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Agency Product Write-Up

SmartMedic Enhancer (U110 – U112)

(IL Unit Deduction Rider – Investment-Linked Insurance Plan)

PLAN NAME : SmartMedic Enhancer

PLAN CODE : U110, U111, U112

Product Design:
a) This product is classified as yearly automatic renewable comprehensive medical unit
deduction rider attachable to identified Investment-Linked Plans.
b) This is an optional benefit designed to provide benefits on the life of the Life Assured of
Investment-Linked Policies.
c) Insurance charge will be deducted from the unit fund.
d) Insurance charges by attained age next birthday is not guaranteed, upward revision of
insurance charges, if any, will be done on policy anniversary and policyholder will be notify in
writing at least three months befoe the revision takes place.
e) This rider is subject to Medical and Health Insurance (MHI) guideline.
f) This rider can be attached at any time effective at next monthly due and can only be attached
to the following IL Basic Plans, PROVIDED SmartMedic (‘SM’) (Plan Code: U67 – U69;
SM200, SM300 & SM400) is also attached to the basic plan:
 SmartEducate Insurance (0403)
 SmartProtect Essential Insurance 2 (0281)
 *SmartProtect Essential Insurance (0276)
 *AddVantage Plus Insurance (0275)
 *Centennial AddVantage Insurance (0271)
 *GreatLife International Portfolio Insurance (0266)
 *GreatLife Education Insurance (0237 / 237Y)
 *GreatLife Portfolio Insurance (Great ProtectLink Insurance) (0231 / 231Y)
 *Supreme FlexiLink Insurance (86 / 86Y) – refer (h) below for small group of policies
with SM200, SM300 or SM400 attached
Any future plans that the Company may introduce from time to time. (Note: Please
refer to the PWU of the basic plan on which this rider can be attached to.)
*Withdrawn Plans (for Inclusion of Rider at CS Stage only)
g) There’s a campaign between 1 August – 31 October 2011 (both dates inclusive) allowing
SmartMedic to be attached to Supreme FlexiLink Insurance (86/86Y) during the campaign
period. For those policies where SmartMedic (Plan Code: U67 – U69) is attached, may attach
this optional rider.
h) Each SmartMedic plan only has one corresponding rider for optional attachment, i.e. SM200
allows inclusion of SME200, SM300 allows inclusion of SME300, SM400 allows inclusion of
i) The risk effective date (benefit coverage start date) of SME may be different from
SmartMedic’s due to different inclusion date of both riders. However, the coverage of SME
will end on the same date as SmartMedic. Hence, the insurance charge on SmartMedic
Enhancer during its last renewal year at age 79 next birthday may be less than one (1) full

In the event of expenses incurred on the insured due to accident or illness (subject to exclusions) or
any other covered eventuality, the plan will reimburse such expenses based on the relevant co-
insurance percentages (up to maximum co-insurance amounts), up to the limits and sub-limits
according to the plan purchased as stated in the Schedule of Benefits.

Compensation may be claimed from the start of a course of covered treatment until the time it is
confirmed by the medical opinion acceptable to the Company that such treatment is no longer

Benefits provided under this rider shall be payable provided: -

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Agency Product Write-Up

SmartMedic Enhancer (U110 – U112)

(IL Unit Deduction Rider – Investment-Linked Insurance Plan)

 the benefits under the corresponding SmartMedic plan is payable; or

 the Illness or Injury for which the claim is made must occur after the risk effective date of this
rider; and
 this rider shall be subject to the waiting period of the corresponding SmartMedic plan if both riders
are attached at the same time

The Schedule of the Benefits are described as follows:

Plan Type
No. Insured Benefits
SME200 SME300 SME400
(RM) (RM) (RM)

