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FOP_CreateFormOfPayment 15.

Technical Reference

Amadeus IT Group, S.A.

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strictly forbidden - Amadeus IT Group SA | (c) Copyright 2015 - All Rights Reserved.)
This document is the technical reference for an Amadeus functional interface. This reference is not directly
bundled to Amadeus Programming Interface development or any other development flavour. It is just a generic
description of the interface through all the service s it publishes.

Structure hierarchy
* A service contains an input message and an output message.
* A query/reply structure contains a list of simple structures and a list of grouped structures.
* A grouped structure contains a list of simple structures and a list of grouped structures.
* A simple structure contains a list of data elements and grouped data elements.
* A data element can be coded, therefore a code list is described in a separate table.

Document structure
* Service overview.
* Query and output messages for the service, with their corresponding description.
* For each query/reply structure, a table describing its higher level entities of the query/reply structure.
* For each grouped or simple structure, a table describing the entities they are built with.
* For each coded entity, a table describing the possible coded values it can take.

Grouped structures introduces the 'level' concept within a structure. This level is reflected in the structure tables
via indentation.

Document navigation
The document uses internal links to quickly navigate between referenced entities and its corresponding structure
and substructures (if any).
Glossary of terms
Entity definition
Every entity in this document is defined by:

* Entity : the entity reference name.

* Structure : the entity long name plus the corresponding reference.
* Rep (Repetitions) : the entity number of repetitions within its parent structure.
* St (Status) : the requirement status for the entity: C (Conditional), M (Mandatory), M* (Mandatory for the
* Comments : description of the usage of the entity within the service.
* Fmt (Format, Representation) : for leaf entities transporting the information, this fields explains the type
and length of the data transported.

Repetitions and statuses

Following table explains the meaning of possible repetition/status combinations of an entity within its parent

Status Repetitions Meaning

C n Represents "0 or up to n" cardinality.

M n Represents "1 or up to n" cardinality.

M* (Mandatory) : This indicates that the status differs from the IATA PADIS Data Dictionary. If an entity is defined
as conditional in the IATA approved message but must be mandatory to complete a business function, the entity
will be indicated with an M for Mandatory along with an asterix (*).

Following table explains the meaning of possible representations for a leaf entity.

Representation Meaning
ax The entity is conveying a fix number(x) of alphabetic elements.

nx The entity is conveying a fix number(x) of numeric elements.

anx The entity is conveying a fix number(x) of alphanumeric elements.

a..x The entity is conveying a variable number(1..x) of alphabetic elements.

n..x The entity is conveying a variable number(1..x) of numeric elements.

an..x The entity is conveying a variable number(1..x) of alphanumeric elements.

Table of contents

Table of contents
Operation: FOP_CreateFormOfPayment............................................................................... 1
Query message ................................................................................................................. 2
Reply message ..................................................................................................................4
Grouped structures ............................................................................................................... 6
Simple structures ................................................................................................................ 21
Codesets ............................................................................................................................. 85

Amadeus Programming Interface

Operation: FOP_CreateFormOfPayment .

Query message: FOP_CreateFormOfPayment 15.4.1A

create form of payment.This verb will used to create a form of payment in a PNR. T Ticketing FOP FOrm Of
Payment C Creation Q Query.

Reply message: FOP_CreateFormOfPaymentReply 15.4.1A

performs the FOP data read.T Ticketing FOP Form Of Payment R Read R Response .

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Query message reference: FOP_CreateFormOfPayment 15.4.1A

Entity Structure St Rep Comments
transactionContext Transaction information C 1
for ticketing

bestEffort Status details C 2 This segment is used to convey best effort

processing status. If this segment is not specified,
we consider that best effort is not available.

reservationControlInformation Reservation control C 1 Reservation Control information.


fopGroup Group M 127 The group can contain up to 127 different FOPs

fopReference Element management M 1 Contains the FP/SFP tattoo


passengerAssociation Reference information C 99 will list all the passengers associated to the FOP

pnrElementAssociation Reference information C 99 will list the various links of the FOP element. it can
be MCO, Segment... (pax reference is conveyed
within PXR)

pricingTicketingDetails Pricing/ticketing details C 1

feeTypeInfo Selection details C 1 OB Fees Type and options: EX = Exempt all

automated OB Fees

feeDetailsInfoGroup Group C 99

feeInfo Specific data information M 1

feeProcessingInfo Selection details C 1 OB Fees sub-type options: FEX = OB Fee Sub-

Type excluded FIN = OB Fee Sub-Type included

fpProcessingOptions Status details C 1 To specify options at FP level

mopDescription Group C 99 This group conveys Mean of payment information

fopSequenceNumber Sequence details M 1 Conveys the sequence number of the Form of

Payment in the FP Line. It must be set to 1 if there
is only 1 FOP in the FOP

fopMasterElementReference Reference information C 1 Element used to identify the FOP as a sub-element

of FP line, or the MEP and PAI elements in case
of a SFP.

stakeholderPayerReference Reference information C 1 Used to refer to an element StakeHolder of type

Payer. It is the owner of the Method of Payment
described in the GMOD or GPAY group.

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mopDetails Group C 1 This group conveys Mean of payment general


fopPNRDetails Ticketing form of M 1 will convey all the data related to the various codes
payment used by the FOP package, billing, ETS...

oldFopFreeflow Free text information C 1 This segment conveys Old Form of Payment. Old
FOP(s) are considered as one freeflow text even if
there is more than one old form of payment. e.g.:
FP O/CA+CCVI+/CH CA and CCVI are considered
as freeflow text.

pnrSupplementaryData Group C 2 will convey the switches and data associated to the
FOP table

paymentModule Group C 1 will contain all the data related to the payment

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Reply message reference: FOP_CreateFormOfPaymentReply 15.4.1A

Entity Structure St Rep Comments
transmissionError Group C 1 will convey the reason of the error that occured
during transmission

fopDescription Group C 127 will convey Form of payment data

fopReference Element management M 1 Contains the FP/SFP tattoo


passengerAssociation Reference information C 99 will list all the passengers associated to the FOP

pnrElementAssociation Reference information C 99 will list the various links of the FOP element. it can
be MCO, Segment... (pax reference is conveyed
within PXR)

additionalMonetaryData Coded attribute C 1

freeFlowFop Free text information C 1 Contains the FOP complete as displayed in the

fpElementError Group C 1 will convey the reason of the error that occured
during Form of Payment reading

mopDescription Group C 99 This group conveys Method of payment information

fopSequenceNumber Sequence details M 1 Conveys the sequence number of the Form of

Payment in the FP Line. It must be set to 1 if there
is only 1 FOP in the FOP

fopMasterElementReference Reference information C 1 Element used to identify the FOP as a sub-element

of FP line, or the MEP and PAI elements in case
of a SFP.

stakeholderPayerReference Reference information C 1 Used to refer to an element StakeHolder of type

Payer. It is the owner of the Method of Payment
described in the GMOD or GPAY group.

mopDetails Group C 1 This group conveys Mean of payment general


fopPNRDetails Ticketing form of M 1 will convey all the data related to the various codes
payment used by the FOP package, billing, ETS...

oldFopFreeflow Free text information C 1 This segment conveys Old Form of Payment. Old
FOP(s) are considered as one freeflow text even if
there is more than one old form of payment. e.g.:
FP O/CA+CCVI+/CH CA and CCVI are considered
as freeflow text.

pnrSupplementaryData Group C 2 will convey the switches and data associated to the
FOP table

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mopElementError Group C 1 will convey the reason of the error that occured
during Method of Payment reading

paymentModule Group C 1 will contain all the data related to the payment

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Grouped structures reference


Entity Structure St Rep Comments
approvalReferenceNumber Generic authorisation M 1 Asynchronous Payment approval
result reference number

asyncPaymentUrl Communication contact C 1 URL provided by bank/ PSP link in

case of asynchronous payment.


Entity Structure St Rep Comments
asunchronousPaymentDetails Form of payment M 1 Stores account number and expiry


Entity Structure St Rep Comments
creditCardDetails Credit card data M 1 will convey all the data related to the
credit card

fortknoxIds Reference information C 2 will convey both the CVV and the Credit
card number Ids stored in the fortknox

cardHolderAddress Address C 1 Contains card holder's address


virtualCreditCardData Group C 1 This group will convey all parameters

related to virtual credit card creation

virtualCreditCardParameters Virtual card parameters M 1

validityDate Structured period C 1 Used to specify the optional(s) validity

information date(s) of the Virtual Credit Card


Entity Structure St Rep Comments
authorisationSupplementaryData Specific visa link credit M 1 This segment is used to store
card information specific data of links following ISO8583

approvalDetails Generic authorisation C 1 will convey the approval code/source


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localDateTime Structured date time C 3 This segment conveys date and time
information information. You can specify the time
mode used (GMT, UTC or Local)and
what for it refers. - Transmission date
and time This contains the date and
time the request was submitted to the
link (Visa, Nedbank...field 7). GMT can
be used. - Local transaction date and
time Date and time when Amadeus
builds the authorization message (local
according to the point of sale)(Visa,
Nedbank...field 12/13) - Transaction
receipt date and time date and
time when amadeus receives the
authorization message.

authorisationInformation Transaction information C 1 Transaction Information: - type of

for ticketing authorization message submit for the
given FOP - bulk, superbulk, no bulk
process - STAN number (identifying
a pair of Credit Card authorization

browserData Group C 1 This group contains all data about the

customer's browser.

browserProperties Browser information M 1 This segment contains data about the

customer's browser : 0 PC (HTML) 1
Mobile Internet Device (WML)

freeFlowBrowserData Free text information C 2 Contains in freeflow format data about

the customer's browser. - userAgent
- acceptHeaders This entities are
independantly optional.

tdsInformation Group C 1 this group will convey all the 3DS

related data

cardSupplementaryData Attribute C 99 This will allow the transmission of credit

card data.

transactionStatus Group C 7 will convey the various sub status that

can be associated to a credit card
payment CVV, AVS, AUT, ATN....

Grouped structure ref: ERRORGROUPTYPE

Entity Structure St Rep Comments
errorOrWarningCodeDetails Application error M 1 The details of error/warning code.

errorWarningDescription Free text information C 1 The desciption of warning or error.

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Grouped structure ref: ERRORGROUPTYPE

Entity Structure St Rep Comments
errorOrWarningCodeDetails Application error M 1 The details of error/warning code.

errorWarningDescription Free text information C 1 The desciption of warning or error.

Grouped structure ref: ERRORGROUPTYPE

Entity Structure St Rep Comments
errorOrWarningCodeDetails Application error M 1 The details of error/warning code.

errorWarningDescription Free text information C 1 The description of warning or error.

Grouped structure ref: ERRORGROUPTYPE

Entity Structure St Rep Comments
errorOrWarningCodeDetails Application error M 1 The details of error/warning code.

errorWarningDescription Free text information C 1 The desciption of warning or error.

Grouped structure ref: ERRORGROUPTYPE

Entity Structure St Rep Comments
errorOrWarningCodeDetails Application error M 1 The details of error/warning code.

errorWarningDescription Free text information C 1 The desciption of warning or error.

Grouped structure ref: ERRORGROUPTYPE

Entity Structure St Rep Comments
errorOrWarningCodeDetails Application error M 1 The details of error/warning code.

errorWarningDescription Free text information C 1 The desciption of warning or error.

Grouped structure ref: ERRORGROUPTYPE

Entity Structure St Rep Comments
errorOrWarningCodeDetails Application error M 1 The details of error/warning code.

errorWarningDescription Free text information C 1 The desciption of warning or error.

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Entity Structure St Rep Comments
fraudScreening Status details M 1 This data element is used to indicate
if risk management must be performed
at authorization time: - Y means risk
management data will be appended to
author; - N means risk management
data will not be appended;

ipAdress Device control details C 1 this segment contains the IP address

used in RMM (risk management
module or fraud screening)

merchantURL Communication contact C 1 Merchant's website URL.

payerPhoneOrEmail Phone and email C 2 will convey either the phone or the
address email adress of the payer

shopperSession System details info C 1 this segment contains the shopper

session used in RMM (risk
management module)

payerName Traveller information C 1 conveys information about payer

LastName (surName) and FirstName

payerDateOfBirth Structured date time C 1 stores the payer date of birth


billingAddress Address C 1 Information about the billing address

(can be extracted from the AB PNR

formOfIdDetails Reference information C 3 Used to store reference information on

the payer for fraud screening purpose:
social security number driving license
information frequent flyer information

travelShopper Status details C 1 Defines if the shopper is also a traveller

or not.

shopperDetails Group C 1 Details on the shopper: its customer ID

reference, and if he successed to log on
his account or not

shopperID User identification M 1 Account number of the shopper on the

airline (in some cases, it could be the
same as the frequent flyer number)

shopperLogged Status details C 1 Defines if the shopper has been able to

log on the airline's account or not

securityCode Group C 9 Provide the security details: type and

key for the fraud screening In case,

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a fraud partner uses different keys for

its fraud screening, the group can be
repeated 9 times.

securityType Security screening M 1 Type of security used by the airline

details for the fraud screening. e.g.: Device
Finger Print (DFP)

securityKey Binary data M 1 Security key provided for the fraud

screening to Retail Decision, for

Grouped structure ref: INVOICEFOPGROUPTYPE

Entity Structure St Rep Comments
invoiceInformation Form of payment M 1 Account, Transaction and Financial

routing Routing information M 1 internal information, contains the

provider and product type to be routed
to. IE : LH / Prisa LH / Staff OS / Prisa

iruQualifier Status details C 2 Stores award code and I/U qualifier

fopInformationGroup Group C 2 This group is used to convey the FOP(s)

type used with IRU FOP

fopInformation Ticketing form of M 1 This segment is used to convey

payment information on other FOP used with
IRU one.

fopInformationAmount Monetary information M 1 Amount paid by other FOP

accountSupplementaryData Attribute C 99 Used to add data related to FOP


bookingReference Reservation control C 1 PNR reference information


parentTicketGroup Group C 99 In case of Ticketing follow up

transactions (Refund/exchange/...) :
information on ticket being processed.

documentNumber Ticket number details M 1 Can convey the edoc number or the
primary ticket number

monetaryInformation Monetary information C 999 will convey all the monetary

informations related to the payment :
amount, currency, sub-amounts

taxInformation Tax details C 198 Details of taxes: - old/new/refundable

(O/X/R) taxes indicator - currency - tax
amount - iso tax code - nature tax code
We can have 198 taxes maximum: - 99
old and new - + 99 refundable

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conjunctiveTicketGroup Group C 99 This group is used to convey conjuntive

tickets information.

conjunctiveFlag Status details M 1 Element used to activate conjunctive

ticket data.

conjunctiveDocumentNumber Ticket number details M 1 Conjunctive ticket number.

couponStatus Coupon information C 4 Conveys data about the coupon.

originatorInfo Originator of request C 1 Office id and the sign of the originator


eDocrecordLocator Reservation control C 1 contains information on the PNR

information record locator involved in the payment

recipientNameSurname Traveller information C 1 Passenger Name and Surname

frequentFlyerNumber Frequent traveller C 1 Frequent Flyer Number


dates Structured date time C 2 Ticket expiry and issuance date


additionalInformation Free text information C 3 additional comments or print


fareComponentDetails Group C 99 Element used to convey fare

component associations

fareComponentId Reference information M 1 element used to convey fare

component identifier

couponStatus Coupon information M 99 Conveys data about the coupon.

monetaryInformation Monetary information C 99 Element used to convey fare

component monetary information

unusedTicketCoupons Group C 99 Conveys data about the coupons

contained in the unused ticket

fareBasis Fare qualifier details M 1

flightInformation Travel product C 1 Conveys information about the ticket

information flights

couponStatus Coupon information C 1 Conveys data about the coupon.

fopParentTicketGroup Group C 99 In case of Ticketing follow up

transactions (Refund/exchange/...) :
informative Form Of Payment used on
ticket being processed.

fopDetails Form of payment M 1 Will convey structured FOP information

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fopInformation Ticketing form of M 1 will convey all the data related to

payment the various codes used by the FOP
package, billing, ETS...

monetaryInformation Monetary information C 10 will convey all the monetary

informations related to the payment :
amount, currency, sub-amounts

oldFopFreeflow Free text information C 1 This segment conveys Old Form of

Payment. Old FOP(s) are considered
as one freeflow text even if there is
more than one old form of payment.
e.g.: FP O/CA+CCVI+/CH CA and
CCVI are considered as freeflow text.

pnrSupplementaryData Group C 2 will convey the switches and data

associated to the FOP table

ruleList Group C 99 Element used to convey specific rules to

be applied on the method of payment.

ruleType Information type data M 1 element used to identify the rule to be


dateDetails Group C 99 element used to convey date/time


date Structured period M 1 element used to convey date

information information.

passengerDetails Group C 99 element used to convey passenger

name association

recipientNameSurname Traveller information M 1 Passenger Name and Surname

flightDetails Group C 99 element used to convey flight


flightInformation Travel product M 1 Conveys information about the ticket

information flights

otherDetails Status details C 1 element used to convey specific



Entity Structure St Rep Comments
approvalCodeDetails Generic authorisation M 1 will convey the approval code/status of
result the transaction

documentInformation Document information C 1 this document reference is generated

details during the account payment

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transactionStatus Group C 1 Element used to convey transaction


Grouped structure ref: PAYMENTGROUPTYPE

Entity Structure St Rep Comments
groupUsage Coded attribute M 1 Used to specify processing options at
FOP level

paymentData Group C 1 will convey all data necessary for the

paiment and not dependant from the
Mean Of Payment

paymentStatus Group C 1 will convey the overall status of the


paymentSupplementaryData Coded attribute C 99 it will convey the Descriptive Billing

Information: ONO, GWT, best Fare

mopInformation Group C 1 will convey all the specificities of the

Mean of Payment

dummy Dummy segment M 1 will allow the usage of FOP segment as

trigger for MOPD and MOPS groups

mopDetailedData Group C 1 will convey the result of the payment

and related to the detailed Mean Of

Grouped structure ref: PAYMENTERRORGROUPTYPE

Entity Structure St Rep Comments
errorOrWarningCodeDetails Application error M 1 The details of error/warning code.

errorWarningDescription Free text information C 1 The description of warning or error.

errorSupplementaryData Group C 1 will convey supplementary information

about the error, such as, proposal for
reolution, cusotmized error message,
validity of the retry possibility...

errorSupplementaryMessages Attribute M 1 will convey the following potential

supplementary info : errorDetail
suggestedAction consumerMessage

expirationDate Structured date time C 1 will convey the suggested expiration

information period : it indicates the maximum date/
time of validity at the acquirer, so
that the merchant can offer a new
transaction. It is the remaining time
until the start of unavailability less 4

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Entity Structure St Rep Comments
authenticationData Credit card security M 1 This segment conveys a set of data
resulting from the 3DS authentication

acsURL Communication contact C 1 Access Control Server's URL (up to

2048 characters).

tdsBlobData Group C 4 will convey the various messages/

encrypted data used during the 3DS
authentication processes

tdsBlbIdentifier Reference information M 1 will identify the content of the BLB that

tdsBlbData Binary data M 1

Grouped structure ref: WEBACCOUNTGROUPTYPE

Entity Structure St Rep Comments
webAccountSign Phone and email M 1 Customer phone (Mandatory)
address BuyerEmail (Conditional) Email
address of the buyer as entered during
checkout. Exple: Paypal uses this
value to pre fill the PayPal membership
sign in portion of the Paypal login page

paymentProvider Company information M 1 will convey the name of the payment



Entity Structure St Rep Comments
pspIndicator Status details M 1 Will let us know if we are handling a
Paypal payment process

uatpCard Credit card data C 1 This segment is used to convey virtual

fake C.C. for Paypal.

paypalParameters Status details C 2 this segment will convey status on: -

shipping - address override

pspUrl Communication contact C 1 It will convey the Psp's URL where the
customer will be redirected to, in order
to perform its payment Type will be PP
Paypal url

shippingAddress Address C 1 Customer shipping address -

Name -Street1 -Street2 CityName,
StateOrProvince PostalCode Country

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payerName Traveller information C 1 Payer name returned by


accountNumber Reference information C 1 Stores account number for Web

access payment

merchantSiteDetails Group C 1 Will convey information about the web

pages of the merchant

countryData Country information M 1 Country code. Locale of pages

displayed by Paypal during Express
Checkout. Character length and
limitations: Amy two char country code.
The following two-chars are supported
by PayPal: AT, AU, Be, CA, CH, CN,
DE, ES, FR, GB, IT, NL, PL and US.
Default is US.

cppPspColor Free text information C 3 TXF convey personalized web page

color (Color to customise PSP
payment page), for this we need
three info about the color. (The three
colors will be in hexa decimal in
ASCII format). Set the border and
background for the psp payment
page. 1)cpp-header-border-color: Sets
the border color around the header
of the payment page. The border
is a 2-pixel perimeter around the
header space which is 750 pixels
wide by 90 pixels high. Character
length and limitations: 6 characters
HTLM hexadecimal color code in
ASCII. 2)cpp-header-back-color: Sets
the background color for the header
of the payment page. Character
length and limitations: 6 characters
HTLM hexadecimal color code in
ASCII 3)cpp-payflow-color: Sets the
background color for the payment
page. Character length and limitations:
6 characters HTLM hexadecimal color
code in ASCII

urls Communication contact C 3 1) ReturnURL URL to which the

end-user's browser is returned after
approving use of PayPal. The UI has
to define all the needed parameters
to the ReturnURL. 2) CancelURL URL
to which the end-user is returned if
he decides not to use PayPal or if
PayPal is not able to authorize the
end-user. The UI has to define all the
needed parameters to the CancelURL.
3) cutomizeURL URL to which the
end-user is returned if default paypal
parameters are overridden.

