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Eurock 2005 -Impact of Human Activity on the Geological Environment - Konecny (ed)

© 2005 Taylor & Francis Group, London, ISBN 04 1538 042 1

Mechanical behaviors of concrete plug in storage rock cavern

Eui-Seob Park & Chang-Ha Ryu

Korea Institute a/Geoscience and Mineral Resources, Daejeon, Korea

Byung-Ki Park & Seokwon Jeon

School a/Civil. Urban and Geosystem Engineering, Seoul National University. Seoul, Korea

~~STRACT: In this study, biaxial compression tests were carried out with three plug shapes to figure out
b hmechal1lcal behavior of rock-plug structure. From the results of this test, It IS verified that the mechanical
h aVlor of rock-plug structure is dependent upon the plug shape and applied stress condition, and the failure
c 1aracteristics of its structure is affected by in-situ stress condition. Also, the two-dimensional numerical analysis
was carried out to examine the performance of a concrete plug in underground storage cavern. When the plug
was lIlstalled at a great depth, where was a tendency for the plug to be more stable with increasing in-situ stress
ratIo (K). The results of analysis considering the interface elements at plug-rock contact indicated that the lower
:~Ytntnetric shaped plug with smooth contact condition was more stable than the symmetric or upper asymmetric
aped plug.

fNTRODUCTION SS and US type, there has been little research on its

mechanical behavior according to plug type.
In construction of an underground storage cavern for In this study, biax ial compression tests were carried
c e 01'1, LPG, LNG, compressed air and so on, a
out to examine the mechanical behavior of rock-plug
ao~crete plug is mainly installed in an access tunnel or structure with regard to three types of plug shape,
s aft that connects the underground cavern and the wedge depth and various stress conditions. Also, we
fround surface after completion of the excavation and conducted numerical analyses on the mechanical
nStalIation of facilities behavior of the plug to find optimal shape and thick-
TI .
and le plug prevents the stored product from leakage ness of the plug with respect to the installation depth
pi the excesSive inflow of underground water, so It and the condition of rock-plug interface.
ofay~ an Important role in construction and operation
th t e storage cavern. Once the plug is constructed,
Su ern ISIsolated from the external access. And the
ca~cess or failure of its function determines the techni-
The~nd economical capacity of overall storage facility. The specimens for biaxial compression test were
ical ~fore,.lt ISvery important to examine the mechan- molded as three types such as US, SS and LS which
pi ehavlor of structure combined by rock mass and are 260 rnrn in width, 260 mm in height, and 60 rnm
\V~g for the determination of its shape and thickness in thickness. To figure out the effects on mechanical
of I~h provides the cost-saving, safety and tightness behavior with regard to wedge depth, the specimens of
StoP ug structure during design and construction of the same type were molded as having three different
rage cavern. wedge depths (10, 20 & 30 mm). Figure I shows the
ha\~Ost of plugs within underground storage facility schematic diagram of specimens for biaxial compres-
sh shaped like not a parallel shape but a two-cone sion test, which are three types of plug with 20 mrn
sp:pe/xcavated toward surrounding rock mass with a wedge depth.
andc; IC depth. According to the length ratio of upper
fied oWer Cone in two-cone shape, it could be class i-
the Into three types: upper axi-symmetric(US; when 3 RESULTS OF TEST
low~:rt of upper cone is longer), symmetric(SS) and
3.1 Plug type
is I aXI-symmetric(LS; when the part of lower cone
undonger) type. Although the plugs installed within The biaxial compression tests were carried out with
erground oil storage facility in Korea are mainly three different plug types, while applying the same

Symmetric Shape (K:0.5) •

6.0 4.0

~ 3.0
~~ .. ;. ..... -
~ .-' '
iii 2.0



0.0 0.0
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5
Displacement (rnrn) Displacement (mm)

(a) K = 0.5 (a) Vertical stress = 1.0 MPa

I Symmetric Shape (K:l.0) •

. -
.. ' .



