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3 Issue 4 July 2007

A newsletter of the Bangladesh Software and IT Services Industry

The CRISIS for Software Professionals in Bangladesh

Why an article about it?
Bangladesh is a country of almost 150 million people. Yet we
“cry” for “people”. Our software development industry is indeed
in a crisis for competent software professionals, or even proper
Computer Science & Engineering (CSE) graduates. You may
have seen many articles, papers, seminars, symposiums,
training sessions on Software Professional issues. Why yet-
another-write-up on this?

First, the crisis is not over yet. So the talks and discussions will
continue. Second, we hope to bring some new lights here (or
old lights with new shades ). Third, BASIS Newsletter Editorial
board planned this article long before.

I acknowledge the inclusion of many facts, thoughts, and ideas

from many sources in this article. Most of the good things in this
article are, thus not my contribution. But for the weak and less
thoughtful areas, I take all the blames.
Class room at a local private university
Why this catch-22?
The software companies in Bangladesh are currently in need of led by some recent outsourcing jobs to our country from
significant number of software professionals. We need abroad. The gap between demand and supply is also
competent people in almost all roles & levels: Program increasing by the mass exodus of competent software
Manager, Product Manager, Project Manager, Technical Lead, professionals from our local software industry to abroad for
Quality Assurance Manager, Configuration Controller and better jobs or higher education. There are also cases of people
Release Manager, System Analyst, Software Designer / moving out from our software industry into other industries. The
Architect, Senior Software Engineer, Quality Assurance demand of software professionals is expected to grow by at
Engineer, Technical Writer, Web Developer, Web Designer, least 50% every year in the next few years.
Search Engine Expert, Tester, Software Engineer, etc.
Despite this high demand, a large number of CSE graduates
This increasing demand is mainly due to the business growth are still unemployed. In most of the cases, these graduates are
found 'not employable' after selection process. Quite frankly,
these unfortunate graduates seriously lack the very basic
Inside this issue knowledge of problem solving, English language,
communication, programming and software engineering.
Almost all of these graduates are from the Private Universities
in Bangladesh and India. So they remain unemployed having a
CSE or relevant degree, even though we have serious shortage
for fresh competent graduates. This is a sad situation for both
the parties: we are looking for people, and they are looking for
jobs; yet we can not offer jobs to them!

Mostly after the world-wide economic crisis along with the

dotcom crash, and the 9/11 disaster; our over-hyped young
CSE & IT students and their parents / families got serious blows
Continued on page 2
Editorial Board
Sarwar Alam, Chairman Continued from page 1

