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The Commodity Boom:
Longer-Term Prospects

T he enduring importance of commodities to

the world economy and their volatility has
been driven home with the rise, and recent
• Like earlier booms, this one ended when
a slowdown in global growth eased de-
mand pressures. The unusual strength
decline, of prices for energy, metals, and food. and duration of this boom reflect the
Before they began to fall in the second half unusual resilience, until now, of global
of 2008, the real prices of energy and metals growth, particularly in developing
more than doubled over the past five years, countries.
while the real price of internationally traded
food commodities increased 75 percent (see For oils and metals, an extended period of
chapter 1 for more detail on the most recent low or falling prices created the conditions for
developments in commodity markets). the boom and help explain the weak supply
This chapter reviews the main characteris- response.
tics of this most recent boom in commodity
markets and examines the structure and behav- • Low prices throughout much of the
ior of both their demand and supply, with a 1980s and 1990s reflected periods of
view to better understanding prospects over the relatively weak growth and abundant
medium to long term. The discussion does not spare capacity. Idle capacity arose, both
include forests or fisheries, given their com- because energy demand declined in the
plexity and the greater importance of issues wake of high oil prices in the 1970s and
related to the public commons than for oil, early 1980s and because demand for oil
metals, minerals, and agricultural products. and metals in the former Soviet Union
Several important insights emerge from this (FSU) fell sharply when altered eco-
chapter that are likely to drive developments nomic incentives caused these countries
over the next several decades. to radically increase the efficiency with
which commodities are used.
The magnitude and duration of the com- • During the 1990s, much of the rising
modity price boom are unprecedented. demand for oils and metals was met by
the relatively easy rehabilitation of this
• The upswing of the current boom lasted already-existing capacity. This helped to
five years. Average commodity prices keep global commodity prices low and
doubled in U.S. dollar terms (in part deterred investment in new supply
boosted by dollar depreciation), making capacity, thus depressing activity in the
this boom longer and stronger than any sectors supplying inputs to commodity
boom in the 20th century. exploration and exploitation.

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G L O B A L E C O N O M I C P R O S P E C T S 2 0 0 9

• As a result, a mismatch developed be- • Given continued technological progress

tween the trend growth of demand and and appropriate policies, high oil prices
the trend growth of supply capacity. will prompt and use development of al-
This mismatch became apparent in the ternative energy sources (including re-
early to mid-2000s, when spare capacity newables) and greater efforts at conser-
was exhausted and demand began to vation, raising energy supplies and
outstrip supply, pushing up oil and significantly reducing the demand for oil.
metals prices. • For metals, slower growth in commodity-
• Metals prices also were boosted by strong intensive developing countries (as popula-
demand growth, linked to unusually high tion growth slows and income levels catch
and rising metal intensities in China. up with the West), the easing of China’s
Going forward, the intensity of metals de- investment surge, a rise in the share of
mand in China should decline as invest- total output held by the less-commodity-
ment rates fall and market mechanisms intensive service sector, and substitution
provoke an increase in efficiency similar away from expensive materials should
to that observed in the FSU. slow demand over the long term, facilitat-
ing a decline in prices.
The supply response in oil and metals is ex-
pected to remain sluggish over the next few The extension of the boom to agricultural
years, but new discoveries and technological markets mainly reflects the rising demand for
progress are likely to boost supply over the biofuels and high energy prices.
long run.
• Higher energy and fertilizer prices raised
• Ongoing shortages in the sectors that production costs in agriculture, and the
provide exploration and exploitation combination of high oil prices and
services, and the long lags between ini- biofuel subsidies and mandates boosted
tial investments and the coming on- demand for some food crops. Poor har-
stream of new production, suggest that vests in Australia also contributed to a
supply conditions may remain relatively decline in grain stocks.
tight in the oil and metals sectors and • Demand growth for food and feed in de-
that prices, although declining, are un- veloping countries (such as China and
likely fall to their 1990s levels. India) has not accelerated and was not a
• Despite rising production levels, known major contributor to the rise in food
reserves of most metals and oil have re- prices.
mained fairly constant because of new • Real-side speculation (the decision to hold
discoveries and improvements in extrac- on to physical stocks in anticipation of
tion technology. further price increases) and financial in-
• Although oil prices are likely to fall vestments along with policy reactions
below existing levels during the current such as the imposition of export bans, also
downturn, they are expected to rise contributed to the rapid increase in grain
during the recovery and stabilize at and oilseed prices during 2007 and 2008.
around $75 a barrel in real terms because
new supplies—for example, from off- The prospects for growth in the supply of
shore oil fields and Canadian tar sands— agricultural commodities at the global level are
have higher production costs, and a ma- good, while demand growth is likely to slow.
jority of known reserves are located in
regions that are politically unstable or • Historically, agricultural productivity has
not open to outside investors. increased more quickly than population,

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T H E C O M M O D I T Y B O O M : L O N G E R - T E R M P R O S P E C T S

allowing food production to keep pace Unless large-scale agricultural investment

with growing demand, even as the share and knowledge creation and dissemination are
of the population working in agriculture stepped up, food production in many of these
declined. Over the next 20 years, assum- countries will not keep pace with demand. As
ing sufficient investment is forthcoming a result, these countries will become increas-
in developing and high-income countries, ingly dependent on imported food.
the spread of more-intensive production Simulations suggest that if productivity
techniques coupled with improved vari- growth in developing countries disappoints,
eties that are emerging from recent ad- global food prices will be higher, and many
vances in biotechnology, should allow developing countries—especially those with
global productivity gains on par with his- rapidly growing populations—will be forced
torical trends despite some productivity to import more-expensive food from high-
losses caused by climate change. income countries, where productivity growth
• Considerable potential remains for shows fewer signs of waning.
bringing new (albeit somewhat less pro- The remainder of this chapter explores each
ductive) land under cultivation in Latin of these themes in more detail. The next sec-
America, Africa, and the FSU countries. tion compares the main characteristics of the
• The demand for agricultural commodi- current commodity price cycle with earlier
ties will slow as population growth ones. Then an examination of the long-term
slows and as incomes in developing demand and supply sides of commodity mar-
countries continue to rise (at higher in- kets follows. The chapter then brings the fore-
comes, the incremental rise in demand casts for supply and demand in commodity
for agricultural commodities sparked by markets together to form a base-case scenario
further increases in income is relatively for prices, along with some alternative scenar-
small). ios. While a wide range of future outcomes for
• Robust supply growth and slowing de- supply, demand, and prices are possible, the
mand are expected to reduce agricul- simulations support a highest-probability out-
tural prices in the long run. Increased come where today’s high prices should induce
demand for biofuels, however, will ex- sufficient additional supply to keep commodity
tend the period of high prices unless prices well below their recent highs over the
policies change or energy prices fall medium to long term—although they are not
more rapidly than expected. expected to descend as low as they were in the
• A more-rapid-than-expected warming of 1990s. A final section concludes.
the planet could reduce agricultural pro-
ductivity sharply, leading to rising food
Characteristics of the current
While global supply prospects are good, un- commodity price boom
less policy responds forcefully, food produc-
tion in many developing countries may fall
short of output gains
B ooms and busts are relatively common
occurrences in commodity markets (box 2.1
and figure 2.1). Like its predecessors, this
Yield gains associated with the green revolu- episode of high prices has occurred during a
tion are waning in many countries. Productiv- period of strong global growth and heightened
ity levels in much of Africa and Europe and geopolitical uncertainty, and it generated sig-
Central Asia are also declining; they are only nificant inflationary pressures (see chapter 1).1
one half those of best-practice developing However, this commodity boom was differ-
countries, even after having controlled for dif- ent in important ways as well. It was among
ferences in climate and soil. the most marked of the past century in its

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G L O B A L E C O N O M I C P R O S P E C T S 2 0 0 9

Box 2.1 Commodity price cycles

I t is in the nature of commodities for their prices to
show pronounced cyclical behavior. Indeed, some
of the most influential early insights about the role
Box figure 2.1a Volatility of production
around trend, 1960–2007

of expectations in pricing behavior derived from ob- Bananas

servations of how the interaction between prices and Rubber
quantities in agricultural markets tended to generate Zinc
price cycles (Kaldor 1934). Tea
Prices in commodity markets tend to exhibit cyclical Rice
behavior because supply decisions (how much to plant, Wheat
how many mine shafts to dig) must be made by market Palm oil
participants well before the final sale price of the com- Lead
modity is known. Because producers in the market are Soybeans
uncertain about future demand and the production Cocoa
decisions of other producers, the tendency in the aggre- Aluminum
gate is for the independent production decisions to Petroleum
Iron Ore
overcompensate for short-term imbalances between Tin
demand and supply and therefore for commodity prices Phosphate

to be volatile. The longer the lag between the produc- 3 5 7 9 11 13 15

tion or investment decision of producers and the actual Percent

increase in output, the longer the cycle in prices. Source: World Bank.
Individual commodities differ in the extent to
which they exhibit cyclical behavior and in the mech-
anisms underlying the cycles. The output of industrial
commodities tends to be most volatile, mainly be- Box figure 2.1b Volatility decomposition of
cause their demand tends to fluctuate with the busi- global revenue for selected commodities,
ness cycle and (in the case of crude oil) to be subject 1986–2006
to policy-related supply shocks (box figure 2.1a). Volatility decomposition of select commodities (global),
While prices of all commodities are sensitive to
spare capacity, the duration of booms and busts in Global revenue volatility (%)
the metals, minerals, and the oil sectors tends to be 40
longer than in agricultural markets because of the
longer lags between investing in new capacity and 20

the eventual increase in supply.

Their revenues also tend to be more volatile than
revenues in agricultural commodities because 220
changes in production mainly reflect demand shocks.

C n

C a


yb n

W s




So Cor







As a result, both prices and quantities move in


tandem, rising during periods of high demand and

declining in periods of low demand. In contrast, Contribution of:
demand for agricultural products tends to be more Global price volatility (%)
stable, and volatility tends to stem from supply Global output volatility (%)
Residual (%)
shocks. As a result, price movements tend to reduce
revenue volatility among agricultural commodities Source: World Bank.
because prices tend to move in the opposite direction
of supply shocks—rising when supply is low and
falling when supply is ample. Thus, for example, The current boom in agricultural prices is differ-
copper, lead, and zinc have much higher price and ent in this regard, because it reflects a demand shock
revenue volatility than maize, soybeans, and wheat, rather than a supply shock, meaning that prices have
but the differences in output volatility are much less risen even as overall production (including that des-
marked (box figure 2.1b). tined for biofuels) has increased.

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T H E C O M M O D I T Y B O O M : L O N G E R - T E R M P R O S P E C T S

Figure 2.1 The recent commodity boom was the largest and longest of any boom since 1900
Real non-energy commodity prices, index (1977–79 5100)

1917 (just prior to WW I)


1974 (first oil crisis)

280 1951 (postwar rebuilding)

230 2008 (forecast)



1900 1910 1920 1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000

Source: Grilli and Yang (1988) for 1900 to 1947; World Bank for 1948 to 2008.

magnitude, duration, and the number of com- The real U.S. dollar price of commodities has
modity groups whose prices have increased. increased by some 109 percent since 2003, or
130 percent since the earlier cyclical low in
The size of the price increases are 1999. By contrast, the increase in earlier major
unprecedented booms never exceeded 60 percent (table 2.1).
The magnitude of commodity price increases The unusual amplitude of the price in-
during the current boom is without precedent. creases during this boom partly reflects the

Table 2.1 Principal characteristics of major commodity booms

Common features 1915–17 1950–57 1973–74 2003–08

Rapid global real growth — 4.8 4.0 3.5

(average annual percent)
Major conflict and geopolitical World War I Korean War Yom Kippur War, Iraq conflict
uncertainty Vietnam War
Inflation Widespread Limited Widespread Limited second
round effects
Period of significant World War I Postwar rebuilding Not a period of Rapid buildup of
infrastructure investment in Europe and Japan significant infrastructure in China
Centered in which major Metals, Metals, agriculture Oil, agriculture Oil, metals,
commodity groups agriculture agriculture
Initial rise observed in prices of Metals, Metals Oil Oil
Preceded by extended period No World War II destroyed Low prices and a Extended period
of low prices or investment much capacity supply shock of low prices
Percent increase in prices 34 47 59 131
(previous trough to peak)
Years of rising prices prior to peak 4 3 2 5
Years of declining prices prior to trough 4 11 19 —

Source: World Bank.

— ⫽ Not available.

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G L O B A L E C O N O M I C P R O S P E C T S 2 0 0 9

Figure 2.2 The real local currency price of Figure 2.3 Oil and metal prices led this
commodities rose much less than the real boom, with food prices rising only much
dollar price later
Percent change, 2000–07 Real local currency commodity price indexes, CPI-deflated
(Jan. 2000 5 100)
300 Energy
165 250


150 Food
Metals and minerals
0 50
Energy Metals Food Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan.
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
Nominal price increase (US$)
Real US$ price increase (MUV deflated) Source: World Bank.
Real price increase in developing countries

Source: World Bank.

Note: Real US$ price has been deflated by the unit value of
manufactures (MUV); real price in developing countries represents real price of agricultural products was
a trade-weighted average of local currency price increases deflated
by local consumer prices increases. broadly stable, especially in developing coun-
tries, and began to rise sharply only in early
2007 (figure 2.3).
This is very different from the 1950s boom,
fact that the U.S. dollar has been depreciating
when post–World War II rebuilding (and fears
during the same period and most primary
of shortages) increased metals prices and poor
commodity prices are quoted in dollars. The
harvests raised agricultural prices, but the
real commodity prices in developing countries
price of oil remained flat. In the 1970s boom,
(local currency prices deflated by local infla-
agricultural and oil prices increased, but met-
tion), have increased by much less than their
als prices rose initially and then collapsed with
dollar counterparts. The real dollar price of
the decline in aggregate demand.
internationally traded metals and minerals
The current price boom is unusually long.
rose by 158 percent between 2000 and 2007,
The U.S. dollar price of internationally traded
but by only 78 percent in developing coun-
commodities has been rising for more than
tries. Similarly, the real dollar price of interna-
five years, much longer than the price booms
tionally traded food commodities increased 64
of the 1950s and 1970s. Only the 1917 boom
percent compared with a much lower 14 per-
saw a sustained increase in commodity prices
cent in developing countries (figure 2.2).2
over a similarly long period (four years).
Typically a commodity price boom is fol-
The boom covers a wide range of lowed by a bust as demand reacts to high
commodities and has lasted much longer prices by contracting and supply reacts by ex-
than previous ones panding. For example, the 1970s and 1980s
This boom also differs from earlier ones in busts were associated with a sharp slowdown
the breadth of commodities that have seen in world output, which eased demand pres-
their prices rise sharply. The initial accelera- sures at the same time as supply was rebound-
tion in prices was first visible in the oil mar- ing. Until most recently, the current boom has
ket and was quickly followed by develop- been marked by a weak supply response (see
ments in the metals and minerals market. The below) and sustained global growth.

