Assessment of The White Shrimp Fishery (Litopenaeus Setiferus) in The Campeche Bank, Southern Gulf of Mexico

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Serie Recursos Pesqueros .

Assessment of the white shrimp fishery

(Litopenaeus setiferus) in the Campeche Bank,

southern Gulf of Mexico

J. Ramos-Miranda, D. Flores-Hernández, and T. Do Chi


Mtra. Adriana Ortiz Lanz


Lic. Gerardo Montero Pérez

Secretario General

M. en C. Guillermo J. Villalobos Zapata

Director, Centro de Ecología, Pesquerías
y Oceanografía del Golfo de México
Assessment of the white shrimp fishery (Litopenaeus setiferus)
in the Campeche Bank, southern Gulf of Mexico

J. Ramos-Miranda, D. Flores-Hernández, and T. Do Chi

Colección: EPOMEX@Libro
Serie: Recursos Pesqueros

Assessment of the white shrimp fishery (Litopenaeus setiferus)

in the Campeche Bank, southern Gulf of Mexico

Ramos-Miranda J., D. Flores-Hernández, y T. Do-Chi 2009. Assessment of the white shrimp

fishery (Litopenaeus setiferus) in the Campeche Bank. Universidad Autónoma de Campeche.
38 p.

CC Universidad Autónoma de Campeche

Av. Agustín Melgar s/n. Col. Buenavista
Campeche 24039, Campeche México

ISBN de la colección: 978-968-5722-93-3

ISBN del volumen: 978-607-7887-02-7
ESBN 71294-090203-630074-41

Creative Commons (



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Abstract 1

Introduction 3
Sampling 7

Methods 7
Data Analysis 8
Evaluation of the stock per sex 15

Results 15
Evaluation of stock per sex and per fleet (sequential fishing) 19
Evaluation of total stock 22
Evaluation of total stock per fleet (sequential fishing) 24

Discussion 27

References 31
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ii Universidad Autónoma
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Assessment of the white shrimp fishery (Litopenaeus setiferus) in the Campeche Bank,
southern Gulf of Mexico

J. Ramos-Miranda, D. Flores-Hernández, and T. Do Chi


The purpose of this study was to analyze the current state of the fishery of white shrimp (Li-
topenaeus setiferus) in the Bank of Campeche, through analytic models. The used source of data
corresponded to the structure in size of the captures carried out by 133 boats of the artisanal fleet
and 203 ships of the industrial fleet among March from 1998 to April of 1999. Landing infor-
mation month data was taken from the Environment Secretary, Natural Resources and Fisheries
in Campeche. The evaluation of the stock was carried out through a diagram of exploitation ob-
tained by pseudo-cohorts analysis and this included four analysis: 1) the evaluation of the stock
taking into account the difference in the growth for sex, 2) The evaluation of the stock for sex and
by fleet (sequential fishing), 3) The evaluation of the total stock and 4) The evaluation of the total
stock for each fleet. Also an analysis of sensibility to evaluate the possible error on the calculated
number of recruits (Ni) and fishing mortality (Fi) with base in the values of K, L∞ , M and E+
used in the model. The results indicate that the terminal mortality in the males (F+ = 7.3) it is
higher than that of the females (F+ = 5.3), because the males more quickly reach the maximum
growth. The females are more abundant and they are captured by the industrial fleet in sizes of
reproduction (15.7 cm) possible. The analysis of sensibility reveals that the error made in the
estimate of recruits (Ni) and the mortalities for fishing (Fi) with the use of the values K, L∞ and
M, is small (between 3.0 and 0.22%). The artisanal fleet causes mortalities on the juvenile and
the industrial fleet on the adults. The analysis of y/r revealed that there is not sobreexplotación
of the resource and that the reference point for the fishing ordination F0.1, it is 1.95. The Bf/R
was calculated in 26.85%. Using simulating scenarios where the fishing effort is up to 30%, the
results showed that the total yield increased only 5% in the long run; therefore this result was
considerate as not adequate measure for the fishing assessment. Authors also consider important
to take into account environmental variability as well as anthropogenic factors to make to full
assessment of the white shrimp fishery.

Universidad Autónoma 1
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● Assessment of the white shrimp fishery in the Campeche Bank
Ramos-Miranda, Flores-Hernández and Do Chi

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Assessment of the white shrimp fishery (Litopenaeus setiferus) in the Campeche Bank,
southern Gulf of Mexico

J. Ramos-Miranda, D. Flores-Hernández, and T. Do Chi


In 1920 Shrimp fishery began in Mexico along Sonora’s and Sinaloa’s coasts (Breton and
López, 1989). The first shrimp research program in the Gulf of Mexico was carried out
in 1931 by the u.s. and focused mainly on exploration activities in Florida, Texas, North
Carolina and Louisiana. Very soon production decreased from 86,000 tonnes in 1945 to
54,000 tonnes in 1946 in the coastal zone of Texas, Louisiana, Alabama and Florida. In
1940, prospective fishing zones were extended to the Campeche Bank in the southern
Gulf of Mexico (Neri, 1982); and formally the shrimp fishery in the Campeche Bank
began in 1946. Fishing zones extended over 62,900 km and depths to 90 m (Allen and
Jones, 1974; Leriche, 1995).
By 1945 ninety five percent of shrimp production was of L. stiferus. Currently, 60%
of shrimp production is pink shrimp (Farfantepenaeus duorarum), 22% is brown shrimp
(Farfantepenaeus aztecus), and 18% is white shrimp (L. setiferus) (Gracia, 1989a).
The shrimp fishery in Mexico has proved to have an important economic role on the
national level, generating not only a large quantity of jobs, both directly and indirectly
(101,743); but also accounting an important revenue of 446 million dollars, in 1997
Mexico exports to the u.s. an average of 26% of the shrimp catch (27,500 tonnes annu-
ally). According to the 1997 statistics, shrimp captures registered 41.1% (29151 tonnes)
in bays and estuaries (semarnap, 1997), while 58.9% comes from off shore. This is a
sequential type of capture (juveniles are caught in coastal lagoons (artisanal fleet) and
adults at the open sea (industrial fleet). Gracia (1989a) and Ramos Miranda (2000)
described the evolution of shrimp catches along the Campeche Bank as variable since
1959, between 1959 and 1978 shrimp captures nearly double (from 7972 to 14617
tonnes); and then decreased to 4392 tonnes in 1997.