T.I.M. Nurul Kabir, Editor

Ahmed Hasan in their dreams. (We, entrepreneurs, got many serious blows
A.K.M. Fahim Mashroor too). Although the world economy (especially the US) has been
M. Shoeb Chowdhury recovering from those downturns and Software / IT is picking up
A. Towhid again, but our major Software HR suppliers (the parents and
family) are still not very aware of it. They still observe the
Habibullah N Karim
numbers of the unemployed CSE graduates in the local market
Forkan Bin Quasem and discourage their children to take up CSE or related
Fokhruz Zaman Software disciplines in the universities. Also the recent boom in
Rashed Kamal the local Mobile Telecom sector encouraged most CSE
M. Manzurur Rahman students to switch to the Telecom sector. Today in Bangladesh,
CSE or software related discipline is no more the top choice for
most bright young minds. Market is a great driver for talents.
From Editor’s Desk So, the number of student intakes in the CSE and related
T he software companies in Bangladesh are currently in need of
significant number of software professionals. We need
competent people in almost all roles and levels: from Software
software disciplines has decreased drastically during recent
times. Sadly, many private universities practically closed down
Engineer to Project Manager. This increasing demand is mainly their CSE departments. These private universities are also
due to the business growth led by some recent outsourcing jobs to driven by market demands. Most of the private universities are
our country from abroad. The gap between demand and supply is not producing really educated people but merely holders of
also increasing by the mass exodus of competent software graduation certificates as the main focus of these institutions is
professionals from our local software industry to abroad for better almost entirely on profiteering not on quality of education or
jobs or higher education. Despite this high demand, a large number their infrastructure.
of CSE graduates are still unemployed. In most of the cases, these
graduates are found 'not employable' after selection process. Quite
How can we start solving it together?
frankly, these unfortunate graduates seriously lack the very basic
knowledge of problem solving, English language, communication, We must bring back (or create anew, if it never existed) the
programming and software engineering. This negative Software confidence of students and their families in our Software
HR trend should not continue. We must address the non-suitability Industry. And we must work together (the Academia, the
of the CSE graduates for the job-market first. BASIS has to provide Industry, and the Government) to come out of the crisis. We can
necessary leadership to resolve this crisis for software not let this current negative Software HR trend to continue. If
professionals in our industry. These important factors are this sad trend continues in the CSE and related software
addressed in the current issue of BASIS News & Views. disciplines, our Industry will continue to face reduced supply of
quality software graduates. We must address the non-
Whenever we think of using Bangla in computers the name that
immediately springs to our mind is Mustafa Jabbar. The present suitability of the CSE graduates for the job-market first. Our
ICT scenario of Bangladesh is the consequence of the contribution solution to this will boost confidence in our HR suppliers, i.e. the
of some of the pioneers who thought of the future and worked parents and families of the CSE graduates and students.
towards making a difference. Mustafa Jabbar is one such
individual. His company, 'Ananda Computers' and the name We, the Industry, can start developing a qualifications grid, a
'Mustafa Jabbar' has become synonymous in this field. His salary range, and a list of required skill sets for distribution
contribution has helped to establish the use of Bangla font, Bangla among academic institutions. This would minimize the level of
keyboard and software and as a result IT has reached all walks of
mutual incomprehension and frustration. Currently, CSE or
our society. The focus of Ananda Computers has been broadly on
language and education. It has already been a trendsetter in the related discipline graduates expect high salaries, or to be hired
initiation and implementation of Bangla and different languages in quickly, whereas we, the Industry, perceive that the quality and
computers. Even now under the dynamic leadership of Mustafa skills of these graduates do not meet our needs. The required
Jabbar the company aims to change the education system of our skill sets and qualifications grid would enable students and
country to enable it to face the challenges of the 21st century. In this graduates to better manage expectations, while providing
issue we are publishing a profile of Ananda Computers Ltd. academia with an up-to-date list of required skill sets with which
to adjust its curriculum. Besides, we will also benefit in tailoring
Bangladesh Japan Information technology (BJIT) Ltd. is the first our hiring pool to suit our specific needs and acquiring
joint venture ICT Company in Bangladesh. BJIT started its journey
in July of 2001. With the dedication and enthusiasm of a few Non adequately skilled graduates as employees. Ideally, this could
Resident Bangladeshis and Japanese entrepreneurs, and with the lead to more standardized curricula among all institutions and
help of the board of investment (BOI), this new and exciting venture more collaboration between them.
started off. The objectives behind setting up this company include
creating an efficient manpower in the ICT sector through training There should be a centralized & coordinated process to
and developing software that caters to the needs of the local as test/assess the skills set of a fresh graduate. The graduates,
well as foreign companies. In a short period BJIT has earned a after their graduation, must have a chance to enhance their
reputation for running a successful joint venture in the IT sector. skills, and thus reduce the gaps between Industry expectations
We are pleased to highlight the success story of BJIT in this issue
of BASIS News & Views. and their actual levels. To make the institutional approach for
assessment and skills enhancement program, a Professional
T. I. M. Nurul Kabir Skills Development Council (PSDC) can be established.
Editor, BASIS News & Views The PSDC initiative should be taken as a joint effort of industry