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T H E C O M M O D I T Y B O O M : L O N G E R - T E R M P R O S P E C T S

The roots of the boom in the late 1980s and 1990s, which reduced in-
centives to develop new deposits and to invest
commodity prices in the physical and human capital required to
T his commodity price boom has been sup-
ported by strong growth in global demand,
primarily from developing countries. With the
expand supply. In agriculture, higher oil and
fertilizer prices, along with increased demand
from biofuels and a reduction in grain stocks,
possible exception of a few metals, however,
have been more important than fast growth
the strong GDP growth of the past five years
per se.
does not by itself account for the magnitude or
duration of the current boom (box 2.2). Global
An extended period of low prices
GDP was actually growing faster in the lead-up
depressed investment in new capacity
to the 1970s boom, with Japan—taking the
The influence of low prices was perhaps most
role China plays today—emerging as a new
marked in the oil sector, where following the
economic power with growth in excess of
oil shocks of the 1970s and 1980s, conserva-
10 percent (figure 2.4). However, the strength
tion efforts and substitution toward other
and duration of this boom owes much to the
sources of energy depressed demand for oil and
resilience of developing-country growth, which
oil prices. Indeed, it took 15 years for world oil
continued at high levels for much longer than
demand to regain its 1979 level. Meanwhile, the
during previous episodes of high commodity
expansion of oil production, particularly in the
prices. On the one hand, this reflected the sur-
North Sea, Mexico, and Alaska eliminated
prising facility with which both industrial and
the market power that the Organization of
developing countries absorbed the initial very
Petroleum-Exporting Countries (OPEC) had
large hikes in commodity prices—itself a reflec-
exploited to keep prices high even in the face of
tion of the very buoyant external conditions,
rapidly declining demand. By mid-1986, nom-
including notably historically low interest rates,
inal prices had fallen to less than $10 a barrel
weak inflation, and ample liquidity (see World
and OPEC’s spare production capacity was
Bank 2007a, 2008).
equal to 8.7 mb/d—more than 13 percent of
Other important factors were also at work.
world demand at that time.3
The supply response in extractive industries
Global spare capacity was further aug-
has been muted because of the low prices of
mented during the 1990s, when demand for oil
in the FSU declined precipitously and more or
Figure 2.4 Global growth lasted longer and less permanently. As the prices of primary com-
was stronger during the recent commodity modities were allowed to reflect world prices
boom than in earlier ones and many of the energy- (and metals-) inten-
Annual percent change in global GDP sive industries that had characterized the Soviet
8 era closed or retooled, demand for energy (and
1970s 2000s
7 boom boom metals) in these countries declined rapidly.
6 Overall, oil demand declined by 40 percent be-
5 tween 1987 (its peak) and 1999—or by 5 mil-
4 lion barrels a day—the equivalent of 7 percent
3 of world demand in 2000.
Initially, oil production in the FSU fell by
about as much, so there was an enormous
buildup of dormant capacity. Including
1967 1972 1977 1982 1987 1992 1997 2002 2007 OPEC’s surplus capacity of about 5 mb/d,
Source: World Bank.
total dormant capacity from these countries
equaled around 10 mb/d in 1995 (figure 2.5).4

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G L O B A L E C O N O M I C P R O S P E C T S 2 0 0 9

Box 2.2 Developing-country growth and global

commodity demand in the recent past
T he growth surge of developing countries between
2003 and 2007 contributed to strong demand
for commodities. Had output expanded more slowly,
421 tons in the case of coal—so its demand surge con-
tributed relatively little to overall market tightness. In-
deed, by mid-2008, the price of aluminum rose by
in line with the long-term growth potential of devel- only 74 percent compared with its average value in
oping countries—estimated to be about 6.4 per- the 1990s (versus 200 percent for metals and minerals
cent—oil demand would have been lower by only in general), and coal rose by 392 percent, about the
about 1 million barrels a day, or just under 1.2 per- same as natural gas, but much less than oil.
cent of world consumption; demand for metals Importantly, despite rapid gains in developing-
would have been about 1.5 percent lower and country GDP and income growth, grain demand did
demand for grains about 1.9 percent lower. not accelerate appreciably for developing countries
Overall, demand for most commodities at the considered as a whole or for China alone. In fact,
global level rose less quickly than world GDP, and Chinese consumption of wheat and rice declined,
for most commodities, the contribution of and China’s contribution to incremental global corn
developing countries to the increase in commodity demand was roughly in line with its increase in GDP.
demand was in line with their GDP growth (box
figure). Incremental developing-country demand
for some commodities was much stronger than in Box figure 2.2 China was the key global
high-income countries, both because developing- metals contributor to global demand growth
country GDP was growing at a faster rate and Percent increase in global commodity demand, 2003–07
because relatively commodity-intensive manufactur- 40
ing activities were being transferred from high- 35
income to developing countries in this time period— 25
a factor that by itself should have had no impact on 20
global commodity demand. 15
Indeed, despite the acceleration in world GDP, 5
consumption for most commodities did not rise 0
rapidly. Coal and certain metals represent notable 25



exceptions, and here the demand of China has played













a particular role. Between 2003 and 2007, China’s



consumption of aluminum increased by 7.1 million

Contributions to total from:
tons, or 26 percent of world demand. Coal consump-
OECD China Rest of Ethanol
tion increased by 458 million (oil equivalent) tons, or the world production
18 percent of global demand. However, China’s pro-
duction of these commodities increased by almost as Source: World Bank.
much—7.0 million tons in the case of aluminum and

The buildup of excess capacity meant that opment of existing wells declined by more
the real price of oil during the 1990s remained than 50 percent, from $72 billion in 1980 to
low, at $16 a barrel, equivalent to half the $30 billion in 1999 (figure 2.6).5 As a result,
price experienced during 1985. It also meant demand for the inputs required for oil explo-
that there was little incentive to invest in new, ration and extraction was weak, and capacity
higher-cost oil fields. Overall spending by in these supporting industries declined, as did
major American multinational oil companies the number of new engineers trained to find
on exploration for new wells and the devel- and extract oil.6

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T H E C O M M O D I T Y B O O M : L O N G E R - T E R M P R O S P E C T S

With spare and dormant capacity

Figure 2.5 Dormant capacity helped keep oil
prices low in the 1990s
absorbed, prices surged in 2004
By 2004, the dormant capacity that had been
Bbl per day, millions
created by the decline in demand in the FSU
20 had been reabsorbed. When demand growth
(which had been subdued following the burst-
Total spare capacity ing of the Internet bubble) regained strength,
supply was unable to keep pace, in turn re-
OPEC sulting in a surge in prices.8
5 capacity Metal demand also declined sharply as nu-
Former Soviet Union merous heavy industries in the FSU went out
dormant capacity of business. Global demand for metals and
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 minerals eased sharply beginning in 1990
Source: World Bank, British Petroleum, International Energy and only returned to trend rates in 1997 (fig-
Agency, Petroleum Economics Ltd. ure 2.7). As was the case in the oil sector, the
pickup in metals prices beginning in 2003 did
not reflect unusually strong demand—except
for aluminum—whose price, as it happens,
Figure 2.6 Real spending by major American has been relatively stable. Rather, it reflected
multinational oil companies declined by 60 low stock levels and depressed capacity.
percent in the 1980s Indeed, the strong correlation between the
US$ 2006, billions Real price per bbl, US$ 2000 prices of metals and minerals on the one hand
100 70 and oil on the other during 2003–06 is
60 unusual. Historically, the correlation between
Crude oil prices (right axis) 50 the prices of these commodities tends to be
60 40 much less pronounced than between oil and
40 30 agricultural goods (table 2.2) because high oil
20 prices tend to cut into industrial production
10 and demand for metals, while food demand is
0 0 relatively inelastic.

Exploration (left axis) Development (left axis)

Figure 2.7 Global metal demand also fell

Source: Energy Information Agency; World Bank.
during the transition
3-year, moving average of the % change in metal demand

As the transition continued, oil-producing 8 Aluminium


firms in the region were able to rehabilitate 6

existing capacity relatively easily and to reorient
expanding output to Western markets, where
demand continued to rise. Between 1995 and
2005, world oil demand increased by nearly 0

14 mb/d, with 8 mb/d of that total being met 22


by the dormant capacity in the countries of the 24

FSU and OPEC.7 As a result, underlying ca- 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

pacity grew less than half as fast as demand Source: World Bank, International Monetary Fund.
throughout the period.

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G L O B A L E C O N O M I C P R O S P E C T S 2 0 0 9

Table 2.2 Comovement among major commodity prices, 1960–2007

Commodity Maize Wheat Rice Coffee Cotton Copper Aluminum Iron ore Gold

Wheat 0.91
Rice 0.82 0.81
Coffee 0.70 0.45 0.63
Cotton 0.83 0.80 0.82 0.82
Copper 0.75 0.55 0.71 0.35 0.75
Aluminum 0.70 0.46 0.63 0.37 0.76 0.41
Iron ore 0.72 0.49 0.63 0.36 0.76 0.0 0.34
Gold 0.69 0.0 0.65 0.54 0.80 0.0 0.44 0.0
Crude oil 0.72 0.55 0.65 0.58 0.81 0.0 0.48 0.0 0.83

Source: World Bank.

Note: The numbers are the adjusted R2s of a regression of each price on all other prices (individually), a time trend, and the
MUV, both directions. The residual was tested for stationarity (5% level of significance). If cointegration was confirmed in one
direction, the table reports the respective adjusted R2. If cointegration was found in both directions, the higher adjusted R2 is
reported. If no cointegration was found, implying that any correlation would, in fact, be a spurious correlation, the result was not
reported, and the respective cell shows 0.0 (e.g., gold with wheat or copper).

Increasing prices sparked a boom in water jack-up rigs, whose day rates have in-
investment in the oil, metals, and minerals creased fivefold in West Africa.
markets Such factors have put upward pressure on
Global private investment in exploration for the costs of developing new mines and oil
nonferrous metals rose from $2 billion in fields. Operating costs for marginal producers
2002 to $7 billion in 2006 and to an estimated rose by 25 percent for copper and 28 percent
$9 billion in 2007. Overall investment in the for aluminum between 2002 and 2005 (IMF
sector more than doubled between 2001 and 2006), and in the case of at least one nickel
2005 in a number of mineral-rich countries in- project, they rose by 170 percent.9 Higher
cluding Canada, Mexico, the Russian Federa- costs are reported to have increased the cost of
tion, South Africa, and the United States extracting a barrel of crude from Canada’s oil
(UNCTAD 2007). At the same time, invest- sands to $75, while deepwater offshore pro-
ment in the oil sector increased dramatically, jects may cost more than $50 a barrel.
75 percent in the case of the American multi- Although higher prices are inducing sub-
national companies (see figure 2.6). stantial increases in capacity in the input in-
After years of low investment, the ability dustry, that capacity will not be in place for
of service sectors to deliver inputs to the several years. As a result, some delivery times
commodity-producing firms had atrophied. have more than doubled. For example, in the
As a result, the surge in demand for invest- mining sector it currently takes 45 months to
ment goods over the last several years has ex- deliver a grinding mill, compared with a more
ceeded capacity by a wide margin and costs normal 20 months; for rope shovels the
have skyrocketed. delivery time has gone from 9 months to 24.
In the oil sector, operating costs have Large haul trucks, normally available within
more than doubled, and the cost of inputs to 4 months, now take 2 years.10 Other services
exploration and extraction have increased may take even longer to come into balance;
substantially. For example, the day-rate price the training of technical personnel such as
of semisubmersible rigs in the Gulf of engineers typically takes many years.
Mexico (0–3,000 ft. water depth) increased As a consequence, it may take some time
from $36,000 in 2000 to $325,000 in March before the surge in investment now under way
2008, a ninefold increase. Similar increases leads to a surge in the delivery of inputs, and
have been observed in other items, such as even more time before delivery of inputs

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T H E C O M M O D I T Y B O O M : L O N G E R - T E R M P R O S P E C T S

translates into actual increases in oil, metal, of fertilizer and other chemicals that are energy
and mineral production. All of this suggests intensive to produce. The impact across differ-
that notwithstanding recent declines, supply ent countries is difficult to quantify owing to a
will continue to be relatively scarce for several lack of data. In the United States, fuel, fertil-
more years and that prices will remain higher izer, and chemicals accounted for 34 percent of
than in the 1990s for some time. maize production costs and 27 percent of
wheat production costs in 2007 (USDA 2008).
The boom in agricultural prices reflects Energy, fertilizer, and chemicals would typi-
both high costs stemming from oil prices cally make up a smaller share of production
and increased demand from biofuels costs in developing countries, because produc-
The rise in the price of agricultural commodi- tion is less intensive. Nevertheless such costs
ties occurred much later than it did for either can be significant where intensive techniques
oil or metals and minerals. Dollar prices were are used. Thus, fertilizer is estimated to have
rising as early as 2003, but these increases accounted for 18 percent of variable costs for
mainly reflected exchange rate movements. irrigated wheat in the Indian Punjab in 2002
Relative to consumer prices in developing and for 34 percent of soybean costs in the
countries, internationally traded food prices Mato Grosso, Brazil (World Bank 2007b).
were broadly stable until 2007, when the Second, high oil prices sparked an increase
prices of internationally traded food commodi- in biofuel production in the United States and
ties (such as maize, wheat, and soybeans) rose Europe that boosted demand for certain
very rapidly (figure 2.8). grains and oilseeds thus contributing to their
The timing of the rise in agricultural prices rapid price rise in the course of 2007 and early
points strongly to the impact of energy markets 2008 (Mitchell 2008). Overall, two-thirds of
(box 2.3) First, agriculture production is fairly the increase in world maize production since
energy intensive. The increase in oil prices 2004 has gone to meet increased biofuel de-
raised the price of fuels to power machinery mand in the United States, thereby reducing
and irrigation systems; it also raised the price the quantity available for food and feed uses.
Estimates of the impact of increased demand
for biofuels on the rise in nominal maize
prices range from 70 percent (Lipsky 2008),
Figure 2.8 Real food prices were broadly to 60 percent (Collins 2008), to 47 percent
stable in developing countries until mid-2007 (Rosegrant and others 2008).
Food price indexes
The increased demand for crops used for
biofuels contributed to price increases for
US$ nominal and domestic CPI-deflated price indexes
(Jan. 2000 5 100) other food by reducing the land allocated to
300 other crops. For example, in the United States
high prices increased land devoted to maize
Nominal US$
production by 22 percent in 2007, with most
200 of the increase at the expense of soybeans, the
production of which declined by 16 percent.
Area planted to rapeseed and sunflowers—
100 used for biodiesel production—increased in
Domestic real
Europe and elsewhere at the expense of wheat.
Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Jan. Moreover, rising prices for maize, wheat, and
2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008
soybeans redirected consumer demand toward
Source: World Bank. other food products, aggravating price pres-
Note: Individual country data deflated by local consumer price
index and aggregated by country shares in global imports.
sures on other grains. For example, rice prices
rose from $376 a ton in January 2008 to $907