Universidad Autónoma 3
de Campeche
● Assessment of the white shrimp fishery in the Campeche Bank
Ramos-Miranda, Flores-Hernández and Do Chi

In particular white shrimp fishery has experienced shifts too. From 1974 to 1990
production increased from 1590 tonnes to 2463 tonnes), only to decrease again to 402
tonnes in 1998. According to Gracia (1989a and b), from 1974 to 1980, this spe-
cies was in full exploitation. Based on this, this author inferred that although white
shrimp production had the potential to reach 1800 tonnes. Between 1981 and 1983 an
economic crisis transformed the shrimp fishery industry when it shifted from private
management to a social cooperative management, which resulted, into the depletion of
50% of fishing effort.
On the other hand, the number of the industrial fleet declined from 605 ships pres-
ent in 1982, to 334 in 1998 and only 269 were active. Also, the artisanal fleet increased
considerably in the same period, increasing from 1144 boats in 1982, to 4402 in 1998;
of them 2700 to fish white shrimp (Ramos-Miranda, 2000).
Fishing gears also changed in accordance to the economic needs of the sector. In
1950 the industrial fleet used to fish whit a single trawl net; in 1957 it was modified to
two trawl nets; and since 1976 boats used four trawl nets. Artisanal fishers also used a
little trawl nets, but in 1984 gill nets started to be used resulting in over fishing (Gracia,
1989a, b and c, 1991, 1992b, 1994, 1996 and Gracia et al., 1997); reducing stock to
8% of the spawning biomass; along with a dramatic decrease on recruiting. However
Gracia (1996) states that in 1987 he observed a recuperation of this resource. Actually
the gill net is no longer customary, although fishermen occasionally use them. Currently
catches by the artisanal fleet is made by “flyer “ and “seven beards” trawl nets, which dif-
fer in the type of thread used (single filament and braided thread, respectively). Never-
theless they are similar in the characteristics of codend; both nets have a 25.4 mm mesh
and the same quality thread, with the same selectivity (Ramos-Miranda, 2000).
Several measures have been implemented towards the management of white shrimp
fishery. A closed fishing season was made considering information from 1973 to 1989
(Gracia 1989 a, b and c, 1991, 1992 a and b, 1994, 1996 and 1997; Gracia and Soto
1986 a, b, and Arreguín-Sánchez et al., 1997a and b). This closed fishing season es-
tablishes two closed periods: from May 1st through July 1st and from August 1st to
November 15th. At the same time the number of artisanal and industrial fishing units
is also controlled. Nevertheless, poaching is recognized as a significant factor affecting
white shrimp population, especially in Terminos lagoon, where the highest proportion
of recruitment of this species takes place (figure 1). Bearing this in mind and considering
that current capture of white shrimp is low the aim of this paper is to asses the current
status of the white shrimp stock in the Campeche Bank through analytic models and
the influence of fishing patterns and intensity in biomass. Finally, a simulation under
different exploitation regimes is performed and analyzed.

4 Universidad Autónoma
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Figure 1. Study area, showing the fishing grounds in the Campeche Bank
(modified to Arreguín Sánchez et al., 1997a).

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● Assessment of the white shrimp fishery in the Campeche Bank
Ramos-Miranda, Flores-Hernández and Do Chi

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@Libro Centro de Ecología, Pesquerías y Oceanografía del Golfo de México ●

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Assessment of the white shrimp fishery (Litopenaeus setiferus) in the Campeche Bank,
southern Gulf of Mexico

J. Ramos-Miranda, D. Flores-Hernández, and T. Do Chi


• Sampling
Data of shrimp captures was taken from ships of industrial fleet and boats of artisanal
fleet. Both fleets fished at the Campeche Bank in the southern region of the Gulf of
Mexico, off the northern coast of the Yucatan Peninsula. Fishing activity is limited by
the 200 m isobath and the 94° W meridian; which is translated into nearly 171 125
km2 devoted to shrimp catch. White shrimp population is considered as one single stock
according to studies undertaken by Alonso and López (1975); Mou-Sue (1985); Arenas
Mendieta and Yáñez-Martínez (1981); Alarcón (1986); Signoret (1974); Smith (1984);
Gracia and Soto (1986a and b); Schultz-Ruíz and Chávez (1976); Soto and Gracia
(1987); Gracia (1989a); and Gracia (1991).
The monthly sampling of the white shrimp catch was performed at landing places
in Ciudad del Carmen, Campeche from march 1998 to april 1999, obtained of 133
artisanal boats and 203 industrial vessels. When the catch was important (> to 10 kg)
a subsample of 10% was taken. Individuals were measured for total length (cm), from
tip of rostrum to end of telson; weight (g) and sex was recorded. For the ships catch, the
total length is related at tails. Also the catch total by boat and ships was recorded.
The ships length and weight data obtained were adjusted to total length and weight
using the relationship between total length and tail length based on each size category.
Also monthly landings statistics reported by the semarnap (National Dept. of the En-
vironment, Natural Resources and Fishing) were obtained from each fleet for the years
1997 to 1999 for create the structure length of landings by fleet, database of this work.

Universidad Autónoma 7
de Campeche
● Assessment of the white shrimp fishery in the Campeche Bank
Ramos-Miranda, Flores-Hernández and Do Chi

• Data Analysis
In general the resource management measures is based on abundance estimates and
fish mortality and one of the objectives of the study of population dynamics is the
construction of possible scenarios showing the behavior of stocks and captures when
using different fishing gears. In this study, the assessment of the stock was made using
analytical models. Results obtained from models let us predict the effects of manage-
ment measures, such as increase or decrease of fishing effort over the stock. The cur-
rent state of the resources was determinate through a pseudocohort analysis, (group of
individuals present in the stock in one year; Jones, 1974, 1981, Chevallier and Laurec,
1990). Also yield by recruit curves were calculated, allowing us to review the potential
of the cohort production at hypothesis of equilibrium, and at different levels of exploita-
tion and also analyzed the spawning biomass of the group of individuals present in the
stock susceptible to reproduction. It is important to remark that there is a difference in
growth according to the sex of the white shrimp individuals; and therefore the natural
mortality is different for males and females. This study will focus on the analysis of the
following aspects:

a) Evaluation of the stock per sex

b) Evaluation of the stock per sex and per fleet (sequential fishing)
c) Evaluation of the total stock
d) Evaluation of the total stock per fleet (sequential fishing)

The cohort analysis. This method consists on analyzing commercial catches obtained
from fishing statistics and combined with detailed information regarding the contribu-
tion of each cohort to the total catch. This method allows making a retrospective analy-
sis of the population, and grants an advantage for predicting catches once the history of
the population is know.
Usually, cohort’s analysis is applied to catches grouped by age, and requires knowl-
edge of the demographic structure per year. The data are not always available and are dif-
ficult to obtain, especially in cases of penaeids shrimp, which cannot be aged. According
to Jones (1974, 1981) cohort analysis can be applied to length frequencies, and therefore
if the recruitment and rate mortality of the present cohort are identical year after year
in every single period, then number of pseudo-cohort individuals at the different ages
are similar at any cohort of the stock. And the demographic structure of the current
stock shows the image of an individual number in the cohort all its life (Chevailler and
Laurec, 1990).