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errorDescription Group C 99 This group is used to convey paypal

error information.

severityCodeType Response analysis M 1 This code identifies the Severity code

details types in terms of whether there is an
API-level error or warning that needs to
be communicated to the client.

paymentError Group C 2 will convey the error status of the

payment : 2 error group per error : -
long text Paypal - short text Paypal


Entity Structure St Rep Comments
issuerId Reference information M 1 will convey the bankId of the customer

paymentProvider Company information M 1 will convey the name of the payment



Entity Structure St Rep Comments
merchantSiteLanguage Language M 1 will convey the language used by the
merchant site

returnURL Communication contact C 1 will convey the merchant's website

URL, in order for the PSP to know
where to come back once payment
authorisation has been done.

redirectionData Group C 1 will convey the issuer's URL and the

acquirer's id

acquirerId Reference information M 1 Id of the merchant's bank

issuerURLData Communication contact C 1 URL to which the customer will be

redirected to

consumerData Group C 1 in case of succesful transaction, it will

convey consumer data: name, city and
bank account number

consumerName Traveller information M 1 will convey the name of the consumer

consumerAccount Reference information M 1 will convey the bank account of the


consumerAddress Address M 1 will convey the city of the customer

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transferStatus Response analysis C 1 Will give us the status of the transfer :


errorGroup Group C 2 The group contains error codes and

text returned when a problem occurred
during the transaction.

Grouped structure ref: MEANOFPAYMENTDATATYPE

Entity Structure St Rep Comments
fopInformation Form of payment M 1 his segment will convey the type of the
FOP. Exple : CC credit card CA cash
CH cheque SWI swipe card WA web
account WB web bank(fund tranfer)

fundTransferData Group C 1 will convey all data needed for the

payment on the Web using fund
transfers. First customer is iDEAL

asyncDataGroup Group C 1 Group containing one Asynchronous

FOP to validate.

dummy Dummy segment M 1 will allow the usage of FOP segment as

trigger for GASY and GINV groups

invoiceDataGroup Group C 1 Group containing one Invoice FOP to


creditCardData Group C 1 will convey all credit card data needed

for the payment

webAccountData Group C 1 will convey all data needed for a

payment done on the web using an


Entity Structure St Rep Comments
fopInformation Form of payment M 1 This segment will convey the type of
the FOP. Exple : CC credit card CA
cash CH cheque WW web

fundTransferDetailledData Group C 1 This group will convey the detailed data

of the payment done on the Web using
fund transfer. First customer : iDEAL

asyncDetailledDataGroup Group C 1 will convey the references of the

payment done in the customer/airline

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dummy Dummy segment M 1 will allow the usage of FOP segment as

trigger for GASS and GIVR groups

invoiceDetailedDataGroup Group C 1 will convey the references of the

payment done in the customer/airline

creditCardDetailedData Group C 1 This group will convey the detailed

status of the credit card payment

webAccountDetailledData Group C 1 This group will convey the detailed

data of the payment done via a web
payment provider using accounts. First
exple Paypal

virtualCreditCardStatusGroup Group C 1 This group is used to transmit the Virtual

Credit Card data received : number
of the virtual credit card, expiry data,
adress for AVS, cardholder name.

virtualCreditCardParameters Virtual card parameters M 1

virtualCreditCardData Credit card data C 1 Contains the Virtual Credit Card

Number, expiry date, CVV, vendor,
holder name.

fortknoxIds Reference information C 2 will convey both the CVV and the Credit
card number Ids stored in the fortknox

vCCAssociatedAdress Address C 1 Contains the adress associated to the

Virtual Credit Card for AVS verification

Grouped structure ref: PAYMENTDATAGROUPTYPE

Entity Structure St Rep Comments
merchantInformation Company information M 1 Contains merchant information (Entity
selling a product/service for wich
payment is requested: airline,
insurance provider...).

monetaryInformation Monetary information C 999 will convey all the monetary

informations related to the payment :
amount, currency, sub-amounts

currenciesRatesGroup Group C 9 Used to convey currency conversion


currenciesExchangeRate Currencies M 1

rateType Coded attribute M 1 used to defined if the currency rate is

informative, proposed, applied etc...

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sliderConversion Slider conversion C 1

paymentId Item references and C 99 Conveys Payment Record ID (used by

versions Payment Manager) to identify payment
in a unique manner. May convey also
a "correlator Id" used by the calling
application to reconciliate its payment
data. And also the "transaction Id"
generated by the third party system

extendedPaymentInfo Frequency C 1 It will describe the content of the

extended payment : when it will start,
the frequency and how many times it
should occur

transactionDateTime Structured date time C 1 The segment conveys the date/time of

information the transaction

expirationPeriod Quantity C 1 Will show the duration of validity of

the payment request, mesured from
receipt by the issuer. The customer
has to agree to the payment within this
period. Expressed in seconds.

distributionChannelInformation Terminal identification C 1 Distribution Channel information


purchaseDescription Free text information C 1 will convey in free text the description
of the purchase

association Reference information C 99 Element used to convey explicit

Payment association within a Pricing

fraudScreeningData Group C 1 will convey all information needed to

perform the checks requested by the
banks/PSPs regarding the prevention
of fraud.

paymentDataMap Attribute C 99 Will be used to convey information

dedicated to the Payment.


Entity Structure St Rep Comments
paymentStatusInformation Response analysis M 1 Will convey the status of the payment.
details If status is an Not OK then a GERR
group will be present to describe more
precisely the error. This field gives the
type of status which can be in: - pre-
validate - validate - update - etc…
Several status can be stored at the

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same time. E.g. a PAY element in a

PNR will store the pre-validate status
and the validate status.

paymentStatusHistory Response analysis C 9 Will convey the history of the statuses

details of the payment. This field gives the type
of status which can be in: - pre-validate
- validate - update - etc… Several
status can be stored at the same time.
E.g. a PAY element in a PNR will store
the pre-validate status and the validate

paymentStatusError Group C 1 will convey the reason of the error

that occured during the payment

fraudScreeningResult Measurements C 1 will convey the value of the fraud

screening checks done by the PSP/


Entity Structure St Rep Comments
dataAndSwitchMap Attribute M 1 will convey the values of the FOP data
and switch maps


Entity Structure St Rep Comments
dataAndSwitchMap Attribute M 1 will convey the values of the FOP data
and switch maps

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Simple structures reference


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
transactionDetails Transaction informations M 1 "" Reporting transaction details

code Transaction code C 1 an .. 4 Transaction Code, coded : CANR

TID. Codeset list: 949T 1A 02.1.277

issueIndicator Issue indicator C 1 an1 Issue indicator : 'F' --> First Issue 'R'
--> Reissue 'I' --> First issue of It 'Y'
--> Reissue of IT 'B' --> First issue of
BT 'W' --> Reissue of BT 'OB' --> OB
Fee calculation. Codeset list: 906T
1A 02.1.302


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
statusInformation Status details M 99 " " STATUS DETAILS

indicator Status indicator, coded C 1 an .. 3 best effort indicator. Codeset list:

1245 IA 02.2.2637

action Action request / C 1 an .. 3 value. Codeset list: 1229 IA

notification, coded 02.2.3267


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
reservation Reservation control C 9 ""

companyId Company identification C 1 an .. 35 .

controlNumber Reservation control C 1 an .. 20 .


controlType Reservation control type C 1 an1 . Codeset list: 9958 1A 11.1.196

date First date C 1 an .. 35 .

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time Time C 1 n .. 9 .

bfeType Booking File Element C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 9959 1A 11.1.180



Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
reference Reference details C 1 ""

qualifier Reference qualifier M* 1 an .. 10 Form of payment or Sales form

of payment way of identification.
Codeset list: 1153 1A 11.1.1237

number Reference number M* 1 an .. 60 Number attributed by the Server to

reference the PNR segment/element
Limited to the time the PNR is worked
(First retrieve - End of Transaction).


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
passengerReference Referencing details M* 1 "" Used to convey the passenger tatoo
or display number.

type Reference qualifier C 1 an .. 3 type of the passenger : INF infant

PAX adult. Codeset list: 1153 1A

value Reference number M* 1 an .. 6 Conveys the value of PAX



Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
referenceDetails Referencing details C 1 ""

type Reference qualifier M* 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 1153 1A 11.1.1323

value Reference number M* 1 an .. 5 .


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
productDateTimeDetails Product date/time C 1 "" Pricing option: Pricing date override

departureDate First date C 1 an .. 35 Pricing Date Override.

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locationDetails Location details C 1 "" Pricing option = POS override

city Place/location C 1 an .. 25 POS Override (location). Codeset list:

identification 3225 IA 02.2.12487


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
selectionDetails Selection details M 1 "" Company access type information

option Option M 1 an .. 3 OB Fees. Codeset list: 9750 IA


optionInformation Associated option C 1 an .. 35 OB Fee option: IN = include OB Fee

information sub-type EX = exclude OB Fee sub-
type. Codeset list: 9749 IA 01.2.97


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
dataTypeInformation Data type information M 1 ""

type Data type, coded M 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 9989 1A 11.1.27


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
selectionDetails Selection details M 1 "" Selection details

option Option code M 1 an .. 3 OB Fees.

optionInformation Related information C 1 an .. 35 OB Fee option: IN = include OB Fee

description sub-type EX = exclude OB Fee sub-


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
statusInformation Status details M 99 " " used to describe one processing

indicator Status indicator, coded C 1 an .. 3 use to refer the processing option

name.. Codeset list: 1245 1A

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action Action request / C 1 an .. 3 if the option from data element

notification, coded Indicator is configurable, this data
element contains the parameter..
Codeset list: 1229 1A 02.2.1509


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
sequenceDetails Sequence information C 1 "" Sequence Information

number Sequence position M 1 an .. 10 Sequence number of the Mean Of

identifier Payment in the FOP line. There can
be up to 3 New MOP (identified by
sequence 1, 2 or 3) and 1 Old MOP in
a FOP line. Old Fops are considered
as freeflow text and are identified by 0
(zero). .

identificationCode Code list identification C 1 an .. 17 Element filled in case FOP is a

code sub element of another sequence.
Codeset list: 1131 UN 02.A.2624


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
referenceDetails Referencing details C 999 " " Element type and tatoo number of
MEP and PAI element (for SFP).

type Reference qualifier C 1 an .. 10 Sequence Number of the Master FOP

element, or PAI element type, or MEP
element type.. Codeset list: 1153 1A

value Reference number C 1 an .. 60 value.


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
passengerReference Referencing details M* 1 "" Used to convey the passenger tatoo
or display number.

type Reference qualifier C 1 an .. 3 type of the passenger : INF infant

PAX adult. Codeset list: 1153 1A

value Reference number M* 1 an .. 6 Conveys the value of PAX


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Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
fopDetails Form of payment C 2 "" Form of payment details

fopCode Form of payment C 1 an .. 20 Format key that identify the FOP

identification within a FOP table. (CCVI, ...).
Codeset list: 9888 IA 02.2.567

fopMapTable Form of payment C 1 an .. 20 Name of the FOP map table used

identification in order to validate the FP element..
Codeset list: 9888 IA 02.2.568

fopBillingCode Form of payment C 1 an .. 10 This corresponds to the fop billing

identification code (CASH CA / Credit CC).
This is only used in case of a MS
reporting code. (it corresponds to XX
of @FPMSXX tag of TPF tables).
Codeset list: 9888 IA 02.2.566

fopStatus Data indicator C 1 an .. 3 Fop is a Old / new fop.. Codeset list:

9988 IA 02.2.1196

fopEdiCode Form of payment C 1 an .. 10 Corresponds to the EDIFACT code.

identification This enables to identify the type
of FOP that will be added in case
of a structured EDIFACT (i.e. via
PNRADD) addition of the FOP. (it
corresponds to the @EDI tag of TPF
tables) Here is an example: Customer
is eager to add a structured cash
FOP using an EDIFACT message.
The fopEdiCode will be filled with CA
which means cash. Then in the FOP
table in charge of validating free flow
and generating FOP free flow, the
system will try to look for the FOP
map having CA as fop EDI code. If
we are in an Air France (AF) ATO/
CTO: the system will get FP CA….
If we are in an Iberia (IB) ATO/CTO:
the system will get FP CASH,…. If
we are in an United Airline (UA) ATO/
CTO: the system will get FP S…. …
(@EDI value) . Codeset list: 9888 IA

fopReportingCode Form of payment C 1 an .. 10 This corresponds to the fop code

identification which is used on reporting side. (XX
value of @FPXXxx). Codeset list:
9888 IA 02.2.565

fopPrintedCode Form of payment C 1 an .. 20 This is the FOP printed code (@PR

identification value). Codeset list: 9888 IA 02.2.563

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fopElecTicketingCode Form of payment C 1 an .. 10 This is the FOP electronic ticketing

identification code. This is used to classify any
FOP from the FOP table and also to
determine how the FOP should be
transmitted to the airline concerned.
Based on this, the absence of
the switch would make the FOP
disallowed for ETKT, for National
System Ticketing Server Travel
Agency locations and all Central
Ticketing offices (@ET value).
Codeset list: 9888 IA 02.2.562


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
freeTextDetails Free text information M 1 "" will contain the FOP free flow text

textSubjectQualifier Text subject qualifier M 1 an .. 3 mutually defined ZZZ. Codeset list:

4451 IA 02.2.1844

source Source, coded M 1 an .. 3 Manual : M. Codeset list: 9890 IA


encoding Encoding M 1 an .. 3 ZZZ mutually agreed. Codeset list:

0133 1A 03.1.1534

freeText Long Free Text M 1 an .. Old FOP freeflow.



Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
referenceDetails Referencing details C 1 ""

type Reference qualifier M* 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 1153 1A 11.1.1324

value Reference number M* 1 an .. 5 .


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
attributeDetails Coded attribute M 1 "" provides details for the Attribute

attributeType Attribute type M 1 an .. 3 provides the attribute Type.

identification, coded Codeset list: 950K 1A 02.1.2486


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
sequenceDetails Sequence information C 1 "" Sequence Information

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number Sequence position M 1 an .. 10 Sequence number of the Mean Of

identifier Payment in the FOP line. There
can be up to 3 New MOP and 3 Old
MOP in a FOP line. Old Fops are
considered as freeflow text. .

identificationCode Code list identification C 1 an .. 17 Element filled in case FOP is a

code sub element of another sequence.
Codeset list: 1131 UN 02.A.2156


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
approvalCodeData Authorization approval M 1 "" transaction authorization approval
data data

approvalCode Approval identification M 1 an .. 12 will convey the value of the approval

code of the payment authorisation.

sourceOfApproval Source, coded C 1 an .. 3 Source of approval for the payment

authorisation. A Automatically
obtained by the system. M Manually
entered by an agent.. Codeset list:
9890 IA 02.2.1902


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
communication Communication contact M 1 "" Communication channel

urlAddress Communication address M 1 an .. url.

identifier 2500

urlType Communication address M 1 an .. 3 this type is used to identify the url :

code qualifier BO - Boleto FOP . Codeset list: 3155
UN 02.A.125


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
formOfPayment Form of payment details M 1 "" Stores account number and expiry

type Form of payment M 1 an .. 10 asynchronous. Codeset list: 9888 IA

identification 02.2.244

providerCode Company identification C 1 an .. 35 Indicates the service provider

processing the asynchronous FOP.
Codeset list: 9906 IA 02.2.4190

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expiryDate First date C 1 an .. 35 Stores the asynchronous payment

expiry date.

customerAccount Account holder number C 1 an .. 35 Stores the payer account number.


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
ccInfo Credit card information C 1 ""

vendorCode Company identification C 1 an2 Vendor code (VI,CA,AX.).

vendorCodeSubType Attribute type C 1 an .. 25 may contain CC sub Types. eg:

identification Maestro or Solo cards .

cardNumber Reference number C 1 an .. 19 Card number Card number.

securityId security ID C 1 an .. 4 Conveys the security ID of the Credit

Card (CVV,CVV2), 3-4 digits stored
on the back of the card.

expiryDate First date C 1 an4 Expiry date : format MMYY.

startDate First date C 1 an4 This field indicates the date the Credit
Card was issued. This data is present
in case of (UK) maestro cards..

endDate First date C 1 an4 This field indicates the date the
Credit Card will not be valid anymore
This data is present in case of (UK)
maestro cards. May be different from
the expiry date.

ccHolderName CC Holder's name C 1 an .. 99 Conveys Credit card holder's name,

as written on the card.

issuingBankName Company identification C 1 an2 .. 3 will contain the code of the bank that
issued the credit card.

cardCountryOfIssuance Country name code C 1 an .. 3 CC country of issuance details.

issueNumber Issue number C 1 n .. 3 This is the Credit Card Issue number.