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G L O B A L E C O N O M I C P R O S P E C T S 2 0 0 9

Box 2.3 The historical link between crude oil and

other commodity prices
C rude oil prices affect the prices of other commodi-
ties in a number of ways. On the supply side,
crude oil enters the aggregate production function of
inflationary pressures. As a result, the demand (and
hence the price) of precious metals often rise with oil
prices, because investors and households view these
most primary commodities through the use of various metals as more secure ways for storing wealth.
energy-intensive inputs and, often, transportation over Crude oil price increases reduce the disposable
long distances, an energy-demanding process. Some incomes of consumers, which, in turn, may slow
commodities, such as aluminum, have to go through industrial production. In principle, lower disposable
an energy-intensive primary processing stage. income should have a negative impact on the con-
On the demand side, some commodities compete sumption of food commodities. However, because
directly with synthetic products, which are produced the income elasticity for most food commodities is
from crude oil (cotton with man-made fibers, natural small, this effect is limited, and the positive impact
rubber with synthetic rubber). The demand for other of crude oil price increases on the prices of food
commodities (maize, sugar, rapeseed, and other oils) commodities—through increased production and
has increased to produce biofuels. And the price of transportation costs—tends to overshadow the
energy commodities such as gas and coal are affected negative impact of reduced global consumption.
because of their substitutability with crude oil. In contrast, the negative effect of high energy
Increases in crude oil prices also increase the prices on industrial production reduces the demand
disposable income of oil-exporting countries. Because for metals, thereby putting downward pressure on
these countries are heavy consumers of some com- their prices. This tends to offset the positive effect
modities (e.g. tea and gold), and demand for these from higher production and transportation costs.
products is sensitive to incomes, high oil prices As a result the correlation between metals and oil
sharply increased regional demand for these products. prices is much lower than between oil and food
Finally, crude oil price spikes are often associated with prices (see table 2.2).

a ton in April, partly in response to the grow- have the potential to produce ethanol prof-
ing concern about the adequacy of global food itably from sugarcane on land that is not used
supplies and the 120 percent increase in wheat for food crop production. Finally, nonfood
prices during the previous six months. crops such as jatropha can be used to produce
While biofuels have contributed to higher biodiesel in many developing countries.11
food crop prices, they also represent an op- In addition to the impact of oil markets,
portunity for profitable production in devel- food prices were boosted by a series of poor
oping countries (OECD 2007; GTZ 2006). wheat harvests, notably in Australia.12 Before
Additional ethanol production need not imply the run-up of prices in 2007, wheat stocks had
reducing food crops production. Brazil, for fallen to the second lowest level of the past
example, is a low-cost producer of ethanol 40 years (figure 2.9).
from sugarcane and has an estimated 180 mil- Reported global stocks of corn and rice de-
lion hectares of pasture that could be used to clined before 2007, mainly due to a reduction of
produce additional sugarcane for ethanol— very large government stocks in China. Because
without reducing the food sugar crop. Many these stocks have been greatly underestimated
Sub-Saharan African countries, including for the past 30 years (figure 2.10), current stock
Angola, Mozambique, and Tanzania, also levels are not that different than what the world

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T H E C O M M O D I T Y B O O M : L O N G E R - T E R M P R O S P E C T S

forces that otherwise would have helped to

Figure 2.9 Most of the decline in global grain
attenuate the rise in prices and shorten the du-
stocks reflects lower stocks in China
ration of the boom. As discussed in chapter 3,
Stock levels as a % of annual production
although the various subsidies and price con-
trols that were in place or were introduced
35 Global stocks
(with new muted the poverty impact of higher prices,
China data) they have also reduced producers’ incentives
to increase output and consumers’ incentives
to substitute less-costly items in their food
10 Global stocks baskets. And export bans limited supplies
(using older data
for China)
Global stocks
(excluding China)
available on international markets. For exam-
0 ple, India’s ban on rice exports in April 2008
1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 was followed by other rice exporters, which
Source: World Bank. prompted some countries, notably the Philip-
pines, to increase rice imports to build up
strategic reserves, thus further boosting inter-
national prices.
The activities of financial investors may
Figure 2.10 Outside of China, only wheat
stocks are unusually low have contributed to price rises as well. Tradi-
tionally, hedgers and speculators have been
Period of strong
Stock levels as a % of annual production increase in the dominant players in futures exchanges,
biofuel production
45 but over the past few years, investment funds
40 Wheat have become important players as well. Such
35 funds may have indirectly influenced commod-
30 ity prices. Since 2003 index fund investors,
who allocate funds across a basket of com-
modity futures, have invested almost $250 bil-
lion in U.S. commodity markets, about half of
5 Rice Corn
it in energy commodities (Masters 2008).
0 While such purchases create no real demand
1960 1966 1972 1978 1984 1990 1996 2002 2008 for commodities, they may have influenced
Source: World Bank. prices because these funds are large compared
with their physical market counterparts and
because they have expanded rapidly. Their in-
fluence on prices is especially likely, if the rapid
thought them to be during the early 1990s. It is expansion of these markets contributed to ex-
thus unclear whether market participants took pectations of rising prices, thereby exacerbat-
the decline in global stocks as a signal of com- ing swings, as argued by Soros (2008).
ing scarcity or simply a return to stock levels The empirical evidence on whether such
that were consistent with relatively low prices a funds have contributed to the recent price
decade ago. surge is mixed. In the nonferrous metals mar-
ket (where a similar buildup of financial posi-
Government policy and investment fund tions has occurred), Gilbert (2008) found no
activity may have exacerbated the increase direct evidence of the impact of investor activ-
in commodity prices ity on the prices of metals but some evidence
The extent of food price rises during this of extrapolative price behavior that resulted in
boom was probably exacerbated by the ac- price movements not fully justified by market
tions of governments, which impeded market fundamentals. He also found strong evidence

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G L O B A L E C O N O M I C P R O S P E C T S 2 0 0 9

that futures positions of index providers over

the past two years have affected soybean (but Figure 2.11 Demand for most commodities
has grown less rapidly than GDP but more
not maize) prices. Similarly, Plastina (2008) rapidly than population
concluded that between January 2006 and
Average annual growth rate, 1975–2006
February 2008, investment fund activity
might have pushed cotton prices 14 percent Tin
Phosphate rock
higher than they would have been otherwise. Iron ore
On the other hand, two IMF (2006, 2008) Coffee
studies failed to find evidence that specula- Zinc
tors have had a systematic influence on com- Population
modity prices. A similar conclusion was Sugar
reached by a series of studies undertaken by Wheat
the Commodities Futures Trading Commis- Bananas
sion, the agency that regulates U.S. futures ex- Copper
changes (Büyükşahin, Haigh, and Robe 2008; Tea
ITF 2008). Cocoa
Although evidence that financial invest- GDP
ments have contributed to the rapid run-up in Soybeans
commodity prices is limited, it seems likely Palm oil

that real-side speculation (the decision to hold 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

stocks in anticipation of further price increases Percent

or to order more than needed now for the Source: World Bank.
same reasons) likely contributed to the rapid
increase in prices during 2007 and 2008.13
has grown less quickly than GDP, albeit more
quickly than population (figure 2.11).
Long-term demand prospects Expressed another way, the commodity in-

T he longevity of the current boom and the

wide range of commodities that have been
affected have prompted many observers to
tensity of GDP has been declining. For oil and
food, this process has been going on continu-
ously since the 1970s. For metals, the same
wonder if the global economy is moving into a trend was observed until the mid-1990s when
new era characterized by relative shortage and it began to reverse (figure 2.12)
permanently higher (and even permanently ris- More generally, growth in the demand for
ing) commodity prices. This section looks at commodities is influenced by a wide range of
demand and supply conditions in commodity factors including several fundamental economic
markets over the medium to long term and drivers.
concludes that slower population and GDP
growth, changes in the structure of GDP, and Incomes and population. As per capita
technological improvements in production incomes rise, demand for commodities also
and use of commodities make this scenario tends to increase, but the sensitivity of
unlikely. demand to an increase in income differs across
Demand for (and supply of) commodities commodities and changes as income levels
over the past 35 years has been rising steadily. rise. For example, at low-income levels,
The quantity of energy consumed has increased demand for grains rises relatively quickly as
by an average of 2.2 percent a year during income increases, but as per capita incomes
1970–2005, that of metals and minerals by reach about $3,000 dollars, the pace at which
3.1 percent, and that of food by around 2.2 per- grains demand rises declines, ultimately falling
cent. However, demand for these commodities to close to zero. Thus, a 10 percent increase in

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T H E C O M M O D I T Y B O O M : L O N G E R - T E R M P R O S P E C T S

Table 2.4 Modern goods make less

Figure 2.12 The quantity of most commodities intensive use of commodities
used per unit of GDP was declining until
Good Value per kilogram
Commodity intensity of demand, index (1971 5 1.00)
1.10 Iron ore 0.04
1.05 Steam coal 0.07
1.00 Wheat 0.27
0.95 Crude oil 0.47
0.90 Standard steel 0.56
0.85 Newsprint 0.89
0.80 Supertanker 4.00
0.75 Motor car 33.00
Dishwasher 56.00
TV set 133.00








19 Submarine 222.00








Large passenger aircraft 1,334.00

Energy Metals Laptop computer 2,224.00
Metals (excluding China) Food Mobile telephone 4,448.00
Jet fighter 13,344.00
Source: World Bank.
Windows 2000 Software, CD Rom 44,480.00
Telecom satellite 88,960.00
Banking services ⬁
Source: Radetzki 2008a.

incomes is associated with a 6 percent increase

in grains demand in low-income countries but
are much less intensive in their use of com-
almost no increase in high-income countries
modities. This trend is illustrated in table 2.4,
(table 2.3). As a result, beyond a certain
which shows the value per kilogram of a vari-
income level, grains demand is mainly dictated
ety of different products. Newer products,
by population growth. The sensitivity of
such as computers and mobile telephones,
demand for metals to incomes is much higher
have a growing share in world GDP and con-
but tends not to change as income levels rise.
tain very little in the way of commodities
Energy is the reverse of grains, with the
(proxied here by their weight).
demand for energy rising more rapidly than
The same effect can be seen at the sectoral
incomes in high-income countries.
level. Industrial activity tends to be more com-
modity intensive than agricultural activity,
The composition of GDP. Commodity de-
which in turn is more commodity intensive
mand depends on more than just GDP. The
than services. Thus, part of the declining
composition of demand also plays an impor-
commodity intensity of demand over the past
tant role. Over time, the commodity intensity
35 years reflects the rise of the service sector,
of GDP has declined partly because demand
which accounted for 50 percent of world GDP
has evolved toward goods and services that
in 1971 and 69 percent in 2005—a trend that
is shared by both high-income and developing
Table 2.3 Impact of a 10 percent increase countries.
in incomes on commodity demand
(Percent) Technological change. Increased efficiency
Income group Grains Energy Metals in the use of commodities in production and
consumption has also contributed signifi-
Low 6.0 4.5 10.1
Lower middle 3.3 7.2 10.1
cantly to the dematerialization of economic
Upper middle 1.4 9.2 10.1 activity. Examples include improvements in
High 0.0 1.1 10.1 gas mileage in automobiles and the substitu-
Source: World Bank. tion of artificial for natural fibers in clothing.

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Table 2.5 Fundamental economic factors drive future commodity demand

Average annual growth rate

Period Per capita income Population GDP Share of services in GDP Share of services in GDP

(percent) (percent)

World 1.2 1.5 2.7 0.99 64.6
High income 1.8 0.7 2.5 0.89 67.8
Low and middle income 2.0 1.6 3.6 1.73 49.8
Low income 2.3 2.2 4.5 0.96 44.3
Middle income 2.2 1.2 3.5 1.84 50.8
World 1.8 1.2 3.1 0.47 68.5
High income 1.7 0.7 2.5 0.51 71.8
Low and middle income 4.2 1.3 5.6 0.24 53.8
Low income 4.1 1.9 6.1 1.50 49.4
Middle income 4.6 0.9 5.5 0.04 54.5
World 1.7 0.8 2.5 ⫺0.41 50.3
High income 1.2 0.1 1.3 0.02 59.0
Low and middle income 3.9 0.9 4.9 ⫺0.07 35.6
Low income 3.8 1.5 5.4 ⫺0.02 44.0
Middle income 4.1 0.7 4.8 ⫺0.08 35.0
Change (2015–30 vs. 2000s)
World ⫺0.2 ⫺0.4 ⫺0.6 ⫺0.88 ⫺18.3
High-income ⫺0.5 ⫺0.7 ⫺1.2 ⫺0.49 ⫺12.8
Low and middle income ⫺0.3 ⫺0.4 ⫺0.7 ⫺0.31 ⫺18.2
Low income ⫺0.3 ⫺0.4 ⫺0.7 ⫺1.52 ⫺5.4
Middle income ⫺0.5 ⫺0.2 ⫺0.7 ⫺0.12 ⫺19.5

Source: World Bank LINKAGES model.

Long-term projections suggest that the to rise less quickly than they did during
main factors driving commodity demand the 1990s. Nevertheless, developing-
will slow country per capita incomes are projected
To a significant degree, future demand for to triple, rising from $1,550 to $4,650
commodities will reflect the combined impact between 2004 and 2030. This means
of, GDP growth, changes in the composition that, although global demand for grains
of demand, and technological progress and some metals is likely to decelerate,
(table 2.5). energy demand is likely to strengthen.
• The composition of GDP is not expected
• Population growth over the next two to continue to move toward services but
decades is expected to slow significantly to stabilize more or less at current levels.
from 1.2 percent during the 2000s to This suggests that commodity intensities
about 0.8 percent in the period may decline less rapidly than they have
2015–30, which should help moderate in the past.
commodity demand compared with past • Prospects for technological progress are
demand. the least certain element likely to deter-
• Per capita income growth is also pro- mine future commodity demand. Should
jected to slow somewhat for the world as policy succeed in continuing past gains,
a whole, mainly because incomes in the then this too should tend to moderate
largest developing countries are expected commodity demand.