2 BASIS News & Views

and academia. The salient features of this PSDC are:  Work together for academic faculty development.
 Academia will lead the program design and delivery.  Encourage student initiative and interaction with the
 Best teaching resources in respective disciplines will private sector.
be assembled from different Universities to form the  Foster “soft skills.”
common pool of resources.  Formalize partnership to identify strategic areas and
 Industry will involve their professional expertise in technology to support national ICT policy and
designing the program. economic growth activity.
 Industry will also help in program delivery in terms of  Promote research and development.
internship, mentorship, project works, workshops,
etc. Recommendations for Academia:
 Create an enabling environment for applicable ICT
Immediate Goals of the PSDC: education.
 To assess the skills of the fresh graduates in order to  Extend certified stand-alone curriculum to more
identify the skills gaps of a graduate as a potential varied training institutions.
software engineer for the job market.
 To run programs to enhance the skills of the Recommendations for the Private Sector:
professionally-poor graduates.  Encourage corporate social responsibility.
 Raise awareness through advocacy.
Mid-to-Long Term Goals of the PSDC:  Advance leadership by the IT associations in
 To provide feedback to the Universities/Colleges academic-private sector collaboration.
regarding the weakness of their graduates.
 To run program to enhance the skills of the CSE Interestingly, we almost always knew the possible solutions of
teachers engaged in different Universities/Colleges. our crisis for software professionals in Bangladesh. But we
 To provide the necessary support for strengthening haven't started executing those industry-wide. Individual smart
the CSE education at the University/College level. companies are adopting many creative options to fight this
crisis. But those lone heroes won't be able to change industry-
The good news is, very recently our Academia and Industry are wide lost HR confidence, unless they become the InfoSys or
coming closer to each other in Bangladesh. Better late than Wipro of Bangladesh.
never; the “good-side” of this Software HR crisis (No wonder, all
calamities in our Bangladesh unify us ). Hopefully we will be As an infant industry, we need all our combined and
able to jerk-off our past conflicting-egos, and work together coordinated efforts with the Academia to create an appropriate
professionally with mutual trust, respect, and enthusiasm. and sustainable impression in the minds of our sought-after
(cried-after) Human Resources.
All our favorite FM channel is: WIIFM, i.e. What's In It For Me?
For the Industry: the number of employable graduates will go What Next?
up; the cost of recruitment will go down. The skills of existing If we go in hibernation until the next “show thing” happens, we
employees will be refreshed and this will lead to higher are not tackling this crisis seriously. Individual companies have
productivity; salaries will be benchmarked. For the Academia: been trying their best to tackle the crisis for software
employability of graduates will go up; as a result, the enrollment professionals. Quite often they even sacrifice their hard-earned
of CSE programs will go up. In the mid and long term, the customer projects after long sales and marketing efforts, since
curriculum and training methods will be aligned according to they don't have competent professionals at that time. Except
industry needs; the quality of education will be benchmarked. few bright examples, the mutual trust, respect and collaboration
between the software development companies in our industry
Upon analysis of a 2006 survey results, JOBS/IRIS are not great at all.
Bangladesh (sponsored by UNDP) made the following
recommendations: Frankly, we are yet to become a really mature industry with top
performing business leaders, quality management, and
Joint Recommendations: predictable growth in demand and supply in Human
 Formalize the Linkage between the Private Sector Resources.
and Academia
 Develop a platform to facilitate linkage As a national organization, BASIS is in a position to provide the
 Provide a graduate tracking mechanism. executive leadership to resolve this crisis for software
 Establish a job cell. professionals in our industry. Long term strategic planning is
 Intensify career services counseling with private- very important. But we can not wait until that big thing happens
sector involvement. with some international experts researching our industry
thoroughly. We can take immediate “baby steps” to start
 Collaborate to ensure relevance of academic
tackling this crisis. Software Professional Skills Development
curriculum and capacity-building of students and
Program can be an immediate starting point with our Industry,
Academia, and Government collaboration.
 Promote ongoing input from private sector to conduct
ICT skills gap
 Assessment / needs analysis.
 Ensure a venue for private sector-academia By Fokhruz Zaman
curriculum collaboration. Co-Founder CTO, Millennium Information Solution Ltd

BASIS News & Views 3

Japan - Bangladesh Joint Venture
BJIT: A Success Story

angladesh Japan Information Technology (BJIT) Ltd. is
the first joint venture International ICT Company in
Bangladesh duly registered with the Board of
Investment (BOI) with Japan. Having offices in Dhaka and
Tokyo, BJIT has a Management team comprised from Finland,
Japan, India and Bangladesh. BJIT started its journey in July of
2001. With the dedication and enthusiasm of a few Non
Resident Bangladeshis, specially the company Chairman Mr.
JM Sawkat Akbar and Japanese entrepreneurs, this new and
exciting venture started off. Three objectives where behind the
formation of BJIT: to train up local people to create an efficient
manpower in the ICT sector, to develop software catering to the
needs of the local companies, as well as foreign companies and
to help in forming a good quality human resource in the ICT
sector who can be sent to Japan. Initially BJIT opened up a
school to train people in terms of language proficiency and
technical capabilities.

