber of microbial species that are unique to an is the improvement of symptoms associated
within and upon us. Recent discoveries make individual far exceeds the number that are with acute or chronic diarrhea (10, 11). Two
clear that our microbiota is more like an or- shared from person to person; and (iv) mono- related challenges stand in the way of the
gan than an accessory: These microbes are zygotic twins or members of the same house- widespread adoption of probiotic therapies
not just key contributors to human health but hold (related or unrelated) have more closely in the clinic: (i) Little is known about the ef-
a fundamental component of human physi- related gut communities than people who are fects these agents have on the gut community
ology. Several human ailments have been not related by genetic or environmental fac- and host physiology. Less is known of the
closely linked to (such as the inflammatory tors (2, 7). Little is known about how these molecular mechanisms by which probiotics
bowel diseases and obesity) or are thought to patterns map to differences in the gene roster exert their effects, although there are some
be influenced by (such as asthma and type I and how differences in the gene roster influ- exceptions. The demonstration that Lacto-
diabetes) the composition of the gut micro- ence community function. However, the plas- bacillus salivarius secretes a Listeria-killing
bial community (1–6). Like a polymorphism ticity, relevance to human health, and indi- bacteriocin—a toxin produced by one strain
in the human genome, a change in the human vidualized nature of the human microbiome of bacteria to block the proliferation of a sec-
microbiome—the combined genomes of the ensure its incorporation into the coming era ond competitor strain—that can protect mice
bacterial species in our microbiota—can lead of personalized medicine. This Perspective from infection by this food-borne pathogen
to a new phenotype that causes a disease or focuses on three future goals of microbiome- provides an example of how mechanisms that
contributes to its progression. Unlike the hu- focused therapeutics research: altering the underlie probiotic activity can be elucidated
man genome, the microbiome is a “flow re- composition of the community, endowing it and lends credibility to biological potential
actor” of genes: Its composition is dynamic, with new functions, and using the microbiota (12). More recently, probiotic Bifidobacte-
and we can (in principle) exert control over to diagnose disease. rium species have been shown to protect the
the content and architecture of our microbial host from Escherichia coli infection by pro-
communities. In the coming years, the plas- TWEAKING THE COMMUNITY ducing acetate (13). (ii) Probiotics, which are
ticity of the microbiome will be harnessed by COMPOSITION often classified as food or a dietary supple-
a new category of therapeutics that target the Human-associated microbial communities ment, do not typically undergo a rigorous
microbiota and modulate microbe-microbe are nonrandom assemblages of microbes and unbiased evaluation, which can result in
and microbe-host interactions (Fig. 1). adapted to specific body habitats. Microbi- variable product quality and unsubstantiated
Several early conclusions have emerged ome-wide association studies (MWASs) in claims. Establishing a regulatory framework
from studies that enumerate intra- and in- humans or animal models have revealed that in which probiotics are held to a set of appro-
terperson differences among microbiomes: substantial deviations from “normal” are priate standards may provide incentive for
(i) Typical human-associated communities observed in several disease states. In some industry and academic researchers to explore
harbor tens to hundreds of prominent spe- cases, an etiological relationship between the the therapeutic mechanisms and potential
cies; (ii) communities from the same body microbiota and disease state has been estab- of these agents, encourage understandably
site on different people are more similar than lished by conferring the pathological pheno- skeptical physicians to adopt probiotic thera-
communities from different body sites on the type via microbiota transfer from diseased pies, and cull ineffective products. Thus, in
animals to healthy germ-free recipients (1, the future, probiotics—like biologics and
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Stan-
ford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA 94305, 8, 9). Alternatively, when microbiota altera- small-molecule drugs today—may be devel-
USA. 2Department of Bioengineering and Therapeutic tion is a consequence rather than cause of a oped by pharmaceutical and biotechnology
Sciences and California Institute for Quantitative disease, such dysbiosis—microbial imbal- companies, approved by the FDA, and pre-
Biosciences, University of California, San Francisco, San
Francisco, CA 94158, USA.
ance—may potentiate the disease or promote scribed by physicians.
*Corresponding authors. E-mail: jsonnenburg@stanford. comorbidities. Several current research strat- Another opportunity for the field is to
edu (J.L.S.); (M.A.F.) egies directed at manipulating the microbiota expand the limited range of microbial gen- 13 April 2011 Vol 3 Issue 78 78ps12 1