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T H E C O M M O D I T Y B O O M : L O N G E R - T E R M P R O S P E C T S

The remainder of this section discusses in A number of technologies currently available

more detail how these factors and technologi- as prototypes or in early stages of commercial-
cal change are expected to play out in individ- ization could help more than double fuel effi-
ual commodity markets. ciency over the next several decades. In 2005,
about 8 liters of fuel were needed to drive 100
Demand prospects for energy kilometers; by 2050, fewer than 3 liters may be
Rising incomes and technology are expected needed (IEA 2008a). Even more optimistic sce-
to play crucial roles in determining future en- narios project that by 2050, 90 percent of the
ergy demand. Assuming no improvement in vehicles in the high-income world and 75 per-
energy efficiency, given expected increases in cent in the developing world will be powered by
incomes and population, demand for energy alternative fuels, such as plug-in hybrids (hybrid
would rise by more than 120 percent between cars with large batteries that can be plugged
now and 2030, with growth in developing into the main electrical network), electric, and
countries responsible for three-fourths of that hydrogen-powered cars. Such a shift would
increase. Assuming the composition of energy reduce considerably private transportation’s
demand and supply did not change, that would dependence on liquid fuels. Indeed, prototype
imply that demand for oil would more than and soon-to-be-released electric and hydrogen-
double, from 82 mb/d in 2007 to 174 mb/d powered cars already exist (box 2.4).
in 2030.
Strong growth in developing countries is
Efficiency gains and conservation efforts expected to dominate future energy
reduced energy demand by 50 percent demand
over the past 35 years Assuming that energy efficiency continues to
Of course, these assumptions are somewhat improve at about the same rate as in the past,
simplistic, viewed against the light of recent total demand for energy is projected to rise by
history. Energy efficiency over the past 50 55 percent between now and 2030, with 80
years has in fact improved sharply. Since percent of that emanating from fast-growing
1960, the efficiency of jet transport has more developing countries (table 2.6). Overall,
than tripled (Lee and others 2001) while fuel weaker population growth and technological
efficiency in cars has also increased signifi- change are likely to outweigh the impact of
cantly. Overall, between 1970 and 2004, tech- rising developing-country incomes and their
nological change lowered energy demand 56 increased weight in overall demand. Hence the
percent from what it would have been other- rate of growth of energy demand is expected
wise (IEA 2007). Much of the improvement to ease over time, declining from an average of
resulted from substitution and conservation 1.8 percent during the past 15 years to about
prompted by higher prices. Ongoing techno- 1.3 percent in the period 2015–30.
logical change and increased efficiency in In the baseline scenario, climatic and envi-
China (Lin and others 2006) and the FSU ronmental concerns are expected to contribute
countries (see earlier discussion) also played to a modest shift away from petroleum prod-
important roles.14 ucts toward less carbon-intensive fuel sources,
Looking forward, similar improvements in such as natural gas, and renewable fuels, such
energy efficiency are possible if supported by as wind, solar, and geothermal. Oil’s share in
an appropriate policy mix. Of particular im- overall energy consumption is expected to
portance will be efficiency in the transport sec- decline, with demand rising more slowly.
tor, which is expected to account for some Demand growth is projected to fall from
75 percent of the increase in future oil use, 1.7 percent a year in 2005–15 to 1.1 per-
largely because of rising incomes and car own- cent in 2015–30, reaching between 112 and
ership in developing countries (IEA 2007). 118 million barrels a day by 2030.

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G L O B A L E C O N O M I C P R O S P E C T S 2 0 0 9

Box 2.4 Alternative fuels for transportation

H ydrogen and electricity are emerging fuels for
transportation; fully ethanol-powered and flex-
fuel cars are already well-established commercial
Meanwhile, Honda is already leasing a limited
number of hydrogen-fuel-cell-powered cars to the
general public in southern California. While costs of
successes in Brazil and increasingly in the United operation are similar to gas-powered cars, the cars
States and Europe. Existing hybrid cars offer a themselves are extremely expensive and the leases
50 percent improvement in fuel efficiency for city being offered imply a substantial subsidy. The cost of
driving, while plug-in hybrid cars have the potential fuel-cell stack systems (the mechanism that converts
of reducing reliance on gasoline even more. hydrogen into power and that uses platinum) will
Hydrogen-fuel-cell and all-electric cars could reduce have to decline tenfold before these vehicles become
that dependence to zero, but considerable progress economically viable.
needs to be made in increasing the efficiency of For both plug-in hybrids and electric cars, the
battery technology and in the production and major stumbling block is the size, weight, and cost of
conversion of hydrogen into electricity before these the battery required to power them. With current
vehicles will be competitive. technology, the battery needed to power an electric
Currently, most major car manufacturers have car 500 kilometers weighs five times as much as the
prototype versions of all such cars. General Motors equivalent amount of gasoline and would cost
has announced its intention to sell commercially as $50,000. Over the next several decades, technologi-
soon as 2010 an extended-range electric vehicle (the cal progress achieved through the commercialization
“Volt”), which is a battery-powered electric car that of hybrid cars is expected to raise battery efficiency
uses a small flex-fuel engine to extend its range for and reduce costs, so that plug-in hybrids will be
highway driving. The Volt is expected to be able to widely available by 2020.
run up to 40 miles a day (more than the average Prospects for all-electric cars are less clear, mainly
daily driving distance of 75 percent of Americans) on because of the time that it takes to recharge batter-
batteries alone and 250 miles using its flex-fuel gen- ies, a factor that makes them much less attractive
erator. The car is expected to have an EPA rating of than gas-powered vehicles. Here hydrogen-fuel-cell-
100 miles a gallon (Connor 2008), and its operating powered cars could have an advantage if the costs
costs could be 0.02 cents a mile or one-sixth the cost associated with the fuel stack can be resolved.
of a vehicle powered with gasoline at $3.80 a gallon
(Padget 2008). Source: IEA 2008a.

Another important feature of the composi- do not materialize, coal use is likely to be sub-
tion of energy demand is the importance of jected to significant environmental regulation
coal, which currently accounts for more than that could significantly reduce its economic
a quarter of global energy consumption. Coal attractiveness.
is primarily used by developing countries
(62 percent), with China accounting for more The future path and mix of energy
than 40 percent of global consumption. The demand will depend on policy
baseline simulations indicate a slight increase Simulations suggest that a more aggressive
in coal’s share, from 25.3 percent in 2005 to stance toward reducing carbon emissions
27.8 percent in 2015. However, the projection could generate a further moderation in energy
is subject to two risks: on the upside, if new demand and in fossil-fuel use. For example, a
clean coal technologies (including carbon se- $21 tax per ton of carbon dioxide could be ex-
questration) come on board, coal’s share in pected to reduce demand for energy by 33 per-
global energy consumption is likely to be cent (see the simulations at the end of the
much higher. However, if such technologies chapter). Because of its high carbon content,

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T H E C O M M O D I T Y B O O M : L O N G E R - T E R M P R O S P E C T S

Table 2.6 Energy demand is projected to associated with relatively high commodity
slow in the baseline scenario intensities. Like oil, the evolution of metals
Contributions to annual average global growth in energy intensities reflects technological change, the
demand (percentage points) growing importance of services in the eco-
1990–2005 2005–15 2015–30 nomies of high-income countries, and other
World 1.4 1.1 0.6 structural changes in demand.
High-income countries 0.7 0.4 0.3
Developing countries 2.2 3.4 2.0 After falling for years, metals intensities in
Middle-income countries ⫺0.1 2.4 1.5
Low-income countries 4.1 3.9 2.2 developing countries are rising, especially
in China
Shares in total energy demand (percent of total) The reversal of the trend decline in metals in-
1970 1990 2005 2015 2030 tensities that began in the mid-1990s (see fig-
ure 2.10) reflects very different trends in high-
Coal 26.0 25.3 25.3 27.8 28.2
Oil 44.0 36.7 35.0 32.9 31.5 income countries, most developing countries,
Gas 16.0 19.1 20.6 21.2 22.3 and China (figure 2.13). The trend decline ob-
Nuclear 1.0 6.0 6.3 5.6 4.8
served for all three groups between 1970 and
Hydro 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3
Biomass, waste 11.0 10.3 10.1 9.3 9.1 1990 has continued among high-income coun-
Other renewables — 0.4 0.5 1.0 1.7 tries, apace with the continued transfer of
Source: World Bank ENVISAGE model (forecast); commodity-intensive manufacturing activities
IEA (historical data). to developing countries. In developing coun-
— ⫽ Not available.
tries excluding China, the same process has
driven a slight rise in metal intensities begin-
demand for coal would decline most sharply
ning in 1992, after their fall attributable to the
under such a scenario, with natural gas and
efficiency improvements associated with the
other low-carbon energies increasing their
end of the FSU.
share in total demand.
China stands out as the country where in-
An even more aggressive set of policies,
tensities have increased the most. After declin-
including a significant policy initiative to in-
ing for years, they began to rise gradually to-
crease energy efficiency and reduce carbon
ward the beginning of the 1990s and then
emissions to below their 2005 levels, could see
sharply accelerated around 1998, reflecting a
energy demand fall even further (table 2.7).
rapid increase in manufacturing activity and a

Demand prospects for metals

and minerals Figure 2.13 Metal intensities have declined
Demand for metals and minerals is also steadily in high-income countries but have
reversed in China since 1993
closely related to GDP and the mix of GDP—
with manufacturing and investment activities Quantity of metals used per unit of GDP, index (1971 5 1.00)

1.4 China
Table 2.7 Energy demand could decline
further under more aggressive climate OECD
change policies 1.0

Energy source Baseline Stable emissions Aggressive 0.8

(percent change in energy consumption) 0.6
Rest of the world
Coal 198 ⫺15 ⫺22
Oil 57 10 ⫺29 0.2
Gas 96 68 25 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
Biomass, waste 48 144 214
Source: World Bank.
Source: IEA 2008a.

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G L O B A L E C O N O M I C P R O S P E C T S 2 0 0 9

Box 2.5 Understanding the rise in Chinese metal

C hina’s accession to the World Trade
Organization and the boom in manufacturing
activity that accession generated certainly played a
changes entailed substantial investments in infrastruc-
ture and were associated with a rapid increase in au-
tomobile production—all heavy consumers of metals.
role in increasing metals demand. However, the long- As of 2007, more than 50 percent of Chinese
term investments in new capacity and infrastructure steel and 44 percent of copper demand was used in
that began at the same time as WTO accession were construction and infrastructure. While China’s
likely just as important. Overall investment in China specialization in manufacturing is likely to persist,
increased from 36 percent of GDP in the early 1990s investment rates are projected to decline over time
to around 45 percent currently, a result both of in- (the average life span of infrastructure investments
creased manufacturing and rapid urbanization (over exceeds 50 years) so China’s metal intensity is ex-
the same period, the share of the population living in pected to stabilize and then decline, as did the metal
cities increased from 30 to 40 percent). Similarly, intensities of other Asian countries, such as Japan
part of the increase in China’s energy demand was and the Republic of Korea, that followed a manufac-
associated with an acceleration in steel and cement turing- and export-intensive development path
production (Lin and others 2006). These structural (Mitchell, Tan, and Timmer 2007).

sharp uptick in investment. The increase in the

Chinese investment ratio came partly from the Figure 2.14 Metal intensities in China are
much higher than elsewhere
need to create capacity to meet the manufac-
Metal intensity indexes, 2000–06 averages (high-income
turing boom, but the increase also reflects sig- countries 5 1)
nificant investment in support of infrastruc- 10
ture in response to increased urbanization
(box 2.5).
Except for a few export- and manufactur- 6
ing-intensive Asian economies, other develop-
ing countries, including those at much higher
levels of income than China, have not seen 2

metal intensities rise in this way. Metal inten-

sities in Brazil, India, and South Africa, for ex- Copper Aluminum Zinc Tin Lead Nickel
ample, remained flat or continued to decline
during the same period.15 As a consequence, High-income countries
Developing countries (excluding China)
the strong acceleration in metal demand ob- China
served in China is not expected to be repeated
in other developing countries. Source: World Bank.

Not only have Chinese metal intensities

been rising, they are also as much as 7.5 times
as high as in high-income countries and 4
times as high as in other developing countries fact that the former Soviet Union also had
(figure 2.14). While some of the same factors similarly high intensities before its economic
(high investment rate, large manufacturing transition suggests that perhaps nonmarket
sector) that explain the increase in Chinese in- factors continue to influence allocation of
tensities likely explain these differences, the these resources in a way not seen elsewhere.

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T H E C O M M O D I T Y B O O M : L O N G E R - T E R M P R O S P E C T S

Slowing global growth and a decline Demand for food and other
in Chinese metals intensity should see agricultural products
demand growth for metals slow over the The weaker growth in population and GDP
next 25 years expected over the next few decades (see table
Over the next quarter of a century, metal in- 2.4) should cause global demand for food to
tensities in developing countries are likely to grow less quickly over the next 25 years.
stabilize and begin declining once again. Sev- Overall, the global population growth rate
eral factors should contribute to the reasser- is projected to decline from an annual average
tion of the earlier downward trend. of 1.6 percent between 1970 and 2005 to
A slowing in the pace at which global man- about 1.0 percent over the following 25 years.
ufacturing capacity is transferred to the devel- While most of the slowdown is expected to
oping world is projected to result in a leveling take place in high-income countries, popula-
off and eventual decline in manufactures’ share tion growth rates in every developing region
in Chinese GDP, from about 40 percent in are expected to decline between 0.4 and 0.8
2005 to around 33 percent in 2030. This slow- percentage points (figure 2.15).
ing in turn should be reflected in a decline in Rising incomes in developing countries
metals intensities. Less-rapid growth in manu- imply that per capita food consumption will
facturing and the gradual completion of invest- increase in most of these countries, but the
ment projects are expected to cause the share impact on overall demand is expected to be
of investment in GDP to decline considerably, small. As the earlier analysis suggested, a
which should also serve to lower Chinese metal 10 percent increase in per capita income will
intensities. Finally, the rising influence of mar- increase grain demand by 6 percent in poor
ket forces in determining allocation decisions countries (those with per capita incomes
in China should also cause a drop in the quan- below $2,000), but only by 2 percent in mid-
tity of metal used per unit of output. dle-income countries.17 Most of the heavily
In the rest of the developing world, similar populated developing regions have already
forces should be at work, which, coupled with
rising incomes and increased service-sector
demand, is expected to reduce the metals Figure 2.15 Weaker population growth
intensity of demand.16 should slow demand for food
Nevertheless, growth in China and devel- Average annual % change in population

oping countries more generally is expected to 3.0

continue to outpace growth in the rest of the 2.5

world throughout the projection period. 2.0

Given China’s high metal intensities, develop- 1.5

ing-country growth should keep global metal 1.0

intensities from falling, at least initially. How- 0.5
ever, the beginning of the decline in Chinese 0.0
metal intensities should be reflected in a sig- 20.5
nificant weakening in the rate of growth of
ou s

co es



Am e

Am a

co LD








Lo com unt



La Eur


metals demand during the period 2015–30.

co WO

-in e c




Overall, global demand for metals is expected




to continue to grow somewhat more quickly





than global GDP, at about 4.0 percent

through 2015, before slowing to around 2.5 Population growth, 1970–2005
Population growth projections, 2005–30
percent in the period 2015–30, a pace signifi-
cantly slower than that of projected GDP Source: UN 2006.
growth itself.

