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Assalamu’alaikum Wr.Wb,

‫سالَ ُم‬
َّ ‫صالَةُ َُو ال‬ َّ ‫ُِو ال‬ َُ ‫ْن‬ َُ َُ‫ب ْالعَالَ ِميْن‬
ُِ ‫ُِو بِ ُِه نَ ْست َ ِعيْنُ َعلَى ام ْو ُِر ال ُّد ْنيَا َوال ِ ِّدي‬ ُِِّ ‫للِ َر‬
ُ ‫الحمد‬
ُ‫ص ْحبِ ُِه ا َ ْج َم ِعيْنَُ ا َ َّما َب ْعد‬ َ ‫وعلَى آ ِل ُِه َُو‬,َ َُ‫س ِليْن‬ َ ‫آء َُو ْالم ْر‬ ُِ ‫ف األ َ ْنبِ َي‬ ُِ ‫َعلَى ا َ ْش َر‬
Honourable to the juries of the English speech contest and participants of this contest.

First of all lets us say thanks to Allah SWT, who has given us mercifull and greatfull.
Secondly, Sholawat and greeting rise up to our prophet Muhammad SAW, who has leading us
from the darkness to the lightness. Lets send sholawat to our prophet, wish we all get his
‫صال ۃ هللا سال م هللا على طه رسو ل هللا‬
‫صال ۃ هللا سال م هللا على يس حبيب هللا‬
In this time, i would deliver speech about “The Role Of Madrasah Education In Facing
The Challenges Of The Globalization Era”. Allah Said :
   
  
    
  
It means :
. . . Allah will exalt those who believe among you and those who are given some degree of
knowledge and Allah knows what you do. (Q.S Al – Mujaddilah : 11)

Ladies And Gentlemen,

Madrasah education occupies a strategic role for the young generation of Muslims
because that is where most of the students prepare for their important role for the community
in the future. The succeed of madrasah in preparing students to face the future challenges that
are more complex will produce graduates who will become leaders of the people, the
community leader, and the leader of the nation that will determine the direction of the
development of this nation.

Audience Rokhimakumullah,
Compared with education in public schools, madrasah has a noble mission. It does not
only provide a general education (such as public schools) but also provide religious education
(through the creation of religious instruction and religious atmosphere at the school) so that, if
education is successful, the graduates will be able to live happily in this world (usually
measured economically) and happy life in the hereafter (because obedience to the teachings of

Brothers and Sisters,

In relation to the era of globalization and free trade are filled with this competition, the
madrasah must also prepare their students to be ready to compete in any field they enter. It
has intentions that madrasah graduates would not be marginalized by public school graduates
in gaining a place and role in nation-building movement. This is in accordance with Surah Al-
Baqarah verse 148 which says:
    
  
     
. . .  
It means :
and for every people there is qibla (himself) that they was facing Allah. Then compete (in
making) goodness. Wherever you are, be sure God will gather you all (on the Day of
Judgement). . .

Young generation,
Madrasah classified as public schools, the madrasah graduates were eligible to continue
their study to general university. Opening up opportunities to enter public universities must be
utilized by the madrasah as possible. For that, the madrasah should improve the quality of
exact sciences such as mathematics, physics, and biology. Madrasah must encourage students
to work in the fields of economics, engineering, and the pure exact sciences so that the field is
not only controlled by non-madrasah graduates who do not necessarily have a religious
qualified mental.

In order to madrasah graduates have global insight, which holds that the entire earth
belongs to God is the place to serve, madrasah must have a global perspective. Madrasah must
prepare their students to be able to study or work abroad. For this, the mastery of skills in
foreign languages (especially Arabic and English) becomes very important. And also, the
introduction of foreign cultures and peoples.

Audience Rokhimakumullah,
I think is enough for this time. Hopefully, it will be useful for all of us. Please accept my
apologize for any mistakes. Thanks for your attention, may god bless us. And the last words. . . .
Wassalamualaikum Wr.Wb

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