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Department of Computer Science and Engineering

CSE 3112 : Technical Writing and Presentation

Opponent report
Author of thesis: Noor Mohammad
Atik Shahriar Pranto

Article Title: A Comparative Study of Sorting Algorithms

Opponent: Md.Muntasir Mamun


Q1. To what extent does the article title reflect the content of the report?
1. Excellent  2. Good 3. Neutral 4. Poor 5.Very Poor


Q2. How does the author describe the problem background?

1. Excellent 2. Good 3. Neutral 4. Poor 5.Very Poor


Q3. Has the author presented the results clearly?

1. Excellent 2. Good 3. Neutral 4. Poor 5.Very Poor

Q4. Is the methodology presented in the manuscript and any analysis provided both accurate
and properly conducted?
1. Excellent 2. Good 3. Neutral 4. Poor 5.Very Poor
Evidence : The analysis of each complexity i.e. time and space complexity for each algorithm
should be given(page:3 section:3).
Q5. Does it significantly build on (the author’s) previous work?
1. Excellent 2. Good 3. Neutral 4. Poor 5.Very Poor
Q6. Do you find the author’s conclusions credible?

1. Excellent 2. Good 3. Neutral 4. Poor 5.Very Poor

Q7. Does the literature (References) seem relevant?
1. Excellent 2. Good 3. Neutral 4. Poor 5.Very Poor


Q8. Is the report plagiarism free?

1. Excellent 2. Good 3. Neutral 4. Poor 5.Very Poor

Q9. Do you feel that the significance and potential impact of a paper is high or low?
1. Excellent 2. Good 3. Neutral 4. Poor 5.Very Poor
Q10. Are all relevant accompanying data, citations, or references given by the author?
1. Excellent 2. Good 3. Neutral 4. Poor 5.Very Poor
Q11. Is the submission in Standard English to aid the understanding of the reader?

1. Excellent 2. Good 3. Neutral 4. Poor 5.Very Poor

Q12. Does the paper help to expand or further research in this subject area?
1. Excellent 2. Good 3. Neutral  4. Poor 5.Very Poor

Evidence: The authors use the data from various sources,but not explain how it works and used
data are very common(page:4 section:4).

Questions to the author(s) (If any) [Optional]:

*Evidence should be given if corresponding decision is poor or very poor. Provide at least one example along
with page number and section number to clarify.

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