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G L O B A L E C O N O M I C P R O S P E C T S 2 0 0 9

Table 2.8 Developing countries will

Figure 2.16 Per capita grain demand tends account for most of the projected demand
to stop rising when income reaches around for various foods, 2000–30
All Edible
Grain consumption per capita (kg) agriculture Cereal oils Meats
(Log scale)
WORLD 1.5 1.2 2.3 1.7
Developed 0.7 0.9 2.0 —
367 China Brazil Transition 0.5 0.8 1.7 —
Russian Developing 2.0 1.4 2.5 2.4
Federation Sub-Saharan Africa 2.8 2.5 2.9 3.3
135 India Middle East and 2.2 2.1 2.3 3.3
North Africa
45 Latin America and 1.8 1.2 2.6 2.0
the Caribbean
South Asia 2.3 1.6 2.7 4.0
East Asia and Pacific 1.7 1.2 2.4 2.1
0.4 1.1 2.9 8.1 22.0 59.8
Source: FAO (2006, pp. 33, 39–42, 47).
GDP per capita (1,000 PPP $)
— ⫽ Not available.
Source: World Bank.
Note: Curve fitted on a log scale.
Slower population growth will dampen
demand for agricultural products
Overall demand for food should slow over the
achieved incomes associated with income elas-
next few decades, despite income gains. The
ticities close to 0.2 (figure 2.16).18
Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Demand for meat and dairy products (and
estimates global food demand will increase by
feed grains) will likely expand more rapidly
about 1.5 percent a year between now and
because these products tend to be more in-
2030, with cereals, edible oils, and meats grow-
come elastic than basic food stuffs.19 For ex-
ing at 1.2, 2.3, and 1.7 percent, respectively—
ample, in Asia, demand growth for meat and
somewhat slower than they did between 1990
edible oils outstripped population growth by a
and 2006 (table 2.8). Developing countries
wide margin over the past 15 years, even ris-
have higher income elasticities, faster income
ing somewhat faster than GDP in the case of
and population growth, and relatively large
edible oils (figure 2.17).
populations, compared with high-income
countries. Thus, three-quarters of the addi-
tional global demand for food between now
Figure 2.17 Demand for edible oils grew
much faster than population in Asia
and 2030 will emanate from developing
Average annual % growth, 1990–2005
The implications of biofuels demand for
8 agricultural prices
The production of biofuels in Brazil, the
6 United States, and the European Union (which
together account for more than 90 percent
4 of global output) has increased by 18 percent
a year since 2000. Biofuels now use 16 percent

of global sugarcane production, 9 percent of
global vegetable oils production, and 13 per-
Population GDP Cereals Edible oils Meats cent of global maize production, and have
Source: World Bank.
been the key contributor to the rise in food
crop prices in recent years (Mitchell 2008).

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T H E C O M M O D I T Y B O O M : L O N G E R - T E R M P R O S P E C T S

The rapid expansion of production capac-

ity in the United States and Europe was Figure 2.18 Food crop prices have become
sensitive to oil prices
prompted by generous subsidies and use man-
Oil price per barrel versus food price per ton
dates, but high energy prices have made con-
tinued production without subsidies profitable a. Maize vs. Crude Oil Prices
in many cases. As a result, demand for biofu- Maize ($/ton)
els may mean that in the future prices for 350
crops used to produce biofuels will be higher, 300
and more volatile, than if these crops were
used only for food.
Indeed, when oil prices exceed the thresh- 200

old of roughly $50 a barrel, a strong correla- 150

tion can be observed between the price of
crude oil and crop prices that does not exist
when prices are below $50 a barrel (fig- 50

ure 2.18). At oil prices below $50 a barrel, 0

ethanol production is not very profitable. 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Crude oil ($/bbl)
However, at $50 a barrel, a 1 percent increase
in oil prices results more or less in a 0.9 per- b. Wheat vs. Crude Oil Prices
cent increase in maize prices, because every
Wheat ($/ton)
dollar increase in the price of oil increases the 500
profitability of ethanol and hence biofuel de-
mand for maize.20 Since the oil market is 400
much larger than the market for maize (if all
the maize currently produced in the world 300

were converted into ethanol, it would equal

only 8 percent of global gasoline supplies), the
price of maize is now effectively determined
by the price of oil.
The impact of biofuels is not limited to the 0
crops used for biofuel production. As more 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
cropland shifts to produce the now-more- Crude oil ($/bbl)

profitable biofuel crops, then the supply of

c. Soybeans vs. Crude Oil Prices
other crops declines (or less productive land is
Soybeans ($/ton)
brought under cultivation), thus raising food
prices in general. As a consequence, the price
of wheat and soybeans have also become more 600

sensitive to oil prices in excess of $50. 500

The future impact of the oil market on the 400
demand for food crops and their prices is un-
certain. Technological improvements may
lower the cost of producing ethanol, in turn 200

lowering the threshold oil price above which 100

crops used for biofuels become sensitive to oil
prices. But technological change may also give 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
rise to other nonfood sources (such as cellulose) Crude oil ($/bbl)
for biofuel production or to other energy alter-
Source: World Bank.
natives such as solar, wind, and hydrogen-based

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G L O B A L E C O N O M I C P R O S P E C T S 2 0 0 9

systems. Should this occur, demand for biofuel Indeed, over the past 50 years these forces
food crops would drop off and food prices have enabled global production of most com-
with it. modities to rise despite falling, or at best sta-
ble, real prices. Production of aluminum, for
example, increased fivefold between 1965 and
Long-term supply prospects 2007, while that of crude oil, copper, and
wheat increased 2.6, 3.2, and 2.8 times, re-
T he slowing of growth should bring com-
modity prices down by roughly 25 percent
in 2009 (see chapter 1). But over the medium
spectively (figure 2.19).

to long term, they are not expected to decline Technological change has kept extraction
to the levels observed in the 1990s. How far costs in check even as the quality of mines
they come down, and their future trajectory, and wells declined
will depend not only on the demand factors Although the quality of newly discovered
already discussed but also on the pace at which mines and oil wells (and the ease with which
finite resources are exhausted; improvements they can be exploited) tends to be lower on
in the efficiency with which commodities are average than older ones, technological im-
found, extracted, and grown; and the policies provements have reduced the cost of produc-
that are put into place to promote long-term ing most commodities over the past 50 years,
supply. allowing effective supply to keep pace with
demand (box 2.6).
Energy and metals supply In the case of oil, declining yields from on-
Supply prospects for both oil and metals de- shore wells pushed exploration into offshore
pend on the competing forces of resource ex- fields that are much more difficult and ex-
haustion and the declining quality of new pensive to exploit. Improved technologies al-
sources, on the one hand, and the pace of new lowed these sources to be exploited prof-
discoveries and improvements in the technol- itably even at low prices and even though
ogy with which commodities are discovered they are much more challenging to drill than
and extracted, on the other. existing wells. As a result, nearly all of the
additional increase in global oil production
since 1978 has come from offshore wells
The world is unlikely to run out of oil,
(figure 2.20).21
metals, and minerals in the foreseeable
Despite ultimately finite quantities of oil, met-
als, and minerals in the earth’s crust, there is Figure 2.19 Output of virtually all commodi-
little likelihood that the world will run out of ties has increased since 1965
natural resources (or food) in coming decades. Output volumes, 1965–2007, index (1965 5100)
The existence of ample (and growing) re- 550

serves, and a history of significant improve- 500

ments in the technology with which resources
are found and extracted, suggests that supply 350
will continue to rise in pace with demand. 300
True resource exhaustion is unlikely not least 250 Wheat
because, as resources become scarcer, their
prices rise, consumption declines, and alterna- 100
Copper Crude oil

tives that once may have been uneconomic are 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005
substituted for the scarce (and expensive) Source: World Bank.

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T H E C O M M O D I T Y B O O M : L O N G E R - T E R M P R O S P E C T S

Box 2.6 Declining costs of resource extraction

R ising costs for producing a unit of output repre-
sent a good a priori indicator of increasing
scarcity. The fact that the prices of most commodi-
ones, technological change had nevertheless reduced
the costs of production by more than the lower
quality of the underlying vein or its remoteness had
ties have remained stable or declined for most of the raised them.
past 100 years is therefore a good indicator that at Similarly, the average cost of bringing a new oil
least until 2003 the world was not running out of field into production declined from $29 a barrel in
them (Radetzki 2008a). 1981 to $9 in 1999 (IEA 2001). These cost reduc-
Production costs—especially for the marginal tions would be all the more marked if the numbers
producer—are an even better indicator. For the me- were expressed in real terms. And although not all
dian producer, the real cost of producing a ton of of this cost decline can be attributed to technological
metal between 1985 and 2002 declined by 28 per- change, much can (Bohi 1999). Indeed, improve-
cent for aluminum and copper and by 21 percent for ments in extractive technology allowed copper prices
nickel (IMF 2006). For high-cost producers, the to decline more or less continuously between 1890
decline was the same for aluminum but was only and 1970 even as the average grade of copper ore in
18 percent for copper and nickel. Those numbers the United States fell from 6 percent to less than
suggest that while new projects to extract copper 2 percent between 1890 and 1920 and to less than
and nickel were more expensive than preexisting 1 percent by 1960 (Lowell 1970).

ore beds or wells has meant that known re-

Figure 2.20 Almost all of the additional oil
serves of most extractive commodities have in-
supply since the 1970s has come from
nontraditional sources creased over time—despite rising production.
Such technological improvements help ex-
World oil production, millions of barrels per day
plain the substantial rise in estimates of re-
serves over past decades. Two authoritative
sources of such data for oil are the Oil and
60 Gas Journal, which reports annual estimates
of proven reserves (figure 2.21), and the

Figure 2.21 Rather than declining, known oil
15 reserves keep rising
0 World crude oil reserves, billions of barrels
1970 1974 1978 1982 1986 1990 1994 1998 2002 1,400

Offshore Onshore 1,200

Source: Sandrea and Sandrea 2007.


Technology has also helped maintain 400

surprisingly stable ratios of reserves 200

to output 0
Advances in the technology with which new 1950 1958 1966 1974 1982 1990 1998 2006
reserves are discovered and in the efficiency Source: Oil and Gas Journal.
with which the final product is extracted from

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G L O B A L E C O N O M I C P R O S P E C T S 2 0 0 9

Table 2.9 Historically, estimates of oil

reserves have kept pace with production Figure 2.22 Gas reserves are almost as large
as oil reserves
Date of assessment
Billions of barrels (equivalent)
Category 1981 1985 1990 1993 1996 2,500
(billions of barrels)

Cumulative 445 524 629 699 710

production Undiscovered
1,500 resources
Known reserves 724 795 1,053 1,103 891
Undiscovered 550 425 489 471 732
conventional 1,000
resources Known
Expected reserve — — — — 688 500
Estimated total 1,719 1,744 2,171 2,273 3,021
resources 0
Oil Gas
Total resources 74 70 71 69 76
still in ground Source: U.S. Geological Survey.

Source: U.S. Geological Survey, World Bank calculations.

Note: Estimated total resources is the sum of the first three
rows. Total resources still in ground is one minus the ratio of
cumulative production over total resources.
— ⫽ Data are not available (the concept of reserve growth
total resources increased from 1.7 trillion bar-
was first introduced in 1996). rels in 1981 to 3.0 trillion barrels in 1996, so the
amount of known oil still in the ground re-
mained stable, at around 70 percent of the total
United States Geological Survey (USGS), of oil ever found (see table 2.9).
which attempts to quantify the resource base Reserves of natural gas estimates are equally
of the world’s major basins by including as- high. According to the USGS, they were at 2.3
sessments of known reserves, undiscovered re- trillion barrels of oil equivalent in 2003, almost
sources, and reserve growth (table 2.9).22 as large as crude oil reserves (figure 2.22).
Estimates from the Oil and Gas Journal, Yet, among the key hydrocarbon sources of
which include unconventional sources of hy- energy, coal is perhaps the most abundant. As
drocarbon fuels such as Canadian oil sands of 2007, the reserves-to-production ratio was
and oil shale, show known reserves rising estimated at 133 years, according to BP. How-
from just over 600 billion barrels in 1980 to ever, as mentioned earlier, the use of coal will
1.3 trillion barrels by 2008. Furthermore, the depend on the degree to which new techno-
reserve estimates for a number of major pro- logical advances will be able to ameliorate the
ducers in the Middle East have not changed environmental concerns.
for years, reflecting both their current size Finally, expansion of nuclear energy (and
compared with production levels (national- other renewable fuel) supplies could lessen the
reserve-to-production levels imply adequate relative importance of hydrocarbon-based
reserves for 82 years of production for the fuels. For example, in addition to the exis-
Middle East–producing countries) and the fact tence of abundant feed stocks (at current con-
that for decades these countries have not felt sumption rates, known uranium reserves are
an incentive to explore in more depth the expected to last almost a century), current
potential for additional reserves nor to verify modern nuclear technologies not only produce
existing reserve estimates. much less nuclear waste but also have lower
On the other hand, according to the USGS es- likelihood of accidents compared with nuclear
timates (which include undiscovered resources), power plants in the past.