BJIT operates in four business areas: Software Development,

Software Testing, CAD/CAE and Technology Consulting. BJIT
is able to offer rates that are lower than its competitors in India
and China in setting up cost effective offshore teams, and here
lies the core competence of the company. At present there are BJIT management Team
35 engineers working for BJIT in Japan and the number is
almost hundred in Bangladesh. BJIT boasts an impressive list 2004 BJIT opened its first office in Japan under its own name. It
of clients from several countries; since 2001 BJIT is working may be mentioned that BJIT is a member company of Japan
and performing with many world renowned companies, for Bangladesh Chamber of Commerce and Industries (JBCCI)
example, NOKIA, IBM, NTT Data, ACCESS Co. Ltd, JETRO in and BASIS.
Japan, Access GmbH in Germany, Metso in Finland, Fyntech
LLC in USA, Japan Embassy in Bangladesh and also for other In 2006 Mr. Timo Vanttinen, who has worked in a senior position
renowned international Companies in Japan, Hong Kong, USA, for Nokia, joined BJIT as the CEO. Mr. Vanttinen first came to
Switzerland, Germany and Finland. Bangladesh about four years ago to assess BJIT as a part of
Nokia Assessment Team. Although at that time the company
In 2002 BJIT sent seven software engineers in Japan to work still had some way to go to reach today's standard, he found the
on-site. The quality of their hard work and efficiency created a skill level and motivation of the employees and the engineers
very positive image for Bangladesh. These engineers act as the very impressive. He finds the future of the ICT sector of our
'bridge engineers' for BJIT in resolving the issues regarding the country very promising. 'Bangladesh is going through the same
language barrier. During a project, in Dhaka, a team of 7-10 period which India had gone through 10-15 years ago', Mr.
personnel is set up along with a team manager who contacts Vanttinen told BASIS. He believes the smooth progress of this
with the bridge engineer to finish the project with the highest sector will be aided if the issue of the high Internet cost, among
amount of efficiency. Although implemented in other counties, other things, can be resolved. The political instability, which
the unique concept of 'bridge engineers' is new in our country; it sometimes is a concern for the clients, can also be resolved for
has made the completion of projects more efficient and the betterment of the sector. He is very optimistic about the
effective. The company plans to create 1000 software future of BJIT. In the not too distant future he hopes to see the
engineers in Bangladesh and 200 bridge engineers in Japan company enlisted in Japan having done its IPO with 1000
within a few years. employees. 'It is not unrealistic and can be achieved if
everything goes according to plan', Mr. Vanttinen told BASIS.
In 2002 BJIT made an exciting deal with 'Taito', world famous Six months later, after Mr. Vanttinen's inclusion in the BJIT
Japanese Game Company, to develop four games for Nokia, team, Mr. Nobuhiro Hayashi, who has had working experience
the world's number one cell phone maker. These four games as a top executive in IBM, joined the team of this fast improving
were Symbian-based mobile games for Nokia N-gage device. company. The inclusion of these two individuals is definitely an
Three of the games were developed in Dhaka and the other in achievement for a Bangladeshi company; their huge
Japan. 'Previously BJIT did some work with the Japanese experience will only benefit it. Now under their strong
firms but this exciting deal of making games for Nokia made the leadership, the very talented and motivated employees of BJIT
company more prominent in the Japanese market', the chief are working hard to increase the goodwill of the company and
operating officer of the company, Ahmedul Islam, told BASIS. In also of Bangladesh.

4 BASIS News & Views

Company Profile
Ananda Computers: Breaking the Boundary
The present ICT scenario of Bangladesh is the consequence of
the contribution of some of the pioneers who thought of the
future and worked towards making a difference. Mustafa
Jabbar is one such individual. His company, 'Ananda
Computers' and the name 'Mustafa Jabbar' has become
synonymous in this field. As the Chief Executive of this
company, he is working constantly to achieve new heights in
this sector.