10% of the corresponding SmartMedic plan’s initial

Increase to the Hospital Room and
I 1 Hospital Room and Board limit every 3 policy
Board Limit
years; up to a cumulative total of 100% of the
SmartMedic’s initial Hospital Room and Board limit.
st th
As charged, from 91 day to the 180 day after
hospital discharge.
II Post-Hospitalisation Treatment
Subject to SmartMedic’s applicable co-insurance
for Post-Hospitalisation Treatment.
100 150 200
Daily Guardian Benefit
(Limit per day, subject to a maximum As charged, subject to the limit stated above.
of 180 days per policy year)
Daily-Cash Allowance at Malaysian
Government Hospital
IV 150 250 350
(Per day, subject to a maximum of
120 days per policy year)
V Accidental Death Benefit 15,000 20,000 20,000
Item (I) to Item (IV) set out in the above table shall be subject to the Overall Annual Limit and Overall
Lifetime Limit of the corresponding SmartMedic plan
Increase to the Hospital Room and Board Limit
Increase to the Hospital Room and Board Limit of SmartMedic will be computed at the end of every
third (3rd) policy year starting from the risk effective date of SME regardless there is any claim made
to the rider. The limit will increase automatically by 10% of the corresponding SmartMedic plan’s initial
Hospital Room and Board limit at the end of every 3 policy year.
Mr. X bought SM300 (U68) on 1 January 2010, he then bought SME300 on 1 January 2013.
SM300 R&B SM300 + SME300 R&B
Year SM300 (U68) SME300 (U111)
Limit Limit
2010 1 policy year - 300 300
th st
2013 4 policy year 1 policy year 300 300
th th
2016 7 policy year 4 policy year 300 330
th th
2019 10 policy year 7 policy year 300 360

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Agency Product Write-Up

SmartMedic Enhancer (U110 – U112)

(IL Unit Deduction Rider – Investment-Linked Insurance Plan)

Illustrations of SmartMedic and SmartMedic Enhancer benefits payouts:

1. Increase to the Hospital Room and Board

10% increase to the
Initial Overall Annual
st nd rd
1 policy year of SM 2 policy year of SM 3 policy year of SM Limit

1/3/12 1/7/12 1/3/13 1/7/13 1/3/14 1/7/14 1/3/15 1/7/15

Risk Effective Effective
Date Date

1st policy year 2nd policy year 3rd policy year

of SME of SME of SME 10% increase to the
SM Hospital R&B Limit

2. Post-Hospitalisation Treatment

2.1) Claim happened before SME is attached

Maximum up to 90 days after hospitalization as SME has not


1/3/2012 1/4/2012 21/6/2012 29/6/2012

SM Rider Claim for Post- SME Risk
Anniversary Hospitalisation Effective
Treatment Date

2.2) Claim happened after SME is attached

Maximum up to 180 days after hospitalization as SME

has effective.

1/3/2012 15/6/2012 1/7/2012 27/12/2012

SM Rider SME Risk Claim for Post-
Anniversary Effective Hospitalisation
Date Treatment

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Agency Product Write-Up

SmartMedic Enhancer (U110 – U112)

(IL Unit Deduction Rider – Investment-Linked Insurance Plan)

3. Daily Guardian Benefit (Limit per day, subject to a maximum of 180 days per policy year)
No Daily Guardian
Benefit is payable as no Maximum up to 180 days per policy year (SME’s policy
SME is attached year) for Daily Guardian Benefit as SME has effective.

1/3/2012 1/7/2012 1/7/2013

SM Rider SME Risk SME Rider
Anniversary Effective Anniversary

4. Daily-Cash Allowance at Malaysian Government Hospital (Per day, subject to a maximum of

120 days per policy year)

Can claim RM50 per day, max 120 days per policy year for SM

1/3/2012 1/7/2012 1/3/2013 1/7/2013

SM Rider SME Risk SM Rider SME rider
Anniversary Effective Anniversary anniversary

Can claim RM150 (SME200) /RM250 SME200) /RM350

(SME400) per day, max 120 days per policy year for SME

4.1) Scenario 1 – SM200 attach SME200, claim happened before attach SME.
Can claim 50 per day, max 120 days per policy year for SM

1/3/2012 1/7/2012 1/3/2013 1/7/2013

SM Rider SME Risk SM Rider SME rider
Anniversary Effective Anniversary anniversary

Stayed in Malaysian Government

Hospital for 10 days, SME not attach
yet, thus claim will be under SM,10 Can claim RM150 (SME200) per day, max 120 days per policy
days x RM50 per day = RM 500 year for SME

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Agency Product Write-Up

SmartMedic Enhancer (U110 – U112)

(IL Unit Deduction Rider – Investment-Linked Insurance Plan)