0.0 0.0 2.5
O.s 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0
Displacement (mm) Displacement (mm)

(b) K = 1.0 (b) Vertical stress = 2.0 MPa


Figure 4. Relationship between stress and displacement of

I Symmetric Shape (K:l.5)' 55 type with the increase of stress ratio K.

displacement was occurred in the LS type having the

smallest contact area.

3.2 Stress conditions


For the same plug, test was carried out with the con-
fining stress of 1.0, 1.5 and 2.0 MPa, and stress ratio
K = 0.5, 1.0 and 1.5. Figure 3 shows the results of SS
0.5 1.0 1.5 2.0 2.5 3.0
type tested by increasing vertical stress (1.0, 1.5 and
Displacement (mm) 2.0 MPa) under the following stress ratio K (0.5, 1.0
(c) K = 1.5 and 1.5).
As shown in Figure 3, when vertical stress was
figure 3 ..
ss typ .. Relatlonsillp between stress and displacement of increased to 1-2 MPa, the displacement occurred at
e with the increase of vertical stress. a plug was decreased under the same stress level.
Although this phenomenon was decreased gradually
the Order f
the Co 0 US < SS < LS type. It means that because with the increase of stress ratio K, which seems that
apPlie~tact area of lower part that resists to the load as horizontal confining stress applied is increased, the
ent plu to the Upper part ofa plug is varied with differ- absolute magnitude of vertical stress can hardly affects
While ~htypes, the strength of cohesion also is varied. the displacement behavior of a plug.
US ty e smallest displacement was occurred in the Figure 4 shows the displacement behavior of SS
pe having the largest contact area, the largest type specimens according to stress ratio K, and it is


(a) Symmetric (b) Upper asymmetric (c) Lower asymmetric

Figure 5. Plug shape and its analysis point.

clear that as stress ratio K was increased, the displace- Table I. Mechanical properties of the rock mass and con-
ment occurred was decreased gradually under the same crete plug.
stress level. It can be thought that because the con-
fining pressure applied to a plug is increased as the propert ies Rock mass Concrete plug
confining pressure in rock becomes higher, the dis- -------------------
placement occurred at a plug could be restricted by this Density (kg/rn ') 2500 2300
confining pressure. Similarly the mechanical behavior Young's modulus (GPa) 17.8 35
of the same plug type is irrelevant to the condition of Poisson's ratio 0.2 0.25
normal stress. Cohesion (MPa) 4.3
Friction angle (0) 35
interface element to rock-plug contact was added in
4.1 Model setup STEP 4.

The selected cavern shape for this study was Pyong- I. STEP I: Excavate shaft, plug, and cavern.
Taek LPG storage cavern in Korea. The analysis model 2. STEP 2: Plug installation.
was set up with shaft, plug, and cavern together with 3. STEP 3: Loading water pressure on the upper sur-
axi-symmetric condition. The model boundary was face of the plug.
set to 50 m in width and 150 m in height. The Mohr- 4. STEP 4: Apply infiltration pressure to rock-plug
Coulomb failure criterion was adopted for rock mass interface.
and the elastic model for the plug. Three types of
plug geometry were used for this analysis as shown
in Figure 5. 4.4 Effect ofin-situ stress ratio (K value), depth
and plug shape
The plug behavior was analyzed numerically with di~
4.2 Input data ferent shapes of the plug, K values, and installattO
Table I shows the mechanical properties of rock mass depths. Each analysis applied the various condilions
and a concrete plug. The rock mass properties were in combination.
determined by the results of geologic investigation and . and
- Plug shapes: upper asymmetric, symmetnc,
laboratory tests of the Pyong- Taek LPG storage cavern
lower asymmetric type
project [SK Co., 1998]. The calculated stress applied
- K values: 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, and 2.0
to the top of the plug was about 1.6 MPa.
- Depths: 100, 200, 500, and 1000 m
From the analysis, several results were obtained~
4.3 Analysis sequence The maximum compressive stress occurred in the rOcf
The analysis procedure followed the real construc- mass at point C (Fig. 5). And the maximum value IDe
tion sequence as below. The analysis which applied the compressive stress and displacement wtthtn t 1

