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Exercise No.

Kinetic versus Thermodynamic Control

Gerry Mark Gubantes, John Patricia Mae Centeno, Joshua P. Movilla, Jo Darryl Fillaro, Jose
Carmelo P. Tinio, Alyssa Zen Aguillana
Date Performed: March 07, 2018; Date Submitted: March 14, 2018; Lab Section: 3L;
Instructor: King Bryan C. Gabog

Two types of products may be formed from a competing reaction: kinetically
favored product and thermodynamically favored product. In the exercise,
progress curves of the two reaction schemes were generated and using the
Monte Carlo method, equilibrium constants and activation energies were
calculated. The effect of reaction time, temperature and the concentration of
reactants on the kinetics and thermodynamics of the isomerization of HgI2 were
investigated. Kinetically favored product predominates when reaction time is
shorter; temperature is lower and when the concentration of reactants is low.
On the other, thermodynamic product is favored if the reaction time is
increased, concentration of the reactants are high and when the temperature
is increased.

I. Introduction

Thermodynamics deals with the direction

of spontaneous change for chemical
reactions, while chemical kinetics deals with
the rate at which chemical reactions proceed.
In a chemical reaction, thermodynamic and
kinetic reaction controls can decide the
composition of the product mixture when
competing pathways lead to different
products. Products formed from competing
reactions may be of two types that is, the
thermodynamically favored and the kinetically
favored product. Consider the reaction
𝒌𝟒 𝒌𝟏 Figure 5.1. Gibbs energy diagram for
→ → kinetically vs. thermodynamically controlled
← ← products.
𝒌𝟑 𝒌𝟐

where A is the initial substrate, B as the

kinetically controlled product and C as the and faster to overcome the energy needed for
thermodynamically favored product. the reaction or for the product formation to
In Figure 5.1, kinetically controlled initialize, hence it is kinetically favored. The
product, B, has a lower transition state thermodynamically controlled product, on the
between the competing reactions hence other hand, would have higher transition state
having lower activation energy. Since the and activation energy thus, being a slow-
activation energy for the formation of the occurring reaction. But in comparison to the
product B is lower then it would be easier kinetically controlled product, the
thermodynamically favored product would be

more stable than the former as it would have (yellow, rhombic) (orange, tetragonal)
lower Gibbs free energy that is, the product Kinetically Thermodynamically
formed would have greatly lower energy than controlled controlled
the initial substrate hence very much stable
(Atkins & de Paula, 2006). In this exercise, the effects of temperature
The rate constant for the production of the and time of reaction on the kinetically and
kinetically favored product would be greater thermodynamically controller reaction
than that of the thermodynamically favored scheme will be investigated computationally
product hence, k1 > k3. Whereas the ratio of using the Monte Carlo method. The influence
the rate constants or the equilibrium constant of reaction time as well as the initial
for the production of the thermodynamically concentration of reactants on the
favored product would be dependent on the isomerization of HgI2 will also be
reaction conditions such as temperature, experimentally observed. More specifically,
time, and concentration of reactants (Levine, the exercise aims to construct progress
2002). The equilibrium constants for the curves for the reaction scheme demonstrating
reaction scheme considered would be given kinetic versus thermodynamic control; to
as: calculate equilibrium constants and activation
[𝐵]𝑒𝑞 𝑘1
energies for the reaction scheme using the
𝑘12 = = (5-1) Monte Carlo method; and lastly, to observe
[𝐴]𝑒𝑞 𝑘2
the effect of reaction time and reactant
[𝐶]𝑒𝑞 𝑘
𝑘34 = [𝐴] = 𝑘3 (5-2) concentration on the kinetics and
𝑒𝑞 4 thermodynamics of the isomerization of HgI2

The concept of kinetic versus II. Methodology

thermodynamic control can be simply
demonstrated experimentally using the Table 5.1 lists the parameters and the
following isomerization reaction of mercuric inputted values in the program of the Monte
iodide: Carlo Method for Kinetics.
𝒌𝟒 𝒌𝟏
→ →
𝑯𝒈𝑰𝟐 𝑯𝒈𝟐+ + 𝟐𝑰− 𝑯𝒈𝑰𝟐
← ←
𝒌𝟑 𝒌𝟐

Table 5.1. Inputted values for the Monte Carlo simulation.

Effect of Effect of reaction
Parameter Initial conditions
temperature time
Ea1 , J 1 x 103 1 x 103 1 x 103
Ea2 , J 33525 33525 33525
Ea3 , J 6763 6763 6763
Ea4 , J 77575 77575 77575
Initial number of
1 x 104 1 x 104 1 x 104
Sampling parameter 2.5 x 103 2.5 x 103 3 x 105
Number of cycles (t) 2.5 x 105 2.5 x 105 3 x 107
Temperature, K 800 3000 800