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@- epomex
To apply the model, we required growth and mortality data for the species. In this
study the values were, for females: L∞=22.4, K =2.2/year; and M=3.21/year. For males,
L∞=20.8; K = 2.3/year; and M=3.38/year. Values for both sexes were: L∞=22.0; K=2.0/
year; and M=3.02/year (Ramos Miranda, 2000).
Length structure data obtained by sampling were analyzed using the analen software
(Chevaillier and Laurec, 1990). This software allows an analysis of fisheries composed by
one or more fleets; and has three modules: anajon, and senjon, which are used in cases
where a stock is exploited by one single homogenous fleet, as they are related to fishing
methods and exploitation models. senjon is used to review the robustness of the pro-
cedure using a sensitivity analysis. Finally, monojo allows an analysis of fisheries com-
posed by heterogeneous fleets, using different fishing techniques or mesh sizes. These
modules are used in accord at the necessity of analysis and there are explained after.
According to Chevailler and Laurec (1990), when an analysis of a pseudo-cohort is
performed, then a time interval of δL length needs to be considered to represent a δt
interval of the life of the pseudo-cohort. Taking into account the growth model, we can
determine age t corresponding to length L, and time δt necessary for an individual to
grow from length L to length L + δL. This method supposes that there is a relationship
between length and age but it does not take into account any individual growth vari-
ability. In analen length intervals are supposed constants.
Base equations are: survival equation, which describes the decrease of the individuals
of a cohort based on age.

Ni+1 = Ni*e (-zi*δti) (1)

And the equation of catches defines fishing mortality in a given interval of time,

Di = Ni*Fi/Zi* ⎮1.e (-zi*δti) (2)

i = index of class by length
Ni = number of individuals at length Li
Di = number of individuals captured with a length between:
Li and Li + 1(Li + 1 = Li + δL)
δti = time when individual grows from length Li to length Li+1.
Fi = instantaneous mortality coefficient for animals by i length class.
Zi = total instant mortality coefficient Zi = Fi + M.

Universidad Autónoma 9
de Campeche
● Assessment of the white shrimp fishery in the Campeche Bank
Ramos-Miranda, Flores-Hernández and Do Chi

δti values are calculated by software using the von Bertalanffy model,

Li = L∞⎮1-e (-k(ti-t0)) (3)

Where: δti =1/K*Ln[L∞-Li/ L∞-Li+1] (4)

Li+1 = Li + δL

Since δti can be calculated over all length classes. Nerveless, the calculation of sur-
vival and mortality rates are not made at a specific infinite age and length, because there
are also individuals whit a length higher than L∞, due to growth variability; and for this
reason is defined a terminal group (+group) corresponding to Li=0.85*L∞, which is
described by the following equation:
Di+ = Ni*Fi + /Zi+ ; Di= ∑Di (5)

Since two types of fleet, the artisanal and industrial captured white shrimp in the
Campeche Bank, the mortality by each fleet must also be calculated. This is done using
the monojo routine. If the capture per fleet is known, then the fishing mortality per
fleet is calculated as follows:

Dij = Ni * (Fij / Zi + M*⎮1.e (-zi*δti) (6)
Zi = Fi + M Fi= ∑ Fji (7)
Fji = Fi * (Dji+/Di) Dj=∑Dji (8)

j = fleet index
i = length class index
Ni = number of survivors at length Li; obtained by survival equation
Dji = individuals captured by fleet j by class i.
Fji = instant mortality coefficient per fish of fleet j by class i.

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Choice of terminal fishing mortality. analen classically solves the survival equation
and capture equation, when fixing the fishing terminal mortality (F+). While Ni and Fi,
are obtained through back calculation until obtaining the values of F to converge as one
approaches at the first class recruited L1.
Sensitivity study. In order to analyze the robustness of the obtained results in the pseu-
do/cohort analysis, a sensitivity study was performed to find any possible errors made
in calculating survivors (Ni), as well as fishing mortality (Fi) relative to values of K, L∞,
and M; introduced, as well as the E+ (exploitation terminal rate) obtained. This part of
the study was made with senjon routine. Errors were analyzed in relative value. Rela-
tive sensibility coefficients allowed the risk error to be calculated over φ, given that each
parameter θi aid in the calculation and is associated with an error of δθi. Relative error
over φ(δφ/φ) is expressed in function of relative errors over the parameters θi(θδi/θi)
with the help of the following polynome:
1 1 l-1 1
δφ/φ ~ ∑bi.δθi/θi+∑bii.δθi2+∑∑bij.δθi.δθj/(θi.θj) (9)
i=1 i=1 i=1 j>1

φ Is a function of the variable x
bi = relative sensitivity coefficient of order 1 of φ in θi. In this case bK, bL,
bM, bE.
bii = relative sensitivity coefficient of order 2 of φ in θi here: bKK, bLL, bMM,
bij = relative crossed sensitivity coefficient of φ in θi y θj, corresponding to bKL
y bKM.
bK, bL, bM, bE and bKK, bLL, bMM and bEE, are the results respectively
of first and second derivation of coefficient in the von Bertalanffy’s model (K,
L∞), natural mortality (M) and rate exploitation (E). Fore more details on how
coefficients function please see Chevailler and Laurec (1990).