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T H E C O M M O D I T Y B O O M : L O N G E R - T E R M P R O S P E C T S

Reserves of metals and minerals have also Long before the world begins to run out of oil,
tended to rise with output however, prices would begin to rise and con-
The story for metals and minerals is somewhat sumption growth would slow. As a result, al-
more nuanced. Reserves expressed as a share ternatives such as natural gas, nuclear power,
of production for a number of metals did and renewable energy sources would increase
decline during the 1980s and 1990s. In part their output share (see earlier discussion on
this reflected their relative abundance (re- long-term demand). Reserves of crude oil
serves exceeded more than 40 years for baux- would not decline as rapidly as they would
ite, copper, iron ore, and nickel), continued have had prices not increased, and its use
rising production levels, declining prices, and would be reserved for those products (plastics,
underinvestment. It also reflected the fact that chemicals, and polymers) where few alterna-
reserves are really a measure of the inventory tives exist.
that producers have readily available for fu-
ture delivery, rather than a measure of the Overall, high prices will encourage
physical quantity remaining of a commodity. increased supply and substitution of
With demand and prices weak, and invento- alternative sources
ries (reserves) ample, firms had little incentive As indicated earlier, the supply of crude oil is
to invest in additional inventory. expected to continue to expand over the next
Since 2003, when metal prices began rising few decades, reaching about 112 mb/d by
and production accelerated, exploration 2030. The supply of other energy sources is
expenditures have picked up (see earlier dis- expected to increase more rapidly than that
cussion). For some metals, the reserve-to- for oil, with coal and natural gas projected to
production ratios have increased as a result increase their shares in total energy supply
(table 2.10). from 46 percent in 2005 to 51 percent in
2030. Renewable energy sources are projected
Increasing scarcity is unlikely to result in to see their share in total energy supply rise
resource exhaustion from about 0.45 percent to about 1.7 percent
Although the history of reserves data suggests over the same period (table 2.11).
that much more oil is likely to be discovered, Biofuels are a source of renewable energy
ultimately the quantity of available oil is finite. whose share of global liquids production has

Table 2.10 Increased investment has stabilized reserve-to-production ratios for some
Year Oil Coal Bauxite Iron ore Copper Lead Nickel Tin Zinc

Proven reserves
billions of
barrels (Millions of metric tons)

1980 667 — 25,000 250,000 493 127 55 10 162

1990 1,003 — 22,000 150,000 350 70 49 8 147
2000 1,104 984,211 24,000 140,000 340 64 58 7 190
2007 1,238 847,488 25,000 150,000 490 79 67 6 180

Reserves/production ratio
(Years of production equivalent)

1980 29 — 280 280 64 36 77 42 26

1990 42 — 193 178 41 20 53 37 21
2000 40 230 178 132 26 21 46 29 22
2007 42 133 132 79 31 22 40 20 17

Source: Radetzki (2008a, 2008b), British Petroleum, U.S. Geological Survey.

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G L O B A L E C O N O M I C P R O S P E C T S 2 0 0 9

Table 2.11 Oil’s share in global energy plastics most recently and by sand (fiber op-
supply is projected to decline tics) in telecommunications applications. And
Average annual growth rate the rapid expansion in demand for aluminum,
shown in figure 2.19, partly reflects its increas-
Energy source 1990–2005 2005–15 2015–30
ing use as a lightweight alternative for steel.
Another element of growing importance in
Coal 1.8 3.3 1.5 the metals markets is the role of recycling,
Oil 1.5 1.7 1.1
which currently ranges from 55 percent of
Gas 2.3 2.6 1.7
Nuclear 2.1 1.1 0.4 final demand in the case of lead to about
Hydro 2.1 2.7 1.6 5 percent in the case of zinc. In developed
Biomass & Waste 1.6 1.5 1.3
economies, the proportion of metal available
Other renewables 3.8 9.0 5.2
Total 1.8 2.3 1.4
from scrap is higher because of greater inven-
tories embodied in old cars and infrastructure
Share in total energy supply (percent) that can be recycled. Future increases in
scrap’s share of the metal supply in emerging
1990 2005 2015 2030
economies will slow the rate of growth of de-
Coal 25.3 25.3 27.8 28.2 mand for mined metal.24
Oil 36.7 35.0 32.9 31.5
Gas 19.1 20.6 21.2 22.3 Actual results will depend on policy
Nuclear 6.0 6.3 5.6 4.8
Hydro 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.3 choices and technological progress
Biomass, waste 10.3 10.1 9.3 9.1 Supply of both energy and metals over the
Other renewables 0.4 0.5 1.0 1.7 long term depends critically on policies and
Total 100 100 100 100
the pace of technological change. Rising con-
Source: IEA 2008a. cerns about the environmental consequences
of economic activity, notably but not exclu-
reached 1.6 percent, largely because of govern- sively those associated with climate change,
ment encouragement (box 2.7). Recent projec- may alter the regulatory environment in im-
tions suggest that biofuel production will reach portant ways.
the equivalent of 1.95 mb/d of oil by 2013 (a Emissions abatement policies may restrict
45 percent increase over 2008), corresponding the use of hydrocarbons, either through man-
to 2.1 percent of the projected global oil de- dates or tax policy that alters the economics
mand (IEA 2008b; FAPRI 2008).23 While pop- of both demand and supply—potentially ex-
ular, biofuels are controversial, in part because tending reserve-to-production ratios signifi-
energy is required to produce energy, so the net cantly. Environmental concerns may also re-
addition to the global energy supply from strict the use of extraction and production
corn-based ethanol is relatively small (Kojima, techniques in other primary sectors in ways
Mitchell, and Ward 2006), and in part because that reduce supply or significantly raise pro-
biofuels yield only limited environmental ben- duction costs. In the IEA’s aggressive emissions
efits (Searchinger and others 2008; Fargione abatement scenarios, global oil demand falls
and others 2008). by 29 percent.
Long-term projections for metals and min- How successful alternative fuels and
erals supplies are optimistic, with expectations improved extraction technologies will be in
that production will increase by a further 3.0 enabling the kind of substitution and in-
percent a year between now and 2030. At the creased supply that has been observed in the
same time, the trend toward substitution of al- past will depend on how successful policy is in
ternative metal products is likely to continue. supporting the creation and diffusion of new
For example, copper initially displaced lead in technologies. Particularly important for poor
plumbing applications, only to be displaced by countries will be efforts to create affordable

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T H E C O M M O D I T Y B O O M : L O N G E R - T E R M P R O S P E C T S

Box 2.7 The rise of biofuel production

W hile biofuels have been used since the early
days of the automobile (Henry Ford’s 1908
Model T car was designed to run on maize-based
of biofuel use by 2010, whereas a 2008 European
Commission directive proposed a 10 percent use
mandate by 2020.
ethanol), limited supplies and the availability of In the 1970s, Brazil offered incentives to both
cheaper and more efficient petroleum products sugarcane producers and its car industry to encour-
diminished the use of biofuels (except for a brief age biofuels, and by the mid-1980s, Brazil was pro-
revival during the petroleum shortages of World ducing 3 billion gallons of sugarcane-based ethanol
War II). a year, while 90 percent of Brazilian-made cars were
In the United States, various amendments to the designed to run on ethanol. The biofuel program
1970 Clean Air Act and the 1992 Energy Policy Act almost collapsed during the 1990s when the price of
were instituted that favored the use of biofuels, espe- oil was low, offshore oil discoveries weakened politi-
cially maize-based ethanol. More recently, the 2007 cal support for biofuels, and high sugar prices
Energy Independence and Security Act called for a strained the subsidy program and diverted sugarcane
fourfold increase in biofuel production by 2022. As to the world market. However, the recent crude oil
a result, an estimated 25 percent of U.S. maize out- price spike along with the introduction of “flex-fuel”
put in 2007–08 was diverted to ethanol production. cars that can use any combination of gas and ethanol
In 2007, the United States produced 6.6 billion gal- has encouraged reliance on ethanol.
lons of ethanol, roughly equivalent to 4.5 percent of In Brazil, the government no longer provides
its gasoline consumption. subsidies to either the car or the sugar industry, and
The European Union began instituting mandatory the cost of producing ethanol is $1.40 a gallon (very
use of biodiesel (mostly from rapeseed oil) as early as low compared with maize-based ethanol or edible
1992. During 2008, its biofuel output was expected oil–based biodiesel), making the industry competitive
to reach 225,000 barrels a day of oil equivalent, rep- even if crude oil prices decline to $40 a barrel
resenting about 1.5 percent of its crude oil consump- (Kojima and Johnson 2005).
tion. The European Union has a target 5.75 percent

and durable solar cells, whereas at the global companies, even in a consultancy capacity. In
level efforts to reduce dependence on liquids the baseline scenario, more than 75 percent of
for transportation—such as a breakthrough in the increase in global production is expected
battery technologies or hydrogen generation— to come from OPEC member countries.
will be key.25 Should they decide to restrict supply, oil prices
The structure of energy markets, includ- could be sharply higher in the medium term,
ing the market power and supply decisions and demand much lower. Although such an
made by OPEC may also play a role. The episode would likely be very painful, ulti-
concentration of oil reserves in the hands of mately it would speed the switch into alterna-
a few countries could limit the increase in tive energy sources (much as it did in the
exploration and production anticipated in re- 1980s) and result in a significant decline in the
sponse to high prices (box 2.8). OPEC con- long-term demand for oil.
trols three-quarters of the world’s oil reserves
and dominates export markets.26 Moreover, a Agricultural supply
number of producers have made their reserves Increases in cultivated land and yields are
and fields off limits to private investors; two likely to result in strong growth in agricultural
of these countries (Mexico and Saudi Arabia) production and declines in prices from their
officially prohibit the participation of foreign current high levels, as has occurred during the

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G L O B A L E C O N O M I C P R O S P E C T S 2 0 0 9

Box 2.8 State-owned firms and output efficiency

T he rising share of oil reserves and global produc-
tion controlled by state-owned firms has
prompted concerns about future supply. The
(including profit remittances to the state and
obligations to sell oil at below-market prices) or social
mandates that limit the extent to which they are able
concerns are about: to invest in new technologies, infrastructure, and fields.
In some countries, such responsibilities have been
• Cartel-like behavior
associated with disappointing results. For example,
• The efficiency and responsiveness of state-owned
oil production in República Bolivariana de Venezuela
firms to economic incentives
has declined 19 percent since 2000, while it has been
• The denial of access to multinational firms, which
stagnant and is now declining in Mexico; both are
have historically been among the most efficient
countries with restrictive legislation or practice.
State-owned firms need not be less responsive or This contrasts with the 45 percent increase in
less efficient than privately owned ones. To maximize production and 49 percent increase in reserves (not
productivity, however, policy makers need to ensure including the new Tupi field) recorded by Brazil’s
that government-owned or -controlled firms are not state-owned Petrobras, which has been encouraged to
overburdened with very high effective tax rates reinvest profits and hire foreign experts when needed.

past 50 years. However, supply growth will

remain sensitive to public policy as well as to Figure 2.23 Agricultural productivity has
been rising rapidly over the past 20 years
investments in infrastructure and research.
Average, annual percentage change in agricultural TFP,
Furthermore, prospects are subject to signifi- 1980–2000
cant risks, both upside (rapid technological 3.5
change) and downside (impacts of environ-
ment and climate change and links to oil
prices through inputs and biofuels demand).
Rising productivity and land under
cultivation have boosted agricultural
production 1.0

The past half century has witnessed a steady 0.5

increase in agricultural output, both in ab-
solute and per capita terms. Total factor Africa South Asia North Europe Austral-
productivity in the agricultural sector has in- America America asia

creased by between 2.1 and 2.5 percent each Source: Coelli and Rao 2005.
year (Coelli and Rao 2005; Martin and Mitra
2001) over the past 20 years, with the largest
productivity gains recorded in Asia and North 1.7 percent for chicken and 3.5 percent for
America (figure 2.23). pork between 1980 and 2005 (FAO 2006).
Reflecting this strong productivity growth, Growth in productivity was responsible for
most of the increase in agricultural output over half of the increase in output since 1960 in
the past 40 years is attributable to increased China and India and between 30 and 40 per-
yields rather than to increases in the quantity cent of the increase in other East Asian coun-
of cropped land (figure 2.24). Similar gains tries (World Bank 2008). These productivity
were observed in the livestock sector, with the improvements enabled a decline in the share of
quantity of meat produced per animal rising by labor force employed in agriculture (even as

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T H E C O M M O D I T Y B O O M : L O N G E R - T E R M P R O S P E C T S

Figure 2.24 For key crops, most of the Figure 2.25 Yield growth has decelerated
increase in output was due to increased recently
yield, not increased area planted
Annual % change in yields, 1965–99, 2000–08
Contribution to average annual increase in output, 1965–2008 4.0

4.0 3.0
Area growth
3.0 Yield growth


Wheat Rice Maize Soybeans Cotton
Wheat Rice Maize Soybeans Cotton
Source: World Bank calculations based on U.S. Department of
Source: World Bank calculations based on U.S. Department of
Agriculture data.
Agriculture data.

production and population increased) and a exhaustion of the gains that came from the in-
25 percent increase in the average caloric per troduction of green revolution technologies,
capita consumption in developing countries persistently low commodity prices have also
during the past 30 years.27 played a role. Yields gains in other commodi-
Among developing countries, crop produc- ties have accelerated because of greater use of
tivity increases (which control for increases in genetically modified varieties, which boosted
inputs such as capital and labor) have been yields in cotton in China and India by 19 and
driven mainly by the expansion of irrigation, 26 percent, respectively (World Bank 2007b).
improved seed varieties, and increased use of In addition, maize yields have benefited from
fertilizer. Worldwide, the area devoted to im- the more extensive use of techniques made
proved varieties has been expanding continu- economically profitable by high prices.
ously. In 2000, high-yielding grain varieties The recent slowing of productivity gains
were used on 90 percent of planted area in and the spike in food prices have raised con-
South and East Asia, up from 10 percent in cerns about long-term output trends. Fears of a
1970 (World Bank 2007b). The use of im- food shortage over the long term are unwar-
proved varieties is expanding in all regions, in- ranted, however, given the enormous potential
cluding Sub-Saharan Africa, where it now rep- for increasing agricultural output through cul-
resents almost one-quarter of cropped land. tivating unused land and increases in yields.
Fertilizer use is also up. In developing Although much of the best agricultural
countries it has risen from only 10 percent of land is already in use, significant opportunities
global use in the 1960s to 77 percent now for increasing output remain simply by in-
(FAO 2008). However, fertilizer use in sub- creasing the amount of land under cultivation.
Saharan Africa is minimal, accounting for less About 12 percent of arable land worldwide
than 3 percent of global use versus a 40 per- that is not currently forested could be brought
cent share in East Asia. into agricultural production relatively easily
Most recently, yield growth has declined (Thompson 2008). Considerable amounts of
for some commodities, notably wheat, rice, arable and unforested land in Africa could be
and soybeans (figure 2.25). While such weak- brought into production assuming appropri-
ening in yield gains has been attributed to ate infrastructure were put into place, while in

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G L O B A L E C O N O M I C P R O S P E C T S 2 0 0 9