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Fig. 1. Tipping the balance. Many factors can cause a shift in the microbiota from (A) a healthy state to (B) a dysbiotic or diseased state. Detection of
small molecules that serve as reporters of community membership and function can be used to diagnose the perturbed community and to determine
the appropriate treatment (C). In the healthy state (A), a dense population of microbes inhabits the intestine. Resident microbes (shown in blue) com-
pete for nutrients (such as dietary polysaccharides) (shown in yellow), and an ecologically stable state is maintained through a complex and poorly un-
derstood network of microbe-microbe and host-microbe interactions. As shown in (B), in the dysbiotic or diseased state, diverse factors contribute to
community disruption and disease, such as pathogen emergence (shown in red), other alterations in the microbiota composition, and changes in mi-
crobiota function and interaction with the mucosa (shown in blue). Treatment of dysbiosis (C) can be accomplished with probiotics (shown in purple),
prebiotics (shown in blue), engineered microbes that confer gain-of-function (shown in green), and microbiota-targeted drugs (shown in orange).

era currently included in probiotic prepara- hyperoxaluria and its often accompanying tion can be unpredictable. As prebiotics have
tions. Most probiotic organisms are adapted calcium oxalate kidney stones (Fig. 2) (14). considerable therapeutic potential—and the
to live within fermented foods (such as yo- Prebiotics are compounds administered to human diet is, in essence, a mix of poorly un-

gurt) and are temporary or low-abundance a microbial community to selectively stimu- derstood prebiotics—the molecular effects of
members of the gut community. Strains of late growth of a specific subset of microbes. these molecules on the gut community should
the two dominant intestinal phyla, Bacte- The study of prebiotic compounds has largely be explored in a way that promotes predict-
roidetes and Firmicutes, may prove to be been confined to purified plant polysaccha- ability by connecting prebiotic molecules to
more effective as probiotics at conferring rides (for example, inulin) that resist host di- the microbiotal gene products that metabo-
health benefits than the currently popular gestion and reach the distal gut. Enrichment lize them. In certain instances, it will be nec-
Lactobacillus species. Likewise, strains cho- of a specific prebiotic polysaccharide in one’s essary to also understand the bioactive small
sen for carrying out a specific function may diet may permit preferential expansion of a molecules that are produced as a function of
be useful as agents for personalized thera- microbial group that is well adapted to its use, prebiotic-stimulated secondary metabolism.
py. For example, Oxalobacter formigines, a but because patterns of prebiotic metabolism Prebiotics may benefit from the co-adminis-
resident gut species that degrades dietary by resident gut microbiota are not well under- tration of probiotics, and both prebiotic and
oxalates, is associated with protection from stood the outcomes of prebiotic administra- probiotic therapies would benefit from know- 13 April 2011 Vol 3 Issue 78 78ps12 2


inactive glucuronide of SN-38, a
cancer chemotherapeutic drug, to
Short-chain fatty acids Lactic acid the active aglycone in the intestine,
Synthesis O Catabolism
Dietary O Primary causing severe diarrhea. Wallace et
metabolites O O metabolites
HO N O al. recently showed that inhibiting
n Oxalate the bacterial glycosidase responsible
O H for this conversion prevents the re-
Vitamin K2 Tyrvalin generation of SN-38 from its gluc-
uronide in the intestine, decreasing
its toxicity (20). This result proves
OH OH OH the principle that using microbio-
Conversion H
H ta-targeted drugs to achieve ends
OH Conversion H
other than killing (21) or inhibiting
virulence (22) could be a fruitful ap-
proach for altering human physiol-
Digoxin Digoxigenin Dihydrodigoxigenin
Inactive Active Inactive
ogy by changing gut-community
Lastly, several recent studies