Yield per Recruit (y/r). This analysis allows an assessment of cohort production under
particular exploitation conditions. Since fishing mortality per fleet is known, it is pos-
sible to measure the impact of eventual modifications in fishing strategy or management
measures, and in relation to the actually reference state. The capture equation allows the
calculation of an exploitation regime given the number of individuals fished for each

Universidad Autónoma 11
de Campeche
● Assessment of the white shrimp fishery in the Campeche Bank
Ramos-Miranda, Flores-Hernández and Do Chi

length class, and to have an estimation of the relative contribution per each fleet. If the
survival equation begins in Ni = 1, then the fraction of survivors at each length Li can
be calculated. Thus, a given fishing intensity level individuals captured (Vji) is estimated
from capture equations. At this point, fishing mortality coefficient (Fji) is replaced by
its respective coefficients Vji and Fvji. These last coefficients are calculated based on

Vji = Ni. (Fvji/Zi).[1-exp(Zi.δti)] (10)

Where: Fvji = (Vji/Dji).Fji (11)

The Vji/Dji relationship is given as: Vji/Dji = Trji/[1-Svrejj(1-Trji)] (12)

Where Svrej is equal to the total survivors of fleet j, and Trji is the proportion of
individuals retained and unloaded by class Li. Finally, knowing the average unit mass
of individuals by length class (Wi), the production corresponding to Vji:Yj is calculated
as follows:
Yi = ∑Vji.Wi (13)

In this way, if the survival equation begins at Ni = 1, then the fraction of survivors
for each length Li is estimated. When Ni are introduced to equation (13), then produc-
tion relative to one recruit, is calculated (i.e. yield per recruit). Fishing mortality values
corresponding to a regime of reference (Fm) of fleet j allowed us to obtain the status of
stock exploitation, and to predict the stock production with several variations for fishing
mortality. Thus, the value of the multiplication factor for optimum effort can be chosen.
In this study, Y/R was obtained by using analen following the actually reference regime
and allowing us to visualize the status of the stock.

Spawning Biomass per Recruit. This analysis refers to the group of individuals present
in the stock that are ready to reproduction. In analen, this analysis uses relative fecun-
dity per age class. Instant individual fecundity is the number of eggs produced by an
individual at age t, W(t):

Fec(t) = W(t)*O(t) (14)

O(t) is the number of eggs at age t, and is modeled by the following equation:

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@Libro Centro de Ecología, Pesquerías y Oceanografía del Golfo de México ●

@- epomex
O(t) = Omax/1+exp[-afec*(t-tm50)].

Since this information is difficult to estimate, analen solves it by fixing Omax= 1,

tm50, and afec in function of the defined ages [afec = 2.Ln(3)/t75-t25)]. For the purpose
of this work, first maturity age (tm50, 15.7 cm, 6 months) as well as is used as reported
by Ramos Miranda (2000). The difference between ages in intervals of 75% and 25% is
2.8 cm. Spawning biomass is defined as:
Bf = t∫N(x) * fec(x)dx (15)

t1 is the lowest value of the first time interval, and
N(x) is the total individuals of age x in the stock, obtained by the survival equa-
tion (Chevaillier and Laurec, 1990). In this study, average biomass per recruit
was reviewed at the present time to define the exploitation level of the stock in
which it is found.

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● Assessment of the white shrimp fishery in the Campeche Bank
Ramos-Miranda, Flores-Hernández and Do Chi

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@- epomex
Assessment of the white shrimp fishery (Litopenaeus setiferus) in the Campeche Bank,
southern Gulf of Mexico

J. Ramos-Miranda, D. Flores-Hernández, and T. Do Chi


• Evaluation of the stock per sex

Figure 2 show the mortality diagram corresponding to females and males obtained
through a pseudo-cohort analysis. The value of F terminal (F+) is 5.3 for females and
show convergence at the first recruited class. The calculated length of the +group cor-
responds to 19 cm for the males the convergence is observed at F = 7.3, and the +group
was 17.5 cm of total length. The fishing mortality coefficients (F), exploitation rate (E),
and survivors (N) for both sexes are presented in table 1.
Both fishing patterns by sexes show two tendencies: the first has only a slight varia-
tion in F values from the 4 cm to the 12 cm of length class. In the case of the female,
artisanal fleet causes the highest value reaches 7.5 cm mortality of recruits before they
migrate to the open sea to grow and reproduce. In the case of males higher mortality
values is observes in the 7.0 cm class. This tendency is observed among the length from
5 cm to 10.5 cm. The second tendency is observed in females longer than 13 cm, in
which mortality increases with size, and presents strong fishing mortality values for the
14 and 16 cm (2.11 and 2.72 of F value). Ramos-Miranda (2000) reported that the first
age of maturity is at 6 months (15.7 cm) indicating a probably higher fishing mortality
in spawn females. In the case of the males, this second tendency is observed in the 11
cm of classes and increases with the size.
For females, exploitation rate (E) towards equilibrium is found in 17 to 17.5 cm
classes, for males equilibrium is found at 15.5 cm, and these increments take place from
that size due to the males’ faster growth rate, since they reach their highest length faster

Universidad Autónoma 15
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● Assessment of the white shrimp fishery in the Campeche Bank
Ramos-Miranda, Flores-Hernández and Do Chi

Figure 2. Mortality diagram of white shrimp corresponding to females and males

obtained through a pseudo-cohort analysis.

than females. This fact contributes to increase the male’s capture in higher proportion
than females.
The number of estimated recruits is assumed to be the same for both sexes in the
smallest class 4.0 cm (estimated recruits = 31 millions). Nevertheless, the number of
individuals decreases faster in males than in females as fishing mortality increases. We
also observed that females are more abundant than males. This fact is related to the dif-
ference in vulnerability related to each sex (Penn, 1984).

Yield per Recruit

Figure 3a show yield per recruit value for different fishing mortality multipliers (mF)
for the males and females with a current reference value of mF=1. For the M and F+
values utilized, the model assumes that the Y/R reaches its equilibrium at 5.53 g for
females and at 7.76 g for males, equivalent to a balanced production of 171 tonnes for
females and 146 for males (317 tonnes in total). The reference point F0.1 for females is
1.95 (F0.1= fishing mortality rate when the slope of the curve of Y/R in function of fish
mortality is 10% of the value in the origin, Caddy and Mahon, 1996), and 2.55 for the
males. These results are indication than F0.1 for females is more conservatries and more
optimistic than males.