For the experimental method, 50 mL each

of the following solutions: 0.05 M and 6.25 x

10-3 M HgCl2; 0.10 M and 0.0125 M KI were 12000
prepared. Solutions of 0.05 M HgCl2 and 0.10 no. of a
M KI; 6.25 x 10-3 M HgCl2 and 0.0125 M KI no. of b

no. of A, B & C
were mixed separately in 100 mL beakers. 8000
no. of c
Note that KI solutions were added to HgCl2 6000
solutions. Mixtures were mixed continuously
using a magnetic stirrer. Colors of the mixture 4000
were noted immediately after mixing 2000
reactants and after 30 minutes of reaction.
0 100000 200000 300000
III. Results and Discussion no. of cycles

The exercise was divided into two parts. Figure 5.3. Progress curve at higher
The first part of which involved the use of the temperature (3000K).
Monte Carlo method. In this method, the
effects of temperature and time of reaction on
the kinetically and thermodynamically
controlled reaction scheme was examined.
This method is used in solving various
problems in computational mathematics by 10000
no. of A, B & C
constructing for each problem a random 8000
process with parameters equal to the required no. of a
quantities of that problem. The progress no. of b
curves for the reaction scheme were
2000 no. of c
constructed by plotting the number of
molecules of A, B, and C against the number 0
of cycles (time) as shown in Figures 5.2 to -2000 0 20000000 40000000
no. of cycles

10000 Figure 5.4. Progress curve at longer
reaction time (3 x 107 cycles).
no. of A, B & C

no. of A
no. of B
no. of c
2000 The equilibrium constants (k12 and k34)
0 where computed by using the MODE function
0 100000 200000 300000 of each species for the three simulations to
no. of cycles obtain the equilibrium concentrations of each
Figure 5.2. Progress curve for initial species and calculating the keq using
conditions (800K, 2.5 x 105 cycles). equations 5-1 and 5-2. Table 5.2 and 5.3 lists
the derived values.

Table 5.2. Data on the calculation of equilibrium constants.
Parameter Initial condition Effect of temperature Effect of reaction time
[A]eq 55 1128 4
[B]eq 7714 4284 888
[C]eq 2209 6914 9112
K12 140.2545 3.797872 222
K34 40.16364 6.129433 2278

Table 5.3. Comparison of the equilibrium constants obtained from the Monte Carlo
method and the Arrhenius equation.
Condition Keq Monte Carlo Arrhenius eq. % Error, %
K12 138.6727273 132.966208 5.481345679
Initial condition
K34 39.3090909 42045.17354 -99.904475
K12 3.0363036 3.6840966 -97.1437312
Effect of temperature
K34 5.6584158 17.0997977 -99.985422
K12 150.8333333 132.9662080 66.9597136
Effect of reaction time
K34 1515.1666666 42,045.1735396 -94.582018

greater than that of the kinetically-controlled

product (k12 < k34). Hence, the thermodynamic
The equilibrium constants calculated for
product was more favored. An increase in
initial conditions shows that k12 > k34. Hence,
temperature supplies the system sufficient
the formation of the kinetically controlled
energy to reach the higher activation energy.
product was favored. In the initial conditions,
Though it is still easier to reach the activation
more specifically temperature and the
energy for the formation of the kinetically-
number of cycles (reaction time) used were
favored product, the formation of the
lower compared to the other two simulations
thermodynamically product would be still be
used, triggered the formation of the kinetically
more favorable since its product formed
favored product. Since the temperature is low
would be more stable for having a lower gibbs
then the energy of the system is also low
free energy.
hence the product with the lower activation
energy is easier reached, thus, the kinetically Refer to the Gibbs energy diagram in figure
controlled product is produced. 5.1. Kinetically controlled product, B, has a
Consequently, given a shorter reaction time lower transition state between the competing
the system would more likely resort to the reactions hence having lower activation
activation energy more easily reached. energy. Since the activation energy for the
Though the thermodynamically favored formation of the product B is lower, then it
product is also produced in these conditions, would be easier and faster to overcome the
it would be significantly less since the energy needed for the reaction or for the
activation energy would be very difficult to product formation to initialize, hence it is
achieve given low temperature and short kinetically favored. The thermodynamically
reaction time making the formation of the controlled product, on the other hand, would
kinetically controlled product more favored. have higher transition state and activation
energy thus, being a slow-occurring reaction.
The increase in temperature causes the
But in comparison to the kinetically controlled
equilibrium constant for the formation of the
product, the thermodynamically favored
thermodynamically-controlled product to be

product would be more stable than the former Having sufficient energy ( high temperature)
as it would have lower Gibbs free energy that and longer reaction time, the regenerated
is, the product formed would have greatly substrate would be capable of producing the
lower energy than the initial substrate hence thermodynamically controlled product and
very much stable (Atkins & de Paula, 2006). since it is greatly stable compared to the
kinetically-favored product then the formation
of the thermodynamically product would be
more favorable hence, it would dominate in
the system.
Percentage errors of calculated
equilibrium constants were computed using
calculated equilibrium constants from
Arrhenius equation as true values.