This represents the number of time
a card has been issued. 1 is for the
first time then in case of card renewal
or card loss this issue number will be
increased Today this is applicable to
maestro cards..

issuingBankLongName Institution name C 1 an .. 64 Will convey the full name of the

institution that issued he credit card.

track1 CC Track 1 C 1 an .. Stores the CC track 1 information

108 (base64 encoded).

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track2 CC Track 2 C 1 an .. 56 Stores the CC track 2 information

(base64 encoded).

track3 CC Track 3 C 1 an .. Stores the CC track 3 information

144 (base64 encoded).

pinCode PIN Code C 1 an .. Stores the CC pin code information.


rawTrackData Raw CC Track Data C 1 an .. All the tracks of a swipe credit card
400 are contained here as one block..

tierLevel Tier level C 1 an .. 20 The tier level (gold, platinium, etc...)

can be used for fraud or authorization


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
referenceDetails Referencing details M* 1 ""

type Reference qualifier M* 1 an .. 10 will store the type of the Id NOX

or CVV. Codeset list: 1153 1A

value Reference number M* 1 an .. 60 value of the id.

Structure: ADDRESS
Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
addressDetails Address details C 1 "" will convey the adress text

format Address format code M 1 an .. 3 Address Format . Will be 5

unstructured. Codeset list: 3477 UN

line1 Address component M 1 an .. 70 Address Text. Any of the following

description address lines may start with
a tag: Door number- Street-
ExternalNumber- InternalNumber-
County- Neighbourhood- State-.

line2 Address component C 1 an .. 70 .


line3 Address component C 1 an .. 70 .


line4 Address component C 1 an .. 70 .


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line5 Address component C 1 an .. 70 .


line6 Address component C 1 an .. 70 .


city City name C 1 an .. 35 City name..

zipCode Postal identification C 1 an .. 17 postal identification code..


countryCode Country name code C 1 an .. 3 Country code. ISO 3166 code for the
country .


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
virtualCardInformation Virtual card information C 1 "" This data composite is used to
transmit parameters for Virtual Credit
Card creation

vendorCode Company identification C 1 an2 Vendor code (VI,CA,AX.) In the

context of Virtual Credit Card,
contains the desired vendor of the
virtualized card. If CA is entered, the
Virtual Credit Card provided will be a

maximumAuthorizations Number of C 1 n .. 4 To transmit to the Virtual Credit

authorizations allowed Card provider the desired number of
authorizations allowed on the Virtual
Credit Card.

currency Currency, coded C 5 an .. 3 To specify a currency restriction

in the Virtual Credit Card context..
Codeset list: 6345 IA 02.2.2551


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
beginDateTime Structured date time C 1 "" Convey the begin date/time of a
information period.

year Year number C 1 n4 Year number..

month Month number C 1 n .. 2 Month number in the year ( begins to

1 ).

day Day number C 1 n .. 2 Day number in the month ( begins to

1 ).

hour Hours C 1 n .. 2 Hour between 0 and 23.

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minutes Minutes C 1 n .. 2 Minutes between 0 and 59.

seconds Seconds C 1 n .. 2 Seconds between 0 and 59.

milliseconds Milliseconds C 1 n .. 3 Milliseconds between 0 and 999..

endDateTime Structured date time C 1 "" Convey the end date/time of a period.

year Year number C 1 n4 Year number..

month Month number C 1 n .. 2 Month number in the year ( begins to

1 ).

day Day number C 1 n .. 2 Day number in the month ( begins to

1 ).

hour Hours C 1 n .. 2 Hour between 0 and 23.

minutes Minutes C 1 n .. 2 Minutes between 0 and 59.

seconds Seconds C 1 n .. 2 Seconds between 0 and 59.

milliseconds Milliseconds C 1 n .. 3 Milliseconds between 0 and 999..


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
msgRef Message reference C 1 "" ISO8583 specific info

retrievalReferenceNumber retreival reference C 1 an .. 12 This number is used to identify

number and track ALL messages related
to a given cardholder transaction
(author, retry, reversal ...). It is usually
composed of: - the date when the
message was formatted followed by -
the message number Field 37 Official
definition of Retrieval Reference
Number from ISO8583: Field 37
contains a number used with other
key data elements to identify and
track all messages related to a given
cardholder transaction (referred to
as a transaction set). It is usually
assigned by the acquirer, but it may
be assigned by a merchant or by
an individual electronic terminal.
V.I.P. will also generate the retrieval
reference number for transactions it
initiates. This field contains two parts.
The first four digits are usually a yddd
date (Julian date format). The date
is defined to be the same day as the
date in Field 7—Transmission Date

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and Time, of the original request.

The last eight digits are a numeric
transaction identification number.
The value in field 37 can be based
on the content of fields 7 and 11
in the original request or advice as
shown in the recommendation below:
• Positions 1–4: the yddd equivalent
of the field 7 date • Positions 5–6:
the hours from the time in field 7 •
Positions 7–12: the value from field

authorCharacteristicIndicator Authorization C 1 a1 Authorization characteristics indicator

characteristic indicator Field 62.1 Possible values: A C E F K
M S U V W R I P N T.

authorResponseCode Point of service codes C 1 an2 Authorization response code Field 39.

cardLevelResult Card level results C 1 an2 Card Level Result (Product

Identification value) Field 62.23 .

terminalType Point of service codes C 1 an1 Additional POS Information - Terminal

Type Field 60.1 - Position 1 CAT
(Cardholder-Activated Terminal
indicator) or UAT (Unattended
Acceptance Terminal).

respIdentification Response identification C 1 "" Response identification

transacIdentifier Transaction identifier C 1 an .. 15 Transaction identifier Field 62.2

Official definition: Visa-generated
identifier that is unique for each
original transaction. The transaction
identifier (TID) is a key element that
links original authorization requests
to subsequent messages, such as

validationCode validation code C 1 an .. 4 Validation code Field 62.3.

banknetRefNumber Gateway Trans. Id. - C 1 an6 .. 9 Gateway Transaction Identifier -

Banknet Reference Banknet reference number Field
Number 62.17 - Position 8-13.

banknetDate Gateway Trans. Id. - C 1 an4 Gateway Transaction Identifier -

Banknet Date Banknet date in mmdd format Field
62.17 - Position 1-4.


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
approvalCodeData Authorization approval M 1 "" transaction authorization approval
data data

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approvalCode Approval identification M 1 an .. 20 will convey the value of the approval

code of the payment authorisation.

sourceOfApproval Source, coded C 1 an .. 3 Source of approval for the payment

authorisation. A Automatically
obtained by the system. M Manually
entered by an agent.. Codeset list:
9890 IA 02.2.4499


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
businessSemantic Date/Time/Period C 1 an .. 3 This data element can be used
qualifer to provide the semantic of the
information provided. Examples : -
LT : date & time corresponding to
Authorization message built - T : date
& time corresponding to Authorization
message sent - AR : date & time
corresponding to Authorization
message receipt. Codeset list: 2005
IA 02.2.1948

timeMode Date/Time/Period C 1 an .. 3 Indicate if the time is expressed in

qualifer UTC or in local time mode ( Codes
U and L ). In the last case, the time
zone information can be provided in
the composite C89K.. Codeset list:
2005 IA 02.2.1982

dateTime Structured date time M* 1 "" Convey date and/or time.


year Year number M* 1 n4 Year number..

month Month number M* 1 n .. 2 Month number in the year ( begins to

1 ).

day Day number M* 1 n .. 2 Day number in the month ( begins to

1 ).

hour Hours C 1 n .. 2 Hour between 0 and 23.

minutes Minutes C 1 n .. 2 Minutes between 0 and 59.

seconds Seconds C 1 n .. 2 Seconds between 0 and 59.

milliseconds Milliseconds C 1 n .. 3 Milliseconds between 0 and 999..

timeZoneInfo Time zone information C 1 "" Reference : IATA SSIM Appendix

F If it is not provided, the time is
considered to be given in UTC.

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countryCode Country, coded M 1 an .. 3 ISO country Code See SSIM

appendix F. Codeset list: 3207 IA

code Time zone code C 1 n1 Time zone code. See SSIM appendix
F.. Codeset list: 337K 1A 02.1.1234

suffix Time zone suffix C 1 a1 Time zone suffix to complete the time
zone code when necessary. See
SSIM appendix F.. Codeset list: 341K
1A 02.1.1234


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
transactionDetails Transaction informations M 1 "" Authorisation transaction details

code Transaction code C 1 an .. 4 Authorization message type Eg 110:

author according standard ISO8583
210: settlement according standard
ISO858 .... Codeset list: 949T 1A

type Transaction type C 1 an .. 4 Credit Card link used to perform

authorization.. Codeset list: 022T 1A

issueIndicator Issue indicator C 1 an1 Process indicator (bulkIndicator):

- bulk - superbulk - no bulk..
Codeset list: 906T 1A 02.1.267

transmissionControlNumber Communication number C 1 an .. 25 This is a message number that

uniquely identifies a cardholder
transaction. According to the link
this info can have various names: -
STAN number(Systems Trace Audit
Number) - ISO8583 (VISA,Nedbank,
Credit Mutuel...) - Message number
- APACS70 (Barclays,Euroline...) ...
Official definition: This is a number
assigned by the message initiator
that uniquely identifies a cardholder
transaction and all the message types
(also known as system transactions)
that it comprises, according to
individual program rules. The trace
number remains unchanged for all
messages throughout the life of
the transaction. For example, the
same trace number is used in an
authorization request and response,
and in a subsequent reversal request
and response, and in any advices of
authorization or reversal..

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Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
deviceCategory Material type, coded M 1 n .. 3 Indicates the type of cardholder
device.. Codeset list: 9997 IA


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
freeTextDetails Free text information M 1 "" will contain the browser information

textSubjectQualifier Text subject qualifier M 1 an .. 3 mutually defined ZZZ. Codeset list:

4451 IA 02.2.1846

informationType Information type M* 1 an .. 4 AH Browser Accept headers UA

Browser User Agent. Codeset list:
9980 IA 02.2.1961

source Source, coded M 1 an .. 3 Manual : M. Codeset list: 9890 IA


encoding Encoding M 1 an .. 3 ZZZ mutually agreed. Codeset list:

0133 1A 03.1.1536

freeText Long Free Text M 99 an .. Free text and message sequence

199 numbers of the remarks..

Structure: ATTRIBUTE
Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
criteriaSetType Attribute function code C 1 an .. 3 Determines if the set of criteria
qualifier corresponds to the message
identification criteria or to normal
criteria.. Codeset list: 9017 UN

criteriaDetails Attribute information M 1 "" List of attributes and status linked to

credit card process. Most of them are
link dependant.

attributeType Attribute type M 1 an .. 25 Type of the authorization data.

identification Some of the possible types are:
25: (AUT) Context (Credit Mutuel)
26: (ATN) Customer instruction
(Barclays) 27: (ATN) Cryptogram
computation method (Credit Mutuel)
28: (AUT) Modified securisation
mode (Credit Mutuel) 29: (ATN)
Electronic commerce transaction type

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(Credit Mutuel) E: (ATN) Result of

the secured payment VADS (Credit
Mutuel) MID: (AUT) Merchant ID .

attributeDescription Attribute description C 1 an .. value of the data.



Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
errorDetails Application error detail M 1 "" Application error details.

errorCode Application error, coded M 1 an .. 5 Code identifying the data validation

error condition.. Codeset list: 9321
1A 02.1.1114

errorCategory Code list qualifier C 1 an .. 3 Identification of a code list..

Codeset list: 1131 IA 02.2.1369


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
freeTextDetails Free text information M 1 "" Characteristics of the free text

textSubjectQualifier Text subject qualifier M 1 an .. 3 CAN will be used to qualify the

subject of the free text (canned
message text). Codeset list: 4451 IA

source Source, coded M 1 an .. 3 source of the free text :will be M

for Manual. Codeset list: 9890 IA

encoding Encoding M 1 an .. 3 Encoding used for the free text :will

be ASCII 7 bit. Codeset list: 0133 1A

freeText Long Free Text M 1 an .. Free text associated to the error.



Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
errorDetails Application error detail M 1 "" Application error details.

errorCode Application error, coded M 1 an .. 5 Code identifying the data validation

error condition.. Codeset list: 9321
1A 02.1.2121

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errorCategory Code list qualifier M* 1 an .. 3 Identification of a code list. .

Codeset list: 1131 IA 02.2.1199


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
freeTextDetails Free text information M 1 "" error text description

textSubjectQualifier Text subject qualifier M 1 an .. 3 3 literal text. Codeset list: 4451 IA


source Source, coded M 1 an .. 3 M for Manual. Codeset list: 9890 IA


encoding Encoding M 1 an .. 3 ASCII 7bit. Codeset list: 0133 1A


freeText Long Free Text M 1 an .. Free text and message sequence

199 numbers of the remarks..


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
errorDetails Application error detail M 1 "" Application error details.

errorCode Application error, coded M 1 an .. 5 Code identifying the data validation

error condition. It will be a canned
message number in our case.
Codeset list: 9321 1A 02.1.956

errorCategory Code list qualifier C 1 an .. 3 Identification of a code list..

Codeset list: 1131 IA 02.2.1202

errorCodeOwner Code list responsible C 1 an .. 3 Code identifying the agency

agency, coded responsible for a code list..
Codeset list: 3055 IA 02.2.1799


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
freeTextDetails Free text information M 1 "" Characteristics of the free text

textSubjectQualifier Text subject qualifier M 1 an .. 3 CAN will be used to qualify the

subject of the free text (canned
message text). Codeset list: 4451 IA

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source Source, coded M 1 an .. 3 source of the free text :will be M

for Manual. Codeset list: 9890 IA

encoding Encoding M 1 an .. 3 Encoding used for the free text :will

be ASCII 7 bit. Codeset list: 0133 1A

freeText Long Free Text M 99 an .. Free text associated to the error.



Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
errorDetails Application error detail M 1 "" Application error details.

errorCode Application error, coded M 1 an .. 5 Code identifying the data validation

error condition.. Codeset list: 9321
1A 02.1.1115

errorCategory Code list qualifier C 1 an .. 3 Identification of a code list..

Codeset list: 1131 IA 02.2.1370


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
freeTextDetails Free text information M 1 "" Characteristics of the free text

textSubjectQualifier Text subject qualifier M 1 an .. 3 CAN will be used to qualify the

subject of the free text (canned
message text). Codeset list: 4451 IA

source Source, coded M 1 an .. 3 source of the free text :will be M

for Manual. Codeset list: 9890 IA

encoding Encoding M 1 an .. 3 Encoding used for the free text :will

be ASCII 7 bit. Codeset list: 0133 1A

freeText Long Free Text M 99 an .. Free text and message sequence

199 numbers of the remarks..


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
errorDetails Application error detail M 1 "" Application error details.

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errorCode Application error, coded M 1 an .. 5 Code identifying the data validation

error condition.. Codeset list: 9321
1A 02.1.2122

errorCategory Code list qualifier C 1 an .. 3 Identification of a code list..

Codeset list: 1131 IA 02.2.1490

errorCodeOwner Code list responsible M* 1 an .. 3 Code identifying the agency

agency, coded responsible for a code list. 1A
Amadeus PP Paypal. Codeset list:
3055 IA 02.2.2247


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
freeTextDetails Free text information M 1 "" Error description

textSubjectQualifier Text subject qualifier M 1 an .. 3 literal text. Codeset list: 4451 IA


informationType Information type C 1 an .. 4 type of information: SHT : paypal

short text LGT : paypal long text
CAN : 1A canned message.
Codeset list: 9980 IA 02.2.2444

source Source, coded M 1 an .. 3 source. Codeset list: 9890 IA


encoding Encoding M 1 an .. 3 encoding . Codeset list: 0133 1A


freeText Long Free Text M 1 an .. Free text and message sequence

199 numbers of the remarks..


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
errorDetails Application error detail M 1 "" Application error details.

errorCode Application error, coded M 1 an .. 5 Code identifying the data validation

error condition.. Codeset list: 9321
1A 02.1.1120

errorCategory Code list qualifier C 1 an .. 3 Identification of a code list..

Codeset list: 1131 IA 02.2.1370

errorCodeOwner Code list responsible C 1 an .. 3 Code identifying the agency

agency, coded responsible for a code list..
Codeset list: 3055 IA 02.2.2045

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Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
freeTextDetails Free text information M 1 "" Characteristics of the free text

textSubjectQualifier Text subject qualifier M 1 an .. 3 CAN will be used to qualify the

subject of the free text (canned
message text). Codeset list: 4451 IA

source Source, coded M 1 an .. 3 source of the free text :will be M

for Manual. Codeset list: 9890 IA

encoding Encoding M 1 an .. 3 Encoding used for the free text :will

be ASCII 7 bit. Codeset list: 0133 1A

freeText Long Free Text M 99 an .. Free text and message sequence

199 numbers of the remarks..


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
errorDetails Application error detail M 1 "" Application error details.

errorCode Application error, coded M 1 an .. 5 Code identifying the data validation

error condition.. Codeset list: 9321
1A 10.2.662

errorCategory Code list qualifier C 1 an .. 3 Identification of a code list..

Codeset list: 1131 IA 02.2.2647

errorCodeOwner Code list responsible C 1 an .. 3 Code identifying the agency

agency, coded responsible for a code list..
Codeset list: 3055 1A 10.1.1939


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
freeTextDetails Free text information M 1 ""

textSubjectQualifier Text subject qualifier M 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 4451 IA 02.2.4144

informationType Information type C 1 an .. 4 . Codeset list: 9980 IA 02.2.4441

status Status, coded C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 4405 IA 02.2.10735

companyId Company identification C 1 an .. 35 . Codeset list: 9906 IA 02.2.14773

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language Language, coded C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 3453 IA 02.2.7144

source Source, coded M 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 9890 IA 02.2.5229

encoding Encoding M 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 0133 1A 03.1.4419

freeText Long Free Text M 99 an .. Free text and message sequence

320 numbers of the remarks..


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
statusInformation Status details M 1 "" will we perform the fraud screening ?

indicator Status indicator, coded M* 1 an .. 3 FRA for fraud screening. Codeset list:
1245 IA 02.2.2025

action Action request / M* 1 an .. 3 This data element is used to

notification, coded indicate if risk management must be
performed at authorization time: - Y
means risk management data will
be appended to author; - N means
risk management data will not be
appended;. Codeset list: 1229 IA


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
deviceIdentification Identification number C 1 "" Stores the identification of the device.

address Identity number M* 1 an .. 35 will contain the IP adress of the


qualifier Identity number qualifier M* 1 an .. 3 will contain IP for IP adress .