16 Universidad Autónoma
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@Libro Centro de Ecología, Pesquerías y Oceanografía del Golfo de México ●

@- epomex
Table 1. Estimate of fishing mortality (Fi) and number of survivors (Ni), mortality
rate (F), mortality rate in dt time (F.dt) and exploitation rate in dt time (E.dt) from
pseudo-cohort analysis for L. setiferus per sex.
Length Fi Fi F F F.dt F.dt Ni Ni E.dt E.dt
♀ ♂ ♀ ♂ ♀ ♂ ♀ ♂ ♀ ♂
4 883 762 0.0023 0.0019 0 0 30714870 30829950 0.000 0.000
4.5 16633 4027 0.0447 0.0103 0.0006 0.0001 29503820 29490270 0.014 0.002
5 44247 10709 0.1206 0.0278 0.0016 0.0004 28292800 28166580 0.036 0.008
5.5 107137 37697 0.2969 0.0996 0.0041 0.0014 27071090 26856010 0.084 0.028
6 155741 90156 0.4399 0.2427 0.0062 0.0036 25805650 25539420 0.121 0.067
6.5 215095 139424 0.6211 0.3834 0.0090 0.0059 24513530 24193680 0.162 0.101
7 212702 150891 0.6292 0.4247 0.0094 0.0068 23186820 22824990 0.163 0.111
7.5 221895 136963 0.6733 0.3950 0.0104 0.0066 21889010 21473240 0.173 0.105
8 189204 117100 0.5891 0.3461 0.0095 0.0060 20609160 20164320 0.157 0.093
8.5 165392 111963 0.5284 0.3394 0.0088 0.0061 19389060 18903770 0.141 0.091
9 127754 93262 0.4185 0.2901 0.0072 0.0055 18218870 17676770 0.115 0.080
9.5 108331 75891 0.3638 0.2422 0.0065 0.0048 17111280 16496750 0.101 0.067
10 111285 63274 0.3833 0.2073 0.0072 0.0043 16047010 15361890 0.107 0.058
10.5 126984 64259 0.4494 0.2164 0.0088 0.0047 15003720 14267100 0.123 0.060
11 146838 87231 0.5355 0.3026 0.0109 0.0069 13969790 13199070 0.143 0.082
11.5 167214 112995 0.6304 0.4053 0.0135 0.0097 12942790 12137480 0.165 0.107
12 171971 140433 0.6724 0.5234 0.0151 0.0133 11924180 11082280 0.173 0.134
12.5 195535 191606 0.7958 0.747 0.0187 0.0202 10931170 10034930 0.198 0.181
13 286448 278196 1.2242 1.1477 0.0304 0.0331 9946846 8976285 0.276 0.254
13.5 377891 295865 1.7209 1.3076 0.0452 0.0403 8909241 7878744 0.349 0.279
14 429785 311535 2.1190 1.4906 0.0591 0.0495 7826355 6817975 0.397 0.306
14.5 369760 371440 1.9911 1.9585 0.0592 0.0704 6745295 5799840 0.383 0.367
15 389676 411189 2.2313 2.4535 0.0716 0.0962 5779230 4786964 0.412 0.421
15.5 366580 586912 2.3586 4.192 0.0806 0.1806 4857896 3808542 0.423 0.554
16 373074 549972 2.7255 5.0884 0.1008 0.2434 4015655 2748406 0.459 0.601
16.5 300482 567068 2.5987 7.6265 0.1046 0.4099 3224363 1833102 0.447 0.693
17 299171 333952 3.0372 7.3217 0.1341 0.4491 2552120 1014568 0.486 0.684
17.5 316781 359709 3.9642 7.3 0.1939 1936757 526258.7 0.552
18 283944 4.6786 0.2565 1363465 0.593
18.5 227056 5.3044 0.3308 884699 0.623
19.0+ 323991 5.3 520220

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● Assessment of the white shrimp fishery in the Campeche Bank
Ramos-Miranda, Flores-Hernández and Do Chi

Figure 3. Yield per recruit (A) and spawning biomass (B) analyzed per sex of white
shrimp, obtained with different multipliers of fishing mortality (mF).

Spawning biomass

Spawning biomass refers to the group of individuals that have reached maturity and this
study only takes females into account. The first maturity size used is 15.7 cm; with a
range between 25 and 75% of the mature size is 2.8 cm (14.3 and 17.1 cm respectively).
Figure 3b shows that in current exploitation conditions (mF = 1), spawning biomass
per recruit Bf/Y is 97 g, with a variation relative to spawning stock of 26.85% (mFmax
= 2.4).

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de Campeche
@Libro Centro de Ecología, Pesquerías y Oceanografía del Golfo de México ●

@- epomex
• Evaluation of stock per sex and per fleet (sequential fishing)
The exploitation rate per fleet for females and males is show in figure 4. Artisanal fleet
caused mortalities in female individuals of all sizes, and in higher size classes from 6.5 to
8.5 cm (F = 0.5 to 0.7). This was due to the relative abundance by sex (females appear
to be more abundant), as well as gregarious behavior of several shrimp species (Penn,
1984). Fishing mortality is more or less constant for all male sizes below F = 0.5.

Figure 4. Fishing mortality per fleet and by sex obtained through

a pseudo-cohort analysis.

Universidad Autónoma 19
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● Assessment of the white shrimp fishery in the Campeche Bank
Ramos-Miranda, Flores-Hernández and Do Chi

On the other hand, the industrial fleet caused strong pressure affecting females from
the 10 cm class; and this pressure increased in relation to the size. The higher fishing
mortality was suffered in the sizes 15.5 and 16 cm fishing mortality for the males is
higher in class length 5 and 17 cm due to their faster growth.

Analysis of Yields

Taking the optimistic result of this research regarding the recruitment yield (Y/R) and
the spawning biomass per recruit (Bf/Y) analysis into account in this section we present
different simulation scenarios based on current fishing conditions, as well as possible
requests coming from artisanal and industrial fishermen assuming current administra-
tive measures (keeping fishing areas and fishing seasons). These simulations were based
on variation of the fishing mortality (increased up to 30%); and their effects on total
production. The age of first capture remains constant, since changing the size mesh of
the gear net in not employed for fishing white shrimp due to high costs. The different
scenarios analyzed in this study were:
• Fishing mortality whit constant mF, was established by semarnap to pro-
tect reproducers and recruits of white shrimp.
• Modification of the artisanal fleet fishing pattern (mF=1.10, 1.20 and 1.30),
and the artisanal fleet fishing pattern constant.
• Modification of the industrial fleet fishing pattern (mF=1.10, 1.20 and
1.30), and the artisanal fleet fishing pattern constant.
• Simultaneous increment of fishing patterns both fleets.
If the current fishing pattern remains constant, then total yields are 312 tonnes (164
tonnes of females and 148 of males). This result is lower than that reported in 1998
(402 tonnes) by semarnap (1999). We think that this difference is due to fitting carried
out by the fishing office under the catch data. Nevertheless, the results of simulation
show that is not convenient for fisheries to increase the fishing mortality because of the
very little benefits obtained in the long run.
If we analyze the modification of the fishing pattern, and separate the captures by sex
and by fleet (table 2), then we can see a rise of 30% of the artisanal. Short run benefits
would allow a positive shift of 30% in production. However, in the long run this per-
centage would translate into an increment of 22% in females captures by the artisanal
fleet, with a decrease of 8% for female captures by the industrial fleet. Male captures
increase 25% by the artisanal fleet in the long run, with the same 6% of decrement for
the industrial fleet. When we increase the industrial fleet under the same pattern, while