1.6 o
2.5 1.4

<il 1.2
~ 1.0
'"'"!'! 0.8
-.- upper asymmetric shape

c 0.4
-.- upper asymmetric shape
a symmetric shape
0.2 o symmetric shape
• lower asymmetric shape
0.0 -+-- lower asymmetric shape
a 200 400 600 800 1000 a 200 400 600 800 1000
Deplh (m) Deplh (m)

(a) K = 0.5 (b) K= 1.0


0.7 2.0 -.- upper asymmetric shape

-.- upper asymmetric shape
symmetric shape
tti' 0.6
Q. a symmetric shape
E -.- lower asymmetric shape
~ 0.5 --.-- lower asymmetric shape .s 1.5
'"~ 0.4 c
iii 0.3 '"E 1.0
~ '"
~ 0.2 g-'" Ij-
~ 0.1
0.0 .
o 0.5
'0.1 0.0
a 200 400 600 800 1000 a 200 400 600 800 1000

Depth (m) Depth (m)

(c) K = 1.5 (d) K = 1.0

Figure 6.
Variation of the maximum tensile stress and displacement as to the change in depth and K.

~:~g OCCurred at point B. But, the maximum tensile ~~tJ,.L'l;...oL.cJ.'!EDl

HAC (V~NIf{)/} 3.30)

th ess concentration occurred at point A. In case that
(I ~t'ug was installed at a relatively shallow depth
and m-200 m), the magnitudes
JJI'U/lJH ~I"'l
of the principal stress
~a.ll~:u-, •.-:IU"
to th the maxImum displacement were not sensitive -11~-a:~·rlN::.Y.·t::

the ~ changes In in-situ stress ratio (K) and the shape of

the Pug. But, when installed at a great depth (l 000 m), __-:~I.v-.
in re has a tendency for the plug to be more stable with

creasln" . ·iUUl!r.l

T g in-SItu stress rano (K).

rn] he cnterion to evaluate the plug stability was deter-
an~~d With the magnitude and extent of tensile stress
the Isplacement occurred in a plug. Figure 6 shows
pia vanation of the maximum tensile stress and dis-
K celment of each shape with respect to depth and
disv~ ue, The differences between tensile stress and
Figure 7. Contour of the maximum principal stress for
~acement of each plug were not great. symmetric shape (K = 1.0 and Depth = 100 rn).
the Igure 7 shows the contours of the maximum and
sha mInImum stress around the plug for symmetric
e failure criterion. The Coulomb shear strength criterion
Contours for other shaped plug were similar to
o the symmetric shape.
limits the shear force by the following relation.

4.5 F,max = cL + F; tan ~ (I)

EfJect of rock-concrete interface
The Co .
III as ntact plane between a concrete plug and rock where c is cohesion along the interface, L is effec-
PL:C Was Considered by using interface elements in tive contact length, and 4> is friction angle of interface
, aSSllmll1g that it follows the Coulomb shear surfaces.

Table 2. Material properties with respect to interface 0.95
I -"- Min. Prin. stress at plug bottom"]
condition. 0.94

Interface '"
c, 0.93

properties Rough Intermediate Smooth ~~


20 Ui 0.91
Normal 20 20 $
stiffness (GPa)
Young's 20 10 2

modulus (GPa) 0.89

Cohesion (MPa) 2 2 2 0.88

Friction angle CO) 30 30 30 20 40 60 80
(a) Tensile stress

o.s -.- Symmetric

o Upper asymmetric 0.54
.- Maximum displacement at pi§]
--.~ Lower asymmetric 0.52
'" 0.8
z~ 0.7 E

., .-._---------. C.,
ii5 E
e 0.44

f!!. 0.5 ~'" 0.42
... 0.40
Rough Intermediate Smooth 40 60 80 100
Interface Condition E(%)