Codeset list: 7405 IA 02.2.243


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
communication Communication contact M 1 "" Communication channel

internetAddress Communication address M 1 an .. The communication address: an Url..

identifier 512

adressQualifier Communication address M 1 an .. 3 will be AH for World Wide Web.

code qualifier Codeset list: 3155 UN 02.A.86

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Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
phoneOrEmailType Information type M 1 an .. 4 Phone or Email contact type.
Codeset list: 9980 IA 02.2.1966

telephoneNumberDetails Structured telephone C 1 "" Structured telephone number


telephoneNumber Communication number C 1 an .. 32 Telephone number.

emailAddress Email address C 1 an .. 70 Email address.


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
workstationId Communication number C 1 an .. 25 LNIATA of the agent..

deliveringSystem System details C 1 "" System delivering the shopper

session ID

companyId Company identification C 1 an .. 35 will convey the name of the company

ex: OPODO. Codeset list: 9906 IA


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
ccHolderNameDetails Traveller surname M* 1 "" will convey the name of the pax

surname Traveller surname M* 1 an .. 70 CC holder name details.

otherNameDetails Traveller details C 1 "" will convey the CC holder first name

givenName Traveller given name C 1 an .. 70 passenger first name.


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
dateTime Structured date time C 1 "" Convey date and/or time.

year Year number C 1 n4 Year number..

month Month number C 1 n .. 2 Month number in the year ( begins to

1 ).

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day Day number C 1 n .. 2 Day number in the month ( begins to

1 ).

Structure: ADDRESS
Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
addressDetails Address details C 1 "" will convey the adress text

format Address format code M 1 an .. 3 Address Format . Will be 5

unstructured. Codeset list: 3477 UN

line1 Address component M 1 an .. 70 Address Text. Any of the following

description address lines may start with
a tag: Door number- Street-
ExternalNumber- InternalNumber-
County- Neighbourhood- State-.

line2 Address component C 1 an .. 70 .


line3 Address component C 1 an .. 70 .


line4 Address component C 1 an .. 70 .


line5 Address component C 1 an .. 70 .


line6 Address component C 1 an .. 70 .


city City name C 1 an .. 35 City name..

zipCode Postal identification C 1 an .. 17 postal identification code..


countryCode Country name code C 1 an .. 3 Country code. ISO 3166 code for the
country .


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
referenceDetails Referencing details C 1 "" REFERENCING DETAILS

type Reference qualifier C 1 an .. 3 FOID document type. Codeset list:

1153 IA 02.2.3153

value Reference number C 1 an .. 35 FOID document number.

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Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
statusInformation Status details M 99 " " STATUS DETAILS

action Action request / C 1 an .. 3 shopper is a traveller?: YES / NO.

notification, coded Codeset list: 1229 1A 02.2.262

description Free text C 1 an .. 70 long free text .


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
originatorTypeCode Originator type code C 1 an1 End-user . Codeset list: 9972 1A

originator Originator's authority C 1 an .. 99 Customer ID.

request code


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
statusInformation Status details M 99 " " STATUS DETAILS

action Action request / C 1 an .. 3 Shopper has logged ot not logged on

notification, coded his account: YES / NO. Codeset list:
1229 1A 02.2.260

description Free text C 1 an .. 70 long free text.


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
screeningInstructions Instruction, coded C 1 an .. 3 Security used for the fraud screening;
e.g.: Device Finger Print. Codeset list:
4401 IA 02.2.62

Structure: BINARY DATA

Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
dataLength Length dimension M 1 n .. 15 Length of data stored in DataElem

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dataType DATA TYPE C 1 an1 type of the data B: Binary.

Codeset list: 116Z 1A 02.1.739

binaryData Binary data M 1 an .. used to store binary data.



Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
formOfPayment Form of payment details M 1 "" Contains the Account data, the
transaction data and financial data

type Form of payment M 1 an .. 10 FOP code taken from the FP elem in

identification PNR (ie for PRISA : INV, INVAGT,
INVGSA). Codeset list: 9888 IA

indicator Data indicator C 1 an .. 3 Issue indicator : 'C' -> collective

invoice. Codeset list: 9988 IA

merchantCode Company identification C 1 an .. 35 Airline code in case of IRU FOP.

Codeset list: 9906 IA 02.2.6897

expiryDate First date C 1 an .. 35 .

customerAccount Account holder number M* 1 an .. 35 Contains the account number..

membershipStatus Membership status, M* 1 an .. 3 Account type identifier : 1 -> customer

coded 2 -> airline office ECL -> E-CreditLine
IRU -> Frequent Flyer account.

transactionInfo Transaction information C 1 an .. 35 Transaction identifier.

pinCode PIN Code C 1 an .. stores a pin code attached to the

100 account (IRU MOP).

pinCodeType PIN code type C 1 an .. 8 Details pin code type (in case of
encrypted pin code).

otherFormOfPayment Form of payment details C 98 " " Contains the Account data, the
transaction data and financial data

type Form of payment M 1 an .. 10 FOP code taken from the FP elem in

identification PNR (ie for PRISA : INV, INVAGT,
INVGSA). Codeset list: 9888 IA

indicator Data indicator C 1 an .. 3 Issue indicator : 'C' -> collective

invoice. Codeset list: 9988 IA

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merchantCode Company identification C 1 an .. 35 Airline code in case of IRU FOP.

Codeset list: 9906 IA 02.2.6897

expiryDate First date C 1 an .. 35 .

customerAccount Account holder number M* 1 an .. 35 Contains the account number..

membershipStatus Membership status, M* 1 an .. 3 Account type identifier : 1 -> customer

coded 2 -> airline office ECL -> E-CreditLine
IRU -> Frequent Flyer account.

transactionInfo Transaction information C 1 an .. 35 Transaction identifier.

pinCode PIN Code C 1 an .. stores a pin code attached to the

100 account (IRU MOP).

pinCodeType PIN code type C 1 an .. 8 Details pin code type (in case of
encrypted pin code).


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
routingDetails Product location details M* 1 "" Routing details

otherStation Place/location M* 1 an .. 25 product EBANK. Codeset list: 3225

identification IA 02.2.6931


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
statusInformation Status details M 99 " " STATUS DETAILS

indicator Status indicator, coded M* 1 an .. 3 Will define to content of the validation

done with the payment provider
on the web : PPP Paypal Payment
express checkout or UATP express
checkout. In the case of UATP
we can also want to perform
the authorisation of the credit
card payment automatically EXP
Express Checkout Or TPC UATP
express checkout AUT Credit Card
authorisation . Codeset list: 1245 IA

action Action request / M* 1 an .. 3 Will be N No or Y Yes. Codeset list:

notification, coded 1229 IA 02.2.2469

description Free text M* 1 an .. 70 description.

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Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
fopDetails Form of payment C 1 "" Form of payment details

fopCode Form of payment C 1 an .. 20 Format key that identify the FOP

identification within a FOP table. (CCVI, ...).
Codeset list: 9888 IA 02.2.567

fopMapTable Form of payment C 1 an .. 20 Name of the FOP map table used

identification in order to validate the FP element..
Codeset list: 9888 IA 02.2.568

fopBillingCode Form of payment C 1 an .. 10 This corresponds to the fop billing

identification code (CASH CA / Credit CC).
This is only used in case of a MS
reporting code. (it corresponds to XX
of @FPMSXX tag of TPF tables).
Codeset list: 9888 IA 02.2.566

fopStatus Data indicator C 1 an .. 3 Fop is a Old / new fop.. Codeset list:

9988 IA 02.2.1196

fopEdiCode Form of payment C 1 an .. 10 Corresponds to the EDIFACT code.

identification This enables to identify the type
of FOP that will be added in case
of a structured EDIFACT (i.e. via
PNRADD) addition of the FOP. (it
corresponds to the @EDI tag of TPF
tables) Here is an example: Customer
is eager to add a structured cash
FOP using an EDIFACT message.
The fopEdiCode will be filled with CA
which means cash. Then in the FOP
table in charge of validating free flow
and generating FOP free flow, the
system will try to look for the FOP
map having CA as fop EDI code. If
we are in an Air France (AF) ATO/
CTO: the system will get FP CA….
If we are in an Iberia (IB) ATO/CTO:
the system will get FP CASH,…. If
we are in an United Airline (UA) ATO/
CTO: the system will get FP S…. …
(@EDI value) . Codeset list: 9888 IA

fopReportingCode Form of payment C 1 an .. 10 This corresponds to the fop code

identification which is used on reporting side. (XX
value of @FPXXxx). Codeset list:
9888 IA 02.2.565

fopPrintedCode Form of payment C 1 an .. 20 This is the FOP printed code (@PR

identification value). Codeset list: 9888 IA 02.2.563

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fopElecTicketingCode Form of payment C 1 an .. 10 This is the FOP electronic ticketing

identification code. This is used to classify any
FOP from the FOP table and also to
determine how the FOP should be
transmitted to the airline concerned.
Based on this, the absence of
the switch would make the FOP
disallowed for ETKT, for National
System Ticketing Server Travel
Agency locations and all Central
Ticketing offices (@ET value).
Codeset list: 9888 IA 02.2.562


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
monetaryDetails Monetary information M 1 "" monertary details

typeQualifier Monetary amount type M 1 an .. 3 amount qualifier of associated

qualifier FOP: I : transaction total amount.
Codeset list: 5025 IA 02.2.1165

amount Allowance or charge C 1 an .. 35 amount.


currency Currency, coded C 1 an .. 3 currency. Codeset list: 6345 IA


Structure: ATTRIBUTE
Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
criteriaSetType Attribute function code C 1 an .. 3 Type of Data related to FOP account,
qualifier ex: ACC = account info . Codeset list:
9017 UN 02.A.1867

criteriaDetails Attribute information M 999 " " Details for the message criteria
(name, value).

attributeType Attribute type M 1 an .. 25 Contains the account holder name

identification key: holdername.

attributeDescription Attribute description C 1 an .. Contains the value of the account

256 holder name. Ex: holdername=martin.


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
reservation Reservation control M* 1 "" PNR reference information

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companyId Company identification C 1 an .. 35 Company Id.

controlNumber Reservation control C 1 an .. 20 PNR value.


controlType Reservation control type C 1 an1 Type. Codeset list: 9958 1A 11.1.133

bfeType Booking File Element C 1 an .. 3 original booking type.. Codeset list:

Type 9959 1A 11.1.118


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
documentDetails Ticket number details M 1 ""

number Document/message C 1 an .. 35 provides ticket number.


type Document/message C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 1001 1A 10.1.73

name, coded

numberOfBooklets Total number of items C 1 n .. 15 .

dataIndicator Data indicator C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 9988 1A 10.1.186

requestNotification Action request / C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 1229 IA 02.2.5758

notification, coded

inConnectionWith Document/message C 1 an .. 35 .

status Status, coded C 1 an .. 3 provides ticket status. Codeset list:

4405 IA 02.2.10700


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
monetaryDetails Monetary information M 1 ""

typeQualifier Monetary amount type M 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 5025 1A 02.2.140


amount Allowance or charge C 1 an .. 35 Amount .


currency Currency, coded C 1 an .. 3 Currency . Codeset list: 6345 1A


location Place/location C 1 an .. 25 location. Codeset list: 3225 IA

identification 02.2.9520

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otherMonetaryDetails Monetary information C 19 " "

typeQualifier Monetary amount type M 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 5025 1A 02.2.140


amount Allowance or charge C 1 an .. 35 Amount .


currency Currency, coded C 1 an .. 3 Currency . Codeset list: 6345 1A


location Place/location C 1 an .. 25 location. Codeset list: 3225 IA

identification 02.2.9520

Structure: TAX DETAILS

Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
taxCategory Duty/tax/fee category, C 1 an .. 3 Tax category to distinct old from new
coded taxes. Codeset list: 5305 1A 10.1.130

taxDetails Tax details C 1 "" Details of tax

rate Duty/tax/fee rate C 1 an .. 17 Tax amount.

countryCode Country, coded C 1 an .. 3 ISO tax code. Codeset list: 3207 IA


currencyCode Currency, coded C 1 an .. 3 Currency code. Codeset list: 6345 IA


type Duty or tax or fee type C 1 an .. 3 Nature tax code. Codeset list: 5153
name code 1A 10.1.155


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
statusInformation Status details M 99 " " STATUS DETAILS

indicator Status indicator, coded C 1 an .. 3 list of status/qualifiers Either His

for Historical or Crt for Current.
Codeset list: 1245 1A 11.1.504

action Action request / C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 1229 1A 02.2.660

notification, coded

type Status type, coded C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 9015 IA 02.2.3472

description Free text C 1 an .. 70 .

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Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
documentDetails Ticket number details M 1 ""

number Document/message C 1 an .. 35 provides ticket number.


type Document/message C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 1001 1A 10.1.74

name, coded

numberOfBooklets Total number of items C 1 n .. 15 .

dataIndicator Data indicator C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 9988 1A 10.1.187

requestNotification Action request / C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 1229 IA 02.2.5759

notification, coded

inConnectionWith Document/message C 1 an .. 35 .

status Status, coded C 1 an .. 3 provides ticket status. Codeset list:

4405 IA 02.2.10703


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
couponDetails Coupon information M 1 "" Conveys coupon details

cpnNumber Sequence number M* 1 n .. 6 Conveys coupon number.

Codeset list: 1050 IA 02.2.3402

cpnStatus Status, coded C 1 an .. 3 Conveys coupon status. Codeset list:

4405 IA 02.2.11677

cpnSequenceNumber Sequence number M* 1 n .. 6 segment tattoo associated to this

coupon. Codeset list: 1050 IA

otherCouponDetails Coupon information C 3 ""

cpnNumber Sequence number M* 1 n .. 6 Conveys coupon number.

Codeset list: 1050 IA 02.2.3402

cpnStatus Status, coded C 1 an .. 3 Conveys coupon status. Codeset list:

4405 IA 02.2.11677

cpnSequenceNumber Sequence number M* 1 n .. 6 segment tattoo associated to this

coupon. Codeset list: 1050 IA

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Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
deliveringSystem System details M* 1 "" Used to specify the originator System

companyId Company identification M* 1 an .. 35 2-3 characters airline/CRS code, or

bilaterally agreed code, of the system
that originates the message when
different from the originating system..
Codeset list: 9906 IA 01.2.766

locationId Place/location C 1 an .. 25 3 characters ATA/IATA airport/city

identification code of the originating system..
Codeset list: 3225 IA 01.2.409

location Place/location C 1 an .. 17 Location of the originating system..

originIdentification Originator identification M* 1 "" Originator Identification Details


originatorId Travel agent C 1 n .. 9 ATA/IATA Id number or pseudo IATA

identification details number or ERSP..

inHouseIdentification1 In-house identification C 1 an .. 9 First In-House Identifier. Office/

Agency code assigned by the
reservation system. Office Id in

inHouseIdentification2 In-house identification C 1 an .. 9 Second In-House Identifier..

inHouseIdentification3 In-house identification C 1 an .. 9 Third in-house identifier.

locationDetails Location C 1 "" Details of the location

trueLocationId Place/location C 1 an .. 25 A 3 character ATA/IATA airport/city

identification code of the agent doing the request.
True city code.. Codeset list: 3225 IA

trueLocation Place/location C 1 an .. 17 True location of the agent doing the


cascadingSystem System details C 1 "" System Details - Used when


companyId Company identification M* 1 an .. 35 2-3 characters airline/CRS code, or

bilaterally agreed code, of the system
that originates the message when
different from the originating system..
Codeset list: 9906 IA 01.2.766

locationId Place/location C 1 an .. 25 3 characters ATA/IATA airport/city

identification code of the originating system..
Codeset list: 3225 IA 01.2.409

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location Place/location C 1 an .. 17 Location of the originating system..

originatorTypeCode Originator type code C 1 an1 Originator Type Code. A for airline
agent. T for travel Agent. E for
internet.. Codeset list: 9972 IA

originDetails Originator details C 1 "" Details on the originator

codedCountry Country, coded C 1 an .. 3 ISO country code of the agent..

Codeset list: 3207 IA 01.2.494

codedCurrency Currency, coded C 1 an .. 3 ISO currency code.. Codeset list:

6345 IA 01.2.159

codedLanguage Language, coded C 1 an .. 3 ISO code of language.. Codeset list:

3453 IA 01.2.423

originator Originator's authority C 1 an .. 9 Authority code of the requester

request code (Area Code)+(Numeric Sine)+(Agent
Initials)+(Duty Code) ex :

communicationNumber Communication number C 1 an .. 25 Identifier of the workstation (such as


partyIdentification Party id identification C 1 an .. 17 Group identification.


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
reservation Reservation control M* 1 "" Reservation number

companyId Company identification C 1 an .. 35 .

controlNumber Reservation control C 1 an .. 20 .


controlType Reservation control type C 1 an1 . Codeset list: 9958 1A 11.1.134

date First date C 1 an .. 35 .

time Time C 1 n .. 9 .

bfeType Booking File Element C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 9959 1A 11.1.119



Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
paxDetails Traveller surname C 1 "" passenger type code

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surname Traveller surname C 1 an .. 70 Passenger name.

type Number of units qualifier C 1 an .. 3 PAX = PAX IN = Infant. Codeset list:

6353 1A 10.1.2934

quantity Quantity C 1 n .. 15 .

gender Status, coded C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 4405 IA 02.2.10701

otherPaxDetails Traveller details C 99 " " passenger type

givenName Traveller given name C 1 an .. 70 .

type Number of units qualifier C 1 an .. 3 Passenger type (PTC). Codeset list:

6353 1A 10.1.2934

uniqueCustomerIdentifier Traveller reference C 1 an .. 35 .


infantIndicator Traveller accompanied C 1 an1 . Codeset list: 9946 IA 02.2.1449

by infant

title Other names C 1 an .. 70 .

age Age C 1 n .. 3 .


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
actionRequest Action request / M 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 1229 1A 02.2.649
notification, coded

tier Membership level C 1 an .. 35 .

companyDetails Company identification C 1 ""

marketingCompany Company identification C 1 an .. 35 . Codeset list: 9906 IA 02.2.14730

operatingCompany Company identification C 1 an .. 35 . Codeset list: 9906 IA 02.2.14730

otherCompany Company identification C 1 an .. 35 . Codeset list: 9906 IA 02.2.14730

accountDetails Product/account details C 1 ""

referenceType Item number type, C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 7143 IA 02.2.437


frequentTravellerId Frequent traveller C 1 an .. 25 .

identification code

category Rate/tariff class C 1 an .. 9 .


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sequenceNumber Sequence number C 1 an .. 6 . Codeset list: 1050 IA 02.2.3144

versionNumber Reference version C 1 an .. 35 .


rateClass Rate/Tariff class C 1 an .. 35 .

approvalCode Approval identification C 1 an .. 17 .

otherProductsDetails Product/account details C 1 ""

referenceType Item number type, C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 7143 IA 02.2.437


frequentTravellerId Frequent traveller C 1 an .. 25 .

identification code

category Rate/tariff class C 1 an .. 9 .


sequenceNumber Sequence number C 1 an .. 6 . Codeset list: 1050 IA 02.2.3144

versionNumber Reference version C 1 an .. 35 .


rateClass Rate/Tariff class C 1 an .. 35 .

approvalCode Approval identification C 1 an .. 17 .

dateDetails Valid date information C 1 ""

firstDate First date C 1 an .. 35 .

secondDate Second date C 1 an .. 35 .

accountHolderDetails Account holder C 1 ""


surname Traveller surname C 1 an .. 70 .

givenName Traveller given name C 1 an .. 70 .

institution Institution name C 1 an .. 70 .


