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Huawei OptiX OSN Equipment

Command Line Introduction

HUAWEI TECHNOLOGIES CO., LTD. All rights reserved

This course assumes that you know the
 Fundamentals of communication networks
 SDH principle and networking
 Hardware of Huawei OptiX OSN

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 This course explains Chapter 1 and Chapter 2 in

the OptiX OSN 1500/2500/3500/7500/9500

Command Line Introduction.

 This course focuses on Chapter 2 “Command

Line Configuration File” in the OptiX OSN

1500/2500/3500/7500/9500 Command Line

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 OptiX OSN 1500/2500/3500 Intelligent Optical

Transmission System Hardware Description

 OptiX OSN 7500 Intelligent Optical Switching

System Hardware Description

 OptiX OSN 9500 Intelligent Optical Switching

System Hardware Description

 OptiX NG-SDH Command Line Introduction

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After completing this presentation, you should be able
 Maintain and commission the equipment by using
command lines.
 Develop and issue a command line batch file for
NE configuration.
 Run common commands.

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Chapter 1 Overview of Command Lines

Chapter 2 Developing a Batch File

Chapter 3 Common Commands

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Overview of Command Lines

What is a command line?

 Here, a command line is a man-machine command issued to Huawei OptiX equipment.

 Like the T2000, a command line helps greatly to deploy and maintain Huawei OptiX equipment.

 Features:

- Easy
- Powerful

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Overview of Command Lines

Application of command line versions

Version Application
V3.0 Equipment of earlier versions
OptiX 155/622, OptiX OSN 2500

V4.0 OptiX 155H, OptiX 155/622H (V200)

OptiX Metro 3000

OptiX Metro 100/200/500/1050, OptiX 155/622H (V300), OptiX 10GV2, OptiX

NG-SDH, OptiX OSN 9500

Types of command line software


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Overview of Command Lines


 Runs on Windows 98/2000/XP OS.

 Inputs and outputs command lines and issues a batch file.

 Loads NE software and board software.

 Records inputs and outputs automatically.

Download the Navigator at

Location: Software > Version Software > Optical Network Product Line > Optical
Network Tools > Navigator
The Navigator of any version between V5.6 and V6.2 is recommended.

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Overview of Command Lines

Navigator functions
 Inputs and outputs command
 Issues a batch file.

 Upgrades software of the SCC

and other boards.
 Saves results automatically.
Navigator window

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Overview of Command Lines
Runs on the UNIX OS.

Inputs and outputs command lines and issues a batch file.

Does not load NE software or board software.

The cmdterm is self-contained in the T2000. By default, the cmdterm is in

the path \T2000\server\Tool\.


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Overview of Command Lines


Self-contained software of the T2000

Based on the T2000 server

Placed in the path \T2000\cmdclient\ by default

Applicable to remote maintenance

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Overview of Command Lines
Cmdclient window

Input a command here.

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Overview of Command Lines
Running the cmdclient

 Start the T2000.

 Choose System > Security Management.
The Remote Maintenance User Management window is displayed.
 Set the remote maintenance access license.
− Enable the remote maintenance user, remote.
− Set the password, operation rights, and validity period.
 Run the cmdclient.exe in the \T2000\cmdclient\ path and log in to the cmdclient.
 Compared with the Navigator and cmdterm, the cmdclient has the following features:
− Is under the control of the T2000 server.
− Can create and edit a remote maintenance report.
− Cannot download software of the SCC and other boards.

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Overview of Command Lines

Format of a command line of version V5.0

[#neid]:command[:[para_block:] ... [:para_block]]

 neid: ID of the NE to run the command

 command: command words
 para_block: parameter block. Each parameter block has one or more assignments.

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Overview of Command Lines

Syntax rules of a command line

Start of command: ":" (colon)

End of command: ";" (semicolon)
Parameter block separator: ":" (colon)
Parameter separator: "," (comma)
AND: "&"
To: "&&"
Shielding: "//"

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Overview of Command Lines
Command format

:module-operation-operation object:parameter block,…;

 Module  Operation
• cfg: a configuration command • get: to query an object
• alm: an alarm command
• add: to add an object
• per: a performance monitoring
• set: to set an object
• sm: a security management • del: to delete an object

command • reset: to reset an object

• cm: a communication
management command
• dbms: a database
management system
• sys: a system command
Example: alm-get-curdata:0,0;

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Command Line Know-How

Useful operations

To query the format of a command, add /? next to the command words.

