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Template for UG Project Report in LATEX

Submitted by:

Arun Dayal Udai (BE/2010/8088)

Dr. Dipti P. Mishra (BE/2010/8089)
Third Author (BE/2010/8090)
Fourth Author (BE/2010/8091)
July 28, 2018

ME7002: Project report at the end of 7th Semester

Supervised by Dr. Arbind Kumar.

Co-Supervisor: IF ANY

Department of Mechanical Engineering

Birla Institute of Technology, Mesra
Ranchi - 835215
Acknowledgement of Sources
For all ideas taken from other sources (books, articles, internet), the source
of the ideas is mentioned in the main text and fully referenced at the end of
the report.
All material which is quoted essentially word-for-word from other sources
is given in quotation marks and referenced.
Pictures and diagrams copied from the internet or other sources are la-
belled with a reference to the web page or book, article etc.

Signed . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Date . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

The abstract is a mandatory element that should summarize the
contents of the work and should contain at least 200 and at most 300


1 The First Chapter 13

1.1 First section of this chapter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
1.2 A subsequent section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.2.1 First subsection of this section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.2.2 Another subsection . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
1.3 A Note About References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15

A An Appendix Title 17
A.1 Appendix section . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17

List of Figures

1.1 Plot of end-effector motion during spiral search. . . . . . . . . 13

List of Tables

1.1 DH Parameters of KUKA KR5 Arc Robot . . . . . . . . . . . 15

Chapter 1

The First Chapter

The purpose of this document is to provide a template file suitable for an

undergraduate project. Copy the sample chapter as many times as you need.
It should be obvious how to obtain new sections and subsections. Simply
replace the existing text with your own.

Rest of the text introducing this chapter.

1.1 First section of this chapter

The text of this section. Here insertion of a figure is demonstrated. Any
sample figure should be referred as Fig. 1.1. If the sentence has to begin
with figure, one needs to spell Figure. 1.1. One may use any good graphics
conversion software like GIMP to convert their figure in JPG or BMP formats
to acceptable standard format like PDF or EPS.

Figure 1.1: Plot of end-effector motion during spiral search.

Any annotation should be done preferably using LATEX tools like tikZ.

1.2 A subsequent section

Here insertion of inline equation like, sin2 θ + cos2 θ = 0 is demonstrated.
Any explicit detailed equation may be written as (1.1).
x̃ cosα sinα x − cx
= (1.1)
ỹ −sinα cosα y − cy

All the symbols qppearing in the equation must be explained before it appears
in the equation. One may use any online LATEX visual math editing tool for
this purpose.

1.2.1 First subsection of this section

This section demonstrates the inclusion of Pseudo code. It is referred as
Algorithm 1.2.1. Use appropriate manuals to use it thoroughly for your

Algorithm 1.2.1: PseudoCodeDemo(θ, c)

comment: Algorithm for implementation

START: Peg over the tube
Zmin ← Z
θ ← tilt angle
while Fz ≤ Fdesired
do Z ← Z − ∆z
← 0 to 360o
for α 
ψ, φ ← From (1.1)
do if Z < Zmin
then Zmin ← Z and αmin ← α

∆x, ∆y ← From (1.1)
whileFz > Fdesired OR Z > Zmin − d
do X ← X + ∆x and Y ← Y + ∆y
END: Insert the peg

1.2.2 Another subsection
Any table should be inserted as Table 1.1.

Table 1.1: DH Parameters of KUKA KR5 Arc Robot

Link Joint Offset Joint Angle Link length Twist angle
i bi (m) θi (rad.) ai (m) αi (rad.)
1 0.4 θ1 (JV ∗ ) 0.18 π/2
2 0 θ2 (JV ) 0.6 0
3 0 θ3 (JV ) 0.12 π/2
4 0.62 θ4 (JV ) 0 π/2
5 0 θ5 (JV ) 0 −π/2
6 0.115 θ6 (JV ) 0 0

JV - Joint variable

A further subdivision, if necessary

Text introducing this subsubsection.
There are various other inclusions like source code, flow charts, control di-
agrams, etc. Use appropriate LATEX tools for all these purposes in order to
have a quality text printing.

Unnumbered paragraph heading The text of this paragraph.

1.3 A Note About References

You should consult your project supervisor about the correct format for
handling references. One should have clear understanding about plagiarism
and referencing.
This document uses the ‘in-text’ or Harvard system of referencing, which
is a good default format.
A sample book citation is [Smith and Jones, 2012]. Jones et. al., [Jones and Smith, 2013]
is a sample journal citation, when we need to start with the author. Any
others may be cited like [Other, 2014].

Appendix A

An Appendix Title

Text introducing the appendix. However, appendix may not be necessary at

this stage.

A.1 Appendix section

Text of this section.
Subsections and further divisions can also be used in appendices.


[Jones and Smith, 2013] Jones, A. B. and Smith, J. M. (2013). Article Title.
Journal title, 13(52):123–456.

[Other, 2014] Other, A. N. (2014). Book Title. Publisher, 10th edition.

[Smith and Jones, 2012] Smith, J. M. and Jones, A. B. (2012). Book Title.
Publisher, 7th edition.

In case of any problems, one may contact me on with

the sample .tex file. Or may come to my office with your laptop bearing the
tex file with the problem.

!Happy Project Writing!


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