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
businessSemantic Date/Time/Period C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 2005 1A 10.1.812

dateTime Structured date time C 1 "" Convey date and/or time.


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year Year number C 1 n4 Year number..

month Month number C 1 n .. 2 Month number in the year ( begins to

1 ).

day Day number C 1 n .. 2 Day number in the month ( begins to

1 ).

hour Hours C 1 n .. 2 Hour between 0 and 23.

minutes Minutes C 1 n .. 2 Minutes between 0 and 59.

seconds Seconds C 1 n .. 2 Seconds between 0 and 59.

milliseconds Milliseconds C 1 n .. 3 Milliseconds between 0 and 999..


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
freeTextDetails Free text information M 1 ""

textSubjectQualifier Text subject qualifier M 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 4451 IA 02.2.4130

informationType Information type C 1 an .. 4 . Codeset list: 9980 IA 02.2.4427

status Status, coded C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 4405 IA 02.2.10702

companyId Company identification C 1 an .. 35 . Codeset list: 9906 IA 02.2.14731

language Language, coded C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 3453 IA 02.2.7120

source Source, coded M 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 9890 IA 02.2.5214

encoding Encoding M 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 0133 1A 03.1.4405

freeText Long Free Text M 99 an .. Free text and message sequence

320 numbers of the remarks..


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
referenceDetails Referencing details C 999 " " Reference details

type Reference qualifier C 1 an .. 10 identifier. Codeset list: 1153 1A


value Reference number C 1 an .. 60 fare component identifier.


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
couponDetails Coupon information C 1 ""

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cpnNumber Sequence number C 1 an .. 6 . Codeset list: 1050 1A 10.1.149

cpnStatus Status, coded C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 4405 1A 96.1.115

cpnAmount Monetary amount C 1 an .. 35 .

cpnExchangeMedia Sequence number C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 1159 1A 10.1.65

source, coded

settlementAuthorization Control identification C 1 an .. 35 .

voluntaryIndic Status indicator, coded C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 1245 1A 11.1.836

cpnPreviousStatus Status, coded C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 4405 1A 96.1.115

cpnSequenceNumber Sequence number C 1 an .. 6 . Codeset list: 1050 1A 10.1.149

cpnReferenceNumber Reference number C 1 an .. 60 .

cpnInConnectionWithQualifier Action request / C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 1229 1A 02.2.658

notification, coded

otherCouponDetails Coupon information C 3 ""

cpnNumber Sequence number C 1 an .. 6 . Codeset list: 1050 1A 10.1.149

cpnStatus Status, coded C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 4405 1A 96.1.115

cpnAmount Monetary amount C 1 an .. 35 .

cpnExchangeMedia Sequence number C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 1159 1A 10.1.65

source, coded

settlementAuthorization Control identification C 1 an .. 35 .

voluntaryIndic Status indicator, coded C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 1245 1A 11.1.836

cpnPreviousStatus Status, coded C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 4405 1A 96.1.115

cpnSequenceNumber Sequence number C 1 an .. 6 . Codeset list: 1050 1A 10.1.149

cpnReferenceNumber Reference number C 1 an .. 60 .

cpnInConnectionWithQualifier Action request / C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 1229 1A 02.2.658

notification, coded


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
monetaryDetails Monetary information M 1 ""

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typeQualifier Monetary amount type M 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 5025 1A 02.2.623


amount Allowance or charge C 1 an .. 35 Amount .


currency Currency, coded C 1 an .. 3 Currency . Codeset list: 6345 1A


location Place/location C 1 an .. 25 location. Codeset list: 3225 IA

identification 02.2.13332


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
movementType Movement type C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 8335 1A 10.1.69
description code

fareCategories Fare category codes C 1 ""

fareType Rate type identification M 1 an .. 20 . Codeset list: 5263 1A 11.1.46

otherFareType Rate type identification C 8 an .. 20 . Codeset list: 5263 1A 11.1.46

fareDetails Fare details C 1 ""

qualifier Number of units qualifier C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 6353 1A 10.1.2935

rate Percentage C 1 n .. 8 .

country Country Code C 1 an .. 3 .

fareCategory Fare classification type, C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 9878 1A 11.1.69


additionalFareDetails Additional fare qualifier C 1 ""


rateClass Rate/Tariff class C 1 an .. 35 .

commodityCategory Commodity/rate C 1 an .. 18 .

pricingGroup Pricing Group C 1 an .. 35 .

secondRateClass Rate/Tariff class C 29 an .. 35 .

discountDetails Discount/penalty C 9 ""


fareQualifier Fare qualifier C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 9910 1A 10.1.17

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rateCategory Rate/Tariff class C 1 an .. 35 .

amount Monetary amount C 1 n .. 18 .

percentage Percentage C 1 n .. 8 .


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
flightDate Product date/time C 1 ""

departureDate First date C 1 an .. 35 .

departureTime First time C 1 n .. 4 .

arrivalDate Second date C 1 an .. 35 .

arrivalTime Second time C 1 n .. 4 .

dateVariation Date variation C 1 n1 .

boardPointDetails Location C 1 ""

trueLocationId Place/location C 1 an .. 25 . Codeset list: 3225 IA 02.2.9863


trueLocation Place/location C 1 an .. 17 .

offpointDetails Location C 1 ""

trueLocationId Place/location C 1 an .. 25 . Codeset list: 3225 IA 02.2.9863


trueLocation Place/location C 1 an .. 17 .

companyDetails Company identification C 1 ""

marketingCompany Company identification C 1 an .. 35 . Codeset list: 9906 IA 02.2.14772

operatingCompany Company identification C 1 an .. 35 . Codeset list: 9906 IA 02.2.14772

otherCompany Company identification C 1 an .. 35 . Codeset list: 9906 IA 02.2.14772

flightIdentification Product identification C 1 ""


flightNumber Product identification C 1 an .. 35 .

bookingClass Characteristic C 1 an .. 17 . Codeset list: 7037 IA 02.2.3381


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operationalSuffix Product identification C 1 an .. 3 .


modifier Item description C 3 an .. 7 . Codeset list: 7009 IA 02.2.2968


flightTypeDetails Product type details C 1 ""

flightIndicator Sequence number M 9 an .. 6 indicates whether the flight is

domestic or international. Codeset list:
1050 1A 10.1.148

itemNumber Line item number C 1 n .. 6 .

specialSegment Processing indicator, C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 7365 IA 02.2.3580


marriageDetails Marriage control details C 99 " "

relation Relation, coded C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 5479 IA 02.2.1373

marriageIdentifier Group number C 1 n .. 10 .

lineNumber Line item number C 1 n .. 6 .

otherRelation Relation, coded C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 5479 IA 02.2.1373

carrierCode Company identification C 1 an .. 35 . Codeset list: 9906 IA 02.2.14772


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
formOfPayment Form of payment details C 1 "" Details on the form of payment

type Form of payment M 1 an .. 10 . Codeset list: 9888 IA 02.2.1029


indicator Data indicator C 1 an .. 3 indicates wether the transaction is a

credit or debit.. Codeset list: 9988 1A

vendorCode Company identification C 1 an .. 35 provides the code of the vendor/

carrier code. Codeset list: 9906 IA

creditCardNumber Reference number C 1 an .. 35 .

expiryDate First date C 1 an .. 35 expiry date of the credit card.

approvalCode Approval identification C 1 an .. 17 .

sourceOfApproval Source, coded C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 9890 IA 02.2.4994

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addressVerification Verification, coded C 1 an .. 3 .

customerAccount Account holder number C 1 an .. 70 .

extendedPayment Payment time reference, C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 2475 IA 02.2.749


fopFreeText Free text C 1 an .. 70 .

membershipStatus Membership status, C 1 an .. 3 .


transactionInfo Transaction information C 1 an .. 35 .

pinCode PIN Code C 1 an .. stores a pin code attached to the

100 account.

pinCodeType PIN code type C 1 an .. 8 Details pin code type (in case of
encrypted pin code).


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
fopDetails Form of payment C 1 "" Form of payment details

fopCode Form of payment C 1 an .. 20 FOP code.. Codeset list: 9888 1A

identification 10.1.106

fopStatus Data indicator C 1 an .. 3 Fop is a old / new fop.. Codeset list:

9988 IA 02.2.2495


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
freeTextDetails Free text information M 1 ""

textSubjectQualifier Text subject qualifier M 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 4451 IA 02.2.3995

informationType Information type C 1 an .. 4 . Codeset list: 9980 IA 02.2.4284

status Status, coded C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 4405 IA 02.2.10300

companyId Company identification C 1 an .. 35 . Codeset list: 9906 IA 02.2.14152

language Language, coded C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 3453 IA 02.2.6874

source Source, coded M 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 9890 IA 02.2.4993

encoding Encoding M 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 0133 1A 03.1.4210

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freeText Long Free Text M 99 an .. Free text and message sequence

320 numbers of the remarks..


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
identification Information category C 1 an .. 3 Element used to convey rules data
code type.. Codeset list: 9601 UN 02.A.2


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
businessSemantic Date/Time/Period C 1 an .. 3 This data element can be used
qualifer to provide the semantic of the
information provided. Examples : -
Exception dates. Codeset list: 2005
1A 10.1.810

timeMode Date/Time/Period C 1 an .. 3 Indicate if the time is expressed in

qualifer UTC or in local time mode ( Codes
U and L ). In the last case, the time
zone information can be provided in
the composite C89K.. Codeset list:
2005 1A 10.1.810

beginDateTime Structured date time C 1 "" Convey the begin date/time of a

information period.

year Year number C 1 n4 Year number..

month Month number C 1 n .. 2 Month number in the year ( begins to

1 ).

day Day number C 1 n .. 2 Day number in the month ( begins to

1 ).

hour Hours C 1 n .. 2 Hour between 0 and 23.

minutes Minutes C 1 n .. 2 Minutes between 0 and 59.

seconds Seconds C 1 n .. 2 Seconds between 0 and 59.

milliseconds Milliseconds C 1 n .. 3 Milliseconds between 0 and 999..

endDateTime Structured date time C 1 "" Convey the end date/time of a period.

year Year number C 1 n4 Year number..

month Month number C 1 n .. 2 Month number in the year ( begins to

1 ).

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day Day number C 1 n .. 2 Day number in the month ( begins to

1 ).

hour Hours C 1 n .. 2 Hour between 0 and 23.

minutes Minutes C 1 n .. 2 Minutes between 0 and 59.

seconds Seconds C 1 n .. 2 Seconds between 0 and 59.

milliseconds Milliseconds C 1 n .. 3 Milliseconds between 0 and 999..

frequency Frequency C 1 "" It is used with a period to give a

restriction for days impacted. It
permits for example to indicate on
which days, a flight operates.

qualifier frequency qualifier M 1 an .. 3 Indicate if the sequence number

represents days of the week or days
of the month.. Codeset list: 340K 1A

value Sequence number C 99 an .. 6 Used to represent days of the week

or days of the month. For week : 1 is
monday and 7 is sunday. For month :
1 is the first day of the month..
Codeset list: 1050 IA 02.2.3262

timeZoneInfo Time zone information C 1 "" Reference : IATA SSIM Appendix

F If it is not provided, the time is
considered to be given in UTC.

countryCode Country, coded M 1 an .. 3 ISO country Code See SSIM

appendix F. Codeset list: 3207 IA

code Time zone code C 1 n1 Time zone code. See SSIM appendix
F.. Codeset list: 337K 1A 02.1.2624

suffix Time zone suffix C 1 a1 Time zone suffix to complete the time
zone code when necessary. See
SSIM appendix F.. Codeset list: 341K
1A 02.1.2624


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
statusInformation Status details M 99 " " STATUS DETAILS

indicator Status indicator, coded C 1 an .. 3 list of status/qualifiers. Codeset list:

1245 1A 11.1.596

action Action request / C 1 an .. 3 action. Codeset list: 1229 1A

notification, coded 02.2.737

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type Status type, coded C 1 an .. 3 type. Codeset list: 9015 IA 02.2.3625

description Free text C 1 an .. 70 description.


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
approvalCodeData Authorization approval C 1 "" transaction authorization approval
data data

approvalCode Approval identification M 1 an .. 20 will convey the value of the approval

code of the payment authorisation.

sourceOfApproval Source, coded C 1 an .. 3 Source of approval for the payment

authorisation. A Automatically
obtained by the system. M Manually
entered by an agent.. Codeset list:
9890 IA 02.2.5232


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
documentDetails Document details M* 1 "" Document information

number Document/message M* 1 an .. 35 Document number : correspond to

number invoice or credit note..


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
attributeDetails Coded attribute M 99 " " used to describe one processing
information option at FOP level

attributeType Attribute type M 1 an .. 5 use to refer the processing option

identification, coded name.. Codeset list: 950K 1A

attributeDescription Attribute description C 1 an .. if the option from data element

256 Indicator is configurable, this data
element contains the parameter..


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
attributeFunction Attribute function code M* 1 an .. 3 Usage of this element will
qualifier be the transport of the
DescriptiveBilingInformation first value
will be QF. Codeset list: 9017 UN

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attributeDetails Coded attribute M 99 " " provides details for the Attribute

attributeType Attribute type M 1 an .. 5 will convey the following QF

identification, coded data: ONOD onoData Order
Number(Qantas specific) GWTD
gwtData Government Warrant
number(Qantas specific) HOLDN
ccHolderName Conveys the
CN (company name) (Qantas
specific).This has sense only in case
of automatic creation of attribute
record (cards is a bets card). In the
other cases this information cannot
be filled. ONOR onoRequired This
ONO indicator indicates whether
or not ONO data is mandatory.
(Information provided by Qantas IGW
link) This has sense only in case
of automatic creation of attribute
record (cards is a bets card) GWTR
gwtRequired This GWT indicator
indicates whether or not GWT data
is mandatory.(Information provided
by Qantas IGW link) This has sense
only in case of automatic creation of
attribute record (cards is a bets card)
CIND cind Conveys CIND indicator :
- MANU - AUTO This indicates
whether attributes records have been
created manually (no bets card) or
automatically (bets card). BFAREC
bestFareCandidate Conveys best fare
indicator: - Yes - No This indicates
whether or not the card is best fare
candidate. (this implies card is a
bets card). Codeset list: 950K 1A

attributeDescription Attribute description M* 1 an .. onoData Order Number(Qantas

256 specific) gwtData Government
Warrant number ccHolderName
Conveys the CN onoRequired YES
- NO gwtRequired YES - NO cind
MANU - AUTO bestFareCandidate


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
errorDetails Application error detail M 1 "" Application error details.

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errorCode Application error, coded M 1 an .. 6 error/warning message number

identifying the error from the provider..
Codeset list: 9321 1A 02.1.2123

errorCodeOwner Code list responsible M* 1 an .. 3 Code identifying the agency

agency, coded responsible for a code list..
Codeset list: 3055 IA 02.2.1797


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
freeTextDetails Free text information M 1 "" Characteristics of the free text

textSubjectQualifier Text subject qualifier M 1 an .. 3 Subject Qualifier of the free text .

Codeset list: 4451 IA 02.2.1849

source Source, coded M 1 an .. 3 source of the free text. Codeset list:

9890 IA 02.2.1907

encoding Encoding M 1 an .. 3 Encoding used for the free text.

Codeset list: 0133 1A 03.1.1539

freeText Long Free Text M 1 an .. Free text explaining the error code.

Structure: ATTRIBUTE
Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
criteriaDetails Attribute information M 99 " " Details for the message criteria
(name, value).

attributeType Attribute type M 1 an .. 25 DET error Details SUG1 suggested

identification action part 1 SUG2 suggested action
part 2 CON1 consumer message
part1 CON2 consumer message
part2 .

attributeDescription Attribute description M* 1 an .. will conatin the formatted error

256 message.


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
dateTime Structured date time M* 1 "" Convey date and/or time.

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year Year number M* 1 n4 Year number..

month Month number M* 1 n .. 2 Month number in the year ( begins to

1 ).

day Day number M* 1 n .. 2 Day number in the month ( begins to

1 ).

hour Hours M* 1 n .. 2 Hour between 0 and 23.

minutes Minutes M* 1 n .. 2 Minutes between 0 and 59.

seconds Seconds M* 1 n .. 2 Seconds between 0 and 59.


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
authenticationDataDetails Authentication data C 1 "" Conveys all data of authentication
process. Only used today for "Verified
by Visa" process

veres Processing status code C 1 a1 VERes status (enrollment) Values :

Y : authentication available N :
cardholder not participating U :
Unable to authenticate E : error
message. Codeset list: 9869 1A

pares Processing status code C 1 a1 PARes status (authentication).

Values : Y : authentication successful
N : authentication failed U :
authentication could not be performed
A : attempts processing performed.
Codeset list: 9869 1A 02.1.1024

creditCardCompany Credit Card Company M 1 an4 CC Directory Server performing

Identifier the enrollment process: VISA,
MasterCard. Codeset list: 527Z 1A

authenticationIndicator Transaction indicator C 1 an2 To indicate whether the transaction

was successful, different indicators
for Visa/MasterCard. - ECI for VISA
- UCAF collection indicator for
Matercard. Codeset list: 526Z 1A

caavAlgorithm Processing indicator, C 1 n1 Indicates the algorithm used

coded to generate the Cardholder
Authentication Verification Value
(CAAV = authentication code).
Codeset list: 7365 IA 02.2.1581

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Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
communication Communication contact M 1 "" Communication channel

internetAddress Communication address M 1 an .. The communication address: an Url..

identifier 512

adressQualifier Communication address M 1 an .. 3 will be AH for World Wide Web.

code qualifier Codeset list: 3155 UN 02.A.86


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
referenceDetails Referencing details M* 1 "" REFERENCING DETAILS

value Reference number M* 1 an .. 35 will have the following values:

XID Transaction identifier of the
3DS process CAAV authentication
verification code for Visa AAV
authentication verification code for
MasterCard PAREQ authentication
message PARES authentication
response message.

Structure: BINARY DATA

Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
dataLength Length dimension M 1 n .. 15 Length of the BLB.

dataType DATA TYPE C 1 an1 type of the data. Codeset list: 116Z
1A 02.1.738

binaryData Binary data M 1 an .. used to store binary data.



Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
phoneOrEmailType Information type M 1 an .. 4 Phone contact type : 3 Business
telephone number 4 Home telephone
number 5 Telephone nature not
known. Codeset list: 9980 IA

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telephoneNumberDetails Structured telephone C 1 "" Structured telephone number


internationalDialCode Communication number C 1 an .. 25 International dial code.

localPrefixCode Communication number C 1 an .. 25 Local prefix code.

areaCode Communication number C 1 an .. 25 Area code.

telephoneNumber Communication number M 1 an .. 25 Telephone number.

emailAddress Email address C 1 an .. 70 Email of the buyer as entered during

checkout. PayPal uses this value to
pre-fill the Paypal membership sign-
up portion of the Paypal login page..


