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Naval Systems Small Calibres MARLIN - WS


The MARLIN - WS is an advanced system combination of characteristics. Optical sensor suite

developed to meet the emerging requirements of with day and night vision and laser range finder can
modern naval warfare at best level of effectiveness be mounted coaxially to or independent from the
and suitable either as main armament for small line of fire or not installed at all.
size vessels or as secondary armament for larger The excellent performance provided by the fast and
ship, with no deck penetration and simple accurate servo systems, are also ensured working
installation. either as a stand-alone system with own Remote
The MARLIN - WS is a highly accurate and reliable Control Console or linked to the ship’s Combat
multi-role system, particularly effective in the Management System. The latest generation of built-
simultaneous engagement of multiple targets such in digital architecture provides a straightforward
as swarms of Fast Inshore Attack Crafts. interface for being simply slaved to the ship’s Fire
The MARLIN – WS can be fitted with either a 25mm Control System or being fully integrated into the
or 30mm cannon and it is modular as to be CMS through LAN technology with Fire Control
configured according to an wide range of customers’ System and video tracking capabilities residing
requirements. within the weapon.
The modular architecture offers an extensive



Cannons 30 mm: Mauser Mk30-2, ATK-MK44,

25 mm: ATK-M242, Oerlikon KBA
Weight 1170 - 1430 kg. (without ammunition)
Training range 280° (optionally unlimited)
Elevation range -19° / +70°
Training velocity /acceleration ³140° sec/220° sec2
Elevation velocity /acceleration ³80°/sec/250° sec2
Ready-to-fire-rounds 160 (30mm) / 220 (25mm)
Ammunition feeding dual selectable

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Main Office Breda Meccanica Bresciana Unit as considered necessary to improve the types described or for any other reason of a commercial or constructional
19136 La Spezia via Valdilocchi, 15 25126 Brescia via Lunga, 2 nature.
tel. +39 0187 5811 - fax +39 0187 582669 tel. +39 030 37911 - fax +39 030 322115 N° S.N. 9 - SSMD 0075214 - 20.08.2013

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