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Fields Attach Content

for Joomla 1.7
by Percha

Step by step
1- Create a group.

Click the “New” button.

In the edit article is very important linked with a Category and decide if you would recursivity o not.Now ,
it's possible link a group to a article or articles which do you want. Now, you can write a description for
explain the fieldgroup.

Now, we can select two positions in the article edit page for the group of fields

2- Create a field, a text field for example.

• Title – The title of fields.
• Show title – If you want show the field name in the html article.
• Visible with plugin – If you want who the plugin work for you and show the field value. If you select
no, you should work with the functions of component(Is more powerful)
• Group – The group
• Language - The language field
• Type – The type of field
• JGLOBAL_STATE – Published or not
• Ordering – The order of fields group
• Extra info – Every field have diferent extra field configuration. You have a help in the same screen,
right column.

Types and configuration:

Type Configuration “Extra info”

Input and Link Nothing
TextArea Nothing or RichText(For a RichText editor )
Image width|height|filter|type

width: Width of image

height: Height of image
filter: Filter for apply to image
type: Upload field or Joomla selected image default

Ex. ---------------------------------------------
100||| → Upload image and resize it 100X---
100||IMG_FILTER_NEGATE| → Upload image and
resize it 100X---(Proportional) and apply the filter
negative too.
|||selectable → Joomla image select

ImageGallery Nothing
Select and Selectemultiple option|value

file Nothing
Listunit Row1|Row2|Row3...
Youtube width|height
Vimeo width|height

Example configuration field vimeo video:

Example configuration Youtube video:

Example the edit videos in the article edit page(The size of videos only are efective for frontend page):

3- The edit article with the new field.
I create a new article in the category. But in the first page I can't view the field!!!!! It's normal, until I not save
the article and liked with the category the extra fields not work.

When I save the article , I can see the field in the bottom of article edit.

The front end article.

I will work more with this manual.


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