Brazil about 180 million arable hectares that

Figure 2.26 The stock of unused but poten-
are currently used as pasture could eventually tially arable land is enormous
be brought into food crops. Sizable amounts
Millions of hectares of arable rain-fed cropland
of unused or underutilized land also exist in
Ukraine and Russia.28
Another source of additional farmland is 1,000
the 18 million hectares in the United States and
Currently unused
Europe that have been set aside to reduce sup- 800
ply and keep producer prices high (Normila,
Effland, and Young 2004). Recent changes to 600

the Common Agricultural Policy have autho-

rized European farmers to use about half of Already in use
that land, which could see the amount of land
applied to agriculture in Europe rise by 3.5
percent this year. Similarly, the United States 0
recently released 1.5 million acres of the land

dl bea ca
Ea unt me

Eu cific d

ric d
an ati sia d

Pa an

Af an
L lA n

N eE n
st ries

M arib er

So a

fallowed by its conservation program.

co -inc

C m

th t

tra e

or as

en p

d nA

C ro


However, the new land is less productive


than existing land and will be more costly to
exploit, especially in an environment of high Source: Food and Agriculture Organization.

prices for energy and equipment. Further-

more, the expansion of new land (especially in
Africa) will require large investments in infra- for extending the same kind of gains to other
structure and likely will take decades to ex- regions, particularly Sub-Saharan Africa and
pand significantly. many countries in Europe and Central Asia,
These calculations do not include land that that have adopted these techniques less exten-
is currently forested but that is suitable for sively (table 2.13).29 However, such expansion
rainfed crop production. Such lands exceed by will require policies to encourage research and
one and one-half times the total currently used
for agriculture (figure 2.26). Bringing all of Table 2.12 Potential gains from extending
this land into crop production is probably nei- the green revolution remain large
ther desirable nor likely, but its existence Potential
means that the agricultural supply potential of
the planet is far from exhausted. Actual Potential Poential (Percent
Region production production gain of
Technological gains are likely to drive (Millions of metric tons) production)
continued increases in yields
Much of the increase in agricultural productiv- High income 423 440 17 3.9
East Asia and
ity over the past 50 years came about through the Pacific 501 508 7 1.4
often scientifically simple improvements in Europe and
agricultural technique, including increased use Central Asia 130 191 60 46.5
Latin America and
of irrigation, fertilizers, and commercially the Caribbean 140 161 21 15.0
optimized seeds. The adoption of these tech- Middle East and
niques in the developing world is most ad- North Africa 50 57 7 14.3
South Asia 250 259 9 3.7
vanced in Asia, and its impact on yields is evi- Sub-Saharan
dent in the very strong productivity growth Africa 56 81 25 43.9
enjoyed by the region over the past half cen- Total 1,551 1,697 146 9.4
tury (table 2.12). Considerable potential exists Source: World Bank.

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T H E C O M M O D I T Y B O O M : L O N G E R - T E R M P R O S P E C T S

Table 2.13 With some exceptions, yield productivity gains and to ensuring that such
growth for key agricultural commodities gains benefit the poor. About 95 percent of
has been highest in South and East Asia developing-country R&D expenditures in agri-
Category Wheat Rice Maize Soybeans Cotton culture is publicly funded. As a result, this
(Annual percent change in yields, 1965–2006)
R&D is mainly dependent on administrative
decisions, which may or may not respond to
World 2.0 1.7 1.8 1.5 1.7 market conditions. Therefore, it is imperative
Income level that efforts to increase food production in
High income 1.6 0.9 1.6 1.3 1.6
Middle income 2.0 1.9 2.6 2.8 2.3 low-income countries should be part of a
Low income 2.6 2.0 1.1 1.4 3.1 comprehensive effort that includes investment
Region in R&D as well as dissemination efforts.30
East Asia and
the Pacific 3.8 1.8 2.9 1.9 2.7 Notwithstanding the swings in the prices of
Europe and agricultural products, agricultural R&D has
Central Asia 0.1 0.0 0.8 ⫺0.1 0.7 remained remarkably stable as a share of agri-
Latin America and
the Caribbean 2.0 2.5 2.6 1.3 2.1 cultural value added, at about 0.85 percent be-
Middle East and tween 1981 and 2000. Moreover, developing
North Africa 2.5 1.2 2.7 3.0 1.2 countries are spending much less on R&D
South Asia 2.6 2.1 1.6 1.5 3.1
Sub-Saharan Africa 2.2 0.7 0.7 3.2 1.6 than are high-income countries, both in ab-
solute terms and as a share of agricultural GDP
Source: World Bank calculations based on U.S. Department
of Agriculture data. (figure 2.27).
Recent advances in biotechnology may offer
developing countries additional improvements
development (R&D) and extension directed in yields through the introduction of new plant
particularly at small-holders. If these countries varieties with heightened resistance to drought,
were to adopt more intensive techniques like rain, diseases, and pestilence—characteristics
those used in Asia and elsewhere, global pro-
duction of cereals could be increased by as
much as 9.4 percent, enough to meet several
years’ worth of increasing global demand. Figure 2.27 Developing countries spend less
Based on similar observations, the FAO in on agricultural R&D than high-income
its most recent long-term forecasting exercise
expects global agricultural production to rise R&D spending as a share of agricultural GDP
by 1.5 percent a year for the next three
decades, somewhat slower than over the past
50 years but still significantly faster than pro-
jected population growth.

Prospects will depend on a number of

uncertain factors 1.0
Of course, the long-term supply prospects for
agricultural commodities are far from certain. 0.5

Past productivity gains are an imperfect indi-

cator of what might be expected in the future. 0.0
tri e
ric n

b ca

H ries g
an ati fric d

Moreover, a number of looming issues in the

un om
Af ra

un pin
L A n

ib ri


D ean
d nA a

ar e

co inc

co elo
th a

C m

or ic


global economy could affect supply conditions

N fr





in important ways.

Public investment in infrastructure and Source: Pardey, Alston, and Jones 2008.
R&D will be critical to realizing potential

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G L O B A L E C O N O M I C P R O S P E C T S 2 0 0 9

Box 2.9 Genetically modified crops—the next green

T he most important recent technological break-
through in agriculture has been the development
of genetically modified (GM) crops. These crops tend
countries where they are unable to enforce their
property rights.
Some countries (such as China) have gotten around
to be more disease resistant than traditional varieties this problem by developing their own varieties in pub-
and lower cost because of increased yields and the lic research agencies that they make available to small-
need for fewer pesticides. holders. Other countries (such as Burkina Faso) have
Originally developed in the United States, they entered into agreements with private companies that
have spread to many countries, including many in allow them to develop GM seeds to be used by small-
the developing world. In 2006, farmers in 22 coun- holders under a general licensing agreement.
tries planted GM seeds on 100 million hectares, The current generation of GM technology has
corresponding to about 8 percent of global crop area concentrated on internalizing resistance to diseases
(World Bank 2007b). Although GM crops were ini- and pests. Research in the pipeline, however,
tially taken up by commercial farming, increasingly focuses on developing varieties with other charac-
small farmers are now using the technology. teristics such as increased tolerance to drought,
Yet GM crops have not been adopted widely in wetness, and temperature, as well as slowing
developing countries despite considerable potential in product deterioration. As a result, whereas the
crops, such as bananas, that suffer large losses from first generation of GM crops was tailored to the
disease. This lack of uptake results partly from con- agriculture of the developed world, the second
cerns over environmental and food safety risks and generation may be better suited to resolving the
partly from private producers of these seeds that kinds of problems found in the production systems
are unwilling to allow them to be distributed in of developing countries.

that might be especially desirable during a pe- In the long term, climate change and
riod of climate change. However, like the chem- water scarcity could have significant
ical-based pesticides and fertilizers that helped impacts on yields
generate substantial improvements to yields Global temperatures are expected to rise by
during the green revolution, they may also 0.4 degrees Celsius between now and 2030.
carry with them hidden risks such as cross- This could lead to an overall decline in agri-
plant genetic contamination and potential cultural productivity of between 1 and 10 per-
health impacts because of unexpected interac- cent by 2030 (compared with a counterfactual
tions with human biology. Transparent and where average global temperatures remained
cost-effective regulatory systems that inspire stable), with India, Sub-Saharan Africa, and
public confidence will be needed to evaluate parts of Latin America being most affected
risks and benefits on a case-by-case basis. (see next section).
Moreover, the diffusion of these innova- Over the longer term, the impacts of cli-
tions into developing countries has been un- mate change could be much more serious,
even, partly because of the high cost of these with agricultural productivity in many devel-
seeds and their incompatibility with traditional oping regions, notably Africa, potentially
agricultural methods and partly because of the declining by as much as 25 percent as com-
unwillingness of seed companies to market pared with a baseline of temperatures remain-
them into countries with weak regulatory ing stable at their 2030 levels (Cline 2007).
frameworks and intellectual property regimes Sustainable water supply forms another
(box 2.9). longer-term risk facing future agricultural

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T H E C O M M O D I T Y B O O M : L O N G E R - T E R M P R O S P E C T S

supply. About 85 percent of water use in agricultural prices is particularly uncertain, this
developing countries goes to agriculture, with decline is expected to continue through the
less than one-fifth of the cultivated area in de- forecast period.
veloping countries producing two-fifths of the As outlined earlier, the growth in demand
value of agricultural output (World Bank for agricultural products is expected to be
2007b). Already 15–35 percent of water with- somewhat weaker in the next several decades
drawals worldwide are not sustainable, in the because of slower population growth and the
sense that the amount being withdrawn from limited impact of higher incomes on food
aquifers or rivers exceeds the rate at which the demand. On the supply side, the availability
source is naturally resupplied. Perhaps the of additional land and further productivity
most notable example of unsustainable use improvements should enable production to
was the rapid expansion of cotton production keep pace with demand even as the agricul-
in the Aral Sea basin, which has resulted in the tural sector continues to release labor to work
disappearance of 90 percent of the sea’s sur- in other parts of the global economy.
face area and a broadly based environmental Based on long-term forecasts of population
disaster. Improving water management will re- and incomes and a continuation of the histori-
quire countries to take more responsibility for cal experience of rising productivity, annual de-
shared water resources, ensuring that they are mand and supply are projected to grow by
priced appropriately and that adequate water about 1.7 percent on average between 2008 and
management institutions are put in place to 2030. This would imply a continued decline in
prevent a recurrence. agricultural prices of about 0.7 percent a year
relative to manufacturing prices and the share of
the unskilled labor force working in agriculture
Projections declines by 6 percentage points (table 2.14).

A s anyone following commodity markets

over the recent past can attest, forecasting
future demand, supply, and prices in commod-
One particularly difficult issue in the long-
term forecasts for agricultural production and
prices concerns the impact of climate change.
ity markets is—at best—a hazardous under- Human-induced global warming has begun to
taking. While some commodities, especially change growing conditions around the world,
extracted commodities such as oil and metals, particularly in developing countries. In many
may become more scarce in coming decades, countries, and for many crops, ideal growing
there is little likelihood of a serious shortfall in temperatures have been surpassed, stressing the
supply. Nevertheless, the overall balance be- growth of plants. Perhaps more significantly,
tween demand and supply is very uncertain. more-extreme water-related events are occur-
It will depend on a wide range of factors, ring, including more periods of persistent
including climate change, productivity develop- droughts, drier soils from higher temperatures,
ments in commodity supply and commodity changing patterns of rainfall (for example the
demand markets, GDP and population growth, monsoon arriving earlier or later), and more se-
and the policy environment. The remainder of vere rainfall falling in shorter periods. These cli-
this chapter attempts to quantify the range of mate events can reduce immediate production
possible outcomes in commodity markets. and impair agricultural development, as poor
farmers faced with drought may be forced to
Agricultural prices are likely to decline sell or eat animals, while severe storms damage
over the long term other types of capital such as irrigation canals.
As discussed in chapter 1, agricultural prices Forecasts of the rise in temperature and the
are forecast to decline over the next two years impact on agriculture over the next two
but remain well above the levels of the first half decades are extremely uncertain. Lobell and
of this decade. While the long-term outlook for others (2008) anticipate that southern Africa,

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G L O B A L E C O N O M I C P R O S P E C T S 2 0 0 9

Table 2.14 Agricultural sector simulation results, 2005–30

Results in 2030 by scenario

Global Developing- Strong demand
Baseline productivity slowdown country slowdown for biofuels

Total factor productivitya

Developing countries 2.1 1.2 1.2 2.1
High-income countries 2.1 1.2 2.1 2.1
Outputa 1.7 1.9 1.9 2.4
Pricesa ⫺0.7 0.3 ⫺0.1 ⫺0.5
Employment (unskilled in develoing countries)a ⫺6.0 ⫺4.8 ⫺5.3 ⫺5.4
Change in real incomeb ⫺3.4 ⫺2.3 ⫺1.8

Source: World Bank ENVISAGE model.

a. Change in share of total employment between 2005 and 2030.
b. Percent of base income.