 For example, :alm-get-curdata/?

To query all command words available for the current NE, run the following
 :help
To retrieve data by keywords, run a command in the following format:

 For example, :cfg or :cfg-get

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Chapter 1 Overview of Command Lines

Chapter 2 Developing a Batch File

Chapter 3 Common Commands

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Batch File Format
1. #1:login:"szhw","nesoft"; //The user name must be szhw.
2. :per-set-endtime:15m,1990@0@0@0@0@0;
3. :cfg-init-all;
4. :cfg-set-devicetype:OptiXOsn3500,standard; //case-sensitive
:cfg-set-nename:64,"OSN 3500 example";

5. :cfg-add-board:9&10,ssn1gxcsa:1&2,ssn1pq1:16&15,ssn1sep;
//To add interface boards

6. //Clock configuration

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Batch File Format
7. //Orderwire configuration
:cfg-set-telnum:37,1,101; //To set an addressing call number
:cfg-set-meetnum:37,999; //To set a conference call number
:cfg-set-reqtime:37,5; //To set call-waiting time
:cfg-set-lineused:37,8,1,used; //To set the optical interface for the order wire service
:cfg-set-meetlineused:37,8,1,used; //To set the optical interface for the conference call
8. //Service configuration
9. :cfg-verify;

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Batch File

1. To log in to an NE



In V5.0, the command line software rejects the user and returns
NSERR_SM_LOGIN_ALREADY when szhw already logs in to the NE.
To forcedly log in, run the following command:

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Batch File
2. To end performance monitoring


These commands end performance monitoring and ensure that configuration rate and data
are properly sent to an NE.

Parameter description:
 15m: Performance monitoring at the period of 15 minutes
 24h: Performance monitoring at the period of 24 hours
 1990@0@0@0@0@0: End time of performance monitoring. End performance
monitoring as required. To end performance monitoring immediately, set the end time
to 1990@0@0@0@0@0.

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Batch File

3. To initialize an NE


This command initializes an NE to clear all original data from the NE. In
this way, the original data does not affect the coming configurations.
Initialize the NE before you configure an NE.

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Batch File

4. To set NE parameters
:cfg-set-devicetype:OptiXOsn3500,standard; //case-senstive
:cfg-set-nename:64,“OSN 3500 example”; //The assignment 64 indicates
the length of the NE name.
:cfg-set-nepositon:“1109 room”; //This command is optional.

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Batch File

5. To add boards




1. Enter proper slot numbers and board names.
2. Precede a board name with ssn1 or ssn2 to indicate whether the board is in
series N1 or N2. For example, ssn1gxcsa. For details, see the board number.

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Batch File
 Precautions:

 The following boards need to be added:

- Line boards
- Tributary boards
- Ethernet boards
- Interface boards
- Optical amplifier boards
 The active SCC is created by default and cannot be deleted. The standby SCC can be manually added or deleted.
 An interface board can be added only when its mapping processing board is added.
 A logically added board is in one of the following states:
- Adding
- Active
- Deleting
A board is successfully added or deleted only when the addition or deletion is successfully verified.
 By default, the PIU, FAN, and AUX/SAP boards are automatically added rather than manually installed.
 The CXL1/4/16 boards create logical functional units by logical slot.

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Batch File

6. To set clock parameters

For example,

Parameter Description

ID of the cross-connect clock board

Value range: 9 or 10

SyncNum Number of clock sources

Sync1/Sync2 Number of a clock source

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Batch File
For example,
 There are four clock sources. Each clock source is numbered in double-byte hexadecimal.
- The more significant byte indicates the ID of a line board (0x01–0x11).
- The less significant byte indicates the number of an optical interface. The optical interfaces
are numbered from 1 on.
 The clock sources are numbered as follows:
- External clock source 1 is numbered 0xf001.
- External clock source 2 is numbered 0xf002.
- The internal clock source is numbered 0xf101.
 Ensure that each line board indicated by the more significant byte is already installed.
 End the clock source priority table with the internal clock source.

