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TOYOTA SHAW, INC.vs.COURT OF and enforceable contract of sale.

This is so
APPEALS and LUNA L. SOSA because the agreement as to the manner of
payment goes into the price such that a
G.R. No. L-116650 May 23, 1999 disagreement on the manner of payment is
tantamount to a failure to agree on the price.
FACTS: Sometime in June 1989, Sosa and his Definiteness as to the price is an essential
son, Gilbert, went to the Toyota Office to element of a binding agreement to sell personal
purchase a Toyota Lite Ace which they will use property
in their provincial visit in Marinduque. He was
able to transact with a certain Popong Bernardo Moreover, said VSP obviously showed the
who represented himself as sales representative absence of a meeting of minds between Toyota
of Toyota. Then and there, Bernardo was able to and Sosa. For one thing, Sosa did not even sign
assure Sosa that a unit would be ready for pick it. At the most, it may only be considered as part
up which made the latter signed the so-called of the initial phase of the generation or
“Agreements between Mr. Sosa and Popong negotiation stage of a contract of sale since it
Bernardio of Toyota Shaw, Inc” (VSP) in which only provides for the date of downpayment and
a P100K downpayment was also made. It was the balance of the purchase price to be paid.
also agreed upon by the parties that the balance
of the purchase price would be paid by credit It is obvious that the VSP was a mere proposal
financing through B.A. Finance. Come the which was aborted in lieu of subsequent events.
agreed date and time of pick up, the Toyota was It follows that the VSP created no demandable
not able to deliver the said car due to some right in favor of Sosa for the delivery of the
reasons that "nasulot ang unit ng ibang vehicle to him, and its non-delivery did not
malakas." With this, Sosa asked for a refund of cause any legally indemnifiable injury.The
the downpayment he made but the Toyota award then of moral and exemplary damages
refused to accede to his demands. Trial Court and attorney's fees and costs of suit is without
and CA ruled in favor of Sosa stating that the legal basis.
said “Agreements between Mr. Sosa and Popong
Bernardio of Toyota Shaw, Inc” is a perfected
contract of sale and that the breach of which
entitles the Sosa payment for damages.

ISSUE: Whether the “Agreements between Mr.

Sosa and Popong Bernardio of Toyota Shaw,
Inc” is a perfected contract of sale.


Art. 1458 of the Civil Code provides that “By

the contract of sale one of the contracting
parties obligates himself to transfer the
ownership of and to deliver a determinate thing,
and the other to pay therefor a price certain in
money or its equivalent. A contract of sale may
be absolute or conditional.” And with that,
“The contract of sale is perfected at the
moment there is a meeting of minds upon the
thing which is the object of the contract and
upon the price. From that moment, the parties
may reciprocally demand performance, subject
to the provisions of the law governing the form
of contracts” of Art. 1475.

The said VSP is not a contract of sale. No

obligation on the part of Toyota to transfer
ownership of a determinate thing to Sosa and no
correlative obligation on the part of the latter to
pay therefor a price certain appears therein. This
Court had already ruled that a definite agreement
on the manner of payment of the price is an
essential element in the formation of a binding

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