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
companyName Company identification M* 1 an .. 35 This data element is used to convey
the company name of a company
IDEAL PAYPAL .... Codeset list:
9906 IA 02.2.6900


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
statusInformation Status details M 1 "" STATUS DETAILS

indicator Status indicator, coded C 1 an .. 3 indicator selection : AO : address

override NS : no shipping.
Codeset list: 1245 IA 02.2.2638

action Action request / C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 1229 IA 02.2.3271

notification, coded


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
communication Communication contact M 1 "" Communication channel

urlAddress Communication address M 1 an .. will contain the url described by the

identifier 2500 urlType.

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urlType Communication address M 1 an .. 3 URL Address: identifier possible

code qualifier values are: - R: return url - C: cancel
url - U: customize url. Codeset list:
3155 UN 02.A.110

Structure: ADDRESS
Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
addressUsageDetails Address usage C 1 "" Payer address usage

status Address status code C 1 an .. 3 Status of the street adress on file with
the payment provider(Paypal for eg).
Codeset list: 3475 UN 02.A.182

addressDetails Address details M* 1 "" details of the payer address

format Address format code M 1 an .. 3 describes how the address is

conveyed in the message. will be : 5
unstructured. Codeset list: 3477 UN

line1 Address component M 1 an .. 70 Address Text. Any of the following

description address lines may start with a
tag: Street- ExternalNumber-
InternalNumber- County-
Neighbourhood- State-.

line2 Address component C 1 an .. 70 .


line3 Address component C 1 an .. 70 .


line4 Address component C 1 an .. 70 .


line5 Address component C 1 an .. 70 .


line6 Address component C 1 an .. 70 .


city City name C 1 an .. 35 City name..

zipCode Postal identification C 1 an .. 17 postal identification code..


regionDetails Country sub-entity C 1 "" To convey a sub-entity within a

details country : region, states..

code Country sub-entity name C 1 an .. 9 specifies the type of the sub-entity :

code region - county ....

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name Country sub-entity name C 1 an .. 70 name of the region.

locationDetails Location identification C 1 "" details of the shipping adress

code Location name code C 1 an .. 35 location name .

name Location name C 1 an .. name of the location.



Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
paxDetails Traveller surname M* 1 "" payer surname and attributes

surname Traveller surname M* 1 an .. 70 Passenger name.

type Number of units qualifier C 1 an .. 3 Customer type: A=adult C=child

IN = infant. Codeset list: 6353 IA

otherPaxDetails Traveller details C 1 "" will convey the supplementary data

about payer stored in the PSP. For
instance: Paypal Id, name,salutation

givenName Traveller given name M* 1 an .. 70 first name of the payer.


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
payerAccountId Referencing details C 999 " " Payer User ID (web account)

type Reference qualifier C 1 an .. 3 PAX/SEG tatoo. Codeset list: 1153 IA


value Reference number C 1 an .. 35 PAX/SEG tatoo.


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
countryNameCode Country name code M 1 an .. 3 Country code. Locale of pages
displayed by Paypal during Express
Checkout. Character length and
limitations: Amy two char country
code. The following two-chars are

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supported by PayPal: AT, AU, Be,

PL and US. Default is US..


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
freeTextDetails Free text information M 1 "" will describe which kind of color we
are using

textSubjectQualifier Text subject qualifier M 1 an .. 3 PSP customized color, to know what

color to apply : For Paypal: - b header
back - o header border - p payflow .
Codeset list: 4451 IA 02.2.1848

source Source, coded M 1 an .. 3 M for Manual. Codeset list: 9890 IA


encoding Encoding M 1 an .. 3 ZZZ for Mutually agreed. Codeset list:

0133 1A 03.1.1538

freeText Long Free Text M 99 an .. Free text describing the color.



Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
communication Communication contact M 1 "" Communication channel

urlAddress Communication address M 1 an .. will contain the url described by the

identifier 2500 urlType.

urlType Communication address M 1 an .. 3 URL Address: identifier possible

code qualifier values are: - R: return url - C: cancel
url - U: customize url. Codeset list:
3155 UN 02.A.111


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
responseType Response type, coded C 1 a1 Severity desciption : E. Codeset list:
9868 IA 02.2.263

statusCode Processing status code M 1 a .. 6 Error message severity status.

Codeset list: 9869 1A 02.1.1026

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Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
referenceDetails Referencing details M* 1 "" REFERENCING DETAILS

type Reference qualifier M* 1 an .. 3 nature of the bank id. Here: CUS for
customer bank. Codeset list: 1153 IA

value Reference number M* 1 an .. 35 Id of the issuing bank..

Structure: LANGUAGE
Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
languageQualifier Language code qualifier M 1 an .. 3 will be 6 for our case. Codeset list:
3455 UN 02.A.15

languageDetails Language details M* 1 "" ISO639-1 value of the language

Dutch = nl

languageCode Language name code M* 1 an .. 3 ISO639-1 value nl for Dutch.


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
communication Communication contact M 1 "" Communication channel

urlAddress Communication address M 1 an .. will contain the url described by the

identifier 512 urlType.

urlType Communication address M 1 an .. 3 URL Address: identifier possible value

code qualifier is: - R: return url . Codeset list: 3155
UN 02.A.88


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
referenceDetails Referencing details M* 1 "" REFERENCING DETAILS

type Reference qualifier C 1 an .. 3 ACQ for merchant's bank.

Codeset list: 1153 IA 02.2.2521

value Reference number C 1 an .. 35 will contain the Id of the merchant's

bank within the PSP First exmple:

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Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
communication Communication contact M 1 "" Communication channel

url Communication address M 1 an .. will convey the url of the page to be

identifier 512 redirected to.

codeQualifier Communication address M 1 an .. 3 will be AH for World Wide Web.

code qualifier Codeset list: 3155 UN 02.A.89


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
paxDetails Traveller surname M* 1 "" name of the customer

surname Traveller surname M* 1 an .. 70 Passenger name.


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
referenceDetails Referencing details M* 1 "" REFERENCING DETAILS

value Reference number M* 1 an .. 35 value of the bank account of the


Structure: ADDRESS
Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
city City name M* 1 an .. 35 City name..


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
statusCode Processing status code M 1 a .. 6 SUC Success. Payment is
guaranteed CAN Cancelled. No
payment has been made EXP
Expired. No payment has been made
FAI Failure. No reason about the
payment failure OPE Open. Status
not known, need to retry the enqiry.
Codeset list: 9869 1A 02.1.1027

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Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
formOfPayment Form of payment details M 1 "" Details on the form of payment

type Form of payment M 1 an .. 10 . Codeset list: 9888 IA 02.2.1423



Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
formOfPayment Form of payment details M 1 "" Generic status(new/old) and
type(cash, cheque, card...) of the

type Form of payment M 1 an .. 10 Generic type of the Mean of Payment

identification used : CC credit Card CA cash
CH cheque WW web payment...
INV invoice. Codeset list: 9888 IA


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
virtualCardInformation Virtual card information M 1 "" This data composite is used to
transmit parameters for Virtual Credit
Card creation

vendorCode Company identification M 1 an2 Vendor code (VI,CA,AX.) In the

context of Virtual Credit Card,
contains the desired vendor of the
virtualized card. If CA is entered, the
Virtual Credit Card provided will be a


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
companyCode Company identification M* 1 an .. 35 This data element is used to convey
the company code of a company Ex:
AF for Air France MIL for millenium
foundation. Codeset list: 9906 IA

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companyNumericCode Company identification C 1 an .. 15 This data element is used to convey

number the numeric merchant ID. .


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
monetaryDetails Monetary information M 1 "" Contains the currencies and the
various amounts

typeQualifier Monetary amount type M 1 an .. 3 Here is the list and the purpose of
qualifier each amount today stored in the
FP: I Transaction total amount Total
amount authorized in authorization
transaction IPC Transaction total
amount in PNR currency Total
amount authorized is also stored in
PNR currency. Indeed, reversal must
be done with the rate of exchange
valid at time of authorization and
therefore this avoids storing the
rate of exchange and performing
amount conversion at reversal time.
IT Initial TST total amount Amount
of TST multiplied by the number of
passengers associated to the TST
ITC Initial TST total amount in PNR
currency IT amount in PNR currency
for same reason as IPC amount R
Total amount / Remaining amount
Current authorized amount. Originally
it is the total amount authorized and
then this amount may decrease in
case of total/partial reversal. T Initial
Tst Individual amount Amount of TST
TPC Initial Tst Individual amount
in PNR currency Amount of TST in
PNR currency for same reason as
IPC amount AUT Authorized Amount
Maybe different from the one given
in input(for exple, if on input we have
2pax and the amount per pax. In case
of bulk, we will authorize the sum of
both amounts) It can also be used for:
Total Fare Amount 712 or additional
collection amount A. Codeset list:
5025 1A 02.2.617

amount Allowance or charge M* 1 an .. 35 Value of the amount. This is conveyed

number as a “string” and therefore several
strings can stand for the same
amount (eg. 14 , 1400, 14.00… could
potentially stand for 14.00 EUR).
This means that sender/receiver of
this message will need to come to
an agreement concerning the way
the amount is transferred in this

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currency Currency, coded C 1 an .. 3 IATA alphabetic currency code. Eg:

USD,GBP,EUR.... Codeset list: 6345
1A 02.2.593

otherMonetaryDetails Monetary information C 19 " "

typeQualifier Monetary amount type M 1 an .. 3 Here is the list and the purpose of
qualifier each amount today stored in the
FP: I Transaction total amount Total
amount authorized in authorization
transaction IPC Transaction total
amount in PNR currency Total
amount authorized is also stored in
PNR currency. Indeed, reversal must
be done with the rate of exchange
valid at time of authorization and
therefore this avoids storing the
rate of exchange and performing
amount conversion at reversal time.
IT Initial TST total amount Amount
of TST multiplied by the number of
passengers associated to the TST
ITC Initial TST total amount in PNR
currency IT amount in PNR currency
for same reason as IPC amount R
Total amount / Remaining amount
Current authorized amount. Originally
it is the total amount authorized and
then this amount may decrease in
case of total/partial reversal. T Initial
Tst Individual amount Amount of TST
TPC Initial Tst Individual amount
in PNR currency Amount of TST in
PNR currency for same reason as
IPC amount AUT Authorized Amount
Maybe different from the one given
in input(for exple, if on input we have
2pax and the amount per pax. In case
of bulk, we will authorize the sum of
both amounts) It can also be used for:
Total Fare Amount 712 or additional
collection amount A. Codeset list:
5025 1A 02.2.617

amount Allowance or charge M* 1 an .. 35 Value of the amount. This is conveyed

number as a “string” and therefore several
strings can stand for the same
amount (eg. 14 , 1400, 14.00… could
potentially stand for 14.00 EUR).
This means that sender/receiver of
this message will need to come to
an agreement concerning the way
the amount is transferred in this

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currency Currency, coded C 1 an .. 3 IATA alphabetic currency code. Eg:

USD,GBP,EUR.... Codeset list: 6345
1A 02.2.594

Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
firstCurrencyDetails Currency details C 1 ""

currencyQualifier Currency usage code M 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 6347 UN 02.A.112


currencyIsoCode Currency identification C 1 an .. 3 .


currencyType Currency type code C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 6343 UN 02.A.104


currencyRate Currency rate C 1 n .. 4 .

secondCurrencyDetails Currency details C 1 ""

currencyQualifier Currency usage code M 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 6347 UN 02.A.112


currencyIsoCode Currency identification C 1 an .. 3 .


currencyType Currency type code C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 6343 UN 02.A.104


currencyRate Currency rate C 1 n .. 4 .

exchangeRate Currency exchange rate C 1 n .. 12 .


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
attributeDetails Coded attribute M 99 " " Used to store the qualifier of the
information exchange rate information.

attributeType Attribute type M 1 an .. 5 . Codeset list: 950K 1A 12.1.686

identification, coded

attributeDescription Attribute description C 1 an .. .



Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
sliderMode Status details M 1 "" Miles and cash slider mode. One
of the following: CVT Converter

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Mode SLD Slider Mode With possible

option : CBF Convert Base Fare First

indicator Status indicator, coded M 1 an .. 3 Mode to use to perform conversion :

- SLD slider mode - CVT converter
mode. Codeset list: 1245 1A 14.1.26

type Status type, coded C 1 an .. 3 Option to use to perform conversion :

- CBF Convert Base Fare First.
Codeset list: 9015 IA 02.2.5392

sliderPosition Number of unit details C 2 "" Used to convey - Slider rank - number
of positions possible on the slider

numberOfUnit Number of units C 1 n .. 15 .

unitQualifier Number of units qualifier C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 6353 1A 10.1.3472


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
referenceType Reference qualifier M* 1 an .. 3 qualifies the type of the reference
used. Here it could be: PRI Payment
Record Id APP Application Correlator
Id EXT Third party Record Id ....
Codeset list: 1153 IA 02.2.5974

uniqueReference Reference number M* 1 an .. 99 The value of the payment record/

correlator Id .

Structure: FREQUENCY
Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
extendedPaymentDetails Frequency M 1 "" extended payment characteristics

instalmentsNumber Frequency rate M 1 n .. 9 Indicates number of instalments for

the payment. Codeset list: 6072 UN

instalmentsFrequency Measurement unit code C 1 an .. 3 Indicates frequency of instalments

for the payment D daily M monthly W

instalmentsStartDate Date or time or period C 1 an .. 35 Indicates when first instalment should

text take place.

instalmentsDatrDateFormat Date or time or period C 1 an .. 3 indicates extended payment start

format code date format. Codeset list: 2379 UN

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Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
businessSemantic Date/Time/Period C 1 an .. 3 This data element is used to provide
qualifer the semantic of the date information
provided. Examples : - GMT
Transaction date - Local Transaction
date ... Default being L local date and
time. Codeset list: 2005 IA 02.2.1692

dateTime Structured date time M* 1 "" Convey date and/or time.


year Year number C 1 n4 Year number..

month Month number M* 1 n .. 2 Month number in the year ( begins to

1 ).

day Day number M* 1 n .. 2 Day number in the month ( begins to

1 ).

hour Hours C 1 n .. 2 Hour between 0 and 23.

minutes Minutes C 1 n .. 2 Minutes between 0 and 59.

seconds Seconds C 1 n .. 2 Seconds between 0 and 59.

milliseconds Milliseconds C 1 n .. 3 Milliseconds between 0 and 999..

Structure: QUANTITY
Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
quantityDetails Quantity details M 20 " " To specify an appropriate quantity.

qualifier Quantity qualifier M 1 an .. 3 it will be L for Life time period.

Codeset list: 6063 IA 02.2.284

value Quantity M 1 n .. 15 duration expressed in Seconds during

the consumer has to do the payment.

unit Measure unit qualifier M* 1 an .. 3 SEC for duration in seconds.

Codeset list: 6411 IA 02.2.1217


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
terminalID Atid C 1 an8 Identification of the transaction

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distributionChannel Distribution channel M* 1 "" The distribution channel.

distributionChannelField Distribution channel M 1 n .. 3 This field is used to indicate the type

of channel used for authorization
process: e-commerce (web / Internet),
MOTO (Mail Order / telephone Order),
Face to face …) Example: 05 for API
0=MOTO (Mail Order / Telephone
Order) 1=e-Commerce (Internet).

subGroup Subgroup C 1 n .. 3 Subgroup field..

accessType Access type C 1 n .. 3 Access Type..


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
freeTextDetails Free text information M 1 "" will describe the purchase

textSubjectQualifier Text subject qualifier M 1 an .. 3 ZZZ Mutually defined. Codeset list:

4451 IA 02.2.1850

source Source, coded M 1 an .. 3 M Manual. Codeset list: 9890 IA


encoding Encoding M 1 an .. 3 ZZZ mutually agreed. Codeset list:

0133 1A 03.1.1540

freeText Long Free Text M 99 an .. Purchase free text description.



Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
referenceDetails Referencing details C 999 " " reference details

type Reference qualifier C 1 an .. 10 identifier of the reference.

Codeset list: 1153 1A 11.1.652

value Reference number C 1 an .. 60 value.

Structure: ATTRIBUTE
Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
criteriaSetType Attribute function code M* 1 an .. 3 Type of Data Exple : SAL sale
qualifier indicator EXT for extended payment

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PAY payment type. Codeset list:

9017 UN 02.A.3880

criteriaDetails Attribute information M 999 " " Details for the message criteria
(name, value).

attributeType Attribute type M 1 an .. 25 Will contain the name of the

identification information transported expl:
SaleIndicator ExtendedPayment

attributeDescription Attribute description C 1 an .. will contain the value of the data

256 Sale Indicator: "I" for online and
Internet sales. "A" for Call center
and IVR sales. "P" for Kiosk sales.
"S" for Swipe. "E" Offline Travel
agency sales. "S" for Swipe. "T" for
Telephone. ExtendedPayment: Y
YES N NO PaymentType: CREDIT


Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
responseType Response type, coded M* 1 a1 Characteristic of the Payment Status.
Exple : C Payment Created G
Payment Got K Payment Captured D
Payment Deleted U Payment Updated
V Payment Validated R Payment
Refund S Payment Reversed W
Payment with Web redirection .
Codeset list: 9868 IA 02.2.785

statusCode Processing status code M 1 a .. 6 will be OK or NOK. In the case of

NOK, the GERR will epxlain precisely
the nature of the failure. Codeset list:
9869 1A 02.1.307

Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
measurementQualifier Measurement C 1 an .. 3 defines the type of the given measure
application qualifier will be FRA in our case. Codeset list:
6311 IA 02.2.48

measurementDetails Measurement details C 1 "" Details on Fraud screening result

significance Measurement C 1 an .. 3 Fraud screening result description.

significance, coded This data is set in accordance with
the fraud score set by the airline.

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OK : Fraud screening result approved

KO : Fraud screening result declined
WRN : Fraud screening result
Warning. Codeset list: 6321 IA

valueRange Value/range C 1 "" will convey the result of the fraud

screening process on the PSP/bank
side : will look like 300 Points

unit Measure unit qualifier M 1 an .. 3 will be P for points in our case..

Codeset list: 6411 IA 02.2.1559

value Measurement value C 1 n .. 18 This data element contains the value

of the risk management score.

surfaceLayerIndicator Surface/layer indicator, C 1 an .. 3 . Codeset list: 7383 IA 02.2.158


Structure: ATTRIBUTE
Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
criteriaSetType Attribute function code M* 1 an .. 3 Type of information: - is this a
qualifier switch? - is this a structured data?.
Codeset list: 9017 UN 02.A.937

criteriaDetails Attribute information M 999 " " Details for the message criteria
(name, value).

attributeType Attribute type M 1 an .. 25 This is the data type. may contain:

identification - the name of the switch (eg
nonRefundableFop, foCheck ...)
- the name of the data (eg
bacchusDealNumber, ...) .

attributeDescription Attribute description C 1 an .. This is the data value. This may

256 contain: - a potential attribute of the
switch - the value of the structured
data of the FOP.