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@Libro Centro de Ecología, Pesquerías y Oceanografía del Golfo de México ●

@- epomex
Table 2. Yields obtained (Kg) per sex in simulated increased fishing patterns from
10% to 30% by the artisanal fleet and industrial fleet, and for the total yield.
The percentage of contribution are in parentheses.
Increasing in artisanal fleet
Patterns Females Males
Artisanal Short run Long run Short run Long run
1.00 45684.88 26750.88
1.10 50253.38 (10) 49145.01 (8) 29425.96 (10) 29042.21 (9)
1.20 54821.88 (20) 52444.50 (15) 32101.05 (20) 31271.98 (17)
1.30 59390.36 (30) 55591.40 (22) 34776.13 (30) 33441.99 (25)
1.00 118730.20 120794.5
1.10 118730.20 (0) 115283.00 (-3) 120794.50 (0) 118503.80 (-2)
1.20 118730.20 (0) 111955.20 (-6) 120794.50 (0) 116263.60 (-4)
1.30 118730.20 (0) 108741.40 (-8) 120794.50 (0) 114072.60 (-6)
Increasing in Industrial fleet
Artisanal Short run Long run Short run Long run
1.00 45684.89 26750.88
1.10 45684.89 (0) 44068.58 (-4) 26750.87 (0) 25840.89 (-3)
1.20 45684.89 (0) 42641.45 (-7) 26750.87 (0) 25057.45 (-6)
1.30 45684.89 (0) 41373.52 (-9) 26750.87 (0) 24375.89 (-9)
1.00 118730.20 120794.5
1.10 130603.20 (10) 123219.50 (4) 132873.90 (10) 123895.50 (3)
1.20 142476.30 (20) 127167.60 (7) 144953.40 (20) 126561.10 (5)
1.30 154349.30 (30) 130658.30 (10) 157032.80 (30) 128874.00 (7)
Increasing in both fleet
Artisanal Short run Long run Short run Long run
1.00 45684.89 26750.88
1.10 50253.38 (10) 47447.89 (4) 29425.96 (10) 28069.55 (5)
1.20 54821.88 (20) 49109.56 (7) 32101.05 (20) 29350.43 (10)
1.30 59390.36 (30) 50685.79 (11) 34776.13 (30) 30597.46 (14)
1.00 118730.20 120794.5
1.10 130603.20 (10) 119720.10 (1) 132873.90 (10) 121605.00 (1)
1.20 142476.30 (20) 120205.50 (1) 144953.40 (20) 122034.40 (1)
1.30 154349.30 (30) 120289.10 (1) 191809.00 (30) 152764.20 (4)

Universidad Autónoma 21
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● Assessment of the white shrimp fishery in the Campeche Bank
Ramos-Miranda, Flores-Hernández and Do Chi

maintaining the artisanal fleet as a constant, catches short run prove to be strongly
benefited (30%). Nevertheless, under same conditions but for the industrial fleet, long
run results show a 10% increment in female captures and a reduction of 9% for both
sexes by the artisanal fleet, and a rise of 7% in the male captures by the industrial fleet
(table 2).
On the other hand, if the fishing patterns of both fleets are modified simultaneously,
short runs the catch show an increment of 30% for both fleets. However, long run
catches show a growing pattern of 11% for females and 14% for males for the artisanal
fleet; while the industrial fleet would be benefited only whit an increment in of 1%
for females and 4% for males (table 2). The results of this analysis may indicate that
although Y/R and Bf/R results are optimistic, simulations of fishing yield for both fleets
do not improve harvesting in long run.

• Evaluation of total stock

A pseudo-cohort analysis was performed based on total length structure, without taking
into account sex and fleet. The F+ value with higher convergence is 3.9 (figure 5). This
value in clearly inferior to that one obtained in the previous analysis (7.3 for females
and 5.3 for males) For this F+ higher fishing pressure is practiced on the 6.5 to 8.0 cm,
length classes, F increases constantly from 11.0 cm Length. Beyond the 16.5 cm, fishing
mortality impact more to the last class, where females and males are abundant and also
more vulnerable.

Yield per recruit

Figure 6 shows the results of the analysis of yield per recruit. In the current level mF=1,
the Y/R is 5.11 g with a recruitment of 62 million individuals, which weight 317 tonnes.
This is the same value obtained when adding the individual weight obtained in the
analyses by sex. The higher fishing mortality (Fmax) is 2.25 whit a weight of 5.59 g This
value is greater than calculated for females (Fmax = 1.95) but inferior to that calculated
for males (Fmax = 2.55). The F0.1 value is 2.14 (5.58 g) higher than the values calculated
in the same analysis by sex, where F0.1 is 2.11 and for females F0.1 is 1.58.

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@Libro Centro de Ecología, Pesquerías y Oceanografía del Golfo de México ●

@- epomex

Figure 5. Fishing mortality for total stock (both sexes and fleets) obtained
through a pseudo-cohort analysis.

Figure 6. Yield per recruit from the total stock with different multipliers
for fishing mortality (mF).

Universidad Autónoma 23
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● Assessment of the white shrimp fishery in the Campeche Bank
Ramos-Miranda, Flores-Hernández and Do Chi

• Evaluation of total stock per fleet (sequential fishing)

The results of this analysis are show in figure 7, where F+ value is fixed at 3.9 taking
into account the results of the previous analysis. In general, we observe that the artisanal
fleet causes mortality between classes 4 to 18.5 cm, while the industrial fleet causes a
mortality starting from the 10 cm Class. In the 18 cm, mortality is higher especially
for females. We also observe high mortality values between the 15 and 16 cm classes of
both sexes.

Analysis of Yields

This analysis takes into account the same scenarios that Analysis of Yields, as the previous
sequential fisheries analysis performed in this study, and results are presented in table
3. When the fishing mortality factor (mF) is constant, yields by fleet are 77 tonnes for
the artisanal fleet, and 240 tonnes for the industrial fleet. If the artisanal fleet were to
be benefited from the increment of effort up to 30%; then artisanal yields in the long
term would grow up to 23%. Nevertheless, the industrial fleet would be affected by 7%
loss in total yields. Therefore, it can be expected that overfishing occur, since juveniles
would have been captured at Terminos Lagoon their migration to the sea. If we want to
improve captures of the industrial fleet by increasing the fishing mortality to 30%; then

Figure 7. Fishing mortality of white shrimp obtained of the total stock

per fleet using sequential fishing through a pseudo-cohort analysis.

