Polar Region

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Polar Region

1. Polar region are cold, windy and have a lot of snow and ice.
2. The polar regions are white and blue.
3. Polar bear and penguins lives in the polar region.

1. Desert is a large, sandy, hot and dry area.
2. The deserts are brown.
3. Camels, snakes and lizards lives in the desert.

1. Mountains can be rocky and barren.
2. The mountains are brown, blue and green.
3. Mountain goat and bear lives in the mountains.

1. Ocean is full of salt water.
2. The oceans are blue.
3. Different types of fish and plants lives in ocean.
(B) (i)
 Ripe Mangoes teen  is sweet.
 The grapes  are soft fruit.
 The pineapple  are in bunches.
 Bananas  has a crown on top.
 Papaya  is purple.


o This place is very cold and windy.

o This is a jungle.
o Plants like cactus grow here.
o It is green.
o Polar bear and penguins lives here.
o It is a large, sandy, hot and dry area.
o Animals like lions, tigers and parrots lives here.
o This is a desert.
o I t is covered with different types of trees.
o It is white and blue.
o We can found many wild animals here.
o It is brown.
o This is a Polar Region.
o Camels, snakes and lizards can be found here.
o It has a lot of snow and ice.
I went to my grandparents’ farm in Beruas. I feel excited to help out on the farm. I
went to the pen. I feed the goats. The goats bleat happily. Then I went to the coop. I
feed the chickens and also ducks. The chickens eat grains. I also collect the eggs.
Then we water the plants. There is a small vegetable farm behind the house. My
father teaches me how to plant vegetables. We plant the vegetables in neat rows. I
feel very happy and I have learned many things about farms.


Every evening I will go to the playground to play. Many parents bring their kids to
the playground. There are see saws, roundabout, swings, slides and monkey bars in
the playground. Children like to play in the playground.

Every evening I will meet my friends in the playground. We like to play the slide,
swing and the monkey bars. We have so much fun playing at the playground. We
love our playground.

We must keep our playground clean and beautiful. We should not throw rubbish in
the playground. If the playground is in the bad condition we cannot go there to
play. We must do gotong - royong and make our playground clean and beautiful. It
is our responsibility.

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