Structure: ATTRIBUTE
Entity Structure St Rep Fmt Comments
criteriaSetType Attribute function code M* 1 an .. 3 Type of information: - is this a
qualifier switch? - is this a structured data?.
Codeset list: 9017 UN 02.A.1559

criteriaDetails Attribute information M 999 " " Details for the message criteria
(name, value).

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attributeType Attribute type M 1 an .. 25 This is the data type. may contain:

identification - the name of the switch (eg
nonRefundableFop, foCheck ...)
- the name of the data (eg
bacchusDealNumber, ...) .

attributeDescription Attribute description C 1 an .. This is the data value. This may

256 contain: - a potential attribute of the
switch - the value of the structured
data of the FOP.

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Codeset for Action request / notification, coded (Ref: 1229 1A 02.2.1509)

Value Description
DDM Direct Distribution Model

Codeset for Action request / notification, coded (Ref: 1229 IA 02.2.2469)

Value Description
N No
Y Yes

Codeset for Action request / notification, coded (Ref: 1229 IA 02.2.2471)

Value Description
N No
Y Yes

Codeset for Action request / notification, coded (Ref: 1229 IA 02.2.3267)

Value Description
KK Confirmation
UU Refusal

Codeset for Action request / notification, coded (Ref: 1229 IA 02.2.3271)

Value Description
1 Yes
2 No

Codeset for Action request / notification, coded (Ref: 1229 1A 02.2.260)

Value Description
0 No

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1 Yes

Codeset for Action request / notification, coded (Ref: 1229 1A 02.2.262)

Value Description
0 No
1 Yes

Codeset for Action request / notification, coded (Ref: 1229 IA 02.2.5758)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Action request / notification, coded (Ref: 1229 1A 02.2.649)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Action request / notification, coded (Ref: 1229 IA 02.2.5759)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Action request / notification, coded (Ref: 1229 1A 02.2.658)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Action request / notification, coded (Ref: 1229 1A 02.2.660)

Value Description
0 No
1 Yes

Codeset for Action request / notification, coded (Ref: 1229 1A 02.2.737)

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Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Address format code (Ref: 3477 UN 02.A.200)

Value Description
5 Unstructured address

Codeset for Address format code (Ref: 3477 UN 02.A.201)

Value Description
5 Unstructured address

Codeset for Address status code (Ref: 3475 UN 02.A.182)

Value Description
7 None
8 Confirmed
9 Unconfirmed

Codeset for Application error, coded (Ref: 9321 1A 02.1.956)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Application error, coded (Ref: 9321 1A 02.1.1114)

Value Description

Codeset for Application error, coded (Ref: 9321 1A 02.1.1115)

Value Description

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Codeset for Application error, coded (Ref: 9321 1A 02.1.1120)

Value Description
294 Invalid Format

Codeset for Application error, coded (Ref: 9321 1A 02.1.2121)

Value Description
A CVV Security ID approved
I CVV Cardholder stated security ID is illegible
M CVV Cardholder stated Security ID is not on the card (missing)
N CVV Security ID not processed
S CVV Security ID should be on the card but merchant indicates it is not
U CVV Issuer not certified, or user unregistered
X CVV Security ID rejected

Codeset for Application error, coded (Ref: 9321 1A 10.2.662)

Value Description
C Closed
E Expired
F Frozen
O Open for use
R Refunded
TX Transaction In Progress

Codeset for Application error, coded (Ref: 9321 1A 02.1.2122)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Application error, coded (Ref: 9321 1A 02.1.2123)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

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Codeset for Associated option information (Ref: 9749 IA 01.2.97)

Value Description
EX Exempt all OB Fees

Codeset for Attribute function code qualifier (Ref: 9017 UN 02.A.3880)

Value Description
EXT extended Payment
FRA Fraud Data
PAY payment type
PRO promocode
SAL sale information

Codeset for Attribute function code qualifier (Ref: 9017 UN 02.A.935)

Value Description
QF Quantas DBI

Codeset for Attribute function code qualifier (Ref: 9017 UN 02.A.937)

Value Description
D Data information
S Switch information

Codeset for Attribute function code qualifier (Ref: 9017 UN 02.A.1243)

Value Description
ATN Authentication process
AUT Authorization process

Codeset for Attribute function code qualifier (Ref: 9017 UN 02.A.1559)

Value Description
D Data information
S Switch information

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Codeset for Attribute function code qualifier (Ref: 9017 UN 02.A.1867)

Value Description
ACC Account Info

Codeset for Attribute type identification, coded (Ref: 950K 1A 12.1.562)

Value Description
AO Authorisation Only
FC FC element
FP FP element
PAY PAY element

Codeset for Attribute type identification, coded (Ref: 950K 1A 12.1.686)

Value Description
INFO Informative rate, no processing

Codeset for Attribute type identification, coded (Ref: 950K 1A 02.1.2486)

Value Description

Codeset for Attribute type identification, coded (Ref: 950K 1A 02.1.2495)

Value Description
BFAREC bestFareCandidate
CIND cind
GWTD gwtData
GWTR gwtRequired
HOLDN ccHolderName
ONOD onoData
ONOR onoRequired

Codeset for Booking File Element Type (Ref: 9959 1A 11.1.118)

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Value Description

Codeset for Booking File Element Type (Ref: 9959 1A 11.1.119)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Booking File Element Type (Ref: 9959 1A 11.1.180)

Value Description
EXT Extended
MBO Middle Back Office

Codeset for Characteristic identification (Ref: 7037 IA 02.2.3381)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Code list identification code (Ref: 1131 UN 02.A.2156)

Value Description
SUB Sub-Element

Codeset for Code list identification code (Ref: 1131 UN 02.A.2624)

Value Description
SUB Sub-Element

Codeset for Code list qualifier (Ref: 1131 IA 02.2.1199)

Value Description
ATN Authentication Return Code
AUT Authorization return code

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AVS Address verification Return Code

CVV CVV Return Code
PNR PNR update Return Code
SET Settlement Return Code

Codeset for Code list qualifier (Ref: 1131 IA 02.2.1202)

Value Description
EC Error Codes
WEC Warning code
WZZ Mutually defined warning
ZZZ Mutually defined

Codeset for Code list qualifier (Ref: 1131 IA 02.2.1369)

Value Description
EC Error Codes

Codeset for Code list qualifier (Ref: 1131 IA 02.2.1370)

Value Description
EC Error Codes
WEC Warning code
WZZ Mutually defined warning
ZZZ Mutually defined

Codeset for Code list qualifier (Ref: 1131 IA 02.2.1490)

Value Description
AF Author failed
DF DoExpressCheckout failed

Codeset for Code list qualifier (Ref: 1131 IA 02.2.2647)

Value Description
ACC Account return code

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Codeset for Code list responsible agency, coded (Ref: 3055 IA 02.2.1797)
Value Description
1A Amadeus

Codeset for Code list responsible agency, coded (Ref: 3055 IA 02.2.1799)
Value Description
13 ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization)
2 CEC (Commission of the European Communities)
3 IATA (International Air Transport Association)
5 ISO (International Organization of Standardization)
ZZZ Mutually defined

Codeset for Code list responsible agency, coded (Ref: 3055 IA 02.2.2045)
Value Description
ZZZ Mutually defined

Codeset for Code list responsible agency, coded (Ref: 3055 IA 02.2.2247)
Value Description
PP Paypal

Codeset for Code list responsible agency, coded (Ref: 3055 1A 10.1.1939)
Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Communication address code qualifier (Ref: 3155 UN 02.A.86)

Value Description
AH World Wide Web

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Codeset for Communication address code qualifier (Ref: 3155 UN 02.A.88)

Value Description
R return url

Codeset for Communication address code qualifier (Ref: 3155 UN 02.A.89)

Value Description
AH World Wide Web

Codeset for Communication address code qualifier (Ref: 3155 UN 02.A.110)

Value Description
C Cancel url
PP Paypal url
R return url
U customize url

Codeset for Communication address code qualifier (Ref: 3155 UN 02.A.111)

Value Description
C cancel url
PP Paypal url
R return url
U customize url

Codeset for Communication address code qualifier (Ref: 3155 UN 02.A.125)

Value Description
BO url returned for Boleto FOP

Codeset for Company identification (Ref: 9906 IA 02.2.4190)

Value Description
7CC Industry Car Rental Companies
7HH Industry Hotel Chains

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Codeset for Company identification (Ref: 9906 IA 02.2.6897)

Value Description
7CC Industry Car Rental Companies
7HH Industry Hotel Chains

Codeset for Company identification (Ref: 9906 IA 02.2.6900)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Company identification (Ref: 9906 IA 02.2.6908)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Company identification (Ref: 9906 IA 02.2.6911)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Company identification (Ref: 9906 IA 02.2.14152)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Company identification (Ref: 9906 IA 02.2.14153)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Company identification (Ref: 9906 IA 02.2.14730)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

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Codeset for Company identification (Ref: 9906 IA 02.2.14731)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Company identification (Ref: 9906 IA 02.2.14772)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Company identification (Ref: 9906 IA 02.2.14773)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Company identification (Ref: 9906 IA 01.2.766)

Value Description
7YY Industry fares for all carriers

Codeset for Country, coded (Ref: 3207 IA 01.2.494)

Value Description
001 unable ref to 3207 96.1 IA

Codeset for Country, coded (Ref: 3207 IA 02.2.3241)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Country, coded (Ref: 3207 IA 02.2.5883)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

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Codeset for Country, coded (Ref: 3207 IA 02.2.6050)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Credit Card Company Identifier (Ref: 527Z 1A 05.1.250)

Value Description
CADS MasterCard Directory Server
VIDS VISA Directory Server

Codeset for Currency, coded (Ref: 6345 1A 02.2.593)

Value Description
777 Neutral Unit of Construction

Codeset for Currency, coded (Ref: 6345 1A 02.2.594)

Value Description
777 Neutral Unit of Construction

Codeset for Currency, coded (Ref: 6345 1A 02.2.601)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Currency, coded (Ref: 6345 IA 01.2.159)

Value Description
777 Neutral Unit of Construction

Codeset for Currency, coded (Ref: 6345 IA 02.2.2551)

Value Description
777 Neutral Unit of Construction

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Codeset for Currency, coded (Ref: 6345 IA 02.2.2707)

Value Description
777 Neutral Unit of Construction

Codeset for Currency, coded (Ref: 6345 1A 02.2.145)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Currency, coded (Ref: 6345 IA 02.2.4164)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Currency type code qualifier (Ref: 6343 UN 02.A.104)

Value Description
ISO Monetary currency defined by ISO 4217 norm
MIL Loyalty currency

Codeset for Currency usage code qualifier (Ref: 6347 UN 02.A.112)

Value Description
2 Reference currency
3 Target currency

Codeset for Data indicator (Ref: 9988 IA 02.2.1196)

Value Description
N New
O Old

Codeset for Data indicator (Ref: 9988 IA 02.2.1199)

Value Description
C collective invoice

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Codeset for Data indicator (Ref: 9988 IA 02.2.2495)

Value Description
N New
O Old

Codeset for Data indicator (Ref: 9988 1A 10.1.168)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Data indicator (Ref: 9988 1A 10.1.186)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Data indicator (Ref: 9988 1A 10.1.187)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for DATA TYPE (Ref: 116Z 1A 02.1.738)

Value Description

Codeset for DATA TYPE (Ref: 116Z 1A 02.1.739)

Value Description

Codeset for Data type, coded (Ref: 9989 1A 11.1.27)

Value Description
ZZZ All codesets returned in Pricing

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Codeset for Date/Time/Period qualifer (Ref: 2005 IA 02.2.1692)

Value Description
L Local date and time
LT Local time
T Transaction date and time
U UTC time mode
ZT GMT time

Codeset for Date/Time/Period qualifer (Ref: 2005 IA 02.2.1948)

Value Description
AR date & time corresponding to the Authorization message receipt
LT date & time corresponding to the Authorization message built
T date & time corresponding to the Authorization message sent

Codeset for Date/Time/Period qualifer (Ref: 2005 IA 02.2.1982)

Value Description
L Local time mode
U UTC time mode
ZT GMT Time mode

Codeset for Date/Time/Period qualifer (Ref: 2005 1A 10.1.810)

Value Description
BBD Book by date
EXC Exception date
FBD Flight by date

Codeset for Date/Time/Period qualifer (Ref: 2005 1A 10.1.812)

Value Description
EXP Expiry date
TID Ticket issuance date

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Codeset for Date or time or period format code (Ref: 2379 UN 02.A.67)
Value Description
106 MMDD
107 DDD
108 WW
109 MM
110 DD
401 HHMM

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600 CC
601 YY
602 CCYY
603 YYS
609 YYMM
615 YYWW
701 YY-YY
801 Year
802 Month
803 Week
804 Day
805 Hour

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806 Minute
807 Second
808 Semester
809 Four months period
810 Trimester
811 Half month
812 Ten days
813 Day of the week
814 Working days

Codeset for Document/message name, coded (Ref: 1001 1A 10.1.73)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Document/message name, coded (Ref: 1001 1A 10.1.74)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Duty/tax/fee category, coded (Ref: 5305 1A 10.1.130)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Duty or tax or fee type name code (Ref: 5153 1A 10.1.155)
Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Encoding (Ref: 0133 1A 03.1.1534)

Value Description
ZZZ Mutually agreed

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Codeset for Encoding (Ref: 0133 1A 03.1.1535)

Value Description
1 ASCII 7 bit

Codeset for Encoding (Ref: 0133 1A 03.1.1536)

Value Description
ZZZ Mutually agreed

Codeset for Encoding (Ref: 0133 1A 03.1.1538)

Value Description
1 ascii 7 bit

Codeset for Encoding (Ref: 0133 1A 03.1.1539)

Value Description
1 ASCII 7 bit

Codeset for Encoding (Ref: 0133 1A 03.1.1540)

Value Description
ZZZ Mutually agreed

Codeset for Encoding (Ref: 0133 1A 03.1.1541)

Value Description
1 ASCII 7 bit

Codeset for Encoding (Ref: 0133 1A 03.1.1807)

Value Description
1 ASCII 7 bit
ZZZ Mutually agreed

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Codeset for Encoding (Ref: 0133 1A 03.1.1808)

Value Description
1 ASCII 7 bit
2 ASCII 8 bit
ZZZ Mutually agreed

Codeset for Encoding (Ref: 0133 1A 03.1.2042)

Value Description
1 ASCII 7 bit

Codeset for Encoding (Ref: 0133 1A 03.1.4210)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Encoding (Ref: 0133 1A 03.1.4405)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Encoding (Ref: 0133 1A 03.1.4419)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Fare classification type, coded (Ref: 9878 1A 11.1.69)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Fare qualifier (Ref: 9910 1A 10.1.17)

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Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Form of payment identification (Ref: 9888 IA 02.2.1423)

Value Description
ACC account payment
AGT On behalf of/in exchange for a document previously issued by a Sales Agent
AMP AMOP Payment
CA Cash
CC Credit Card
CK Check
ELV Direct Debit FOP type
GR Government transportation request
INV invoice
MS Miscellaneous
NR Non-refundable (refund restricted)
PT Prepaid Ticket Advice (PTA)
SGR Single government transportation request
UN United Nations Transportation Request
WA Web redirection account payment
WF Web redirection fund transfer payment

Codeset for Form of payment identification (Ref: 9888 IA 02.2.244)

Value Description
AGT On behalf of/in exchange for a document previously issued by a Sales Agent
CA Cash
CC Credit Card
CK Check
GR Government transportation request
MS Miscellaneous
NR Non-refundable (refund restricted)
PT Prepaid Ticket Advice (PTA)
SGR Single government transportation request
UN United Nations Transportation Request

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Codeset for Form of payment identification (Ref: 9888 IA 02.2.562)

Value Description
AGT On behalf of/in exchange for a document previously issued by a Sales Agent
CA Cash
CC Credit Card
CK Check
DP Direct Deposit
GR Government transportation request
MS Miscellaneous
NR Non-refundable (refund restricted)
PT Prepaid Ticket Advice (PTA)
SGR Single government transportation request
UN United Nations Transportation Request

Codeset for Form of payment identification (Ref: 9888 IA 02.2.563)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Form of payment identification (Ref: 9888 IA 02.2.564)

Value Description
AA Qantas FOP A
BA German Market sub-element Bank Account form of payment for Insurance Application
CA Cash
CC Credit Card (plus 2 digits vendor code)
CK Check
MS Miscellaneous
NB Qantas Non Bankable Credit Card (plus 2 digits vendor code)
PP Qantas P FOP
PT Prepaid Ticket Advice (PTA)

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QU Qantas QU FOP
SA Iberia/Savia SF fop for cash
TD Qantas TD FOP

Codeset for Form of payment identification (Ref: 9888 IA 02.2.565)

Value Description
BR Barter (AY ATO/CTO specific)
CA Cash
CC Credit
GA Global Accounting
HO Head Office credit (BA ATO/CTO specific)
LC Local credit (BA ATO/CTO specific)
MS Miscellaneous
NR Net remit

Codeset for Form of payment identification (Ref: 9888 IA 02.2.566)

Value Description
CA Cash
CC Credit

Codeset for Form of payment identification (Ref: 9888 IA 02.2.567)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Form of payment identification (Ref: 9888 IA 02.2.568)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

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Codeset for Form of payment identification (Ref: 9888 IA 02.2.569)

Value Description
ACC account payment
AGT On behalf of/in exchange for a document previously issued by a Sales Agent
CA Cash
CC Credit Card
CK Check
GR Government transportation request
INV invoice
MS Miscellaneous
NR Non-refundable (refund restricted)
PT Prepaid Ticket Advice (PTA)
SGR Single government transportation request
UN United Nations Transportation Request
WA Web redirection account payment
WF Web redirection fund transfer payment

Codeset for Form of payment identification (Ref: 9888 IA 02.2.1026)

Value Description
INV Invoice FOP
IRU Interactive Redemption and Upgrade FOP

Codeset for Form of payment identification (Ref: 9888 1A 10.1.106)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Form of payment identification (Ref: 9888 IA 02.2.1029)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for frequency qualifier (Ref: 340K 1A 02.1.943)

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Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Frequency rate (Ref: 6072 UN 02.A.12)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Identity number qualifier (Ref: 7405 IA 02.2.243)

Value Description
IP IP adress

Codeset for Information category code (Ref: 9601 UN 02.A.2)

Value Description
DTE Date
FCC Fare
OTH Other
PXR Passenger

Codeset for Information type (Ref: 9980 IA 02.2.1959)

Value Description
3 Business telephone number
4 Home telephone number
5 Telephone nature not known

Codeset for Information type (Ref: 9980 IA 02.2.1961)

Value Description
AH Browser Accept headers
UA Browser User Agent

Codeset for Information type (Ref: 9980 IA 02.2.1966)

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Value Description
E e-mail
P phone

Codeset for Information type (Ref: 9980 IA 02.2.2444)