Before Ananda Computers, apart from having several

businesses, Mr. Jabbar used to bring out a monthly magazine
called 'Nipun' in 1983. In 1987 he had the opportunity to publish
a weekly magazine by the name of 'Anandapatra'; his goal was
to publish a magazine in a cost efficient way using the latest
technology. On 16th May, 1987 the first issue of the magazine started to grow. By this time Ananda Computers started
was published using a personal computer. The modified font exporting to India. Having started with zero percent market
(Mainul Lipi) that was used was originally created in Kolkata, shares, Bijoy now has almost 80% market share in the Bangla
India, and brought to Bangladesh by a company called BESL. user based community of India. Bijoy expanded its horizon
He implemented a keyboard called 'Jabbar Keyboard' in it. At when two more languages, Asamesei and Hindi, were added.
the same time he started a company having the same name as Also in 2001 the process of introducing all the scripted
the magazine, which later became the 'Ananda Computers'. Mr. languages of the tribal communities of Bangladesh to the
Jabbar thought of this viable business because he envisioned a computer began. He has developed Chakma and Marma
prospect of creating and selling software and hardware utilizing Scripts for computer.
the benefits of using Bangla in the computers. At that time the
Company's focus was in desktop publishing; it gave total Bijoy now has become a robust software supporting all
solution by providing hardware, software and the much needed Operating Systems including Windows Vista. It has all the
training. major keyboards of Bangladesh and India. It also has a good
dictionary for Unicode. 'Now Bijoy has come to a position where
After the publication of 'Anandapatra' he was faced with some it has everything to type Bangla in a computer', said Mr Jabbar.
complications. He discovered himself in a situation where he Another significant event in the company's history was when
had the machines but did not have the technology in terms of printed keyboards and software were bundled together and
Bangla fonts. To resolve the situation, in September of 1987, produced in millions. This generated great enthusiasm among
the first Bangla font, Ananda, was released. The leading the users of Bangla keyboards, especially in abroad.
national newspapers of that time such as Dainik Desh and
Dainik Azad, were among the first papers using this font. 'After Ananda Computers' latest endeavor has been on Library
that the company did not have to look back', said Mr. Jabbar to Management Software. Previously it was impossible to use
BASIS. From 1987 to 1993, in six years, all the major Bangla in database, but when the new developed software will
newspapers and magazines were using this font. be installed, in a university by the 1st week of August, this
phenomenon will be a thing of the past. In fact, the software will
The font that was created in 1987 had one problem in the fact enable the user to use any language of the world
that 188 characters had to be used. To minimize the problem simultaneously and even in the same field. Another major field
and create a more user-friendly keyboard, on 16th December where Ananda Computers is working is on Educational
1988, the famous Bijoy keyboard was released. It was like an Software; it plans to convert the text books of our education
English language keyboard and it removed the system into multimedia software. 'The main objective is to
incomprehensible thought that by using only 55 key positions change the basic concept of the education system in our
Bangla could be typed. This keyboard was in Macintosh country', said Mr Jabbar. He believes the computer should be
platform; later in 1993 Bijoy was released in Windows format. an integral part in the system. In terms of Multimedia, Ananda
Mr. Jabbar continued the business of selling hardware and Computers is working on a project which will enable the hill
software till 1997. After that he turned his full attention to the tracts people to digitally learn their mother tongues. Another
more creative software sector. He started working with Bijoy to project is to develop spoken Bengali software, in collaboration
adopt it to the changing operating systems and applications. with Dhaka University, which will let non Bangla speakers learn
Simultaneously he started multimedia training in 30 different the language efficiently.
multimedia schools around the country; Ananda Computers
provided them with the technical support. He also formed The focus of Ananda Computers has been broadly on language
schools for children where the multimedia training was and education. It has already been a trendsetter in the initiation
specially designed for children. and implementation of Bangla and different languages in
computers. Now under the dynamic leadership of Mustafa
The company has been facing challenges in the form of piracy. Jabbar the company aims to change the education system of
At the start of the new millennium the awareness against piracy our country to enable it to face the challenges of the 21st century.