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O OH Conversion HO HO
have highlighted the targeting of
HO O OH + pathogen-responsive host factors,
HO HO such as the vacuolar adenosine tri-
Secoisolariciresinol Enterodiol Enterolactone phosphatase (ATPase) (23), as a new
strategy for combating infectious
Fig. 2. Transformers. Shown are three examples of chemical transformations catalyzed by human-associat-
ed bacteria. (A) Human microbiota use dietary metabolites as raw material for the synthesis of a variety of
diseases (24). Similarly, host factors
small molecules, including short-chain fatty acids, lactic acid, vitamin K2, and tyrvalin. (B) Oxalobacter formigi- that respond to microbial mutual-
nes, a resident gut species that degrades dietary oxalates, is associated with protection from hyperoxaluria ists—bugs that enhance the health
and calcium oxalate kidney stones. (C) Gut bacteria chemically convert drugs and dietary molecules such as of the host—may also become
digoxin and secoisolariciresinol (an antioxidant found in a variety of seeds), respectively, into metabolites bona fide drug targets that when
with important differences in biological activity. modulated could help shape the
composition or function of human-
associated microbial communities.
ing the incident microbial community (that for determining drug-like properties, has For example, such a drug could target a host
is, the host “microbiotype”; see below). influenced lead compound selection and factor involved in a host-microbe interaction;
Lastly, although the microbiota manipu- development for the past decade (17). Lead modulation of this host factor could result in
lation properties of probiotics and prebiot- compound structural requirements will likely either the killing of undesirable microbes or
ics have been studied largely in the context be less stringent for compounds that target the growth stimulation of desirable microbes.
of the intestinal microbiota, the concepts are unique cell surface proteins of the microbiota Ecological challenges and opportunities.
applicable to other human-resident micro- and do not need to be absorbed by the host; Treatments that alter community composi-
bial communities. The skin creams and tooth- however, compounds that target cytoplasmic tion in a negative way are quite common;
pastes of the future may contain live cultures proteins in the microbiota will have the same high-dose, broad-spectrum antibiotics can
or prebiotics that help treat atopic dermatitis permeability challenges as antibiotics. Micro- kill protective gut mutualists (25), leading to
(15) and prevent dental caries (16). biota-targeted compounds engineered to be secondary infection by nefarious actors such
Small-molecule and biological drugs. A metabolized by bacteria or to avoid absorp- as Clostridium difficile. Altering community
third strategy for altering community compo- tion by the host could have the advantage of composition in a positive way may not be
sition is to develop more conventional small- reduced toxicity. quite as straightforward. Stable microbial
molecule or biological drugs targeted either Second, the microbial biotransformation ecosystems are often stubbornly resistant to
to the microbiota or to microbiota-responsive of certain drugs can change their function. changes in their composition (26), requir-

host factors. Because the microbiota reside For example, gut bacteria convert the prodrug ing robust interventions such as fecal bacte-
on exposed surfaces of the human body, they digoxin to the active product digoxigenin by riotherapy to eliminate Clostridium difficile
provide a wealth of previously unidentified glycoside hydrolysis (18). In ~10% of patients, from the gut community (27). After milder
drug targets that are easily accessed; indeed, digoxigenin is reduced by a gut species, Eu- perturbations, microbial communities can
gut bacteria routinely encounter orally ad- bacterium, to dihydrodigoxigenin, an inac- exhibit resilience—the property of returning
ministered drugs prior to absorption. This tive molecule, leading to as much as a twofold to the preexisting stable state—or they may
phenomenon is important for two reasons. reduction in the serum concentrations of di- settle in a distinct stable state (28). When such
First, promising lead compounds that target goxigenin (Fig. 2). Co-administration of the a state is reinforced through feedback from
the microbiota are less likely to suffer from antibiotic erythromycin decreases or elimi- the environment (for example, chronic in-
problems with absorption, metabolism, dis- nates the production of dihydrodigoxigenin flammation), the recalcitrance of the system
tribution, and excretion. Lipinski’s Rule of in these subjects (19). Gut bacterial glycoside may be formidable. Can principles of evolu-
Five, which establishes chemical guidelines hydrolysis is responsible for converting the tionary dynamics be exploited to target key 13 April 2011 Vol 3 Issue 78 78ps12 3


nodes in the population network? Will the molecules that trigger host signaling pathways microorganisms to treat and prevent disease?
landscape of host biology need to be simul- (for example, quorum-sensing molecules and Early efforts will likely involve engineered
taneously manipulated? Will therapies need ligands for Toll-like receptors, which function probiotics for treating serious diseases with
to be tailored to an individual’s genotype and in innate immunity). Undoubtedly, human- poor standard-of-care treatments. In addi-
microbiotype? Careful ecological study of associated microbes produce a wealth of yet- tion, the risk of unintended colonization may
how natural and unnatural perturbations af- to-be-discovered molecules for the specific need to be mitigated by engineering strains
fect community composition may be the best purpose of manipulating host biology. Co- that undergo a finite number of cell divisions
guide to discovering successful approaches opting such highly adapted signals to tune lo- or are auxotrophic for a co-administered me-
for predictable alteration of the human mi- cal or systemic immune responses could lead tabolite. General acceptance is likely to take a
crobiota composition. to a variety of applications, including decreas- long time; in the meantime, a key challenge
ing susceptibility to pathogens, improving the will be to profile natural gut residents and
ENDOWING THE COMMUNITY WITH efficacy of oral vaccination campaigns, and probiotics to find strains that already perform
NEW FUNCTIONS altering the trajectory of autoimmune condi- some of these functions.
As the focus of human microbiome research tions. Similarly, the gut microbiota may be a
shifts from “Who’s there?” to “What are unique lever by which host energy balance DIAGNOSING DISEASE AND
they doing?” the molecular details of host- can be tuned, either by exerting a direct in- DISEASE RISK
microbe and microbe-microbe interactions fluence on host metabolism or by changing Exploiting new knowledge about connections
are beginning to emerge. These basic science the efficiency of microbiota-facilitated caloric between the microbiota and human health