Value Description
LGT Paypal long text
SHT Paypal short text

Codeset for Information type (Ref: 9980 IA 02.2.4284)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Information type (Ref: 9980 IA 02.2.4427)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Information type (Ref: 9980 IA 02.2.4441)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Instruction, coded (Ref: 4401 IA 02.2.62)

Value Description
DFP Device Finger Print

Codeset for Issue indicator (Ref: 906T 1A 02.1.267)

Value Description
K Bulk

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N No Bulk
S Superbulk

Codeset for Issue indicator (Ref: 906T 1A 02.1.302)

Value Description
O Triggers OB fee calculation for FOPs being created

Codeset for Item description identification (Ref: 7009 IA 02.2.2968)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Item number type, coded (Ref: 7143 IA 02.2.437)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Language, coded (Ref: 3453 IA 01.2.423)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Language, coded (Ref: 3453 IA 02.2.6874)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Language, coded (Ref: 3453 IA 02.2.7120)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

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Codeset for Language, coded (Ref: 3453 IA 02.2.7144)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Language code qualifier (Ref: 3455 UN 02.A.15)

Value Description
6 For all types of communication

Codeset for Material type, coded (Ref: 9997 IA 02.2.218)

Value Description
1 Mobile Internet Device (WML)

Codeset for Measurement application qualifier (Ref: 6311 IA 02.2.48)

Value Description
FRA Fraud screening

Codeset for Measurement significance, coded (Ref: 6321 IA 02.2.270)

Value Description
KO Failed
OK Approved
WRN Warning

Codeset for Measure unit qualifier (Ref: 6411 IA 02.2.1217)

Value Description
SEC Duration in seconds

Codeset for Measure unit qualifier (Ref: 6411 IA 02.2.1559)

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Value Description
700 Data not available
701 Amount is a Percentage
702 Specified routing may apply - check carrier and/or connection
703 TPM deduction may apply - check carrier and/or connection
704 TPM deduction applied
A Age
B Alternate Seat
C Coupon
FR First number in range of seats
G Kilometers
GLI Imperial gallons (4,546092 dm3)
GLL Liquid Gallon (US) (3,78541 dm3)
K Kilograms
L Pounds
LR Last number in range of seats
LTR Liters
M Mileage
MIN Duration in minutes
ONZ Ounce GB, US (28,349523 g)
OZA Fluid Ounce (29,5735 cm3)
OZI Fluid Ounce (28,413 cm3)
P Points
S Seat number

Codeset for Monetary amount type qualifier (Ref: 5025 1A 02.2.617)

Value Description
712 Total fare amount
A Additional collection amount
AUT Authorized Amount
BAL balance
I Transaction total amount
IPC Transaction total amount in PNR currency
ISF First Instalment Amount
ISI Instalment Interest
ISN Following Instalment Amount

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IT Initial TST total amount

ITC Initial Total amount in PNR currency
MIL Miles
PEN penalty
R Total Amount / remaining amount
REF Refundable amount
REU Re-usable amount
T Initial TST individual amount
TPC Initial TST individual amount

Codeset for Monetary amount type qualifier (Ref: 5025 1A 02.2.623)

Value Description
B Base fare
UB Used Base Fare

Codeset for Monetary amount type qualifier (Ref: 5025 IA 02.2.1165)

Value Description
I Transaction total amount

Codeset for Monetary amount type qualifier (Ref: 5025 1A 02.2.140)

Value Description
712 Total fare amount
R Total amount / Remaining amount
REF Refundable amount
REU Re-usable amount
RRE Remaining Re-usable amount
RRF Remaining Refundable amount

Codeset for Movement type description code (Ref: 8335 1A 10.1.69)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

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Codeset for Number of units qualifier (Ref: 6353 1A 10.1.3472)

Value Description
CPL slider number of CouPLes (number of positions possible on the slider)
RNK RaNK of the slider

Codeset for Number of units qualifier (Ref: 6353 IA 02.2.1501)

Value Description
A Adult
C Child
IN Infant

Codeset for Number of units qualifier (Ref: 6353 1A 10.1.2934)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Number of units qualifier (Ref: 6353 1A 10.1.2935)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Option (Ref: 9750 IA 01.2.108)

Value Description
OB OB Fees

Codeset for Originator type code (Ref: 9972 IA 01.2.99)

Value Description
A Airline
B Business (Corporate) account
C Consolidator

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D Direct consumer
E Electronic selling system (e.g. Minitel, Compuserve)
G General Sales Agent
I Internal CRS locations (sales, development, etc.)
N Non IATA Agents
P Pending IATA Agents
S Self service machine
T Travel Agent
V Vendor (car, hotel, airline, travel supplier, etc.)
W Wholesaler (Tour operator)
X Bogus subscribers, used for testing

Codeset for Originator type code (Ref: 9972 1A 10.1.30)

Value Description
D Direct consumer

Codeset for Payment time reference, coded (Ref: 2475 IA 02.2.749)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Place/location identification (Ref: 3225 IA 02.2.13332)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Place/location identification (Ref: 3225 IA 01.2.409)

Value Description
ARNK ARNK (for RTG use only)
ZZZ ZZZ (used to designate all cities)

Codeset for Place/location identification (Ref: 3225 IA 02.2.6931)

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Value Description
EBANK e-Bank

Codeset for Place/location identification (Ref: 3225 IA 02.2.9520)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Place/location identification (Ref: 3225 IA 02.2.9863)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Place/location identification (Ref: 3225 IA 02.2.12487)

Value Description
ZZZ ZZZ (used to designate all cities)

Codeset for Processing indicator, coded (Ref: 7365 IA 02.2.1581)

Value Description
2 CVV with ATN
3 Mastercard SPA algorithm

Codeset for Processing indicator, coded (Ref: 7365 IA 02.2.3580)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Processing status code (Ref: 9869 1A 02.1.307)

Value Description
KO process failed due to unrecoverable error, no further information

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KOMORE process failed due to unrecoverable error, more information follows

OK OK processed. No further information
OKMORE OK processed, more information follows

Codeset for Processing status code (Ref: 9869 1A 02.1.1024)

Value Description
A Attempted authentication
N Authentication failed
U Authentication could not be performed (unable)
Y Authentication successful

Codeset for Processing status code (Ref: 9869 1A 02.1.1025)

Value Description
E Error message received from directory server (Internal status)
N Card holder not participating
U Unable to authenticate
Y Authentication available

Codeset for Processing status code (Ref: 9869 1A 02.1.1026)

Value Description
Custom Reserved for internal or future use.
Error Application-level error.
Warn Warning or informational error

Codeset for Processing status code (Ref: 9869 1A 02.1.1027)

Value Description
CAN Cancelled
EXP Expired
FAI Failure
OPE Open
SUC Success

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Codeset for Quantity qualifier (Ref: 6063 IA 02.2.284)

Value Description
L Lifetime period

Codeset for Rate type identification (Ref: 5263 1A 11.1.46)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Reference qualifier (Ref: 1153 1A 11.1.1320)

Value Description
NOX Card number ID

Codeset for Reference qualifier (Ref: 1153 IA 02.2.5974)

Value Description
APP ApplicationCorrelatorId
CRI Capture Reference Id
DCC DCC currency chosen
EXT Third party Record Id
FRI Fraud Record Id
MRF Merchant Reference
PPT Payment Page Token
PRI Payment Record Id
PRR PSP Reconcilation Reference
RRI Refund Reference Id

Codeset for Reference qualifier (Ref: 1153 1A 11.1.1323)

Value Description
INS Insurance element tattoo
MCO Miscelleanous Document
QT Quotation record tattoo

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SEG Special Service Request

SSR SSR reference number
TSM Service pricing record tattoo

Codeset for Reference qualifier (Ref: 1153 1A 11.1.1324)

Value Description
INS Insurance element tattoo
MCO Miscelleanous Document
QT Quotation record tattoo
SEG Special Service Request
SSR SSR reference number
TSM Service pricing record tattoo

Codeset for Reference qualifier (Ref: 1153 IA 02.2.2348)

Value Description
1 Unique passenger reference identification
2 Passenger sequence number
3 Passenger standby number
4 Passenger boarding security number
5 Passenger ticket number
6 Passenger confirmation number
7 Date of birth
700 Exceptional PNR Security Identification
701 Agency grouping identification
702 Ticketing data
703 Message number for free text
A Account/Product reference number
B Business
F Fax
H Home
P Passenger/traveller reference number
S Segment/service reference number
T Teletype address
XX Not known

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Codeset for Reference qualifier (Ref: 1153 IA 02.2.2519)

Value Description
CUS issuer bank

Codeset for Reference qualifier (Ref: 1153 IA 02.2.2521)

Value Description
ACQ merchant's bank

Codeset for Reference qualifier (Ref: 1153 IA 02.2.3153)

Value Description
CP CPF : Brazilian security number
DLN Driver License
FFN Frequent Flyer number
ID Locally defined number
NI National Identity Card number
PP passeport number
SSN Social security number

Codeset for Reference qualifier (Ref: 1153 1A 11.1.651)

Value Description
FC Fare Component

Codeset for Reference qualifier (Ref: 1153 1A 11.1.652)

Value Description
FC Fare Component
SEG Segment

Codeset for Reference qualifier (Ref: 1153 1A 11.1.1225)

Value Description
MEP MEthod of Payment

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PAI PAyment Item

SEQ Sequence Number

Codeset for Reference qualifier (Ref: 1153 1A 11.1.1237)

Value Description
FPL Form Of Payment line
FPT Form of Payment tattoo
SFPT Sales Form of Payment tattoo (Payment group PAG)
TSM FP associated to a TSM tattoo
TST Transitional Stored Ticket

Codeset for Reference qualifier (Ref: 1153 1A 11.1.1241)

Value Description
INF Infant
PAX Adult

Codeset for Reference qualifier (Ref: 1153 1A 11.1.1242)

Value Description
SHP StakeHolder Payer

Codeset for Relation, coded (Ref: 5479 IA 02.2.1373)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Reservation control type (Ref: 9958 1A 11.1.133)

Value Description
2 Confirmation Reference

Codeset for Reservation control type (Ref: 9958 1A 11.1.134)

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Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Reservation control type (Ref: 9958 1A 11.1.196)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Response type, coded (Ref: 9868 IA 02.2.263)

Value Description
E Severity of Error

Codeset for Response type, coded (Ref: 9868 IA 02.2.785)

Value Description
C Payment Created
D Payment Deleted
G Payment Got
K Payment Capture
R Payment Refund
S Payment Reversed
U Payment Updated
V Payment Validated
W Payment pre-Validated (Web redirection)

Codeset for Sequence number (Ref: 1050 IA 02.2.3144)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Sequence number (Ref: 1050 1A 10.1.148)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

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Codeset for Sequence number (Ref: 1050 1A 10.1.149)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Sequence number (Ref: 1050 IA 02.2.3262)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Sequence number (Ref: 1050 IA 02.2.3402)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Sequence number source, coded (Ref: 1159 1A 10.1.65)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Source, coded (Ref: 9890 IA 02.2.1901)

Value Description
M Manual

Codeset for Source, coded (Ref: 9890 IA 02.2.1902)

Value Description
A Automatic
M Manual

Codeset for Source, coded (Ref: 9890 IA 02.2.1903)

Value Description
M Manual

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Codeset for Source, coded (Ref: 9890 IA 02.2.1904)

Value Description
M Manual

Codeset for Source, coded (Ref: 9890 IA 02.2.1906)

Value Description
M Manual

Codeset for Source, coded (Ref: 9890 IA 02.2.1907)

Value Description
M Manual

Codeset for Source, coded (Ref: 9890 IA 02.2.1908)

Value Description
M Manual

Codeset for Source, coded (Ref: 9890 IA 02.2.1909)

Value Description
M Manual

Codeset for Source, coded (Ref: 9890 IA 02.2.2198)

Value Description
M Manual

Codeset for Source, coded (Ref: 9890 IA 02.2.2199)

Value Description
M Manual

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Codeset for Source, coded (Ref: 9890 IA 02.2.2467)

Value Description
M Manual

Codeset for Source, coded (Ref: 9890 IA 02.2.4499)

Value Description
A Automatic
B Manual (Settlement)
F Automatic (Settlement)
G Automatic (Non Amadeus Payment Server)
M Manual

Codeset for Source, coded (Ref: 9890 IA 02.2.4993)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Source, coded (Ref: 9890 IA 02.2.4994)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Source, coded (Ref: 9890 IA 02.2.5214)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Source, coded (Ref: 9890 IA 02.2.5229)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

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Codeset for Source, coded (Ref: 9890 IA 02.2.5232)

Value Description
A Automatic
M Manual

Codeset for Status, coded (Ref: 4405 IA 02.2.10300)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Status, coded (Ref: 4405 IA 02.2.10700)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Status, coded (Ref: 4405 IA 02.2.10701)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Status, coded (Ref: 4405 IA 02.2.10702)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Status, coded (Ref: 4405 IA 02.2.10703)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Status, coded (Ref: 4405 IA 02.2.10735)

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Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Status, coded (Ref: 4405 1A 96.1.115)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Status, coded (Ref: 4405 IA 02.2.11677)

Value Description
700 no active itinerary
701 Coupon notification
702 Active* (*To indicate the queue is designated for use whether it currently has any
items. When not present, the default status is non-active)
703 Queue placement is inhibited
704 Queue level notification
705 Queue being printed
706 Sub-queue present
707 On hold
A Add
AC Accrual
AL Aiport control
ALL Allocated
AVA Available
B Flown/used
BD Boarded
C Change
CK Checked in
CLO Closed
D Reprint
DB Deboarded
DN Denied boarding
E Exchanged/reissued
F Critical free text
G Non air segment

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I Original Issue (Open for Use)

IF Information only
INU In use
IO Irregular operations
K Confirmed, effective, working, firm, etc
LIM Limitations on use
NAV Not available
NC Not checked in
NS Infant, no seat
OF Offloaded
OK Confirmed
OLD Replaced item
OPE Open
P Provisional, draft proposed subject to change, etc
PAV Partial Availability - Specified sub-elements only
PE Print Exchange
PR Printed
PRF Preferred
PRP Proposed/Intended Allocation
R Request
RD Redemption
REP Replacement
REV Revised
RF Refunded
RQ Requested
S Suspended
SA Space Available
SB Standby
SRV Serviceable
T Ticketed
UNS Unserviceable
V Void
WL Waitlisted
X Cancel

Codeset for Status indicator, coded (Ref: 1245 1A 14.1.26)

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Value Description
CVT ConVerTer Mode
SLD SLider mode

Codeset for Status indicator, coded (Ref: 1245 IA 02.2.2023)

Value Description
AUT Credit Card authorisation
AWC Award Code
DPC DoExpressCheckout
EXP Express Checkout
PPP PayPal Payment
RUQ R/U Qualifier
TPC UATP express checkout

Codeset for Status indicator, coded (Ref: 1245 IA 02.2.2025)

Value Description
FRA Fraud Screening

Codeset for Status indicator, coded (Ref: 1245 IA 02.2.2637)

Value Description
CFP create FOP(s) in PNR even if Authorization failed
SPT Splitt pricing record

Codeset for Status indicator, coded (Ref: 1245 IA 02.2.2638)

Value Description
AO Address override
NS No shipping

Codeset for Status indicator, coded (Ref: 1245 1A 11.1.504)

Value Description
CNJ Conjunctive

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Codeset for Status indicator, coded (Ref: 1245 1A 11.1.596)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Status indicator, coded (Ref: 1245 1A 11.1.836)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Status indicator, coded (Ref: 1245 1A 11.1.1381)

Value Description
DM Distribution Model

Codeset for Status type, coded (Ref: 9015 IA 02.2.5392)

Value Description
CBF Convert Base Fare first

Codeset for Status type, coded (Ref: 9015 IA 02.2.3472)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Status type, coded (Ref: 9015 IA 02.2.3625)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Surface/layer indicator, coded (Ref: 7383 IA 02.2.158)

Value Description
Q6 Up to 8 ft height

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Q7 From 8 to 10 ft height

Codeset for Text subject qualifier (Ref: 4451 IA 02.2.1844)

Value Description
ZZZ Mutually defined (bilateral or internal information)

Codeset for Text subject qualifier (Ref: 4451 IA 02.2.1845)

Value Description
3 Literal text

Codeset for Text subject qualifier (Ref: 4451 IA 02.2.1846)

Value Description
ZZZ Mutually defined (bilateral or internal information)

Codeset for Text subject qualifier (Ref: 4451 IA 02.2.1848)

Value Description
b header back
o header border
p payflow

Codeset for Text subject qualifier (Ref: 4451 IA 02.2.1849)

Value Description
3 Literal text

Codeset for Text subject qualifier (Ref: 4451 IA 02.2.1850)

Value Description
ZZZ Mutually defined (bilateral or internal information)

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Codeset for Text subject qualifier (Ref: 4451 IA 02.2.1851)

Value Description
CAN canned message explanation

Codeset for Text subject qualifier (Ref: 4451 IA 02.2.2087)

Value Description
CAN canned message explanation

Codeset for Text subject qualifier (Ref: 4451 IA 02.2.2088)

Value Description
CAN canned message explanation

Codeset for Text subject qualifier (Ref: 4451 IA 02.2.2296)

Value Description
3 Literal text

Codeset for Text subject qualifier (Ref: 4451 IA 02.2.3995)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Text subject qualifier (Ref: 4451 IA 02.2.4130)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Text subject qualifier (Ref: 4451 IA 02.2.4144)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

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Codeset for Time zone code (Ref: 337K 1A 02.1.1234)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Time zone code (Ref: 337K 1A 02.1.2624)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Time zone suffix (Ref: 341K 1A 02.1.1234)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Time zone suffix (Ref: 341K 1A 02.1.2624)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

Codeset for Transaction code (Ref: 949T 1A 02.1.243)

Value Description
0110 Authorization Message 0100 - ISO8583
0210 Settlement message 0200 - ISO8583
1110 Authorization Message 1100 - ISO8583
CTR CTR authorization Message - SITA

Codeset for Transaction code (Ref: 949T 1A 02.1.277)

Value Description
DEF Perform Authorization on Ticket & MCO/EMD
DEFM Perform Authorization on MCO/EMD

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DEFP Perform Authorization on Ticket

DEFX DEFX Transaction
FP Create form of payment only

Codeset for Transaction indicator (Ref: 526Z 1A 05.0.254)

Value Description
00 Failed authentication (Visa / MasterCard)
01 Incomplete authentication (MasterCard)
02 Successful authentication (MasterCard)
05 Successful authentication (Visa)
06 Authentication attempted (Visa)
07 Unable to authenticate (Visa)

Codeset for Transaction type (Ref: 022T 1A 02.1.240)

Value Description
AP Airplus authorization
AX Amex Authorization
BB Barclays Authorization
CM Credit Mutuel Authorization
EL Euroline Authorization
NB NEDBANK Authorization
QF Quantas Authorization
RB RBOS Authorization (test only)
SI SITA Authorization
TB Transbank Authorization
VI Visa Authorization
VN VISANET Brazil Authorization

Codeset for Traveller accompanied by infant (Ref: 9946 IA 02.2.1449)

Value Description
No specific codeset defined for this data element.

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