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@Libro Centro de Ecología, Pesquerías y Oceanografía del Golfo de México ●

@- epomex
total yields would benefit in the long run by 10%. Nevertheless, the artisanal fleet would
show losses of 10%. This situation may result on higher mortalities of adults in the
reproduction stage. If global benefits are analyzed increasing both fleets by 30%, these
would only present a short run increase of 30% in yields and at long run the benefits
would only be 5%.

Table 3. Total yields (Kg) obtained from simulated fishing pattern. increased effort
by fleet from 10% to 30% and both fleet in the same time. into in account the sex.
The percentage of contribution are in parentheses.
Patterns Modification of pattern Modification of pattern
Artisanal Short run Long run Short run Long run
1.00 76803.06
1.10 84483.35 (10) 82939.99 (8) 76803.06 (0) 73996.10(-4)
1.20 92163.65 (20) 88842.34 (16) 76803.06 (0) 71498.42 (-7)
1.30 99843.95 (30) 94519.74 (23) 76803.06 (0) 69264.18 (-10)
Industrial Short run Long run Short run Long run
1.00 239862. 7 239862.7
1.10 239862. 7 (0) 234060.50 (-2) 263848.9 (10) 248783.20(4)
1.20 239862. 7 (0) 228427.0 (-5) 287835.2 (20) 256606.40 (7)
1.30 239862. 7 (0) 222955.90 (-7) 311821.4 (30) 263501.60 (10)
Modification of total yields
Both fleet Short run Long run
1.00 76803.06
1.10 34833.2 (10) 322867.8 (2)
1.20 92163.65 (20) 379998.8 (4)
1.30 411665.3 (30) 331763.4 (5)

Universidad Autónoma 25
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● Assessment of the white shrimp fishery in the Campeche Bank
Ramos-Miranda, Flores-Hernández and Do Chi

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@- epomex
Assessment of the white shrimp fishery (Litopenaeus setiferus) in the Campeche Bank,
southern Gulf of Mexico

J. Ramos-Miranda, D. Flores-Hernández, and T. Do Chi


Results obtained in this research for the evaluation of total stock per sex by pseudochort
analysis show different tendencies from those reported in the literature. According to
Gracia (1989a) the average mortality for white shrimp for the period of 1973-1984, in
the same region was 0.355-0.464/month, with an F+ of 0.33 per month (3.96/year).
However this author did not take sex into account. On the other hand, Hernández
(1994) used the Virtual Population Analysis (VPA) method for Tamaulipas and North
of Veracruz regions for the period 1975-1979 and found that mortality increased signifi-
cantly in small sizes, specifically during the strong recruitment period (July-September),
with F values of 2.3/year. Nevertheless despite the variations in shrimp growth rate
by sex, the Virtual Population Analysis performed on shrimp species in the Mexican
zone of the Gulf of Mexico were made without taking this aspect into account, while
male mortality is higher than female. García (1985) consider that the F value for the
penaeids is 1.6 ± 0.3 per year. Castro and Arreguín Sánchez (1997) show an F+ of 4.8
for F. aztecus. Penn (1984) indicated that it is important take into account the diverse
behaviors (gregarious and migratory) of the species because this feature makes shrimp
more vulnerable to be fished.
Fishing mortality results presented in this study (5.3 for females and 7.3 for the
males) corresponded to values within the range reported by Klima and Benigno (1965),
and Klima (1964), for L. setiferus. This later author carried out recapture-marking studies
obtaining mortality values of 3.12-9.88/ year and 5.41-6.81/year for the white shrimp
for the north for the Gulf of Mexico region.

Universidad Autónoma 27
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● Assessment of the white shrimp fishery in the Campeche Bank
Ramos-Miranda, Flores-Hernández and Do Chi

The results sensitivity analyses of survivors related to K, L∞, M and E+ (terminal ex-
ploitation rate) values used for the analysis of females and males populations show that,
1st order coefficients were negative (bK, bL, bM), while 2nd order coefficients avowed
that small errors in the estimation of survivors Ni (3%), and that this decrease as length
increases. The largest error coefficient appears where L∞ values are modified 10% whit
a relative error of 2.3%, and the decease when the values of K and M are changed 10%
whit relative errors of 0.42% and 0.61% respectively). These results are a sign of robust-
ness of the method employed in this study.
For females, we observed that L∞ (bLL) coefficients are the highest (27.26%) and
decrease whit length. Chevaillier and Laurec (1990) stated that this is the parameter whit
the smallest relative errors (2.29% in the first length class and 0.22% in the +group). The
bM and bMM values (first and second order natural mortality coefficients) are always
positive, and decrease as length increases. These values are higher in females than males.
If M value is overestimated there is an underestimation of survivors (Ni); nevertheless
the error calculated is 0.54% for the first class and 0.24% for the +group. These results
also confirm the robustness of the method. In addition the M value used in this study
is found in the interval reported for the same specie by several authors (Gracia, 1989a;
Schultz-Ruíz and Chávez, 1976; and Hernández, 1994). Therefore, if the relationship
between M and K coefficients are constant and if M/K is constant, then there are not
any variations in the estimate for survivors (Ni).
On the other hand, coefficient K/M in the case of females decreased to 9.5 cm class
and increase with length. Natural mortality of the small size classes might be underesti-
mated; nevertheless these values decrease at the last length classes. Mesnil (1980) stated
that the selection of a given constant natural mortality rate for all ages, or covering many
years, does not cause excessive errors in the higher exploited classes, even though M var-
ies with age or over time.
Exploitation rate coefficients for bE are the same as those for bEE. These values are
negative and increase in absolute value with length. The impact of an error over E+ is
shown over classes neighboring the +group. Here sensitivity in calculating the Ni relative
to the terminal exploitation rate E+ is minimum, since Fi values are small. bE increases
with size. Nevertheless bL decreases to the 13.5 cm length classes while they should in-
crease, and then the values begin to rise again. This decrease of bE from the first length
classes may indicate an error in the M value introduced which may be higher in the first
length classes. Nevertheless, this decrease is of little importance if we take into account
that the variation decreases from the smallest class to the 13.5 cm class (0.28%).
Coefficients related to Fi sensibility of K, L∞, and M values for females show that a
difference of 10% in L∞ value induce 2.8% of error in Fi for the first length class, and

