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Middle School Syllabus

Mrs. Kuske


Bible verse: Let the wise listen & add to their learning, & let the discerning get guidance.
Proverbs 1:5

Introductions are in order!

Our class website:
Introduce yourself!
Let’s get in the right frame of mind…
Learning should be _________________.
If you come with a good attitude & smile to every class, you’re bound to have a positive day & learning

What subjects will we learn together?

What is “ELA,” anyway? E_____________ L_____________ A_____________
Learning goals:
Reading: You will be able to read for a purpose (we’re getting ready for high school!) & for pleasure (think of
literature as liberation…a book can take you to many new places & adventures!).
Ex. materials that we’ll use to accomplish these goals: Holt McDougal Literature textbook, novels,
quarterly book report projects, optional AR program, & optional caterpillar wall.
Writing: You’ll be able to write effectively (you’ll sound poised as you inspire others with your original ideas)
& creatively (writing is an outlet for your emotions & personality to shine!).
Means: 5 paragraph essay structure, writing contest?!, journals, etc.
Revising (editing with proper grammar): YUU’ll beE abEL to prUfrEEd toO maCk yUUR essSSSA &
pURRsonalL RiTTing LUk professional.
Resource: Shurley grammar program…jingles & all! ♫♫♫
Articulating (speaking): You’ll be able to speak clearly & confidently in formal & informal settings.
How are grades earned?
1. 10% = In-class active participation, engagement, & activities (i.e. volunteering to read or share your intellectual
2. 30% = Grammar (i.e. workbook, activities, & weekly Rad Rhetoric)
3. 30% = Writing (i.e. formal essays & weekly journal check)
4. 30% = Reading (i.e. chapter questions, quizzes/tests, book reports)
What’s our learning objective?
Our textbook shares that we’ll build a strong foundation in algebra while preparing for future study of geometry,
probability, & data analysis. We’ll develop & practice skills using logical reasoning & problem solving.
How are grades earned?
1. 10% = In-class active participation, engagement, & activities (i.e. Math FACTS, games, practice problems)
2. 40% = HW (most problems will be graded on a 1-1-1 basis…1 point for writing the question, 1 for showing the
right process, & 1 for the correct answer)
a. *Note: If an assignment is turned in that doesn’t show ________, it’ll be returned to complete properly.
It’ll be input as a “___” until resubmitted correctly (at which point it would be considered a late grade).
b. *No late work will be accepted after the chapter ______! It will automatically become a “0.”
3. 50% = Formal assessment (i.e. quizzes, tests, projects)

What will Spanish class look like? FUN!!
We’ll celebrate holidays, cook, dance, paint, “travel” abroad, play LOTS of games, act out skits, & much more!
How are grades earned?
1. 10% = In-class active participation, engagement, & activities (i.e. activities, speaking opportunities)
2. 60% = Practice (i.e. projects or worksheets)
3. 30% = Quizzes & tests

General guidelines & routines:

What you can expect of me:
 I’ll respect you as a precious child of God. I view getting to be your teacher as an honor.
 I’ll come prepared.
 I like to share examples of projects to give you a picture of how things could look.
 I try to think like you’d think (i.e. what could make this assignment more enjoyable? What could help
make this project more manageable?)
 I will challenge you because you can do more than you often realize… & I will support you in this!
What I ask of you in return: Please…
 Respect God (i.e. use language that is God-pleasing), others (i.e. encourage one another & help
your peers whenever you can), & yourself (have confidence in the skills that you have been gifted).
 Come prepared (i.e. complete assigned readings & bring your supplies).
 Ask questions (it’s not a sign of weakness; it’s a sign of maturity!).
 Try your best (when you don’t feel that that is good enough, ask for help!).
 We’ll follow guidelines established in Bethany’s handbook (i.e. late policy, grading scale).
 Who should check grades regularly? Y-O-U! Since the grades have your name on them, you
should care about (& be proud of) them! (If you have an overall D or below in one of my classes,
please talk to me about opportunities to _________ your grade.)
 Homework will be turned into the collector at the beginning of each class. If you were absent, it’s
your job to turn in the assignment collected while you were out; you’ll also need to see me to get
caught up.
We have read & discussed Mrs. Kuske’s Syllabus.
Student Signature __________________________ Parent Signature ___________________________

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