BASIS News & Views 5

BASIS organizes seminar on
“Major Contextual Issues for
eGovernance Adoption in
Bangladesh Association of Software & Information Services
(BASIS) organized a seminar on “Major Contextual Issues for
eGovernance Adoption in Bangladesh” on July 18, 2007 at
Bangladesh China Friendship Conference Centre (BCFCC),
Sher-e-Bangla Nagar, Dhaka.
Mr. Ahmed Imran from Australian National University made the
keynote presentation. Mr. S.M. Wahid-uz-Zaman, Secretary, bureaucratic since they did not trust the local people. Adopting
Ministry of Science and Information & Communication Technology, eGovernance can increase the efficiency of Government offices
Government of the People's Republic of Bangladesh was the by redesigning and streamlining administrative procedures. Mr.
Chief Guest in the seminar. Mr. Rafiqul Islam Rowly, the Acting Imran suggested that a holistic approach should be used to
President of BASIS, presided over the session. Mr. Ahmed Imran, implement eGovernance by identifying the problems and their
who is conducting research on eGovernance issues as a part of interrelations.
PhD studies at the Australian National University, spoke about the
Mr. Wahid-uz-Zaman in his speech mentioned that eGovernance
background and problems of eGovernance adoption in
has become a widely talked about issue in recent times which, if
Bangladesh. He informed that successful adoption of ICT in an
implemented properly, will not only make Government offices
LDC such as Bangladesh would bring significant benefits in
more efficient but also benefit the whole nation. It can play a
improving the economy and has the protential to solve many of the
positive role in poverty alleviation and realization Millennium
deep-rooted problems like corruption, transparency and
Development Goals (MDGs). Mr. Rafiqul Islam Rowly mentioned
governance in the public sector administration. The major barriers
that eGovernance is not just computer hardware and portals which
in eGovernance adoption and implementation that came out from
is often a public perception in this country. The Governance part of
his research are Lack of Knowledge, Attitude and Mindset, Political
eGovernance should be emphasized and management issues
Will and Leader, Lack of Planning and Strategy, Infrastructure,
should be addressed while implementing eGovernance since it is
Bureacratic Business Process, Lack of Experts and Professionals,
not a translation of the existing process rather a transition of the
Socio-Economic Condition, Law and Rules, Citizen Demand and
system. A lively question and answer session was held after the
Lack of ICT Championship and Models.
keynote address where the participants shared their opinions and
The present administrative system in Government agencies and pertinent issues in connection with eGovernance adoption in
offices are paper based and follows the legacy practices installed Bangladesh were discussed. About 100 participants, officials from
during the British period. It is believed that the British had BASIS member companies, Government and donor agencies, IT
intentionally made administrative procedures lengthy and professionals, students and journalists attended the seminar.

Earlier JICA has conducted a study on “Potential Sub-sector

JICA and BASIS Organizes Growth for Export Diversification in Bangladesh” through
Meeting on Pilot Project assistance from Export Promotion Bureau (EPB). A six member
JICA team primarily made a groundwork selection of 6 sub-sectors
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) and BASIS has which are Food Processing, Jute Products, Pharmaceutical
organized a meeting on July 8, 2007 at the BASIS Conference Products, Computer Software, Light Engineering (metalworking
Room to discuss and inform about the formulation of a pilot project and machining) and Electric & Electronic Products, with an
which will involve selected BASIS member companies for objective of picking up 2 most potential sub-sectors out of these 6
capability enhancement in software export. for the study. After threadbare discussions with all stakeholders
involved in the 6 sub-sectors Computer Software was finally
selected as a most potential sub-sector for the study.

The objectives of the pilot project are to enhance export

competitiveness of Computer Software Products in the
international markets in particular and diversification of Bangladesh
export in general, which will be attained through the
implementation of specific Action and Master Plans. The pilot
project will involve a certain number of companies of the Computer
Software sector as the first beneficiaries. An MoU was signed
during the meeting between Unico International Corporation, the
consulting company appointed by JICA, and BASIS regarding the

6 BASIS News & Views

BASIS Organizes Seminar on Outsourcing Opportunities in UK
BASIS organized a seminar on “Outsourcing Opportunity in UK
for Software and IT Services” on July 4, 2007 at 4.00 P.M at the
Green View Auditorium (1st Floor) of Bangladesh China
Friendship Conference Centre (BCFCC), Sher- e- Bangla
Nagar, Dhaka.