28 Universidad Autónoma
de Campeche
@Libro Centro de Ecología, Pesquerías y Oceanografía del Golfo de México ●

@- epomex
3% in the + group. In the male population the error in Fi was similar. Finally, the error
in Fi value for the uncertain of K value was 0.6% for both sexes.
The analyses Y/R per sex and total stock is show in figure 4 and 5; the definition
of maximum effort (Fmax) and MSY is not clear due to the asymptotic character of the
curves. The approximated Fmax is 1.95 for females and 2.55 for males. In this situation,
the point of reference F0.1 value would be appropriate as the most conservative criteria
(F0.1 related to a scenario where it exist a marginal increment in production when the
effort is one tenth of the lowest level of fishing effort), since these values tend to be very
optimistic, because the stock is maintained at a higher level (ciem, 1993). The F0.1 value
obtained corresponded to 1.58 (5.85g) for females and 2.1 (5.12g) for females. Results
indicated that the stock was not over-exploitated at this point. It may be supposed
that the implemented “closed fishing season” regulation measures grant an optimistic
scenario of the state of health of the white shrimp fishery. These results are optimistic
when considering Gracia’s (1991, 1996, and 1997) studies where he demonstrated an
over-exploitation tendency for this species between 1984 and 1985.
The Y/R of total stock show in figure 6; the Fmax is 2.25, corresponding to 5.59 g this
value is greater than that calculated for females (1.96) but inferior to that calculated for
males (2.55). Also the value F0.1 is 2.14, corresponding to 5.58 g and higher to values
calculated in the same analyses per sex (males 2.11 and females 1.58). In this conditions
it’s important use the female’s value F0.1 for the precautionary approach to measure for
a sustainable fishery, but therefore it is important that the analyses also takes into ac-
count three aspects: a) the difference in growth between the sexes, b) the difference in
the natural mortality value, and c) the difference in behavior per sex, due to the vulner-
ability factor. Arreguín Sánchez and Chávez (1985) are the only authors who have given
an estimate of Y/R for this species in this region, obtaining a value of 7g and 6g using
the Beverton and Holt (1957) method, for both sexes. The difference whit their results
and our estimations is due to the information used, since both authors worked with
data provided by length for commercial sizes, without considering the capture from the
artisanal fleet.
On the other hand, spawning biomass per recruit Bf/R is 97g (mF = 1), whit a
relative variation of spawning biomass stock of 26.85% obtained in this study. This
is greater than 10% recommended by ciem (1993), and correspond to an mF = 2.4.
ciem recommendation is necessary for sustaining the stock and these results confirm
the “healthy” exploitation of the stock. Gracia (1996) states than between 1984 and
1985, this species presented a decrease in spawning biomass caused by over exploitation,
reducing biomass to critical limits of 8%. Nevertheless, this same author states that this
specie has the capacity to recuperate rapidly, and that the limit of biomass necessary to

Universidad Autónoma 29
de Campeche
● Assessment of the white shrimp fishery in the Campeche Bank
Ramos-Miranda, Flores-Hernández and Do Chi

guarantee the renovation of the stock would be in the range of 17 and 20% if the eco-
logical conditions allow it.
Concerning to evaluation of stock per sex and per fleet (sequential fishing) the inter-
action between artisanal and industrial fleets is conflictive due to their competition for
using the same resource. Thus, shrimp fishing in its estuary-lagoon phase may lead to
a reduction on recruitment at sea, and ultimately a decease in the total yield. Inversely,
fishing of adults at sea leads to the modification in the spawning biomass and poten-
tially the stock-recruitment relationships. Gracia (1989a) in analyzing the interaction of
sequential fishing in the same region, states that fishing mortality by the artisanal fleet is
important for sizes between 3.5 and 14 cm, with an average size of 10 cm It is possible
that current fishing strategy for both fleets has changed to fishing in deeper zones; as
well as a change in fishing gear, justifying the difference in sizes captured 6.5 cm to 8.5
cm length class in this study.
Few simulations have been made for white shrimp exploitation in this region that
takes into account the interaction between the fleets and yields. The only study per-
formed in the region that we can compare our results against is Gracia (1989a). Based
on simulations, this author indicates that an increment of 100% in the effort by the
artisanal fleet would cause a reduction of 10% in total production. These conclusions
are different from ours especially in the intervals of class between 15.5 and 16.5 cm
when fishing mortalities are more significant in the individuals’ length of spawning
biomass level caused by the industrial fishing. Apparently the species is not in an over-
exploitation status; nevertheless depletion in the production remains. There are other
factors that can be influencing the mortality in addition to fishing. Despite the species
responds to natural modification of its environment (Gracia 1989a, 1991, 1997; Gracia
et al., 1997) we admit that the presence of other factors in the marine region such as oil
exploitation activities low lands agriculture, and agrochemical run-offs in the Terminos
Lagoon region (Botello et al. 1996) may have a negative impact on white shrimp recruit-
ment. Another important factor to add is its status as non-target specie actually. If it
returns to become target specie again, the stock could be in risk of depletion. The bio-
logical characteristics of the species such as its coastal distribution, gregarious behavior,
daily and nightly activity, make white shrimp very vulnerable.

30 Universidad Autónoma
de Campeche
@Libro Centro de Ecología, Pesquerías y Oceanografía del Golfo de México ●

@- epomex
Assessment of the white shrimp fishery (Litopenaeus setiferus) in the Campeche Bank,
southern Gulf of Mexico

J. Ramos-Miranda, D. Flores-Hernández, and T. Do Chi


Alarcón, G., 1986. Estratificación de las postlarvas planctónicas de camarones penaeidos durante
la inmigración a través de la boca de Puerto Real, Laguna de Términos. Tesis Prof. Fac. de
Ciencias. Univ. Nal. Autón. de México : 78p.
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The authors wish to thank to the National Council of Science and Technology (CONACYT) and the Justo-
Sierra Regional Research System for their kind help and support in making this project. Also the authors
are grateful to the European University Institute of the Sea (IUEM-UBO) for their technical support for
information analysis.

Universidad Autónoma 35
de Campeche
@- epomex

Assessment of the white shrimp fishery (Litopenaeus setiferus)

in the Campeche Bank, southern Gulf of Mexico

Departamento de Difusión y Publicaciones del Centro EPOMEX

La composición, diseño y proceso editorial a cargo de Jorge Gutiérrez

Octubre, 2009
Centro de Ecología, Pesquerías y Oceanografía del Golfo de México
Colección: @ - EPOMEX
Serie: Recursos Pesqueros

ISBN de la colección: 978-968-5722-93-3

ISBN del volumen: 978-607-7887-02-7
ESBN 71294-090203-630074-41

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