(b) Displacement
Figure 8. Variation of tensile stress as to the interface
conditions (K = 1.0, Depth = 100 rn).
Figure 9. Stress and displacement as to the decrease of
elastic modulus (for upper asymmetric shape, K zz: 1.0,
depth 100 rn).
The result of analysis without considering the
infiltration pressure showed that the tensile stress
au > as > 0L at the bottom of a plug. But after the 0.95
infiltration pressure was applied to the upper interface 0.90
between rock mass and a plug, the analysis results were 0.85

different. The magnitude and the extent of the tensile ~ 0.80 !Iower asymmetric I
~ 0.75
stress were smallest in the case of the lower asymmet-
~ 0.70
ric shape. This is because that the infiltration pressure ~ 0.65
applied to the upper interface, which is nearly vertical, $ 0.60
plays the role of lateral stress. ~ 055
The smoother condition of interface allowed the 0.50
more displacement, so that the magnitude and the
extent of tensile stress occurred in plug were reduced. Smooth
Rough Intermediate
Figure 8 shows the tensile stress with respect to
Interface condition
interface condition installed at 100 m depth.
Figure 10. Variation of tensile stress as to the interface
4.6 Effect a/the EDZ condition and degree of damage.

When excavating underground opening, blasting

causes additional damages to adjacent rock mass. Figure 9 shows the tendency to increase the tenSile
And as a consequence changes of rock mass strength, stress and displacement under influence of excavatiOn
hydraulic conductivity and stress redistribution will damage. When the elastic modulus reduced 20%, diS-
result in. Among many criteria for estimating blast placement increased 43% and the tensi Ie stress increa-
induced EDZ, the change in elastic modulus was sed by 6%. Therefore, it was observed that the increas~
adopted as the indices ofEDZ estimation in this study. of damage has a strong influence on displacemen
So 80%, 60%, 40%, and 20% elastic modulus of the rather than on stress.
undamaged rock mass were used, and the EDZ range Figure 10 shows the tensile stress for different
was taken I m in radial direction. conditions of plug-rock interface.

5 CONCLUSIONS Kodikara, 1.K. & Johnston, l.W 1994. Shear behavior of
irregulartriangularrock-concretejoints, Int. 1. Rock Mech.
Through the biaxial compression tests, the following Min. Sci. & Geomech. Abstr: 31 (4):313-322.
conclusions are derived. The displacement occurred at Wang, 1. & Maji, A.K. 1995. Experimental studies and mod-
eling of the concrete/rock interface, Interface fracture and
a plug is dependent on the plug type: US < SS < LS
d Pe. And the displacement for the same type is bond, ACI SP-156:45-68.
Hokmark, H. 1998. Numerical study of the performance of
ependent on normal stress level or stress ratio K. tunnel plugs, Engineering Geology, 49:327-335.
According to the results of20 analysis, as the plug Itasca Consulting Group lnc., 1995, FLAC2D Manual.
\Va .
S Installed at deeper depth, there was a tendency Lee, D.H. 1998. Mechanical behavior and cracking character-
t~ be more stable with increasing in-situ stress ratio istics of tunnel lining by model experiment and numerical
;h~' The smoother condition of the interface allowed analysis, Ph.D. Thesis, Seoul National Univ .. Seoul, Korea.
more dIsplacement, so that the magnitude and the Pusch, R. 1992. The zone of disturbance around blasted tun-
~ange of the tensile stress in a plug were reduced. The nels at depth, Int. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech.Abstr.,
ensIle stress and displacement in plug were increased
SK Construction Co. 1998. Report of Pyung- Taek LPG
;1lh decreasing deformation modulus of rock mass
f Ue to excavation damage and the maximum values
Or 20% of deformation modulus of undamaged rock
!l1asswere increased by 6% and 43%, respectively.

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an analysis and comparison with a measured failure
geometry, Int. 1. Rock Mech. Min. Sci. & Geomech, Abstr.
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