4.2) Scenario 2 – SM 200 attach SME200, claim happened after attached SME, no claim experience
for the policy year so far.
Can claim RM50 per day, max 120 days per policy year for SM Can claim RM50 per day, max 120
days per policy year for SM

1/3/2012 1/7/2012 1/3/2013 1/7/2013

SM Rider SME Risk SM Rider SME rider
Anniversary Effective Anniversary anniversary

Can claim RM150 (SME200) per day, max 120 days per policy
year for SME

No claim on Daily-Cash Allowance at Stayed in Malaysian Government Hospital for

Malaysian Government Hospital 10 days. So, the claim will be under SM200
(RM50) x 10 days) + under SME200 (RM150 x
10 days) = RM 2,000

4.3) Scenario 3 – SM 200 attach SME200, claim happen after attached SME, had claim on Daily-
Cash Allowance at Malaysian Government Hospital benefit up to 120 days

Can claim RM50 per day, max 120

Can claim RM50 per day, max 120 days per policy year for SM days per policy year for SM

1/3/2012 1/7/2012 1/3/2013 1/7/2013

SM Rider SME Risk SM Rider SME rider
Anniversary Effective Anniversary anniversary

Can claim RM150 (SME200) per day, max 120 days per policy
year for SME

claim for 120 days under SM

previously Stayed in Malaysian Government Hospital for
10 days, since already claimed for 120 days
under SM, thus only can claim under SME,
RM150 x 10 days = RM 1,500

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Agency Product Write-Up

SmartMedic Enhancer (U110 – U112)

(IL Unit Deduction Rider – Investment-Linked Insurance Plan)

Illustrations of SmartMedic and SmartMedic Enhancer benefit payouts if upgrade SmartMedic:

1. Post-Hospitalisation Treatment

Any claims follow SM100 benefits and limits

Follow SM200 benefits and limits*

30 days waiting period

for upgrade SM

1/3/2012 1/7/2012 1/8/2012

SM100 Upgrade to SM200
Attach SME 200

Any claims happen within or after the waiting period of SM, is entitled to an
extension to 180 days for Post-Hospitalisation Treatment

*Note: Disability per event

2. Daily-Cash Allowance at Malaysian Government Hospital (Per day, subject to a maximum of

120 days per policy year)

Any claims follow SM100 benefits and limits

Follow SM200 benefits and limits*

30 days waiting period

for upgrade SM

1/3/2012 1/7/2012 1/8/2012

SM100 Upgrade to SM200
Attach SME200

Any claims happen within or after the waiting period of SM, is entitled to
RM50 + RM150 (SME200)/ RM250 (SME300)/ RM350 (SME400) of Daily-
Cash Allowance at Malaysian Government Hospital benefit

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Agency Product Write-Up

SmartMedic Enhancer (U110 – U112)

(IL Unit Deduction Rider – Investment-Linked Insurance Plan)

Description of Benefits
Refer sample Policy Contract for details.


Minimum/Maximum Age at Entry

Plan Type
Entry Age
SME200 SME300 SME400
Minimum 30 days attained age

Maximum 65 years old next birthday *

* Entry age 61 to 65 is subject to medical underwriting and compulsory medical checkup.

Minimum/Maximum Term
Maximum age at renewal : 79 years next birthday
Maximum expiry age : Policy Anniversary on 80 years next birthday

Minimum/Maximum Sum Assured

Not Applicable.

Non Medical Limits

In general, Medical Examination is not required. However, the Company reserves the absolute right to
call for a medical examination, if necessary.

Not Allowed.

Renewal / Change in Occupation

The renewal of this rider is guaranteed subject to portfolio withdrawal. The risk charge rates may be
changed from time to time as the Company may determine at its sole discretion. Such changes, if
any, shall be applicable to all Insured Persons irrespective of their claim experience

The Insured Person must inform the Company of any change in the nature of his or her occupation.
The Company may at its discretion alter any provisions, terms, conditions and benefits of the Plan.

Female Rates
Separate insurance charges applicable for male and female. Refer to Appendix 1 for the insurance
charges rates table.

Occupational Class Rates

The standard Males and Females rates are applicable to Occupation Classes 1 and 2. Separate rates
are chargeable for Occupation Class 3 and Class 4. Refer to Appendix 1 for the insurance charges
rates table.

Non-smoker Discount / Large Sum Assured Discount

Not applicable.