Mr. Tony Brown, International Trade Adviser of UK Trade &

Investment Department and Greater Manchester Chamber of
International Trade Center presented the key note speech in
the seminar. Mr. Faridul Hasan, Director General, Export
Promotion Bureau (EPB) was the Chief Guest while Mr. Kevin
Ringham, Director of UK Trade & Investment, British High
Commission in Bangladesh attended the seminar as a Special

The seminar was organized as a part of the implementation of

The Bangladesh Information Technology Management
Programme (BITMAP), a project of BASIS funded by the Asia
Invest Programme of European Union. Partners of the during 2007 was 67% compared to the previous one year
programme are Federation of Small and Medium Enterprises period. Utilizing the advantages Bangladesh has in pricing over
(DFSME), Denmark, Greater Manchester Chamber of outsourcing giant India and English language skills of ICT
Commerce, UK and T&E, Finland. professionals compared to other Asian competitors, the country
can achieve large scale successful in creating an ICT
In his keynote speech, Mr. Tony Brown informed that within the outsourcing destination.
European Union UK has 79% of the IT Outsourcing market
which presents a huge opportunity for countries like The seminar was attended by officials from BASIS member
Bangladesh to provide outsourcing services. Moreover the companies and trainees of BITMAP training programs among
market size is growing at a high rate; total EU market growth others.

IBCS-PRIMAX Introduces Best IB Corporation Conducts
Employee Award Training for Dhaka University
IBCS-PRIMAX IB Corporation and Department of Accounting and information
S o f t w a r e Systems (A & IS), University of Dhaka, organized a simple
(Bangladesh) ceremony on July 12, 2007 to give away certificates among the
L t d . h a s participants of “Computerized Accounting Professional
introduced “Best Program (CAPP)”. Professor Jagadish Chandra Sukla Das,
E m p l o y e e Chairman of the Department of A & IS gave away the
Award” in the certificates. Professor Santi Narayan Ghosh, Md. Nazim Uddin
year of 2007. Bhuiyan, Associate Professor of the same department, Tapan
Kumar Paul, Director & Project In-charge of Best Business
T h e B e s t Bond Ltd. (3BL), Uttam Kumar Paul, CEO of IB Corporation
Employee Award were also present in the occasion.
recognizes outstanding service in the field of employment by an
individual through his/her excellence and diligent, dependable As part of the event Mr. Shovan Barai, Software Programmer of
and trustworthy performance of assigned duties. To evaluate 3BL, presented their 'Troyee-Human Resource Management'
performance of employees, a letter of recommendation from software to show how this software can be helpful in managing
client and immediate line manager is required. Afterwards the HR in real life activities.It may be mentioned here that CAPP is
winner is nominated by a selection board. Mr. Abir Das, a Case-Study-Based, Instructor-Led training program
Programmer was selected to be the best employee of the year designed through “Troyee” that would open up easy and
2006 and was awarded a plaque, certificate with honor and effective ways of entering into the world of Computerized
cash money for his outstanding performance in Grameen Business Management and IB has signed a Memorandum of
Phone Data Warehouse Support. IBCS-Primax believes that Understanding (MOU) with the Department of A & IS,
this initiative is a great encouragement for all employees to University of Dhaka to conduct CAPP for their students and
keep their moral high. teachers.

BASIS News & Views 7

IT Employment Trends Software Export Continues to Grow
During July 2006 to June 2007 a total of 1830 IT related jobs During the first ten months of 2006-07 financial year
were advertised in newspapers and major internet job sites. software export amounted to US$ 22.62 million, which is
This is about 5% more than the 1751 jobs advertised during 21% higher than export during the same period in previous
the previous one year period (July 05 June 06). financial year (2005-06).

Software & ITES Export

Export in Million US$ Increase

July 05 – April 06 18.74 21%

July 06 – April 07 22.62

Source: EPB, Bangladesh

New Members
Following companies became BASIS members
during July 2007

R. R. Software Limited


JS E-Recruitment Limited

Tenders Floated in the
IT Industry Total members as of July 2007 is 247

During June 2007 a total of 184 IT related tenders were

floated in our country in the Government, Public and
Private sectors. Following is an item wise list of these

Computer Related Data Entry and Related 01

Establish of Computer Lab 01
Hardware/Accessories 114 LARG EST JOB SI TE IN BAN GLAD ES H
ICT Support/Consultancy 0
Internet 04
Networking 06
Maintenance/Servicing 02
Projector/Multimedia projector 10
Software Development 09
Software Supply 04
Training 01
UPS/IPS/Stabilizer/Converter 09
Website Development 06

Sales Computer Related 06

Expression of Internet Data Entry & Other IT Services 09

Hardware/Vendor Software 02
Total 184


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