South Asia, and parts of Latin America will of infrastructure, and R&D investments in de-
rank among the hardest-hit areas, with maize veloping countries with lagging productivity.
production in southern Africa, for example, As shown in Scenario I, should global agri-
potentially falling as much as 30 percent cultural productivity rise by only 1.2 percent a
below what it would have been without cli- year on average instead of the 2.1 percent pro-
mate change by 2030. jected in the baseline, then prices, rather than
Our base case in table 2.14 assumes signif- declining, can be expected to rise by as much as
icant damage from climate change over the 0.3 percent a year relative to manufactures—
long run. However, over the projection period reversing the trend decline of the past 100 years.
2030, the impacts are relatively modest. To Reduced productivity includes increasing the
date, global temperatures have risen 0.8° C quantity of cereal required to produce meat and
since 1900 and are projected to rise a further as a result total agricultural output rises, even
0.4° C by 2030 (Cline 2007). Scaling Cline’s though final consumption declines by 0.3 per-
2080 estimates of damage to agriculture by cent per annum. Final demand does not decline
the estimated temperature change in 2030 by more, because lower productivity is partially
leads to an overall decline in agricultural pro- compensated for by increased inputs, including
ductivity of between 1 and 10 percent by 2030 a 1.2 percentage point increase in the share of
(compared with a future where average global agricultural workers in the labor force com-
temperatures remain stable), with Canada and pared with the base case. Overall, by the end of
Europe least affected and India, Sub-Saharan the projection period, real incomes in develop-
Africa, and parts of Latin America most af- ing countries would be lower by about 3.4 per-
fected.31 Were there to be no climate change cent compared with the baseline.
between now and 2030, global agricultural Consistent with Scenario II, should the
productivity would be nearly 4 percent higher, weaker productivity be limited to developing
and the world price of food 5.3 percent lower. countries, in part because climate change is ex-
These projections are subject to other im- pected to affect them more adversely and per-
portant uncertainties. In particular, the pro- haps because policy fails to step up infrastruc-
jected productivity gains are contingent on ture, R&D, and dissemination of investments,
policies being put in place that permit produc- the overall impact in markets would be atten-
tivity gains to continue rising as they have in uated somewhat. Prices would fall by only
the recent past. The policies include the re- 0.17 percent a year (compared with a decline
moval of trade distortions, progress to limit of 0.7 percent a year in the base case), and
the increase in carbon emissions, construction agricultural sector employment would rise

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T H E C O M M O D I T Y B O O M : L O N G E R - T E R M P R O S P E C T S

slightly compared with the baseline. But devel- scenario, global demand is expected to grow
oping countries, especially those whose popu- twice as fast as it does in the baseline. In this
lations continue to grow relatively rapidly instance, agricultural employment increases by
would become much more dependent on high- 0.6 percent of the labor force, output of other
income countries for their food supply. grains (including maize) rises by 350 percent,
Scenario III examines the potential impact but food prices increase by much less, due to
of biofuels production on food prices. While substitution away from these products.
biofuels have made a major contribution to
the rise in food prices over the past two years, Over the long run oil prices are expected
their impact in the future is difficult to esti- to stabilize (in real terms) at around $75
mate. The decline in oil prices has already con- As described in chapter 1, despite rather recent
tributed to the decline in food prices via its in- volatility, oil prices are not expected to fall
fluence on biofuel demand for food crops. much below $60 in the medium term. Oil de-
Should oil prices remain moderate as pro- mand should pick up as the global economy re-
jected (see below), the influence of biofuels on covers, but supply conditions should also have
food prices should also stabilize. If technolog- recovered, enabling the real price of oil to rise
ical progress improves the attractiveness of gradually to around the $75 range. This fore-
nonfood biofuels inputs, the link between oil cast assumes that, in the absence of policy
and food prices may be broken. Alternatively, changes, demand for energy will continue to
biofuels could have a significant impact on rise faster than GDP. The actual rate of
food prices if oil prices remain high or the cost increase of demand and how it is met will
of biofuels production declines. depend critically on policies, technological
The simulation reported in table 2.14 ex- change, and the level of reserves.
plores the implications of a permanent increase The simulations presented in table 2.15 il-
in the rate of growth of demand for food prod- lustrate the potential impacts of four alterna-
ucts as source material for biofuels. Under this tive scenarios.

Table 2.15 Energy sector simulation results, 2005–30

Results in 2030 by scenario


High Carbon Alternative Weak oil
2004 Baseline demand tax energy supply

Energy demand (average annual percent growth)

Coal 4.9 5.7 2.2 2.5 5.4
Oil 1.6 1.8 1.6 1.4 0.2
Natural gas (excluding distribution) 1.3 1.8 1.0 ⫺0.2 1.3
Total 3.0 3.5 1.7 1.6 2.9

Prices ($ per ton of oil equivalent)

Coal 59 60 62 55 54 60
Crude oil 256 428 475 420 219 760
Natural gas 157 288 306 281 231 296

Production level
Coal (metric tons) 5,680 18,312 21,907 10,184 10,185 19,993
Crude oil (mbd) 75 113 117 112 78 78
Natural gas (1e12 BTU) 59,435 82,951 93,105 76,020 56,156 84,356

Share in total energy supply (percent)

Coal 33.4 53.9 57.2 37.7 42.3 63.1
Oil 47.3 33.5 30.5 46.2 45.6 23.8
Natural gas 19.3 12.5 12.3 16.1 12.1 13.0

Source: World Bank ENVISAGE model.

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G L O B A L E C O N O M I C P R O S P E C T S 2 0 0 9

In Scenario I, energy demand rises 0.5 per- for traditional fossil fuels. In this scenario, the
cent faster (3.5 percent versus 3.0 percent) than global energy demand is lower by about the
in the baseline each year because energy-saving same amount as in the carbon tax scenario, but
technologies and conservation measures fail to prices of crude oil and natural gas are much
come onstream as rapidly as anticipated.32 This lower. By the end of the period, coal consump-
results in higher prices for all forms of energy. tion is down by 45 percent from the base case
The higher price of energy means that global (from 4.9 percent to 2.5 percent), while nat-
GDP grows somewhat more slowly, with the ural gas and crude oil are 30 percent lower
cumulative impact on the level of output, com- than they are in the carbon tax scenario.
pared with the base case, equal to 2.7 percent The price of various forms of energy in the
in 2030. Most of the increase in demand is con- long run is little different from the baseline
centrated in the use of coal (in absolute and scenario because the additional carbon tax in-
percentage terms). Relatively higher supply duces sufficient reductions in energy demand
elasticities for coal and gas lead to higher vol- to lower the final price by almost as much as
ume shifts for these two fuels, whereas the the tax itself.
tighter supply of the oil markets leads to a con- Finally, under Scenario IV, oil reserves de-
comitantly higher price rise for oil and a rela- plete more quickly than in the baseline scenario,
tive shift away from oil consumption. either because current estimates of reserves
Scenario II examines the impact of a more prove too optimistic or because additional tech-
concerted effort to limit carbon emissions. In nology improvements do not materialize. In this
this scenario, it is assumed that policies are put scenario, oil supply, instead of growing at about
into place beginning in 2011 that are consistent 1 percent a year, is broadly stable, with pro-
with achieving a target concentration of 500 duction of about 78 mb/d in 2030. Oil prices
parts per million of carbon dioxide in the at- are about 80 percent higher and demand 32
mosphere by 2050. This implies a shadow percent lower than in the baseline, with the
price of carbon of $21 per ton of CO2 in 2030 difference being made up by about a 9 percent
and a stock of emissions of around 11 gigatons stronger growth in consumption of coal.
of carbon in 2030, a reduction of 32 percent The price of oil in this scenario rises to
from the base-case level.33 about $122 a barrel but not higher because of
Such a carbon price would lead to a signif- increased supply from alternative energy
icant drop in energy demand, with coal taking sources induced by the higher prices.
the largest hit (from 4.9 percent to 2.2 per- Overall, the impact on global growth in
cent). Coal would be most affected because it Scenario IV would be limited. By 2030 global
releases the most carbon emissions per unit of GDP would be only 1.4 percentage points
equivalent energy. But a more significant fac- below the level in the base case. The bulk of
tor is the large wedge in the price of coal (per this decline would be felt by the middle-
unit of energy) compared with oil and gas. In income developing countries, where energy
other words, the uniform price of carbon has intensities are highest.
a much larger percentage increase on the price Taken together, these scenarios illustrate
of coal than on oil and natural gas. As a corol- the considerable uncertainty surrounding the
lary, the countries with the greatest coal con- assumptions of the base case. Nevertheless,
sumption experience the largest decline in even the pessimistic scenarios have a limited
energy demand. impact on global welfare. Over the long run,
Scenario III illustrates a situation where a economies have considerable potential to ad-
combination of policies to promote conserva- just to higher oil prices through switching to
tion, increase fuel efficiency, and invest in al- other energy sources and conservation, thus
ternative sources of energy such as solar and moderating the impact of higher oil prices on
wind power succeeds in reducing the demand growth and poverty reduction.

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Conclusions projected to decline a further 20-odd percent

(see chapter 1) in 2009, these prices are high
T he almost unprecedented duration and
size of the recent commodity price boom
gave the impression, at least as can be judged
enough to ensure that sufficient further supply
will be forthcoming over the medium term. In
by the popular press, that the world is running the longer run, metals demand should slow as
out of natural resources. This is not true. A Chinese metal intensities first stabilize and
combination of circumstances have shaped this then fall, both because of lower investment
boom: an unusually long period of above- rates and because of a higher share of services
potential growth among developing countries; in Chinese GDP.
a long period of low oil and metals prices that In agriculture, slower population growth
eroded supply capacity, in part driven by the should slow demand for food, while productiv-
expansion of net oil exports from the transi- ity growth should be sufficient to ensure future
tion economies of Eastern Europe once domes- supply at the global level. However, prospects
tic prices increased to world levels; the depreci- for individual countries are less clear. Yields
ation of the dollar; the increase in subsidies for have been declining among many of the coun-
biofuels that diverted resources from growing tries that had the strongest gains from the
crops for food; declines in grain stocks; increas- Green Revolution, unless they step up invest-
ing demand from developing-country consumers ments in infrastructure and R&D and remain
of oil and raw materials; and continued global open to new technologies, agricultural pro-
economic expansion in the face of rising com- ductivity growth in developing countries may
modity prices. As the rapid decline of commod- decline. Moreover, for those countries with
ity prices since mid-2008 attests, the current relatively high population growth, many of
boom is best understood as yet another cycle in which are in Africa, failure to make invest-
a long history of commodity price cycles. ments to boost agricultural productivity may
This does not mean that commodity prices see them cease to be self-sufficient and forced
are necessarily going to fall all the way back to to import increasingly expensive food from
the levels of the 1990s, nor are they likely to high-income countries where agricultural pro-
return to recent heights when demand recov- ductivity continues to rise much faster than
ers. In the oil and metals markets, it will take the population.
time to build the machines and train the engi- Central to these forecasts, and particularly
neers required to find and exploit new re- uncertain, are the prospects for technological
sources, and this kind of exploration will re- progress. Technology will determine the avail-
quire that oil prices be maintained at around ability of oil reserves and the costs of extrac-
$75 a barrel in real terms. tion, the price levels at which different oil sub-
However, in the long run, it will be difficult stitutes become profitable, the potential for
to sustain very high oil prices (in excess of economizing on scarce oil and metals, and the
$100 a barrel) for a lengthy period, because al- likelihood of rapid increases in crop yields.
ternative sources of oil (such as Canadian oil Making assumptions for technological
sands and more-expensive offshore sources) progress 25 years in the future is a perilous un-
and substitutes for oil (such as solar, wind, and dertaking. Most likely to be missed are tech-
biofuels) would become profitable, while the nological surprises that enable rapid increases
potential for reductions in demand from con- in productivity. So in a sense these forecasts are
servation remain large. On average, the weak- conservative. But even without counting on
ening of global demand and increased supply technological miracles, under reasonable as-
have caused metal prices to fall by more than sumptions the supply of commodities is likely
40 percent from their recent peaks. Neverthe- to increase rapidly enough over the long run to
less, they remain 2.5 times higher than they meet anticipated increases in demand at prices
were in the 1990s and even though they are that are lower than the current levels.

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Notes this ensures that future stocks are higher and future
prices lower than they would have been otherwise. At
1. The 1916–17 boom was associated with the
the same time it encourages producers to increase out-
First World War. Similarly, all three booms since 1945
put, thereby accelerating a return to more normal prices.
have been associated with a major, though geographi-
14. In member countries of the Organisation for
cally confined, military conflict (Korea, Vietnam, and
Economic Co-operation and Development, high prices
Iraq) and heightened geopolitical uncertainty, which
induced a substantial switch away from oil and toward
translated into market fears about the availability of
coal, natural gas, and nuclear power for electrical
2. However, real prices of domestic food commodi-
15. Exceptions include nickel, which has been ris-
ties in developing countries increased by an additional
ing in Brazil; copper, which has been rising in India;
28 percent during the first three quarters of 2008.
and aluminum, which has been rising in South Africa.
3. This capacity was partly and temporarily utilized
16. Although developing countries now account for
during the time of the first Gulf war, when 5 mb/d of
almost half of the world’s metal consumption, it should
capacity was shut in Iraq and Kuwait.
be noted that their average per capita use of metals is
4. OPEC surplus capacity typically refers to capac-
only a fraction of that in the developed economies.
ity that can be brought onstream within 90 days. Here,
17. These income levels correspond roughly to the
OPEC’s surplus is conservatively estimated as that
midpoint in the World Bank’s official range for
lying dormant from previously higher (though not
lower-middle-income countries and close to the
peak) levels.
upper range for upper-middle-income countries.
5. Although less important than in the past, these
18. At incomes of less than $1 a day (or annual per
firms still account for almost 50 percent of global up-
capita income of less than $350), consumption of basic
stream spending.
staples such as maize, wheat, and rice tends to increase
6. Upstream expenditures and the price of crude oil
along with income. At higher incomes, per capita
are highly correlated; the correlation coefficient between
consumption of staples tends to remain stable, so the
spending per barrel of oil and the price of oil is 0.95.
growth of staples consumption falls below income
7. The balance of supply was made up from OPEC
natural gas liquids (1.8 mb/d); non-OPEC, non-FSU
19. The income elasticity for meat products exceeds
production growth (3.1 mb/d); and rising OPEC capacity.
3.0 for per capita incomes below $4,500 and declines
8. The pickup in oil demand was led by China,
to 2.6 for countries with incomes in excess of $25,000.
where demand for electricity had outstripped supply
20. When oil costs $120 a barrel (as it did in early
from public sector utilities, resulting in a spike in the
2008), wholesale gas prices would be around $3.25 a
private use of diesel oil for electrical generators.
gallon in the United States, and the fuel-equivalent
9. Private communication with David Humphreys,
ethanol price would be $2.44 a gallon. At that price,
chief economist at Norilsk Nickel.
ethanol production from maize is profitable as long as
10. The contrast between inputs in metal and in-
maize prices do not exceed $245 a ton, which was
puts in the agricultural sectors is noteworthy. In agri-
more or less the price of maize at that time.
culture, the same type of machinery can be used for vir-
21. Global production from onshore sources in
tually all crops in all countries of the world. However,
2004 was 54 mb/day, almost identical to the 1973 level.
machinery in metals is custom-made for each mine.
22. Reserve growth refers to the increase in the es-
11. Jatropha curcus L. is a bush or small tree used
timated sizes of fields that occurs as oil and gas fields
as a hedge by farmers in developing countries because
are developed. In the United States, the world’s most
it is not browsed by animals. It produces a fruit with
intensely explored country, reserve growth is a major
high oil content, suitable for biodiesel production.
component of remaining oil and gas resources. It is hy-
12. The poor harvests in Australia come against a
pothesized that reserve growth can occur worldwide in
backdrop of an unprecedented, decade-long period of
similar proportions as exploration of new fields ma-
unusually low rainfall and record-high temperatures,
tures. Undiscovered resources, on the other hand, are
which are at least partly a result of climate change.
resources postulated from geologic information and
These events have severely stressed water supplies in
theory to exist outside of known oil and gas fields
the east and southwest of the country (
(Kleitt and others 2000).
23. If all announced projects materialize, potential
13. When hoarding and real-side speculation occur
capacity could reach 3.3 mb/d.
in response to expectations of a future shortfall, stocks
24. Concerns over the environment are likely to be
(and prices) tend to increase in the short run (relative to
another constraint in future mining activities.
a baseline where the behavior did not occur). In turn,

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or solar) that powers the car is consumed at the power- enues generated by the price of carbon are assumed to
producing plant, whereas for hydrogen-powered cars be recycled domestically with no international transfers.
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