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efforts pave the way for translational research harvest from the diet. will be important not just to treat disease but
into mechanisms that will enable genetic en- It may even be possible to engineer our also to diagnose it. The microbial components
gineering of the human microbiota to endow microbiota to produce diffusible small mol- of feces, urine, sputum, and mucus have the
its members with new desirable functions ecules that enter our bloodstream, cross the two key features of a diagnostic sample: They
that treat disease or promote health. For ex- blood-brain barrier, and exert neurological are easily obtained, and they hold a trove of
ample, imagine taking a daily probiotic pill activities. One day, our microbiota may be molecular information relevant to disease.
that contains four bacterial strains: The first engineered to produce stimulants, antide- Genes versus metabolites. Recent studies
one synthesizes and excretes a cholesterol- pressants, and satiety-inducing drugs, and if reveal that gut bacterial gene rosters are high-
lowering drug and a cocktail of vitamins; designed thoughtfully, microbial production ly individualized; thus, rapid biological inter-
the second one neutralizes carcinogenic free could be modulated by dietary inputs dictat- pretation represents a substantial challenge.
radicals and consumes dietary cholesterol ed by the host or by microbial sensing of host Given that small molecules—not genes—are
and fat; the third one modulates your im- biochemistry. Indeed, the intriguing possibil- the primary agents that mediate host-microbe
mune system to ward off infection and hold ity exists that some of our resident microbiota and microbe-microbe interactions, small-
autoimmune disease in check; and the fourth produce these compounds naturally and that molecule profiles from mass spectrometry
one produces an appetite-suppressing com- their perception by the enteric and central or nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy
pound, an antidepressant, and a cognitive nervous systems represents a fundamental may provide a more easily interpreted readout
enhancer. The field of microbiome research form of microbe-host communication. of collective community function. Metabolo-
currently is dominated by microbiologists Other potential functions of the microbio- mic studies have revealed that the microbiota-
and immunologists. By embracing concepts ta. In addition to engineering the microbiota derived metabolite p-cresol competes with ac-
and approaches from synthetic biology and to interact directly with the host in new ways, etaminophen for a sulfonation detoxification
systems biology, microbiome engineers will it may be possible to optimize microbiome pathway (30). Differences among individuals
eventually be able to use microbial cells as a functions with indirect effects on the host. in p-cresol abundance suggest that changes in
new platform to modulate human biology. Catabolism of cholesterol in the gut, produc- community composition and function have
Microbial carting of therapeutic cargos. The tion of ultraviolet light–absorbing molecules implications for myriad processes of biologi-
delivery of drugs, therapeutic peptides, or on the skin, and secretion of pathogen-killing cal importance. Other important microbial
vaccine antigens by microbes at mucosal sur- antimicrobials in the urogenital or respira- metabolites such as short-chain fatty acids
faces holds tremendous promise for the treat- tory tracts all are plausible. and hydrogen sulfide are likely harbingers of
ment of diverse diseases. This concept was Two threshold questions await: First, will a new universe of small molecules that can be
demonstrated presciently 10 years ago, when it be necessary to “reprogram” the communi- used to infer community function and predict
IL-10 delivery by an engineered strain of Lac- ty to stably embed a new member, or will it be biological effects on the host.
tococcus lactis prevented inflammatory bowel simpler and safer to use a strain engineered The microbiome in the era of personalized
disease in a mouse model predisposed to de- to have a finite and defined residence time as genomic medicine. The Human Microbiome
velop this malady (29). Of particular interest a chassis for probiosis? Synthetic ecology will Project of the U.S. National Institutes of
is the production and delivery of peptides by undoubtedly be a lively area of research in the Health and related international efforts are
microbes, because their access to the intesti- coming years, and its pioneers will benefit defining the varieties of a “normal” microbi-
nal or nasal mucosa could potentially enable from the tools and strategies of synthetic bi- ome, studying how changes in the microbiota
the delivery of biological drugs using a pill, ology and the accumulated knowledge about relate to disease, and developing new tech-
cream, or spray rather than intravenous or in- microbial ecology. nologies to enable community characteriza-
tramuscular injection. In addition to heterol- Second, when and how will regulatory tion. As new technologies allow the compre-
ogous expression of bioactive molecules and agencies and the general public come to ac- hensive evaluation of transcript, protein, and
proteins, there are many examples of bacterial cept the prospect of using genetically modified metabolite amounts in unpurified clinical 13 April 2011 Vol 3 Issue 78 78ps12 4


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