Rate adjustment
The insurance charge rates may be changed from time to time as the Company may determine at its
sole discretion. Such changes, if any, shall be applicable to all Insured Persons irrespective of their
claim experience.

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Agency Product Write-Up

SmartMedic Enhancer (U110 – U112)

(IL Unit Deduction Rider – Investment-Linked Insurance Plan)


Automatic Premium Loan / Policy Loan / Bonus Rate / Agency Compensation / Surrender
Values / Partial Surrender / Paid Up Values / Extended Term Assurance / Lien for Juvenile
Policy / Option to Purchase New Policy
Not Applicable

Not applicable, as all benefits given to life assured

Assignment / Third party policy

Follow basic plan

Free Look Period

Policyholder is allowed to cancel this rider within 15 days. Under such circumstance, the Company will
reinstate the units, which have been deducted for the payment of insurance charges after net of
medical expenses incurred by the Company (if any) in the issuance of this rider.

Allowed within 6 months from the SmartMedic Enhancer’s lapse date and is subject to underwriting

Riders Allowed/ Conversion Privilege / Interim Cover

Not Applicable

EXCLUSIONS (Refer sample policy contract in the event of discrepancy)

This rider is applying the same exclusion list as per SmartMedic. Refer the SmartMedic Enhancer's
sample Policy Contract for details.

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Agency Product Write-Up

SmartMedic Enhancer (U110 – U112)

(IL Unit Deduction Rider – Investment-Linked Insurance Plan)


Occupation Class 1 & 2

Attained SME200 SME300 SME400
Age Next
Birthday Male Female Male Female Male Female
1-5 113 96 164 139 212 178
6 - 10 60 52 86 75 108 94
11 - 15 50 37 70 52 86 64
16 - 20 60 50 84 71 106 89
21 - 25 59 50 82 69 102 86
26 - 30 47 43 65 59 81 72
31 - 35 44 41 59 55 72 66
36 - 40 48 54 65 71 78 85
41 - 45 60 68 79 89 95 107
46 - 50 71 78 95 104 116 127
51 - 55 96 114 132 151 165 185
56 – 60 144 141 197 192 246 240
61 – 65 191 185 263 253 332 318
66 – 70* 264 248 363 338 460 425
71 – 75* 366 334 504 454 639 571
76 – 79* 508 452 700 612 890 769

Occupation Class 3
Attained SME200 SME300 SME400
Age Next
Birthday Male Female Male Female Male Female
1-5 141 119 205 173 265 223
6 - 10 75 65 107 93 135 118
11 - 15 62 47 87 65 108 79
16 - 20 75 62 105 88 132 111
21 - 25 73 62 103 86 128 107
26 - 30 58 53 82 73 101 90
31 - 35 55 51 74 68 89 82
36 - 40 60 67 81 88 97 106
41 - 45 75 84 98 111 118 134
46 - 50 88 98 119 130 145 158
51 - 55 120 143 165 189 206 231
56 – 60 180 176 246 240 307 300
61 – 65 239 231 329 316 415 397
66 – 70* 330 310 454 423 575 532
71 – 75* 457 418 630 568 799 714
76 – 79* 635 564 875 765 1,112 961

*Renewal Only

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Agency Product Write-Up

SmartMedic Enhancer (U110 – U112)

(IL Unit Deduction Rider – Investment-Linked Insurance Plan)


Occupation Class 4
Attained SME200 SME300 SME400
Age Next
Birthday Male Female Male Female Male Female
1-5 169 143 246 208 318 267
6 - 10 90 78 128 112 162 141
11 - 15 74 56 104 78 129 95
16 - 20 89 75 126 106 158 133
21 - 25 88 74 123 104 153 129
26 - 30 70 64 98 88 121 108
31 - 35 66 61 89 82 107 98
36 - 40 72 80 97 106 117 127
41 - 45 90 101 118 133 142 161
46 - 50 106 117 142 156 174 190
51 - 55 144 171 198 227 247 278
56 – 60 216 211 295 288 369 360
61 – 65 287 278 394 379 498 476
66 – 70* 395 372 545 507 690 638
71 – 75* 548 501 755 681 958 857
76 – 79* 762 677 1,050 917 1,334 1,153

*Renewal Only

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