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Batch File
7. To set orderwire parameters

:cfg-set-telnum:37,1,101; //To set an addressing call number

:cfg-set-meetnum:37,999; //To set a conference call number
:cfg-set-tellen:37,3; //To set the length of a telephone number
:cfg-set-reqtime:37,5; //To set call-waiting time
:cfg-set-lineused:37,8,1,used; //To set the optical interface for the order
wire service
:cfg-set-meetlineused:37,8,1,used; //To set the optical interface for the
conference call
1. Ensure that each board indicated by the commands is already installed.
2. Set the optical interface for the addressing call and that for the
conference call separately.
3. Keep the optical interface for the conference call from a loop.

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Batch File
To add a VC4 service connection, which runs from VC4 1 on optical
interface 1 of slot 15 (source) to VC4 1 on optical interface 1 of slot 8 (sink)

8. To add service connections


1. Add bidirectional service connections in pairs.
2. Precede each command with comments.
3. In the case of a service terminated at the local site — “//local site
– peer site”
4. In the case of a pass-through service — “//source site – sink site
pass through”

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Batch File

9. To verify and issue configurations


This command enables the SCC to verify configurations and physical
situations. If the verification succeeds, the SCC saves the configurations
and notifies the other boards about starting by the configurations.
Without the command, the SCC does not issue the configurations to the
other boards.

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Batch File

10. To query the state of an NE and to check whether it runs properly


This command checks whether configurations are successfully issued. If
the NE is in the running state, the configurations are successfully issued.
If the NE is in the installing state, the configurations fail to be delivered.

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Batch File

To back up the NE database, that is, NE configurations manually

These commands prevent fdb0 and fdb1 from being lost due to restart.

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Explain the following statements:

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Chapter 1 Overview of Command Lines

Chapter 2 Developing a Batch File

Chapter 3 Common Commands

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Common Commands
Configuration query
The add commands adds data.
The set command sets data.
The get command queries data.
The del command deletes data.

//To query the state of an NE
After verification, an NE must be in the running state rather than in the installing state.

//To query all current cross-connections

//To query all cross-connections terminated at slot 5

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Common Commands
Other queries
//To query the type of an NE

//To query the date of an NE

//To query the time of an NE

//To query the physical board information

//To query the version of a board

//To query the version information of a board

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Common Commands
Alarm query

To query a current alarm

Parameter description:
 para1: ID of a board. To query all boards, set this parameter to 0.
 para2: ID of an event. To query all events, set this parameter to 0.
//To query all current alarms reported by all boards
//To query all current alarms reported by board 11.

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Common Commands

Alarm query
To query a history alarm
Parameter description:
 para1: ID of a board. To query all boards, set this parameter to 0.
 para2: ID of an event. To query all events, set this parameter to 0.
//To query all history alarms reported by all boards

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Common Commands

Performance monitoring
//To set the date of an NE

//To set the time of an NE

//To set a performance event to monitor

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Common Commands

Performance monitoring
//To disable reporting a performance event automatically

//To set the start time of the performance monitoring at the period of 15
minutes performance

//To set the start time of the performance monitoring at the period of 24

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Common Commands

User management

//To log in to an NE as zhang

//To forcedly log in to an NE as zhang

//To add a user

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Common Commands

User management

//To query all users

//To query the current user

//To log out of an NE

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Common Commands
ECC command
//To automatically extend an ECC

//To query an ECC route

//To query an ECC error

//To query ECC status on an optical interface of an optical interface board

//To query the state of an optical interface in an optical interface board, including DCC rate

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Common Commands
Board reset

:cfg-reset-board:Bid, resetmode

Parameter description:
 Bid: ID of a board
 resetmode: Mode of reset
- Hard, a cold reset
- Soft, a warm reset
 A cold reset is thorough but interrupts services.
 A warm reset protects services from interruption but is not thorough.

NE reset

Query about NE software version

//To query the software version of an NE

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 What does a command line configuration file consist of?

 In addition to the configuration commands, what commands are commonly


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