𝑘 = 𝐴𝑒 −𝐸𝑎⁄𝑅𝑇 (5-3)
Figure 5.1. Gibbs energy diagram for kinetically 𝑘1
vs. thermodynamically controlled products. 𝑘2
= 𝑒 (𝐸𝑎2 −𝐸𝑎1 ) ⁄𝑅𝑇 (5-4)

Increasing the reaction time has the same 𝑘4
= 𝑒 (𝐸𝑎4 −𝐸𝑎3 ) ⁄𝑅𝑇 (5-5)
effect as that of increasing the temperature of
the system. Calculated values implies that the
equilibrium constant for the formation of the
Calculated percentage errors (refer to table
thermodynamically controlled product to be
5.2) show that Monte Carlo method is quite
greater than that of the kinetically favored
product (k12 < k34). Hence, thermodynamically
controlled product was more favored. The second part of the exercise involves
Increasing the time increases the frequency the experimental demonstration of the kinetic
of collisions of reactants hence the versus thermodynamic control phenomenon
thermodynamically favored product is formed. through the isomerization of HgI2. The
Though the formation of the kinetically
isomerization reaction is as follows:
favored product would still be faster the
thermodynamically-controlled product tends
to dominate due to its lower free energy
(greater ΔG), creating a stable product.
Increasing the reaction temperature and
reaction time does not change the rate at
which the kinetically favored product is
formed. As it is still faster to form but as more
of the kinetically favored product is produced Table 5.4 shows the observations on the
the equilibrium immediately shifts backward reaction of different concentration of HgCl2
consuming the kinetically favored product as and KI.
stated in Le Chatelier’s principle (Ball, 2003).

Table 5.4. Observations on the experimental determination of the effect of concentration and
reaction time on the isomerization of HgI2.
Appearance of Mixture
Immediately after mixing After several minutes
orange suspension Dark orange suspension
KI + HgCl2
Yellowish suspension Yellow-orange suspension
KI+ HgCl2

as the orange product increases, the yellow

isomer is masked.
Upon mixing of the concentrated
solutions, a light orange suspension was After several minutes of mixing with the
observed whereas a yellowish suspension use of a magnetic stirrer, dark orange and
was visible on the combination of the diluted yellow-orange mixtures were observed for the
solutions. This implies that at higher reactant concentrated and dilute mixtures,
concentrations, the orange, tetragonal isomer respectively. Increase in time favors the
of HgI2 predominates, and at low formation of the thermodynamically-favored
product since increasing time will also
increase the frequency of collisions in the
reactant concentrations, the yellow rhombic system and thus product formation. The
kinetic product predominates. At higher solution appeared orange yielding the
concentration of the reactants, there would be tetragonal isomer of HgI2 at long reaction
time. The thermodynamically-controlled
a greater number of effective collisions
between the molecules that overcome the product tends to dominate given that it has
high activation energy (Ea) of the lower free energy (greater ΔG), creating a
thermodynamically-controlled product stable product. On the other hand, at shorter
making it the preferred product. Reactants of reaction time, the kinetically-controlled
lower concentrations tend to form the reaction is favored due to lower activation
kinetically-controlled product since at low energy.
concentrated reactants, the number of
effective collisions between molecules is less, IV. Conclusion
which only the reaction paths with low Ea can
be overcome. Furthermore, based on Progress curves for the reaction scheme
demonstrating kinetic versus thermodynamic
Arrhenius equation, the greater the number of
control and the effect of temperature and
effective collisions results to higher rate reaction time were generated using the Monte
constant and faster rate of reaction thereby Carlo method. Equilibrium constants were
hastening the attainment of equilibrium. The computed to compare the rate at which the
increase of initial concentration can speed-up products (kinetic and thermodynamic
both routes to an equal extent. Nonetheless, controlled) are formed and whichever product
predominates at specific conditions. The

effect of reactant concentration and reaction
time was observed experimentally by
V. References
observing the isomerization of HgI2.
The kinetic product predominates if the
ATKINS, P. and J. DE PAULA. 2006.
reaction time is shorter; while the
Physical Chemistry. 8th ed. Oxford,
thermodynamic product predominates if the
England: Oxford University Press.
reaction time is increased. The kinetic product
predominates at a lower temperature; while BALL, D.W. 2003. Physical Chemistry.
the thermodynamic product predominates at USA: Thomson Learning, Inc. Thomson
higher temperatures. Also, the kinetic product Learning.
predominates when the concentrations of LEVINE, I. N. 2002. Physical Chemistry, 6th
reactants are low; while the thermodynamic Ed. New York: McGraw-Hill.
product predominates when the
concentrations of the reactants are high.

VI. Sample Calculations

Initial Condition:
Monte Carlo keq:
[𝐵]𝑒𝑞 𝑘1
𝑘12 = =
[𝐴]𝑒𝑞 𝑘2
𝑘12 = = 140.2545

Arrhenius keq:
= 𝑒 (𝐸𝑎2 −𝐸𝑎1 ) ⁄𝑅𝑇
𝑘1 𝑚𝑜𝑙
= 𝑒 (33525−1000) ⁄8.314 𝐽. 𝐾 = 132.966

Percent Error:
𝑘𝑀𝐶 − 𝑘𝐴𝑟𝑟ℎ𝑒𝑛𝑖𝑢𝑠
%error = (100)
140.2545 − 132.966
%error = (100) = 5.481345679%

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